Sevan Matossian (01:04):
The entire world will be watching today, United States of America, the entire world. Avon’s efforts to vote this election probably equates to his efforts towards the open.
Did you hear Rogan slipped in there when he was talking to Elon about how, what did he say? He wants to get rid of ads. Basically the summation is he slipped in there really quick. How? It’s ridiculous that we allow ads for pharmaceutical companies on television and somehow he squeezed in there that we need socialized medicine. If I heard that right, it’s just weird that someone as smart as Joe Rogan could also still be that stupid. Can you, after all that we’ve been through, you want to give government control of all medicine? I guess that’s why he voted for Bernie Sanders. When Rogan says stuff like that, I start to think he reminds me of some 20-year-old college student. It’s bizarre to me. It’s like absolutely insane.
Absolutely fucking insane. I need that shirt. That shirt’s available at indicate vn, dk eight. Vdk Go over there, get your CEO e shirt. If you don’t have a CEO shirt, you’re crazy. If you don’t have a toothy and you’re crazy, just go get it. I’m just telling you, I’m not steering you wrong at all. To be honest with you. I don’t even know what happens to the money. I don’t even ask. Maybe my wife just gets it. Daniel Garrity, a really good analist just predicted Harris by 0.5% Nevada and based on early voting and the Dem Senator by 5%. Wait, sorry. No, how come I can’t see what that says? Early voting and the Dem senator by 5%. I really hoped I heard it wrong when he said it. I was surprised Elon didn’t be like, what the fuck did you just say? Socialize medicine, endorsement for the powder by Justin tooth powder is fire. Yeah, it’s crazy.
Got a
Speaker 1 (03:52):
Lot of shit to do today. Got to schedule all the guys to come on for the election watch party. I want to upload the road caster with a bunch of Trump sound bites. Got to hang out with the kids yesterday, a buddy of mine called and he was telling me a story about someone he knew who received their death sentence, like what they’re going to do. Basically. I don’t remember the details, I already forget, but it was something along the lines of the guy has six months to live and so he’s doing stuff he’s always wanted to do. And then the conversation shifted with my buddy, like, Hey, what would you do? And I started thinking. He told me ideas that he heard other people said. He said one of the things guy, one person said that they would get all their money, they would get all their assets and just rent a house somewhere on a fucking amazing island and fly all their friends there for free and just hang out for a couple months and someone else said they’d skydive or do a safari in Africa.
And then he’s like, what would you do? I mean, God forbid, I don’t want to be faced with that choice, but I don’t think I would change a thing. I wouldn’t change a thing. Two chicks at once. I already did that. Three chicks at once, four chicks at once, all that. I’d probably make a video. Yeah, exactly. Yep, yep. Thank you, Andrew. I wouldn’t fucking change a thing. I would still come in here and do my podcast. All I’d want to do is just hang out with my kids. I would not change a fucking thing I don’t think spoiled little fucker.
The real Kevin Harris already. I saw the results like three days ago on the news. Does even make videos anymore. Hiller would make a video that says, I’m going to die in six months with a picture of Spiegel as a thumbnail. That’s good. That’s really good. The last 48 hours with Andrew Hiller vindicate voted. Now he’s got to pack some shirts up to sell to mail vdk every morning. This is the first morning ever in the history of the podcast that something is different. I mean, not only was I fucking crazy late, I didn’t shower this morning. I’ve never done that. I’ve never come on the show, not showered. And I would wear this shirt more, but so this shirt is a little tight on me. I don’t like the way it makes my tits look. I don’t want anyone to see my tits, but I do like this shirt. It’s an awesome shirt.
I that I didn’t shower. That’s the one I want to get. Yeah, it’s a cool shirt. It’s American Flag, the white supremacy shirt. Of course. Boy, today’s going to be wild. Oh, I haven’t turned on any news today. I scrolled through Instagram a little bit. What’s the latest? I came on here to get news from you guys. Anything cool happening? Has James O’Keefe reported anything? I did see, I did see that there was a ballot machine. It was either a ballot machine, no, no, no, sorry. I did see a paper ballot that had a dot, a small black dot when the guy got it on Kamala Harris’s name, meaning that if you voted for Trump when they slid it through the county machine, it would be void because two boxes would be marked. They said it was an isolated incident and only happened once.
There’s already shady stuff going on in Pennsylvania. Go to O’Keefe’s ig. Was that the thing where they were letting people vote? It didn’t matter if they were citizens or not, as long as they had an ITN number, whatever the fuck that means, polling machines and scanners in Pennsylvania already not working properly. I did see that and the glitch on the electronic voting that automatically went to Harris that I saw the video where the guys keeps trying to vote for Trump and every time he votes for Trump, it just picks Harris. I did see that video.
What’s crazy is I was showing that to a friend and the first thing they said, is that real? That’s right where people’s brains are going now. Is that real? Is that real? I guess that’s a good thing. A clock. It’s not widespread. I don’t know if that’s facetious or not. We had a rogue, rogue starting this weekend, so regardless of what happens, we have that to entertain us. JR and Taylor have been hammering me to watch this movie. It’s called Thank You, Dr. Fauci. And it is, it’s crazy how hard it is to find this website. It is so crazy to find. It is so hard. The website is TYDF movie. Thank you Dr Fauci, TYDF And they’ve never pushed me to watch a movie and the four or five years I’ve spoken to them every single day, probably Christmas, my birthday. I talk to those guys all the time, and when I say talk, I mean some communication and they’re like, dude, you got to see this movie. You got to see this movie. But what I wanted to ask you guys is if you wanted to buy this movie, where would you click? Because they were ripping me last night. I was like, Hey, I can’t figure out how to find the movie.
Where would you click if you wanted to buy this movie, this hamburger up here? You click the hamburger and then it says there’s just an about and then already purchased. Click here. Where would you click if you wanted to see this fucking movie? The red up here? Download our flyer that Where would you click the red? What do you mean the red? Oh, Andrew Hiller couldn’t figure it out either. Awesome. Oh shit. Philip Kelly knew right away the red play button. Yeah, nothing on here tells me to click, but Philip knew. Yeah, that’s it. That’s what you have to click. No shit. The Mask. No shit. Oh, that makes me feel, at least I got Hiller maybe where it says, click here. No, click here takes you to a place where there’s nowhere to buy it. You go here, click here. And it’s for people who’ve already purchased it who want to watch it. Again, if you want to fucking watch this movie, you have to click on the fucking picture, right on the play button.
I think it’s a horrible design. You think it’s because I’m old? Oh, the mouth. Kevin Smith says the mouth. Really? It literally says watch now. Oh, it says click here to watch now. Wow. It even says it. You’re right. Yeah. I wouldn’t have even read that. I was like, fuck, I can’t figure it out. And then I just got tore up after that. Old dudes. For fuck’s sake, I don’t know. I appreciate think at least hiller’s, not old. Anyway, you click watch now and then it says buy the movie. And then for some reason, my shit, I dunno on this computer, my credit card, but how do I get out of that page? Anyway, thank you. Dr Fauci, TYD
So I need to watch that. I’m pretty excited to watch it. Oh, stop. It’s not even that bad. I don’t even think it’s that bad. Yeah, someone buy it and send it to me. Taylor said I could use his email and password, but I was like, nah, I want to support the movie. I want to give money to it. Damn. My Paper Street coffee tastes extra extra good this morning. Ca Keep it legal. Vote Republican. We’re going to have, I think the founder of Birth Fit on here in a couple of days. They got a new program starting up and they have a summer program. I think it starts in July, July for women who are pregnant in this cycle. So basically if you’re planning on getting pregnant or you’re going to get pregnant in the next few months, hit Lindsay Cantu up over at Birth Fit.
She’s going to start a class and I think the class is like, God, I don’t want to misrepresent it. She’ll be on to talk about it specifically, but it’s basically, you know how there’ll be a freshman class or those of you who’ve gone to birthing classes, that becomes kind of like your birthing class. So I took birthing classes with my wife and you go every Sunday for three hours and sit in a dark room on a little couch next to your wife and there’s 10 other couples in there and it’s really cool and your wife will stay in contact with the other ladies and then they exchange shit. I went to the doctor and he said this, or my midwife said this.
And then the wife stays in contact with the other wives. I mean, I guess the dads could too. I definitely didn’t do that. If I did that, that would mean I was gay. Thank you, David. Hey, I’m going to tell you, the birthing class is crazy, crazy lame. And the best thing I ever did, it was absolutely wonderful. I couldn’t believe how, I just enjoyed being there with my wife just sitting there for three hours every Sunday in this dark room. It was cool. And I learned a lot of shit. And the midwife will tell you some shit that will blow your mind, that will change your whole perspective on birthing. There was one of the three hour classes is telling you how all the physiological, and I don’t know if that includes chemical, but chemical things that change in a woman during the birthing process. And they basically, in my class, they told you a story of a woman who was unconscious who had a baby vaginally because the body will just do it. It will just push the baby out. It was awesome.
I still have nightmares about the mucus plug from our class. I don’t even remember what the mucus plug was. Is that the thing where they put the finger in your wife’s vagina and they do a sweep to detach where the placenta is attached to the pussy? I don’t know. I don’t even remember what that is, but man, that was a great class. I’m scared. Instagram algorithm is nothing but birthing videos. Oh, that means you’re due. So think Bambi the dear. The mom was dead when Bambi came out. Yeah, I think my wife pushed too. I think my wife still pushed. Don’t, the birthing plug is what holds in all the fluid and the baby. I don’t remember the birthing plug. I’ll ask my wife about it. God, I have so many tabs open. What is this? Lemme
Sevan Matossian (16:55):
Pull this up. Standby.
Speaker 1 (17:08):
Dr. Tim. Dr. Tim. Speak to me. Dr. Tim. What is the birthing plug? Hello? Dr. Tim,
Speaker 3 (17:17):
Seven. What’s up, man?
Speaker 1 (17:17):
Hey, you don’t sound like a doctor.
Speaker 3 (17:21):
I’m not a doctor. I’m sorry about that.
Speaker 1 (17:23):
Oh, you sound familiar. Do I know you?
Speaker 3 (17:28):
No, I don’t think we’ve ever met.
Speaker 1 (17:30):
Sorry. Oh, you kind of sound like Colton, but not from the south. I guess. Colton’s not from the south either. Colton. Yeah, you sound kind a little bit like Colton Merton’s a little bit.
Speaker 3 (17:39):
I’ll take that. I appreciate that. Hey, I’ve got two girls. I got an 8-year-old and a 5-year-old, and we just learned we’ve got a boy on the way next year too.
Speaker 1 (17:49):
Speaker 3 (17:51):
We’re pumped. I mean, I finally did it, but I’m trying to figure out from you, man, what’s the most impactful thing that you did with your three boys to really set them up for success? I know you talk them up quite a bit, talk yourself up quite a bit. And I know other people look at you and see the boys succeed, and so what would you recommend for a boy to really get to where your boys are now?
Speaker 1 (18:15):
You want to know what it is. In the very beginning, I played little games with myself so that I would never take for granted picking my kid up as a baby. So I would set, honestly, I don’t remember what I did in the first few months, but I’ll just make some shit up. So every time, let’s say I was going to pick my son up off the ground or out of the crib or take him from his mom, I would first maybe put my hands on the back of his neck and kiss him on the forehead and be like, Avi, I love you. And then I would take him. I would always have some sort of ritual before I took him. But eventually what that ritual turned into was I would no matter what, even if I was in a fucking hurry and I had to be somewhere I was running late, I would just stop everything and I would put my fingers into his hands, my pointer fingers.
I don’t know if you can see the screen. And I would let him hold my hands and I would drag him a little bit. And then eventually I could sit him up and then eventually I could pick him up a little bit off the ground. And then eventually I would never ever pick him up. I would always make him grab my fingers, pick him up, slip my knee under his butt, and then grab his body. I did that fucking, I picked him up 50 times a day. I would always do that. Always, always do that at and for me, that was just strength training for him and was also to slow everything down and always be present for him. And every time I fucking changed his diaper, I never took it for granted. And I always put my hands all over his body, rubbed his back, rubbed my fingers down the sides of his spine. I just squeezed his legs, put my fingers between his toes.
I just examined him thoroughly. I let him play with stuff I would give him, just peel avocados and let him hold them and just crush them. I mean, I was always just trying to physically stimulate him and interact with him. I hung rings in the house, always above head level. You never want him to stick his head in there. So he was always grabbing for rings. I hung rings in the living room. I just made it. And anytime he cried, I would, not anytime, but a lot of times he would cry. I would set a timer for 30 seconds and then I would go sit next because you’re automatically want to run over and go pick him up. So he would start crying. He’d be on the floor and whenever I set the kid on the floor, me and my wife, you would just yell on the house, baby on the floor so that everyone knew that there was a baby on the floor somewhere in the house.
So you lay down because they’re going to be fighting gravity there, and that’s where they’re getting strong. That’s where they’re first getting their stimulus. So always lay, if I was putting the baby down, whatever I was doing, I would lay a towel on the floor and I would say, or a blanket, I’d say baby on the floor. My wife would yell at then. So you knew, Hey, be careful walking around the house. But if he started crying, I would always set a timer and then for 30 seconds or a minute or even three minutes, and then I would go over and sit next to him and talk to him and tell him how much I loved him and just whatever to give him the opportunity to self-soothe so that I wasn’t always rescuing him. So that was something I always did. I just tried to always be conscious about my interactions with him.
And I think that’s the best way you can set your kid up. Just always have things set up to be conscious around him as much as you can enjoy every second. I mean, you’ve already had two girls and it’s going to be hard with the third one to tell you the truth. I don’t even, I remember him, his birth and his upbringing more than I do the twins. I have more vivid memories of it. So with your third one, it’s going to be something and then no matter what, no matter fucking what, set the two year limit with nothing processed or no sugar, just set that fucking boundary. Like, sorry, on your birthday at one, there’s no cake. It’s your birthday. At two years old, there’s no cake at your birthday. That’s just for the parents. No ice cream, just nothing. Not like, oh, I’m just going to break off a little piece of Jolly Rancher and let ’em suck on it. Just fucking nothing. No fucking sugar. Processed foods.
Speaker 3 (22:42):
Yeah, my wife and I just had that conversation this morning actually, just talking about, I feel like this is my chance for redemption too, in some aspects where
Speaker 1 (22:50):
Speaker 3 (22:50):
On a mission to almost create an ultimate human. I’m like, can we do an experiment here and just not give him any sugar for, I don’t know, a couple of years and just see how he reacts and see how it’s different between him and his sisters. But anything you’d change between Avi and the twins as far as interacting with them or same rules
Speaker 1 (23:10):
Applied? Yeah, the same. Avi got the wipe warmers. We didn’t do that with the twins. That was ridiculous. None of my kids ever used pacifiers, ever, ever, ever. I think that those are completely fucking ridiculous. Obviously breastfeed as long as you can. If your wife can go two years breastfeed for two years. The thing is too is for you use those first three months just to bond like crazy with your daughters, right? Because your wife’s going to be busy. And so that was the other great thing. When my wife had the twins, I just got Avi all to myself for three months. It was insane. It was crazy.
That actually was probably, I mean, I spent every second with him. I dunno how you do sleeping, but use all those years. Some people don’t think you should sleep with the family. I think you should use all those years to sleep with the whole family, get your kids, your wife and the baby and all bed together. And I know it’s crowded and shit, but at least fall asleep with them all together and then move your daughters. I would just keep the family so tight, let the kids just really bond with the baby. I mean, I’m sure your daughters are going to be so excited and so wonderful with the baby. What a great opportunity for them to just start seeing, right? Already practicing their mothering skills.
Speaker 3 (24:41):
I know we’re already going to have three moms in the house. It’s going to be a little weird, but it’ll be helpful for sure. Give them a chance to serve the family too.
Speaker 1 (24:47):
Yeah, you’re stoked. And then the routine. Every time he takes a shit clean, his cocking balls and his ass, they were your own. You know what I mean?
Speaker 3 (24:56):
I don’t know that routine. Oh, well. Yeah, okay. You
Speaker 1 (24:58):
Know what I mean? Just like, Hey, after you took a clean him, you’d clean yourself. If you shit your pants, just fucking respect him at just the crazy highest level. The thing with me where I don’t know if this was a fuck up, but I changed my kid’s diaper like eight times a day and people told me that’s why it took him so long to get potty trained. He never had to deal with the discomfort. That was Avi and the twins. We didn’t even have to potty train at all. They just wanted to be their brother. So as soon as they could
Speaker 3 (25:26):
Speaker 1 (25:27):
They were all of a sudden before they could talk, they were like, Uhuh, I don’t want to wear diapers. You know what I mean? They’re pushing him away and shit. They want to be like, Avi, stay away from fucking doctors who want to put needles in your kid at all costs. Just make sure your wife is healthy and I am sure she knows the routine. Any cuts, wounds, anything, just spray breast milk on it.
Speaker 3 (25:53):
Make sure you enjoy.
Speaker 1 (25:54):
Yeah. And make sure you enjoy your wife’s titties. This might be your last one.
Speaker 3 (26:00):
Well, I’m kind of calling for a warning for you too. I mean, we weren’t planning this one at all. I think we’re pretty similar to you guys where it’s like I’m hesitant to do anything with my body to change anything. And we were pretty safe and careful with timing and all that and got surprised on our anniversary weekend with the great news. So,
Speaker 1 (26:22):
Hey, how did she take you’re
Speaker 3 (26:24):
Confident in your ability? Oh man. I heard her. The girls were away at the in-laws for the weekend for our anniversary, and I hear her stomping around upstairs and I’m like, what is going on with her? So she comes down and I’m like, what’s going on with you? And she just looks at me and says, I’m freaking pregnant and starts shaking. I’m pumped. I can’t.
Sevan Matossian (26:44):
Speaker 1 (26:44):
The way it was for me and my wife too. She was freaking out and I was, I so excited.
Speaker 3 (26:52):
But it’s almost like a switch was just flipped where you have a little moment of freak out, but then that motherly instinct just all of a sudden turns on almost automatically where she immediately turns into a man, the nurturing mother, nine months out. So it was really cool to see.
Speaker 1 (27:09):
Yeah, my wife was basically in the first 24 hours, she’s like, fuck, we don’t even know what we’re doing with one. How the fuck are we going to do three? And I was just like, we got
Speaker 3 (27:16):
It. We don’t have that problem.
Speaker 1 (27:17):
We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. It’s cool. It’s fine. And then they told her she had twins and she lost it again. It was great.
Speaker 3 (27:28):
Yeah, we had our 20 week ultrasound last week and confirmed everything. So it’s cool to see
Speaker 1 (27:35):
For sure. Yeah. Yeah. Congratulations. I’m stoked for
Speaker 3 (27:38):
You. Thanks. What time are you going live tonight?
Speaker 1 (27:43):
Susa keeps asking me that. I told Susa three, then I told him six, and then last night I told him four. I’m so far behind the curve. I want to have all these different people on, and I haven’t made a schedule and I haven’t sent out links yet, but I’m guessing four.
Speaker 3 (28:00):
I can only assume it’s maybe not a family friendly show.
Speaker 1 (28:06):
I am guessing not. Yeah, I’m guessing there’ll be some vulgarity.
Speaker 3 (28:12):
We’ll watch CN then for the family friendly show.
Speaker 1 (28:14):
Alright, good idea. Hey, who do you think is going to win?
Speaker 3 (28:22):
I’m in North Carolina. I’m in one of those little swing states and hear a bunch of stuff from each side. I think my gut, and I’ve got nothing to base this on, is going with Trump. My official way of determining that was walking around my neighborhood and counting all the signs up. There were 16 total signs. 10 of them were for Trump and six were for Harris. So that’s the official and most accurate way to do it, obviously.
Speaker 1 (28:49):
Hey, are any of your relatives voting for Kamala, like the in-laws? Are your parents
Speaker 3 (28:55):
Parents? No. No. My sister-in-law may. I was trying to get the dirt from my niece last night. She went in to vote with her. But it’s all fun. I mean, we have fun with it, but no, for the most part it’s pretty grand old party down the line.
Speaker 1 (29:12):
Yeah, it’s a trip because I have family members who will vote for Kamala, and I just don’t know. I was just wondering what it was like for me. It’s like, wow, why would you do that to my boys? My sister has three boys and I have three boys. When I think of the in-laws voting or my own parents voting for comma, I’m like, man, don’t you see how bad that’s going to be for our kids? But especially if you had daughters, I just, holy shit.
Speaker 3 (29:45):
Yeah. Yeah. It’s definitely when you have younger kids like that, that’s one of the most important things that you’re thinking about. I don’t know if your parents and my parents are so disconnected from those days that it doesn’t really impact them anymore. But
Speaker 1 (29:58):
Yeah, my mom said, Hey, you.
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