LIVE CALL IN SHOW – PFAA demands, Kamala Speaks – New Details –

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

You look fine. It’s close. Oh, you have a real camera? Yeah. Bam. We’re I figured out how to hook it up. Wow. Ola Amigos. Who is loud? There he is. Oh, sorry. Hi. Hi. Scratch the shit on my face. Speaking of la No Sun Sue and Robert Greenbook at the top of the reading list. You should treat people the way you want to be treated, right? I was telling, as I approached the show today, I was like, I should treat people the way I would want to be treated.

Matthew Souza (00:43):

Gold rule, right?

Sevan Matossian (00:44):

Is that what that one is?

Matthew Souza (00:46):

That’s what I’ve heard.

Sevan Matossian (00:47):

Fit Aid. I think the sponsorship’s over right? Tomorrow. Oh, so get it now. Get it now. 40% off. 40% off. Aaron, the CEO over there sent me two cases to take the NorCal Classic. I’m so excited.

Matthew Souza (01:04):

Oh, awesome.

Sevan Matossian (01:05):

Caleb, what’s up? Hey guys. If you’re not a regular listener to this show, this show is probably not for you. I don’t recognize this dude’s name. Harold, you don’t recognize the old Harold. You recognize all the


Yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry Harold. That sucks. Lampshade. I don’t recognize lampshade, but they said second. But listen, if you’re not a regular, I’m telling you right now, this show is not for you. Oh, Kels. Hi, I’m serious. I’m a Reggie. Oh yeah, there’s my therapist. Just enough cleavage to keep me engaged, to keep you sane. Be professional. Just enough to keep me professional. We stay on topic. Nice hats. Thank you. Olivia. Why se, just because this one’s not for you. This is just like just the butt buddies, those of us who’ve gotten drunk and showered together. Shit like that. Yeah, let’s go. Let’s fucking go. I know we will. We’re going to get there. I’m

Matthew Souza (02:18):

Not going to tell anybody about that.

Sevan Matossian (02:21):

Yeah. Hey. Oh, sorry. Okay. Harold, I’ve been here since the beginning. Just don’t comment. Alright, fine. Alright. Good enough. Alright.

Matthew Souza (02:28):

Told you

Sevan Matossian (02:29):

I told you all. All right. Want to love? There you are. All right. Nice. I want to love nice Yas Jackson. What are you? Are you regular? I don’t recognize you, buddy. I’m telling you this show not for non-regular. I’m not joking. I mean, I’m not saying you can’t be here. I’m just saying you don’t want to be here. I’m looking out for your best interest, Richard. I’m just telling you. Chris, what’s up dude? Sarah. Hey. Excuse me, Daniel. Hi. Oh, the interview needed a naked Taylor self wearing a MAGA hat and riding a bald eagle to go streaking across the screen just to add a touch of freedom.

Matthew Souza (03:10):

Wow. I can fix right now. Beautiful.

Sevan Matossian (03:14):

I would like to ask you guys a question. Would you like to go first, Mr. Souza?

Matthew Souza (03:23):


Sevan Matossian (03:24):

Hit me. Why did, oh, sorry. Why did, I forgot to send Bill a link. Why did they post the demands? Why did Brent post the demands publicly on Instagram? Probably to summon the crowd opinion. That’s what I would presume. He wanted to put it in the court of public opinion. Is that what it is?

Matthew Souza (04:00):

Yeah. I mean, I think that when you have, if you watch tiller’s video, the guy that was breaking down there basically said people with large followings that had the minority of the opinion from what was reported were just really loud and then basically got the whole entire crowd and the mob on their side. And so that’s what I think that that was about a little bit

Sevan Matossian (04:22):

On the other end of the spectrum, if I wanted to know if my wife wanted me on the way home to pick up hamburger meat, I wouldn’t put it on Instagram. You know what I mean? I would text her. I would say, Hey babe, do you want me to pick up some hamburger meat? What’s up? Lucky camera straps reporting for duty. Good to see you, bill. Good to see

Matthew Souza (04:38):

You. Yeah. But at the same time, if you did that, then she could be like, or you can be like, look, she didn’t even bring it home and now you can hold up her wrongdoing to the crowd. Right? So it kind of forces CrossFits opinion options a little bit because if they don’t fire Dave and they knew that that was a demand, then they could say, look, we had demanded change. Nothing happened. We did it publicly. You guys saw it and they don’t care.

Sevan Matossian (05:09):

Why do you think, God, I wish I could get you out from behind the dick pump. Caleb, why do you think he put Caleb behind the dick?

Matthew Souza (05:20):

I didn’t do it. I did it. I put myself there. Oh, Caleb, what a humble man. I can adjust

Sevan Matossian (05:25):

Myself. Service for your country and service for the podcast. Oh yeah, he adjusted. Thank you.

Matthew Souza (05:29):

I do what I can.

Sevan Matossian (05:30):

Don’t let Dick pump drip on you, Caleb.

Matthew Souza (05:34):

Doesn’t it kind of force. We

Sevan Matossian (05:36):

Need some drops coming from it,

Matthew Souza (05:40):

But doesn’t it kind of force CrossFit hand a little bit?

Sevan Matossian (05:44):

So you think that was the tactic, Caleb? Why do you think they would post the demands publicly? I

Matthew Souza (05:53):

Think I feel like it was a poor attempt at unmasking. Maybe the frustration that they had with dealing with him over the years, maybe, and I say dealing with him by just talking to the game team, I guess, and they were just like, yeah, this is, we’re frustrated now.

Sevan Matossian (06:15):

One of their mantras is, is that we’re not getting a response for CrossFit. And you think that this is like, okay, I think even Kowski said it today. We’re done talking and we’ve moved to the next level of this.

Matthew Souza (06:27):

It was just like, I think it’s pretty poorly laid out,

Sevan Matossian (06:34):

But request, it’s to rally, it’s to rally support from the community at best. At worst, it’s to rally the mob and the best couching of it, it’s to rally support of the community and the worst, it’s to rally the mob.

Matthew Souza (06:45):

And I would probably say that that was probably the intent is to rally the community, not necessarily the mob. Maybe I misspoke at that. I think that their intent was to put public light on it so that way they’re like, Hey guys, we’ve been doing this behind closed doors. There’s been no change. Now we’re showing you here’s our demands. And then that way this force is CrossFit’s hand because we put it on the public display.

Sevan Matossian (07:04):

But the problem with that is, lemme push back on that, is if you ask someone to be fired, the demand’s pretty Moby already, right? It’s not like, Hey, we demand that the game is being moved to winter. It’s, Hey, this guy who’s been there who created the sport, we want him fucking gone.

Matthew Souza (07:23):

And I think if you have claims like that, then you should probably provide some evidence as to why you have those claims should be concrete.

Sevan Matossian (07:35):

Yeah. They provided no evidence and they got people saying that we’re biased or that he should be hung already. It’s fucking nuts. And they’ve provided no claims. Bill, do you have any thoughts on why they posted it?

Bill Grundler (07:45):

Yeah, I think, and Brent said it, he’s like, whether he did or he didn’t or they did or they didn’t earlier and how long this has been going on and how many times they’ve been shut down or whatever his wording was, we tried it the nice way and now we had to go aggressive. And the thing was is that I don’t know what the levels were and how many times they tried or how many times it got shut down. So I don’t know necessarily the level of frustration that they maybe had, but this to me is they went all in on this one.

Sevan Matossian (08:22):


Bill Grundler (08:24):

If you’re going to pull those cards, and that’s kind of what I was saying last night was the risk to reward ratio on that play.


Either you totally win or you lose. You don’t just lose the PFA power. Now Brent looks like an idiot and everyone that’s been standing up now looks like everything drops. The whole floor gets pulled out. So I understand why they did what they did, but the thing is, is that they keep saying that they’ve had years and years and years and years and years of all of these incidents that have happened and they’ve been just tapped on the head. Well, okay, cool, I hear that, but give me something. And you can’t keep saying, well, they aren’t our stories to tell. Okay, fine. Don’t use the name

Sevan Matossian (09:19):

Or you’re afraid because there’ll be some sort of retribution today he said that you won’t get invited to be on a road to the games episode, which they haven’t done in years anyway, or an open announcement.

Bill Grundler (09:35):

If that’s what you’re worried about, if that’s what you’re worried about standing up, then I don’t think you have a whole lot to be worried about.

Sevan Matossian (09:42):


Bill Grundler (09:44):

But what happens is I think that the group, the PFAA since they went all in, depending what happens, depending how it plays out, if they don’t get the change that they want, let’s say Dave doesn’t get hung, Dave doesn’t get cut, and I almost kind of think that they aren’t really expecting that. I mean, the way he was talking was, it was like, yeah, we said that, but I guess we’ll have to see what happened because if they don’t, then it’s on them and no one’s going to like them anymore. It’s like, well, maybe not. Maybe you have athletes that still want to play and they’re going to be like, I think Dave’s cool. Everybody wanted Dave in there anyway. All the athletes wanted Dave in there. All the athletes wanted Dave in their programming. All the athletes wanted the games of before, so to say, to pull him out. He’s the one that wholeheartedly, I mean they’re talking over the last four years or so. And it was a great point, man. Peter brought up some great points, dude, about okay, the last four years, well, Dave hasn’t even really been there. It hasn’t been him. It’s been boss, it’s been Rosa, it’s been all these other people and now you’re pulling it on him. Well, it was from before. So

Sevan Matossian (11:07):


Bill Grundler (11:07):

Whole thing is abstract. The whole thing is so abstract in the same realm to me

Sevan Matossian (11:12):

When people, so here’s the thing. During Floyd 19, people were posting, I’m out. The implication wasn’t that you were demanding Greg to step down. It’s like, Hey, I’m out. And so they took it one step further than what they did here today. The demands they’re demanding. Dave pulls down and then it’s a poker game. Those people, the people out there who posted it, I dunno who I can only think of two off top or three like Annie Katrin, Noah, people like that, they actually posted I’m out. I think that’s saying I’m done. I’m done with CrossFit. And so that’s cool. And that’s their prerogative, right?

Bill Grundler (11:52):


Sevan Matossian (11:53):

And it’s cool that it’s their prerogative to make these demands. I just want to be crazy clear that when someone wrote in Hiller’s comments, and I’ll get this Hiller, you’re not the one to adjudicate this. Make any decisions. And the thing is, is we are all now able to make decisions. They gave this to the court of public opinion by posting it publicly. We are now all invited. You are all invited to discuss it, and there’ll be some retard comments like Hiller, why are you on CrossFit side? And you’re like, Hiller’s not on CrossFit side. He denounced James Sprague as the fucking champion. He said he would’ve never gone forward with the games and he says he fucking hate what happened and how going forward with the games was divisive to the whole community. Those are his three fucking most hardcore dances. So people say retarded shit like that, but they have that right? Because they put these demands in the court of public opinion. We wouldn’t even be doing the show if they didn’t. We wouldn’t even have this soap opera. I’d be playing Nerf guns still with the boys. Caleb be putting an armor all on his RV’s,

Bill Grundler (13:06):

Right? I thought it was

Sevan Matossian (13:08):

My gut hanging out. Am I right? Do you think I’m wrong? I just want to start with some truths before we get off into the

Bill Grundler (13:14):

Fucking, it’s out there.

Sevan Matossian (13:14):


Bill Grundler (13:15):

It’s out there. So because it’s out there, everyone’s allowed to now talk about it. You’re right, a hundred percent.

Sevan Matossian (13:21):

Bill is so hot. I got my Trump hat on.


They’re playing the game. Castro invented and now they’re wanting him out. So it’s gone into the court of public opinion and the people spoke and the pundit spoke. There’s too many people watching this show right now, guys, I’m telling you, this show is not for everyone, but it’s for anyone. Oh, good. That was good. Facts. Facts. Always. The facts from Susa. Okay, so they post that. Lemme see Jeremy E World, this is your friend who has played poker a couple times that you bring poker night with your seasoned friends and they go all in every other hand. Oh,

Matthew Souza (14:10):

Interesting. Okay, well, that’s what I was going to say. And not only does it put it up to public opinion, which is part of the intent when you post it like that, but also too, they’re putting their credibility at stake,

Bill Grundler (14:21):


Matthew Souza (14:22):

If they get trampled over through this and they’re like, yeah, dude, we see your demands and whatever, screw you guys. And what’s happening now as well is now that they’re being hard pressed for specifics and what exactly they want to happen and what’s the optimal outcome for them and everything else, if they don’t have that, they didn’t plan that all the way through. That again is diminishing credibility. So you have it on two ways. We’re like, Hey, now you got your public spot. Here it is. Say what you’re going to say, give us what you’re going to give us and now we don’t have anything for you. It’s like, oh shit. Now on top of that, CrossFit’s going to just steamroll those demands and it takes away all authority that you have.

Bill Grundler (14:56):

One of the greatest in the softest lines that Peter brought in through that whole interview was when he said, okay, you made your demand. You have all this, you’re taking your hard stance, but what’s your minimum line that you’re willing to go? What is the, okay, okay, they didn’t do all this, they didn’t do this, but if they get to here, we’ll be all right. There was no answer to that. None. Not even a, well, we would think something like this. It was nothing. It was like, well, we just have to kind of wait and see, I guess.

Sevan Matossian (15:31):

Or even, Hey, we’re not going to play our hand on this show.

Bill Grundler (15:34):

Or it’s like, Hey, screw you guys. It’s all or nothing. If they don’t do it, then we’re driving past that. There were so many good comments. Even like Pat’s, okay, if CrossFit lets it go and they cut this whole thing out, then the CrossFit games athletes, the CrossFit will still go on. The games will still happen. Wow, that’s a pretty cocky attitude. How do you know that? How you know that RO and CrossFit are pretty tight? I can’t see Rogue all of a sudden going, okay, well you flipped off CrossFit and now you think you’re going to play in our game. Maybe we don’t want you in our backyard. I don’t know.

Sevan Matossian (16:15):

Yeah, you’re going to start complaining about Rogue next.

Bill Grundler (16:18):

Then they’re all going to be at the IF three and

Sevan Matossian (16:21):

Well, that is the interesting thing. There is a place for them to go and be professional athletes. There is a place for them

Bill Grundler (16:28):

And none of them do that one.

Sevan Matossian (16:30):

None of

Bill Grundler (16:31):

Them do that one.

Sevan Matossian (16:32):

Yeah. And it’s not subsidized by the affiliates. I think they’re okay with it, Susa, because they’re doing it for the next generation, not for themselves. The problem is we don’t know what they’re doing.

Bill Grundler (16:41):

They don’t know what they’re doing

Sevan Matossian (16:42):

Besides making demands. We don’t know. And for some reason people keep, not a lot of people, but a few people keep writing the comments that the show is biased. It’s like, Hey, I text my friends today and I said, fuck, I’m so bummed. And these guys were all on the thread and I said, I really wish Pat and Brent would’ve come prepared because I was really hoping they would have some strong points so we could put this thing fucking to rest. And instead the waters got so fucking muddied Graciano. Give me a second. I want to play this clip for you guys quick. I think this is a theme that they’ve been driving home. See if you can take something away from it. The clip’s a little long, but bear with me here. I think it’s an important one. It’s about a minute, two minutes long. Here we go.

Speaker 5 (17:32):

Sort of splitter arguments. I think maybe some people will see it with the timing and everything, something gnarly take away that I may be initially somewhat of guys, he’s being blamed. And then that would get people’s backup as well.

Sevan Matossian (17:49):

Maybe it was just me. I don’t know. That was, I did make it better. Did that make it better? Did I ever make it go away? Okay, give me one second. Lemme see if I can do something here. Lemme see what’s going on with my audio road caster. Two, why does this thing only have 800 views?

Matthew Souza (18:03):

Hasn’t caught up yet, or S just hasn’t updated his refresh his,

Sevan Matossian (18:09):

I think this is a sub clip. Lemme see. Is this better?

Speaker 5 (18:16):

Why that demand and why then I guess

Speaker 6 (18:22):

I can start on it. We don’t feel like Dave Castro. And later in the document we say these are not the only changes, but we don’t feel that Dave Castro and the rest of the sport team have taken concerns seriously from athletes for years and engaged in a meaningful way, whether that’s safety or otherwise,

Sevan Matossian (18:43):

They haven’t taken their concerns serious. We don’t know what those are still. And they haven’t engaged in a serious way.

Speaker 6 (18:53):

And so trust is broken down to a point where

Sevan Matossian (18:55):

Trust is broken down. Trust. There’s the use of the word trust.

Speaker 6 (19:00):

We feel like all the things that need to happen for this sport to become better and safety being obviously the first one of those things, the relationship between athletes and the sport team and with Dave Castro as the head of the sport team and the head of that culture, it’s going to be extremely challenging to make those changes because the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior.

Sevan Matossian (19:27):

The best behavior of future behavior is past behavior. By the way, I didn’t know that the number one issue of making the sport better was safety. I’d never heard that before. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say that.

Speaker 6 (19:43):

Right? And if you look at our conversations around just looking for the basic level of can we have some indication as to the heat we’re going to be exposed to so we can prepare safely. If that’s just pulling teeth, then emails back and forth and subversive and then more information is leaked or not leaked, but revealed on independent podcasts or on a,

Sevan Matossian (20:05):

So he gave something, he said heat. So that’s the thing right there. He just basically said, we can’t even get information about heat. Well, they knew where they were in Texas. They could have checked the fucking weather channel. People were talking about the heat nonstop. They knew the events ahead of time that were going to be outside. They knew the times that they were going to be, they could have looked up all of that stuff. I think that’s disingenuous me personally after that, I’m not talking about years past, but definitely for this year, I think that’s a disingenuous to say we didn’t know about the heat

Speaker 6 (20:39):

Personal YouTube account. It’s like this is a last resort. We’ve been trying to do these things.

Sevan Matossian (20:44):

I do agree with that. There’s no one place it seems to go to get comms from CrossFit, right? It’s all over the fucking place. Spin is basically holding down the fort.

Speaker 6 (20:53):

You’re trying to improve

Matthew Souza (20:54):

Relationships. Hey, one thing about the heat comment, just to push back a little bit on that, what if more so he had said heat, but in his mind he was talking about length of events or number numbers of events. So essentially like time duration in the heat, which could be a legitimate question on their end because if they’re like, Hey, we know how hot Texas is because we did everything you just said. Our curiosity lies with how many events will actually be outside. Do we know any time duration that will be in the heat? Right? And that I would say is a legitimate request, a three minute workout or a 40 minute workout in multiple of them? Am I going to be out there twice throughout the day? Am I going to be running a long duration? Am I going to be doing Isabel? The two events never

Bill Grundler (21:34):

Announced though. They announced the swim in the run first and then they announced the 1600 meter and the rest in the sprint. Those were the first two that they announced, I’m pretty sure.

Sevan Matossian (21:45):

Yeah. You’re saying they could have done the math on it, bill. The swim’s going to be 40 minutes to an hour and the other one’s going to be 20 minutes.

Bill Grundler (21:54):

I mean, yeah, kind of.

Matthew Souza (21:56):

And to the point about the podcast here too, if that was the case, we already talked about there’s no central location for calm. So as an athlete, if you are kind of going everywhere for information a little bit too, and there was the fact that David said, Hey, you’re only going to be outside for that one event. 99% of it’s going to be inside. That would answer the question. But at the same time, if that information isn’t distilled down into a central place, you can’t expect these athletes to follow every piece of content just because Dave’s on it if there’s going to be relevant information or not as well too. So I do think that there could be some sort of way to distill down improvement there important information. And that’s just going to come down to communication, which

Sevan Matossian (22:36):

Even on their own Instagram, having it pinned at the top.

Bill Grundler (22:40):

Exactly. Pat made a good point about the V ups. Like, okay, what do you want it to look like? Show us what a good rep looks like. Show us what a no rep. I mean, that’s basic stuff. You go to the most local level competition and they will have on their Instagram, here’s what it is, here’s what it looks like. Here’s the things we allow, here’s what we don’t allow. It doesn’t take much to do that. And as far as what they’ve said, and this is what’s so crazy is cool, talk about the movement standard. Talk about what your burpee is going to look like or your VPA is going to look like or the fact that, okay, you’re going to have this race that’s going on. Those are all great, but it is like this weird, all encompassing tell us everything about everything. They say

Sevan Matossian (23:28):


Bill Grundler (23:28):

They don’t want that, but then they do want that. Because if you’re going to talk about V ups and you’re going to talk about handstand pushups and you’re going to talk about mean, those other types of movement standards, cool. That has nothing to do with safety protocols and V ups and what are you going to do if I’m drowning, are two totally different. There’s a lot of information there.

Sevan Matossian (23:50):

And we’ve heard tons of athletes say they do not want to know the workouts because then everyone starts doing the workouts and it leads to injury, which is, well, I

Bill Grundler (24:00):

Was glad that Pat said that. I was glad that he said that. That’s an important part of the sport. Cool, man, thank you for saying that because that’s true.

Matthew Souza (24:07):

Hey, everything you were saying about the standard, the movement standard, especially here, which again is just a missed opportunity from HQ’s portion. But imagine if all of a sudden they set up a playlist and they were like, here’s the standards for the CrossFit games of 2024. And it was just a whole library of movements they may or may not be using in the standard in which they expect it recorded by what we have from James Hobart and Julie Che, right? Because now all of a sudden you have this huge traffic of everybody wanting that information, including the athletes. You could make it exciting, a new twist to a movement, and you’re going to give detail on it inside that library. Now, it’s also a marketing thing because you’ve shared it all publicly. All of us now understand and know the standard. We all have a chance to talk about it or process it. More information for us pundits. And you’ve streamlined communication. And what I’m hearing here is, is it so much the frustration with safety as much as did we have a frustration with communication? And we know that that could lead to some potential exposure to more safety issues.

Bill Grundler (25:05):

And as far as that, but

Matthew Souza (25:06):

Once again, we’re just speculating. We’re just speculating.

Bill Grundler (25:09):

Actually already has that whole thing.

Matthew Souza (25:12):


Sevan Matossian (25:13):

And again, we were just speculating.

Bill Grundler (25:15):


Sevan Matossian (25:15):

We have no idea because they won’t tell us because they’re not doing their job. And for all I know they did do CrossFit, did do that, and I don’t have that information. Right. And lemme get very clear here too. My stance on these PFAA guys is that they should be bringing shit to the table. They shouldn’t be demanding shit from CrossFit. So I’m on a totally different mindset than them. I’m all about make yourself fucking crazy valuable so that they have to have you. And what’s that look like? I’ve said it a million times. They knew it was a swim event. Put out a sheet of paper to every single athlete. Say, bring Listerine, bring clear goggles. Here’s what you should do with your swim cap. Make sure if you have issues with swimming or anything, you ask for a special lifeguard demand that there’s at least 10 lifeguards before you go in the water, make your list and hand it out to all the athletes. It’s very simple. And then that would make yourself invaluable to the athletes. And you wouldn’t have to demand anything from anyone else. You’d be in control of what you’re in control of.

Matthew Souza (26:11):

Do you think that they have brought things to the table? They’re just not telling everybody that they did bring things to the table?

Sevan Matossian (26:15):

Yeah, I’m sure they brought things to the table. I’m sure that I’ve seen a list somewhere, but it’s just ridiculous. It’s like cut the rope or space, the bars out, or just shit that obviously CrossFit’s doing or doing or moving forward on. Or they’ve said, fuck you, that’s not necessary. You’re wrong, but it’s nothing.

Matthew Souza (26:32):

So they should say that, right?

Sevan Matossian (26:34):

Pardon me?

Matthew Souza (26:35):

So they should say that, Hey, we brought these things to the table and these are the changes that we helped to make.

Sevan Matossian (26:41):

But instead of demanding more of when they’re failing one way coming in one door, they should just come in the other door where they have infinite control. Because so many athletes respect Brent and Pat,

Matthew Souza (26:51):

And I imagine they do. They’ve been around for a very long time.

Sevan Matossian (26:54):

Right? Right. Ton of people respect them. Yeah,

Matthew Souza (26:57):


Sevan Matossian (26:58):

But they’re spending this equity of their reputation, just their reputation against Dave’s with nothing else. That’s all they’ve come to the table with. And they went to the public with it. And so here we are. They’ve asked for, they put this in the public of court opinion, court of public opinion, court of public opinion.

Speaker 6 (27:20):

And if the athletes don’t trust the person responsible for the sport,

Sevan Matossian (27:24):

If they don’t trust, if you don’t trust, just keep remembering this word. If you don’t trust, this seems to be a really important word to Brent. This trust word. This trust one’s important. I think maybe I lost the collar. Hold on. Oh shit. Oh darn. Hi. Go ahead.

Speaker 7 (27:50):

Talking about the safety sport, I’ll bring my expertise from my field of work. My company works on a bunch of third party sites in terms of safety. If one of our workers goes to a third party site, they have to get briefed on the safety regulations of that company’s site. So there’s a binder for each company. We work with a list of safety instructions. Anytime that there’s an accident injury near miss at a site, some new policy comes out, it gets recorded and we have to retrain our guys. So each time an incident happens, there’s a policy, we talk to our guy, did you follow a policy? If they didn’t, we retrain ’em on what that policy is. If it’s something that there wasn’t a policy for, a new policy gets created. So I think what Brent and Pat were trying to get at, there’s a CrossFit rule book, but in that rule book, there’s nothing relating to safety based on past events and what can be done to prevent them.


The example they used was, who was it that blew their knee out on a wet platform when they were doing a max lift? Well, in the rule book, there should be something along the lines of weather. We’re not going to do max lifts outside in the rain. We’ll do those inside. Or we’ll tweak the workout so that there’s an incident and there’s something in the rule book that addresses it going forward, safety wise. So for them, someone passed away at a work site, crossed it and said, temporarily, we’re going to stop doing swimming events. Hey, that’s the first step. And then the next step would be CrossFit saying, our policy going forward is if there is this open water swim, we’re going to have X number of light guards, X number of this, X number of that. And the athletes don’t feel like they’re getting that communication,

Sevan Matossian (29:27):

Very sound advice. And if they’re not getting that communication, do you think the next step is, and you’re the professional fitness association, do you think the next step is to ask for Dave to be fired or to hand them a pamphlet that says, Hey guys, here’s some things to know for lifting events. One, is your platform dry?

Speaker 7 (29:47):

Yeah, of course. I think that’s their frustration is that they’ve done that and not getting it back again.

Sevan Matossian (29:52):

No, no. I mean to the athletes, I mean to offer it to the, they should offer it to the athletes also. If they can’t get their foot in the door, what I’m.

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