Tai Emery | Fighter, Football Player & Model

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

Bam, we’re live. Um,

Tai Emery (00:01):

So now I’m in, uh, Patea in Thailand. Um, and I a hundred percent agree this wouldn’t be my first time where a time zone like has, has messed up a, a date or an interview. Um,

Sevan Matossian (00:16):

Yeah. Um, but no, especially

Tai Emery (00:17):


Sevan Matossian (00:17):


Tai Emery (00:17):

Ozzies today,

Sevan Matossian (00:20):

Um, I’m so embarrassed to say this. What, what, what, what time is it there right now?

Tai Emery (00:26):

It’s 8:30 AM Tuesday morning.

Sevan Matossian (00:30):

Okay. So what,

Tai Emery (00:30):

Where are you? America

Sevan Matossian (00:32):

And I’m Santa. So you’re,

Tai Emery (00:33):

So you’re in the past.

Sevan Matossian (00:35):

Yeah. <laugh>. I am. I’m in Santa Cruz, California, and I’m looking up it at 6:31 PM Um, are is, uh, oh, our connection is so bad.

Tai Emery (00:50):

Oh, you’re perfect on my end.

Sevan Matossian (00:51):

That one scares me too. Okay, good. Thank you. Well, I, I pulled, I pulled my hair back into, into a, I pulled all my hair back, <laugh>, trying to look, trying, trying to look presentable today. Bring what?

Tai Emery (01:02):


Sevan Matossian (01:03):

What, what an what an awesome human being you are. What, what I mean, I was, it’s so crazy when you, you dig into someone right before they come on the show. The last couple days I’ve been watching podcasts you’ve done in interviews and, and what a journey. But it seems like, I mean, I guess I interview a lot of Australian, the Australian women I interview are usually athletes, but it’s, it’s, um, man, you guys are a, a unique breed over there.

Tai Emery (01:27):

I think, honestly, I think it’s because we have, from like the convict background, we’ve got like, like that wild rebel but uh, hardworking sort of attitude and we are like a little bit of a rat bag. You know what a rat bag is just like a cheeky, like a cheeky little bugger, but someone who’s like, you know, always down for the cause like, um, I think, so Australia was the convict settlement of England. So we’re really just like the un posh, uncivilized, uh, version of England. Um, our mother na uh, like our mother home and um, yeah, we were the backbone of like, what started Australia. So we, I think we need to remember most, most of them were just blue collar workers, um, that got sent over in the ships to Australia to settle it and, you know, birth Australia as to what it is.


Um, and there was a lot of like Irish, um, and English, just, just like rat bags. Everyone who I guess stole, you know, stole, bred to feed their family or were in trouble with the law. But for things that were for, yeah, I think it’s honorable. If in, in those days you’re a brave soul if you’re about to steal some bread cuz your family’s starving. Um, I think that’s like a good personality trait. Obviously, you know, stealing is bad, but if you have to think of it happens like an attribute that you want hearts down in your, in your, in your jeans. That’s, I’d want that, that’s bravery.

Sevan Matossian (02:52):

Hey, when I, when I think of that, um, nation, I think of, uh, you guys being a little freer. Like when I think of like partying with Australians, it’s like someone’s always probably gonna get naked or there’s someone’s going in the swimming pool, <laugh> or there it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be a little wild until like this, until the last couple years I thought like that country was the baddest ass country until I saw kind of how they reacted to the whole pandemic. I was like, what are those guys doing over there? Shouldn’t they be pulling out their knives and like, shouldn’t they be pulling out their giant steak knives and like, just no, say it again. And it

Tai Emery (03:22):

Went worse, but it, it got worse. Like we were the ones with the ca with the camps, like people getting put into like the detention camps. Um,

Sevan Matossian (03:30):

Did you get put into one of those? I can’t

Tai Emery (03:31):

Remember. No, because I stayed in Thailand, um, which was a good thing and a bad thing. Um, so I was in Thailand. Um, I was going to like the airport. I get stuck because covid, I’ve got like $120. I was meant to go and guest speak at a, um, meditation retreat in Bali. Um, which was about to gimme my next, you know, lump sum of paycheck to continue on with. You know, I, I think I was meant to go back to America and do a reality TV show. Um, at the time anyway, I get stuck. I end up going back and living in a muai gym, sleeping on the concrete floors because I hadn’t, like I had to do it. I had nothing else, no nowhere else to go. Now once they started,

Sevan Matossian (04:10):

What year was that? So that’s, that’s 2020, that’s like January of 2020.

Tai Emery (04:14):

Yeah, that’s like January of 2020. Cuz I got, I went there end of 2019 now when, yeah, the police started like keeping us indoors. Um, and, and like going up and down the streets and everyone now I’m surrounded by just ties and we’re a bit more off the beaten track. Um, I went and had a look the other, the other weekend. It’s now got a road there. So I was like, oh wow, we’ve upgraded. But I was a little bit off the beaten track. I had no bike. So that made it more difficult too to

Sevan Matossian (04:43):

No, you had no what? I’m sorry. No

Tai Emery (04:44):

Motorbike. Like no, no. Right. So that kind of like makes you very isolated when you’re in Thailand cuz you are not walking more than a hundred meters in this heat. Um, anyway, I remember I, I started to get actually for the first time a little bit worried, you know? And um, I started sending some emails back home to be like, Hey, I’m one of the people who are missing and lost. Um, I wouldn’t mind being flying home to safety. Um, and then that’s when, yeah, the Australian government was like, uh, no, we have a Centrelink, which is where, you know, like our poor people go to if um, you don’t have work or you don’t have a job or if you are like me and you’re a kid that had no home, you get put in the system. If that makes sense. Um, so I was been in the system for like, since a really young age and yeah, so I emailed back to be like, get me outta here. And um, they told me to go, go into Centrelink, go into a Centrelink office and everything would be sorted out for me. To which I thought, okay, I’m stuck in Thailand. Um, well let’s just buckle up and this is where we are stuck through Covid. But then I started seeing like it as a blessing because then I started seeing what was happening back home. Um, and they were like, at that time getting stuck for like 10 years back home in Australia. Um, and

Sevan Matossian (06:00):

For what, for how long?

Tai Emery (06:02):

For 10 years. Everyone was, if they got home they were meant to be stuck for 10 years. Obviously all this stuff has been lifted in the last year since, you know, uh, new information.

Sevan Matossian (06:10):

That’s the kind of shit that they were saying over there.

Tai Emery (06:12):

Yes. And I just remember thinking, I’m not going back home. I’m 10

Sevan Matossian (06:16):

Years stuck. Listen, Americans do not ever give your guns back. Listen, didn’t no,

Tai Emery (06:21):

Never give them back because like honestly we’re the testing grounds, we’re the testing grounds. I’ve truly believed that for a long time. Even down to them taking our guns. Um,

Sevan Matossian (06:31):

I have to be a little careful usually. I, cuz I got suspended. I got one strike already. Uh, cuz a couple weeks ago. You’re, you’re about to get one. You’re being one. No, no, no, we’re good. We’re good. <laugh> Hey, um, I’m, say this word again for me again. The Sinna links thing. How do you spell that? I wanna see that on, I wanna see what that is.

Tai Emery (06:46):

Oh, sugar. I’m the worst speller. Um, c e n t r e L I N k

Sevan Matossian (06:55):

Oh oh oh. Like Centrelink. Okay. Okay. Central Link Australia. Uh, we deliver social security payment services to Australia. Oh wow. Okay. I see this, I gotta check this website out. Oh, you got one of these too. This is where they give money to poor people to keep them poor. They, they say they’re helping you, but they’re really just trying to keep you poor.

Tai Emery (07:12):

Now, when I was a teenager,

Sevan Matossian (07:13):

We got that, we got that too.

Tai Emery (07:15):

It was like, I, I think I was getting every fortnight, like $75 now $75 as a teenager was meant to, cuz I was living at a home. I had no home and that was meant to keep me in school and, and surviving. But I was a night, I ended up doing night packing. So I’d finish high school, go to go to like your, your Walmart sort of thing, and I’d night pack till 2:00 AM and then just bloody bike at home, fall asleep, wake up eight o’clock and do it all over again.

Sevan Matossian (07:45):

Wait, what would you do at, what would you do at the store until 2:00 AM

Tai Emery (07:48):

Night packing? So like filling all your, filling all your food and filling all your clothes and just like the stock that would be like in a Walmart, like your equivalent

Sevan Matossian (07:57):

Of you would steal, you would steal it from there.

Tai Emery (07:59):

No, I would never steal from there. I needed the job. <laugh>, I

Sevan Matossian (08:02):

Would pack. Oh, oh, I would pack the shelf. Oh, oh, oh, the shelf. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You guys speak a little bit of a different English to me. I bear with me here. Hey, um, Ty, so you’re born in Australia?

Tai Emery (08:15):


Sevan Matossian (08:16):

And, and, and, and your mom and dad are immediately out of your life?

Tai Emery (08:19):

Uh, I think they’re out from like eight or 10 or around those ages. They’re gone.

Sevan Matossian (08:25):

And, and what happened? How does someone lose their mom and dad at eight or 10?

Tai Emery (08:29):

Uh, well, one travels and starts a job, a new life in another country and then the mother goes awol and just becomes a partier. So I think when like that kind of separation in the home, it just, it leaves you at home alone. Um, your mom, for me, I had my, a little sister and I just focused on that and just went to school. Like, I still went to school every day. I wasn’t a bad kid. I was trying to get outta there. I was trying to get something, be something else.

Sevan Matossian (08:56):

And, and so at eight years old you went to, around the age of eight or 10, you went to foster care?

Tai Emery (09:02):

No, I didn’t kind of get caught up into that until I was maybe 14 or 15 and started really needed money. So then I had to do go into this Centrelink where I had to like prove that I had no parents and it was actually quite a grueling process. I probably wouldn’t want to do that again. <laugh>,

Sevan Matossian (09:23):

I’m, I’m, I’m tripping on this. Uh, was your mom into drugs?

Tai Emery (09:26):

Yeah, for sure. Definitely.

Sevan Matossian (09:29):

Hundred percent. And, and then so you, you just cruise in there, you’re 14 years old and you’re like, yo, I don’t gotta ho just by yourself.

Tai Emery (09:36):

Yeah, I had um, I actually think it was one of my girl guides. So when I was little I did, you know, girl scouts. Okay. I did girl Scouts. I actually think it was, she ended up being, she was like my nanny as a kid, not our nanny would get drop there, would get dropped there as a kid. Um, but I ended up doing girl scouts with this, with this um, woman and her kids when I was older. And I’m pretty sure it was them who took me in. I forget. I think it was her for sure.

Sevan Matossian (10:03):

And then, and then so then she basically had to say, Hey, I got a 14 year old kid living with me. And then boom, you’re in the system. Did and was she, was she your foster? Did you go to a lot of foster homes?

Tai Emery (10:12):

No, I went to two, um, friends. So first was like, um, Dar wk, they were a Filipino family. I lived with them for like eight months, then went and lived with the Connolly family, which is one of the best Australian on Australian families you could ever live with. Um, and that was my, one of my best mates, Dave Connolly. So I played rugby union, um, and we were best friends through, through just playing in the same footy teams. Um, and yeah, I, I owe everything to, there was a lot of people that gave me a couch to sleep on. I, I guess growing up, but there were the main,

Sevan Matossian (10:46):

What was that guy’s name that you lived with and, and you guys played on the same football team?

Tai Emery (10:51):

We played um, we played high school, rugby union and then I was

Sevan Matossian (10:54):

Boys and girls mixed.

Tai Emery (10:56):

It wasn’t boys and girls mix because girls weren’t allowed, we had weren’t allowed contested scrums because of the, I guess they said out the, our nick neck stability. Um, we weren’t meant to like collide and push cuz we have a scrum in our football uhhuh <affirmative>. So in saying that, I, I remember like picking my legs up and just like kicking these poor girls. Oh my God, I was such a horrible person. <laugh> just to get the ball back.

Sevan Matossian (11:21):

<laugh>. Uh, so and then how was, wow. And when’s the last time you saw your mom and dad?

Tai Emery (11:27):

Um, I remember I saw my dad when I went to America, went and tried to find him, Ooh, this is, this has turned dark. No, I went and I went and found him when I was in America. And that wasn’t like, you know, I think you, you realize why they end up leaving. Um, and then my mom, I, I don’t think I’ve seen her in well easy over a decade. Um, I just try to speak, keep everyone at, you know, at arm’s length at the same time. I haven’t been back in Australia for over a decade and before then I’ve always just been really career focused. Um, before sport I was a thermo and I was an electrical contractor.

Sevan Matossian (12:05):

You were, wait, wait, wait. What’s that word you used that word? Thermo. What’s the thermo? It’s a

Tai Emery (12:08):

Tomographer. So you know, like predator, how predator has like the heat seeking eyes and it’s all vibration. It’s pretty much a camera where it’s just a camera that sees vibration. So it can see variances in like heat and, and cool obviously. Um, and so like

Sevan Matossian (12:25):

You would, you would assess a buildings like, um, energy efficiency, they would call you and you’d go out there and do an assessment on the, with this special tool you have

Tai Emery (12:32):

And switchboards or machinery, um, yeah, anything, anything that’s moving. So it would be for insurance or routine maintenance. It was such a good job. <laugh>, hey, very different to playing football and Ben knuckle. But <laugh>,

Sevan Matossian (12:48):

Let me, let me run these two scenarios by you j just from other people. So I had this guy on the show named Travis Bayn, right from West Virginia one. Yeah. One of the best arm wrestlers in the world. And from a young age, he knew he had to be really good at sports if he wanted other people to like him. So from a very young age, he put everything into sports so that also so that other parents of other kids would like him and then maybe he could go to their house and get a warm meal and maybe, uh, get a shower. Yeah. Then, then on the other side, you ha I interviewed, uh, a woman named Kayla Harrison Big. I know Kayla had her. Oh, okay. Big fighter. So, and, and I read her book. Have you, do you know about her situation?

Tai Emery (13:27):

No, I haven’t read her book. I didn’t know she had a book. I just know her through watching the pfl because I’m friends with Ray Sho.

Sevan Matossian (13:33):

Okay. So from eight to 16 her jiujitsu instructor was molesting her.

Tai Emery (13:41):

Yeah. I think that happens to a lot of us females through like younger generation in sport. That’s like a, a very common, that’s a common thing. And I don’t think

Sevan Matossian (13:51):

A a common theme.

Tai Emery (13:52):

Yeah, that’s like a huge common theme I think for a lot of us. When, when we’re all in the locker room, I think a lot of us have found that that type of shit like goes down. Um, I think it was more accepted back then. Um, I don’t know how we are all accepting how it’s like becoming accepted. I don’t know where it’s all going now. I think that’s why the whole, um, men as women thing is, is just a bit more concerning for us women now that we’re older and becoming super triggered because we were those little girls that had to cop this flack and keep our mouth shut. So I think when we’re just trying to protect women being women, um, it’s just more because of these situations. So yeah. Good on Kayla Harris for speaking out because yeah. Save, save the children, you know?

Sevan Matossian (14:38):

Yeah. It’s, uh, you have, in my personal op opinion, I think you have to be fucking crazy to let men in women’s locker rooms or men play in women’s sports or basically men need it. Men should never be alone with women. Un unless, unless it’s completely consented by the, the, the women. Men are, we’re fucking, we’re here for one reason.

Tai Emery (15:01):

<laugh> animals

Sevan Matossian (15:02):

<laugh>. Yeah. We’re fucking, we’re we’re anything that you could conceive that we would do. We we we’re cap we’re capable of it. And, and, and women should be protected from that. It’s, it’s fucking nuts. Um, yeah, so I bring this up because what you do is so intense, right? So you play the, the, the Legends football league. Crazy.

Tai Emery (15:20):


Sevan Matossian (15:21):

Nuts, linebacker, nuts. Uh, e e even being electrician is, is a little dangerous, right? And then, and then you’re fighting <laugh> and then you’re fighting. Um, and I’ve heard you say in other interviews that like, yeah, these people have these, you have to be able to go deep. You have to have a dark place, um, that you go to that, that maybe you cultivated this dark cave unwillingly, but because of life circumstances, you have it now and Yeah. And somehow you’re leveraging it, right?

Tai Emery (15:54):

Yeah. Because I think e eventually things kind of balance out, you know, um, if you are using it in the right way and you, you know, want to better your life, I’m sure for other people that’ve gone a different direction, you know, you don’t have a million timers or Kayla Harris is walking about, or Rose Rose was the same. Wasn’t she, didn’t she speak out because she was being molested? Like I or abused or for anyone? I think, um,

Sevan Matossian (16:19):

Uh, I don’t know, but that would explain why she shaved her head, right? I mean, I heard her say she shaved her head because she didn’t want to be seen as just some like super hot chick. Like, fuck you.

Tai Emery (16:27):

Yeah, pretty much. I think that would definitely put a chip on someone’s shoulder in that sort of way. Um, and I think like that’s for any sort of life circumstances, we are not just talking like that category or, or that type of, just all about that. But I think for anyone who’s gone without a meal even or just had their dad hit him, or, you know, there’s like a million things that can be seen as a bad story and you have to David Goggin’s your way out of it, you know? Um, and I think in the cage, especially as, and in football, like set positions in football and end in fighting, like if you don’t have, I guess, I don’t know, I feel like it’s an award given from life, um, like a little badge, like you did it son, like good on you. That that gives you something else that someone else who’s had like this white picket life fence. Like you can tell the difference when someone’s got the dog in ’em and when someone doesn’t. But you can also tell when someone has the dog in ’em and they haven’t learnt to yet control it. Um, I think, you know, that also can, can show when people are fighting just because things are so down to the millimeter, um, in thoughts, in movements, in, you know, in everything. Um, so yeah.

Sevan Matossian (17:48):

What what about, what about that? Um, learning to control it all your power is in is is, you know, 25 to 35 years old, right? I mean, you’re just, I can’t speak for women, but for men you’re just completely capable of anything. Maybe even younger. 18 to 35, if someone says run through a brick wall, you’ll do it. So you have to cultivate, ideally you cultivate that control early on, right?

Tai Emery (18:14):


Sevan Matossian (18:16):

Um, like, like, like I, I was watching a couple of your fights and you’ll, there’s a d you, you, especially in your, in your, you know, a couple years ago in your fights you’ll just stand toe to toe <laugh> and just fucking war. Whereas you saw, you saw a couple days ago, Loma and, uh, Haney, um, or, and you just look at Loma Chen’s career. He he doesn’t do that. It’s in out, right? He’s controlled right in out so fucking patient, right?

Tai Emery (18:42):

So patient. So

Sevan Matossian (18:43):

That’s so fucking patient.

Tai Emery (18:44):

I’m, I still want to go toe to toe. I love it because that’s, I, I don’t know. And you’re

Sevan Matossian (18:49):

Good at it and you’re good at it, and I’m good

Tai Emery (18:50):

At it. And that’s probably why I like to have so much pressure and put that onto people because a lot of people don’t want that. Um, and now I’m at the moment I’ve got, uh, coach from Dastan and they’re just, he’s there from the Muslim backgrounds, which is so opposite to what I guess my upbringing and you know, my sort of crazy wild side. But I think to have them kind of give me this discipline and teach me the patience of knowing when to engage, um, that’s, that’s where I’m at with my fighting just because, and I guess that’s also where I’m at, like within my mind as well. Um, I think in the cage, outta the cage, you know, on the football field, off the football field, your life and everything, it, it kind of matches up as to what, you know, what’s happening. Um, yeah, I still love to go toe to toe and I’m still getting in trouble after every sparring session <laugh> for being like that. Um, but I like to bang baby. Um, but no, I think, I think boxing is something different, but I also feel for me, b KFC is also a different animal as well. Um, so the ap the, the fighter that, that is like giving the most pressure is actually like in the lead just because we, it’s a two minute fight and we’re here to fight.

Sevan Matossian (20:06):


Tai Emery (20:07):

But it’s about balance.

Sevan Matossian (20:09):

Um, with this, with this upbringing, was there, um, a change for you? Uh, the, the journey of life’s hard. Fuck this, this is bullshit. Why is this happening to me? Where then all of a sudden it’s like that, that story’s not working anymore. I, I like, I, I, I can’t, I can’t be, there can be no more victim. I’m gonna have to just, I’m gonna have to just throw that story away. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. I just gotta throw that story away.

Tai Emery (20:36):

I think sometimes if I’m recollecting or speaking facts, I, I can start to hear myself and start to say why, why, why? When I’m trying to just more explain, um, an experience that’s happened as, as to what’s, you know, happening. Right. Um, but to be honest, I don’t think I ever truly had the victim mentality when I’m really just such a hard worker and I’m more that person where I’m like, this is fucked up, shit. Head down, boom, boom, let’s work. Um, and hey, that’s not even that healthy in itself either. If, if that’s a coping mechanism is to just become like a hardworking overachiever. Um, uh, so I

Sevan Matossian (21:17):

Guess train training to medicate medic, you’re, you’re medicating with training and fighting for sure

Tai Emery (21:21):

Because it’s meditated, it’s meditative, sorry. Um, because you’re able to just immerse yourself and be present. Um,

Sevan Matossian (21:29):

It’s like see smoking smoking’s like that, right? You, you’re smoking a cigarette and you just become present, but it’s like fucking bad for you, I guess. At least fighting, you’re not ruining your lungs. Yeah,

Tai Emery (21:40):

Yeah. True. Just ruining our brain. <laugh>.

Sevan Matossian (21:44):

You haven’t been to Australia in 10 years, did you say that?

Tai Emery (21:47):

Yeah, in over 10 years. I went back there when I was, um, extradited or like told I was coming back from Bali. I just had an m m a fight. Now I was with Jay Farba who actually came second in the World series of poker and these boys are all playing poker for like millions of dollars or big cash. And I remember there must have been shit face drunk. And they’re like, yeah, we’re going to Australia. And I said, yeah, pick me up some Vegemite. And they were like, yeah, how about you just pick it up yourself? And so these boys flew me out, I’m partying after my MMA fight, I go back into America and my face is all bashed up and they immediately put me in some room and, and send me back cause I have to get, um, an O visa. Um, because I was playing, uh, amateur, I was doing amateur fighting at that stage. I’d left L F L and was doing amateur fighting. And so they’d claimed that I was a professional and I needed a stronger visa. So for whatever reason, yeah, I, I was back in Australia for maybe three weeks or six weeks, um, thinking that my dreams had just been shattered. Um, and then that’s when I left to Thailand and then Covid. So yeah, now I’m almost, I think my visa’s being processed now to come and compete in America. So it’ll just be another American journey.

Sevan Matossian (23:02):

Uh, these guys. Um, how, how did you meet these guys? The, the poker players?

Tai Emery (23:08):

Um, I actually rolled jujitsu with Jay in, um, at 10th Planet in Las Vegas. Oh. Oh shit. Yes. Wow. So you just, you can meet the most random people through Juujitsu. And the best part about jujitsu is you don’t know who anyone is because everyone’s in a rash guard. Everyone’s sweaty and disgusting. Um, and I remember we’d rolled a few times and you know, I’m Australian so we get real comfortable and I remember being like, oh, ru are you fat fuck? And everybody around me knows who Jay is and they’ve all like gone. And I’m like,

Sevan Matossian (23:39):

Oh yeah, yeah. I’m like,

Tai Emery (23:40):

And we became, Chloe actually became closer friends because of that. Cuz he is like, he goes, I’m friends with Shane Warren. He goes, if you’re calling me a fat fuck can’t, that means this is good. And I was like, yeah, yeah, it’s good. I was like, you understand? Yeah, my brother. So I I, I’ve got a lot of, um, <laugh> just from being super Aussie and, and not naive, but I don’t really, I didn’t grow up in America, so I didn’t, I don’t know who was famous, who we should be nice to, I don’t know that hierarchy of like socialism or whatever. Um, so I tend to

Sevan Matossian (24:10):

Just, and you have the cunt password, it’s kind of, it’s like, it’s kind of cool. It’s like

Tai Emery (24:15):


Sevan Matossian (24:16):

It’s crazy. You guys get a pass on that word. It’s crazy. Good on, we get

Tai Emery (24:19):

A, well, we should course we can’t help it criminals, fucking

Sevan Matossian (24:23):


Tai Emery (24:24):

<laugh>. We, well we are, we’re like these cheeky baby criminals, you know? Um, there is like a huge innocence to austral like to Australians and just in general. Um, and I think we, we blurt out more than what we’re thinking and, and you know, we don’t really think before we say anything, but there’s an innocence to that. Just like a kid, you know, a kid can sit there and go, oh, you are fat. You know, you’re just like, well the kid’s not lying. We’re not meant to say that. Right. But who also says we’re not meant to like, just speak the truth. Maybe this world would be better if more people just was a bit more blunt rather than, I don’t know, this like cheeks or puzzle of words.

Sevan Matossian (25:01):

Yeah. Yeah. It would, it would be, it would be, it would be much, uh, it would be much better. It would be a much nicer place. I, I think. Well, and, and, and, and the proof is in people like me and you. I think you and I probably enjoy our lives on a higher and more intense and free level because we do just Yes. We’re, we’re just, we’re we’re we’re just navigating truth. And, and I and I and I relate to you on that innocence part too. A lot of it is just like, I’m just naive. I’m not interested in being sophisticated.

Tai Emery (25:27):

No, not really. I actually, um, have a friend and, um, she explained the first time she met me, and now this is at my lawyers now, my lawyer looked after like mushroom records, Kyla Minno, like all these fam you know, really famous people, lives in a 10 million mansion. And she goes, and now she’s got like her little JLo hairs, you know, all, you know how they do all that little beep beep and like this sophisticated like Chanel looking suit for a day drinking? And she goes, yes, and I saw you and your hair was wild. And I was like, I must have just washed it. And then she was like, and you were just wearing a T-shirt. And I was like, that sounds about right, you know? And so I, when she kind of said that, I thought, oh my gosh, all these rich folk are like walking around.


Oh hello? And I was like, yeah, Goodday. And you know, Michael’s like, she is a bear knuckle fighter. Oh, you know, and my lawyer, he’s like turned into a family member now, but he’s just so proud. He’s like, yeah, bear knuckle fighter. And everyone’s automatically like, oh, so that’s why she can get away with wearing every whatever she wants. And when she kind of put it like that, I remember looking at her and I was, you know, my hair’s still crazy in one and I thought it’s crazy cuz I wouldn’t mind like looking like you once in a while, but Right. That definitely just, yeah, that ain’t me. <laugh>

Sevan Matossian (26:38):

Not, not that you give a fuck two fucks about my opinion, but you are much more attractive when you’re not made up that I’m just saying, wait, all, all the women are all ev every woman looks more attractive. Like there’s, my wife never looks more attractive than when she’s not working out.

Tai Emery (26:53):

Yeah, I

Sevan Matossian (26:53):

Agree. Why do you wash your hair? Do you really wash your hair?

Tai Emery (26:57):

Yeah, just because, um, I wash it with water a lot more because that’s what my said

Sevan Matossian (27:01):

Me. Oh right, okay. Right. So not, so you don’t do it wash with soap a lot?

Tai Emery (27:05):

No. You should only meant to like shampoo it once or twice a week. Um,

Sevan Matossian (27:09):

Do you do it that often? That seems like a lot of work

Tai Emery (27:12):

Even. Well I have to because I’m sweaty. Like I work out two times a day every day. Right. So I’m working out for like five to six hours every day. Um, so we definitely have to do something, something.

Sevan Matossian (27:25):

You can’t, you can’t just, you can’t just uh, uh, uh, just, just water.

Tai Emery (27:30):

Yeah. Most of the time it is just water. That’s what I was told to do, but yeah. Yeah, sometimes, nah, I’m

Sevan Matossian (27:36):

Out silent. Haven’t I haven’t washed my hair in years with soap

Tai Emery (27:39):

<laugh>. That’s why I so luxurious

Sevan Matossian (27:41):

<laugh>. I, I, I told, I told the lady at Super Cuts that like about a year ago last time I went and got a haircut and she’s like, are there bugs in there? I’m like, are you fucking kidding me? <laugh> bugs

Tai Emery (27:51):

The insult.

Sevan Matossian (27:52):

Yeah. Like when are you talking about look at my hair. It’s perfect.

Tai Emery (27:55):

<laugh>. How long you been going there? Obviously a, a little while

Sevan Matossian (27:58):

Grow him, I just shaved it myself for the first time I’m 51. I’m like, God, I don’t wanna be a pussy. The only guy in the world who’s never shaved his own hair <laugh>. So I shaved my hair, uh, on the sides and then, and then this, one of the, my lesbian friends told me I look like a Viking Dyke <laugh>. I’m like, all right, I’ll fuck it. I’ll take it.

Tai Emery (28:14):

I’ll fuck it, I’ll take it,

Sevan Matossian (28:16):

I’ll take it. Alright. Right. Yeah. Good. It’s nicest thing anyone could say to a, a man that he looks like a Viking dyke. <laugh>

Tai Emery (28:22):

Straight from the, probably one of the true alphas now is the lesbians. Right? I’m sorry. But they’re kind of taking over from the male position at the moment in America.

Sevan Matossian (28:31):

Someone needs to,

Tai Emery (28:32):

Someone needs

Sevan Matossian (28:33):

To, so someone needs to, Hey, um, uh, when, when there’s competing questions in my head, I wanna go back to your, to your childhood. Why, um, how did you get introduced to, uh, sports and working out and, and was the gym your first sport? Because you kind of look built like a CrossFitter up here. You got shoulders, you have crazy lats, like you do a lot of pullups. Like you look like you’re doing more than, um, than just, uh, you know, grappling. Jiujitsu, mui, Thai <laugh>.

Tai Emery (29:01):

The gym was the first thing that I started when I was super little. Um, and I remember just being obsessed with it cuz my parents were obsessed. They were obsessed with sport. They did out rigging. Um,

Sevan Matossian (29:11):

So drugs and outrigging

Tai Emery (29:13):

Outrigging football drugs. Yeah. That was probably their life. So probably hence why I got so attracted to I guess a party, A party music scene. I love music. Um, I’m not a big drug taker so much anymore. Um, yeah, I guess that’s something that you start to learn, you know, probably not gonna be the best version of ourselves if we continue down that route. Um, yeah, so I’ve been into the gym since I was super little. Um, yeah, I remember even asking for how, how little, uh Okay. I remember doing those, you know, those like women classes where they do the Yeah. Seven three, I would think. I remember doing that when I was six or seven, um, and doing the little step up classes and I was obsessed with it. Just.

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