I’ll show you the way | Live Call In – Special Guest Tim Murray CrossFit Games Champion

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

Ooh, I can hear the phone beating again this morning. Great phone. Great phone. Good morning. Bam. We’re live. Devesh the hammer. Maharaj. Jeffrey Birchfield. Good morning. Good morning. Wheel watts. Coming up, I saw that Tim Murray had made a made post to Murray’s CrossFit games champ. I dunno if they call it the short stature division or if that’s what I say to make fun of it. I can’t even remember my shit’s all twisted up. Or if they call it the dwarf division, I don’t even remember. But anyway, he’s been on the show before. Cool as shit. A cool dude. And then I saw he made a post a few weeks ago that he had gone three years without drinking. I was like, no shit. And when I talked to him, I was kind of disappointed that either I’d forgotten that story about him or I was kind of disappointed in the fact that I didn’t dig that out of him when I heard him say that on his Instagram. So I’m like, I got to have that dude back on and hear about that story. Dude, talk about some fucking cliche shit. If he was drunk, if he was an Irish drunk dwarf. That’s crazy. That’s some cliche shit. That’s like his cliche is like 15 black dudes robbing an Apple store. It’s like crazy, crazy cliche. That’s as cliche as Armenian credit card stealing scam, if you know what I mean. Thank you Citibank. Thank you very much. Citibank.


I’m kind of happy when that Citibank story broke. I don’t know if you guys remember it, but a couple of weeks ago, Citibank, I’ll pull it up for those you guys don’t remember. Citibank got caught for having, oh, Citibank, Armenian, Citibank. A few, I dunno, a few weeks ago, a few days ago, shit, let’s just say the other day I, Citibank employees called them Armenian bad guys and canceled their accounts. And I just love this when Mary Ian, that’s an Armenian name, started hearing rumors a few years ago that Citibank was closing the accounts of Armenian Americans in San Fernando Valley. She thought it was impossible. A giant Wall Street bank would never do that. I told you guys the story, right? I told you guys the story even before this story broke that I sat down with a vice president of one of the largest banks in Southern California, Jew lady, and she’s like, yeah, we don’t lend money to Armenians.


She just straight up told me. And I just love that because it’s like when you’re black, you’re black skin in this era, you think people are being racist to you, but no one is. It’s actually worse for everyone else. It’s actually worse for white people. Everyone’s actually overcompensating to be nice to black people. If the cops pull you over and you’re a black person and you think that they’re being harsh to you, dude, it’s a hundred times worse for black dudes or white dudes. Lemme repeat that again. If you’re black and the cops pull you over and you think that they’re being harsh to you, you have to remember it’s a hundred times more harsh. If you’re a white dude, they’re overcompensating for you. Everyone’s overcompensating for you.


And I just like it. I just like it that I just like all this shit. You know what I mean? I went and visited my grandparents’ home that the Turks ran out during a real genocide. Not this bullshit that fucking tank talks about. I got real racist shit going on last week from Citibank and black people complaining. I got real shit. I’m Armenian, I’m a black Armenian. I got real racist shit, but I’m proud of it. It’s like exciting to me. Thank you. Oh, thank you. I’m a champion for all marginalized people. I got little Jew boys. My wife doesn’t want me talking about that on the air. I mean, I am the walking fucking, if some pictures would surface with a dick in my mouth, I could get crazy gay coverage too. Crazy gay coverage. I don’t want anyone Photoshopping that either. Please. If it’s not authentic, I don’t want it making the web. Han can I put you down as a reference on my resume? I don’t know. What’d you say to me yesterday? You said something to me yesterday that pissed me off. Robbie, you really pissed me off. Nothing more pisses me off than misunderstanding me.


I’m an Armenian with Jew kids with black cultural deep black cultural roots. What other shit did I got? I’m short. But back to Tim Murray. Could he really possibly have been a dwarf Irish alcoholic? Fucking crazy. But he’s coming on. I’m stoked. He’s coming a wheel wad. And then yesterday and then a couple of days ago, he made a really passionate post about his grandfather. So I figured, you know what, let’s have this fucking dude on. We had a jetted eye had told his wheel wads coming up. He said it’s like the premier shit for dudes with missing parts and shit like that. So the premier competition, and it looks like the wheel wad. Look at this shit. Their shit’s up. It looks like this adaptive event is this shit’s on YouTube already going live. I’ll notify me. Thank you. Subscribe with all notifications turned on. How does this account only have 831 subscribers?


Anyway? I’m pumped. I kind of wish I was going. I would actually like to go. If this was by my house, I would go to this. I would go just to see Tim Murray in Tiah. I’m more interested in watching the people with missing pieces compete then like dwarves and jetted i’s got all his pieces kind, I guess Not really, but I liked what my brain trips out. If I see someone just with one arm, I can’t fully process it. I dunno if I’m in denial or what, but I like watching those dudes. What was the guy’s name who ended up going to SoulCycle? He was cool as shit. Logan, what a trip. Oh. Oh

Sevan Matossian (07:12):

Dude, dude. Holy cow. Dude. Travis. Dude,

Sevan Matossian (07:17):

Wait until I send you the pictures. This is a kid size jersey. Travis sent me three of these and my kids put these on yesterday and we went in the gym and got at it and we’re working out. Dude, these are insane. If you have, my son is probably four foot, two inches tall. Avi, if you have a kid who’s four feet tall to five feet tall, you want one of these? I don’t even know if they sell these. Dude, they are sick. He looks so gangster in it. He looks buffing it. Yeah, these are sick. These turned out so good. Dude, you were saying that mine was special. The letters were raised. I kind of like this one better, not kind of. I do like this one better. I mean, I’m appreciative that you sent me all of it. Oh, this is my new sweatshirt you sent me too.


It’s cold in my office this morning. It’s crazy to think Dave and I were in here sweating like pigs. What was I saying? Anyway, I don’t know if those are for sale. I hate getting clothes for Christmas. I’d be stoked if I got a CEO shirt. Pumped. I am pumped. I was pumped on all that shit Game yesterday. Hey, there’s some sweatshirts in there, Travis. I can’t tell if those are for my wife or my kids. My kids put ’em all on, but I was like, these are probably for my wife. I’m seeing if I can turn the phone back on. Oh, here we go. Here’s Travis right here. Oh, is it working? Travis? Hey,

Speaker 3 (09:00):

Maybe it’s working, maybe it’s not. Maybe

Sevan Matossian (09:01):

It’s How can I help you?

Speaker 3 (09:05):

That whole package has a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in it. The warehouse accidentally sent me a bunch of random stuff that I didn’t order, so I put them to use.

Sevan Matossian (09:15):

Oh, that’s

Speaker 3 (09:15):

Awesome. So whoever can wear ’em can wear ’em.

Sevan Matossian (09:18):

Okay, cool. Okay. Hey. Okay, then let me be critical about something. I loved everything. I wanted a zip up sweatshirt and you sent me one. Was that an accident?

Speaker 3 (09:28):

No. Oh, I meant to send you that. Oh, you’re going to just to see how you liked it.

Sevan Matossian (09:35):

You’re going to hate me for this, but I want to say CEO across the zipper. I know that’s a pain in the ass.

Speaker 3 (09:41):

Huge pain in the ass. Huge. I can try it, but the problem is you’ll end up with a gap right down the middle of the logo

Sevan Matossian (09:49):

Right there. Won’t, won’t be spaced, right?

Speaker 3 (09:53):


Sevan Matossian (09:54):

Yeah. Let me send you some that I have where it does go across the middle.

Speaker 3 (09:58):

Okay. Yeah, I’ll take a

Sevan Matossian (09:59):

Look at it. Yeah, I know it’s a pain, but it looks so much. It would look,

Speaker 3 (10:07):

I have some extras so I can give it a try.

Sevan Matossian (10:08):


Speaker 3 (10:10):

I’ll do it.

Sevan Matossian (10:11):

Hey, remind me to call you later. There’s this thing I’m working on with Dale King and when I say I’m working on it, he’s doing all the work. I’m so fucking excited about it.

Speaker 3 (10:22):

Cool. Yeah, lemme know. I

Sevan Matossian (10:24):

Really wanted soap. There’s two products. I really wanted a soap and this other product I wouldn’t cracked the CO on soap. Ooh,

Speaker 3 (10:31):

CEO soap. I like that.

Sevan Matossian (10:32):

But there’s this other soap, there’s this other product that’s not soap that I’m really excited about that I talked to him about the other day. I’m so pumped.

Speaker 3 (10:40):

It’s not going to be minty soap. That makes your butthole tingle, is it?

Sevan Matossian (10:42):

Nope. Nope. No. Thank you for asking. Some

Speaker 3 (10:47):

People might like that. Some people like

Sevan Matossian (10:49):

That. Hey, Gina’s asking if there’ll be CEO stuff at Legends.

Speaker 3 (10:56):


Sevan Matossian (10:57):

That’s cool.

Speaker 3 (10:58):

There will be some CEO stuff at Legends. You and Greg should stop by. Paulino and I are going to be there.

Sevan Matossian (11:03):

Hey, if I’m there. Oh, Jay Hartle, A CEO dildo. No. Although I would run that by Dale. I’m not really. I’m not a toy guy. I’m not a dildo or vibrator guy at all.

Speaker 3 (11:15):

Dildo soap. It just gets smaller though. That’s the problem. I

Sevan Matossian (11:18):

Wonder how big the dildo market is in the United States dildo market. You would

Speaker 3 (11:25):

Say it’s probably bigger than you think.

Sevan Matossian (11:29):

Wow. Wow. Sex toy market size has grown global sex toys market size to surpass 75 billion. Dude,

Speaker 3 (11:39):

That’s crazy. I bet it had a spike probably spiked two years ago

Sevan Matossian (11:43):

During Covid. I wonder what that 75, how much is for men and how much is for women? I just can’t imagine dudes being interested in toys at all. We’re so simple.

Speaker 3 (12:02):

Dudes are weird though.

Sevan Matossian (12:03):

I know, but weird. Paper towel roll. Weird. Not go at, you’re going to get in your car and go down to this fleshlight. Yeah, you’re going to go on Amazon somewhere and order. I don’t know.

Speaker 3 (12:17):

Dudes are weird. It wouldn’t surprise me. I dunno. I know there’s a lot of women that probably wouldn’t surprise us either though. What they might have in their nightstand,

Sevan Matossian (12:26):

They want dudes to do, some women to want dudes to do weird shit to them probably because of weird shit men have done to them

Speaker 3 (12:37):

In the past. Yeah, yeah. Oh boy. That’s a whole other show.

Sevan Matossian (12:42):

I don’t even know what a fleshlight is. I’m going to look that up really quick. So every time someone says it on the show, I know exactly what it is

Speaker 3 (12:49):

You guys were talking about. Do you remember Aubrey Marcus? Were you guys talking about him the other day? Yeah. The guy who ran, who started on it? So I think he’s the one who started flashlight.

Sevan Matossian (12:58):

He invented it. I’m on their website

Speaker 3 (13:01):

And I still, he either started it or I know he worked there.

Sevan Matossian (13:04):

Oh, is this what a pocket pussy is?

Speaker 3 (13:08):

It literally looks like a flashlight.

Sevan Matossian (13:10):

Yeah. With a vagina on one end. A plastic vagina.

Speaker 3 (13:14):


Sevan Matossian (13:15):

And you just put your penis in there

Speaker 3 (13:18):

I guess.

Sevan Matossian (13:23):

Hey, dude, they have one. You ready for this? Travis? I lose you. I lost you. They have one. They lose you. Oh. Oh, of course. Hey, it dropped you, the road caster dropped you. Hello? Are you back

Speaker 3 (13:38):

Now? I’m back. I’m here. Okay.

Sevan Matossian (13:40):

They have one that’s called the Stamina Training unit. Oh my goodness, dude. They have one that shaped like a butt hole instead of a vagina. This is incredible.

Speaker 3 (13:57):

Dudes are weird. If you use that, do you just get desensitized? A hundred percent.

Sevan Matossian (14:05):

Hey, listen to this. They have something called a sleeve warmer so that you put your fleshlight on, you slip it over it before you use it so it warms it up so your penis doesn’t get cold.

Speaker 3 (14:22):

They’re selling ’em. That’s the scary part.

Sevan Matossian (14:30):

God, I kind of wish I’d never seen. Nobody

Speaker 3 (14:32):

Wants a cold wiener.

Sevan Matossian (14:34):

Oh wait, they have ones that are supposedly certain girls’ vaginas.

Speaker 3 (14:42):

Oh, like modeled after?

Sevan Matossian (14:44):

Yeah. Universal launch, late quick launch. What is that

Speaker 3 (14:52):

Quick shot? You find your favorite porn star and then you can order her parts.

Sevan Matossian (14:58):

Oh God, I can’t believe I’m going to click this. They have something called, dude,

Speaker 3 (15:01):

Your search history is just going through the roof.

Sevan Matossian (15:04):

They have something called the Quick Launch QuickShot

Speaker 3 (15:08):

Quick launch.

Sevan Matossian (15:09):

I wonder what this is.

Speaker 3 (15:17):

How long does it take you that you need a quick launch?

Sevan Matossian (15:23):

Different stroke length? I wonder what this thing is. Product information. The Quick Launch offers a fully automated Fleshlight experience for use with your QuickShot toys. The QuickShot launch control lengths controls the length of your strokes as well as the speed. Oh, so it’s a more advanced Oh, so this thing, wow. Holy shit.

Speaker 3 (15:43):

You’re not controlling it. Good Lord. Oh, Sean M says, hang up on this guy. That’s rude.

Sevan Matossian (15:59):

The Universal Smartphone mount on top gives you the option of viewing your favorite content while both hands on your controls. Oh shit.

Speaker 3 (16:08):

Good Lord. Like fully automated.

Sevan Matossian (16:10):

Dude, this thing is, I have to show you guys this thing. This thing is crazy. Here we go. Sorry. Do you have kids at home? This thing is nuts. They might not even know what it is, so I dunno if you can see that thing, but you hold that thing by two handles.

Speaker 3 (16:27):

Oh my God.

Sevan Matossian (16:29):

Do you see that thing?

Speaker 3 (16:35):

How much does it say this? This is so 1 52. Oh

Sevan Matossian (16:41):

My goodness.

Speaker 3 (16:42):

Cheaper than a

Sevan Matossian (16:43):

Hooker Shit show has started. Okay, bye. Thank you, Travis.

Speaker 3 (16:46):

All right. Bye. Bye. God. Yo.

Tim Murray (16:51):

What’s up?

Sevan Matossian (16:52):

What’s up, dude?

Speaker 3 (16:53):

Oh, you’re not in

Sevan Matossian (16:54):

Your car. You’re not in your car?

Tim Murray (16:55):

No, not today.

Sevan Matossian (16:56):

New venue.

Tim Murray (16:58):

Yeah, new venue. Fellow office. Finally.

Sevan Matossian (17:01):

Hey, in that video when I asked you to come on yesterday, I didn’t think you were going to be able to come on because in that video I thought that you were already at Wheel Wad.

Tim Murray (17:10):

No, I leave tomorrow morning.

Sevan Matossian (17:12):

Okay. Hey, where do you live again, Tim?

Tim Murray (17:15):

I live just outside of Cincinnati in northern Kentucky.

Sevan Matossian (17:19):

And then where’s Wheel Wad?

Tim Murray (17:21):

It’s in Raleigh,

Sevan Matossian (17:23):

North Carolina. Is that drivable?

Tim Murray (17:27):

Yeah. It’s about eight hours.

Sevan Matossian (17:30):

Is that what you’re doing?

Tim Murray (17:31):

Yeah. I looked at flights and layover between layovers and stuff. It would’ve been the same distance minus the cost. So I was like, why not just drive down and get out of the car when I want to versus sitting in an airport?

Sevan Matossian (17:46):

Yeah. Do you do that by yourself or do you roll in with somebody?

Tim Murray (17:51):

I’m going to do it myself. This go around. I was going to take my coach with me, but he has finals the week after their wheel wide, so he didn’t want to rush finals rush to get back for finals and

Sevan Matossian (18:05):

Stuff like finals, like school shit. Yeah. So this is Cincinnati up here that I’m circling with my arrow for people who don’t know, and then he’s going to drive. I guess you’re going to go, you go through West Virginia?

Tim Murray (18:17):

Yeah, I’ll be through West Virginia then probably parts of Virginia and into Carolina.

Sevan Matossian (18:23):

Oh, and it’ll be a nice drive, right?

Tim Murray (18:25):

Yeah, it’s all minus, I think 50 miles of it or so. Give or take Is at least one back country road

Sevan Matossian (18:35):

More than that. No snow?

Tim Murray (18:37):

No, it’s cold. It’s all get out right now. It’s about 25 degrees outside right now,

Sevan Matossian (18:43):

But dang. Hey, I had Jetted IA on here. I think he won the cross the games for his division wheelchair. Do you know him?

Tim Murray (18:55):

Just through social media? I don’t know him personally yet. I’ll be able to meet him here soon, I hope.

Sevan Matossian (19:02):

What’s your take on the, what’s the word, not accolades. What’s more prestigious to Win Wheel wad for you or to win the CrossFit games?

Tim Murray (19:18):

I mean, obviously winning the CrossFit games, you get the title Fittest on Earth just comes with just the winnings, but I’m glad to finally be going to Wheel Walk. I can actually compete in person versus only doing it virtually the past two years. So it’d be nice to actually stack up and see everybody else versus waiting for scores to come in.

Sevan Matossian (19:46):

Yeah, I wish I could remember his answer, but I think it was something like that too. I think he was more like, he liked having the title CrossFit games, I think he said. But he knows that winning Wheel Watt is more like, yeah, you actually, you did something. He did something.

Tim Murray (20:00):


Sevan Matossian (20:00):

Yeah. And the dudes are there and you got a compete and he has 10 dudes in his class. How many do you have?

Tim Murray (20:07):

I think we have five. Five or six.

Sevan Matossian (20:11):

And will they be all dudes you faced before?

Tim Murray (20:13):

Yeah, they’ve all been in the CrossFit games throughout the wheel lot. Last year’s wheel wad, semifinals. I didn’t go to the finals last year because I was working with a hockey team, and that was right in the middle of our season.

Sevan Matossian (20:28):

You didn’t go to what finals? The Wheel Wad? One wheel? Yeah. Oh no.

Tim Murray (20:32):


Sevan Matossian (20:33):

Oh shit.

Tim Murray (20:34):

I made it. I just didn’t get to go because I think we were on the road like a big road trip that weekend, so I was like, I can’t take off to go and have fun in the middle of hockey season.

Sevan Matossian (20:46):

Go and have fun. A funny way of having fun. Hey, was that hard? Did that bum you out? Were you like, fuck

Tim Murray (20:51):

Yeah, I wanted to go. I made it. I went that far and I would’ve enjoyed being there, but I mean, I loved working hockey too, so it was kind of like a win, if you will. If I went, I was going to have fun and everybody was going to understand, but if I didn’t go, then here I am playing hockey or working hockey, hanging out with the guys.

Sevan Matossian (21:14):

What do you do for the hockey team again?

Tim Murray (21:16):

I was their athletic trainer.

Sevan Matossian (21:21):

And how old are they? I

Tim Murray (21:23):

Anywhere from, it’s like 18 to, I think the oldest guy was 33. He just turned 34, will be turning 34 this year.

Sevan Matossian (21:32):

And are you still doing that?

Tim Murray (21:34):

No, I left back in April. I was offered a job that paid me too much more money, too much money to turn down. So I mean now I get to go to Wheel Wad and compete in all these different events now, which kind of a bummer, but this economy right now, money’s hard to pass up.

Sevan Matossian (21:53):

Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. Hey, did you have to move to get that money or did your hours changed?

Tim Murray (21:58):

My hours changed. I actually get to stay in the same place. I mean, I work 40 hour weeks, no nights, no weekends, so no travel, so just kind of hard to pass up.

Sevan Matossian (22:12):

Hey dude, I’ve heard discussion about what’s the best placement for an offseason competition. I’ve heard a lot of people say, yeah, rogue’s the best because it’s a long time before the open comes, but psychologically it’s kind of a bear because you’re still a little scarred from the games. You like that spot where Wheel Watt is.

Tim Murray (22:37):

I mean, I wouldn’t mind it being maybe a little bit earlier right before Thanksgiving because Wheel Watt ends and then maybe you get a week off, two weeks at most to start getting ready for the open. So I think obviously, I think it used to be earlier, but they could only get the venue at this time. This was the best time to get the venue.

Sevan Matossian (23:04):

How about this? How about, this was another interesting thing I hadn’t thought of until Jetted Iowa was on here, but you guys are going to lose. You used to have two prestigious competitions for a minimum. I don’t know what else you guys have in your ecosystem, but you had Wheel Wad, which I think just about everyone who’s games fanatic knows now, and then you had the game, so you had two. Right now it sounds like you’re only going to get one now. It worth the trade-offs since you guys get to keep compete in person or what’s the deal? And I say that, but the truth is I haven’t actually talked to anyone at Wheel Wild, so for all we know they might bring it back. I’m just going off. Yeah,

Tim Murray (23:44):

Don’t how they’re going to do Wheel Wad. I know Wheel Wad is running the games side of it now, so we’re going to have the open. Then we’ll have, I think quarters and semis, so it’s going to be the same process as everybody else with an in-person finals. But I don’t know if that’s going to take over Wheel wad or if Wheel is going to still be its own thing as a qualifying event type of deal. It’s hard for me in my mind. It’s hard to take that away, especially when you have a built in qualifier already.

Sevan Matossian (24:17):


Tim Murray (24:20):

They haven’t really given much information as far as what that’s going to look like next year. But

Sevan Matossian (24:26):

You don’t know where. You don’t know the dates. I did hear, I don’t know if this is true either. I did hear it has to be within, I dunno if this, I’ve just made this up. I heard it somewhere that it has to be within, those events will be within three weeks of the games, meaning the adaptive, the age was there another one, whatever the other ones are that split off from the games. There has to, oh, teen. Teen. Yeah. Yeah,

Tim Murray (24:55):

So I mean, it makes sense. The way I would see that is the Paralympics and Olympics are all two weeks apart, so the Olympics are next year. They’ll be hosted in Paris and then the Paralympics come in two weeks to a month after. So if it’s like that, that’s awesome. I think that’s a great setup.

Sevan Matossian (25:15):

Sorry, I had left the CEO dildo up the whole time. You’ve been very, very unprofessional. We shoot for excellence here at this stuff. You’re welcome. Yeah. Thank you, Rocky. Thank you. Robbie Myers, you get all the credit for Put my dildo back under my desk. Hey, you’d made this post a couple weeks ago. I saw that you’d been sober for three years and I don’t remember talking to you about that in the past. Dude, that’s a crazy cliche dude. Tim Murray, the drunk Dwarf.

Tim Murray (25:53):


Sevan Matossian (25:54):

Dude, that’s crazy. Yeah. Did you have a serious drinking problem?

Tim Murray (26:00):

Yeah, I mean, I didn’t drink all the time. I didn’t drink every day, but I could never have just one.

Sevan Matossian (26:08):


Tim Murray (26:09):

And it started leading towards some, not some great things.

Sevan Matossian (26:13):

Yeah. Did you go to jail?

Tim Murray (26:16):

No, I didn’t go to jail.

Sevan Matossian (26:17):


Tim Murray (26:20):

Got lucky on a few times, got away from it, but

Sevan Matossian (26:24):

Hey, that’s a good, nice cop. You met A nice cop.

Tim Murray (26:27):

Yeah. Nice,

Sevan Matossian (26:29):

Nice, nice.

Tim Murray (26:33):

So hope my mom doesn’t see this, but no, I just was starting to ruin relationships and friendships, so it was that or live my life in alcohol or family.

Sevan Matossian (26:49):

You haven’t had alcohol in three years?

Tim Murray (26:51):

No alcohol.

Sevan Matossian (26:52):

And did the relationships improve?

Tim Murray (26:54):

Yeah, I get to go run around with my nephews. If I didn’t, if was waking up sober, hungover, my dog would be crazy. But relationships have changed for sure as well. I know what I want. I know exactly what I want. Not just someone there, but they’ve helped out big time.

Sevan Matossian (27:17):

Was it easy, abstaining, staining?

Tim Murray (27:22):

Yeah, I think so, because again, I didn’t drink all the time every day, but when I would drink, it was just go bigger, go home. Next thing you know, I’d wake up on my couch. It’s three o’clock in the morning and I would try to question how I got there.

Sevan Matossian (27:42):

Was it always at home? Did you drink at home? Always.

Tim Murray (27:45):

Yeah. Covid kind of took over with everybody. Covid kind of just, yeah,

Sevan Matossian (27:52):

I did day drinking during Covid for four or five months. Yeah, literally wake up in the morning, I’d crack a can of kombucha and mix it with sparking water and I would hear my wife from the other room at seven morning go, are you fucking serious?

Tim Murray (28:07):

Yeah. So I mean, it was the same.

Sevan Matossian (28:09):

I was kind of into it until I wasn’t.

Tim Murray (28:11):

Yeah, it was kind of like what happened was I was tired of waking up, hung over feeling like shit and not being able to train. Well, I wasn’t doing CrossFit at that time, but workout or anything like that. I was just miserable and I was tired of being miserable and just kind of took over from there.

Sevan Matossian (28:30):

Did you do it yourself or did you get help? Did you go to AA or anything?

Tim Murray (28:35):

I did it myself. I had friends that were also sober, so I would talk to them and everything whenever I needed to. I needed something and all my friends and family understood. So

Sevan Matossian (28:49):

You let it be known. It was like, fuck you told people I’m going to quit drinking?

Tim Murray (28:53):


Sevan Matossian (28:54):

Anyone talk to you? Anyone be like your mom come up to you before you quit and be like, yo, dinging dong. You got to quit drinking.

Tim Murray (29:01):

There were a few times. Yeah. I remember a family Christmas that we used to do for a gift exchange. If we wanted to block someone from taking our gift, we would take a shot of bourbon and one year, I don’t remember, I just remember doing the gift exchange and then waking up in my bed at home.

Sevan Matossian (29:19):

Oh damn.

Tim Murray (29:21):

Yeah. So wasn’t a good picture to see

Sevan Matossian (29:27):

Caved Astro. What is this nonsense over here? Where’s my arrow? You should have been going to an affiliate and getting as fit as possible during that time. Debbie, you shut your face. Your mom should have been at my house every day during that time. Tell me what to do. I enjoyed it. I had fun. I have zero regrets. I’m glad I had the experience. Aren’t you glad you had the experience? I think you’re cooler for quitting, but you couldn’t have quit unless you did it.

Tim Murray (29:52):

Exactly. I feel better. I feel much better with everything in my life.

Sevan Matossian (29:57):

And you got a good experience. You’re like, fuck that.

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