CrossFit Affiliate Series | Dave Aisenstat of CrossFit 845

Sevan Matossian (00:02):

Bam. We’re live. Oh, I can’t get it lined up already. Son of a gun. I don’t even know where the sponsors are again. Shit. Oh, like that? No, not like that. Good morning, guys. What’s up? I made it Idaho. I made it. I made it. I made it. I made it. Rosy. What’s up, girl? Competing today at Redemption Fitness. I’ll be wearing the CEO shirt, baby. Yeah, let me know how that goes for you. That I be you. That makes you 20% stronger. Rambler. I was at the CF gym last week. Guys were wearing cologne. Oh God.


How does anyone think? That’s okay? Listen, if you have cologne, just throw it away. Just throw it away. Just throw it away. The reason why I started early, early, we have a great guest on today, owner of CrossFit 8, 4, 5. I don’t know much about him. Someone said, Hey, you got to check out this Instagram account. Actually, no. They said, Hey, actually, it started off with, Hey, I work out at this gym. This place is different. I’m like, okay. And then I went to the Instagram account and I’m like, oh, yeah. Oh yeah. That place is different hormone disrupting because of the cologne. That’s not the reason. I just don’t like the smell.


I don’t want to smell anything really off of somebody. You know what I mean? I don’t want to smell your breath. I don’t want to smell your cologne. I don’t want to smell your makeup. I don’t. I don’t want to. You know what? I enjoy the smell of, I’ll tell you when someone lights up a cigarette, you know what I mean? They’re like just that first hit off of it. The rest of it I hate for some reason, but when someone first lights up a cigarette, I love it. We started early today because something really disturbed me yesterday.


I don’t know, about two weeks ago. Greg’s like, Hey, dude, it’s only a matter of time before you get kicked off of YouTube. I’m like, really? He’s like, yeah. I’m like, okay. And I don’t have a second screen, so I’m going to be using my phone more often than you’ve ever seen me use it during the show this week. I forgot my second screen, but something crazy happened yesterday, really crazy. And if this guy got kicked off of YouTube, Mark Bell got kicked off of YouTube. I don’t even understand this. He got a letter from YouTube and it says, hi, mark Bell’s power project. We’ve received your appeal for the following. We’ve reviewed your channel carefully and have confirmed that it violates our harmful and dangerous policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe, how this affects your channel. We won’t be putting your channel back on YouTube.


When I think of Mark Bell’s podcast, I think of it as the exact opposite of harmful. It’s a place where there’s honest conversation about things that might be harmful so that people can make educated decisions. I need to talk to him. I wonder if once you’re off of YouTube, they never let you back on. Can he make another channel? Yeah, I know. It’s crazy. Hey, I’m going to tell you this though. Oh, it’s funny. I haven’t seen this post, but I guess Zach Lander made a post about it on his Instagram and Mark reposted it, which is weird because in my conversations with Zach and his roommate Chris Williamson, they’ve always talked about skating the lines. Now, I haven’t talked to them in years. Maybe they’ve changed a little bit, but it sounded like they didn’t want to fuck with the powers that be.


Man, this is some scary shit. This is really, really, really scary shit. Holy cow. Thank goodness. This show, although we don’t have traction there, this show right now, we’re publishing to Facebook, Twitch and Twitter simultaneously, and then in three days after we’re done, it automatically goes over to Rumble. And the only reason why we’re not using the other platforms, well, two reasons, obviously, because YouTube is the biggest and they get the most traction and most eyeballs instantaneously because they were first to the game. But the second reason is Streamy Yard doesn’t have good interaction with the other platforms, but we’re going to have to figure it out. I’m going to start doing one show every week that’s just on Twitter. I got to start building another home.


So today we have Dave Eisenstadt on owner of CrossFit 8, 4, 5. He’ll be on in two minutes, and then I’m going, I’m actually going to an X Affiliates 10 year anniversary today with Greg. And then when I come back, the only thing I have left for the rest of the day is to sit around and watch UFC fights. So somewhere in there, I’m going to do another popup show, and I’m going to try to call God, I wonder how risky. I’ll call Mark Bell and I’ll do a live stream and I won’t stream it to YouTube. I’ll stream it to all our other platforms, and I’ll go live. I’ll have Susa go live on our Savon podcast Instagram account before we do that, so that you guys are notified. Also, there’s one more thing of Dan Thon. Dan Thon is doing an insane ride today on an assault bike to raise money for kids in Haiti. We talked about that before. So hopefully we’ll get a minute to call him today and show him some love while he is on the bike. Man, I can’t tell you this thing with Mark Bell Rocks me. Hey, dude. What’s up?

Dave Aisenstat (06:19):

What’s up, Sivan? Yeah, it’s scary. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (06:22):

Oh, hold on one second. My audio. No one told me, you guys, this is a team effort. No one told me my audio was ass. How’s that?

Dave Aisenstat (06:32):

I can hear you.

Sevan Matossian (06:33):

Oh, better?

Dave Aisenstat (06:34):

Yes. Can you hear me?

Sevan Matossian (06:36):

Yeah. I’m very disappointed. I’m very rambler. 20 extra burpees today, Ernie. 20 extra burpees. Rosie, 50 extra burpees. How can you guys not, this is a team effort to tell me when I sound like shit you guys aren’t doing. Thank you, ano. What’s up? What’s up, baby?

Dave Aisenstat (06:55):

What’s up, man? Yeah, I saw Dave Lipson posted something last night, too to his Instagram about Mark Bell, and I reposted it. He was like, oh, they took him down because he was telling us healthy ways to eat. That’s weird. I’m

Sevan Matossian (07:09):

Tripping. Hey, he’s not good ex strong man. Gone doing things like walking 50 miles now. It takes a lot to inspire me. That guy was an inspiration to me.

Dave Aisenstat (07:25):

Yeah, just from growing up in CrossFit too. He was an inspiration just ly between the two CrossFit and what he was doing. It sucks. It’s awful matter Sivan. It’s only a matter of time, I think before

Sevan Matossian (07:40):

I’m toast.

Dave Aisenstat (07:41):

Yeah, exactly.

Sevan Matossian (07:42):

I mean, yesterday. Don’t you dare say that. Hey, yesterday I said some crazy shit yesterday. I said that I found it disgusting to put penis in my mouth. And I know for some reason that makes me a bad person in some people’s eyes.

Dave Aisenstat (07:55):

Well, that’s going to get you taken down.

Sevan Matossian (07:56):

But lemme tell you, I’m glad a lot of other people don’t think it’s disgusting. I mean, I walk barefoot in parking lots. I would walk barefoot in a parking lot at the dead concert. I know other people find that disgusting, and they’re welcome to tell me that. Holy cow, Dave Eisenstat. Are you Jew?

Dave Aisenstat (08:18):

There was a heritage behind it. I wasn’t raised Jewish, but I was

Sevan Matossian (08:23):

I think you got a mom.

Dave Aisenstat (08:25):


Sevan Matossian (08:26):


Dave Aisenstat (08:27):

No. Oh,

Sevan Matossian (08:28):

Alright then. You’re not. You’re not. You’re not.

Dave Aisenstat (08:30):


Sevan Matossian (08:31):

You’re not.

Dave Aisenstat (08:32):

My father was half Jewish. He passed when I was 13. But no, my mother is not Jewish. No.

Sevan Matossian (08:39):

Oh boy. We already found why you serve people. Holy shit. One minute into the podcast. How’d your dad pass, by the way? Dave Susa. Susa Dave, you guys have something in common. You guys service people in the world to help them with the world’s most vaccine problem and to make the strongest people in the world because you also work with tip of the Spear. I appreciate all of it. What happened to your mom?

Dave Aisenstat (09:03):

My father. My father. Your father. Yeah. He was a heavy smoker growing up my entire life. Switched the cigars because he thought that was better. And then he had two heart attacks. He survived both of them. And then he was a diabetic, awful health. And at the time, I didn’t know any better. And then pancreatic cancer took him 1999. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (09:31):

That’ll just change your whole trajectory as a 13-year-old boy, huh?

Dave Aisenstat (09:36):

Yeah, it did. I suppressed a lot of feelings throughout growing up. And then in 2008 is when I actually found CrossFit. That changed everything.

Sevan Matossian (09:47):

How old were you, or what year was it when he passed? When you were

Dave Aisenstat (09:50):


Sevan Matossian (09:53):

Oh, you’re young. How old are you?

Dave Aisenstat (09:56):


Sevan Matossian (09:58):

Oh yeah. Wow. And how he passed in 99. Did you act out? Did you get it crazy? Did you end up going to jail or anything wild like that?

Dave Aisenstat (10:08):

No. I just kept, and to this day just keep it to myself. And my mother thought I should do therapy, but I just didn’t want to do it. I don’t know. And it wasn’t, back then, it was kind of like taboo in 1999, but for me, I just kind of dealt with it. I had two older brothers who were also, I looked up to, and they’re role models, and so I just felt like, I guess I had to toughen up. And that’s still, it’s a fault of mine. It’s a weakness of mine. But yeah, just kind of

Sevan Matossian (10:51):

Tyson said something once they said, Hey, dude, you need to go to therapy, you know, have something wrong with you. And he said, yeah, I know I have something wrong with me. But that’s what fuels me. Why would I want, I don’t want anyone tinkering with that. I don’t want anyone to fix it. Does it fuel you?

Dave Aisenstat (11:05):

Yes. Yeah. Every single day probably. And I think that’s why we, where we are here at the gym is because there’s a lot of deep rooted shit that just comes out. And for that reason, I want everyone to thrive. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (11:24):

Do you know Matt Shinde Decker?

Dave Aisenstat (11:26):


Sevan Matossian (11:29):

God, why can’t I remember the name of his gym? He’s been on the show. He became a dear friend, I think he has two gyms and he’s, he’s about to expand to probably 30 gyms. It’s crazy what he’s doing. But he had a wild ride when he was a kid. He was on a bus and his mom came on the bus and shot the bus driver.


Wow. And so basically, he ends up losing his mom, but 30 years after the incident, or 40 years after the incident, he’s running one of the most successful juvenile CrossFit, juvenile delinquent CrossFit programs in the world. And I think we’re within months of it being a hundred percent, everyone will say it’s the most successful. I think he’s going to open up 30 gyms just in the state of Ohio that are going to be at correctional institutions. And when he was on the show, he is like, wow. Now I know why that happened. I find he’s 30 years after the incident. He’s like, wow. All of that prepped me for this, for helping these kids. I felt my tear ducts turn on. Yeah. It’s what a wild ride.

Dave Aisenstat (12:42):

Because I think there’s a sense of gratitude that comes with losing someone so close to you at an early age like that. And people take a lot of things for granted. But if you go through a hard time so young, then the rest of your life seems like not easy, but you don’t take things for granted. And from there comes gratitude.

Sevan Matossian (13:10):

Do you have kids?

Dave Aisenstat (13:12):

I have two.

Sevan Matossian (13:13):

Oh, how old are your kids?

Dave Aisenstat (13:15):

Three and a half. And two.

Sevan Matossian (13:21):

I always wonder this because my whole perspective on my parents’ death change when I had kids, when the kids came into the world, did you feel some sort of healing on that wound? That was the loss,

Dave Aisenstat (13:33):

Yeah. Immediately. And there’s some sadness too. You don’t get to share that with your father, but as soon as, yeah, as they’re born, it’s like everything changes. So

Sevan Matossian (13:48):

Yeah, I just always felt like, I was always thought that I was preparing for some crazy lonely feeling if I ever lost my parents. And then when I got that kid, that thought just went away. I never had that thought again. I never worried about my parents passing ever again once I had kids.

Dave Aisenstat (14:10):

And then your mission changes. Well, it doesn’t change. It gets better. It gets more serious, more impactful. Now it’s like, well, you don’t want to be like your father. You don’t want your kids to have to ever go through that.

Sevan Matossian (14:28):

How did your mission change? Tell me some other things that happened when you had a kid, specifically consciously or unconsciously. Things that have unfolded.

Dave Aisenstat (14:38):

I reel it back in the gym instead of going a hundred percent and chasing prs all the time, going maximal effort. I’m settling in at 70%. And I’m okay with that because I just want to be healthy. I want to be around forever, obviously. And I think that the focus was allocate time to yourself, to me, myself. Put enough effort in so that you become a better father, happier, and can manage your time much better. Because now, especially with two kids, it’s a lot of time management, especially with running a gym. So it’s like finding that balance was a huge thing when they were born.

Sevan Matossian (15:27):

And do you miss chasing the prs at all?

Dave Aisenstat (15:31):

I don’t, and actually, one of the greatest shifts that I ever had before kids was when I realized that I wanted to stop chasing prs and I wanted to start chasing impact. And I think a lot of gym owners, that’s where I see a ton of gym owners posting prs of their snatches and their cleaning jerks when they should be working on their business.

Sevan Matossian (16:00):

People might think that the takeaway there is that he’s working out at 70%. But for me, the part that I heard that’s the most impact, and the part that I went through too, that I’m so happy is you accept where you’re at.

Dave Aisenstat (16:16):


Sevan Matossian (16:17):

You’re complete and utter peace with it. And people will think, oh boy, this is silly. You’re trying to make it so deep. But that exact same thing happened for me. All of a sudden I was like, okay. I used to want to do everything RX then. So once I had kids and I had a bunch of back issues, I decided, okay, I’m going to do the women’s weight and then I’m going to cut it in half. And I would never been happier. Never been happier.

Dave Aisenstat (16:41):

Because I think we get jaded too. We’re doing so much more than anyone else in this world. Even if you do a women’s weight at half,

Sevan Matossian (16:49):

Yeah, half and then half.

Dave Aisenstat (16:50):

Yeah. That’s so much. That’s exponentially more than what the entire world. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (16:59):

Yeah. Occasionally It’s fun. I don’t do anything crazy anymore, but occasionally it’s fun. The other day, Avi did Squat Grace, and I showed him that I could clean and jerk 1 35, but I just did it for one. And then I was more than happy. And I was like, just as a, not even to show off, but just to show him, Hey, you’re going to be a man one day. You’re going to be. And he’s like, am I going to be that strong? I’m like, dude, you’re going to be twice as strong. He goes, I know. I could tell by looking at you. You got a zinger in there too. But I’m okay with other people still going for prs. I have no judgment against ’em. I’m happy to see human beings pushing themselves to maximum capability. I’m inspired by it still.

Dave Aisenstat (17:46):

I think for me, it’s just gym owners. We have such a huge opportunity to really go in on all of our people that give us money, and they trade us money for service and experience and support. And if you’re more focused on how much you can snatch me personally, I guess probably goes back to me losing my dad, is that we have more to offer. And if we spend more time and dedicate to our thing, which is to the gym, then the people inside our gym are going to never leave. And I think that’s where it all comes from.

Sevan Matossian (18:28):

You said it. It’s the part, the reason why I take this show so seriously is because I know people are giving me their time, which is just one degree above money because of the social contract. We have our time, we get that paper for it, and then that allows us to buy services and things from other people. But you nailed it. If someone’s giving you their money, if you’re a healthy person, you want to then give them your best. What’s weird, Dave, this is off subject a little bit. I want to say this really quick and then go off subjects. The greatest Instagram account on CrossFit today by far is CrossFit. Eight four five’s your CrossFit account. There’s no second place to tell you the truth. I need to show it to Greg because I think it’s what Greg probably wanted CrossFit Instagram account to be. You have the greatest, the fat old person thing bores the shit out of me, but I could doom scroll through your shit all day and it’s so beautiful. It’s so fun. You’ve chosen the right Dana White audio overs and the right music and the right inspirational quotes. And that’s why I knew when someone suggested that I have you on the show, I went to your Instagram account, I’m like, oh my goodness, I cannot believe this guy’s account. He is absolutely murdering. And you must spend, do you spend a ton of time on media?

Dave Aisenstat (20:01):

Yeah, it’s my passion. So I picked up my first camera when I was, shortly after my father passed, and I started documenting my high school friends and just sort of that jackass style back in the day. And we were just kind of misfits that were growing up in the same neighborhood. And then I started editing, and that’s when I found my true passion was editing. I ended up going to school for film and media, ended up in the city for two years, and that’s when I found Crossroad. Where

Sevan Matossian (20:33):

Did you go to school?

Dave Aisenstat (20:35):

So I went to school at Hofstra here on the East Coast in Long Island for one year. Then I went to a community college for two. Then I finished up at Hunter College in the city in New York City. And then that’s when I found CrossFit in 2008. And I went to New York City, CrossFit, NYC, the Black Box Court Wing. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. Court Wing was my first coach, and I’ll never forget him.

Sevan Matossian (21:04):

You found CrossFit in 2008 at the Black Box Gym?

Dave Aisenstat (21:07):

Yes, sir.

Sevan Matossian (21:08):

So for those of you who don’t know, I’ve never said this out loud before, but the Black box was kind of a weird CrossFit HQ of the East Coast. We were a really West coast centric gym, but there was this place that everyone knew that was called the Black Box. I think Allison NYC was there. Yes. And Jen Marshall was there.

Dave Aisenstat (21:32):

Yeah, Hari Singh. Yeah. Sing. Yeah. Jen Marshall went on to go open up Garden City. She’s our Flow master here for the seminars.

Sevan Matossian (21:43):

Yeah. Wow. Man. This is always such a small community. And I went to that gym once and I got in an elevator in a building and it went up to a floor. And when the doors opened, you were in this, not even a nice gym, it, it’s still was a gritty, even though it had its own elevator right into the place. And it was New York City. It was gritty as shit.

Dave Aisenstat (22:06):

Yeah, that’s where it was. But before the elevator, they had a lot of problems with the other tenants below and above them. Before the elevator, it was a dark alley, a smaller gym, dark alley in the back. There’s two pull up bars, and that was my first workout. It was half a Cindy.

Sevan Matossian (22:27):

And what would you guys do? You guys would go down to the bottom floor, do a workout, and then run outside in New York City? Yeah.

Dave Aisenstat (22:31):

Yeah. Yeah. Crazy

Sevan Matossian (22:34):

Dude. What a trip. And I had him on the show. He’s quite the character.

Dave Aisenstat (22:41):


Sevan Matossian (22:41):

One? Hari. Hari the owner. Yeah. Hari Singh is that box. Yeah. Yeah. Nice to me too. He’s not your typical gym owner. When I interviewed him, it was like I was interviewing a guy who I was interviewing Snowden or something. He was in a room full of books and shit. You know what I mean? He just doesn’t come across as your typical gym owner. Yeah. It really felt more like he was there for the revolution. Yeah.

Dave Aisenstat (23:11):


Sevan Matossian (23:11):

Which CrossFit was

Dave Aisenstat (23:12):

Yes. That’s a good way to put it.

Sevan Matossian (23:14):

Yeah. He was a freedom fighter.

Dave Aisenstat (23:17):

Yes. Which back then, who knew that we would need Freedom Fighters now?

Sevan Matossian (23:25):

Yeah. Crazy, right?

Dave Aisenstat (23:26):


Sevan Matossian (23:31):

Tell me about your introduction, CrossFit. Who introduced you to it? Those moments, those hours, those minutes where you intersect and someone’s like, you know about CrossFit.

Dave Aisenstat (23:41):

Jim Jones somehow was in the same sentence of CrossFit back then.

Sevan Matossian (23:48):

Oh, oh, mark Twight thing?

Dave Aisenstat (23:50):

Correct. And my buddy of mine, I was living in the city at the time. I just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me. And then, so I went to mini depression and my other buddy was going into the seals, so I felt like a big bag of shit. And then another buddy of mine said, why don’t you look into Jim Jones? So I googled it, and then next thing you know was CrossFit came up and they had a free Saturday class. And I went there and it was a never looked back moment. And after I went through the So

Sevan Matossian (24:23):

You went there by yourself? You saw him was having a free class. Oh wow. That takes balls.

Dave Aisenstat (24:28):

Yeah. And then I did half of Cindy, and that was just a 10 minute Cindy workout. And I was like, this is fucking awesome. I was on my back and I was like, I’ve never felt like this before. This is the most humbling thing I’ve ever done and been through. I’m in.

Sevan Matossian (24:43):

Did everyone else do fool, Cindy?

Dave Aisenstat (24:45):

No. It was a Saturday free trial class.

Sevan Matossian (24:49):

Had you ever done 50 pull-ups in a workout before that? No. I know. Insane. Right?

Dave Aisenstat (24:55):

Insane. It used to

Sevan Matossian (24:55):

Just be three sets of 10 and you were like, damn, I’m a beast.

Dave Aisenstat (24:59):

Yeah. Well, I walked in there like, oh yeah, I’m coming from the chest and tries era. I was like, five pull-ups. I can do that. Ten four, no problem. And I got through, I don’t know, two and a half rounds and I was like, this fucking sucks, but this is awful. So I did the on-ramp at CrossFit, NYC. The next two weeks I would take the train to the gym. I would be feeling so sick throwing up, I would have to take a cab back to my apartment and I would have the window open in the cab like a dog. But I was like, that was awesome.

Sevan Matossian (25:37):

And do you remember the adaptation you got in the early years? I’ll never forget the adaptation. Just the stuff, how my body was changing. I was like, whoa, this is a trip.

Dave Aisenstat (25:45):

Because I went from being a young 20-year-old, 22-year-old to becoming feeling like an animal.

Sevan Matossian (25:54):


Dave Aisenstat (25:55):


Sevan Matossian (25:57):

How did you find out your girlfriend was cheating on you

Dave Aisenstat (26:01):

Before she was going off to college? She told me.

Sevan Matossian (26:03):

Oh, she told you?

Dave Aisenstat (26:05):


Sevan Matossian (26:06):

Wow. Okay. So you didn’t walk in on her. So it’s always good to hear. Good. There’s always a good, I walked in on her and she was on all four story. I was really hoping

Matthew Souza (26:15):

She could have just gone out to college and been done with it. She had to leave you that.

Dave Aisenstat (26:18):

That’s all Susan. That’s it.

Matthew Souza (26:19):

A parting gift.

Sevan Matossian (26:21):

Yeah. That could have been a viral clip.

Dave Aisenstat (26:26):

Yeah. Ask me that again. Yeah, I walked in on her.

Sevan Matossian (26:30):

She was balls deep.

Matthew Souza (26:33):

I’m a huge yolk dude behind her. I don’t know what he was doing.

Sevan Matossian (26:38):

Did that affect your ability to trust people moving forward?

Dave Aisenstat (26:43):

Kind of. But it’s funny, I put a lot of trust in people today, these days. A lot of people that I’m close to. I put a lot of trust in my staff, for instance. I put a lot of trust in them.

Sevan Matossian (26:55):

Do you read your wife’s cell phone text messages? No. No. Yeah.

Dave Aisenstat (26:59):

Not at all. Not at all.

Sevan Matossian (27:03):

Trust is such a weird thing. I try not to do the trust game at all. I try not to do the respect game at all, and I try not to do the trust game at all. By that, I mean, I try to stay above them, transcend them so that it’s like, Hey, it’s always on other people. You steal from me. It’s like I’m cool with it. That’s on you. I don’t respect or disrespect people. I just try. I don’t care if people respect me or disrespect me, I try to just stay. You know what I mean? Above it.

Dave Aisenstat (27:35):


Sevan Matossian (27:36):

But it does make you kind of have to be like Forrest Gump, you know what I mean? You just have to have your head down and grind and be like, Hey, I can only be in control of what I can control.

Dave Aisenstat (27:46):

Yes, correct.

Sevan Matossian (27:48):

You stole money from me. I’m not mad at you. I just got to change the lock on the drawer. And you can’t come here when I’m not here. But I’m not going to hate you for it. I’m not going to make any, I don’t know.

Dave Aisenstat (28:01):

Yeah, I hear

Sevan Matossian (28:02):

I’m going to try to transcend that shit. But if a girlfriend cheats on you, that’s hard.

Dave Aisenstat (28:08):

Yeah. I mean, I was feeling back then.

Sevan Matossian (28:11):

Were you cheating on her? Were you cheating on her? No.

Dave Aisenstat (28:14):

No. But I was also in the city at the time, so let’s just say I turn it around just fine.

Sevan Matossian (28:20):

Yeah. Yeah. The city’s crazy. Didn’t slow ’em down at all. New York City’s the only place ever that I can ever remember where I didn’t have to hustle to get a girl. I could go to a bar, I could go to, not a bar, but I went to a party once and I went home with a girl. And that had never happened in my life my entire life. I’m like, wow. New York City. There’s some desperate people here to go home with me and I look like a Jew. So people are kind of into that. In New York City, I think you got

Dave Aisenstat (28:47):

Money. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (28:49):

That works more than California. Big nose, short Jew kid. Even though I’m not Jewish, but I could play one on tv. So you’re in there and you do the workout and do you start just going to the website every day at 5:00 PM to see the workouts? When did you get introduced

Dave Aisenstat (29:09):

Yeah, it was awesome. I was introduced right away, and that’s where a ton of the inspiration, that’s where the love for Greg began, and that’s still to this day. And just the fact that it carried over into my business since that beginning, just as love and attention for his craft and also the people that are taking his craft that are saying, Hey Greg, I want to try this thing with you, or try this modality with you called CrossFit. I mean, I think that’s one of the greatest compliments that you could ever receive is people doing your thing and now they’re paying money for it. So.

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