The CrossFit Illuminati | Live Call In w/ Souza & Beaver

Caleb Beaver (01:46):

Can anybody hear me? Oh, it’s you. Okay, cool. All right. Yeah, we’ll just try to sort this out. Go for it. Can you guys hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? How about now?

Speaker 2 (01:57):

Oh, it’s you. Okay, cool.

Caleb Beaver (02:00):

Oh, there’s an echo now. Okay. All right, cool. Well, we’re going to hang out for a little bit and wait until maybe Susa can get his audio sorted out. Good morning everybody. Good morning. SU’s broke. Yes, the Caleb podcast. Great. Yep, that’s me. How’s everybody doing today? Happy Friday. Finally, I just got back from the gym. I did some sentinel programming today. It was, what was it? A clean power cleans front squats into a push jerk and then load to a heavy double of some squat cleans, split jerks, which totally fried me. Dude. I’m not very good at doing the old squat. Cleans. Got a lot of distance to cover. Knees are really, really long. Try to hard to navigate, you know what I mean? So I did that. My wife works out with me too, so every morning that she’s not working, we just get to work out together, which is awesome to have somebody to do all that stuff with, especially since normally she’s working all the time.


Stay at home, husband vibes, dual income, no kids. It’s pretty nice. But yeah, we were training for a little bit. We did that strength session. After that, we really only have time for an hour of training, so that’s why we do the Sentinel 60 gives us enough time to just enjoy training for a little bit. We don’t really, since we’re working on its house, it’s hard to find time to train other than an hour. So I did the strength session. Legs were fried, especially after yesterday. We did the sandbag, or I did the sandbag workout because the wife was working, so my legs were a little toast after that. Then he had, it was kind of like a muscle up cycling type workout, three ring muscle ups and a heavy power clean. I don’t normally do ring muscle up, I just never have rings. But I did it and I actually did them all in broken, which that was a win for me. I’ve never been able to do ring most loves very well, so that was cool. It’s probably because I lost weight. I know by some people think that’s a cheat code. If you lose weight, you lose weight. You just kind of get better at gymnastics if you will seen some people out there saying, Hey, don’t lose weight. It’s not good. It’s cheat code.


You don’t want to lose weight too much because then you’re cheating on. Cheating on everybody. And

Matthew Souza (04:51):

Am I working?

Caleb Beaver (04:52):

Oh, you’re working beautiful. I was just telling everybody about how, oh, what about now? Okay, you’re good now. Okay. I was just telling everybody about if you lose weight, it’s a cheat code to get better at gymnastics. So there’s some people out there, some misconceptions, if you will, saying that if you do lose weight, it’s not good for you. You should just build the muscle mass first. Well, if you have a shitload of extra weight on your body, let’s say some stored fat cells, if you will, you should probably lose some weight first. Then maybe you’ll be good at handstand pushups and ring muscle up and bar muscle lips and things of the like. But yeah,

Matthew Souza (05:31):

Hold on. Do these people, can you people hear me? I’m hearing I still don’t have audio. You guys cannot hear me at all. I don’t know what is

Caleb Beaver (05:38):

Up. Can

Matthew Souza (05:38):

You can hear me though, right?

Caleb Beaver (05:40):

I can totally hear you.

Matthew Souza (05:41):

No, the audience cannot hear you. Can you go on your YouTube real quick and see if you could hear me so I can get some better feedback?

Caleb Beaver (05:46):

Oh, you can totally hear you.

Matthew Souza (05:47):

Yeah, you’re good. Okay. These people are just fucking with me now. Yeah,

Caleb Beaver (05:50):

Yeah. Fuck those guys

Matthew Souza (05:51):

All. Okay. Sorry about that. Caleb, I was getting pained for a minute. You’re good.

Caleb Beaver (05:56):

Glad to have you back. I was just going to go on a tirade about fat people again.

Matthew Souza (06:02):

Okay. All right. Sorry about that guys. I don’t know what happened. I had to restart my computer. It’s the first time that that’s ever happened in any show I’ve ever done, but it sounds like it’s just going to be one of those days. I went to the gym and the iPad had reset itself and it needed a passcode, and we didn’t know what the passcode was, but luckily I hooked up Bluetooth to my phone so we could still have some music because the worst thing with thrusters and bar facing burpees is no music. So I didn’t say it was your fault. I didn’t say it was your fault. I didn’t say. You said you reset the passcode and didn’t tell anybody. I didn’t tell ’em that. I didn’t say that at all. Guys, happy Friday. Welcome everybody. Robbie, what’s up, Ranta? How you doing? Good morning, Amy. Good morning. Mad Marv in the house, dog. What’s going down? Okay, so I had a couple plans for today, kid. You probably saw those notes that I had on there. And then last minute, I was thinking last night before I went to bed, and today I was like, I wonder if we should real quickly, and by real quickly, I mean probably the whole show, talk about CrossFit, the Good Fight. Have you ever seen that video before?

Caleb Beaver (07:13):

Maybe it’s not

Matthew Souza (07:14):

Ringing be. It’s an old one, dude. Hey, I’m going to send it to you real quick. I’ll throw it on that dock, okay? And let me just get my shit together here. So, all right. You see how I like to organize these, huh? Yeah, it’s good. I tried to keep keep ’em nice and fancy. First off, thank you tot ca hormones. If you guys haven’t already, go to ca, use Code Seon and become awesome. Also, paper Street Coffee. You know it. You love it. It’s the best coffee out there. And Gabe is absolutely just exploding. I think 2024 is going to be his year in a huge way. I think it’s going to be all of our years in a huge way. Also, birth fit. Please go there. They had sent us something a while back, and I do believe you get a certain percentage off on the consultation. So if you guys are freaking out, if you or the Mrs are going to be expecting soon, you could head on over there and just give me one moment.


Yeah, you get over there, yes, you could use Code Sev on and you get a discount off their consultation 20% off. So if you could go sev on, you get 20% off your consultation. That seems to be where the money maker is as far as information for people to get, and that seemed to be really popular for Birth Fit. So please go over there and check that out. And also, if you haven’t, I was going to post it before this show, but things got hectic with our virtual giveaway. So if you guys want to attend the CrossFit for Health Summit and you can’t get yourself there physically, you could still do it virtually. And all you got to do is why CrossFit is awesome. And then you got to go down to the thing and read all the details though. Okay? So go down to the thing and read all the details. Then lastly, Caleb, I know you’ve seen ’em, the little snippets that we’re getting back from Rios and Will based on at the Water Palooza with Jason dLAN, Ricky and Colton, I am so fricking stoked for you guys to see what they have working on. It is absolutely insane.

Caleb Beaver (09:22):

This is a game changer. This is real game changer. So if you ever watched, I guess usually mainstream sports, the NFLs and the NBAs and stuff where they have the micd up dude, and it’s usually some random lineman who just has time to talk and they’re usually just bullshitting the whole time. That’s what it’s like, but it’s like 10 times better,

Matthew Souza (09:42):


Caleb Beaver (09:43):

So much better than, yeah, it’s great. You guys are going to love it.

Matthew Souza (09:47):

And thank you for, where was it? I just saw it. Oh my goodness. Today is not the day for Caleb’s solid work on the opener. Yes, solid work, Caleb. And I was freaking out. I was like, I don’t think if somebody else isn’t in the studio, I can’t reboot my computer without losing the show. Oh yeah, good point. Not all heroes wear cape’s. Thank you very much, Caleb, for bailing us out. Once again, I think I mis characterize my mole. This is from Seon. I’ve been told it’s a wart. Okay, really guys, everybody take a deep breath. The man is okay. All right. And also too, he’s traveling up to Idaho, for those of you that don’t know, and it is a treacherous route out there, and Seon is still stuck. We haven’t made it to the destination. So you guys are stuck with Caleb and I again today, and we’re going to have some fun. Wait, what did say, can we do a poll? How long we should keep it private for members? One week, two weeks, forever. Oh, well seen as most of these people, our members are probably to say for forever. Yeah, let’s a pull up there. How long do we keep it private for members? We’ll let the members decide, because this is a democracy, and you have a voice here on the Savon podcast, and we want you to feel seen and be heard.

Caleb Beaver (11:05):

No liberty here, but it is a democracy. You don’t have liberty with these documentaries. You only have democracy here.

Matthew Souza (11:12):


Caleb Beaver (11:14):

Here we go.

Matthew Souza (11:17):

Okay, so we have our, we’re getting our poll up here. Somebody said zero non-member, don’t get a vote.

Caleb Beaver (11:28):

Can we do, oh, I wonder if we could do that just for members only. Polls

Matthew Souza (11:33):

Members only one week, please. I love you, but I’m poor.


Fair enough, Craig. I appreciate that. And your stuff, it will be free. Even the behind the scenes. February 15th, they’ll be free as well. Arby, can I clean CFL’s parking lot for membership? If you live that close, do you have an L one? I’m always looking for coaches, like we talked about the last show. You just have to be a good dude that really cares about the people that they’re working in front of. And I’ll teach you the rest. Albert will teach you the rest. We’ll get you squared away if you live that close. Lemme know. Caleb, what year did you start the open?

Caleb Beaver (12:10):


Matthew Souza (12:11):

Man, what was your first open?

Caleb Beaver (12:13):

It was 2014. 15. 14 or 15. Yeah, 2014 or 15. Yeah, it’s been a minute, man.

Matthew Souza (12:24):

So I saw this popped up. This was Dan Bailey versus Scott. This was in 2013. This was 13.1. These were the open announcements, and this is why the open mattered not only as you went to the games, but this is why if you’re going to use the games as a marketing tool for CrossFit and for the open, you have to do it in this manner. And so for those of you guys that are just looking at this, what we’re seeing on screen here is it’s Dan Bailey, Scott Pancheck in their freaking prime baby, head to head facing off inside of an affiliate. They’re inside an affiliate. There’s a big crowd behind them. It’s all set up. Dave Cashel would come out dramatically announce what the workout’s going to be and which is

Caleb Beaver (13:07):


Matthew Souza (13:08):

Yes. 13.2 is dramatic pause burpees. So this is them inside an affiliate. And this is what made it super special because this would travel from affiliates all over the world, all over the country. We’d have two athletes that were, I think they usually picked the top 10 from the game season prior, or just picked good matchups. I’m not exactly sure how they picked them, but they always picked awesome people to go head to head. And then we got to watch ’em inside an affiliate, do the workout, and then you get to do it right afterward. And that’s what for me made it super special, was the fact that it was inside an affiliate. They got to celebrate with their communities. You got to see Dave Castro announce it. You got to see two awesome athletes go head to head. It was awesome. And so anyhow, I’ll just play a little bit of this here.

Speaker 4 (13:59):

On his 30th rep,

Matthew Souza (14:00):

Right, 60

Speaker 4 (14:02):

Hits, he’s Dan Bailey still has five snatches left.

Speaker 5 (14:09):

This is all adrenaline. It’s 10 burpees. He knows that his head already, his

Matthew Souza (14:12):

Speed is faster. You guys remember this? Workout it the burpees and snatches to

Speaker 4 (14:16):

Get done, but we don’t get done two fast. That 210 pounds snatch for these guys,

Matthew Souza (14:24):


Caleb Beaver (14:24):

Plus. Didn’t they do a redo with

Speaker 4 (14:26):


Matthew Souza (14:28):

So one of the first opens was seven minutes of burpees. You remember that? And then one year, 2011, they just had the snatch ladder. So it was 30 snatches at 75 pounds, 30 snatches at 1 35, 30 snatches at 1 65, and then as many reps as possible in 10 minutes. This was a 10 minute AMRAP mini reps as possible at two 10. And that was when we had the Dan Bailey Rich Froning face off inside Tennessee Tech University with Dave marking the reps on the ground with chalk. Every time I see that still this day, it gives me this cringe as somebody who has cleaned a lot of gym floors in my time is that chalks got magnesium. That shit just doesn’t come out super easy, like sidewalk chalk. That’s a whole different ball game to clean for you. Affiliate owners or anybody who cleans the gym floor.


You know exactly what I’m talking about. And so that was a really cool workout because in 2011 they had the snatch in 10 minutes. In 2012, they had the seven minutes of burpee in 2013, we got to see the combination of that. So we put together the seven minutes for the burpees, the 10 minutes for the snatch. You got a 17 minute amrap. And then I think actually the number of burpees that was there was kind of like the average burpees that was completed in the seven minutes. So it was a really cool combination. It would be awesome to talk to Dave about how he thought about some of those workouts and if he programmed that snatch one, the burpee one in the combination of them all at the same sitting and then knew that he was going to use that consecutively for the next three years. Oftentimes when I’m programming for the affiliate, if I find a good combination that I like, maybe a couplet or something like that, I’ll do what I call a sister workout to it. So it’ll be the same format, same time domain, same rep scheme, but I’ll switch around the movements a little bit. So they’re just a little bit different than the ones from before. And I kind of like to do that.


I also, I think I got the phone lines open, so if any of you guys want to chime in today, we will have that on here in just one moment. Hopefully that works better than how everything else has been going from this point.

Caleb Beaver (16:35):

Pretty good. Looks like about a week, people think about a week is about good. Some people say forever, but almost 50% say about a week.

Matthew Souza (16:46):

Look at those forevers, man. You guys must be rich. They don’t care. They’re like, I’m going to leave my membership on for forever, as you should. So if you haven’t already, go become a CEO, become a member, get early access to behind the scenes and all the other cool stuff we have coming out. And I think we’re going to try to continue to do cool stuff like this into the future. So you’re going to wish you were a CEO member if you aren’t, or ready. Okay, so let’s do this. Before we get into that champ paper thing, let’s go to emotional control. Jocko. I just wanted to play this real quick because I think this is something that I know I think about a lot, which is, as problems come your way, as things come up in life, how much control do you have over your reaction to that? And can you switch from a reaction to a response? So the more space you could have to the inputs that are coming in, my car got a flat tire, the passcode got changed, and then we had no music at the gym. And how I could choose how to respond that versus just reacting to it, okay, rock it out.

Speaker 6 (17:52):

Your temper is a weakness. It’s a weakness. It’s a weakness to lose your temper. When you lose your temper, you’re showing everyone around you that you can’t control yourself, that you can’t control your emotions. And if you can’t control your emotions, how can you control anything? It’s immature. It messes up your decision making process. But when you’re getting all emotional, all freaked out about something, you’re losing your mind. You’re not going to make good decisions. And everybody sees that and everybody knows it. So what you have to do is stay calm, take a step back, take a breath, get control of yourself, and then proceed forward. Losing your temper is

Matthew Souza (18:33):

So I could tell we got a lot of Jocko fans by the comets going down. So I think the message is important though. And when things happen, a lot of things happen to us in life. The ability to create some space between what has happened and your reaction to it, I think is one of the most important skills you could continue to develop. And if you’re like me, you definitely aren’t perfect at it by any means, but if you’re conscious of it and intentional, I think that that space in that area begins to grow.

Caleb Beaver (19:04):

Yesterday I did, I blew up on my dog. It was pretty bad. I just started, I was mad. So she’s been doing this thing, so I just have this stack of drywall that I need to use to, I’m using it. It’s just been sitting here.


But they’re also small pieces of drywall that have fallen off from when I’m cutting it or using it for other stuff. And I haven’t cleaned them up just because this whole place is a mess. And that’s just not really my priority right now. But I also bring my dog down here just because I don’t want her to be by herself. Up in my in-law’s house, she gets bored and she wants to play and do all that stuff. But she comes down here, but then she also gets bored down here while I’m working. She doesn’t want to lay down and sleep. So then she’ll start walking around and finding pieces of drywall and eating them. And so she just starts paint chips, just starts eating fucking drywall. And so yesterday I was so, so fucking fed up with it. I just yelled at her. I was like, what the fuck are you doing? You’re going to kill yourself if you don’t stop fucking as this. I was talking to a person.

Matthew Souza (20:13):

Yeah, yeah.

Caleb Beaver (20:14):

I wouldn’t talk to a person like that. But what was happening was me talking to a person. And so she looked at me and then she put her ears back and went and laid down. I was like,

Matthew Souza (20:23):

And you felt bad? Yeah, within

Caleb Beaver (20:24):

Half a second, I was like, damn, I feel bad. Sorry, dude, stop eating the fucking drywall.

Matthew Souza (20:32):

Not a taxi derby deer. My strange addiction dog edition. That was the first thing I thought of if, I don’t know if you guys ever seen that show, but some people are fucking crazy and pull the hair off their skin and eat it. Or the one lady that ate soap or bits of toilet and stuff, and they were like, you can’t do that anymore. You’re going to die. And they keep on doing it. There’s some deep seated fucking mental illness going on. If you’re constantly eating

Caleb Beaver (20:59):

Toilet paper. My dog’s mentally ill. So

Matthew Souza (21:01):

Slinky. My husband was shooting his bow at a course and met Jocko who was doing the same, said he was super friendly and a cool guy. Yeah, so suck it. All right. He

Caleb Beaver (21:10):

Is super cool. I met him too at a juujitsu camp in Maine when they did that origin camp.

Matthew Souza (21:14):

Yeah. And

Caleb Beaver (21:16):

Super cool. Really small though. Small guy.

Speaker 7 (21:18):

Yeah. Hey, good morning.

Matthew Souza (21:19):

Good morning. How are you? Are you safe? Are you in a safe location? Okay, good. The people were worried. They saw Caleb and I again, they were like, fuck, what’s going down?

Speaker 7 (21:31):

They’re in good hands. They’re in good hands. They should be worried, dude. It’s crazy. This is

Matthew Souza (21:34):

Crazy. Yeah. Some of the pictures you were sending me back, that looks scary.

Speaker 7 (21:41):

I’m such a California boy. We were on the road yesterday, I think I told you, for almost five hours, and we saw four cars, and that’s because everyone else knew not to go on the road.

Matthew Souza (21:51):

You’re the only ones like, wow, look, it’s all clear. And then the thought dawns on you. Wait a minute,

Speaker 7 (21:57):

That Jocko subject is something I used to talk, we used to talk about in the, I don’t know, in the early days of the podcast all the time, and especially when you have kids, when you lose control, all you’re doing is showing your kids that losing control is a coping mechanism. That’s all you’re doing. Absolutely. The worst thing you can do is lose control around your kids. Always take a deep breath. I should fucking write a book. But the key to raising a kid is always taking a deep breath and creating space and watching. Never go with first your gut instinct. Always make space. And that’s the thing with most things in life. Just take a huge big fucking deep breath and let the first reaction go by.

Matthew Souza (22:45):

And you’re referring to anger right now, but does that also apply to other emotions as well?

Speaker 7 (22:53):

I think so. Or if you are going to let yourself go loose and just be reactionary, just be aware of it. Try to have that outof body experience and try to be like, okay. And that’s the sports phenomenon, right? That’s when you’re like, you are in autopilot mode, but then you become the observer. That’s what kind of doing the podcast is like when you’re in the zone, you get in the zone, you’re like, holy shit, who is this talking?

Matthew Souza (23:19):

I think about it because when I think back, I think my mom was always a stress case. And it’s funny, even dealing with technology. Yesterday we had to move QuickBooks off of a desktop onto online, and this was a big leap for us at the SOA household. And every time she would click a button, there was this, oh, she would get so tense about it. I’m like, relax. Why are we reacting this way to clicking every button, right?

Speaker 7 (23:42):


Matthew Souza (23:43):

And I think

Speaker 7 (23:43):

You’re, we all know those people. We all know those people who are reacting to everything. They’re basically just unconscious. They just react. They’re like flies flying from one pile of shit to another.

Matthew Souza (23:54):

Do you feel that space over time, the space between what’s happening and your ability to respond to it, do you feel that grow at all? Or is it just the, for you personally, and is it just a constant battle

Speaker 7 (24:05):

To continue? It has to be cultivated. Constant battle has to always be cultivated. The second you let your guard down, I ac equate it to being, imagine being trapped in a room with a cobra. You would never take your eyes off the cobra. You wouldn’t start thinking about what you’re going to do tomorrow. That’s what to stay conscious is that you have to be fucking vigilant on that level,

Matthew Souza (24:25):

Man. And it is hard.

Speaker 7 (24:27):

You could go days of being unconscious and then become conscious.

Matthew Souza (24:32):


Speaker 7 (24:35):

And the brain, someone will say, Hey, dude, you’re unconscious. And you’ll wake up for a split second and say, no, I’m not. And then just go right back to fucking sleep.

Matthew Souza (24:43):

I think

Speaker 7 (24:43):

The brain’s fascinating like that. The way it defends itself, it defends staying in the matrix and staying asleep.

Matthew Souza (24:52):

Why is that? It’s just a coping mechanism. You think

Speaker 7 (24:55):

Ask the Christians. It’s there a God that did that to us.

Matthew Souza (25:02):

Hey, so what is your plan for the rest of the day today? Are you on the road right now? Are you making some headway? Do you feel confident you’re going to make it to destination?

Speaker 7 (25:12):

I do. I want to bring up two more subjects. Dan Thon. Dan Thon. I appreciate you concerned about my driving dome, about my journey. Dan Thon, tomorrow we had him on the podcast, and I’m supposed to call him tomorrow when he is riding the assault bike. I think he’s going to ride the assault bike for, I don’t know, some ungodly time, right? He is going for like 12 million calories, 12. He’s raising the money for orphans in Haiti. I think it’s his brother’s project. And I am not a fucking charity guy. I fucking hate charity. What I like to do is I like to reward everyone around me for hard work. That’s how I like to vote with my dollars. So the guy at the table brings crayons for my kids. His tip goes up. You know what I

Matthew Souza (26:02):

Mean? You reward, contribution, you rewarding contributions.

Speaker 7 (26:05):

Yes, yes, yes. And then always do my part just constantly. But I had this guy, Dan Theon on my show, and God, man, I don’t know how to say it. You won’t hear words like this out, superficial words like this out of my mouth very often. But his heart was so pure was I really like this guy and he’s an affiliate owner, and you guys know how I feel about affiliates. I think they’re epicenters of just good shit in every community. I think if you ever felt like donating some money somewhere, donate it to a fucking affiliate. Why? Because those things breed good outcomes. Entire communities, they lessen the burden on every aspect of civilization. The people who go to a CrossFit gym, the hospitals, we all know CrossFitters are nicer. They help more people, they’re more confident, they smile more every, they’re more conscious in aspect of life. People who participate in that scene are better for humanity. And I know someone’s like, well, I knew this one guy who went to a gym who molested a kid. Yeah, well, they’re still human

Matthew Souza (27:12):


Speaker 7 (27:13):

You know what I mean? There’s still fucking human,

Matthew Souza (27:15):


Speaker 7 (27:17):

There’s always one dingdong in there that wants to point out. The one thing my gym painted over the handicap spot, okay. But they also helped 12 people lose a hundred pounds. And so I just want to say tomorrow, if we do a show tomorrow, I want to try to remember to call Dan Thon when he’s on the assault bike


And we all cheer him on. Okay. I, there’s also something else. There’s an affiliate owner, I think her name is Laura Connor, and she has a GoFundMe page. And once again, I’m going against all my beliefs. I don’t want my platform to become an obituary or a fundraiser place or any of that shit. But this lady was on the show, and she is an affiliate owner, and I do believe we’re a tribe or a cult or whatever you want to call it. And she’s been diagnosed with cancer, and she has a GoFundMe page. If someone has a bend that they feel like they want to donate money or they want to help a good cause, I fully support her. She’s an amazing woman. She was a great guest, and she’s doing the work that we all know is important, which is she has a place that’s called the CrossFit affiliate that we know is a cure for the world’s most VE problem.

Matthew Souza (28:26):

And that’s Lauren Connor, you said, or Laura Connor.

Speaker 7 (28:29):

Yeah, Laura. Laura Connor. Laura Connor. I put the link in my story. I think the link to the GoFundMe page is in my story.

Matthew Souza (28:37):

I see Caleb kind of typing away now, so we’ll bring her up on screen and point everybody at that so they could go check that out.

Speaker 7 (28:44):

And then finally, thank you for letting me jump onto your platform this morning, Mr.

Matthew Souza (28:49):

You’re a good dude.

Speaker 7 (28:51):

And finally, or actually I, two more things. Yeah, the thing you brought up yesterday about socialism and about people taking pride in their own shit, you will never see a coffee cup behind someone’s toilet in their house ever, because it’s their house. But every gas station between California and Coeur d’Alene, you will see a piece of toilet paper, a coffee cup, something stupid behind the toilet.

Matthew Souza (29:21):

Yep. It’s somebody else’s job.

Speaker 7 (29:22):

Anyone who thinks so anything, yes, it’s someone else’s job. No one takes pride in anything unless it’s their own. That’s why when you become an adult and you finally have kids, when you pull up to your house, you do that weird shit that you saw your dad do as a kid you didn’t understand. He walks around and picks up the cigarette buds and the little pieces of trash in front of the house because he gives a shit

Matthew Souza (29:41):

Taking ownership of that area. His kids are going to be there. You’re going to be there.

Speaker 7 (29:45):

And anyone who doesn’t understand that, anyone who doesn’t understand that you have a character flaw, you’ve never actually owned anything and you don’t understand how humans work, you do not understand.

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