Kill Taylor Ep. 5 | LIVE from Carson

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

Thank you buddy. Pedro White. Thank you. Tyler Watkins. Thank you. Colton Merton. Thank you Caleb Beaver. Thank you. Even Caleb’s here today. What a fucking motley crew. Colton was too good, so we’ve moved him to the panel. He can no longer compete. The only way we can quarantine him for now on keeps taking on motherfuckers money. This show’s brought to you by Born Primitive. Thank you. Born primitive for doing this, by the way. This is really fucking cool. They’re doing it for the next three weeks. We have a great lineup of sponsors for this. I love that We’re piecemealing this thing together. Please visit the Born Primitive site. I’m wearing their joggers right now. Great brand.

Taylor Self (00:37):

I’ve been using the Bourne Primitive Savage one for a few months now and it’s now the only shoe that I wear from rope climbs to Olympic weightlifting. I’m able to use this shoe in all of my training, coaching classes all day. Over the course of the past few months, it’s been virtually indestructible and after doing 30 foot rope climbs, I can’t get the shoes to tear or the shoe laces to come untied. The Savage one has a super wide toe box, which is really comfortable for me. It’s important to mention that Born Primitive is an American veteran owned and operated company who continues to stand behind and support our American service men and women. Don’t forget the Savage one is now back in stock. You can get $20 off using the code Savage The only one stopping you is you.

Sevan Matossian (01:23):

I don’t know if that code works anymore, but Taylor still wears the shoes. We are ready for Showtime. Caleb, please pull up the workout. The workout today. None of you will beat him in, so don’t even bother sending me a text, but if you do want to get your ass pounded, you can send a text to the number in the bottom right hand corner and I’ll send you a link and you can come on and compete against Taylor. It’s nine Devil Press for those of you who have a brain that doesn’t make any sense. So it’s nine burpees with dumbbells in your hands. That’s what it is. It’s burpees with dumbbells in your hands. 15 ring muscle ups and then max skier calories. You do that for two minutes with a one minute break and it’s two sets and I guess the winning score is the number of calories will the number of calories on the skier? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Pedro says, yeah. Oh, I should ask people who are actually on the show. Okay, let’s do this. If he’s ready, let’s fucking rock and roll man. Yeah, he 5 8 3 3 9 0 3. Whenever you’re ready, Caleb. I mean Taylor.

Colton Merton (02:19):

Alright. You guys are good.

Sevan Matossian (02:23):

We lost Colton. No, he is there. He’s right there. Oh. Oh, okay. We do have a blank screen above him though.

Colton Merton (02:28):


Sevan Matossian (02:30):

Oh yeah. What is that screen above him? Can we take that off at that level? And we’re off ladies and gentlemen. Susan, start.

Speaker 4 (02:38):

Oh shit.

Sevan Matossian (02:41):

Oh shit. God. Are we idiots? What a rookie. Colton. What are the implications of that adrenaline dump?

Colton Merton (02:48):

Yeah, a little bit and he is going to be probably pissed off as well.

Sevan Matossian (02:52):

See that clock shit’s hard man. So is he preying the water now did he step into the ring and we know he is injured now? Is this the week to beat him?

Colton Merton (03:02):

I think that maybe it could benefit him if it takes the edge off a little bit. Now he’s already got going once. Maybe it shook out some nerves.

Speaker 5 (03:09):

Alright, they’re about to restart.

Sevan Matossian (03:12):

Hey, last week’s winners on the show, Colton Merton’s. Today. If anyone ever beats Taylor ever again, don’t think that. That means you get to get on the show. Don’t fucking text me. Can I get on now? You’re no fucking Colton me lane. Can you

Speaker 6 (03:23):

Laptop screen down? I can’t even see the timer.

Sevan Matossian (03:25):

Matthew never got to come on.

Tyler Watkins (03:27):


Sevan Matossian (03:27):

Colton, and we’re off.

Tyler Watkins (03:29):

Are we thinking a minute? 35 on the main piece and then on the calories. What? Over 12?

Colton Merton (03:37):

Yeah, I mean it’s going to take 45 seconds to do the muscle up. There’s not a whole lot you can do to speed that up. His devil’s pressor pretty fast, but yeah, he is going to have to really hammer that skier getting, I think some of the people going in that challenge him probably aren’t even going to get there for both rounds.

Tyler Watkins (03:52):

Yeah, it’s going to be, this is going to be a hard workout. That second round’s not going to feel

Sevan Matossian (03:55):

Good. What are the dumbbells, the weight? Fifties. Yeah, fifties.

Tyler Watkins (03:58):

They look like 30 fives, don’t they?

Sevan Matossian (04:01):

Hey, Colton isn’t 35 too light for the girls? Compete with him.

Colton Merton (04:07):

It’s a little bit light. Usually females will move the 30 fives faster than males will move the 50. Taylor moves those pretty quickly though, and it’s only nine so it’s going to be sprinting the whole time. So I think he’ll probably able to hold on. But I think the big difference is if there’s a female that can go unbroken on the muscle up, she’s going to have 10 extra seconds to work on that ski. So maybe that makes a difference.

Sevan Matossian (04:28):

Gotcha. And do men just unequivocally pull harder on the skier?

Colton Merton (04:34):

Yeah, being bigger, taller and stronger helps a ton for the machines. So I mean those calories per hour are going to be way higher, but I mean you get

Sevan Matossian (04:43):

So you’re only good at one part of the skier. The stronger part, you’re not good at the bigger taller part.

Colton Merton (04:47):

I don’t know what you’re insinuating.

Sevan Matossian (04:51):


Tyler Watkins (04:51):

23. That was good. Yeah,

Colton Merton (04:53):

If they have 45 seconds to pull compared to his 35, that might be able to get them over the edge.

Sevan Matossian (05:00):

Did you hear that text message come in Tyler? Yeah, only in the background. Lemme see if I can turn

Tyler Watkins (05:08):

Su, we need to be able to see that the

Sevan Matossian (05:12):

I can see the timer. I can see the timer.

Tyler Watkins (05:13):

Yeah, but we don’t know what the calories are.

Sevan Matossian (05:15):

Oh, that’s okay.

Speaker 5 (05:16):

I’m going to tell you guys when he’s

Colton Merton (05:18):


Tyler Watkins (05:18):

Okay, thanks.

Speaker 6 (05:19):

30 calories and 30 times

Sevan Matossian (05:21):

When he’s done out on five. Thanks fucking Bryson. Great. Thanks you. You’re a good dude. What are we at?

Speaker 5 (05:33):


Tyler Watkins (05:34):

11. Nice. Oh my

Speaker 6 (05:35):

God, that’s not enough. Are you kidding

Sevan Matossian (05:37):

Me? Does he get rollover? I say no, I

Speaker 5 (05:41):

Didn’t count as rollover.

Sevan Matossian (05:42):

Okay, and what do he have? Say it again. 11.

Colton Merton (05:46):

11. This might be the week for a woman to beat him because if they 10 to 15 extra seconds isn’t a lot, but it is when he’s only getting 30 seconds on the geared.

Tyler Watkins (05:54):

I don’t think a woman can keep up with him on the muscle though.

Sevan Matossian (05:58):

I turned down on Mike’s by the way. So Colton’s mic will be a little louder. Hopefully.

Tyler Watkins (06:03):

Who in the world? Not even people who will show up to this. Who in the world could do muscle ups in the women’s group as fast as him?

Colton Merton (06:11):

I think for 12 there’s a few.

Tyler Watkins (06:14):

Yeah. Oh, it’s not 15 For this

Sevan Matossian (06:17):

JR how people will go way too hard on round one and the second 15 will take them two to three sets. Wow. Okay, so if you’re a girl, don’t bother. This isn’t your week and if you’re a guy, I don’t know if you should bother either. We’re off the second round, he got 11 cows on the skier. The total score will be the cows on the skier. It’s nine burpees with dumbbells in your hand and then 15 muscle ups. And then as much time as you have left, you pull the skier until you hit the two minute time cap. He already did round one. He rested a minute and he’s going again. Do you guys think he’ll get 11 on the skier again but he

Tyler Watkins (06:51):

Gets more 1215

Colton Merton (06:55):

Might be able to get a little more if he’s not holding back now.

Tyler Watkins (06:58):


Sevan Matossian (06:58):

You think he was holding back a little bit?

Colton Merton (07:01):

He might’ve been. Just to ensure that he gets through the 15 unbroken must ups and can transition fast.

Tyler Watkins (07:08):

Oh, that was a slower transition. That was it. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (07:10):

Oh, the prize money this week for beating Taylor is $500. Send in your text now. 9 2 8 5 8 3 3 9 0 3. Thank you to Los Amigos. CrossFit, somewhere in the hood here, Southern California for letting us come and do this.

Tyler Watkins (07:32):

He’s really cool. They were before the show started, people were watching shaking hands, asking questions. That’s pretty neat.

Sevan Matossian (07:38):

I saw some people from the chat at the venue. Oh really? Yeah.

Tyler Watkins (07:43):

Was he locking out those muscle ups? I don’t know man. Did he throw those? He screwed himself

Sevan Matossian (07:48):


Colton Merton (07:48):

Oh man.

Sevan Matossian (07:51):

Oh shit.

Tyler Watkins (07:52):


Sevan Matossian (07:52):


Tyler Watkins (07:53):

500. So he held on too long.

Sevan Matossian (07:55):

He goes 500. Holy shit. 500 up for grab ladies and gentlemen. $500 up for grab this week. Holy shit. He might not even be able

Tyler Watkins (08:03):

To finish this workout.

Sevan Matossian (08:04):

Su is sweating. Holy shit guys. 500 on the line. We go, let’s go.

Tyler Watkins (08:12):

God. There goes that

Sevan Matossian (08:13):

80 step 15 Caleb Nick Sack shitting the bed. That’s a fact. Where’s David Weed when you need him with words of encouragement?

Tyler Watkins (08:24):

What kind of name’s Nick Sack. Fuck. It’s what you do when you’re shaving your balls.

Sevan Matossian (08:31):

What do you get?

Speaker 8 (08:32):

Six calories. So score 17.

Sevan Matossian (08:35):

So whatever Pedro says in the future, divide by two 17 calories. Oh shit. This is going to be crazy post interview. If

Colton Merton (08:44):


Sevan Matossian (08:45):

Somebody, oh, Nelly

Colton Merton (08:46):

Yank that ski. Or they might be able to just sell out round one and get it done around one, just one round. So I think repeating it is really hard. If they know they just have to do one round and get 16 calories, they might be able to do that.

Tyler Watkins (09:00):

Oh yeah,

Sevan Matossian (09:01):

That’s a good point. Manny Serrano, he must be in the house Live reporting live from a Los Amigos CrossFit. Manny, thank you. I think you

Tyler Watkins (09:08):

And Jake Berman would do really well at this workout.

Colton Merton (09:14):

Who? Jake German.

Tyler Watkins (09:15):

Jake German.

Sevan Matossian (09:16):


Pedro White (09:17):

Trying to think Todd. Wow.

Sevan Matossian (09:20):

Wow, wow, wow. Okay. 9 2 8 5 8 3 3 9 0 3. If you think you can beat him. It sounds like it’s wide open. Guys for the taking $500 from born primitive today.

Tyler Watkins (09:31):


Colton Merton (09:32):

Taylor thinks she did 16 muscle ups in the second round.

Sevan Matossian (09:36):

We will get a count on that. Pedro looks like someone from the cartel with that haircut.

Pedro White (09:44):


Sevan Matossian (09:45):

Okay. Who will get a

Tyler Watkins (09:47):

Count on that?

Sevan Matossian (09:48):

How short straps can’t. Short straps can’t be paid. Yes. I send so much easier,

Tyler Watkins (09:57):


Sevan Matossian (09:59):

Dude going to lose back to back to back.

Tyler Watkins (10:01):

Someone got Echo. Got an that might be you dude. Is it? Oh, why do we echo? Is your computer on now?

Pedro White (10:17):

I think you’re too close to each other.

Tyler Watkins (10:19):

No. Oh, maybe. Oh, y’all muted. There we go.

Sevan Matossian (10:27):

Now you’re muted again. Okay, perfect. Thank you. How about that? Yeah, better. That’s better Beast Cake 23. Colton can’t wait for you to prove these nerds like Hiller wrong this weekend. Big guy weekend my ass. Good luck brother and great job Taylor. What are you talking about?

Pedro White (10:41):

Did you see that video that hit or made Colton

Sevan Matossian (10:43):

Colton’s already making his plans for next? Yeah,

Colton Merton (10:45):

I saw it.

Tyler Watkins (10:46):


Sevan Matossian (10:46):

Do you think his plans for next year?

Colton Merton (10:48):

What do I think?

Tyler Watkins (10:49):


Sevan Matossian (10:51):

Can we pull up the Andrew Miller

Colton Merton (10:53):

Actually get a pretty reasonable analysis on my past performances and how that would translate to this weekend. I’ll just say it’s a good thing that I’m not the same math that I was last season.

Tyler Watkins (11:05):

You did 15 reps in the second round,

Pedro White (11:06):

So much more measured response than the one you had for Keefer.

Sevan Matossian (11:10):

So not only did Taylor shit the bed on the workout, he came off the rings in the second round. Do you think, was that the plan for him to come off? No,

Tyler Watkins (11:18):

Not the way he threw ’em.

Sevan Matossian (11:21):

Colton, you think that was the plan?

Colton Merton (11:23):

No, I think he might’ve decided the last second that he had to come down.

Sevan Matossian (11:28):


Tyler Watkins (11:29):

Stopped at 11. It was a weird number.

Sevan Matossian (11:30):

Maharaj Taylor can’t handle the pressure. He’s spiraling

Pedro White (11:36):

But he’s fucked next week. If that’s the case,

Tyler Watkins (11:40):


Pedro White (11:42):

We have to have a forfeit for him if he loses four weeks in a row.

Sevan Matossian (11:46):


Pedro White (11:47):

He’s already lost this week.

Sevan Matossian (11:50):

We’ll just change the name of the show to as Pounding Taylor,

Pedro White (11:55):

But fuck south.

Sevan Matossian (12:00):

No takers this week. Big audience. No takers. What happened? Score on the ground?

Tyler Watkins (12:07):


Sevan Matossian (12:07):

He still, Hey, good thing no one owns a skier. Dude.

Tyler Watkins (12:10):

Hey fuck off.

Sevan Matossian (12:11):

Hey, that’s awesome. Good job. Great job there buddy.

Tyler Watkins (12:15):

No, I suck.

Sevan Matossian (12:16):

I know I was being facetious. Listen, walk us through this first round. How did you feel?

Tyler Watkins (12:22):

I felt pretty good and I felt pretty confident starting the second and then like five muscle ups in, I knew that it was going to be really hard for me to do all 15. Typically I don’t ever go to failure in muscle ups in my training, so when I get to that slow grindy spot, I’m not used to being there, if that makes sense.

Sevan Matossian (12:53):

So the plan wasn’t to come off the rings?

Tyler Watkins (12:56):

Yeah, the plan was to go broken for sure, and then I stood around when they were fucking swinging.

Pedro White (13:00):

Oh, so when you slapped the rings away from yourself, you didn’t do that on purpose? That was an accident.

Tyler Watkins (13:04):

Slapped the rings for myself. Peter? Yes.

Pedro White (13:10):

Tanner. Yes, Tanner. How can

Sevan Matossian (13:12):

I help you?

Tyler Watkins (13:13):

Yes, Tanner. No, that was not part of the plan, Peter.

Pedro White (13:19):


Sevan Matossian (13:19):

Let me see if I can find that spot in the clip. When you completely

Tyler Watkins (13:24):

Fucked like in workouts, in open quarterfinal workouts, there’s rarely a chunk of muscle up. It’s like, damn, I’m going to have to push it to that edge. That was a weird time constraint. I clearly thought I was way fitter than I am. I was pretty confident I was doing both sets on broken

Sevan Matossian (13:46):

Fifteen’s a lot. Back to back. Oh, here we go. Thank you Caleb. Here we go. Let’s watch. When he pushes the rings away from

Tyler Watkins (13:52):

The himself, Hey, we got a guy here who’s going to go?

Sevan Matossian (13:55):

No shit. Yeah. Well good. Okay. Shout out to that dude. Yeah, why? When you came down, why did you push the rings away from you like that? He

Tyler Watkins (14:02):

Trying to, I didn’t. What do you mean rest time? What do you mean go to me? Coming down, that was me stopping them.

Sevan Matossian (14:09):

No watch when you get off you kind of push them forward. Was it just

Pedro White (14:13):

Or what?

Sevan Matossian (14:14):

No, lemme see. It’s like almost like you’re in cahoots with someone there to get the 500 bucks. Are you trying to give the 500 bucks away?

Tyler Watkins (14:19):

No, I didn’t push ’em away. They just slung away. I do not like to come to the bottom of a rep, hang for a second and then drop. Why? I don’t ever do that. Yeah, you’re right, you’re right. But again, typically I’m not, I haven’t practiced a lot of okay going to do this set that I’m going to have to break up three times. So it’s really important how short my breaks are. I do a lot of, I dunno, I do a lot of big sets, but yeah, my discipline there is not great.

Sevan Matossian (14:53):

Trish, did you guys all get lice together and have to shave?

Tyler Watkins (14:56):

I’m always bald. These muscle ups were way harder than the quarterfinal muscle ups. Way harder.

Pedro White (15:03):

Do you think travel has anything to do with it?

Tyler Watkins (15:06):


Pedro White (15:07):


Sevan Matossian (15:08):

$500 from born primitive for anyone who can beat Taylor. The text messages are now,

Tyler Watkins (15:13):

Hey, are you competing this weekend?

Sevan Matossian (15:15):

Come in.

Tyler Watkins (15:15):

Hell yeah. The guy who’s about to do this is competing this weekend. What is he on? Kristen Harrison.

Sevan Matossian (15:20):


Pedro White (15:21):

Tristan Harrison.

Sevan Matossian (15:22):

Hey. Oh shit. We

Tyler Watkins (15:25):

Talked so much shit about you yesterday. Oh

Sevan Matossian (15:27):

Shit. It is. Holy shit. And he’s taking this one seriously? He’s adding affiliate. Oh, fucking a. He’s

Tyler Watkins (15:35):

At our affiliate. No, he

Pedro White (15:36):

Used the other money to do this shit. Oh,

Tyler Watkins (15:38):

This is a different guy.

Sevan Matossian (15:39):

This is Matthew. Dude. Matthew. Holy

Tyler Watkins (15:41):

Shit. Fucking Christ. Holy

Sevan Matossian (15:43):


Tyler Watkins (15:44):

Dude. Matthew’s back. He’s

Sevan Matossian (15:46):

Back. Holy fuck. Fuck this fucking guy. This isn’t my fault. This isn’t like Brandon. I didn’t send him the link.

Tyler Watkins (15:52):

My God. I hope Matthew sucks a muscle up. Tristan, 10 minutes. Yeah,

Sevan Matossian (15:57):

We can hear you. What’s up Matt? Good to see you. Not really fucking a

Tyler Watkins (16:03):


Sevan Matossian (16:03):

Did you do with your last $1,500 of my money?

Tyler Watkins (16:06):

I still have it.

Sevan Matossian (16:07):

How good. It’s what? You still have it? Yeah. Got it. Yet? You didn’t buy a new a TV or something off eBay?

Matt (16:14):

No. No ATVs,

Tyler Watkins (16:15):

No ban. Guys like Matthew don’t invest their money in Vanguards. They just put it in a piggy bank under their bed and think it’s going to grow. The only

Matt (16:25):

Thing is hopefully I can stay in the video but I have to run to the back of the class to use the ski.

Tyler Watkins (16:31):

We’re going to find out. Win

Sevan Matossian (16:32):

Shot there. Hey, and then you’ll come over and tell us what your calories were.

Matt (16:37):

No, there’s a guy filming me. He’ll follow me over there.

Sevan Matossian (16:40):

Oh his name. Okay. Alright. Alright. Sounds good. I like it. Jesus. He even has friends. You would never think this dude has any friends. Fuck. Must

Pedro White (16:48):

Be using our money for. He’s paying a guy to hang around with him.

Tyler Watkins (16:50):

Hey, you don’t look like a sleeper this week. Where did those ads come from?

Sevan Matossian (16:53):

No, his sponsors.

Matt (16:55):

That’s where 500 of the dollars went.

Tyler Watkins (16:57):

Yeah. Lip. You got live filler in his stomach

Sevan Matossian (17:02):

Almighty. This guy looks like a fucking muscle up machine. He just invented the muscle up. Should have made these 70 pound Dumbos Taylor. Yep.

Tyler Watkins (17:13):

Yeah. Trouble game

Sevan Matossian (17:14):

Changer. Previous superstar winner. $1,500 on the kill Taylor Show. Matthew is here.

Tyler Watkins (17:22):

Oh, they didn’t even give us a countdown.

Sevan Matossian (17:23):

Jesus Christ. We’re going to have to trust you Matthew. Straight honor system here.

Tyler Watkins (17:30):

He’s not going to beat me. See how he’s swinging the dumbbells in between his legs

Pedro White (17:34):

In the middle? Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (17:35):

As long as he doesn’t stand under the rings for 30 seconds, he’d be fine.

Tyler Watkins (17:39):

Shut the fuck

Pedro White (17:39):

Off. I wonder will he choose to slap them away from himself as well or

Tyler Watkins (17:44):

That’s what you have to I wish you in America. I would bend you over and ruin you.

Pedro White (17:48):

Well now I wish was in America too.

Tyler Watkins (17:55):


Sevan Matossian (17:55):

Wish I knew his. I think Taylor got off the rings at one 20. He on.

Tyler Watkins (18:01):

He’s not on pace. Look at those muscle ups

Sevan Matossian (18:03):

That’s used. Oh man. Hey Hammer cameraman. If you can tell us the time he gets off the rings, that would be awesome.

Tyler Watkins (18:12):

Just call this guy janky, redneck, howl, dude. Now I’m scared. This semifinal athlete who I was talking shit about last night’s going to fucking beat me in the affiliate. I did it in

Sevan Matossian (18:27):

God. Is he going to Hold on. He’s already screwed.

Tyler Watkins (18:30):


Sevan Matossian (18:32):

Alright, let’s go get back up. Oh, he’s going to up

Tyler Watkins (18:37):

Him off. It’s over

Sevan Matossian (18:40):

1 36. Let’s go Matthew.

Tyler Watkins (18:43):

Hey, we’re kicking Matthew off. He broke the first round. He is



Sevan Matossian (18:46):

Yeah, he didn’t, hold on. Let’s let him get to the skier. Let’s see what happens. The skier, fuck him. Maybe he broke.

Tyler Watkins (18:54):

Oh, the one



Sevan Matossian (19:03):

Oh my goodness.

Tyler Watkins (19:04):

Matthew’s worse than Norman Greenbaum. Come on dude. He


He’s like, damn, it’s over.


Alright, he’s got



Sevan Matossian (19:14):

Hey dude, you’re a fucking legend. You’re a legend dude. You’re a legend.

Tyler Watkins (19:20):

Hey, I tried.

Sevan Matossian (19:24):

Alright, thank you. Back to the meth lab for you. Have a good week buddy.

Tyler Watkins (19:28):

Make more money.

Sevan Matossian (19:29):

He should open his open.

Pedro White (19:30):

Maybe Tander Iss better than we thought he was.

Sevan Matossian (19:33):

Maybe what?

Pedro White (19:34):

Maybe Tander is better than we thought he was.

Sevan Matossian (19:36):

Yeah. Shit. Who knows? Fuck Chris Bees. Orfield says more bench for Matthew. Yeah. Maybe Heidi’s right. Maybe he didn’t do enough meth this time. Jesus. It’s the end of the month. He’s probably out of cash I thought. For sure.

Tyler Watkins (19:51):

Alright, turn this camera around. Tristan’s ready to go.

Sevan Matossian (19:54):

I thought for sure that dude

Tyler Watkins (19:56):


Sevan Matossian (19:56):

Who does

Tyler Watkins (19:56):

This guy think he is showing up to the affiliate I’m training at. I run this place outside of Carlos. This freaking guy comes.

Sevan Matossian (20:05):

It’s not even his affiliate. He came there. Fucking

Tyler Watkins (20:08):

Dude. I hope. Dude, you shouldn’t have said anything last night. You’re like,


This is dude

Sevan Matossian (20:16):

With the girl’s name. What’s this dude’s name? Tristan. What’s his name? Tristan

Tyler Watkins (20:19):


Pedro White (20:21):

You’re thinking of Tri o Smith.

Sevan Matossian (20:22):

Hey Tristan, do you actually have a chance?

Tyler Watkins (20:26):

I was wondering if you have a chance. Oh, stop that. Come on.

Sevan Matossian (20:32):

Look at that mustache. He’s got a pretty good chance. I think

Tyler Watkins (20:35):

He is not sure. I think his strategy is to send the first round to beat me

Sevan Matossian (20:40):

Josh before he came down here. Just try to trim it up. Look at Barry Cocker. Must suck. Tristan’s dick. Look at this. Shut up.

Tyler Watkins (20:47):


Sevan Matossian (20:48):

Ready Rock. I knew there was something about you and Tristan.

Pedro White (20:51):

Hey Taylor. That’s the best Savannah impression I’ve ever heard.

Tyler Watkins (20:55):


Pedro White (20:56):

Oh, don’t. Please don’t stop. Loss of Meles

Tyler Watkins (21:02):

Four. Here we go. Caleb. 3, 2, 1. Go.

Sevan Matossian (21:07):

Colton, this guy got a chance.

Colton Merton (21:10):

We’ll find out. I yeah,

Pedro White (21:11):

He’s going straight down with the things.

Colton Merton (21:12):

If he sends the first round, I think that’s his best chance. I don’t think he’s going to go 15. 15 or broken and get enough calories.

Sevan Matossian (21:18):

Is this guy on your radar? Do you even know who he is? Colton?

Colton Merton (21:21):

No, I don’t know who he is.

Sevan Matossian (21:23):


Pedro White (21:24):

Fuck this guy. Is

Colton Merton (21:24):

He competing individual or team?

Tyler Watkins (21:26):

He’s individual.

Sevan Matossian (21:27):

Yeah. Great question. Team individual.

Tyler Watkins (21:30):

Pretty good on these?

Colton Merton (21:31):

Yeah, I think he’s going to try and just get it in the first round.

Sevan Matossian (21:35):

Dude, this is one of your competitors for the weekend. You

Tyler Watkins (21:38):

Think he blows up in the second round? Colton,

Colton Merton (21:39):

That’s nice of you. I think he’s just going to I his plan is to just try and get, he doesn’t want to have to too slow. Save it and try and go 15, 15. He’s going to try and get ’em all round one.

Tyler Watkins (21:51):

These are weight too labored.

Sevan Matossian (21:53):

Taylor got off at 1 23 people. It’s nine burpees with dumbbells. 15 muscle ups. Pull on the skier, whatever your calories are. That’s your first score. You estimate you do the same thing again. You pull on the skier, you add the two scores together. Taylor got a 17.

Tyler Watkins (22:07):

What kind of shoes is he


Wearing? Nine

Pedro White (22:10):

Black, black ones.

Tyler Watkins (22:12):

Oh yeah, thanks. 10,



Sevan Matossian (22:16):

We have a live count in the house from Taylor Self

Tyler Watkins (22:19):


Pedro White (22:20):

He’s just showing how high he can count. He’s not counting the muscles slips.

Colton Merton (22:23):

If he pulls at 2000, he’s got a chance to beat

Sevan Matossian (22:26):

It and run. He’s got to get this. He’s off at the same time. Taylor is 1 23.

Tyler Watkins (22:32):

Hey, take the camera there.

Sevan Matossian (22:35):

He’s where we go. There we go.

Tyler Watkins (22:38):

No chance.

Sevan Matossian (22:39):


Tyler Watkins (22:40):

No shoes.

Sevan Matossian (22:42):

Oh yeah. Oh

Tyler Watkins (22:43):

Yeah. This shows us so much.

Pedro White (22:45):

Oh, this is so much better. Yeah,

Tyler Watkins (22:48):


Sevan Matossian (22:48):

Silhouette’s amazing.

Tyler Watkins (22:51):

Ask him how he feels. Get to his ear.

Pedro White (22:53):

Talk to us. 19.

Colton Merton (22:55):

What’s he pulling there?

Tyler Watkins (22:57):


Sevan Matossian (22:57):

Hey, you should let that dude use the 30 fives with a name. Electricity

Tyler Watkins (23:01):

Taylor. 5 13, 14 15 2 1.



Sevan Matossian (23:10):

How many have, wow,

Tyler Watkins (23:11):

He’s going to be one calorie away. Wait, he’s going to roll over


Rollover. You don’t get


Roll over. Rolled over to 18

Sevan Matossian (23:18):

But you don’t get rollover.

Tyler Watkins (23:19):

Oh, you didn’t count my rollover


Roll over

Sevan Matossian (23:20):

To 18. No, we didn’t count your rollover.

Tyler Watkins (23:22):

We got 16 so they didn’t count my rollover. So all

Sevan Matossian (23:26):

You can’t

Tyler Watkins (23:27):

Get any rest.

Colton Merton (23:27):

I don’t know if he’s going

Tyler Watkins (23:28):

To deal. Hey, you can’t give up now, dude,

Sevan Matossian (23:32):

He fucking, oh my god, he

Tyler Watkins (23:35):

Sold out.

Sevan Matossian (23:37):

Alls he

Tyler Watkins (23:37):

Has to do is pace these ring muscle up episode and get one calorie.




No way. He’s fucked. He’s


Fucked up. There’s no way he gets 15.


I know he has to get two calories. Three. Sorry. He has to get three. He has to get nine.

Sevan Matossian (23:50):

Hey Taylor, why didn’t you use that strategy? Why didn’t you use the strategy of pulling the

Tyler Watkins (23:54):

Charger? I didn’t think that would give you a dub in this.

Sevan Matossian (23:56):


Tyler Watkins (23:57):

Because I clearly thought I could do the next 15 unbroken. Lemme tell you. It’s, you got it.


He’s fucked. No way. Okay, here we

Sevan Matossian (24:07):

Go. Round two. All Tristan has to do is make it to the skier one.

Tyler Watkins (24:13):

No fucked

Sevan Matossian (24:16):


Tyler Watkins (24:17):

I told you. Come on.


He’s going to break.


He’s going to break the down. Hey,


6, 5, 4. Stop it. Let’s

Sevan Matossian (24:23):

Go. Hey, does he know this is CrossFit? What’s he doing?

Tyler Watkins (24:26):

I don’t know. He’s got this. Come


On, come on.

Sevan Matossian (24:28):

Oh, who’s talking? Is that Bryson? This guy don’t got shit.

Tyler Watkins (24:33):

He’s got a cute, want to encourage him? Oh God. The must ups are going to take at least a minute. Wow.

Sevan Matossian (24:40):

25% of the workout has gone by already. Dude, Ramblers, backhand forth sloth pit for fuck’s sake. Good one.

Tyler Watkins (24:48):

Oh, poor guy. He is moving through molasses. Hey,

Sevan Matossian (24:51):

Shout out to Tristan for trying to win it.

Tyler Watkins (24:53):

Go stop that. Get up.


Jesus Christ. He’s going to do three

Sevan Matossian (24:59):

Reps. Yeah, he’s coming off.

Tyler Watkins (25:01):

Oh, he’s going to

Sevan Matossian (25:04):

My God

Tyler Watkins (25:09):

Right there. Fucking told you.



Sevan Matossian (25:13):

F 45 presents Tristan Harrison

Tyler Watkins (25:18):

F 45. My

Sevan Matossian (25:20):

God. Well Tristan, we picked you to take 37th this weekend.

Tyler Watkins (25:26):

Wow. My everybody is not paying off


Wowsers. Hey, it makes me feel a little better.

Sevan Matossian (25:33):

My God. Dude, if that was a farm

Tyler Watkins (25:38):

Animal, someone Hey he, he’s on pace.

Sevan Matossian (25:43):

Someone put a bullet

Tyler Watkins (25:45):

In him. Yeah, dude, this was one my down.


Hey, he’s pretty good at must ups because the first round looks smooth to me. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (25:59):

9 2, 8, 5, 8. Three three. 9 0 3 You guys, this is the week to win.

Tyler Watkins (26:03):

3, 2, 1.

Sevan Matossian (26:07):

Shout out.

Tyler Watkins (26:08):

Listen. They’re


Come. Come on. Come over here.

Sevan Matossian (26:11):

I appreciate anybody who wants to push that hard and

Tyler Watkins (26:14):

Then just I get more water.



Sevan Matossian (26:15):

A bullet. Damn

Tyler Watkins (26:17):

Dude. Close.

Sevan Matossian (26:18):

How many calories was he off? He got 16 first round. How many Taylor get? Hey. Hey. Tristan was the strategy to get the first round Just beat him in the first round.

Tyler Watkins (26:28):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. How’d it go?


Not well


Close. I didn’t work out.

Sevan Matossian (26:36):

Hey Tristan, is it possible, have you ever pooled 16 calories on the, in a minute?

Tyler Watkins (26:44):

Yeah, I think I was at 18 or 1900 cows on it. I’ve done a comp where I had to do 15 at a time with partners and was over 2000. So I think so

Sevan Matossian (27:00):

Basically if you didn’t have the devil’s press, you would’ve got that. It is doable. I don’t know much about the skier, but it’s doable. It’s a good strategy.

Tyler Watkins (27:07):

I think if I would’ve turned the damper up to a nine, I would’ve had it. No. Damn it was at like a seven.

Sevan Matossian (27:13):

Colton, did you say no?

Tyler Watkins (27:16):


Sevan Matossian (27:17):

You didn’t know what he didn’t know He was talking about today we spell redemption. T-A-Y-L-O-R. Tristan. You think anyone’s going to beat him? And when you saw him fail, did you think, oh fuck, I got this.

Tyler Watkins (27:32):

I thought it would be a lot closer when I saw him not send the first ski. I knew it would be close.

Sevan Matossian (27:37):

Were you like in your head you’d dip shit?

Tyler Watkins (27:40):

I thought he’d send the first ski a lot harder, not just do 11. I thought he’d go for 15 to 20 in the first and see what happens in the second. But,

Sevan Matossian (27:49):

And what

Tyler Watkins (27:50):

Strategy was better?

Sevan Matossian (27:51):

What happened this morning? You knew he was going to be there so you just showed up and you’re like, Hey dickhead. I got you.

Tyler Watkins (27:58):

Yeah, I saw it last night. You guys were talking shit. So I come try it.

Sevan Matossian (28:07):

Dude, you’re a beast. Hey, thanks for doing that man. You’re only one of two this week. Who has the balls to try? Thanks for coming and giving a shot. Of

Tyler Watkins (28:15):

Course. Thank you guys.

Sevan Matossian (28:16):

How’s the nervous energy leading up to tomorrow? How are you feeling?

Tyler Watkins (28:20):

I feel pretty good for tomorrow. I don’t have any expectations really. I was not complaining to compete this year. It went well I guess so. I’m just going to go have fun and enjoy the tennis stadium.

Sevan Matossian (28:31):

Hey, someone said Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead Pedro. Go ahead.

Pedro White (28:35):

Are you just going to sprint the first run and then hope you can hang on like you did there?

Tyler Watkins (28:39):

Yeah, I’m going to do like a two minute 800. Perfect.

Pedro White (28:45):

I just need to make a quick change on my heat. One up. Hang on.

Sevan Matossian (28:51):

Someone said that you look like a liberated Hiller. You do look like, kind of like the heterosexual version. No, he Andrew Hiller. He does look like the straight version of Hiller. Totally.

Tyler Watkins (28:58):

Oh, I’m the straight version.

Sevan Matossian (29:00):

Yeah, I think, I mean, Hiller’s got, his wife’s an esthetician. His face is smoother than ice.

Tyler Watkins (29:04):

Yeah, he is like all injected and Botox and shit.

Sevan Matossian (29:07):

Yeah, and his eyebrows are over done and shit.

Tyler Watkins (29:09):

Well, just the one,

Sevan Matossian (29:11):

It’s pretty good. You don’t even have to take tests to do that, to look that way. Yeah,

Pedro White (29:15):

He’s injecting more than Botox. Look at Sue’s lab.

Sevan Matossian (29:19):

Warren Primitive putting up to $500 today. We do have another competitor coming on. Tristan, thanks a lot dude. You the man. Thanks. See, we’ll see you tomorrow. Hey, what time’s the orientation today at the event?

Tyler Watkins (29:29):

Five 15.

Sevan Matossian (29:30):

Five 15. Okay. We’ll see you there buddy. Good to meet you.

Tyler Watkins (29:33):

Great. Thanks guys.

Sevan Matossian (29:34):

Good work. Tri later

Tyler Watkins (29:35):

Job. Tristan.

Sevan Matossian (29:36):


Tyler Watkins (29:37):

Taylor’s taking photos with people.

Sevan Matossian (29:39):

Of course he is.

Speaker 13 (29:40):

He thinks he’s famous or some shit.

Sevan Matossian (29:42):

Yeah, we’re struggling with him already. His head’s fucking watermelon size now. Okay. So very, very close race within one calorie. Very interesting strategy. Matthew tried and now we had Tristan Harris try.

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