We Have A BIG Week | Live Call In – Air Force Bomb Squad at Trump Rally

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

I was looking at that Instagram account, the fittest flat Earth this morning.

Caleb Beaver (00:07):


Sevan Matossian (00:08):

Dude. Oh my God.

Caleb Beaver (00:11):

A little crazy.

Sevan Matossian (00:12):

I mean, I don’t know what to say about it other than the fact that I understand. I understand why people are freaked out by when we have flat earthers on why people lose their shit. This dude will unravel your shit. You know what I mean? If he creeps, you know what I mean? If he creeps into your brain, it reminds me one time that when Raw came over here and was trying to convince me that aliens were real, and he was so fucking convincing and just all the shit that people had found. You know what I mean? This person found an alien, and then I googled a person’s name and they’re a professor at the University of Colorado, and this account is just absolutely nuts. Basically, this guy reminds me of Hiller in the sense that not that hiller’s into flat earth stuff, but Hiller makes connections that I just don’t know anyone else. I’ve never met anyone who can make the connections he makes. You know what I mean? And this guy makes some fucking crazy connections, man.

Caleb Beaver (01:16):

He just kind of zooms out and then just puts things together, it seems like.

Sevan Matossian (01:20):

Yeah. Or he has incredible facial recognition skills as a person and nuances of contours on the face so he can start connecting people that I would never start connecting, and then that just happens to be his reality.

Caleb Beaver (01:35):

Yeah. The pictures of Tom Brady looking like the

Sevan Matossian (01:39):

Fucking Gary Busey.

Caleb Beaver (01:40):

Yeah, the buttered sausage guy. I just,

Sevan Matossian (01:43):

Oh my God.

Caleb Beaver (01:45):

I did not see that. But I mean, once he put ’em side by side, I guess I could see it.

Sevan Matossian (01:51):


Caleb Beaver (01:51):

It seems like a stretch, but

Sevan Matossian (01:53):

Here, let me play this one. I haven’t even watched this one, but just so people get an idea of what we’re talking about, this guy is just like, he goes deep hard

Speaker 3 (02:00):

Time. I put an end to all this Cloning madness. This was literally one of the Yahoo lead stories today. Kristen Cavalieri claims Kanye West is a clone. It’s not the effing same person. Well, you’re right about one part. That’s not effing Kanye, but it’s not because he’s a clone. They’re using clones to muddy the waters for what’s actually going on, and not only to muddy the waters, but to mock you and to even mock God. And I’ll explain. You see, Hollywood has been getting other people to act as other people for a long, long time, and it’s not cloning. It’s literally just costumes and makeup and masks and prosthetics. And just because they call this guy Simon Cowell doesn’t mean it’s actually Simon Cowell. It’s just another guy. And they made him up to look like Simon Cowell to confuse you and propagate the clone nonsense. Now, I seriously want you to ask yourself, what is more likely that Brad Pitt is put on some prosthetics and some different color hair and a little bit of latex to look like Venicio del Toro, or that they 3D printed another clone of Brad Pitt and they’re just printing these people. You guys,

Sevan Matossian (03:20):

The guy seems sane to me.

Caleb Beaver (03:23):

Yeah. I just don’t understand the whole propagating the clone thing. Is there something about clones that I don’t know.

Sevan Matossian (03:34):

I think he’s just saying that they just want to confuse shit. Like, hey, if you start saying that someone’s a clone, then you’re crazy. But if you say that they just put makeup on, you’re not crazy. Yeah, okay. But holy shit, he’s just constantly making these fucking all sorts of crazy connections, basically. No one’s dead. It’s just It’s a lot. Yeah. They’re just in hiding or something. I wonder if this guy will come on the show.

Caleb Beaver (04:04):


Sevan Matossian (04:06):

He looks fit as shit. Yeah, he does. He looks pretty shredded. We live on a flat level, non-rotating plane. I also like fitnessing. All right. I hate when people use that word, but Fitnessing. Yeah. Jack Canfield’s coming on today.

Caleb Beaver (04:28):

He’s a NorCal guy, NorCal competitor

Sevan Matossian (04:31):

Athlete. I saw him at NorCal. You know, it’s crazy. I saw him at NorCal and then I really liked him, so we exchanged phone numbers and we’ve been texting, but sometimes I have so many texts going on that I don’t know who’s who in my, oh, there he is. Look, let’s go. Yeah. Did I send you a link, Jack? I think I sent you a link. Oh, he says he’s tried messaging you before, but you didn’t see his message.

Caleb Beaver (05:02):

Who me?

Sevan Matossian (05:03):

Yeah, let’s find out. Oh, I sent you a link. I sent you a link in the text. Lemme see. Where are you? Here. I’ll send you another link there. You got it. I don’t know if I can say what he does for a living. I think I can, but he’s doing a fundraiser. He’s going to do a burpee for every dollar he collects. What? Yeah. And he’s already collected, I think 2,600 bucks. How’s he going to do that? Can you do that? Can you do 2,600 rubies

Caleb Beaver (05:50):

Very slowly? I don’t know.

Sevan Matossian (05:52):

Yeah. What’s up, Hans? Oh, he’s a member of Hans’s Gym. No shit. Oh, wow. Small world. It is a small world. I was talking to Jenny, the lady who does dense updates.

Caleb Beaver (06:09):


Sevan Matossian (06:10):

And it sounds like, what’d you say?

Caleb Beaver (06:13):

Not Denise.

Sevan Matossian (06:14):

Oh, not Denise. I thought you said dense T.

Caleb Beaver (06:17):


Sevan Matossian (06:21):

She trains at the gym where John’s grid team is based out of, I think. And she also trains at the gym that that guy Marco, I think that guy might own that gym. Remember the team guy who spoke out about being at the, he was at the games, and he gave his perspective of what happened with Dave and the athletes. Do you remember that? Yeah. It was like a part series. Oh

Caleb Beaver (06:43):


Sevan Matossian (06:43):

Yeah. Killer amplified. I think he also trains at that gym. It is such a small world. Some would say we’re a cult. What’s up, dude?

Jack handfield (06:52):

What’s up?

Sevan Matossian (06:53):

How you doing?

Jack handfield (06:54):

Pretty good. How are you?

Sevan Matossian (06:55):

Good. You’re in a hotel room.

Jack handfield (06:58):

Yeah, sadly.

Sevan Matossian (07:00):

Jack. Caleb. Caleb, Jack.

Jack handfield (07:02):

What’s up, Caleb? Nice to meet you. Jack. Nice to meet you, dude. Yeah, I think I just messaged you in chat. I don’t think I messaged you on.

Caleb Beaver (07:09):

Instead say, I read my dms. I’ll read them all.

Sevan Matossian (07:15):

Marco used to own that gym. He still trains there. Okay. Yeah. God, it’s such a small world, and I think, does Seth own five gyms on the Hawaiian Islands? Is that a true story?

Jack handfield (07:25):

That sounds right.

Sevan Matossian (07:26):

That’s crazy.

Jack handfield (07:28):

I think I’ve been to one of ’em. I,

Sevan Matossian (07:32):

Jack, are you single? Yes. That means yes.

Jack handfield (07:35):


Sevan Matossian (07:36):

Oh no.

Jack handfield (07:37):

My beautiful wife’s at home with my little boy.

Sevan Matossian (07:40):

Great question, Heidi. Let’s just get that shit out of the way. Oh, wow. I can’t get over. David. Lucas started his own podcast and head Matt Walsh on it, like Twilight Zone. Wow. No shit.

Jack handfield (07:52):


Sevan Matossian (07:53):

Does he talk on it or is he just texting and vaping the whole time? That was our worst guest of all time. God, that show was crazy. It was

Caleb Beaver (08:01):

Great. What are you talking about,

Sevan Matossian (08:03):

Jack? This guy was texting his mom and taking phone calls, and it was all sorts of weird shit going on during the podcast.

Jack handfield (08:10):

Yeah, my phone’s over there. I have respect.

Sevan Matossian (08:12):

Nice. Hey, can you tell us where you are?

Jack handfield (08:16):

Yeah, I’m in Georgia right now

Sevan Matossian (08:20):

For work.

Jack handfield (08:21):

Yeah. Got sent over here to work with the Secret Service for a rally.

Sevan Matossian (08:26):

And what would your job be? Do you check premises or something?

Jack handfield (08:31):

Yeah, just making sure that there’s no explosive hazards,

Sevan Matossian (08:37):

Clearing areas. Can you tell us where you work?

Jack handfield (08:41):

Yeah, I work at Vandenberg Space Horse Space in California. So I’m an Air Force, EOD Tech. Oh yeah. I’m supposed to say the DOD. This is my opinion. Everything I’m going to say, so.

Sevan Matossian (08:56):

Oh, good. Thank you.

Jack handfield (08:57):

This is me talking as me. I’m not representing the Air Force being on this podcast.

Sevan Matossian (09:03):

And then EEOD stands for

Jack handfield (09:06):

Explosive Ordinance Disposal. So the Air Force’s Bomb Squad.

Sevan Matossian (09:13):

And is that specifically really what you do? Does the acronym actually stand for that? That’s specifically what you guys do. You guys, I guess already the job has expanded a little bit. Not only do you dispose of them, but you also search for them.

Jack handfield (09:24):

Yeah. Yeah. So we deal with uos, which is Unexplored ordinance. That’s just like military munitions. So say a plane drops a bomb, it doesn’t explode. We can’t just leave it there, so take care of it.

Sevan Matossian (09:39):

You guys go out and get it. The only thing I know about explosives is there’s a wooden box with a tee pressor that comes out of it, and then there’s two wires. I’ve seen it as a kid. I used to see ’em all the time. Wiley Coyote was a fucking gangster. Do you go there to where this rally is and you start looking for strings on the ground?

Jack handfield (10:03):

Yeah. I mean, we work with other agencies and they kind of tell us what we need to do specifically and follow their direction, and that’s it. Just because the Secret Service is really just a police force, so they’re more like security and personnel, so they don’t have a explosive mitigation person there, so that’s why we’re here. So they bring in a bunch of people and we get to go do some cool stuff.

Sevan Matossian (10:33):

Can you give me an example of what you look for? Are you looking for mine or do you guys have special equipment that looks for electronic signals, or do you look for disturbances in the ground where someone buried something if you see bleachers, do you guys scour under the bleachers? Can you give me any idea of what you guys do

Jack handfield (10:49):

Without going into specifics? We check everything is what I’ll say. Everything.

Caleb Beaver (10:56):

Okay. So they’re like ceiling tiles in the roof. You have to push ’em open and search through ceiling tiles or somebody’s bedside table. Correct. So you’re finding people’s dildos and vibrators and shit.

Jack handfield (11:12):

People have found stuff in the past.

Caleb Beaver (11:14):

Sorry. Yeah, my bad.

Jack handfield (11:16):

Bibles. Bibles for sure. People have found stuff in the past and we’re not allowed to, even if we find drugs in so-and-so hotel room, we’re not allowed to do anything with them, not law enforcement. And the military is not allowed to be law enforcement to any civilian people unless you’re on base.

Sevan Matossian (11:37):

So it’s ally to look for bombs. You’re not a

Jack handfield (11:40):


Sevan Matossian (11:40):

Yeah. If you find Clinton’s porn mag under his mattress, you don’t report it. You’re just like, oh, that’s cool.

Jack handfield (11:47):

Yeah, we can’t detain anyone. We can’t arrest anybody. We can’t use force against anyone. We’re harmless to people.

Sevan Matossian (11:56):

Although you could say Hustler Magazine could lead to a potential explosion, small explosion.

Jack handfield (12:02):

Yeah. Seven. That’s

Sevan Matossian (12:04):

Accurate. That’s accurate. And how long have you been doing that job?

Jack handfield (12:09):

I’ve been at UD Tech for two and a half years now. Been in Air Force for four and a half. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (12:17):

And how did you choose that? Why did you spin off into that direction?

Jack handfield (12:23):

Honestly, I lucked out. I cashed in on my luck. I graduated from Oklahoma State in 2020 during Covid, and I was thinking about going to masters, keep going to school, and I was like, I just don’t really want to do that. And my mom was in the Air Force. My brother was in the Navy at the time, so I was like, fuck it, we’re going to enlist. So joined the Air Force. I went to special warfare route for six or eight months, I want to say. Yeah, about that timeframe. And then I was like, Nope. I quit and got out of there and I got lucky enough to get an interview with the EOD recruiter from San Antonio, and he was like, all right, you’re going to go to EOD school at Shepherd. Graduated that. Went to UD school in Florida, graduated there, moved to Cali.

Sevan Matossian (13:17):

Shit. Oh shit. Worlds are colliding. Oh shit. Did you live in a motor home?

Jack handfield (13:22):

Yes, I did. Are

Caleb Beaver (13:24):

You serious? Good ass. Holy shit, dude. This is crazy. Yeah,

Jack handfield (13:30):

Yeah. I have a fifth wheel. Not anymore, but when we first moved to Cali, we had never been there. Me and my wife, I mean, I had been to California, but not where we were moving. And the houses are so expensive that we didn’t just want to buy a house and in a shitty neighborhood that we didn’t know. So just saved up some money. Yeah.

Caleb Beaver (13:48):

So you said your mom’s easier to pull a motor home over here than it is to find a house, that’s for sure.

Jack handfield (13:54):

Hell yeah.

Sevan Matossian (13:55):

So you said your mom’s a cook in the Air Force?

Jack handfield (13:58):

No, she was a nurse in the Air Force.

Sevan Matossian (14:00):

Oh, you see what I did there?

Jack handfield (14:02):

Yeah, pretty close.

Sevan Matossian (14:04):

Sexist. Sexist. Hey, what’s funny is though, yeah, a nurse.

Caleb Beaver (14:10):


Sevan Matossian (14:10):

Hey, Caleb. Weren’t you a nurse?

Caleb Beaver (14:14):

Yeah, I was a nurse. I was a med tech for a while.

Sevan Matossian (14:17):


Caleb Beaver (14:17):

Same. Oh yeah. Men can be nurses too. Yeah. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (14:21):

Listen, when I think of cooks in the Air Force, I really actually don’t think of women. I think of black dudes with hairnets on. That’s just what I see. That’s my stereo. That’s very, for sure. I categorize things. Some people call it raises. I call it discernment, categorization, pattern recognition. That’s right. There you go. And you’re liking your job. You like your gig?

Jack handfield (14:48):

Yeah, I, dude, we got it. Cool. We get cool trips. We have to do a lot of cool stuff. I’ve been out of the country this year. I went to Japan for Jungle Warfare school, went to Washington for electronics course, went to Detroit for another rally. I’m here. Get to do cool shit. So

Sevan Matossian (15:11):

I was looking at some of the literature you sent me, and I didn’t realize this, but I guess all four branches have e, o, D. How does the Air Force get chosen? Is there a distinction between the different EODs at the different branches, different specialties, like you would be hidden explosives or the Marines would be nuclear explosives, or is it specialty or divided at all, or what’s the deal?

Jack handfield (15:35):

Yeah, yeah, you kind of nailed it. So it’s under the four services, one crab, kind of one badge thing. So we’re all EOD, Marines, army, air Force, Navy. They all just kind of do slightly different things. Army’s a lot more going forward, hands-on at first, especially in Afghanistan, the army would go do EOD work first. They would get tasked out, they would get completely beat up, and then the Air Force would fill in the back. The Marines, they inert explosives, so they’re certified to take explosives apart, certify them as inert, and then they can go put ’em into display.

Caleb Beaver (16:16):

What does inert mean?

Jack handfield (16:19):

Not explosively. Hazardous. Okay. So if you see a display for a hand grenade in a museum, those are certified inert. If they’re like a real, or were a real grenade navy, they dive. So they go through dive school. We don’t some units in the Air Force handle nukes, just depends on where you’re stationed. So just depends.

Sevan Matossian (16:45):

And so this rally, does every rally have EOD guys go to it? Or is this leveled up? Since the assassination attempts,

Jack handfield (16:55):

Anybody who is under protection gets support. Wow,

Speaker 5 (17:01):


Jack handfield (17:03):

President, vice president, past presidents, high officials, even their husbands and wives.

Sevan Matossian (17:16):

Hey, so I don’t remember the details of it now. It was a while ago, but the guy crooks that allegedly took shots at Trump, I had heard reports that they found bombs in his car. So they would call out EOD guys from the US military and they would go then take the car apart and get to the bombs and dispose of them or dismantle ’em or disarm them. That would be you guys.

Jack handfield (17:45):

That’s where it gets a little fishy that might go to the FBI. Most of the stuff that’s off base. The FBI handles it just because it’s like a, if you’re building a bomb, it’s automatic terrorism, automatic. So the FBI is above us and they’re like, we’re going to handle this. They might ask for help, but it’s not really our, we’re more like IDs for terrorist outside the United States,

Sevan Matossian (18:09):

If that makes sense. Yeah. I’m watching Dexter right now, and it’s just a TV show, but the guys who work in homicide, they get crazy hardons when there’s a murder. They just can’t wait to work murders. Or I’ve had friends who are firefighters and they get so excited when there’s a fire because they get so many calls to just old folks, homes and shit. But they really want to go show up at a Costco, cut a hole in the roof and jump in and put the fire out. You know what I mean? They want to use their training.

Speaker 5 (18:37):

Yeah, cool.

Sevan Matossian (18:38):

I’ve had friends who are seals and when they get out or something happens and they’re done, they’re so bummed because they’re trained to do this job and there’s nowhere to do the job. Do you go there? Are you guys excited? I mean, obviously you don’t want to find one, but are you guys so passionate about finding one? Would that be for Froning killing a huge buck with fucking 20 points? I mean, are you guys just like, fuck, we got to find one?

Jack handfield (19:05):

Yeah, I know. I’m sure. I don’t want to speak for everybody. I think a lot of us enjoy our job and we enjoy doing it. So getting the opportunity to go do our job is fun. If we get a call, we’re like, we got action. Let’s go hack our shit up. Let’s go. So most of the time, yeah, it’s fun. It’s a really cool job. You get to just blow shit up all the time.

Sevan Matossian (19:35):

Hey, is there work for you in the private sector doing that? You know how a lot of these guys, you’ll hear like Bill Gates’, security detail, or even Greg’s security detail was always full of guys who were former special forces. Is there opportunity for you guys after that?

Jack handfield (19:52):

Yeah. Yeah. I won’t say a ton, but there definitely is. Depending on where you live, you can go work for a lot of different federal services. Just a lot of the jobs are harder to come by just because they’re really sought after.

Speaker 5 (20:10):


Jack handfield (20:10):

I mean, our career field’s really small. I mean in the Air Force there’s probably like 1300 of us. So not a lot of people, everyone knows everyone. They know if you’re a douchebag or if you’re a really good dude. So your name definitely precedes not much. Your reputation carries a lot. So if people don’t think you’re a good person, you’re definitely not. You’re always one person away from somebody knowing you.

Sevan Matossian (20:43):

Right. Kind of like the CrossFit community.

Jack handfield (20:47):


Sevan Matossian (20:49):

I think someone already said in the chat that they trained at the same gym as you or some shit, or that you worked out at the gym. I thought I saw. Yeah. That’s

Jack handfield (20:55):

Crazy. Yeah. Hans is my coach. That’s my dad. Even though we’re the same age, but

Sevan Matossian (21:03):

He is is awfully mature, isn’t he? Immature man, it’s crazy. Hey, Vandenberg was where Elon was launching the satellites,

Jack handfield (21:11):

Right? Correct. He launches every other week now. So we get to see a lot of rocket launches.

Sevan Matossian (21:19):

Hey, does that pull up? Everyone pulls up a lawn chair on the base and watches ’em go up and pours an iced tea.

Jack handfield (21:27):

Yeah. It gets surprisingly like an airplane taken off. You’re like, oh, there’s an airplane taken off.

Sevan Matossian (21:35):

Oh, right.

Caleb Beaver (21:36):

The cool ones into space, dude.

Jack handfield (21:39):

Yeah. Hey, I will add this. If you haven’t seen a rocket launch, sev, you got to come up and watch one. They’re so fucking bright in the sky. You can’t even really look at it. It’s like a welder’s torch. It hurts your eyes to look at. It’s so bright. It is really cool when they land back on base though. So sometimes they won’t land in the barge and they’ll just fucking fly in and you just see it coming down and a big sonic boom lands and then keep going. Oh my god.

Sevan Matossian (22:09):

See, those are the things that I always like when you’re at an event and the Air force flies over, the navy flies over. My favorite part is the sound. Right? That’s the coolest thing about going to air shows. We were just in Newport Beach and they were practicing for an air show in Huntington Beach. So the planes were making big loops and they were just flying over our beach house. I mean, just when they come in sideways and just all that power and all that rumbling. I don’t know why, but viscerally, it’s such a wonderful experience.

Caleb Beaver (22:43):

Makes your balls tingle. Yeah, it’s fucking sick.

Sevan Matossian (22:48):

Wow. Hey,

Jack handfield (22:49):

It doesn’t get old, that’s for sure. That doesn’t get

Sevan Matossian (22:51):

Old Sonic booms too. So you’ve heard sonic booms.

Jack handfield (22:54):


Sevan Matossian (22:56):

God, that’s awesome. I think now that you mentioned it, I think I remember watching a video recently of one of Elon’s rockets coming back to earth and you could actually see it did something to the air. You could actually see where it had its sonic boom. It’s going faster than the speed of sound, and then it slows down below the speed of sound, and that’s when you get the boom whenever you go over or under,

Jack handfield (23:22):

As long as you’re within the atmosphere. And I think they’re directional, so you have to kind of be near it. But I think those rockets go when his rockets come back to earth. I think they’re going 4,000 miles an hour and they slow down. Fucking my God,

Sevan Matossian (23:40):

Dude, that’s crazy. You need to attend NASCAR race. If you were drawn to acoustics, I bet you I would love being around at a straightaway. They’re turning

Jack handfield (23:50):

Left. They’re turning left again. They’re still turning left.

Sevan Matossian (23:55):

I went to the horse races once too, and I got that same when they come around the track, I get that same excitement as you hear them stampeding by. I’m like, holy shit, this is crazy. Alright, so you’re doing a fundraiser?

Jack handfield (24:13):

Hell yeah.

Sevan Matossian (24:14):

Tell me me.

Jack handfield (24:16):

Alright. Every year. Aren’t

Sevan Matossian (24:16):

You too young? You’re a fundraiser. Isn’t that like an old man you’ve been in for 10 years and you start a fundraiser?

Jack handfield (24:24):

I don’t know. I’ve done this the last, so this is my third year running this fundraiser for my shop. So every EOD shop, most of them run this fundraiser and they make a team. So our team is Space Monkeys. So on that profile right next to my profile picture, you can click Space Monkeys. And so that’s my team page. So that’s all my buddies at work that I work with. We’re working with the UD Warrior Foundation. We’re raising money for families of EOD Tech who’ve been killed since nine 11. So there’s 137 of them for all four branches. There’s 20 in the Air Force. Yeah. So that money goes to those families for scholarship support for their kids. But it also goes to wounded EOD techs because if you lose a leg or you lose an arm, you need a lot more support. Then the VA is going to be able to provide for you. So they give grants, they give medical help in-House Care, all that stuff. So super cool organization. The people who run it are awesome. They care a lot about of us

Sevan Matossian (25:38):

Guys. If everyone on the show would donated dollar, that’s one burpee.

Jack handfield (25:43):

Yep. So I got 2909 90 $1 and I don’t know how to do 0.75 burpees, but I guess I’ll round up.

Caleb Beaver (25:52):

You got to round up for that blast rag, man. Yeah,

Jack handfield (25:54):

I guess I’ll round up.

Caleb Beaver (25:55):


Sevan Matossian (25:56):

Guys don’t share the 3000 burpees?

Jack handfield (25:59):

No, this was my idea. It started out that I told people at OneLife CrossFit that I was going to do a dollar per burpee and then it just kind of turned into, I guess I’m just going to do them for everyone. So Taylor Self, he already donated 50 bucks from Sentinel Training.

Sevan Matossian (26:15):

Oh, that’s

Jack handfield (26:16):

Awesome. Shout out to Taylor. I talked to Bryson on Insta. He said he is going to donate. Savon already donated a hundred, so you guys fucking rock.

Sevan Matossian (26:27):

Hey guys, I just Googled. I want to tell people what to Google in case the link doesn’t work. Google donate. EOD Jack, H-A-N-F-I-E-L-D donate. EOD, Jack Hanfield. Lemme see what pops up. Lemme click this top one.

Caleb Beaver (26:51):

I put the link in the bio as well of this show.

Sevan Matossian (26:53):

Oh, okay.

Caleb Beaver (26:54):

Open that

Jack handfield (26:55):

Up. Oh, here. I’ll make this easy too. I’ll post the story real quick.

Sevan Matossian (27:00):

Yeah. Okay.

Jack handfield (27:01):

And I’ll link it in the story on my personal profile.

Sevan Matossian (27:06):

Donate, by the way, I just posted the words that I Googled. If you put donate EOD jack, and you don’t got to give anything big, just give five bucks. Hey, that crazy dude. You’re telling me that there’s 137 EOD guys that have died since nine 11. Can you tell me a story of how an EOD guy died? How does that happen?

Jack handfield (27:36):

That includes an EOD tech being in a helicopter that crashes, we’ve lost way too many people in helicopter crashes. We’ve lost people in turrets and route clearance getting shot doing normal military duties. So not even doing EOD work. We’ve had people die trying to disarm IDs on the road. We’ve had people get struck by an ID in a vehicle. It’s everything. So if you go on the EOD Warrior Foundation website, there’s a virtual memorial. So there’s a memorial at Eggland Air Force base at the schoolhouse. I think if you go to the memorial tab at the top, and then so you can click on the Air Force side and you can see all the 20 that have, so the first 20 are since nine 11, and I believe there’s like 14 after that that are pre nine 11. So the guy Dan Johnson, the second one on the third far right column. Yeah. So that guy, he was stationed at Vandenberg at our base, so we have a memorial there for him. So we just hosted a disc golf tournament in Santa Maria for him. We raised like $6,000 for the Warrior Foundation. So we do a lot of fundraising. His widow, she lives in Santa Maria. She’s awesome. Her name’s Kristen. So we go visit his grave every year. He’s buried in Santa Maria.

Sevan Matossian (29:16):

Ian, thank you for the donation.

Jack handfield (29:18):

Thanks Ian.

Sevan Matossian (29:18):

Thank you. You are wonderful. I love that. Good. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. God damn. Meat. Fruit. Good. Yeah. Fruit. Alright.

Jack handfield (29:30):

Meat, fruit. But yeah, so those fine gentlemen and lady, our air force fallen for EOD.

Sevan Matossian (29:40):

Hey, don’t you wear a suit so that nothing can hurt you? You just put on a suit and then you just go stand over the bomb and detonate it and it’s all good.

Jack handfield (29:52):

The suit helps a little bit. It helps with fragmentation from exposing explosions. Excuse me, but it doesn’t.

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