REVIEW of TDC WIR 03/18/2024

Sevan Matossian (00:02):

Bam. We’re live. This is not a test. Wow. By timing, couldn’t have been any better. Holy shit.

Matthew Souza (00:09):

Did you just hit the button?

Sevan Matossian (00:10):

I just hit the button. I

Matthew Souza (00:11):

Got to get my microphone on and what have you.

Sevan Matossian (00:14):

The natives we’re getting restless. Ernie Garza. Fingers crossed. See, he’s one of mine since he’s in Texas. I dunno what you’re talking about, but okay. Sevy had to take his shit. No, my stomach is feeling a little weird. I think I had too many pistachios just now. I didn’t do the open and I made it. There you go. Evening friends. Hello. Oh, Ms. Vladimir, it’s been a minute. Glee. Oh, thanks Burton. I didn’t realize quarters were also broken down by region, but that also makes sense. Alright, things make sense to you. That’s good. Chris. Beechfield. My balls are so blue right now. They should be. Why didn’t Seon enter his last two scores? I didn’t. I didn’t do the last. We got four rounds on the deadlift. One bro. One, I didn’t do the last one today. I rode the assault bike for 10 minutes of course, and then I did five thrusters with 65 pounds on the minute for 20 minutes. God, I hated it. Hated every second of it. I just thought about all the little girls that could do it. Mason Mitchell over Titillation can cause people to back out of open every year.

Matthew Souza (01:26):

What does that mean?

Sevan Matossian (01:27):

I dunno, because he’s making fun of me. I used the word and I didn’t do the open, so I backed out. I was over titillated. Wait,

Matthew Souza (01:34):

Why you? Is it just an error? You just forgot to submit the score

Sevan Matossian (01:37):

Or No, the second ones, I didn’t submit this score. The third one, I just didn’t do it.

Matthew Souza (01:42):

Okay. I

Sevan Matossian (01:43):

Just was like, no. On my birthday I did a really hard workout and then the next day I was thinking about doing it. I’m like, I really don’t want to do 95 pound thrusters. So today I tested out, I did a hundred at 65 and I was like, oh, I’m glad I didn’t do

Matthew Souza (01:57):

It. Yeah. Alright. Fair enough.

Sevan Matossian (01:59):

Seth Page. Legit Mat, I have to coach right now. I missed the show guys. It’s open gym tonight. Review of the review is on. We’ll miss you ate. Got to fix that. Iron Hog isn’t in the top level Nav. Just saying someone was suggesting muscle. Muscle Hog. I like Muscle Hog instead of Iron Hog instead of Muscle Hamster. Muscle Hog.

Matthew Souza (02:23):

Yeah. I hate the Muscle Hamster. I

Sevan Matossian (02:25):

Hate that too. SEO Truths. He’s got to feed his Ju Jujitsu Boys. The Beef y’all. They actually, they were at grandma’s house. They just came in. I think they are having a steak right now.

Matthew Souza (02:36):


Sevan Matossian (02:37):

I thought I liked my tears. I ordered last year and only tried them to support Colton and I love the tow guard when I got them for Box Jump misses at Toes to bar, but once I get my born primitives, I think I’ll change. Oh yeah. Let me know how you feel. You’re going to love your born primitives. I need a Dick. Inmy. Chevy’s getting a stand. I was not getting a stand. I do get Standies


Birthday. Standies. I’m the recipient of Standies, but I was not getting one. Does anyone know how Mao did at High Rocks? I couldn’t really tell her Splits based off leaderboard se I got to wake up early. Okay, because you got to go to CrossFit mo Sauce mo. When is Mr. Friend coming back to the show? Hold your breath. Oh, Darren Seon Castro was looking sharp today in his suit. Agree. Did he post something on Instagram? I think in his stories. What can you say about that? About Dave in his suit? Goodness. Suit fit him. Well. You saw him in Oh, I don’t see it. Oh, in his stories? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You saw him today in person? I did, yeah. You were doing more charity work today for the nonprofit I own. Yeah. Yeah. Isn’t that funny? Yeah, it’s good. It’s good when, oh, Jamie ha God. I’d like to get her on the show. Yeah, I thought we were having her come. I wonder what happened with that. I really like her nice legs. Oh, she was about to pull her shirt up. Don’t do that. How do I go through? I just click here to go through this faster. Yeah, you click and you can just click through it. Just don’t over click it. Hey dude. That looks like where Bruce Wayne works out. Yeah. That’s like a cool gym, that’s for sure. It looks like Bruce Wayne’s backyard. It’s either that or a parking garage. Oh, Matt soa. John Lavelle. Oh shit. You were in a suit too. Geez. I was in a suit. Yeah. John, where was that? You guys doing some bipartisan? Yeah, just Paul taking,

Speaker 3 (05:01):

Did you know we were talking about CrossFit today? I rise in appreciation

Sevan Matossian (05:06):

Of prospect, get the fitness, did the bull program. I

Speaker 3 (05:10):

All skill levels to work out and compete with a competitive mindset. CrossFit was founded right here in the state of California. 20 Camaraderie and social.

Sevan Matossian (05:23):

Oh yeah. Here we go. You might catch the blue one. Those are the people who voted for it. Yeah, the green. And if there’s no green, does that mean they haven’t voted yet or they voted against it? Correct. No, no vote. You’ll see the votes come up for no and red

Speaker 3 (05:42):

Objection. Resolution level.

Sevan Matossian (05:45):

Maybe that was it there. It might not have caught it in that. Alright, I don’t have time for that shit. I think I caught it. So we’ll be okay. Damn, look at that. Damn, look at

Matthew Souza (05:58):

That. That’s Assemblyman Bill. I forget his last name. I don’t forget it. I dunno how to say it correctly. It’s like assemble. I don’t know, but he’s the guy that pushed it through official CrossFit day in the state of California.

Sevan Matossian (06:18):

Pool Boys Dam. So all the people who scaled, whooped your As. So there’s an official CrossFit day in California now.

Matthew Souza (06:22):

That’s it. March 6th,

Sevan Matossian (06:28):

I thought. March 4th

Matthew Souza (06:29):

Pretty sure.

Sevan Matossian (06:30):


Matthew Souza (06:32):


Sevan Matossian (06:32):

No, that wasn’t Henneger.

Matthew Souza (06:34):

No, not Bill Heger.

Sevan Matossian (06:39):

Castro is on trial. No voting for trans women to compete with women in the CrossFit games this year. Yes.

Matthew Souza (06:46):

That’s in the passed.

Sevan Matossian (06:48):

Hey. Wasn’t the initial when Don was hired, wasn’t his initial meet and greet at your gym?

Matthew Souza (06:56):

Not his initial meet and greet per se, but they did have a meeting with big named affiliates that were no longer affiliated with CrossFit at my gym. That was early on. Yeah, that was early on.

Sevan Matossian (07:14):

And then you had your 10 year anniversary.

Matthew Souza (07:18):


Sevan Matossian (07:19):

And then you were key in the putting on the CrossFit Health summit. Did you make a lot of money from that?

Matthew Souza (07:28):

No, I own a nonprofit. I’m writing a book. This is all material for my book. You know what it’s called?

Sevan Matossian (07:36):

Were you paid to facilitate to work on the CrossFit Health summit with Carne Thompson?

Matthew Souza (07:44):


Sevan Matossian (07:45):

You didn’t take any money home?

Matthew Souza (07:47):


Sevan Matossian (07:49):

And then today you went to the state capitol with Dave Castro, the man himself, the director of the games and head of CrossFit training.

Matthew Souza (07:59):


Sevan Matossian (08:02):

It’s interesting how well assimilated you are in the space.

Matthew Souza (08:07):


Sevan Matossian (08:08):

It’s weird. I feel like you’re not telling me something. I feel like you have connections that I don’t know about.

Matthew Souza (08:14):

No, you’re probably the only one that knows all of ’em outside of Grace

Sevan Matossian (08:20):

I say this with, I’ll probably say this on the news tomorrow too. Can I say it twice?

Matthew Souza (08:28):


Sevan Matossian (08:30):

Oh, Mason Mitchell insurrection workouts. Six rounds for time. Hey, it was the most threatened our democracies been in since the Civil War.

Matthew Souza (08:42):

Oh yeah.

Sevan Matossian (08:43):

They were going to take that building and then just own the United States

Matthew Souza (08:47):

Right after they took their tourist photos. Get your photo in front of the flag with your congress person’s laptop.

Sevan Matossian (08:58):

How does anyone believe that?

Matthew Souza (09:02):

News? Propaganda

Sevan Matossian (09:04):

Narrative. I saw more violence on Instagram at high schools today with kids fighting than we saw on January 6th.

Matthew Souza (09:10):


Sevan Matossian (09:14):

Darren, what are the odds that you get access to the floor this year? The games. It seems as if Dave doesn’t want you on the floor. CrossFit needs you. No, a hundred percent. It’s a hundred percent. I won’t go. If they don’t give me the access I want, there’ll be no point in me going. It’s not like I’m being a prima donna, but last year I should have gotten more access and that was my fault. Not their fault. I should have said, hey, on the final For sure. For the final event. I should have been allowed on the floor. I should been so right when the final event was over, I should have been allowed to rush the floor at bare minimum. So yeah, I’m a floor whore for sure.

Matthew Souza (09:51):

That’s what the good stuff is

Sevan Matossian (09:52):

Though. It’s different than a come dumpster. I according my intellect, my words and my emotions and my actions are all aligned. When he said that today, I was like, oh yeah, mine are the most aligned they’ve ever been in 51 years, probably when I came out of my mom’s vagina is probably pretty aligned. Okay, so Dawn and De Koons and Daniel Chaffee are in Asia. I’ll pull up. I saw it on De Koons.

Matthew Souza (10:36):

What do you think they do out there?

Sevan Matossian (10:38):

Part of Asia, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. I just saw pictures with shitloads of Asian people and so I just ran with it. I used my own discernment. Some people would call that racism, but I’m going to use my own discernment. Just kicking off an eight day tour. Oh, I haven’t even read this. To spend time with our affiliate owners, coaches and community members in Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Japan. Okay, great. Start in Shenzhen to do 24.3 and spend time with the amazing community CrossFit. Thank you, Leon. Oh, I know Leon. I don’t see him in that photo.

Matthew Souza (11:13):


Sevan Matossian (11:14):

Don’t. I see De Koons.

Matthew Souza (11:21):

I don’t see ’em in there either.

Sevan Matossian (11:23):

I don’t see them

Matthew Souza (11:25):

Maybe in the scroll over photo.

Sevan Matossian (11:26):

I don’t see them.

Matthew Souza (11:27):

There’s Dawn. I found Dawn. You did? Yeah. He’s all the way in the back. Right underneath the FETA.

Sevan Matossian (11:34):

Oh shit. Wow. Find the white guy. That’s crazy. I didn’t spot him.

Matthew Souza (11:38):


Sevan Matossian (11:41):

And there’s a white girl here.

Matthew Souza (11:42):


Sevan Matossian (11:43):

I don’t see Daniel Chaffee either.

Matthew Souza (11:49):

Game face.

Sevan Matossian (11:52):

Dude, his hands, look when he holds that mic,

Matthew Souza (11:57):

It’s a Hollywood trick. Oh, great. Overhead position on that thruster.

Sevan Matossian (12:01):

Yeah. Look at the homeboy’s arms are crazy.

Matthew Souza (12:03):


Sevan Matossian (12:05):

J de Koons looking yoked. That’s weird. I didn’t see Leon. Leon.

Matthew Souza (12:10):

Yeah, he did. Did I

Sevan Matossian (12:13):

See? I want to see if I see Leon. No, no,

Matthew Souza (12:20):


Sevan Matossian (12:22):

Three white dudes and an Asian chick. Okay. Anyway, when I saw this, I was like, man, I hope they took a, I would like to see video from this. That’s the kind of thing, it’s a shame for CrossFit. Not for me. If I was there, their trip would be 500 times more valuable. Hey, S come with us

Matthew Souza (12:45):

And you extend the life of what happened to that trip there in perpetuity.

Sevan Matossian (12:49):

Yeah, I can podcasts from Asia. I could be giving metaphorical standies to the group. I don’t want to go by the way. No one’s like, oh, so you want to go? No, I don’t want to go. I’ve zero interest in going, zero interest in going,

Matthew Souza (13:08):

But definitely somebody should go.

Sevan Matossian (13:09):

Well, and I’m also saying if they would’ve said, Hey se do you want to go? And I did go. It would be crazy the value I could bring. Oh yeah, absolutely fucking

Matthew Souza (13:18):

Mind. It would take so much to get them to get you to go to Asia for eight days though. Are you kidding?

Sevan Matossian (13:22):

Yeah, that’s true. But I think that the 50 or $60,000 they paid me to do that would be, I think it would be worth it for

Matthew Souza (13:28):

Sure. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (13:30):

I would take the responsibility so seriously, the pressure would be fucking nuts on me,

Matthew Souza (13:34):

Dude. All they would have to do is sell five more certs and they would’ve paid their money back by having you do that. You know how easy it would’ve been to create media behind that?

Sevan Matossian (13:42):

No, not Oh yeah, yeah. Five. Yeah. Or one cert. One cert fill out. One cert.

Matthew Souza (13:48):


Sevan Matossian (13:48):

With 50 people.

Matthew Souza (13:49):


Sevan Matossian (13:51):

I know someone’s going to be like, that’s cocky. That’s fine. I mean, it could be cocky, but the truth, if it’s the truth in cocky, then what can I say? Seon? Any chance you go to a rogue in Scotland with access, of course. You know what’s crazy? So I was building the confidence to text Bill and Katie today, and I was on the phone with Susa. Susa was getting me my hype man. And then I didn’t send it.

Matthew Souza (14:18):


Sevan Matossian (14:18):

Didn’t send it? No. Uhuh? Nope. I don’t want to ask them for anything.

Matthew Souza (14:25):

That’s okay.

Sevan Matossian (14:26):

I know I’ll work. I’m going to work on it. We’ll

Matthew Souza (14:28):

Get in there. Did you type it out at least or did

Sevan Matossian (14:30):

I typed it out? I typed it out.

Matthew Souza (14:32):

All right, we’re getting there.

Sevan Matossian (14:33):

Yeah, I typed it out. I was thinking maybe I should call. I don’t know. I should.

Matthew Souza (14:39):


Sevan Matossian (14:40):

I don’t know what it is is so I think I’m so high on, I don’t know how much higher I could get because Taylor cell versus the world. So I just now is the time where I should, if I’m scared, I am never going to get more confidence than I have now. So you called Horvath, you can send the text. I know, I know. I crank. Call Horvath is on par with texting Bill and Katie.

Matthew Souza (15:04):

Yeah, I dunno if that’s the same, but hey, they’re giving you confidence, so that’s all right.

Sevan Matossian (15:10):

Alright, Dave. Casser review played at 1.25 time. Dave is wearing red today with the rogue hoodie. I do not see Doug anywhere around. The sun is out in California. Weather modification system has led up finally for the first time in months. Here we go.

Dave Castro (15:30):

In review, March 18th, 2024. I just finished redoing 24.3 and that was the only workout this year. The only open workout that I retested, and I’m happy that I did that because I did better. Not much better but better. And I did 24.3 Friday morning after flying home from Nashville. I flew home from Nashville Thursday night, a bunch of delays, a bunch of issues getting from Nashville to San Francisco, and so I didn’t end up getting home until about 1 30, 2 o’clock in the morning. And then I woke up at six, went into an affiliate across APTAs around eight 30 or so and tackled it and

Sevan Matossian (16:09):

Got up at six. Jocko had already been up for 90 minutes.

Matthew Souza (16:13):

The photo of the watch already taken.

Dave Castro (16:17):

I handed it to me. I missed like three or 4, 1 35 pound thrusters and I got six out of seven thrusters and that was a big surprise to me. I know I’m not strong right now relative to how I’ve been in the past, but I thought for sure I could get through those stress

Sevan Matossian (16:30):

Points or how strong you will be in the future. Old fuck, listen, can you imagine he went into a random gym 40 minutes from his house and he got no rep.

Matthew Souza (16:37):

Yeah. That’s amazing.

Sevan Matossian (16:40):

I go, dude, I’m like some chick no reprep you. He goes, yeah. I’m like, I’ve totally let it go. He goes, dude, I wasn’t even close. I go depth at the bottom. He’s like, no, I was having trouble locking out 1 35 thrusters. I’m like, dude, I still would’ve let it go. He goes, no dude. It wasn’t close. I’m like, I don’t care.

Matthew Souza (16:54):

You mean if he just would’ve bottle that

Sevan Matossian (16:55):

Dude, I’d have counted by twos. One.

Matthew Souza (16:58):


Sevan Matossian (16:58):

2, 2, 4, 6.

Matthew Souza (17:01):

Keep to God.

Sevan Matossian (17:02):

One rep at the top, one rep at the bottom for Dave.

Matthew Souza (17:04):

Yeah. It’s kind of cool that he does that. So is a lot of humility and that’s good leadership.

Sevan Matossian (17:10):

If Caleb was here, he played the gurgling sound. Look, Dave looks Asian.

Dave Castro (17:18):

So then that was Friday morning. My legs were blasted all weekend and then I decided on Friday, I’m like, I need to retest this because I need to at least get a couple bar muscle ups. So I waited till Monday today this morning, and I retested at the ranch and I got two muscle ups, so I was able to finish the thrusters this time, which I’m happy about. And I didn’t miss any thrusters. Finished the first set of thrusters.

Sevan Matossian (17:41):

No judge this time. Hey, how cool is it? Dave knows the workouts ahead of time.

Matthew Souza (17:50):

Clearly no advantage, huh? He could have prepped all year.

Sevan Matossian (17:55):

Yeah. If I would’ve known him ahead of time, I done some, if I knew I was going to do CrossFit, I would’ve done prepped ahead of time.

Dave Castro (18:02):

Seventh thrusters. How

Sevan Matossian (18:03):

Stupid is it that I didn’t practice thrusters leading up to the months of the games? That was stupid. Next year I’m going to do that. Are

Matthew Souza (18:10):

We going to train?

Sevan Matossian (18:12):

I mean, yeah, I’m going. Yeah.

Matthew Souza (18:13):

Get you in a program

Sevan Matossian (18:15):

Yourself. Yourself. I mean, nothing crazy. I’m not going to get hurt, but this cross, this shit’s dangerous.

Dave Castro (18:22):

And then two muscle up, missed the third. So I’m happy with the redo. I’m glad I did that. Hopefully I can sneak into quarterfinals.

Sevan Matossian (18:30):

So let’s jump. My mom did the open

Matthew Souza (18:32):

All three workouts, huh?

Sevan Matossian (18:34):


Matthew Souza (18:36):

Good honor.

Sevan Matossian (18:37):

I’m playing with, this is the thing. Kaiser sent me this thing right here. I’m supposed to take a shit in the toilet and then pull this thing. Oh shit. A bunch of liquid came out. I’m supposed to take this thing and put it in my poop and then put it back in there and then you mail it to ’em. But instead I’m just fidgeting with it.

Matthew Souza (18:58):

Yeah. Is it supposed to be supposed to air or anything or did you

Sevan Matossian (19:01):

Just I mean it’s done. I mean, I’m not doing it, but it’s just funny that I’m fidgeting with the poop stick while I do the show.

Matthew Souza (19:10):

Why would you do it?

Sevan Matossian (19:13):

Sevy. Why don’t you follow CrossFit Livermore programming? I don’t know. I don’t know why I don’t follow anyone’s programming. Oh, Rosemary entered her scores. I’m just so happy. I’m pretty happy with, I’m just happy. I’m so happy. It’s good. I signed up for the open this year solely because of Avon’s podcast and he didn’t even complete it. Listen, I did two of three. You should just, how about that? A boy?

Matthew Souza (19:38):

Yeah, boy. Just trying to rub it in.

Sevan Matossian (19:41):


Matthew Souza (19:42):


Sevan Matossian (19:43):

Kaiser’s crap. Worst thing I ever did was listen to their doctors as a kid. For sure, dude. For sure. Seventh grade, they gave me a big old bottle of Vicodin because I complained my ankle was hurting.

Matthew Souza (19:55):

Seems reasonable.

Sevan Matossian (19:57):

Fuck, it’s so bad. Kaiser’s so bad.

Dave Castro (20:01):

Been to comments at extremists. 1978.

Sevan Matossian (20:05):

So he didn’t say this, but I know this because I’ve talked with Dave. He redid that because he wants to go to the quarterfinals and I think he qualified. That’s pretty badass.

Matthew Souza (20:16):

I think he did qualify actually.

Sevan Matossian (20:17):

Yeah. That’s pretty fucking cool. And he’s reading the Bible.

Matthew Souza (20:25):

Yeah, he is.

Sevan Matossian (20:26):

He’s going to get fired for that. I’m telling you, he’s going to get fired for that.

Matthew Souza (20:31):

Oh my gosh.

Dave Castro (20:33):

Dave, I want you to say I’m sorry for any pressure my comment may have had regarding you announcing the open workouts, your explanation, help me remember more about how you like to live. I should have thought of that. I want to say thank you. You addressed my concern about having people announce the workouts that do not have media experience, though they were not made picks you still listened to did great. Please understand it. Since thousand 14, you’ve been that person who has challenged me in a sassy way and made me a better CrossFitter. If and when you choose to do another one, please know I’ll leave a smile on my face. I’m sure a lot of others, thank you for your leadership and direction. You didn’t put any pressure. I didn’t feel any pressure from your last comment and I appreciate this comment at must be gone.

Sevan Matossian (21:04):

He doesn’t read too many comments that fucking Chuggy cock.

Matthew Souza (21:07):

No, actually he does the opposite normally.

Sevan Matossian (21:10):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at Chris bi Canfield. Gurgling. I’ll do it. Or is that a dog growling?

Matthew Souza (21:18):

It’s kind of a dog growling. I don’t even know what same, but different

Dave Castro (21:29):

Musk on CrossFit. 7 3 8 2. Sorry if you have gone over this. Dave, what’s the idea behind submission windows for quarterfinals? My biggest gripe and something you should consider if you want a higher percentage of participants signing up, is getting rid of the submission window. For normal folk who just want to play but have jobs or limited time, it makes the whole ordeal quite a hassle for affiliate owners as well. Not all gyms have 24 7 access and it causes issues for some perhaps considering requiring individuals who want to move on to semifinals, submit within windows, or really just get rid of them and let people do them seven times if they really think it’s going to help. Thanks for always listening, Dave. The submission windows are to change the style and to change the style, to change that phase to make it feel a little different, meaning you have to do a few in a window and then you have to do a few others. So it ramps it up a little and makes it more like a different type of competition. Now that being said, the submission windows this year, there’s I think plenty of time to do the few submit and then do the others. And even if you feel capable of repeating them. But appreciate the feedback noted at

Sevan Matossian (22:34):

Tom. The fuck on answer was that

Matthew Souza (22:39):

No answer at all. Just he just retold you how it works and then just

Sevan Matossian (22:43):

Noted. Okay. No. What if he just did that? All right. No, no,

Matthew Souza (22:49):


Sevan Matossian (22:49):

On. What if he did more of a comedy bit?

Matthew Souza (22:52):

That would be funny, but I don’t think he would do that in this format. I think he likes to keep it serious and maybe that if he did more comedy bits, it wouldn’t jive well in his mind, worse

Sevan Matossian (23:04):

That Jocko was prerecorded. There’s no fucking way Jocko was prerecorded.

Matthew Souza (23:10):

You don’t think that that was prerecorded? You think he did that right after they landed on the moon? Is that what you’re telling me? Dude?

Sevan Matossian (23:19):

Come on dude.

Matthew Souza (23:23):

Why would it be live if they’re just using that piece?

Sevan Matossian (23:26):

He would bring a different energy. He was prerecorded. How do you guys know that?

Matthew Souza (23:30):

Do you know for a fact?

Sevan Matossian (23:32):

No, I don’t know. I never even thought it. I assumed it was live. It was so shitty.

Matthew Souza (23:36):

I actually assumed it was live too. And then now I’m thinking it probably was prerecorded. Should we see it? Do you want me to see if I could find it real

Sevan Matossian (23:43):

Quick and we’ll, no, no. This show’s already 22 minutes long note too polished to be alive. Too polished.

Matthew Souza (23:50):

I mean, he’s very well media trained. He does a ton of public speaking, so it

Sevan Matossian (23:54):

Looked like it was shot with a fucking, it’s obvious. All right, fine. I’m a dipshit fine.

Dave Castro (24:06):

SCJ now ski 1968 in May, 2021, CrossFit announced the Echo bike as the official airbike of CrossFit. When will it show up in open? In the open? That’s funny you mentioned that. I was thinking about that this year. That’s a great question. I would love for the Echo bike to be in the open. We put the rower in the open. I don’t know if there’s enough echo bikes and assault bikes in circulation or out there to make it possible. So I would love to get to a point where the Echo bike could be in the open, but I dunno if we’re quite ready for that just yet at Dave.

Sevan Matossian (24:42):

Dude, that’s a very, I mean, it’s crazy that they get away with the rower.

Matthew Souza (24:48):

It is, but it isn’t. The rower has been a staple since day one. I mean, Jackie, just

Sevan Matossian (24:54):

Like benchmark workout, have rower. Many percentage of the people have to go into an affiliate because of the rower. I never seen any complaints about the rower.

Matthew Souza (25:01):

No. I mean, I think a lot of people,

Sevan Matossian (25:02):

How many people came into your gym just to do the open this year? Any,

Matthew Souza (25:06):

Yeah, one.

Sevan Matossian (25:07):


Matthew Souza (25:09):

And we’ve had some in the past before there was more people that did that came out of garage Gyms that were local. We actually used to sell an open pass so they could spend, I forget exactly what it was. Let’s just say 80 bucks or something. And it covers their drop-ins for all five of the opens at the time, or three now or something like that. And we don’t have that as much now than we did before.

Sevan Matossian (25:30):

I’ll tell you how the Echo bike gets in the open $300,000 from Bill and Katie. I mean, I don’t even mean that to be a dick. I’m just saying if it’s in the open, I either have to go to an affiliate or buy an Echo bike.

Matthew Souza (25:48):

Yeah, I don’t have any echo bikes at my gym.

Sevan Matossian (25:51):

No shit. All those bikes and you got a shitload of bikes.

Matthew Souza (25:54):

And you know what the funny thing was is right before I bought the bulk of the bikes, we had a handful of them, like three or four. We also had the old Schwinn fan bikes before the assault bike because that was what was available. So I’ve always had an Airdyne bike. I even had the classic one, but right before I bought the bulk of ’em, I was in between. I was like, do we go echo? Do we go salt bike? And I literally used the salt bike because at the time they were using it in more competitions, like regional competitions and it was becoming more of the standard. And then right after I bought all of ’em, I was like, shit, they started doing more echo bikes and competition and all that.

Sevan Matossian (26:27):

If the open required Echo bike, would you buy one?

Matthew Souza (26:31):

Yeah, we’d probably buy one. That would suck though, because we’d have to put all of our people through one, maybe two. But here’s the thing, I do everything cash and so I have to budget for major equipment purchases like way out in advance to make sure that it sits in another bucket for a while before I spend it to make sure that I actually have it. And so that would be tough on us.

Sevan Matossian (26:51):

Jay Harle, we only have two echos.

Matthew Souza (26:57):

Yeah, shit. A load of salt bikes though.

Dave Castro (26:59):

Co sends 85. Hi Dave. Thank you for all you do for us in CrossFit. And very recently the open. I’m an affiliate owner at Southampton UK and currently guiding my first intern towards being a coach after each Saturday morning Lights kind of got a ring to it. We have mapped out what we have covered in line with the metabolic pathways, 10 general physical skills and the categories on the judges course. Hang, pull, squat, press, other and made some educated guesses at what may come next. After 24.2, we hadn’t tested balance and flexibility that much. It’ll probably be probably some form of squat with an overhead lift. I guess that this isn’t a question. More a note of thanks. And to highlight that the objectivity and empirical nature of what we do is such a game changer to the fitness industry. From the participant’s point of view to the coaches’, trainers point of view and outsider’s point of view.


Loving the weekend review videos, please even to going for as long as you can. So that’s funny you say that. I think that’s how I gained my passion for programming. Way back in the day when I first got into CrossFit, I was looking at the main site every day looking at the workouts. And then eventually there was several months where I was just stocking the main site, stocking the workout of the day, the content they were putting out prior to even diving into doing the methodology. And once I did, I started really paying attention to the programming and I started playing this game where I try to pick what’s coming in the next few days and I eventually got pretty good at it. You could see the movement patterns and even like you’re suggesting here, you can kind of narrow down and figure out what’s coming. So I did that with programming. I did that with just main site programming. Definitely doing it with the open and other events is a fun test and way to play with your education and programming. And in this world. And I will say this too, last year even I had the programming team analyze some of the open workouts and pick what they would’ve done different or how they could go going forward. So doing those exercises and games are a good tool to build knowledge of programming and the skill


At Rich. Matthew 7, 5 1. Hey Dave, last year when 23.3 got leak, you said, what a shit show. What are your thoughts on this year’s League of 24 points?

Matthew Souza (29:01):

I wonder where you said that.

Dave Castro (29:09):

So that was actually not last year. I think it was 22. And when I said that I meant more towards everything going on. I had just been fired too. What are my thoughts? I

Sevan Matossian (29:19):

Don’t think he’s right. I think it was last year, but either way I don’t think it matters. But

Matthew Souza (29:27):


Sevan Matossian (29:30):

It’s not that he had been fired, he just wasn’t in charge of the games. Justin Berg was still in charge of the games. Okay.

Dave Castro (29:38):

Thoughts on this? Yeah, it sucks. We fucked up. There’s more to it that we need to look into and I don’t have much to say in terms of the details of it at this point, but yeah, it’s not good. He’s pissed. Yeah, he’s pissed. But that’s also a great answer.

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