Ezra Aderhold | Team Discraft – The Greatest Arm

Ezra Aderhold (00:00):

Is that is, that is only for me, but

Sevan Matossian (00:02):

Bam, we’re live. Ezra, what’s up? Good morning.

Ezra Aderhold (00:05):

Hey guys. How’s it going? Good morning.

Sevan Matossian (00:07):

Uh, uh, when, when originally when I had you on first you, you popped on my radar. Cause my buddy here, Brian friend, you see him over there with the baseball hat on. Uh, my buddy Brian friend is pretty into Frisbee golf and he knows that I like Frisbee. I’m like a beach, uh, a beach Frisbee guy, you know, with the 175 gram disc craft. Um, and you know, Miller Highlife and a joint and a pack of cigarettes. Early,

Ezra Aderhold (00:31):

Early plug for disc crafts.

Sevan Matossian (00:32):

He likes you already. Oh God, I love

Ezra Aderhold (00:34):

Disc. Heck yeah. It’s,

Sevan Matossian (00:35):

It’s, it’s, I don’t even know, understand how anyone else is even in the game in Nova May. It’s funny watching. Um, anyway, don’t get me sidetracked here. Hold on. Um, and uh, I, he, so he, we started watching, um, he’s like, Hey dude, you should check, check out Frisbee golf disc golf. So I start watching it and I start watching every weekend with him. And then he comes on the podcast and we talk about it. And then all the callers kind of make fun of us, right? We got this whole live chat that makes fun of us cuz we’re into disc golf. And I’m like, there’s, there’s one dude that’s yoked that wears his clothes too tight. And why am I, why am I fascinated with that fucking guy? And obviously cause we’re in the CrossFit space and so I start obsessing on you and I start getting in your dms. And then I tell Brian, I’m like, Hey dude, I got Ezra Aderhold. I said it Right, right.

Ezra Aderhold (01:18):

Yeah. Yeah. That’s it.

Sevan Matossian (01:19):

Eight old you were at her hold until I started doing research on you Now I know.

Ezra Aderhold (01:23):

Yep. That’s the way it is for, for a lot of people. So thanks Paul. Getting it right.

Sevan Matossian (01:27):

And what kind of name is that?

Ezra Aderhold (01:30):

Gentleman? I think

Sevan Matossian (01:33):

Is, is

Ezra Aderhold (01:33):

That gentleman Russian? Maybe.

Sevan Matossian (01:35):

Are, are your parents born in this country?

Ezra Aderhold (01:37):

Yeah. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (01:38):

Okay. You got, you got a little, uh, hint of like foreigner in you a little bit. Where, where were they born? Were, were they Amish or were they born on a commune or were they hippies?

Ezra Aderhold (01:45):

No, they, so just Dakota off, you got

Sevan Matossian (01:47):

Something off with you a little bit. You got something a little like quirky hippie?

Ezra Aderhold (01:51):

Yeah. Yeah. It’s, uh, it’s just a speech impediment. So a lot of people think it’s like an accent buff,

Sevan Matossian (01:56):

Buff hippie with speech impediment.

Ezra Aderhold (01:59):

Yeah. Yep.

Sevan Matossian (02:00):

With incredible arm. Incredible. Alright.

Ezra Aderhold (02:02):


Sevan Matossian (02:04):

All right. Fair. But were your parents hippies?

Ezra Aderhold (02:07):

Um, not, I wouldn’t say hippies. Um, I think they, they grew up in like a pretty normal like, lifestyle. And then after they got married, they kinda did research and, uh, then started kinda adopting the vegan lifestyle. So I wouldn’t say like full hippie, but they adopted like the health side of, of the, kinda that lifestyle I suppose.

Sevan Matossian (02:31):

Um, if you, I, I know you get your blood work done and I want to tell you right away that my biggest sponsor is a company called California Hormones. They give you free blood work for you, especially because you’ve been on the podcast. If you’re ever in southern California in Newport Beach, sweet. Bring you into the facility.

Ezra Aderhold (02:46):

Okay, cool.

Sevan Matossian (02:47):

And I don’t know if you’re, if you’re, um, uh, if you’re sport tests, but they will also offer testosterone replacement therapy so you can get a little more in your, you know, in your swing. And they offer peptide.

Ezra Aderhold (02:59):

They don’t, they don’t test. But I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t feel too comfortable going, going that route.

Sevan Matossian (03:04):

All, all right. Fine, fine. Yeah. Me neither. Me neither. But, but me neither. And, and then, and then I also wanna offer, do you know about these?

Ezra Aderhold (03:13):

Uh, oh

Sevan Matossian (03:14):


Ezra Aderhold (03:15):

God, I don’t,

Sevan Matossian (03:16):

Those are my, those are my feet.

Ezra Aderhold (03:17):

Feet. I know.

Sevan Matossian (03:18):

They look like bird feet. Those are my feet.

Ezra Aderhold (03:22):

I’ve got hold of those. I don’t think, oh, may maybe I’ve seen an ad on something.

Sevan Matossian (03:25):

I don’t know. Tow spacers.

Ezra Aderhold (03:28):

Yeah. What’s that look? Is

Brian Friend (03:28):

What they look like when they’re not on someone’s foot.

Ezra Aderhold (03:30):

Oh yeah. Okay. There we go.

Sevan Matossian (03:32):

I, I, I would like to, how do people mail you stuff since you’re always on the road?

Ezra Aderhold (03:37):

Well, we’ve been doing Airbnbs, so sometimes if we time it right, I can get stuff sent that way. Um, and then also, I guess I’ll be back home in like a month, so sending stuff to my house would, well, like my, you know, residential address location would walk as well.

Sevan Matossian (03:55):

Okay. I’d like to send you a pair of toe spacers.

Ezra Aderhold (03:58):

Alright, I’ll try ’em out.

Sevan Matossian (04:00):

Yeah. I don’t want him to fuck up your game, but I, but, but I personally like them. Do you think they would mess up his game, Brian?

Brian Friend (04:06):

No, not at all.

Sevan Matossian (04:08):

Okay, good.

Ezra Aderhold (04:09):

All right. What’s the, what’s the benefits trying to flag out?

Brian Friend (04:13):

The idea is that, you know, as in the western world, we spend so much time with our feet in shoes, and so they, you know, they’re like this and the feet are meant to be, you know, able to manipulate each individual toe and spread ’em out. And so this is just a thing that you can do kind of at the end of the day, you or Wired, you know, we’re doing computer work or watching TV or, you know, whatever things that you do, and spend some time with your feet spread out so that it gives a chance for the body to learn that movement pattern as well.

Ezra Aderhold (04:40):


Sevan Matossian (04:42):

Basically your feet are trapped in shoes all day, let ’em free.

Ezra Aderhold (04:45):


Sevan Matossian (04:45):

I figured a hippie like you would appreciate that. Physically conscious, buff, hippie, like I’m, that’s I’m me. I’m you in 30 years, by the way. I’m the 51 year old version of you <laugh>, uh,

Ezra Aderhold (05:00):

26 year

Sevan Matossian (05:00):

Old. Uh, you’re 26. Okay. Jamie Latimer. Uh, did he have to use a strip club wifi? Are you parked? Because sometimes we have a guest who’s on the road and they have to park in front of a strip club for wifi. Are you parked in front of a strip club?

Ezra Aderhold (05:11):

Uh, no. I’m in front of a Planet Fitness, but I’m just on my, uh, on my data. So

Sevan Matossian (05:18):

Have you worked out already?

Ezra Aderhold (05:19):

No, no. I just went and brush my teeth and stuff.

Sevan Matossian (05:22):

Oh, awesome.

Ezra Aderhold (05:22):

I, I walk out at night. I don’t like to like walk out and then try to go disc golf, that, that can be kind of difficult with lactic acid buildup and stiffness and stuff like that, so.

Sevan Matossian (05:32):

Yeah. Yeah. I, I heard you say basically too that, and obviously that would be the point of not doing steroid steroids might actually shorten your throat, but basically that one of the benefits of working out is not necessarily to get more on your throat, but for injury prevention. And I kind of love that.

Ezra Aderhold (05:46):

Yeah, that’s honestly, I feel like that’s probably like the main benefit is just the injury prevention. And then there’s probably some confidence, you know, that I can gain as well from like being in shape. Um, but I mean, like a lot of the guys at the top don’t have like, you know, super built physiques and they can still just rip the discs with the, you know, I guess the athleticism and the flexibility and, and you know, that, that side of the physicality.

Sevan Matossian (06:14):

Yeah. Um, you know what I was really fascinated by after watching a bunch of podcasts you were on, you were on, and then watching your YouTube channel is that basically you’re a dude who’s chasing your dream. And, um, I spent years homeless and then I spent years living in a car. And during that time, I was the only person I knew who wasn’t a drug addict. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And now here’s another dude. And it kind of is the misnomer about homelessness because here you are purposely choosing to be homeless so that you could fucking pursue your fucking dream. And it’s brilliant and it’s what all young capable men should be doing all over the planet. If you’re a painter, you should be driving around in your Prius that’s set up to cook beans, to paint the Grand Canyon one day in the Empire State building the next day. And if you want to be a professional athlete, you should be chasing the circuit. Or if someone wanted to be a ch professional videographer or photographer, they should be chasing you, chasing the circuit in their own car. And uh, and I just want to tell you, kudos to you for just like really showing what, um, human beings are capable of and making life fun. Is, is your life fun? It looks so fun.

Ezra Aderhold (07:19):

I mean, it’s definitely up and down I think like probably anybody’s life, you know, but the, I mean, I’m, I’m definitely blessed to be able to travel around and see a lot of cool places and compete and just play disc golf, you know, obviously it’s walk at the same time I have to, you know, actually put time into practicing and, you know, preparing and stuff like that. But it’s really cool to see all the people on tour kind of just doing the same, doing the same thing, you know, on the playing side and then also on the videography side, just kind of, you know, like you said, kind of living in living in vehicles and you know, traveling around and pursuing that. And it’s getting to a point too, uh, you know, less and less people on tour actually have to do that lifestyle and like, like this, you know, this season I’m actually living in Airbnbs, which is a lot nicer than sleeping in a Prius, obviously. Um, and so it’s cool to see that the sport moving that direction as well.

Sevan Matossian (08:06):

So you, by the way, this throw is, this is beautiful. This is, where is this?

Ezra Aderhold (08:10):

That is in Des Moines, Iowa. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (08:15):

God, it’s beautiful.

Ezra Aderhold (08:17):

That was a fun, that was a fun spot.

Sevan Matossian (08:19):

Are, are you playing a hole there or is it just, is that a hole or are you just having fun, you’re like, Hey guys, film this, watch this.

Ezra Aderhold (08:25):

Yeah, just having fun. <laugh> that was, I think that was actually one of the days that might have been a Saturday. So like, I think I went and had a tournament round like right after this, but I kind of just zoomed on the map and I saw this little river. I was like, oh, this looks like a cool spot to like throw a cost. So then my brother-in-law who was uh, on tour with me last year, I was my caddy and film guy and stuff, we just went over and, uh, threw some shots and it was like the perfect distance to where I could actually cross the river. So we got a couple different camera angles and he shot it all and found out pretty sweet.

Sevan Matossian (08:55):

Okay. I think I saw pictures. I didn’t realize that was your brother. He’s a little shorter, but he’s all buff too.

Ezra Aderhold (08:59):

Yeah. Yep. He’s a little bit shorter, but he’s probably pound full pound a little fickle than I am.

Brian Friend (09:05):

So. And he’s not traveling with you this year?

Ezra Aderhold (09:08):

Not this season, no.

Sevan Matossian (09:10):

How come Is

Brian Friend (09:10):

He, is, uh, is he, he plays as well?

Ezra Aderhold (09:13):

He does not play. No. I mean, we started playing at the same time. So my, my brothers and my dad kind of found disc golf at the same time, so we kind of all casually played for a couple seasons or a couple girls I guess. And then, uh, when I felt taking him more seriously, he was still playing golf, you know, pretty seriously. So he kind of stopped playing disc golf and I kind of stopped playing golf and kind of went the disc golf way. Um, so he doesn’t really play. Um, he kinda wanted to do his own thing. I think, you know, it’s not, it’s not super fulfilling just kind of traveling around with me, I don’t think, and just kind of, I guess living my dreams. So I think he, he kind of wants to pursue his own, his own path, so I can totally, totally, you know, relate to. So I think, uh, yeah, I think he’ll be better off kind of, yeah. Mostly doing his own stuff.

Sevan Matossian (09:58):

Uh, a hundred, a hundred percent natural. Someone over here asked, so he is not natty. No, you’re, you’re completely natural.

Ezra Aderhold (10:04):


Sevan Matossian (10:04):

Completely. You’re just maximizing what a human body can do. And you’re vegan and you’ve been vegan your entire life.

Ezra Aderhold (10:09):

Yep. Yeah. Yeah. I mean the last, the last handful of years or so, I’ve, you know, tried some non-vegan food. He on there, but, you know, 98, 90 9% of my diets still plant-based.

Brian Friend (10:21):

Are there other guys on tour that are vegan?

Ezra Aderhold (10:24):

Yeah, there’re a few, um, one of the best playoffs in the world for the last five year or so. Um, grew up vegan throughout his whole life as well, but he’s, he’s recently toned to carnivore, so those was one less plant-based guy on two. Well, but those, those, I think it was a handful of people that all plant-based, or at least mostly plant-based.

Brian Friend (10:48):

There’s basically one guy in CrossFit that’s, that I know of that was able to get very, very good being vegan. He’s an Australian guy. Uh, so I just always find it interesting when there is an athlete that, cuz you know, a lot of people they, they perceive the vegan diet to be limiting to a certain degree, but to know that there are a few people in each of these kind of, uh, select sports that are still able to get to the top with that diet, it’s kind of cool.

Sevan Matossian (11:10):

Yeah. I’ll show you the guy, uh, his, are you talking about, uh, uh, Newberry, right? Yeah, yeah, James. I think that’s a, I think that’s a wooden, oh geez, okay. I think that’s a wooden dumbbell, but yeah. Australian dude.

Ezra Aderhold (11:25):

What do Jacks

Sevan Matossian (11:26):

Cool dude jacked out of his mind, dude jacked out of his mind. Uh, you know what’s interesting, but you know what’s interesting though, kind of like your body, um, your body um, changes tremendously between whether you’re relaxed or pumped. When you start working out, you start getting really, really jacked, right? I mean there’s like a noticeable difference, like when you’re just relaxed, you’re just re you, I mean you just look like a swimmer and then, and then I just look at of you like, after you’ve been working out a little bit, I’m like, oh shit. He’s pumped out of his mind. Your body goes through a pretty quick transformation.

Ezra Aderhold (11:59):

Yeah, I mean the, the pump, the pump definitely adds a lot. I mean, I think flexing, just flexing at it probably changes the most, you know, if I don’t, if I don’t flex, you don’t really see any striations or anything whilst if I flex it those striations into my chest or my shoulds, you know, all all stuff like that. Obviously the size changes too. So I mean, I, I keep it pretty consistent as far as like walking out throughout the season and off season. So I don’t really see any huge, like, you know, like mass differences as far as people who like bulk and cut. I kind of keep it pretty consistent, so I don’t see a huge difference in that in that way.

Sevan Matossian (12:34):

How tall are you?

Ezra Aderhold (12:35):

Six one. A little over six one.

Sevan Matossian (12:37):

Oh wow. Okay.

Brian Friend (12:39):

How much of a factor do you think height plays in the ability to be elite at disc golf?

Ezra Aderhold (12:45):

I think it definitely helps. Um, I don’t think it’s the most important thing like it is in, you know, other sports like basketball or something. It’s not that physical of a sport, but it definitely, it definitely gives you an advantage as far as distance goes because I think you can use your, your length and those levels to get more power. But at the same time, like the, the most dominant player on our game so far, he’s only five nine. I think that’s probably, you know, so it’s, it’s definitely not, you know, those, those, those more things that are more important like focus and consistency, accuracy, all that stuff. Which height doesn’t really play a huge factor on just a few weeks ago, the guy that won his maybe maybe five seven, um, who’s that? You know, he, he still films really fall. He, he gotta the win. So,

Brian Friend (13:28):

So Paul, Paul Macbeth is the guy that he’s referencing. He was five nine and Emerson Keith I think is the other, yeah, five seven. I ne I never knew how tall Emerson was, but he’s, I mean he is, I would say they’re both an outlier relative to most of the guys. It seems like six one is kind of like a, that’s, a lot of players seem to be about that height that are, you know, yeah. Towards the top.

Ezra Aderhold (13:48):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m not even, I’m not even considered that tall in like, uh, you know, well

Brian Friend (13:54):

There’s like, I mean Calvin and Ricky and Gannon, it’s like, it’s just, yeah,

Ezra Aderhold (13:59):

Right, exactly.

Sevan Matossian (14:00):

Look at this guy, this commentator as tall as Gannon. Unless he’s Nate, maybe Nate Kin, maybe he’s standing uphill a little

Ezra Aderhold (14:08):

Bit. He’s probably standing. That’s, that’s Nate Kins. He’s, he is about 6 1 6 2 as well. And I think Gannon’s probably six five maybe, maybe 6, 6 2 year, 5, 7, 2.

Sevan Matossian (14:21):

So Gannon’s, what, what’d you say? Who’s seven two? No,

Ezra Aderhold (14:24):

I said in a couple he’ll probably be like seven two. Oh, he’s only 18. So I mean, he’s probably gonna keep, keep shooting up. There’s,

Brian Friend (14:30):

He really, I think there’s a joke on tour that like, Gannon grows two inches every year.

Ezra Aderhold (14:34):


Sevan Matossian (14:35):

Does he really stand out? Cuz he’s so tall. Is he that tall? It’s like, oh, like if he walks into like a seven-eleven or something, it’s like everyone looks,

Ezra Aderhold (14:42):

Um, maybe, yeah, I mean on like on tu he, he doesn’t stand out as like super tall cuz you got guys like Vicki and Calvin, like, uh, like he said, so he is not like, he’s not way taller than everybody on Tul, but I guess compared to your average population is 7-Eleven, he maybe would, you know, stand out <laugh>.

Sevan Matossian (15:01):

Um, have you ever seen a woman spectator, uh, in, in all the years you’ve been playing? Uh, disc golf? I, I I I I’ve been keep waiting to see one woman in the, um, stands. I haven’t seen one yet. You ever seen one?

Ezra Aderhold (15:10):

I, yeah, I mean it’s definitely male dominated, but there’ll definitely, there’s definitely women out there as well.

Sevan Matossian (15:14):

They’re allowed in, they’re allowed <laugh>. Yeah. Okay. Just checking. All right. Sorry. Um,

Ezra Aderhold (15:20):

This was pretty inclusive.

Sevan Matossian (15:22):

Okay, good. All right, great. Uh, when you told, can you go back and tell me, um, the first time you held a disc in your hand? Any kind of

Ezra Aderhold (15:33):

2014? I believe

Sevan Matossian (15:36):

So. 10 years ago?

Ezra Aderhold (15:37):

Yep. Yeah, about 10 years ago at

Sevan Matossian (15:39):


Ezra Aderhold (15:40):

Yeah. Yeah. We’d, we’d played ultimate Frisbee, a little bit like with the swim team. I grew up swimming competitively and so a few, like every Wednesday morning I guess we would go out and play ultimate Frisbee with the team. So I knew how to throw a, how to throw a Frisbee. Um, but then we just kind of saw some people randomly playing disc golf in the qual. They must, must have just recently put in. So we kind of saw, saw, thought it looked like fun. And then, um, I think my brother maybe found a disc in a creek or something. So we like used that and some ultimate discs went out and played and kind of liked it right away. And then got on YouTube and started watching all the Joma stuff and, you know, central coast and fell in love with that side of the st uh, the game too.

Sevan Matossian (16:19):

Um, do you remember, so at 16, I’m assuming when you started playing, are you right-handed? Yes. And do you remember the first time you threw a forehand?

Ezra Aderhold (16:28):

Oh man, I don’t, my, I I know like,

Sevan Matossian (16:31):

Did it take a while though? Did it take a while? Like at least a year or?

Ezra Aderhold (16:35):

Yeah, it, it, I think it kind of went at a, at a similar pace. I can remember. Um, we, we used to travel like as a family in the wintertime cause my parents hated the cold, like, I guess like I do. Um, but I can remember we were in Vegas at Aqua and I felt like my foreign was almost stronger than my backhand. So I started kind of throwing it more often. And then my brother Judo was, he, he kind of told me to not like lean on that so much, just cuz the backhand is, is kind of the battle throw. Um, so I think, I think it was, I think my backhand form was probably somewhat even right away. And then after I kind of took disc golf seriously and put a lot of time into the backhand, then my, my backhand’s gotten to be a lot more prominent.

Sevan Matossian (17:16):

So you started backhand, but quickly realized you had a better forehand. That’s interesting. I never even thought of that. It’s such a, for me, it’s such a bizarre, uh, throw it, it, it, it seems un yeah, unnatural to me.

Ezra Aderhold (17:28):

I think, I think a lot of people pick up the forehand hand easier or cause I feel like it’s a more comparable motion to like a baseball toss. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or a tennis, you know, hit or something like that. Well, the backhand is kind of more of a unique movement, I would say.

Sevan Matossian (17:44):

And then what about switching from a, a ultimate Frisbee disc to a disc golf disc? It’s, to me it’s like almost not even the same game. It’s not even

Ezra Aderhold (17:51):

Right. Yeah, it’s, it’s totally different. It’s, it’s like a different throw as well with the ultimate disc you can get away with, you know, kind of really getting your arm super, like cold up and just spinning the disc a lot. You don’t need a lot of speed. Whereas the way the discs are designed, speed is a lot more important to get the disc to travel. So you, I mean, you know, you’ll see some, some ultimate players try to transition to disc golf and it’s not, it’s not as easy as maybe you’d think Bo Smith obviously being probably the most notable one. Um, and he’s done a good job of transitioning, but it was definitely difficult for him right away. I don’t feel like, I don’t feel like transitioning from Ultimate gives you a huge, um, advantage.

Sevan Matossian (18:27):

Was Brody a good ultimate Frisbee, uh, player?

Ezra Aderhold (18:31):

He was probably the best. He was definitely the best at the time he played. Wow. I don’t know about, you know, still, but he, he might be the best at all.

Sevan Matossian (18:39):

Also a big man sport.

Ezra Aderhold (18:41):

Yeah, for sure. And that’s one too while like jumping, you know, and be able to jump high and be tall in that way, uh, helps as well.

Sevan Matossian (18:49):

So, so, uh, 16, you’re, you’re swimming, you’re going, were you, did you go to high school or were you homeschooled?

Ezra Aderhold (18:55):

I was homeschooled. God,

Sevan Matossian (18:57):

Dude, you are a fucking hippie, uh, beans vegan homeschool travel during the winter. What are you, why are you having trouble accepting this? We, we, you, you and I are from the same cloth. I mean, you’re on a slightly different part of the blanket. I mean, I’m only five five <laugh>, but, but you are, we are weaved. That’s generous. Yeah. Thank you. Homeschooled. Yeah. Where are your parents? What are your, what ethnicity are your parents?

Ezra Aderhold (19:22):

Um, I mean, just white. We, we did, uh, we, we

Sevan Matossian (19:25):

Are you Amish Aish? How, how many years? Amish?

Ezra Aderhold (19:28):

No, no. Where were,

Sevan Matossian (19:29):

Where were they born?

Ezra Aderhold (19:31):

Uh, South Dakota. God, both of ’em.

Sevan Matossian (19:34):

You have cool parents? They’re cool. You feel pretty lucky?

Ezra Aderhold (19:37):

Yeah. Oh, for of all. Yeah. I feel super blessed to be, to be raised by them. I think they, I think they did a good job as far as, you know, being can go. It’s, that’s, it’s a tough job. So

Sevan Matossian (19:47):

You’re an independent, strong human being that there’s not a lot of those left chasing a dream. It’s a, it’s a, yeah. Wow. Okay. Uh, what generation are your parents?

Ezra Aderhold (19:59):

Um, I think my, I wanna say like my, maybe my, my mom’s grandma. So maybe my great grandma like couldn’t speak English. So

Sevan Matossian (20:11):

What did she speak

Ezra Aderhold (20:12):

Jo? I think gentleman, I believe, I think it went like Gentleman Rush and Switzerland maybe is just fall back as as we’ve gone.

Sevan Matossian (20:19):

Do you know how your parents met

Ezra Aderhold (20:22):

In college?

Sevan Matossian (20:23):

In, in the Dakotas?

Ezra Aderhold (20:25):

Yeah. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (20:27):

I didn’t even know they had college in the Dakotas.

Ezra Aderhold (20:30):

It, I mean, it is pretty, it is pretty Kel five point state <laugh>. Not a, not a whole lot going on, but

Sevan Matossian (20:35):

Hey, well that, well that, uh, five fun when the five five when the man bun is on top. That’s correct.

Ezra Aderhold (20:41):

There you go.

Sevan Matossian (20:41):

Uh, where would you consider home?

Ezra Aderhold (20:46):

I, I, I still claim South Dakota, you know, so when people, when they announce me, you know, for the false tee, they still say, um, they still say South Dakota. I haven’t, I haven’t settled down anywhere else since. So, you know, maybe if I buy a house somewhere for the off season, then maybe I’d claim that, but I would still, I would still claim South Dakota.

Sevan Matossian (21:06):

Do you still own this?

Brian Friend (21:07):

Go ahead, Brian. This sport of disc golf, is that something that they like ask you at a tournament or they ask you before the season? Because sometimes the players will change, you know, like,

Ezra Aderhold (21:14):

Right. Yeah, we have to, we have to, uh, plug that in when we sign up for the, for the p g A membership I think is what it is. Um, so we have to like claim a residency somewhere. And so mine is still, still South Dakota.

Brian Friend (21:30):

You could, so like every year when you update your P G A rating, you could, that’s when you can make the change.

Ezra Aderhold (21:34):

Yeah, I could prob I think you can go in and edit it as well. So if I wanted to go change it now, I probably could do that as well.

Sevan Matossian (21:39):

You mean like what does Home State is

Brian Friend (21:41):

They’ll just say that, uh, you know, now taking the tea from South Dakota rep sponsored by Dis Craft as a eight old.

Sevan Matossian (21:48):


Brian Friend (21:48):

But, but some players, you know, they move, you know, like, uh, you Paul Macbeth for a long, I don’t know what he claims anymore, but it always was Huntington Beach, but he hasn’t lived there for a long time.

Ezra Aderhold (21:56):

Right? Yeah. Now it’s, where was Virginia then for a couple years and now it’s, uh, it’ll probably be Florida now.

Sevan Matossian (22:04):

Hey, and you were into real estate, uh, that was your, that was your first occupation before you, did you still own any property?

Ezra Aderhold (22:12):

I don’t, yeah, I mean, growing up my dad had rental properties, so, you know, we got pretty familial with, uh, like the renovation side of, of all that. And, uh, yeah, so that interested me. I wanted to kinda just be like a real estate mogul, make a bunch of money. So like right outta high school, my brother and I bought like four houses, fixed them up and then sold them and kind of realized that with all that time spent, we couldn’t really do any, like even if we had money, it wasn’t really, it wasn’t really worth at the time. And I kind of realized that, uh, I could, I could probably just make money when I’m old or if I wanted to. So it made more sense for me to take, take the, I guess, a little risk maybe that that was, and say something that I thought would be a little bit more enjoyable.

Brian Friend (22:56):

Do you guys do the manual labor on those yourself?

Ezra Aderhold (22:59):

Yeah, yeah. We did most of the, most of the stuff ourselves.

Sevan Matossian (23:05):

So six, so 16, you, you pick up, uh, uh, disc, uh, for the first time. And was there a time where you were like, it started, you just take, taking an inordinate amount of your time, you’re like, basically like in between renovating houses or class or whatever, you’re like, wow, I just wanna get, uh, or you start notice you’re on the internet looking for new discs. Is there a point when you’re like, okay, something’s going on here? I I found my passion. You’re playing on rainy days. Windy days. You’re playing at night with a headlamp. You know what I mean? When you just start seeing you, you, you set up, you get a basket, you steal a basket from a course and put it in your backyard, shit like that starts happening.

Ezra Aderhold (23:39):

Um, not until after the houses. So I would say from like 16 until 19, um, it was super, it was super casual, you know, I mean, even in high, like for the first couple of y’all’s golf was my main focus. So from 16 to 18 I was, I was still playing golf, probably all in just would play just golf casually. And then, um, yeah, for that whole summer of doing the renovations, didn’t really spend any time disc golfing at all. Um, just because we were, we were trying to put 10, 10, 11 hour days into the house to get ’em fixed up as soon as possible. Um, and then after we, after we got done with the walk, then I kind of realized like I got, I kind of wanna do something else and I had, I was already confident in my disc golf game for whatever reason. Like, I felt like I was already good enough to, to be like professional, which was obviously not even, not even close. But then after putting in a lot of work, um, I knew I’d be able to, I guess make it,

Sevan Matossian (24:34):

Excuse me for one second. Sorry. I apologize. Uh, I’m just being honest. When mayhem goes live, I’m out of here. I’d rather watch Kettlebells and Cox than listen to Disc golf. Uh, I respectfully say, you fucking cunt, get the fuck outta here and don’t post in my chat again. Thank you. I appreciate it. No hard feelings. Okay.

Ezra Aderhold (24:51):


Sevan Matossian (24:51):

You. Okay.

Brian Friend (24:54):

You’re sweating now.

Sevan Matossian (24:55):

Fuck fucking dickhead. They’re having a fucking conversation about going over. You want to go over and suck Rich’s cock? Go ahead. I ain’t hating on you. Go. Go. Rich,

Brian Friend (25:03):

Rich. Froning is, uh,

Sevan Matossian (25:04):

Yeah, I’m ready to, to leave fucking too Brian with this guy so they can talk about Frisbee to go give Rich a hand. Go ahead. Dickhead. Kidding. That guy guys,

Brian Friend (25:13):

Rich. That’s right. He is kind of like, uh, he’s kind like Paul McBeth, like he’s been the best guy in the game for a long time. And he’s actually a, he’s a friend of ours, but he’s also has a podcast going on right now.

Sevan Matossian (25:24):

They’re over here talking in the chat about going over there. Uh, okay, look, here’s the guy who’s pretty happy he met you, Brian, at the West Coast Semi-finals. Here we go.

Brian Friend (25:32):

Met a lot of good people this last

Sevan Matossian (25:34):

Month. Look, Jody Lynn. I love this guest. Yeah, what’s Don to like about him? Want to put up some, um, uh, um, pictures of him with his shirt off. Will that keep some of you around? <laugh> look, we have one girl. Look, we have one girl who listens to the podcast.

Ezra Aderhold (25:45):

There we

Brian Friend (25:46):

Go. Yeah, way more than that.

Sevan Matossian (25:47):

Okay. Uh, okay. Uh, here we go. Back, back, back. What, what do you do for a living? Oh yeah, golf. Here we go back to Ezra Eighter,

Brian Friend (25:56):

Old Ezra. This, this year you and Brody have started doing like the course reviews, like, you know, the, you know, you’ll play when you get there. Have you, uh, I’m just kind of curious, have you been, has that been rewarding for you or is like the time that it takes to do that sometimes a distraction or is it, uh, in a lot of extra work?

Ezra Aderhold (26:14):

Yeah, so we actually, um, kind of started doing that last season as well. Um, and it’s definitely beneficial, you know, YouTube does do pretty well monetarily, so that definitely helps out. Um, last season we did all the editing ourselves, um, and that, that definitely I felt like took a little bit of a toll, um, just because I’d be up kind of late at night editing the video only on the, in the morning trying to edit so we can get it posted before the tournament would start. And, um, I feel like that maybe had a little bit of a negative effect on my game. Thankfully this year we’ve been able to outsource that, um, which obviously costs a little bit, so the, the revenue’s not gonna be maybe as good as it was last year, but I think it’ll be, it’ll be worth it. Um, and then it’s also, it’s enjoyable, you know, it’s something we have, we have fun doing and we’ll already make like, practicing, so it’s like you might as well film it as well, and then people enjoy it. So

Brian Friend (27:06):

I really like it. You know, I, I,

Sevan Matossian (27:08):

Uh, it looks like it’s a lot of work. Just to add to what you’re saying, Brian, I watched one last night and I was like, oh, this is, this seems pretty stressful. Like he should be like chilling the day before.

Ezra Aderhold (27:17):

Yeah, we usually, we usually film on like Monday or Tuesday, so we have a couple days of just like, practice without the cameras, um, after, before the, before the tournament. Um, but it’s, I mean, it doesn’t, it’s not really a whole lot different than like a normal practice round goes, you know, we kind of, we we’re typically talking about the shots doing a practice round and typically making jokes anyway, so we’re kind of just capturing that that would be what we would already do. And then just posting that.

Brian Friend (27:43):

Has it led to eating a lot more waffles than you usually would?

Ezra Aderhold (27:47):

Uh, I’ve definitely eaten more waffles since meeting Bodie. Yeah. <laugh>,

Sevan Matossian (27:51):

Why? He’s big into waffles.

Ezra Aderhold (27:53):

He, yeah, he loves Waffle House. So we, we will have these, like, we’ll have, uh, we’ll have little side bet sometimes for, you know, who has to buy the waffles next time

Sevan Matossian (28:02):

There. There’s nothing at Waffle House that you should be eating, by the way? No.

Ezra Aderhold (28:06):

All right. That’s true. Final hole.

Sevan Matossian (28:08):

Wonderful. Hey, how do you like playing with your shirt tucked in the first time? I saw

Ezra Aderhold (28:13):

That professional. Yeah, I mean,

Sevan Matossian (28:15):

You look great. Pants are tight. You can see you squat below parallel shirt’s tight. But I was thinking that when you rotate that you would feel that tug in your waistband and that would be like, take your attention away from the throws. No.

Ezra Aderhold (28:28):

Oh man, I, I hope not. I don’t think so. Okay, good.

Sevan Matossian (28:30):


Ezra Aderhold (28:31):

Don’t, lemme get I’ve been, I’ve been, yeah, I’ve been talking to, talking to Andrew for a while and like I, I played golf in, in high school and uh, I think I would tuck in for that too, so I’m, at the very least I’m used to it.

Sevan Matossian (28:41):

Do you look down upon the guys who show up kind of just looking like hippies, like come on guys, tighten up your shit professional up.

Ezra Aderhold (28:49):

Uh, uh, I maybe did at the beginning, but in the last, like, since I’ve been on two, oh, it’s gotten a lot. Like, I guess in the last, since I’ve been involved in disc golf and watching this sport, I feel like there’s been a shift. So even from like six years ago when I started watching, I think the, the way people have presented themselves is, is more professional, which I like to see. Um, but I like the Joels is that people are way on. I think that looks, um, you know, good enough and I think that’s, that’s a good look for this golf. Um, some of the athletic short is maybe not what I’d love to see, but at the same time, it, you know, the, the run up is athletic moves, so I can understand why people would want to wear all the more athletic clothing. So I can’t, I don’t look down too bad. Do

Brian Friend (29:29):

Uh, do the sponsors get involved in that at all? Would they like reach out and say, Hey man, you know, we might appreciate you wearing this or, or not that?

Ezra Aderhold (29:36):

Um, well those, they’ll use the dress code in the PGA rules. So I mean, kinda have to appeal to that. The, the sponsors, I dunno if the sponsors, you know, feel too much. I think they want us to look presentable, which most people do. So it’s not, it’s not really an issue I don’t think.

Sevan Matossian (29:53):

Uh, by the way, uh, Jamie Latimer, I apologize. You’re right. Quick counting us girls out. Uh, you’re absolutely right. I will.

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