Let’s talk about that. That’s fascinating. I can’t fucking believe that. That’s fucking crazy.
Tyler Watkins (00:04):
Say come in that link.
Sevan Matossian (00:05):
Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. The greatest cross aid update show ever since the CrossFit Games update show and we’ve surpassed it in the middle. Tyler Watkins on the end. JY Barbell. Get your shirt now. VN dk eight.com. John Young barbell established in 2013,
John Young (00:27):
Sevan Matossian (00:29):
Oh, sorry, 2023.
John Young (00:31):
I was 18 in 2013.
Sevan Matossian (00:34):
My brain is 50% of the way to Joe Biden’s. Garrett Allen. Hey, thank you. Good money, smart money. Cry. Cry Chuck. Smart money. I got a text message today, dude. I just watched the latest West Coast classic behind the scenes. I put that up at the behind best behind the scenes you’ve ever done. Really, really enjoyed it. Just wanted you to know. Hopefully we’ll see you at the games. I’m going to the games
John Young (01:03):
In what capacity?
Sevan Matossian (01:08):
John Young (01:11):
To be announced.
Tyler Watkins (01:12):
Sevan Matossian (01:14):
I’m okay. I like T BDS better. You’re right. I stand corrected.
Tyler Watkins (01:19):
Maybe we might not announce it.
Sevan Matossian (01:21):
Yeah, right.
Tyler Watkins (01:24):
Just show up.
Sevan Matossian (01:25):
Speaking of announced, let me announce the guy who’s not on testosterone, but as he gets older he might be tempted. We were talking behind your back before the show started, Mr. Howell.
Tyler Watkins (01:39):
No you weren’t. I was right here listening. Oh,
Sevan Matossian (01:43):
Were you really down there?
Tyler Watkins (01:44):
Yeah, because when you said you were addicted to working out, I said you’re also addicted to nuts of the Macadamian variety. Ah, hard cheeses and it makes me nervous. I can’t And Deli meats full of nitrites. Nitrates.
Sevan Matossian (02:01):
Nitrates. I didn’t even know you were down there. Jesus.
Tyler Watkins (02:05):
It makes me nervous. I don’t know who’s on the backend listening to me. I
Sevan Matossian (02:08):
Didn’t know you were down there.
Tyler Watkins (02:12):
I thought this was one of those tests. I thought I was going to watch the entire show like this and if you never brought me in, you never brought me in. I was like, alright. My number wasn’t called. It’s okay.
John Young (02:23):
I’ve sat down there before like five minutes into the show and they’re like, where the freak is, John? I’m waiting to be put in the show. What’s crazy? Act like
Sevan Matossian (02:32):
I’m late. It’s so obvious when someone’s down there, so that’s why it’s so ridiculous when I don’t see them. It’s just obvious. Okay, this has nothing to do with the show, but what were you saying? You and Tyler? I was listening to your conversation when I was trying to get some YouTube clips ready for the show. You were saying
Tyler Watkins (02:51):
That’s T-B-A-T-B-A?
Sevan Matossian (02:54):
No, no, not that about Sean Woodland went on a Oh
Tyler Watkins (02:58):
John Young (02:58):
So if you go on Wad Prep,
Tyler Watkins (03:00):
I sent that link in the chat. During
John Young (03:03):
The thread, they’re trying to do different types of shows, but one of them is CJ interviewing people and Sean did a whole podcast. I don’t know if it’s his first podcast or one of the first since CrossFit. Stop talking to him, but he said openly, he did not find out that he wasn’t doing the games from them. He found out on social media on Instagram and he was like, that’s not right.
Tyler Watkins (03:29):
Do you have a time? What
Sevan Matossian (03:30):
The, wait a second before you go too far. What the fuck is Wad Prep this? They have 180,000 subscribers. This is a CrossFit podcast.
John Young (03:39):
Brand new, brand new. They haven’t done YouTube. They’re brand new to YouTube. But are they get 180,000? No, no, no, no. Not brand new YouTube like doing podcasts and stuff. They’re brand new to that. They tips. You know Ben Ben who does this is how 24.1 tips to 24.1?
Sevan Matossian (03:55):
No, what’s
John Young (03:56):
Up? This is all right. Well, a lot of people know that guy, but he’s the CEO.
Sevan Matossian (04:04):
How have I never even heard of this? Do I live under a rock?
Tyler Watkins (04:07):
John Young (04:09):
I know about it. They don’t really cover the sport until now, but they have their own programming and everything that they sell.
Sevan Matossian (04:17):
180,000. Oh, I’m going to go to oldest. How long have these guys been around? What do I do? I go to videos.
Tyler Watkins (04:23):
You’re not showing us.
Sevan Matossian (04:26):
Oh, I’m not showing you. Oh no, I am showing No. Where do I go? How do I see when they’re Oh, oldest. Nine years.
Tyler Watkins (04:37):
Sevan Matossian (04:40):
All right. What’s up Ben?
John Young (04:43):
But yeah, I’m podcasting with these guys now. Every now and again
Tyler Watkins (04:47):
He does 18 podcasts
Sevan Matossian (04:49):
A day. Oh, okay. And oh, this is the one that I was saying you’re in big trouble for.
John Young (04:54):
Yes, that’s the one.
Sevan Matossian (04:58):
Where’s the overlays? What the fuck is going on here?
Tyler Watkins (05:03):
Who’s running the show?
Sevan Matossian (05:04):
Are there overlays? Where’s my sponsors down at? The Bottom
John Young (05:12):
Fit anyway, they do a really good podcast with not that one with Sean
Tyler Watkins (05:15):
Sevan Matossian (05:20):
Oh, someone fucking help me? Nope, not that
Tyler Watkins (05:24):
One. Well, yeah, we
Sevan Matossian (05:28):
When you need them. Well, brander will. Brands are okay when we come back, we’ll find out from John Young what exactly happened to Sean Woodland and I want to give you a QR code so you can get 40% off.
John Young (06:13):
It was
Sevan Matossian (06:13):
There, but I can’t, I just can’t. Don’t even know.
Tyler Watkins (06:18):
Rewind the podcast about a minute and a half and it’ll be
John Young (06:21):
Right here. Can you put the friendly comment up from Cross Fat?
Sevan Matossian (06:26):
No, not yet, but thank you. Taylor,
Tyler Watkins (06:31):
Do you like the fit aids with the creatine? The
John Young (06:33):
Sevan Matossian (06:34):
Oh, how did you know enough Cretin?
Tyler Watkins (06:38):
I could just see. Oh. Oh yeah. I need the RX ones. I got the creatine
Sevan Matossian (06:42):
As much creatine as that there is in an eight ounce steak. There he is. There he is. Not Branstetter, but someone else.
Tyler Watkins (06:54):
Sevan Matossian (06:55):
No, I see the be down there. He’s working the be He’s at the airport. Savon owes a fit. Eight some cash back probably. Is that what you mean? Is that one that CrossFit
Tyler Watkins (07:08):
John, was that of the almond variety?
John Young (07:12):
No, hold on on, okay.
Tyler Watkins (07:15):
Were you trying to show Sevan up with his chugging and you went a little heavy?
John Young (07:20):
Okay. It was a lot left. No, it’s just regular milk. God damn meat. Fruit.
Tyler Watkins (07:33):
That’s a really great intro to something.
Sevan Matossian (07:35):
I did work out today.
John Young (07:38):
Oh, you look jacked.
Sevan Matossian (07:39):
Yeah, I just worked out for an hour.
Tyler Watkins (07:42):
It’s all that Creighton
Sevan Matossian (07:43):
On the minute for 60 minutes. When I watched Dave Castro videos and I took a shitload of Creighton, I got to get ready because I’m going to the games 20 step
Tyler Watkins (07:50):
Up on the minute.
Sevan Matossian (07:54):
I can’t do step-ups right now. I think I have plantar fasciitis. I can’t even ride the assault bike. It’s a fucking nightmare. It’s
Tyler Watkins (08:00):
All those shoes you’ve been wearing. It’s all those shoes you’ve been wearing. Not walking around barefoot enough.
Sevan Matossian (08:03):
Probably. You
Tyler Watkins (08:04):
Get dad playing tennis.
Sevan Matossian (08:06):
I don’t know. I don’t know what happened, but I’m pissed. You know what? You know actually, you know where I got it. I was telling you guys about getting old. It happened at semifinals.
John Young (08:16):
Sevan Matossian (08:16):
You’ve had it since then. Yeah, but it’s mild and it’s not like the one where it feels like a nail in the bottom of your foot. I actually think it might even be like tendonitis. It’s in my heel. It’s on my heel. My heel is sore. Father time undefeated.
John Young (08:33):
Fuck you Doug.
Sevan Matossian (08:37):
Alright. Okay, so what happened with Sean Woodland? So Sean Woodland went on a podcast, the Wad Prep podcast, the biggest podcast in the CrossFit space that no one’s heard of. And he said that he got told over Instagram.
John Young (08:51):
No, he didn’t get told. He just found out from other people. They didn’t tell him and he didn’t believe it until enough people had told him. And then from CrossFit HQ or the media has not been in contact with him since they haven’t talked to him at all.
Sevan Matossian (09:14):
I’m calling 50% facts on this. Yeah, me too. There’s no way. Listen to
John Young (09:18):
The podcast. I will. Maybe I’m voting it wrong, but
Sevan Matossian (09:21):
I swear
John Young (09:22):
That’s what he said.
Sevan Matossian (09:23):
We’re not fighting. Oh, hi Caleb. Nice to see you. Hey,
Caleb Beaver (09:26):
I can concur. I agree. I concur. Whatever it is where I agree with what JY said, John Young, I heard the same thing. He was not told why? He was just told by some random person at HQ that has nothing to do with broadcast that he wouldn’t be doing it.
Sevan Matossian (09:45):
Well, that’s different than, that’s different than what John’s saying. John’s saying he wasn’t told at all that he
John Young (09:50):
Didn’t get an email or anything and then he just found out on Instagram when somebody said, Sean Woodland’s not hired, and then he was like, oh, I really am not hired. It wasn’t legitimized until then.
Sevan Matossian (10:01):
He manifested it himself.
Caleb Beaver (10:04):
I heard
Sevan Matossian (10:05):
That you and John have different stories. Do you know that John? Okay, go ahead.
Caleb Beaver (10:09):
I agree. I agree. We have different stories, but from what I understand is he found out from somebody else who works at HQ but not, he was just told not
Sevan Matossian (10:21):
Official capacity,
Caleb Beaver (10:22):
Not an official capacity. He was just
Sevan Matossian (10:24):
Caleb Beaver (10:24):
Somebody was just like they didn’t pick
Sevan Matossian (10:26):
You for Duty’s fucking over there told them leak.
Caleb Beaver (10:28):
Right, right.
John Young (10:31):
And they haven’t talked to him since at all. He’s not heard anything.
Caleb Beaver (10:33):
They have no reason for why he’s not doing it. Nothing. He just found out from some random,
Sevan Matossian (10:38):
Lemme tell you the problem I have with that story, just like the immediate red flag is because I’m pretty sure Oh, by Caleb, I’m, all I have to do is rub a Fit Aid and Caleb shows up. Watch, see, there he is. Feel like they would be a Zoom.
John Young (10:52):
I love his five and a half up there.
Sevan Matossian (10:56):
What does that mean? Even
John Young (10:57):
It’s how many points he got from Pedro show?
Sevan Matossian (11:00):
Oh nice.
Caleb Beaver (11:01):
Oh shit. You’re right. I couldn’t figure out why it said that. Now I’m going to have to go change it.
John Young (11:06):
That’s so funny.
Caleb Beaver (11:09):
Hey, I won. I won. I just want to relish that for a little while. Just lemme relish it. Okay.
Sevan Matossian (11:14):
How dare you use the Streamy yard software with Pedro? Okay, so Charlie Duby, the guy who owns Hamilton Road, who I’m pretty sure are the people putting on the broadcast. He’s got to be very close with Sean. I’m sure they go to ball games together and shit probably, and I have to assume that they told Charlie and Charlie had to have told him, but that doesn’t discredit that he didn’t get communication from CrossFit, which on one hand you could say they don’t have to because he’s not an employee. But just out of common courtesy for a guy who’s been doing it for fucking 14 years or 15 years, whatever, and he’s the voice of CrossFit, you’d think you get some call at least from the chief people’s person. He didn’t hear it from the Chief Chief. Okay. Along those lines, I do have a, lemme see. I do have an interesting clip that actually goes along with that. Let me see, Dave, where is it? Give me a second. Attractive women. Oh, Sean doing the games. Four 40. Here we go. This is from a week review. Where? From July 1st, just a couple days ago. And this is Dave talking. I’m
Speaker 6 (12:39):
Commentating the games. Correct. He’s not commentating at the games this year. There’s potentially some other engagement we’re looking at doing with him at the games. I don’t know how that’s working out at Barkley
Sevan Matossian (12:52):
Three. So Dave’s suggesting that they’re going to do something with him. So
John Young (12:55):
I think Dave has no idea.
Sevan Matossian (12:58):
Yeah, that’s fair too.
John Young (12:59):
That’s fair. Because from what it sounded like, nobody has told him that they have anything for him at all, but they probably told Dave that there was something in the works and then it’s just Dave’s like, okay. I don’t know if that’s how it went down, but it sounds like Dave has no idea at all and you know what I mean? Somebody asked him a question, he tried to answer it the best he could.
Sevan Matossian (13:21):
Yeah, he doesn’t know a lot of stuff. It’s fun watching him interview the athletes. He didn’t even know who Emily Rol was or that she was a good runner or that she had won the GORUCK event. All sorts of weird shit. 40% off at Fit eight. Tyler, could you point to it? Oh thank you. Right over there. Scan the code and if you need a hot drink, make sure you go to Paper Street Coffee. Could you point to that chair there? There you go.
John Young (13:49):
And for vindicated apparel where you can get a JY barbell shirt that is right here. Right there.
Caleb Beaver (13:55):
No, no, no, no, no. JY barbell shirts just have on podcast shirt.
Tyler Watkins (14:01):
Please shut that link down just for this show. I thought for sure you were going to say something about midwifery and point to the birth fit.
Sevan Matossian (14:08):
Yes, that too soon. Very soon. NCA hit up Jr. You guys did shut up and scribble yesterday at 11:00 AM is that correct?
Tyler Watkins (14:15):
Incorrect? We did it about three hours
Sevan Matossian (14:17):
Ago. Okay. Yeah, that’s right.
John Young (14:18):
It’s a great show. Great show. People want to hear about everything Chad.
Sevan Matossian (14:22):
Yeah, so
Tyler Watkins (14:23):
Tell for anyone who thinks that Taylor is not a compassionate, sensitive onion light, some might say go watch the first 15 minutes. He gets emotional. It’s awesome.
John Young (14:36):
Very like Shrek.
Sevan Matossian (14:38):
So tell me, can you give me a synopsis
Tyler Watkins (14:40):
Of what Thank you. Thank you for completing that illusion to where it’s not even funny anymore. Hey everyone, John Scene, Shrek and Ogres are like onions now his face is red.
John Young (14:56):
No, my face has been red man, I got this lamp right here that does it for me.
Sevan Matossian (15:01):
Is it 40% off of fitting? Yes, that is accurate. Okay. Jr can you give me a synopsis of what you guys said on Chad? Did you guys have a take that was in unison regarding the workout?
Tyler Watkins (15:15):
No, Taylor actually started off the conversation by scaring me a little bit by saying he was going to get really uncomfortable and then he
John Young (15:25):
Said, I don’t know what side I’m on, I’m just going to figure it out along the way.
Tyler Watkins (15:30):
And I’m used to not knowing what Taylor’s going to say about anything. So that wasn’t really an oddity, but he kind of brought up the point of heroes being remembered for their service that they’ve all passed. But in this situation it was due to suicide. He recounted his father’s death and how that made him feel initially and then thought about how it made him feel later on and he posed the question, someone like Chad’s death tragic, yes, but heroic leaving your wife and kid behind committing suicide. So it got pretty deep pretty fast and it was a really interesting question. I was not expecting that from him. And the engagement from the comment section was awesome. Like Cave and Jeff Baco and I mean all the usual suspects were Ortega. They were all weighing in some pretty profound points. So yeah, that was just, that’s where he kind of started the conversation. Then we actually got into the workout.
Sevan Matossian (16:40):
And on a superficial level, did you guys fall onto a side of whether it’s a good workout or not a good workout for the games
Tyler Watkins (16:50):
We fell on the side of, we are shocked that it was programmed. We fell on the side of, it’s also the most CrossFit thing that could be done because Taylor made a really good point that people started loving CrossFit because there was this element of, yeah, you don’t think we’ll do this, watch we’ll do it. Hey, you don’t think people can do this Watch. We’ll show you. They can do it. And this is kind of along that stream of thought, especially when you think about the quarterfinal step up debacle. Oh yeah, you think there was an issue with step ups at quarters? Watch ’em do a thousand.
Sevan Matossian (17:24):
So along the lines of we’ve become accustomed to just a giant fuck you from Dave and we got another one.
Tyler Watkins (17:34):
Yeah. Well and to that point, Taylor was really adamant about the fact that the games are not a place for it’s, it’s a place for testing fitness and then that alone.
Sevan Matossian (17:48):
Well that’s the case then. It’s not a bad workout. I think the concern with Chad is about the spectacle, not about the test. Isn’t that right?
Tyler Watkins (17:58):
I think I have heard equal amounts of concerns about the wear and tear, especially early in the weekend and what it potentially means for other workouts. When you think about the certain muscle groups that are taxed at the intensity they’re doing it at. Obviously if there’s a twist that involves them not doing all 1000 reps, some of ’em doing ’em, some of ’em not, then you get into the discussion of what it means over the whole course of the weekend if you’re punished by having to
John Young (18:32):
Do more work. I don’t think they do it that way.
Tyler Watkins (18:34):
I don’t think they will either. So no, that sounds like something
Sevan Matossian (18:39):
I would say. By the way,
Tyler Watkins (18:43):
Do you have all the clips of around Veteran’s Day you sing Chad’s the dumbest workout ever.
Sevan Matossian (18:51):
Was that on Veteran’s Day? I said that that
Tyler Watkins (18:53):
Was when everyone was doing Chad or within that week, so probably
Sevan Matossian (18:57):
Yeah, I think it’s an absolutely horrible workout.
John Young (19:00):
I’ve heard three versions that I would be okay with at the games and then if it’s any other version, I think there’s just too many problems or it’s going to be dumb.
Sevan Matossian (19:16):
Okay, go ahead, let’s hear ’em.
John Young (19:17):
And the first version is something that I just thought of that I thought would be cool, but I could say JR is one too. JR had a great version too. You wish one went first, Tyler.
Sevan Matossian (19:29):
I just think it’s funny that you said I heard them and then you’re
John Young (19:31):
Like, I don’t think any of ’em is better than the other. I
Tyler Watkins (19:33):
Don’t think I had a version.
John Young (19:34):
No, no, no. Yeah you did. I’ll get there. But it says 45
Your, it says 45 pound, so it’s probably not this, but if they were to do a hundred step ups and start at 10 pounds and then every single hundred you add 10 pounds to your ruck and the last a hundred is with a hundred pounds. I think that would be devastating, but it would be really fun to see that pan out because I think people would make moves at certain weights. I don’t think it’s just a guarantee who’s going to win in what order. People could make moves at the last weight. It’s not going to be like the marathon row where everybody just accepts their place, but it does say 45 pounds. So I doubt it’s that, but I just think that would be a fun version to watch. The other one is what JR said, and that’s where you run a mile, do a thousand step up and then run a mile or a bike, a 10 k do a thousand step up. But that’s very long. That’s
Sevan Matossian (20:32):
Even more of a beat down. That’s even more of a beat down. Yeah,
Tyler Watkins (20:34):
Exactly. And I think the context of this is very important. I was not saying that I thought this would be what they would do or what they should do because I posed the question, if you don’t do a thousand straight and you do break it up by adding something else, does it make
John Young (20:49):
It, it’s not
Tyler Watkins (20:49):
Chad, does it make it harder on the body though? Or does it make it easier on the body if you have some interference? That’s the question I asked and the main point I was trying to make is if Seon says he is going to do Fran and he has to modify it, cool. He’s still going to do a variation of 21 15 9 thruster and pull up. If he says, well I’m going to do Fran, but I’m going to do toes tomorrow instead. He’s not doing Fran, period.
John Young (21:13):
So yeah, what I’m saying is any
Tyler Watkins (21:16):
Go ahead. The biggest thing for me is if they’re not doing a thousand step ups with that load to that height and it’s not done at one time, I think saying they’re doing Chad is wrong, maybe just a little bit misleading.
John Young (21:32):
Yeah, and I agree completely. I think whatever the twist is can’t, the more you twist it, the less it’s Chad because it’s such a mundane workout.
Tyler Watkins (21:45):
Yeah, Jeremy world, he corrected me. I said, I can’t think of a hero workout. That’s a single modality. Single movement of any other hero workout. The only other one that there is is Randy, so you can’t really mess with it because it’s just one thing.
Sevan Matossian (22:04):
Tyler Watkins (22:04):
Question. Tia poked fun at Dave during his interview with her and she said in a joking way, she said, you’re testing to see if we can all step up a step. Really good. Is this even fitness?
I think it’s a grit Pull that
Fricking definition on me.
I think’s just a grit test. I think it’s just a grit
Sevan Matossian (22:31):
Test. Well wait a second running. Would you say that when at the Dubai Championships, when they ran up that building, was that fitness?
John Young (22:41):
It’s a little more cardio
Tyler Watkins (22:42):
I would say it is. And to that point, I want to give Tyler some credit because the most reasonable guess for the variation that they do thank you. Is just the fact that hey, they’re in a stadium. You’re going to do a thousand steps
John Young (22:58):
Down. Do we know for a fact it’s the Friday night lights working?
Tyler Watkins (23:00):
No, not at all. I’m just saying the fact that fact that we know that there is one there. Tyler’s just straight up. Yeah, they’re just going to use stairs and it’s going to be a thousand stairs and that’s it. That’s going to be the workout. Okay.
Sevan Matossian (23:11):
In today’s,
Tyler Watkins (23:12):
That makes a lot of sense to me
Sevan Matossian (23:13):
In today’s show. I have a lot of clips where Dave does talk about Chad and I think we’re going to get some insights. He has done so many interviews. I want to say he’s approaching 30, which is just absolutely wild. So we’ll get to some sound bites first. I going to start off with Ricky Gerard. Oh, we lost Caleb. Okay, good. That makes me not feel bad for not having the clip ready. Okay, here we go. Here he is with Ricky Gerard, and this is also a theme that he brings up in at least half of these interviews. Dave brings this up.
Speaker 6 (23:59):
Are you a good swimmer? I forgot.
Speaker 7 (24:02):
I’ve gotten a lot better. I wouldn’t say I’m a great swimmer.
Speaker 6 (24:06):
Are you one of those Aussies who grew up swimming or No,
Speaker 7 (24:10):
I grew up in the bush.
Sevan Matossian (24:13):
In the bush. We didn’t
Speaker 7 (24:13):
Swim much and I was always pretty little as a kid, so I always felt the cold and I had to go in the water. We kind lived in an area that was pretty cold, so I Is there a lot
Speaker 6 (24:24):
Of sharks in your area?
Sevan Matossian (24:28):
Biking, swimming, biking, swimming so much swimming talk. I just cannot, I don’t want to see swimming this year, but I’m starting to have to come out of my denial that I was thinking that we would never was thinking we wouldn’t see swimming and we wouldn’t see biking. We wouldn’t see because it’s dumb and we wouldn’t be swimming because it costs too much money to move athletes around.
John Young (24:50):
Tyler. It’ll be in a pool.
Sevan Matossian (24:51):
Tyler, are we going to see swimming this year? I
Tyler Watkins (24:53):
Want to see the 2000, what is it, 13 or 14? It’s 13 muscle. Muscle. That muscle up swim workout. That’s my favorite workout of all time.
Sevan Matossian (25:03):
Oh, what was the workout again?
John Young (25:04):
10 laps. 10 laps, three bar muscle ups at the end.
Tyler Watkins (25:08):
Why don’t they just use the diving block then and just do muscle ups on that? That’d be cool. Why do they need to get out and use a bar? If they’re going to do that? Just use that white thing because the people
John Young (25:17):
Who can jump in and are efficient with that makes the swimmers faster.
Sevan Matossian (25:22):
Oh, that’s interesting. You mean just reach up to the diving block and grab and push yourself up? Wow. John Young, are we going to see swimming this year?
John Young (25:30):
I think so.
Sevan Matossian (25:32):
How confident?
John Young (25:33):
I would say 93%.
Sevan Matossian (25:36):
Are you that high too? Tyler?
Tyler Watkins (25:38):
Sevan Matossian (25:39):
JR Howell.
Tyler Watkins (25:41):
Yeah, for sure. Didn’t happen last year. I would be more surprised to see real biking three years in a row.
John Young (25:48):
He’s talked about cycling a ton.
Sevan Matossian (25:50):
Yeah, he keeps talking about cycling too. I wish he’d stopped doing that. Okay. He goes on with the Ricky interview.
Speaker 6 (25:56):
Yeah, Chad announcement.
Speaker 7 (26:00):
I was like, holy. I had to read it a few times. I was like, is this legit? Is this actually what we’re doing? I had to read it.
Sevan Matossian (26:07):
He had to read it,
Speaker 7 (26:10):
Said all individuals will be doing this event. I was like, holy shit, I’ve never done it before.
Speaker 6 (26:16):
Okay. Okay.
Speaker 7 (26:18):
I was googling how long it takes and it’s like 55 minutes is a pretty good time.
Sevan Matossian (26:25):
Two questions here. I’ll start with you Jr. Are you surprised that Ricky Gerard’s never done Chad before? And what does that say about the workout?
Tyler Watkins (26:33):
I’m not surprised at all, but I’m also not surprised at all that Taylor’s done it four times and those two guys, I would say are two of the grittiest, toughest guys I’ve seen. So I think it’s just a personal thing. I think a lot of people see workouts like that and they like the idea of the challenge of just doing it mentally. And some people see it and are probably like, Hey, I want to do this workout. And their coach is like, I don’t think you should do that workout. And so they don’t. And then there’s probably athletes that see it and they’re like, cool workout. But I know what that’s going to do to my body. I don’t have any interest.
Sevan Matossian (27:09):
Okay, so it is one of those workouts. So do you think less of any athlete that hasn’t done it? Jr are you like, hey, you pushed out, you worked around it? Or are you like, Nope, I completely understand.
Tyler Watkins (27:19):
I completely understand.
Sevan Matossian (27:21):
John Young. Where do you fall on that?
John Young (27:23):
No, I’m in Jr’s camp. Especially if they’re not American. We do chat on Veterans Day. Why would somebody from Australia, you know what I mean? It’s not, or Europe.
Sevan Matossian (27:35):
But I mean just in terms of the stimulus, do you think it adds it’s worth the,
John Young (27:40):
How many Australian hero workouts have you done,
Sevan Matossian (27:43):
The stimulus you get from it and the adaptation you get from it? Do you think it’s worth doing it?
John Young (27:49):
No. I mean just as a body, like a training piece? No, you’re doing it in a memorial of Chad. You’re not doing it at a train as a good training piece.
Tyler Watkins (27:59):
I think Han’s Point is just go hike 20 miles.
John Young (28:03):
Yeah, I mean I’d rather go run. It’s
Tyler Watkins (28:04):
A lot less detrimental pieces you can do than that one.
Sevan Matossian (28:08):
It reminds me, so the two that pop in my mind, Tyler or Micko Salo said he did a thousand burpees once. He said completely stupid. He recommends no one ever does it’s,
John Young (28:16):
He’s done a few things though that are like, I can do this, nobody else can type
Sevan Matossian (28:21):
Of deal. And then Rob Orlando back squatted a 2 25 for a hundred reps. No, 200, 200 for a hundred reps without putting the bar down. He said completely stupid. No one should ever do it. Pointless.
Tyler Watkins (28:34):
I’ll never do Chad. I think it’s ridiculous. Unless I did it upstairs and then I would do it. If I did it up a building, I would a hundred percent do it, but I’m never doing it up a box.
Sevan Matossian (28:45):
But more so you could just point to that building and be like, Hey, I climbed all the stairs. I
Tyler Watkins (28:48):
Climbed that with a 45 pack. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (28:51):
Yeah. Did they use a pack at the Dubai Championships?
Tyler Watkins (28:56):
I feel like they did a vest
Sevan Matossian (28:58):
And how heavy was the vest?
John Young (29:01):
20? I
Tyler Watkins (29:02):
Think it was standard. Yeah, 2014.
Sevan Matossian (29:04):
Hey, I’ll tell you what, if they do this workout outside in the heat,
Tyler Watkins (29:10):
We’ll never hear the end of it.
Sevan Matossian (29:12):
Someone will go down, we’ll see a few Lazar jus
Tyler Watkins (29:16):
Sevan Matossian (29:16):
They do this outside the heat car
Tyler Watkins (29:17):
In thousand 15.
Sevan Matossian (29:18):
Yeah, I respect it. Let’s do it. If not, boy, there better be a good twist to it. Okay, and a couple more clips from Oh, along that line. Along that line, and I wonder if you guys are going to agree with this. They talk about what the effects of doing Chad are on the athlete and Dave says something here that
Speaker 6 (29:40):
Kind caught me off guard. Here we go. It’s funny, I’ve done it a handful of times. Obviously much slower than you guys will do it, but every time I’ve done it, it doesn’t beat me up. I’m pretty okay for the days after, so yeah, that’s good. That’s a good thing with it. It’s like it’s.
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