TYR Wodapalooza // Breaking NEWS – Event 1 RAIN DELAYS AND EVENT CHANGES // Double or Nothin’

Speaker 1 (00:00):

Podcast, we’re here.

Sevan Matossian (00:04):

My shirt, bam. We’re live. Andrew Hiller, thanks for joining us. Chase Ingram, thanks for joining us. Brian from the Barbell Spin, if you guys, I know you already know this, but if you guys want to see what it’s like at the venue, go over to the barbell Spin YouTube page there. There already a 14 minute video up. You have to go to loaded videos and it’s the most recent one and there’s a 14 minute video there where you can take a tour of the facility, talk to Gee Maros, Nick Matthew. People like that. It’s pretty darn cool Brian, so is it raining there? We’re hearing all sorts of rumblings that the workouts are changing, the movements are changing, the times are changing, what do you know?

Brian Spin (00:44):

So it is not raining right now. It’s drying out. Fortunately this morning. Tina Hills is where the first event is, the Latin AM cup. Athletes are competing right now, so the floor has been dry the whole time. Everything’s fine with that. But they did change the workouts for this afternoon for the elite individuals. So Corto and Deja vu have both been changed.

Sevan Matossian (01:11):

And is that official, is that posted anywhere or is that just rumbling you’re hearing on the ground there?

Brian Spin (01:17):

That’s what I’m hearing. Talking with Tyler from Heat one, he got the official Okay that it’s been changed. I believe the athletes have been briefed on that. At least kake when I talked to him he was aware of it. So I think it’s official and yeah, you can see it. I have it pulled up on my Instagram. I have a post out there that shows the new workouts.

Sevan Matossian (01:38):

Okay, we will go over there right now. Caleb’s pulling that up now. What about any workouts been called off yet? Last year I recall or some of the other years when there’s been a heavy rain, they’ve actually called off where workouts, they usually start with more of the less prestigious classes before it actually hits the elite.

Brian Spin (01:57):

Well fortunately today, Thursday it’s only the elite individuals in the LATAM Cup, so a bit much, not a whole lot going on. It’s not like tomorrow where the community events are where there’s just a slam packed day. So it’s just three events with elite individuals and latam. So a lot Palmer Day than it would be the rest of the weekend.

Sevan Matossian (02:18):

I saw in your video that you went over to the ATE booth and you also went over to the Paper Street coffee booth. They’re both up and running.

Brian Spin (02:25):

They’re up and running. They’re right next to each other. They’re by the fountain, so they have a bigger space. Paper Street looks great. Ate looks great. It’s a good setup for ’em.

Sevan Matossian (02:36):

I saw this post come in and I wonder if you could help me with it. I’m not sure if I’m understanding this post right. It says it’s from Proven Fitness.

Brian Spin (02:48):

This is

Sevan Matossian (02:51):

Waza Elite Athletes, Nick Matthew, Carolyn Stanley, Olivia Kerstetter, Sidney Wells, Colton Mertons.

Brian Spin (03:00):

I have no idea. I’ll have to ask him.

Sevan Matossian (03:02):


Brian Spin (03:03):

I’m staying with him with Gabe at night, so if I can’t catch him today, I’ll definitely check it out tonight and get an answer what’s going on.

Sevan Matossian (03:11):

Okay, and have you seen any of the teammates?

Dave Castro (03:12):

Hey, I got information on that.

Sevan Matossian (03:15):

Okay, go ahead Andrew Hil,

Dave Castro (03:16):

I don’t know if I’m allowed to disclose. Should I say it anyway?

Sevan Matossian (03:20):

Yeah, please.

Dave Castro (03:22):

I said dude, since when are you a proven athlete and he responded with today I guess.

Sevan Matossian (03:28):

Oh, awesome. Alright, fair enough. Okay Mes, I wonder how that’s going to affect him. Good, bad, indifferent.

Dave Castro (03:45):

Two power now, so probably win

Sevan Matossian (03:49):

Spin. Anything else you want to tell us from the ground there? Anything else that looks out of sight or insight or looks more normal or less normal than years past?

Brian Spin (03:59):

No, I mean I think it’s interesting that the lift is the first event to start the competition. I mentioned it on the show this morning with shut up and scribble. I mean we’re going to see a lot of movement on the leaderboard, especially with some of the big guys like Bronislaw and Jack Farlow starting. But after that I think it’s going to change and go more in the favor of what we expect. But Benny looks great, A lot of improvements. The gauntlet’s now its own separate location, so that’s pretty cool. It’s right there in the middle of everything, so looking forward to the weekend.

Sevan Matossian (04:34):

Okay, A couple things to point out to you guys. I think we’re 26 minutes away from the elite starting. There’s something you have to know. I don’t understand it, but you listen up carefully. There isn’t a Waap Palooza YouTube channel, you have to go to a YouTube channel that’s called Loud and Live. I guess that’s the parent company. I do not understand it. So many people have been texting me, calling me, asking me this morning, it’s kind of crazy. They’re like, Hey dude, it’s not on. It’s not on. I found out last night you have to go to Loud and live. I think the water palooza actually YouTube station is defunct. It’s done.

Brian Spin (05:07):

If you go to my website, I have an article out that I published this morning. It has the link to the live stream. It has the leaderboard, it has the link to the athletes. Everything you need is out there on one article.

Sevan Matossian (05:20):

That’s barbell spin.com. Okay, I see it. barbell spin.com. Okay, great. Okay, so they got to get that figured out. A lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of effort to put in this amazing event and then just for people not to be able to find it, they can’t find the website is no bueno. I also want to tell you that all this coverage is brought to you by ca peptides.com and if you use code word Hiller or Savon up until Sunday night, you will get the water that allows you to reach

Dave Castro (05:48):

Static water. Cool.

Sevan Matossian (05:50):

Yeah. And that’s a $20 that’ll save you 20 bucks

Dave Castro (05:54):

And the difficulty of finding it somewhere else.

Sevan Matossian (05:58):

Correct. Lilu, you guys are so lucky to have Chase in your life. Well, thank you. Oh,

Chase Ingraham (06:05):

Don’t say that

Sevan Matossian (06:07):

For all the hardworking boys, especially the earlier show, appreciate the coverage flaws and all. Yeah, they killed it.

Chase Ingraham (06:11):

Also. Love that name Lilu Dallas. I love that movie.

Dave Castro (06:16):

That one’s got no idea of the movie. Come on man.

Sevan Matossian (06:21):

I just see that chick’s profile picture and I just think she parties hard. I just want to party. I just want to party. Okay.

Dave Castro (06:29):

Can I give you an update on Colton,

Sevan Matossian (06:30):

Please? Please.

Dave Castro (06:31):

He said everything up until this point is on him and he’ll be working with them for this point forward. He’s going to give him a try. He’s controlling with this programming so he is going to see how it goes and he has not done a proven workout to this point yet, but we’ll be moving forward.

Sevan Matossian (06:52):

Well, I’m excited for him. Hey, there’s nothing wrong. It cannot hurt to be with the championship caliber athlete as Tia Tomi you absolutely. If you’re around her and you don’t learn something’s wrong with you, what she’s doing might not be for you. It might be for you. But if you can’t learn from the six time champ, then something’s wrong with you. You got to own that. So I’m happy for Colton. I think it’s a fantastic, I think it’s great for proven too. I think it’s great for proven. I think HWPO should have picked up Colton two years ago. I think they should have. I told O’ Keith that on a podcast. Hey, represent. Get ’em. Okay, let’s talk about the pull-ups. We are 20 minutes away from the what’s going to happen there Chase. First let’s talk about the good stuff. Strict pull-ups. I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen strict pull-ups,

Dave Castro (07:44):


Sevan Matossian (07:45):

And a competition.

Chase Ingraham (07:47):

Yeah, you haven’t seen ’em for a reason

Sevan Matossian (07:50):


Chase Ingraham (07:50):

Not judging kettlebell swings. I’m

Dave Castro (07:51):

Excited for ’em. I’m very excited for the strict pull-ups.

Chase Ingraham (07:54):

The funny thing about these changes is that with event two and event three, you took the failure element component in event two with bar muscle up, shoulder overhead and possibly ring dips and you move them directly into event three with the strict pull-ups, 20 strict pull-ups for 360 strict pull-ups versus the 35 kipping chest to bar. They’re not even the same challenge. Strict is going to be so much more difficult for the athletes to navigate failure, risk, reward as far as big sets or small sets. And then the judging is going to be a major unfortunately it could be a major factor in how this gets executed.

Sevan Matossian (08:34):

Could be Andrew Hiller or will be. Is there any way to judge strict pull-ups with a consistency?

Dave Castro (08:43):

I’ve got one off the cuff opinion on how they should do that and it would have to be keeping your toes in front of the bar for the entirety of the rep. So there’s a straight line and the judge needs to stand there and they need to be basically watching your toes and your chin and you need to keep your toes in front of the bar. Other than that, I don’t know how they’re going to, because when you do a pull up, a strict pull up, you can really rock your hips quite a bit and rock

Chase Ingraham (09:09):

Your hip. You can from the shoulder, you

Dave Castro (09:11):

Could also kick from the shoulder. Right? You can basically,

Sevan Matossian (09:14):

People always say to me, they’re like, wow St. You have really good strict clubs.

Dave Castro (09:17):

You don’t realize I’m doing in front the whole time.

Sevan Matossian (09:19):

I do a gymnastics ki and people think it’s strict. I’m like that is, I mean at

Chase Ingraham (09:22):

The level one, that’s where they say the KIPP originates is from the shoulder.

Dave Castro (09:26):

Sean Leman. Right. Full arm lock out of the bottom is going to be something that’s crazy too. And as far as what Chase said, changing the workout, the stimulus of it is completely different too. Like 35 Chester bar for all of these people. It’s basically just exploding your heart rate. Taylor said it when he did the workout as well. The biggest travesty of all of this is we’re no longer going to be able to compare Taylor’s time to everybody else. So that’s completely different. Oh

Chase Ingraham (09:51):

Damn. That’s a good point. Why

Sevan Matossian (09:53):

Are they doing strict? Is it because the bars are going to be wet? They don’t want people flying off the bars.

Dave Castro (09:56):

The PFA is involved

Sevan Matossian (09:58):

So you don’t even think it’s, they shouldn’t have changed it. Like, hey, quit being a pussy. Suck it up.

Chase Ingraham (10:05):

The bars are wet. There is a safety element to consider.

Sevan Matossian (10:10):

Hey dude, they do car racing on wet tracks. Do they do baseball in the rain? Guys running on the grass?

Chase Ingraham (10:22):

Depends on the level of rain.

Sevan Matossian (10:26):

And they do football in and they do football in the snow. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, but it’s like, hey, is it a totally different move? The kipping pull-up versus the strict pull-up, the whole workout’s changed.

Dave Castro (10:39):

Totally different Isn’t true because you’re still doing a pull-up, but it’s very different.

Chase Ingraham (10:44):


Dave Castro (10:47):

They’re going to be breaking up sets a threesome of them, I swear because it is just making sure your elbows are locked out at the bottom and I don’t know why they’re called chin over ball. Chin over the bar. It’s like a wall facing handstand. Pushup say or a chest, a wall. It should just be wall facing. Pull up your chin goes over the bar.

Chase Ingraham (11:06):

Well maybe for a sake of standards clearing is they have to pull their chin directly over the bar to make sure versus just dipping your chin up.

Dave Castro (11:15):

That makes it much harder as well.

Sevan Matossian (11:18):

That’s going to be harder to judge though too.

Chase Ingraham (11:20):

No, I think it’d be harder to judge without making sure that they put their chin over the bar.

Dave Castro (11:26):

They had to tap their chin to the top of the bar. Yeah,

Chase Ingraham (11:29):

Over the top.

Sevan Matossian (11:31):

Mr Spin. Any other movement changes between the kipping pull up and the pull up that we’ve heard?

Brian Spin (11:37):

The box jumps are now 24 inches and 20 inches

Chase Ingraham (11:41):

Turkeys. Right.

Brian Spin (11:43):

Just box jump owners

Sevan Matossian (11:44):

And what were they and what were they?

Brian Spin (11:47):

It was 30 24.

Chase Ingraham (11:50):


Dave Castro (11:51):

Oh no,

Chase Ingraham (11:52):

There is burpee. I thought there

Dave Castro (11:54):

Was. Oh no.

Sevan Matossian (11:57):

So someone explained to me what he just said. What’s the change?

Chase Ingraham (12:01):

So the box jump overs were 30 and 24 inches with that step down, which is, that’s a big jump and a big step down and it’s really going to slow people down. Almost like running through mud versus just running on concrete with the lower box. They’re going to fly through this thing and that might be

Sevan Matossian (12:16):

So now, what is it, 24 and 20?

Chase Ingraham (12:19):

Yeah. And it changes. It’s a totally different move. Everyone’s going to go much faster.

Dave Castro (12:23):

Ridiculous with this crap. It’s like rogue and now this

Sevan Matossian (12:27):

Why the change? Tell me why. The change in that is that rain also

Chase Ingraham (12:31):

Be slipping off a high box. Stepping off onto a wet floor.

Dave Castro (12:34):

It went from elite waap palooza. Crazy cool workout to it’s decent whatever. RXs

Sevan Matossian (12:40):


Dave Castro (12:41):

Yeah. Make the dumbbell 70 50. Lighten that as well. You might as well at this point.

Sevan Matossian (12:51):

Hey, hey, let’s talk about who this is going to affect really quick here. Colton Merton’s is smiling right ear to ear.

Dave Castro (12:58):

Yes. Great call. Actually

Sevan Matossian (13:00):

Andro smiling ear to ear.

Dave Castro (13:03):

Why is that?

Sevan Matossian (13:04):

Because I think someone yesterday said she’s four two.

Dave Castro (13:07):

I think she then, but yeah. Yeah. He’s the short one, right?

Sevan Matossian (13:10):

Yeah. So Andro on the women’s side. Colton on the men’s side. That’s going to be a huge factor, right?

Chase Ingraham (13:18):

I’m curious about athletes where we know their big failure points are like Gabby Awa, I had Gabby mc possibly winning the last part the for time, but now we move into a strict pullup where if you think about the difference between her rope climbs and legless rope climbs, right? I think there’s some athletes that go the other way. Who does this help? Sure. Those two. Maybe the shorter athletes and the high box and the strict pullup. But then the athletes that don’t have good upper body pulling strength and stamina where the chest tobar isn’t really a part of that, but now it’s strict. It massively affects those athletes that have poor upper body stamina.

Sevan Matossian (13:55):

Hey, is it strict chest tobar or just strict? Just

Dave Castro (13:58):

Turnover bar.

Sevan Matossian (13:59):

Yeah. Maybe they should have kept it as chest tobar too. Rebecca Fu Fu another one who’s probably ecstatic about the box.

Dave Castro (14:07):

Oh yeah.

Sevan Matossian (14:08):

Hey, I like it.

Dave Castro (14:09):

I like it. Isn’t Danny Spiegel maybe?

Chase Ingraham (14:11):


Dave Castro (14:12):


Chase Ingraham (14:13):

Yeah, she’s good at butterfly pull-ups.

Dave Castro (14:17):

Right? How is she at strict? I don’t know. How are they going to hide? I cannot wait to see how they do the straight pull ups. I’m super excited.

Sevan Matossian (14:26):

Mr. Spin. Mr. Spin, have you heard anything from the athletes and what they think about these changes? Are they happy and is Hiller correct by blaming the PFAA?

Brian Spin (14:47):

All talk to right now is he’s very happy about it, but he likes S and burpees. I’m sure the PFAA had a lot to do with it. The fact that they made the change this early just screams PFAA.

Sevan Matossian (15:06):

And what do you mean by that? Just because you think they err on the side of caution. They’re too cautious.

Brian Spin (15:13):

A hundred percent. And let the athletes prepare and have more preparation for it versus doing a last minute change

Sevan Matossian (15:21):

Spin. You’ve heard us mention a couple people. Andro, Zi, fufu, Colt, Merton’s. Anyone else you want to add to the list that you think that the box jumps or pull-ups might be more advantageous now? The strict pull-ups and the lower box

Brian Spin (15:35):

Colton, those were all the obvious ones. I don’t know unless you’re super short. I don’t think it’s really going to be that big of a difference. Just the step down and the short height of Colton and Jessica I think is definitely a bigger advantage. But I think if you’re good at 30 inch box jump, you’re going to be just as good at 24.

Sevan Matossian (15:57):

Brian spin from the barbell spin is on the ground at Waap Palooza. You’re looking at the stage where the snatch event happened. That is for the segregated athletes. The segregated athletes at the Tijuana Palooza event where they take athletes that are south. Is it south of San Diego or is it south of Panama? Is it just South American people?

Brian Spin (16:19):

It’s Latin and South America.

Sevan Matossian (16:22):

Central and south, okay, good. So they’ve segregated how nice of them keeping up with the times. And did you see anything on there? Anything that the rains affected?

Brian Spin (16:35):

No, it’s covered. So everything is under a cover. So the platform’s completely dry from what I can see right now.

Sevan Matossian (16:45):

We’re 14 minutes away from the elite division taking the stage.

Speaker 6 (16:50):


Sevan Matossian (16:53):

Alright, John Young, welcome to the show. John. Some of the things that we been talking about is it looks like Colton Mertons is officially today a proven athlete. If you want bacteria static water free with your ca peptides order, you can put in code word seven or Hiller at ca peptides. And the box John Young has been lowered. We are not sure why, but we are assuming it’s a PFA call and the pull-ups are no longer kipping. They are

John Young (17:24):

Strict and they’re chin ups. Right. I’m

Dave Castro (17:27):

Changing all my heat one picks as we speak.

Sevan Matossian (17:32):

Do you have any, John, do you have any hot takes on that you like what the PFA is doing? Looking out for the athlete’s safety?

John Young (17:41):

Do I like it?

Sevan Matossian (17:42):

Yeah. You think? I mean, I know you haven’t seen how wet the bars are. I

John Young (17:47):

Don’t know. Yeah, the bars are wet. I get it. I don’t like it. I don’t dislike it. It’s just something that you’re dealing with today. That’s kind of how I look at it. It does change who wins the event especially. How

Sevan Matossian (17:59):

About the judging? How about this judging who’s going to judge a strict, we can’t even agree between all of us what a strict pull-up is.

John Young (18:05):

Well, it says you’re a strict chin over the bar. Pull up, right?

Sevan Matossian (18:10):

Yeah. Is chin over the bar over the bar or is chin over the bar? Over the bar.

John Young (18:16):

Oh, I see what you’re saying. Can you go outside like that would say you have to put

Sevan Matossian (18:19):

Your chin it ki is a gymnastic kip a kipp because I gymnastic kit. It’s

John Young (18:23):


Sevan Matossian (18:24):

I know, but people think my gymnastic is a strict pull up.

John Young (18:31):

That’s true. Yeah. I don’t know. I wonder if they should have a standard for it.

Sevan Matossian (18:35):

Oh, don’t worry. I’m overthinking my bad. Okay, let’s move on. Go ahead.

John Young (18:40):

I’m Some people get away with a KI and some people aren’t. That’s really, really unfair. So there should be a set standard. I would imagine maybe your feet in front of the pole. In front of the side rig. Your feet have to be in front of it at all times.

Sevan Matossian (18:55):

A hundred percent. Somebody will ki a

John Young (18:58):

Hundred percent. It’s really, I mean if your feet are in front of your body, it’s very hard to do that.

Sevan Matossian (19:06):

I want to point out one more thing that Chase Ingram said about the level one. Do you want to repeat that Chase and about what happens here at the shoulder and the la Yeah,

Chase Ingraham (19:15):

Well the discussion is like, okay, keep your feet in front of the bar at all times or don’t let it raise. And the KIP is actually originating from the shoulder joint itself. So if you’re hyper-focused on feet and hips, you can ki through and get a little put English on it. You

John Young (19:30):

Absolutely can absolutely load your shoulders real quick. That’s where

Chase Ingraham (19:34):

It originate, right? That’s where the KI starts. And if I put my level one cap on is like everybody thinks hips and knees and kick your toes. That’s not where the kip originates. It originates from the shoulder joint.

John Young (19:45):

I think that’s so hard to judge consistently from judge to judge. So I say you don’t even touch it if you have to stay in front. If people are going to load their shoulders, everybody’s going to do it. I think that’s the best way to have a consistent score across the board.

Dave Castro (20:04):

What are the odds that they don’t have the feet in front of the bar Deal? Just don’t move your legs,

John Young (20:10):

Guys. I mean, you know what I

Chase Ingraham (20:11):

Could do if they’re going to do this is make ’em looses.

John Young (20:15):

I’ll sit

Dave Castro (20:16):

Singles. Oh,

Chase Ingraham (20:17):

Singles dead hang go. Any movement to start done because you can’t,

Dave Castro (20:23):


Chase Ingraham (20:24):

Not able to regulate that between reps too

John Young (20:25):

Far away.

Sevan Matossian (20:27):

Hey, how many have they reduced the number of pull-ups?

Dave Castro (20:30):

Yeah, by 15,

John Young (20:32):

20 and 14,

Chase Ingraham (20:34):

Which I still think is harder. I think 60 strict pull-ups

John Young (20:37):

Is Oh, way harder.

Chase Ingraham (20:37):

Way harder than 75 chest. I

Dave Castro (20:40):


John Young (20:42):

What way harder?

Dave Castro (20:44):

Depends on who you are, man. Would you rather have your heart rate explode or would you rather do some strict pullups?

John Young (20:49):

But my point is I would fare way better in this version than I would with the 35 chest bar. Why? Because your heart rate’s not as high. It’s much more just strict strength.

Dave Castro (20:59):

We both just disagree.

John Young (21:00):

But it’s not with the workouts.

Dave Castro (21:02):

People who agree with Chase. So it’s

Chase Ingraham (21:04):

105 chest bar pullups.

John Young (21:06):

My point is the workout’s trying to test your ability to recover, like your heart rate ability to recover it’s intervals, right? It’s easier for, it takes that away

Chase Ingraham (21:14):

Breath when you do pullups,

Dave Castro (21:18):

Do 35 of them.

Chase Ingraham (21:20):

You do not breathe freely when you do pull-ups.

John Young (21:22):

You’re telling me your heart rate is the same rate at 20 strict pull-ups versus 35 chest tobar when you’re done.

Chase Ingraham (21:29):

I think 20 strict pull-ups is much more difficult on the body and everything than 35.

John Young (21:35):

And I’m saying when you compare

Dave Castro (21:36):

It to the other movements though, like the row or the box jump. Yeah.

John Young (21:39):

What they’re testing is not being achieved is what I’m saying.

Dave Castro (21:43):

It’s like so you’re constantly ramping up, including the session bar. That’s kind of,

Sevan Matossian (21:48):

This is a really good point that Bill’s bringing up here too. I can do 20 strict, but I’m done. I’m done. I’m at ones. I know

John Young (21:58):

The workout turns into who’s the best of strict pull-ups. Not who recovers the best lungs, heart muscle, endurance wise.

Sevan Matossian (22:06):

We might see some people get just straight stopped.

John Young (22:09):

Chest bar.

Sevan Matossian (22:12):


Dave Castro (22:12):

Pick Colton Burtons. Everyone go change your picks in the heat one app right now.

Chase Ingraham (22:16):

Dude, Ricky Ard has insane upper body strict pulling. Did you see his legless pegboards at the games in 22?

John Young (22:25):

Yeah, Ricky.

Sevan Matossian (22:26):

Yeah. But he could still hit a wall and blow up and be done.

Chase Ingraham (22:30):

Everybody can, that’s the thing, right? That’s the big difference here. And John’s totally right. This is hinging on the strict pull-ups are the workout now it is the whole event. Not only how people navigate that, not only how they have the skillset and how it’s going to be judged. It is all hinging on how those strict pull-ups are managed, executed and judged. It’s the whole event

John Young (22:50):

Now. And I hate that.

Sevan Matossian (22:52):

And that’s why Chase is here. The hard fact Jamie Latir an actual competitor, weighs in, knows what she’s talking about. I agree with John. Changes the

Dave Castro (23:01):

Text. Jack crazy.

Sevan Matossian (23:04):

What about this? This is a great point. Alyssa Pat is a good pooler.

Dave Castro (23:09):

Yeah, his arms are too long though. Colton’s going to dominate him. This

John Young (23:14):

Kills people like Bakowski and James Spray kills them. They’ll

Dave Castro (23:23):

Fine. He did it to himself though, so that’s cool.

John Young (23:25):

That’s true. Yeah. If he did it to himself and they’ll be fine. But I mean your chances of winning and your total placement, it hurts them a lot when there’s only five tests.

Sevan Matossian (23:36):

If you could only make one change, which is more pertinent to the, not to the competition, but to the safety. Was it really necessary to the box? What are they really worried about here

Dave Castro (23:55):

At the CrossFit games in 2014, they legitimately had an event, or was it 13 where they jumped out of the freaking pool with their hands soaking wet and did bar single.

John Young (24:05):

That was 2013 and did Bar Mu and did Bar Mu

Dave Castro (24:09):

Put their hand

Chase Ingraham (24:10):

In there drying off the bar in between each round and they were reaping the bars after each. Not

John Young (24:15):

Everybody did singles. You didn’t have to.

Dave Castro (24:19):

Everyone’s you had to. They’re scared of doing

Sevan Matossian (24:24):

Hold on. One at a time. One at a time. Hiller. You go one at a time. One at a time. Go ahead, Hiller. Go

Dave Castro (24:28):

Fast forward 11 years and everyone’s afraid of everything. Everyone’s lonely and they’re changing all the movements at every competition. And it’s two competitions in a row that they’re doing this now. And to answer your question, Stefan, probably, I mean the pull-ups are without a doubt, a bigger change on the event and they did not have to change the box. It is crazy.

Sevan Matossian (24:51):

Hey, he brings up a really good point. This thing of selling the open so that with this alone propaganda is fucking insane.

Dave Castro (25:02):

So soft.

Sevan Matossian (25:02):

But yeah, this is, boy, we really have come a long way. Where are these

Dave Castro (25:07):

The muscle ups?

Sevan Matossian (25:08):

Yeah. How come I don’t see ’em?

John Young (25:10):

Let’s fast forward to 37th place and then watch that.

Dave Castro (25:14):

Oh, is that his actual placing? They’re, yeah.

Sevan Matossian (25:21):

This is fascinating, isn’t it Chase? This is fascinating. They’re changing kipping pull-ups to strict pull-ups and lowering the box when in 2013. I’m not saying that things can’t change.

Dave Castro (25:34):

Imagine it’s pouring down rain here. They don’t change this event. They’re already wet.

Chase Ingraham (25:39):


Dave Castro (25:40):

It could be literally raining during the event.

Chase Ingraham (25:42):

Damn. I mean, they tested this several times beforehand and how it would navigate, I was actually part of the testing for this particular event at the CrossFit games and we got less than they did. Right? We didn’t get people taping our bars. We didn’t get people wiping down our bars. We just hopped out of the water. Hopefully the chalk would work. But as you can see, John, they’re doing singles. Like I said, maybe I was

John Young (26:06):

Just watch them in practice because I remember a video of Matt Chan by the pool doing multiple, look,

Sevan Matossian (26:12):

Watch this. Watch the big man Chad McKay. Watch the the Big Man. Here we go. Here we go. Chad McKay. Chad Juan. Oh yeah. Singles. Singles. Hey, were they told they had to do singles?

Chase Ingraham (26:23):

They had to do singles? Yes.

John Young (26:26):

Gosh. Because they’re afraid of connecting them freaking people in 2013. So afraid.

Dave Castro (26:31):

No, no, no. It’s the water dude,

John Young (26:32):

I’m joking. Come on man. You got to stay with me.

Dave Castro (26:38):

Look at that. Love how Chase actually did it. That’s cool.

John Young (26:44):

Good job, chase.

Sevan Matossian (26:45):

Thank you. I saw Chase in his Speedo many a times testing workout. Yeah, I

Chase Ingraham (26:51):

Tested a few swim events back in the day.

Sevan Matossian (26:53):

Yeah. Yeah. He came out in the banana hammock. Chase was

Dave Castro (26:59):

Huge Hog.

Sevan Matossian (27:00):

Okay, we’re three minutes away.

Dave Castro (27:04):

Is that right?

Sevan Matossian (27:05):

From the elite event?

John Young (27:09):

Who you got in? This guys?

Dave Castro (27:12):

Gee and Danny

Chase Ingraham (27:13):

I got And Olivia, you’re

Dave Castro (27:15):

So dumb.

John Young (27:17):


Dave Castro (27:17):

See. You’re not as dumb as row scout over Spiegel, but you’re still wrong.

John Young (27:23):

We’ll see.

Dave Castro (27:25):

How could you possibly think that Bron is going to beat gh?

John Young (27:29):

Because I think bro has snatched 3 35 before. Gee has not. Gee has better technique. I think the hang helps key out.

Dave Castro (27:41):


Chase Ingraham (27:41):

Helps. I think the two chances help, and I think the over at squats are his biggest weapon today.

John Young (27:48):


Chase Ingraham (27:49):


Sevan Matossian (27:50):

Okay. We are two minutes away. The judges have come out and this event is about to begin. Remember ca peptide ca, A-P-E-P-T-I-D-E s.com code word Hiller seon to get the discount free bacteria, static water attaboy. And if you want to watch this, you have to go to loud and live on YouTube. You cannot look for Waap Palooza, you will not find it. And as Robbie Meyer says, buy for now Chase. Bye for now, John Young. Bye for now, Caleb. Bye for now, Hiller. See you in a bit.

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