Greg Glassman | Live Call In Show – Being Liberal

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

Greg’s muted. Oh yeah. I think maybe only he can. Oh, you have to unmute yourself. Bam. We’re live. Good morning. There

Greg Glassman (00:06):

We go.

Sevan Matossian (00:08):

Heidi. Good morning, Eric. Good morning. I love Wednesdays the Sevens podcast. Oh, good. Means I know what that means. You love Greg. That’s good. I’ll interpret that. Seven minutes of burpees. No, no. Thank you. Augusta Link. Go Reg. That’s only way to do it. Look, you’ve already got 50 burpees down since you’ve been waiting for the show to start. Crazy. Judy Re, happy Wednesday. Hi.


Sitting in my living room the other day, hang out. It’s late. It’s like 10 30 and I turn on the TV and I turn on YouTube and there’s a video of the Pentagon getting hit with the plane in 2002. That was 2001, September, 2001. And I start tripping all of a sudden again that how can there be? So there was a countdown. It was this documentary talking about the plane hitting the side, and it shows all the people rushing out of the building and it shows the people running down to the bottom of the Pentagon to adjust the water and all this shit that’s going on. But there was a countdown. I didn’t know that. It’s like 17 minutes till impact, 16 minutes till impact. And it’s like going over loudspeakers and all these people are running and the cops are like, stay 500 yards from the building and all these dudes dressed, and I’m just tripping. How could there not be? And there’s no footage of the fucking plane hitting the building. It’s absolutely bizarre, isn’t it? We got Rodney Kim getting beaten in the street.

Greg Glassman (01:57):

I don’t know that there is or isn’t.

Sevan Matossian (02:00):

I searched pretty good. I searched pretty good. I kept searching around. All they show is impact, but you never see. It’s the plane. It’s so fucking weird. It’s so bizarre to me that, I mean, you’ve never seen the footage, right?

Greg Glassman (02:15):

No. I feel like I had, but it’s not the kind of thing I’d watch over and over.

Caleb Beaver (02:23):

It looks like I found a video and it looks like it skips a rock off the ground in front of it.

Sevan Matossian (02:30):

Oh, can I see it?

Caleb Beaver (02:32):

Yeah, sure.

Sevan Matossian (02:34):

I’m just like, how come there’s no video of this building? There were eye, there were definitely eyewitnesses Who saw it? You would just think that you would see the whole thing because the countdown was there. There were thousands and thousands of people there to witness it

Caleb Beaver (02:54):

Right there. It comes into frame.

Sevan Matossian (02:56):

Oh, okay. That’s supposed to be it. Okay. And that’s the only angle, huh?

Caleb Beaver (03:03):

Seems like it.

Sevan Matossian (03:10):

Hey, Greg, bear with me a second. Let’s say the whole thing was some sort of operation outside of just Bin Laden being mad at the United States. They still had to convince some dudes to fly the planes into the building, right?

Greg Glassman (03:25):

Yeah. They went to Embry Riddle majored in landing or some fucking thing.

Sevan Matossian (03:31):

Right? Okay. So even

Greg Glassman (03:33):

Takeoffs. Yeah, takeoffs. And then dropped out

Sevan Matossian (03:37):

Even if it was some sort of, one of

Greg Glassman (03:39):

The guys was at the Embry Riddle near me in Prescott, had links to all of the hijackers.

Sevan Matossian (03:47):

That’s the big school,

Greg Glassman (03:48):

Isn’t it?

Sevan Matossian (03:49):

Even if it was some intention, let’s say one of the theories I heard is that there was gold at the bottom of the World Trade Center, and they used this as an excuse to get all the gold out, a trillion dollars worth of gold or whatever. Even if they did that, they still, it had to be such a plan that it involved brainwashing all these dudes so that they would be willing to yell all the Akbar as they fucking flew a plane full of people into the building. There’s no one questioning that, right?

Greg Glassman (04:13):

I mean, there were people that texted and called their loved ones

Sevan Matossian (04:20):

From the plane, right?

Greg Glassman (04:21):


Sevan Matossian (04:24):

For my birthday, I started reading Lost in Math. Oh, I made it through about half that book for my birthday. I started reading Lost in Math per an old broken science lecture by Greg. Love the book. Recommendations that recommendations.

Greg Glassman (04:39):

What makes that book particularly fun is that as brilliant as Fast Bender is, she doesn’t seem to be aware or maybe is afraid to delve into the mechanism behind the failures. I mean, I get that an over reliance on the beauty of mathematics is a manifestation. This loss of empiricism is a manifestation of the problem. But I think that the roots of it come to directly to what it is that we’re talking about, Emily and I and Matt Briggs and the Lost the Broken Science Crew. And that is that predictive strength of model has been replaced for validation with a consensus in a mildly inductive inference system that looks like no hypothesis testing, which is in the entirety of it’s a fraud, is the truth of it.

Sevan Matossian (05:52):


Greg Glassman (05:52):

Intellectual academic fraud with impact. It will someday be similar maybe to the impact of academic collectivism as serious thought. Marxism in particular. It’s dealt ruin to the minds of an entire generation.

Sevan Matossian (06:17):

Yeah, that’s the part That’s wild, right? Yeah. It’s not like when, what’s the guy’s name? The gay Jewish scientist who Otto. It’s not like Otto Warberg where he’s like, Hey, look for cancer. The cause of root of cancer is over here. And then we spent the last 60 years or a hundred years looking over here. It’s way worse than that. It’s not just that we’re looking in the wrong place, it’s that we’re not even looking. We’ve completely confused ourselves, completely lost our way.

Greg Glassman (06:59):

Yep. Our universities have led us in a direction that you would have to call the opposite of knowledge, whatever the fuck that is. Ignorance.

Sevan Matossian (07:09):

Oh God.

Greg Glassman (07:11):

But that’s what’s happened. It’s like the goddamn things in reverse. So you go off to college and four years later you come away less worldly, less knowledgeable with fewer skills, and you have this burden of this Marxist broken bullshit science university load that’s tant to ow of poverty in a life of crime if you’re going to use some kind of scientist. It’s weird. How significant is it that both Harvard and Stanford lost their heads to crazy, unethical behavior in just the past, what year and a half, two years?

Sevan Matossian (07:56):

Yeah. Insane. I think they kind of, but the incidents happened in the same month, right?

Greg Glassman (08:01):

I don’t know.

Sevan Matossian (08:02):

And it was fraud. Fraud on both counts, right?

Greg Glassman (08:05):

Yep. Yep. Academic dishonesty of the most egregious sort.

Sevan Matossian (08:15):

I saw something really dark,


So I looked up a couple articles about it. This is from 2022. Anti-Abortion Group claims. It took 115 fetuses from a medical waste truck. So there’s an energy plant, I think it’s in Pittsburgh. And these people, the energy plant was accused of burning babies to create energy. It was just a plant where they burned shit, and they were taking aborted babies there and burning them because they’re looking for anything to burn. Do you remember that documentary we watched at your house? The Michael Moore documentary that only lasted on YouTube for a day, and basically it was about clean energy plants, and the documentary was exposing that the United States was harvesting trees from the Amazon and bringing ’em up here and burning them, claiming it was clean energy. Do you remember that? And it wasn’t just a few trees, it was shitloads of

Greg Glassman (09:13):

Them. Yeah. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (09:16):

And then you YouTube pulled that down. You remember that?

Greg Glassman (09:19):

That sounds familiar.

Sevan Matossian (09:21):

So basically this article starts off, this is in 2022, an anti-abortion group that is facing previous federal charges. I don’t know why that’s important. I

Greg Glassman (09:28):

Think I was studying Russian collusion during this. I was off on another,

Sevan Matossian (09:33):

But you kindly vaguely remember this.

Greg Glassman (09:34):

Yeah, yeah, I do. I remember watching the show with you.

Sevan Matossian (09:38):

Oh, that one. Okay. Yeah. An anti-abortion group that is facing previous federal charges said it took 115 fetuses from a medical waste company and buried 110 of them at an undisclosed location, Washington DC Police, which originally said it found five fetuses in one of the group member’s apartments is continuing to investigate the case. So the way the NPR reports this is, they put this twist on it that the people who took the babies from the truck that was in front of the medical or the burning facility, this energy plant, is that they’re under investigation. And they allude to the fact that it’s bullshit that these guys already have federal charges. They’re not trustworthy. And somehow they ended up with 115 babies, and then it finishes several members of the anti-abortion group face federal charges. So it opens with that and closes with that. And then there’s nothing else on NPR ever again about the incident. So I keep Googling and I end up over here in a 2023 article, and they were fucking fine. 1.7, oh, sorry, lemme pull this up. So then I keep looking for the story. I a Baltimore has been lp, a Baltimore company has been fined 1.7 million after pleading guilty to more than 40 environmental violations concerning the improper disposal of medical waste. And I guess there’s something called red bags. And red bags are where you put organs and shit in them. Like when you’re bio biohazard bags. Oh yeah, biohazard bags. Thank you.

Caleb Beaver (11:13):

Any human waste.

Sevan Matossian (11:15):

Yeah. And they were, this company and fucking Pittsburgh was taking just anything and everything included boarded babies and just burning them and off-gassing them into the city of Pittsburgh.

Greg Glassman (11:34):


Sevan Matossian (11:35):

Don’t, it’s fucking wild.

Greg Glassman (11:37):

Yeah, but you think they’re inspecting this shit?

Sevan Matossian (11:43):

No, no. You mean the people at the plant?

Greg Glassman (11:45):


Sevan Matossian (11:46):

No, it’s a bunch of dudes just standing there. The trek pulls up and they just start loading shit into the incinerator and hope some turbine somewhere spins.

Greg Glassman (11:54):

I think it would be a rare thing that you and I would pop open one of the bags.

Sevan Matossian (11:58):

Well, if me and you worked there, we would do it.

Greg Glassman (12:04):

You have to plan and think of things like, well, what the fuck have we worked there? It’s kind of a worst case scenario thing

Caleb Beaver (12:11):


Greg Glassman (12:12):

Have. It’s like,

Caleb Beaver (12:14):

Have you heard of the show called Body Brokers?

Greg Glassman (12:19):


Caleb Beaver (12:20):

Well, I guess dealing human bodies after they’re dead is far easier than you could imagine. And so people will just have medical grade refrigerators at their house or at a warehouse or something, and they’ll just store bodies there. And then they sell them to universities. Or

Sevan Matossian (12:44):

How do they get the bodies, Caleb, how do they get the bodies?

Caleb Beaver (12:48):

So I guess when you die, you can say whether or not you want to donate your body to science.

Greg Glassman (12:53):

You save yourself, your family, the reation costs or whatever,

Caleb Beaver (12:57):

Right? And so you’re say, Hey, I don’t want, or just give my body off to somebody. And then the morgue has contacts with somebody who like, Hey, I need this body for, I need a head to give to my anatomy class so that I can dissect it and show the class what’s up with the body. And so then they don’t ask questions. They’re like, yeah, I just want to need the head. I just need, or I need a full body. And they did give it away. And so there’s people out there who just do that as a side business. It’s crazy.

Sevan Matossian (13:30):

Did you see it on History Channel or something? Is it like a series?

Caleb Beaver (13:33):

It’s a podcast, I think called Body Brokers. Let me see.

Greg Glassman (13:36):


Caleb Beaver (13:39):

I had a really long time.

Sevan Matossian (13:40):

Caleb, you’re being judged really hard in the comments. I apologize. Nothing negative yet, but you are being judged. Yeah, it

Greg Glassman (13:47):

Changed the channel.

Caleb Beaver (13:50):


Sevan Matossian (13:52):

It’s like,

Caleb Beaver (13:54):

It’s crazy, dude. I don’t know exactly how they got this guy in jail, but he was doing something improperly and they had a bunch of bodies stacked. Oh, he was frauding. He was defrauding people out of their money. He was like, I remember

Greg Glassman (14:13):

That story Now, there was a well-known female professor of some sort involved that had given her bought,

Caleb Beaver (14:22):

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sevan Matossian (14:24):

Look at that out.

Greg Glassman (14:26):

They made furniture out of it or something. That’s right.

Sevan Matossian (14:31):

They stretched the foreskin over a table real tight.

Greg Glassman (14:34):


Sevan Matossian (14:36):

Over a pool table. Hey Greg,

Greg Glassman (14:39):

What about the Iranians in the Chinese fucking with our water supply?

Sevan Matossian (14:45):

I saw that this morning.

Greg Glassman (14:46):

Yeah, that’s from me.

Sevan Matossian (14:50):

Hey, look at you have the signal behind you.

Greg Glassman (14:54):

Yeah. Yeah. I got that on Good Source.

Sevan Matossian (15:00):

I mean, it says it’s from the White House.

Greg Glassman (15:03):

Yeah, I could do that too. I think.

Caleb Beaver (15:06):


Sevan Matossian (15:07):

Just make that up. I sent you the document that supposedly came from the White House. You don’t think this is real?

Greg Glassman (15:16):

I sent it to you.

Sevan Matossian (15:19):

But you don’t think it’s real that it came from the White House?

Greg Glassman (15:21):

No, I do. Like I said, I got that from Pretty Good Source from someone at DOJ.

Sevan Matossian (15:27):

Yeah. Sorry, I know you sent me. Sorry. I was talking to Caleb Disabling. Basically the two recent ongoing threats illustrate the risk that cyber attacks posed to the nation’s water system threat actors affiliated with the Iranian government. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have carried out malicious cyber attacks against the United States critical infrastructure entities, including drinking water systems. And these attacks, the are IRGC affiliated cyber attack targeted and disabled, a common type of operational technology used at water facility where the facility has neglected to change default manufacturer passwords. That’s scary, by the way. So these plants they’re talking about are the ones that turn our poop back into drinking water.

Greg Glassman (16:08):

I am not sure.

Sevan Matossian (16:10):

Okay. The People’s Republic of China is also being looked at. State-sponsored cyber group known as the Volt Typhoon has compromised information technology of multiple critical infrastructure systems, including drinking water in the United States and its territories. Volt typhoon’s, choice of targets and pattern of behavior are not consistent with traditional cyber espionage. Federal departments and agencies assesses with high confidence that volt typhoon actors are pre-positioning themselves via the southern border to disrupt critical infrastructure operations in the event of geopolitical tensions and or military conflict.

Caleb Beaver (16:40):

It looks like right here, drinking water and wastewater systems are an attractive target for cyber attacks

Sevan Matossian (16:45):

Because they are lifeline of critical infrastructure sector. Water’s critical lifeline.

Caleb Beaver (16:50):

No shit never would’ve guessed

Sevan Matossian (16:56):

In that spirit of partnership. We asked for your assistance in addressing the pervasive and challenging risk of cyber attacks on drinking water systems. God, it’s as simple as fucking getting a password.

Greg Glassman (17:11):

They used the default password that the equipment came with from the manufacturer.

Sevan Matossian (17:20):

So my router comes with a default password and then you’re supposed to go in and change it.

Caleb Beaver (17:26):

I love boobies. 1, 2, 3.

Sevan Matossian (17:29):

Damn, that sounds bad. Hey, they got enough people here now to do it. I watched my orca say that just at one border in particular, because of the catch and release policy, 900 times more Chinese nationals came in up to this point in 2024 at one entry point than the previous year, 900 times. And so the thing is, let’s say 20 came in before in the previous year, I don’t know what the number was, right? But even if it was one, it’s now 900. That’s bad, right?

Greg Glassman (18:11):

Yeah. I mean what would you send over

Sevan Matossian (18:16):

Dudes? My most talented spies throat slits.

Greg Glassman (18:23):

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.

Sevan Matossian (18:24):

Plane taker offers

Greg Glassman (18:28):

Saboteurs, right? If there were an escalated conflict with any of our adversaries right now, would the current administration and would the media portray it? Reveal it, cover it? Would it make the news?

Sevan Matossian (19:02):


Greg Glassman (19:04):

I don’t think so either.

Sevan Matossian (19:06):

That’s a really good point. I never even thought of it. They would hide it in order to defend their position that their choices up to this point are good. Right? Bad for the brand. It’s like being embarrassed. They’d be embarrassed.

Greg Glassman (19:16):

Yes. And I think for that reason that China and Iran would be unlikely to escalate anything right now. I think that would be seen as proving Biden’s weakness because about which he would do nothing. We know that already. They do too. But maybe this is the only opportunity to act. China’s got to be bumming about Trump.

Sevan Matossian (19:46):

That he could possibly get elected. That he could possibly get elected. If you’re a bounty hunter, you’re stoked. Like if you’re in the chain link fence business and the gathering of bad guy business, you’re stoked.

Greg Glassman (20:06):

I think he, to them seems to be the quintessential American half witted, brute.

Sevan Matossian (20:22):

That’s how Trump comes across to them.

Greg Glassman (20:24):

He’s twice their size. Putin and she ping are probably wave about as much as one of that fat fuck thighs. And he’s got more and better nukes and more and better weapons, and he’s dumb and fish. And he has the capacity to, in a fit of peak crush their shit. That moron actually got on the phone with Putin and told him, if we went to work, he’d bomb those round shiny things. You didn’t even know what the fuck they were called. Putin told him, those are churches, Mr. President,

Sevan Matossian (21:09):

He did say that those rounds shiny things

Greg Glassman (21:12):

First. And Putin told him, those are churches. He said, whatever. That’s what he hit.

Caleb Beaver (21:21):


Greg Glassman (21:23):

This is the guy who’s drawn faces on fucking president during the state of the Union. He’s just like you, man.

Sevan Matossian (21:31):

Oh, I love that. Thank you. Hey.

Greg Glassman (21:35):

And what’s so good about that is that his adversaries that scares the shit out of him, they don’t know what the fuck he’s going to do. And they do, or maybe they do know and he’d be the wrong guy to embarrass. He’d strike out for sure. You embarrass him and he’s going to fuck you up. That kind of guy. He’d take it personally. You get that?

Sevan Matossian (22:01):


Greg Glassman (22:03):

And it would rain missiles with extraordinary accuracy and the bad guys know it. So of course Putin’s like, I think if things would be more stable with Biden and his presidency, how does he say that and not chuckle? I’ll tell you how he’s terrified of Trump.

Caleb Beaver (22:24):

Scared of the orange man.

Greg Glassman (22:25):

Yeah, for much for the same reasons. We all are. The only that’s scarier than Trump is Biden. Say it again. In fact, there’s only one candidate worse than Trump, and that’s Biden

Sevan Matossian (22:44):

Significantly worse.

Greg Glassman (22:46):

Yes. Measurably. Demonstrably visibly, obviously. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (22:54):

Here’s some. It is dangerous to go to the ATM under Biden, under Trump. It’s not, I mean, I know that’s a pretty broad statement, but cops are villains under Biden. Cops are not villains under Trump. Firefighters get shot doing their job, putting out fires under Biden. They don’t under Trump.

Greg Glassman (23:16):

That didn’t

Sevan Matossian (23:18):


Greg Glassman (23:19):

Oversized caricature of Americans is closer to my ideal than some collectivist lefty.

Sevan Matossian (23:35):

Well, here’s the thing, saying you don’t perceive Trump as having a mental illness. Right? You don’t see him as crazy.

Greg Glassman (23:45):

No, I’m not going to do the offer up code from the DMS. Whatever you mean,

Sevan Matossian (23:53):

As opposed to people on the left. You clearly do. It’s mental. You saw Don Lemon interview.

Greg Glassman (23:57):

You tell me if it’s mental illness. I think he’s a pathological liar. I think he’s got an ego so far out. The reach is so far beyond his intellectual and even his success as a businessman has laughable merits to it.

Sevan Matossian (24:16):


Greg Glassman (24:18):

Is he mentally ill? I don’t see it that way. Biden senile though. And I think I find it implausible to even suspect that he’s not corrupted, implausible to even suspect that he’s not corrupted because I know they’ve been given him money and I know they don’t give it for nothing. You see how that works,

Sevan Matossian (24:47):


Greg Glassman (24:50):

About which he’s gone to enormous efforts to conceal the money. The diamonds buddy. If you and I were entangled in that somehow outside of being Bidens, we’d be like Bobinski in jail. Right? He went to jail, didn’t he?

Sevan Matossian (25:08):

I don’t know. Did he? By mentally ill. I mean, if you hear Elon Musk trying to talk to Don Lemon. Don Lemon, no words mean anything. The subjects are, the subjects and ideas are all conflated.

Greg Glassman (25:27):

That was so good. He got fired two hours later.

Sevan Matossian (25:35):

And then if you go to Don Lemon’s Instagram account, they think that he destroyed Elon. There was a point where Elon was talking about how if you lower the demands to become a doctor, you’re going to get worse Doctors and Don Lemon’s like, do you have any proof of that? And he said, no, but I’m fine. Basically thinking like this. And then Don Lemon goes, yeah, but black people get worse medical care in the hospital. And it’s like, Hey, it’s, it’s not even the same subject. You’ve gone from what? The perceived patient problem to lowering the requirements to become a doctor.

Greg Glassman (26:13):

He’s in true liberal fashion. He’s going to deny the obvious and then give us, instead of something that’s obvious, his own home baked fucking theory. That sounds like bullshit.

Sevan Matossian (26:25):

Yeah, I mean, it was insanity. We’ve all been in arguments with people like that. Unfortunately loved ones, right? Girlfriends, you’re trying to stay on subject about what you’re fighting about and they’re just swerving all around

Greg Glassman (26:50):

In homeschooling the kids and looking at how much opportunity there is to enrich a child’s life just in the space of fundamentals. And as you do that and you watch, I mean, it is a crazy thing to do. It’s like growing corn to have a kid that’s nine years old and doing algebra, right? You’re just like, fuck to think that that tradition is being extinguished. The horrors of that, remember when I had those shirts that had the book covers on ’em? Chevy? So like The Catcher and Rye.

Sevan Matossian (27:37):

Remember that? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I was with you when we went into that bookstore. Yeah. It

Greg Glassman (27:40):

Was crazy. The people that would come up to me and want to talk. I had the cover of the Hound of the Baskervilles t-shirt on, and people would stop you and talk, have conversation. And it was crazy how many times it came up when people would say, what’s going to happen when people don’t read anymore? And I said, oh, I’ll tell you. We’re going to have things like Trump versus Hillary. That was then


That’s what’s going to happen. And so the many manifestations of stupidity, it’s a kaleidoscope of horrors. And as you turn it never the end and complexity of the fuckups of shitty thinking, it’s un mappable. There will never be a taxonomy of bad ideas. It’s like things you’ll see out at the end of a kaleidoscope, but instead of colorful patterns, it’s just horrors the depravity of the human spirit. And it follows this. You want some telltales turning on your Jews. Look at what happens to civilizations when they turn on their Jews. And I’m not going to sit here and give a history lesson. I see the origins of this. Everyone used to be able to have to diagram sentences. My kids are diagramming sentences. I realized I got fucked because that was taken out of school when I came along. What a stupid fucking move that was. It has all the wisdom of eliminating PE and math.

Sevan Matossian (29:36):

And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist. You could say, Hey, look at the Middle East. You have 12 million of these people and then surrounded by hundreds of other millions of people, and you can see two groups and study them. Do you want the group where the women walk around free and don’t have to worry about being raped and their faces aren’t covered and people aren’t being stoned to death? And there’s a clean water supply and there’s hospitals and there’s a.

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