Miranda Alcaraz (00:02):
You’re cold.
Sevan Matossian (00:03):
I am.
Miranda Alcaraz (00:04):
Is it cold there,
Sevan Matossian (00:06):
Dude? I guess not Compared to where you’re at.
Miranda Alcaraz (00:09):
I don’t know. I mean, Northern California gets pretty cold.
Sevan Matossian (00:12):
I’m going to say 40.
Miranda Alcaraz (00:14):
It’s probably the same. It’s actually, it’s going to get down into the low twenties here this week.
Sevan Matossian (00:23):
You got snow on the ground.
Miranda Alcaraz (00:25):
We usually get a big snowstorm twice a year, and I think it is supposed to snow on Saturday and Sunday.
Sevan Matossian (00:31):
I’ve put some, whatever Wolverines, rehydration mix is, I just put a little tiny bit of that into a cup and then fill it with hot water and it’s like drinking tea.
Miranda Alcaraz (00:43):
I’ve done that. I’ve done that with some of those types of salty. Is it salty is the one that you have salty?
Sevan Matossian (00:49):
No, but I think it’s supposed to be, but they’ve got something like mango flavored or something.
Miranda Alcaraz (00:55):
Sevan Matossian (00:55):
But anyway, I like it. It’s my hot drink at night. If I drink coffee now at six 30, I’m hosed.
Miranda Alcaraz (01:00):
No way.
Sevan Matossian (01:01):
Yeah, those days of being a young man and drinking coffee at late at night, way over.
Miranda Alcaraz (01:07):
Is it because you have to pee a lot or it’ll keep you awake?
Sevan Matossian (01:10):
I have to pee a lot anyway, but awake both. Very good. Great questions.
Miranda Alcaraz (01:15):
Sevan Matossian (01:17):
Elmer Fad, as in Dennis the menace? Yeah, I am Elmer Fudd with this hat on. Where’s my hunting wabbit. Okay, go ahead.
Miranda Alcaraz (01:23):
Is it just me and you?
Sevan Matossian (01:24):
Yeah, it’s just us. Well, Caleb’s in the background in case you say something that needs a picture.
Miranda Alcaraz (01:29):
Okay, cool. Long time. No chat.
Sevan Matossian (01:34):
Yeah. Hey, let’s just dig in first. Where are you?
Miranda Alcaraz (01:38):
I’m at our office because if I tried to do this at home, you gave me the option of either six 30 in the morning or six 30 at night, and both of those times were as very chaotic with little kids.
Sevan Matossian (01:48):
Tell me your day to day.
Miranda Alcaraz (01:51):
Well, it’s changed a little bit recently, but today I did more street parking stuff than I have for the last couple of weeks. I woke up. How did you wake up? Well, the one-year-old woke me up at six
Sevan Matossian (02:03):
Miranda Alcaraz (02:04):
There was a period of time where I was waking up at five 30 and working out in the morning, and then it’s like the baby knew that I was awake, so he just started waking up at five 30 also, and so that got kind of ruined. So I just wake up when he
Sevan Matossian (02:18):
And how old’s the baby? The baby is,
Miranda Alcaraz (02:21):
He’ll be two in two months in a month and a half.
Sevan Matossian (02:24):
And that’s your youngest of three?
Miranda Alcaraz (02:25):
Sevan Matossian (02:26):
Man, you’re
Miranda Alcaraz (02:27):
Doing it. So I’m still breastfeeding him though. One, so he wakes up. He woke up
Sevan Matossian (02:32):
Today. I love breastfeeding. I love breastfeeding.
Miranda Alcaraz (02:35):
It’s so good. It’s the closest thing to a miracle or magic, I swear on this planet. It’s nuts.
Sevan Matossian (02:43):
Do you put the breast milk on everything? My wife would do that. They got an ouchie. Put it on there. Their eye looks a little puffy, scored a little breast milk. Put
Miranda Alcaraz (02:50):
It on my own
Sevan Matossian (02:50):
Stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My wife does that too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll have
Miranda Alcaraz (02:53):
To make some face cream out of it. Yes.
Sevan Matossian (02:54):
Okay. Alright. Fair enough. Okay. And do you like it? I spoke to a lady today at the coffee shop. I was hanging out at the coffee shop today, just my three boys, a mom and her kid. And she said the kid’s seven months old and she doesn’t like it, but I thought I need to double check with my wife. But my wife looked like she loved it. I mean, she didn’t staying up all night. But I think overall it was a net positive.
Miranda Alcaraz (03:15):
It’s like one of those things where there are times when you’re doing it where, I mean, it’s a commitment for sure. And my first, so Knox and then crew is our youngest. They both were biters big time, like draw blood, biting, and it’s a very big time commitment. You hit
Sevan Matossian (03:34):
The kids when they do that. Do you hit a baby when you do that? Just fucking smack the shit out of him.
Miranda Alcaraz (03:39):
I mean, I’ve probably pushed him off too forcefully a few times. I mean, it’s like a natural reaction. But the funny thing is you’ll be like, ah, and you’ll scream because you’re not expecting it. And then they start crying like, how dare you scream when I bite you? Yeah. But yeah, the middle one didn’t bite me at all ever. But the first one and the last one. But I would say now, because we don’t plan on having any other kids, it’s definitely something that I’m trying to just really cherish and the connection and the bond is very real. So
Sevan Matossian (04:13):
Yeah, my wife would use that narrative also. How many times are you going to be pregnant? How many times are you going to get a chance to do this? Spin a good story around it, make sure you got a good narrative around it. Enjoy the experience, make sure it’s an experience. And these are sensations. And I liked how she handled it like that.
Miranda Alcaraz (04:31):
Yeah, it’s very similar to the pregnancy journey itself.
Sevan Matossian (04:34):
Right. And then we’re going to get back to your schedule in a second, but so don’t you guys get some drugs or something pumped into your brain? You start breastfeeding and then you get a dose of fentanyl or something. Oh, oxytocin. I knew it was something.
Miranda Alcaraz (04:51):
And fentanyl. I think that’s where Fentanyl, or are there comments on this thing? If people say comments, am I going to be able to see it?
Sevan Matossian (04:59):
Oh yeah, you can’t see. Oh, so go up into the right hand corner and it should say private chat or comments. Oh,
Miranda Alcaraz (05:04):
Okay. I was only on private chat. Okay, cool.
Sevan Matossian (05:07):
Careful though. This is a, don’t be like Jason Kalifa and you just fall into a pit. Oxytocin is a hormone that acts on organs in the body, including the breast and uterus and as a chemical messenger in the brain controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation and aspects of human behavior. It should say after that, it didn’t say that. What?
Miranda Alcaraz (05:29):
Sevan Matossian (05:30):
Hormone. Feelgood. Okay.
Miranda Alcaraz (05:31):
Sevan Matossian (05:32):
Okay. So you get a 6:00 AM wakes you up at 1-year-old, so you don’t get a chance to work out and you just start breastfeeding right away.
Miranda Alcaraz (05:40):
Yeah, I take him back into my bed or I’ll stay, we have a mattress on the floor in his room and I’ll breastfeed him for, I don’t know, 30, 45 minutes. And then the other two will get up and Julian and all of us will go downstairs. And then it’s just chaos. Chaos. So of our kids go to school and then Julian left to come to the office at eight 30. We do have somebody that comes in to help with the kids at nine 30. And today I needed to be at the office around 1130 because I was recording a podcast and we had some meetings and stuff.
Sevan Matossian (06:16):
Would Who’d you do a podcast? With?
Miranda Alcaraz (06:17):
Myself. Okay. Just talking to myself. Alright,
Sevan Matossian (06:21):
Good. I like it.
Miranda Alcaraz (06:22):
Yeah, it was just one of our street parking podcasts I recorded earlier today, but for the last couple months I haven’t been coming into the office as much. I’ve transitioned into more of taking care of the nice, taking care of our boys more. And we pulled our three-year-old was in a preschool and we pulled him out of it. So I’m usually
Sevan Matossian (06:44):
Now for any reason or just for any reason. Problem with the preschool or just you wanted to change it up?
Miranda Alcaraz (06:50):
No, our six-year-old went there for three years and there was no problem with the preschool, just honestly, it felt like we were using that preschool as daycare. I am homeschooling our six-year-old with a couple of other families. We would get together a couple of days a week. And other than that, I’m teaching him on my own so he doesn’t go to school. And then the one-year-old wasn’t going to school, and so it felt like we were pawning him off and I felt like he was going to be able to pick up on that. And I was like, well, if we’re just going to pull him out eventually. And I have made a transition to be more at home. It’s just like something that I have wanted to do for a long time and we’re in a financial position and the business is doing well enough and Julian’s plugged in that I can, so why wouldn’t I? So I’ve been spending more time with our kids the last six weeks maybe. And so we pulled the three-year-old out of school. So I was with the two older ones until 11 when I came here. And then I was here from 11 until three. Then I went home and I feel like you had another question.
Sevan Matossian (07:59):
I do, but I’ll come back to it. I took, do you nap and have you napped yet? You got up at six and it’s three. Have you napped yet? I didn’t hear you say nap. No nap.
Miranda Alcaraz (08:08):
Come on. Did your wife get to take
Sevan Matossian (08:09):
Naps? No, but I do. No, that’s crazy. She doesn’t nap. That’s crazy. How does she do that? I got to ask her. No, she doesn’t nap. That’s weird. No,
Miranda Alcaraz (08:20):
I nap. No. So I was here from 11 till three doing some work stuff, and then I was home from three to four 30. Julian rolled up with our accountant who is in town and one of our other staff here, and we worked out together. And then I got ready and I came back here.
Sevan Matossian (08:37):
Dang. What sex are the kids?
Miranda Alcaraz (08:40):
They’re all boys.
Sevan Matossian (08:41):
All boys, okay. So yeah, remember
Miranda Alcaraz (08:43):
We hung, went to that aquarium.
Sevan Matossian (08:46):
That’s right. That’s right. Today, a lot of times I think I’m like, I’m going to finish the podcast and I’m going to out for a minute in the house, or I’m going to do something at 9:00 AM and I’m just like, oh, it’s like having dogs. They have to be walked. So I just immediately get them dressed and by 10:00 AM or so, they do school in the morning and then the instructor comes to the house and they do martial arts for an hour, and then immediately I have to take them out. They’ll destroy the house and they’re good kids. But I had
Miranda Alcaraz (09:16):
To take them. It was raining hard, but it’s like if you don’t get them outside before 10:00 AM by the time 10:00 AM rolls around, forget they’re going to be so mean to each other and just, it’s bad. So I mean, it’s good for all of us to get out in the morning. We try to Do
Sevan Matossian (09:31):
You have a spot where you walk ’em? You have a spot where you walk your dog? I got a spot. It’s a mile each direction. It’s along the beach. You know it by where the point market is, west coast? Yeah. I park there and I just walk the kids two miles. I mean, they’re on skateboards or one wheels or they do other stuff, or I let them go down to the water, but I’m just walking.
Miranda Alcaraz (09:50):
Our neighborhood that we live in is beautiful and it has a really cool park and everything, and it’s super safe as far as there’s almost no traffic and everything. So the other place that we take them is we are building a house like 10 minutes from us, and it’s on two acres. And so it’s like they’re starting drywall this week, but right now it’s just like a maze and a playground for them. So they just go and it’s very hilly. It’s on a hill, so they go nuts over there and we’ll take ’em there and there’s throw rocks for a couple hours and stuff.
Sevan Matossian (10:21):
So this mattress, this auxiliary mattress.
Miranda Alcaraz (10:25):
Oh, we have auxiliary mattresses in every room.
Sevan Matossian (10:28):
Oh, okay. Okay. Wow. Okay. So I never talked about my auxiliary mattress because those two, I
Miranda Alcaraz (10:35):
Feel like
Sevan Matossian (10:35):
It’s normal. I’m embarrassed. But I had rich froning on and I said something about sleeping in bed. He said, I don’t sleep in the bed with my wife. I sleep on the mattress on the floor. I was like, oh fuck. We’re going to talk about the mattress on the floor.
Miranda Alcaraz (10:46):
Ian sleeps on the mattress on the floor. I mean, we always start out together, but one of us always ends up on a mattress on the floor somewhere.
Sevan Matossian (10:53):
Yeah. Crazy. Okay. Alright. And I told myself, I just got a single mattress at first, and I’m like, Hey, the day that we need a bigger mattress on the floor is the time to put my foot down. But I ended up, now I got a queen size mattress. What’s the biggest mattress floor mattress you have?
Miranda Alcaraz (11:08):
Oh, in the baby’s room. And so Knox and Banner share a room. They have bunk beds. There’s bunk beds in there, and a full-size bed and a full-size mattress on the floor. And it’s two little kids.
Sevan Matossian (11:19):
Okay. Full-size. Okay. No kings size mattresses on the floor?
Miranda Alcaraz (11:22):
No. No. Kings size mattresses on the floor. There’s a fulls size mattress in the baby’s room too though.
Sevan Matossian (11:27):
Okay. I just got one queen size in my bedroom and I’m always a little ashamed about it. I’ve only talked about it on two episodes, the one with Rich and now with you. But I heard you mention mattress, so I felt like I should be vulnerable too and let you know we have a mattress also.
Miranda Alcaraz (11:39):
Well, I mean, I feel like we’re also supposed to be sleeping on the same mattress probably. It’s how we were designed and we just try to put everybody in their rooms and it doesn’t work. We’re all going against nature.
Sevan Matossian (11:54):
It sounds like you’re doing the same thing. We do. We put them in bed and then it’s 59% of the nights. There’s the traditional, the march where they march one by one, they march into the room. Some of ’em are runners because they’re scared. Some of ’em walk casually. My oldest is scared of the dark, so he runs, which always makes me nervous. Do you have anyone who runs into the room and you’re like, dude, you’re going to run into the wall? The
Miranda Alcaraz (12:16):
Most common occurrence for us is the oldest who shares his room with the middle. He’ll walk in his little underwear. It’s like the cutest thing ever. And his hair’s all messed up and he’s like, this guy will not let me sleep. He’s like, this guy never lets me sleep.
Sevan Matossian (12:30):
Is he awake when he says it or is he asleep?
Miranda Alcaraz (12:33):
Mostly kind of. And it’s because the middle one wants something, but he refuses to get out of bed. And so he starts asking the older one for it. And so he comes and gets us to complain about him.
Sevan Matossian (12:45):
Perfect. Yeah, my wife got hit the other night pretty good. It was the first time she’s been hit probably in four or five years. But I heard it, it woke me up and then I heard one of my kids go, oh, so sorry, mom. And he had a dream. He was in Jiujitsu and he even knew he
Miranda Alcaraz (13:08):
Walk in and hit her, or was he sleeping?
Sevan Matossian (13:09):
No, no, he was sleeping. He was sleeping. God, it was crazy. Didn’t give her a shiner though.
Miranda Alcaraz (13:17):
Oh, I’ve gotten shiners from the boys. I’ve gotten cuts on my face from toys hitting me and stuff.
Sevan Matossian (13:23):
Haley got a really big shiner and a cut. A kid was breastfeeding and popped its head up on her while she was looking down. Yeah, that one was the one where you go to Whole Foods and they’re like, do you need someone to talk to?
Miranda Alcaraz (13:35):
Sevan Matossian (13:36):
Stevon hitting you again. I mean, Stevon hitting you. CrossFit games are coming up. Remember those?
Miranda Alcaraz (13:45):
Yeah, I do.
Sevan Matossian (13:46):
And last year, street parking, the organization, the movement, the community, the Empire Street Parking Empire was intimately involved. They even had Adrian Bosman, former friend of yours, maybe still a friend. Close. Yeah, still a friend come out, made some really cool video with him. And then it was kind of interesting to see the two units come together, right? Street parking and CrossFit. What’s the plan this year? The opens just around the corner. Are you guys holding hands with CrossFit again or
Miranda Alcaraz (14:29):
We’re not holding hands as tightly as we were
Sevan Matossian (14:33):
Last year. Not officially. Adrian’s not coming. So Adrian’s not coming out, or Dave’s not coming out for another video?
Miranda Alcaraz (14:37):
No, no, they’re not coming out this year. And so obviously, I mean, it’s no secret that a lot of our members come from CrossFit. They’re still very heavily involved, still love doing the open, and we’ve always, always, well, I shouldn’t say we always will be because I don’t want to predict the future, but we’ve always been very supportive of that. We’re going to allow them to log those workouts. We’re going to make an extra program for them and put ’em so that they can log. Our members are very attached to logging because they can earn gear and stuff like that if they log a certain number of workouts. And so we’re going to make them log able, we’re going to give ’em tips on how to do it and everything like that. We don’t have as much of an integrated plan with CrossFit for all of that stuff. This year though,
Sevan Matossian (15:23):
You were basically allowing your community to be leveraged with cooperation from street parking before, and now that cooperation’s not there, you’re just facilitating it for your members, not so much CrossFit, Inc. hq.
Miranda Alcaraz (15:40):
Yeah, I mean, I guess you could say that.
Sevan Matossian (15:42):
Alright. Yeah, that’s cool. What would you say street parking is?
Miranda Alcaraz (15:49):
We call it a program and community.
Sevan Matossian (15:55):
What would
Miranda Alcaraz (15:56):
You say?
Sevan Matossian (16:01):
I knew this girl and she worked at CrossFit and she wanted to start this program up and then she got knocked up and fuck, I don’t know if I should still do it, or people’s going to still want to do it with some pregnant lady doing it. And she did it anyway. And she was a great speaker and she enjoyed people and she enjoyed helping people and interacting with people. And she just kept going when she was pregnant. And that actually lent to the authenticity of her movement, of her company, of her programming. And there was probably, it was supercharged with this kind of intimacy because she was going through her first pregnancy and this community built and this community is people who want to move and be healthy. And she has a tremendous background in all of those things, in people and movement and in being healthy. And she wants to encourage people to do that. And she allows people to do it in their own home and everywhere that’s not nearly as smooth. I mean, yours is just like programming community.
Miranda Alcaraz (17:06):
We call it a program. I mean, I could go more in depth like you did. It’s for people originally. Well, I’m a
Sevan Matossian (17:12):
Storyteller, so mine’s always going to be a story. There was babies and sex in my story and stuff like that.
Miranda Alcaraz (17:19):
Originally in 2016. It was a program for those who don’t have access to, can’t afford or don’t enjoy going to a regular gym. It was a program. And to be able to find people to still commiserate with about the workouts, but online from a safe distance or from the middle of nowhere in Montana or whatever. Or for people who aren’t with limited time space or equipment. So I guess that’s, I mean, similar idea, but that was where the idea came from. And then the community just grew much bigger and much more tight knit than we could have even imagined. And so
Sevan Matossian (18:02):
Do you ever feel like it was growing so fast that you couldn’t, I dunno what the word is. I don’t want to say support, but I’ll think of a better word, that you couldn’t support the community. How long has street parking been around?
Miranda Alcaraz (18:18):
We are in our eighth year now.
Sevan Matossian (18:20):
So let’s say around year two or one where you’re like, oh my God, there’s so many people here. How can I support them all? I can’t possibly talk to them all. I can’t possibly respond to them all. What can I do
Miranda Alcaraz (18:37):
Where it got tricky? So we used to, when we first started, it was just Julian and I, and we were committed to commenting on every Facebook post and every Instagram post from any member that used the hashtag street parking. And from our street parking members, Instagram, which used to be private. We followed back anybody who joined. So we would ask every single member who joined who or what their Instagram was, and we would follow them back, even if they were private, we would follow them back and we would comment on all of that stuff. What we didn’t know when we started, well, we didn’t know that we would ever have the number of members that we did, but B, we didn’t know that there was a limit to how many people you can follow on Instagram. And that number is 7,500. And so we couldn’t follow people back anymore.
And many, many, many of our members are private. And so we were like, well, shoot, we can’t follow them, so we’re not going to see their posts. How are we going to support them? Because it was very important to us. You talk about more than Anyone, the importance of if somebody walks into your CrossFit gym or your gym and they take your class, they need to have some sort of coaching every single day and they need to hear good job or some sort of affirmation that you’re here and we see you and we recognize that you’re working hard or whatever. And so we were trying to recreate that. And after a few years, it wasn’t just Julian and I, but we had hired people to help us with that. But once we couldn’t follow people back anymore, we had to start getting creative. And we created street parking members too, and street parking members three. But eventually we had to just let that go at 35,000 members now. And we almost got our street parking members Instagram shut down because they thought we were a bot because every time someone would join, we would add them. And every time someone we would cancel, we would take them off. And we were doing that daily and it just looked like we, it was fishy. So we ended up having, isn’t that
Sevan Matossian (20:40):
Interesting? So the platform’s not conducive to really running big flourishing.
Miranda Alcaraz (20:48):
Yeah, no, I, and then I would say the other place is the Facebook.
Sevan Matossian (20:52):
That’s a trip. That’s a trip is
Miranda Alcaraz (20:53):
Nuts. Facebook, imagine a 35,000 member CrossFit gym and all the drama and all the arguing about politics and all the, this person, it’s jokes are way too inappropriate. And this person’s way too sensitive. It all happens on our Facebook group. It’s nuts.
Sevan Matossian (21:11):
Hey, so do you ever feel like you should, this is kind of a weird thing, but just ignore them. I want to interact with the people who watch the show, but also part of me wants to just completely leave them alone. So my life doesn’t, when I turn this off, my life doesn’t have any of these people. I don’t see them. They don’t live in my neighborhood. But in the morning, I’m so excited to see them. I get up, I turn it on, they’re all there. I talk to ’em Now, it’s tiny. It’s 1% the size of your community.
Miranda Alcaraz (21:44):
That’s not true.
Sevan Matossian (21:46):
Nah, nah, nah, no, no. And that might be a gross exaggeration, but I don’t want to fuck with, I don’t want to ruin their shit. My part, I feel like I’m just supposed to walk around and pick up the trash and leave sandwiches out. You know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? I just turn on my computer, I hang out, I bring some topics here. I bring some people here, but I don’t know how to interact with them outside of that. I don’t want to mess with it. How do you know what to mess with?
Miranda Alcaraz (22:20):
Well, so I’ve been a journey for me.
Sevan Matossian (22:23):
Yeah. You know what I mean? What leverage the pool? Should you not leave a big bucket of water? And they’re like, we hate water. You’re like, fuck. Sorry.
Miranda Alcaraz (22:30):
Yeah, I didn’t know. Well, so I would say that in the last year, actually it started in 2020 where it became very clear that I put
Sevan Matossian (22:42):
Wasn’t trying to build a community. Were you trying to build a community? You know, I know you were trying to sell workouts. Did you know that a community was going to grow?
Miranda Alcaraz (22:52):
You know what I thought it would be more like is I thought it would be more like 2007 eight crossfit.com, where people would post a score and a couple memes here and there, but not like, Hey, should I divorce my husband on the Facebook? You’re like, oh my God, this is so inappropriate, and please don’t ask for advice from strangers.
Sevan Matossian (23:18):
But it’s that place, but it’s that place. You can’t control it, right?
Miranda Alcaraz (23:22):
Yeah. But in 2020 where people I feel like got way more active on social media and were way more demanding of what they thought that just a person should give to them if they’re part of their company, got to a place where it was just nuts. So our second was born May 3rd in 2020. So when people were really starting to leave it, Hey,
Sevan Matossian (23:53):
Caleb’s fooling around, Caleb’s falling around.
Miranda Alcaraz (23:58):
So I was early postpartum with Banner our second and was up until two, three in the morning responding to people who were upset about this social thing or this post or what do you, and I let it get to me way too much. I was so worried about wanting everybody to be heard and not wanting them to think that I didn’t care about their thoughts and feelings about things. And I let it get out of control. I’ve let my dms get out of control too, because if a member dms me and a lot of our members will put a little key in their bio, so it’s like a little signal, and I’ll want to respond to them if they tag me in a story and I want to show them that love because they’ve taken the time and they trust us with their fitness and they’re excited about it, but it can just open up one response. And now this person is messaging you all the time. And I’ve created,
Sevan Matossian (24:58):
That’s what I am. I have a hundred friends in my dmm. It’s crazy.
Miranda Alcaraz (25:05):
But then you don’t answer one and then you feel guilty. So yeah, I mean, in this last year, I’ve really had to learn to, when I’m on social media and I scroll, if I see something, I’ll comment on it, I’ll like it, I’ll reshare it in my story. I’ll open up a couple of dms and I’ll do my best. But I also feel like as an quote influencer, that I was going against my actual beliefs in demonstrating that I was spending so much time on social media where I actually don’t think that people should. So I want to set an example of, hey, we actually delete Instagram off of our phones now at 6:00 PM when we’re at home most nights, so that we can’t scroll through it just because it’s such a second nature thing for us. Now, we’ve been doing this for seven years, and I was very active on social media when I was competing with NorCal and the NC Lab and all of that stuff too. Do
Sevan Matossian (26:02):
You like that? Are you glad you did that?
Miranda Alcaraz (26:05):
Yes. Yeah. Especially with breastfeeding, bringing back the breastfeeding, you end up just doom scrolling. And I was pregnant through all of the, or I was breastfeeding through all of the 2020 election year and then pregnant again in 2021. So you just end up reading the news and dumb shit. And it’s not having
Sevan Matossian (26:29):
The phone by your baby’s head too. That part sucks.
Miranda Alcaraz (26:32):
Yeah, that’s probably not good either there.
Sevan Matossian (26:36):
The thing is too, though, also, I’ve never had anyone get upset for not responding. No one ever gets pissed. No one’s ever like, Hey, asshole, you didn’t respond to me. I feel like everyone’s, I want to say 99%, but I feel like it’s a hundred percent. I’ve never had anyone say, Hey, I did have one person one time accuse me of erasing our Instagram messages. That was really weird.
Miranda Alcaraz (26:57):
I’ve had a few people, we’ve had a few.
Sevan Matossian (27:00):
You ever get dudes obsessing on you?
Miranda Alcaraz (27:02):
Well, one recently, I had a member who was really, really, really upset that I wasn’t as involved in one of our challenges as she thought that I should be, and that I wasn’t interacting with the community on Facebook as much as she thought that I should be. And was personally tagging me in Instagram stories, complaining about it, trying to get my, do you fire
Sevan Matossian (27:27):
That person? Do you just kick ’em out? You’ll be like, Hey, you’re cancer, bye.
Miranda Alcaraz (27:32):
No, no. I mean, we have done that, but no, I just kind of just said, Hey, I can’t, you don’t know what’s going on. I’m a real human being. I’ve got stuff going on over here. And there was one other time where there was a guy and Julian was responding to a question that he had on Facebook, and it was on a Sunday. And the guy kept going back and forth and Julian said, Hey man, email me and I’ll get back to you on Monday. I’m with my family. And the guy said, well, I pay you to answer my questions.
Sevan Matossian (28:01):
Miranda Alcaraz (28:04):
No, we don’t fire him either. They’re both still members. And I understand that people, they lose the concept of that we are real humans and we’ve got these other three little humans that we’re in charge of taking care of and that they’re one person in a group of 35,000 people. And if we let every single person have that kind of access to us, we would do nothing else but people, they have a swed view of what it is to be in that position. If they’ve never
Sevan Matossian (28:35):
Been, and your whole life is street parking.
Miranda Alcaraz (28:38):
I mean, it’s in my family,
Sevan Matossian (28:41):
But what I mean is you’re around it.
Miranda Alcaraz (28:44):
Oh yeah.
Sevan Matossian (28:47):
You’re around it at all times. Yeah.
Miranda Alcaraz (28:48):
Sevan Matossian (28:51):
It’s interesting. So just come here every morning at 7:00 AM and I sit down, and then some days I do more than one podcast, but recently I opened up memberships.
Miranda Alcaraz (29:05):
Oh, what did they get? A signed photo?
Sevan Matossian (29:09):
I don’t want them getting nothing. I don’t want to give them nothing.
Miranda Alcaraz (29:12):
So what? There’s
Sevan Matossian (29:13):
So many. There’s so many. Basically, I just want to open memberships so that the money would pour in, because I did the behind the scenes and the behind the scenes, let’s say cost 60,000, the dollars to make. And I would like to recoup that money. And then if it does recoup that money, be like, because already when I did it, I was like, okay, the sponsors will help pay for it, and then it’ll generate a lot of traffic to my site and a lot of eyeballs, and it’ll be cool. Plus, I love doing it. I love going there. I just love doing it. So I opened up these memberships and now money’s pouring in. I’m like, okay, cool. So the behind the scenes have almost paid for themselves. Nice. But what about after that? I don’t want to feel obligated to do it. I can’t do anymore. I don’t want to put any more shit behind the paywall. I want everything to be free. I’m still going to make the behind the scenes free. I just charge the money. So you could get early access.
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