Sevan Matossian (00:00):
Through. I met you through Jorge Ventura,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (00:03):
Correct? Yes. Jorge Ventura. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (00:06):
Great guy. And how did you meet him? Just through Instagram or through the internet.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (00:11):
We were on a show in Venezuela one time talking about the border crisis. And then from there we started following each other. Then we met, and then we’ve just become good friends. And then I’ve met him. I’ve gone to Texas, met him on the border. He is, been to Miami. We’ve hung out here. But yeah, so we’ve become good friends since then.
Sevan Matossian (00:34):
Two very amazing perspectives on what’s going on at the border. Obviously it’s like crazy huge in the news. And I’m ecstatic to just ask you questions and pepper you with questions and just find out what’s really going on. You are based out of Florida, Rolando,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (00:54):
Miami, Florida, but specifically Coral Gables. But you’re in Miami-Dade County. So yes, I’m in Miami, Florida.
Sevan Matossian (01:01):
And then so when you’re an attorney with Florida specifically, you deal with immigration in Florida?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (01:08):
No, actually, I actually work all across the country since immigration is
Sevan Matossian (01:19):
You work all across the country since immigration? Oh wait, sorry. Wait, I can’t hear you. I lost your audio. Wait, wait, I lost your audio now. No. Hmm. That’s weird. I don’t know what happened. Maybe you have to log out and log back in. Maybe go out and come back in. Rolando Vasquez, he’s going to log out real quick and then he’s going to log back in. He is an attorney out of Miami, Florida, and specifically I think he specifically focuses on immigration for Venezuelans, and he’s been doing it since the Trump administration and then now during the Biden administration. And so he’s going to give us a perspective on how things have changed, what he sees. It’s going to be awesome seeing, it’s going to be great hearing his perspective on how things have changed, what he sees, what the problems are, what the successes are. Although it’s weird, we don’t seem to hear any successes. Just from the little bit of research I did on Rolando. It seems like the people who are trying to get in the country legally are actually being hurt by this new wave of chaos. Hi, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear. Okay.
So you were saying that you don’t only deal with, you don’t only deal with immigration in Florida, it’s basically just any immigration coming into the country from anywhere.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (03:02):
Correct. So just quickly, immigration is federal law, so as long as you’re licensed in one state, you could practice within the federal courts or U-S-C-I-S across the country. Obviously I can’t go to Texas and practice criminal law or some other law, but as long as it’s immigration related, I can handle those cases in every state.
Sevan Matossian (03:22):
And you’ve been an attorney since 2015,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (03:26):
Correct? 2015.
Sevan Matossian (03:27):
And when did immigration become your specialty?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (03:31):
The first case I took was immigration. Before graduating, I was actually at the public defender’s office here in Miami as a certified legal intern. And then that year I was there, it helped polish my litigation skills. So I’m very grateful for that reason. And I’m also grateful because I realized that’s not what I wanted to do. So I looked for other areas and just being Hispanic, living in South Florida, being in the immigrant community, just naturally it was organic. It became something that it was a natural consequence basically, that I would go into immigration.
Sevan Matossian (04:10):
Who was president in 2015? Was that Yeah. Well, let me see.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (04:19):
Are you saying Obama,
Sevan Matossian (04:20):
Was it Obama? Was Obama president in 2015. Yeah.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (04:23):
So it wasn’t Trump. Yeah, Trump was not in office
Sevan Matossian (04:25):
Yet. And he got in in 2016.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (04:27):
Sevan Matossian (04:28):
So since you’ve had this perspective as an attorney, you’ve seen some of Obama, all of Trump, and now what we’re dealing with with Biden.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (04:37):
Sevan Matossian (04:38):
God, I love it that you have that perspective too. That’s awesome. And Rolando, are you born and raised in this country?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (04:45):
I’m from Peoria, Illinois.
Sevan Matossian (04:47):
Okay. And your parents?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (04:50):
So my father is from Mexico. My mother’s from Mexico, but my mother actually happened to be born right outside Chicago in Aurora, Illinois. But she just happened to be born there. Her brothers, her older brothers were born in Mexico. They went back to live in Mexico, but then they came back over for work. My grandfather was working in the us.
Sevan Matossian (05:11):
And were you raised in a Mexican culture? Did you have a very Mexican family with Spanish, your first language, things like that?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (05:18):
Correct. I grew up in a all Mexican community in north Georgia, in Dalton, Georgia. Carpet Mills brought a huge Mexican community, and part of the town on one side was just all Mexican. The other side was other, but American.
Sevan Matossian (05:35):
Yeah. And when you say to fall into the weeds here a little bit, carpet mills. Carpet mills are actual factories that make carpets
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (05:43):
Correct? The carpet mills? Yeah. So Dalton is known as carpet capital of the world. So all the flooring carpet, the majority of it comes out of Dalton, Georgia. And so they needed laborers and so they were paying well. So the Mexican community arrived and they worked.
Sevan Matossian (06:01):
And while living in that community, you met just like I’m Armenian. Both my parents are Armenian, my dad’s an immigrant. My grandparents on my mom’s side, they’re immigrants. And when immigrants come to this country, they usually come and collect in areas my family, Los Angeles, in areas where there’s already immigrants who are established. And so you see the huge swath of different kinds of immigrants. You see families that come, people who’ve come illegally, people who came without their kids to try to build a better life and then send for their families. You’ve seen all the iterations of how migrants come firsthand,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (06:36):
Correct? Yeah, I lived it. I lived it, yes.
Sevan Matossian (06:38):
And I’m guessing your dad also by lived it, maybe your dad sent back for his brothers and sisters or for his mom and dad once he was established, things like that, right?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (06:47):
Yeah. I mean they came over together. Yeah, one came over, then the others come over. Correct. That’s usually how it follows.
Sevan Matossian (06:57):
Growing up, what was your perception of why people come to the United States from Mexico as a child? What was your perception of that?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (07:08):
For work, obviously just people, there’s something innate and the majority of humans is that they want to flourish. They want to thrive. It’s just something naturally we want to do, not for everyone, obviously. And I say that because recently what I do as an immigration attorneys, I protect people that are victims of Marxist ideologies. And these Marxist ideologies are actually do the opposite. They program people to not want to thrive, to have no ambition, to have no hunger, to do nothing in life. But when I was growing up, everybody was just hungry to better themselves. They wanted better in life
Sevan Matossian (07:50):
And the place they were coming from. So most of my family came from when I was a little kid, five. They came from Lebanon and they were escaping the periodic bombings. But of course they wanted better jobs and they wanted freedom. And everything that they saw in the media is just everything was better here.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (08:06):
Correct. The quality of life. When you have children, I mean, I’m a father now. I want, everything I do is for my children. I want them to be in a safe community. I want them to thrive. I want them to champion life in general. So I think it’s just natural in humans to want that for their children and for themselves.
Sevan Matossian (08:26):
So your earliest cases were around immigration. Can you kind of paint the picture of what one of those cases, or maybe give us the three different kinds of cases that you would most commonly see. Someone maybe came across or legally and they wanted to become legal or someone came with their family and they’d gone through the application process. Can you tell us what the scene looked like in maybe 2016, 17?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (08:50):
Yeah, so in 2016. So lemme give you some background.
Sevan Matossian (08:53):
Please. Please. Yeah, you can treat us like we’re completely ignorant. The more details and the more background the better. Thank you.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (08:59):
Alright, so being in Miami, there’s a huge Venezuelan population here in South Florida. They’re obviously fleeing these Marxist ideologies. The communist regime that took over
Sevan Matossian (09:13):
Largest migration, I think of humans like in modern times is from Venezuela, right? Just scattering because shit got so bad there, right?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (09:21):
Correct. Because again, Marxist ideologies, right? They go in and ruin everything for their constituents. Being in Miami, the majority of my clients at the time were Venezuela, and my wife is from Venezuela. She’s now a US citizen, but she’s from Venezuela. So at the time, most of them were coming in legally. They would come in with visas and then decide, Hey, I can’t go back to my home country. My life is endangered. Because there is political persecution. If you go out and protest, if you speak against the government, they find ways to go after you. They have their hench mens that go after you. They have security forces that will go after you. They will torture you, they’ll put you in jail, et cetera. Right.
Sevan Matossian (10:04):
It’s real.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (10:06):
It’s real. It’s very real, of course. And right now in Venezuela, I’ll digress in a minute. There’s not a lot of crime because all the criminals, their criminals just came through our border. But the one issue they are having is that they are being persecuted politically. They’re still being persecuted politically in Venezuela today. So it’s very real. What happens. So during that time period, people were coming in legally, you didn’t see too many people coming through the border, although it did happen, obviously, but on a much smaller scale, not like what you see today. Nowhere near what you see today,
Sevan Matossian (10:42):
Rolando. What is the trip from Venezuela to the US Mexican border? How many miles is that? Do you know off the top of your head?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (10:49):
From Venezuela to the Mexican border? No, it’s hundreds and thousands of miles, yes.
Sevan Matossian (10:54):
Okay, okay, okay. You would only do that if shit was really bad illegally.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (11:02):
Yeah, most people wouldn’t do that. And it’s also dangerous. Mexico is dangerous. So yeah, most people were not doing that. So before they were just coming in lawfully into the country, then they would submit an asylum and go before an asylum officer. So everything was for the most part, being done legally.
Sevan Matossian (11:19):
Okay. So someone would come to you, what would just your typical case be in 2016? They contact you, I assume they speak to you in Spanish and they need help. Rolando, I want to come to the United States, or I’m already here in the United States. Can you help me so I can be here legally and start working?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (11:38):
No, they were pretty much all here. I mean, yeah, I do have consultations where they’re abroad and they’re looking to come over legally. But the ones who were requesting asylum were pretty much all of them were here already. Yeah. All of them were practically here requesting asylum in the country. They would talk about what happened to them, the persecution they experienced in their home country. And then from there I would go on to represent them before the asylum office or before the immigration court. And then what I did see is slowly, I would say in 2019, we did start to see more people come through the border, but then immediately at that time, president Trump was in office. They closed that border down, they shut that border down and made everyone who was requesting asylum wait in Mexico. So now you couldn’t just come over and wait inside the country, you would request it, but you’d have to wait in Mexico and if your case was approved, they would allow you in with the benefit that you received.
Then I started to see a change, more people coming through the border. Then as quickly as it started, the numbers started to rise. It was shut down by the Trump administration with all the policies they put in place. Then when the Biden administration took control, they rescinded all these policies, and then you just have the disaster. What we have now, which is essentially already an invasion. That’s what it is. We’re being invaded. These people are not being processed. There’s millions of people that were never even inspected. We don’t even know who they are. We just know that they came in and they got away into the country. They’re called God aways, and
Sevan Matossian (13:17):
It’s in the millions.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (13:19):
It’s in the millions, yes. So can you imagine if even if half of that or a fraction of that were terrorists and they were all assembling in major cities across our country to coordinate some specific attack at a certain time, we wouldn’t even know. I mean, maybe our security forces know, but we wouldn’t even know. That’s the scary part.
Sevan Matossian (13:41):
So during the Obama administration, if you wanted to come to the United States and you crossed the border illegally and they caught you, did they send you back then and you had to wait in Mexico or you got to wait in the United States?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (13:58):
So you would wait in a detention center? Normally that would be the process, but some people are released under parole or other forms of relief, not relief, but a supervision program. They bond out. But for the most part, you were supposed to be detained and do your process while being detained. But that didn’t happen for everyone. That’s what usually happened during that administration.
Sevan Matossian (14:24):
It equivalent to, and I’m not trying to be funny here, honestly, is it equivalent to if someone broke into my house at three in the morning? I woke up, I saw them in the kitchen, and instead of chasing them off, I made them a sandwich and I called the cops and I was like, Hey, you can hang out, watch what you want on the tv, and then when the cops get here, we’ll discuss it. And the cops don’t show up ever or not for three years. Is it like that now?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (14:50):
Well, yeah. I mean, essentially, yeah. They’re just coming in. Yeah, they’re breaking the law. So when you come in illegally, you’re violating federal law. So yes, that’s what’s happening right now.
Sevan Matossian (15:02):
And they are just breaking in. We have a country, I guess one of the characteristics of a country is we have a border, we have a functioning border that controls what is our country, the landmass that we’re claiming is our country. And it’s basically irrelevant anymore, is what you’re saying.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (15:21):
Yeah, it’s irrelevant. And so under your analogy that you would wait for law enforcement to get there, but they never come. In this case, law enforcement is there watching them break in and actually assisting them in coming into the country. So it’s still even more egregious than that.
Sevan Matossian (15:37):
And by assist that scene is is they’re crossing the river, and our law enforcement will wait there and point to them the path to where to go and what buses to get on, et cetera.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (15:46):
Yeah, exactly. Or the state of Texas puts up barbed wires, and then the federal government goes in and cuts the barbed wire and assists them into the country.
Sevan Matossian (15:56):
Okay. God, it’s just so hard to believe. Although I’ve seen just tons and tons of footage, obviously from more Ventura, and I watch it on the news daily. And so through this process, when Biden took office, he basically told everyone right away, Hey, on day one I’m going to change the policy.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (16:15):
And he did. Yes, that’s what he said. And he did. He rescinded all the border protection. So Tom Holman, who was the former director of ICE during the Trump administration, I saw him go publicly and speak. I think he was before Congress, if I’m not mistaken. And he said he’s the first president because Tom Holman has been with the administration for I think 20, 30 years. 30 years, if I’m not mistaken. And he said Biden was the first president he’s seen that actually go and unsecure the border, intentionally unsecure the border. So every president has taken some steps to secure the border, Trump being the most aggressive, and then to have a president come in and just unsecured intentionally. That’s unheard of. Obviously there’s motives that that administration has that the American people are not with that agenda.
Sevan Matossian (17:06):
There’s this argument that you hear regularly that we need illegal immigration. That basically what illegal immigration does is it allows the people who are lower on the rung to move up on the rung because the people who come in illegally can take their jobs. So those people who come illegally, they’re the most hungry, basically. They’ll work in the fields, they’ll do these really low paying jobs, and they’ll come in and they’ll take those jobs. And those are kind of the foundation of the US economies. Is there any truth to that from your purview?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (17:41):
I wouldn’t say that that argument would justify to break the law and to do things illegally. That doesn’t justify it. But do we see immigrants who have entered illegally do jobs that other Americans won’t do or residents or US citizens won’t do? Yes, we see it in agriculture. I remember years ago, I want to say, well, over 10 years ago, Georgia had these strict laws to remove all laborers, illegal immigrants from laboring and agriculture. And it didn’t work because they removed them, but then nobody would replace them. So then that immediately backfired. And so yeah, there are jobs that residents and citizens won’t do, but that doesn’t justify to take illegal action. So I’m not going to say that it’s justified. It justifies the illegality of them entering that way.
Sevan Matossian (18:37):
So what would the solution to that be? Basically, make it so that people can come here, but you somehow have to make sure that they’re the right people who will take those jobs so that they, I mean, I’m not opposed to that too. All of my family did that, right? All of my family that came here illegally, they all took the jobs that no one wanted. The late night security guards, the working, there’s different things for different people, but Middle Eastern people, they might not be in the field, but they’ll take the jobs running the seven 11 from midnight to eight in the morning. They take the jobs of being security guards. They take the jobs of driving forklifts, shit like that in places that no one wants to do it. There basically has to be a way to figure out how to do that legally.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (19:20):
Correct? Yes. Well, there are, there’s legal ways to come in as an agricultural. So that’s what I’m saying. I would never jump on that argument and say, I support it because there are legal ways to come in and work as an agricultural worker. You just have to go through the process. So no, coming in illegally is never justified. You’re breaking federal law, and if you do that, you’re not respecting the United States. That’s what it comes down to. We have to respect the United States,
Sevan Matossian (19:48):
But there is some validity to it. Like what we saw in Georgia, if we just shut down all illegal immigration, the agricultural community would suffer.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (19:59):
Well, I wouldn’t say shut down illegal immigration. What I would say is just you got to be careful what industries you attack because the ripple effect on the economy as a whole, it will take its toe on the economy. And just in general, other things than the economy.
Sevan Matossian (20:21):
And I guess you bring up a good point. Those people that they attacked, they were already in jobs. If you’re going to have resources to stop illegal immigration, do it at the border. Don’t go to the people who are already participating in the economy.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (20:33):
Correct? Yeah. Well, yes, I think you have to be very cautious because there are jobs that I’ll repeat again, residents and US citizens will not do, and it’s already been proven. So to that extent, there’s nothing you can do there. But yeah, it still doesn’t justify illegal immigrating illegally.
Sevan Matossian (20:50):
One of the things that I’ve heard that’s changed is there’s this misconception that it’s Mexicans coming across the border and they make up a small percentage since Biden took office compared to who’s coming over now that it maybe used to be Mexicans, but now they’re a small percentage. Is that true?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (21:07):
That’s very true. Yeah. It’s a very small percentage compared to the other countries coming in. Yeah, I think Mexicans like being in Mexico more now. I mean, even though it’s very dangerous with the cartels, I guess that is one situation they’re experiencing. The ones that do come over are usually tied to fleeing the cartel violence. But yeah, it’s a very small percentage.
Sevan Matossian (21:29):
And how many Venezuelans do you estimate or have come in the country in the last four years or since Biden took office?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (21:36):
That’s a good question. I want to say, well, I would say that we know and don’t know about, I would say millions. I think we’re already in the millions. I think they put lower numbers, but I think we were over a million.
Sevan Matossian (21:47):
I wonder what Venezuela’s population is.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (21:52):
I think it’s 36 million, and I think seven or 8 million have already left the country approximately,
Sevan Matossian (21:59):
According to this what I just pulled up, it says that there were 30 million people in 2022. So what you’re saying is 3% of their country’s population may have come here.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (22:11):
Yes. Yeah, that sounds about right. If in 2022 it’s 30, then yeah, about 6 million had left by that time is about the statistics I’m talking about,
Sevan Matossian (22:20):
That would be 6%. Wow.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (22:22):
Sevan Matossian (22:23):
So there’s whole, and Florida seems to be the gathering spot for them,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (22:29):
Not just Florida. No, they’re scattered all throughout the country. But obviously Florida is Miami and Orlando where the major cities that they arrived to initially, but now they’re all over the country. They’re everywhere in the country.
Sevan Matossian (22:43):
And Rolando, when you said that this Marxist ideology took over, that’s basically they just basically rape and pillaged the upper and middle class. That’s what that is.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (22:53):
Yeah, exactly. And then use the lower class to say it was them who kept you oppressed, this populous political propaganda that they spew and that they’re going to take from the rich and give to the poor. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (23:10):
And then when you do that, the entire economy collapses because there’s, there’s nothing going on. Everything good closes down. The good restaurants, the good schools, everything good. All the middle class and upper class shit gets decimated.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (23:24):
Correct. Again. So right now there are some high-end, how would I say this? Entities like restaurants. I think there’s Ferrari in Venezuela, but it’s only for the elite, the people who are with the regime, right? Because they have sold billions of over these past two decades. And with that money, they really can’t flee to other countries. So they have to entertain themselves within their country. But that’s only for them. 99% of the rest of the population don’t experience that. So yeah, that’s what happens.
Sevan Matossian (24:00):
And they expect you just to live in the land of equity like a prison. Everyone has the same sheets. The same house. You’re meant to just stay on your rung.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (24:10):
Yeah. Extreme poverty. You’re meant to live in extreme poverty, and everyone’s equally poor, and they control all the basic necessities, light, water, gas, you name it, all basic necessities are controlled by them.
Sevan Matossian (24:24):
Yeah, media,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (24:26):
Sevan Matossian (24:27):
So the free market’s gone.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (24:30):
Sevan Matossian (24:31):
And just like in this country, everything the government touches and takes away from capitalism turns to shit,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (24:37):
Sevan Matossian (24:37):
Yeah. There’s no competition and it just turns to shit.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (24:40):
Sevan Matossian (24:42):
Wow. Any signs of that changing in Venezuela or no? Did they have a firm Hold on that
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (24:48):
When President Trump came back, that was a very important time for Venezuela that things could have changed. And if Trump would’ve stayed in power, I believe it would’ve changed. But now if Trump does come back, this is just my opinion on seeing what happened. Venezuela has essentially attacked us, in my opinion. They’ve sent all their criminals into here, into our country to continue their life of crime and to attack US citizens and to continue spreading these Marxist ideologies. So that’s an attack. They’re sending their agents into our country. They’ve been sending them in for decades. I’ve been at war with these people for the past few years. And if Trump back gets back into office, he’s not going to forget what they did to us these past four years. And Maduro and all of his other clan at the top did this intentionally. So I think there’s going to be consequences to what they did these last four years.
Sevan Matossian (25:50):
And Maduro is the current leader of Venezuela,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (25:53):
Correct? He’s in, yeah. He’s the current leader. I don’t even want to call him a president, because they don’t legitimately take power. They take it by force, by fraud.
Sevan Matossian (26:07):
How do we know? Because that is what the media is reporting, that basically they opened their insane asylums and their prisons. And what I heard is they told these people, Hey, leave Venezuelan and go to the United States, or we’re going to kill you.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (26:25):
Well, no, they didn’t tell ’em they would kill ’em. They actually worked for them. All these criminal organizations were released from prison. So let me backtrack a little.
Sevan Matossian (26:35):
Please, please.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (26:36):
I have a significant following. It’s all relative, right? But I have about 155,000 followers on social media at Rolando Vasquez Law. I have a few accounts. I see. The one I have here is at Rolando Vasquez Lawyer. That one, I don’t have as many. That’s a backup account. But on my main account, I have a significant following, but millions of people follow me and see what I post. So the last few years I’ve been posting about all of their agents who they’ve sent here. And actually, I actually sued one of their agents that’s been here since for almost 20 years now. She attacked me. They tried to disparage my name. I sued them. They’ve threatened to kill us. Basically, what I’ve been doing is putting them on, blast is the colloquial term, but I’ve been posting them on my social media and exposing them for the criminal activities that they’ve committed here in the United States.
And as a consequence, they’ve attacked me. And so if people want to say, Hey, have they really been sending agents? Go to my social media. I post it all the time. There’s content there, and I show their names. I show their photos of them in Venezuela as agents of the regime, and now all of a sudden they’re here in the US and most of them are committing crimes. Why? Because they were sent here to do that. They’re sent here to destabilize their country. They’re sent here to spread their Marxist ideologies, and they’re sent here to do the work of the regime. They have everyone from influencers, people in the media, journalists. They have people that are on Telemundo, Univision. I mean, they have people everywhere working for them.
Sevan Matossian (28:13):
So same as the United States, basically. I was seeing yesterday, I saw a story that a year before Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post, he got a $600 million contract with the CIA. And that the guy who purchased the New York Times, he’s a Mexican guy, he was an open border policy guy, and that he bought the times in order to push his open border policy agenda. You’re saying it’s just like that?
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (28:38):
Yeah. No, they have propaganda machines in Venezuela. And actually, my account, Rolando Vasquez law was
Sevan Matossian (28:45):
Not, I can’t find it,
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (28:49):
Just put at Rolando Vasquez Law. It was knocked down. I just recently recovered it, and I know who actually did it. I’m not going to say it, but I know who did it. They are connected with the awa, which is a criminal organization that came into the country, and they were upset because of all the content I was publishing. I was exposing them, and they wanted to silence me. And years ago, they tried to silence me
Sevan Matossian (29:12):
By, oh, I see it. Okay, I see it. I see it.
Rolando Vazquez, Esq. (29:15):
Years ago, they tried to silence me. They went on a smear campaign and said that I was stealing from illegal immigrants and that I was harming immigrants. And one of Ugo was the one who initiated the attack. It didn’t work out for them because obviously it turned out everything was a lie. So that didn’t work for them. They’re now being criminally investigated. And so now they sent their henchmen, their goons to start threatening to kill me, me and my family. And I’ve been dealing with these people since 2021. So it’s a very real thing. And people need to understand, these people are not joking. We need to take ’em serious, and they’re in the country and they’re here to harm us. And people don’t see.
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