Caroline Lambray & Manon Angonese | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Sevan Matossian (00:03):

Bam. We’re live. Oh, good. Here we go. Caroline.

Caroline Lambray (00:10):


Sevan Matossian (00:11):

Hey, girl. What’s up?

Caroline Lambray (00:13):

How’s it going?

Sevan Matossian (00:14):

Awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I, I started getting nervous that, um, we gave you the wrong time.

Caroline Lambray (00:20):

No, no. I was trying to get the lighting and the sound and <laugh> trying to look good

Sevan Matossian (00:25):

For yourself. It wasn’t on you because when I looked at the calendar this morning, I knew I, we had you scheduled at eight and some, and our calendar sometimes does a weird thing where it shifts time zones. Yeah. And I was like, oh shit. Did we give Caroline the wrong time?

Caroline Lambray (00:38):

I had seven p s t, so.

Sevan Matossian (00:40):

Awesome. Uh, where are you?

Caroline Lambray (00:42):

I’m in the East Coast.

Sevan Matossian (00:44):

Yeah. Um, closer in the winter, in the winner’s room. I see

Caroline Lambray (00:49):

The what

Sevan Matossian (00:49):

In the winner’s room. I see, I see trophies and stuff in the winner’s room in the, in the winner’s room.

Caroline Lambray (00:55):

<laugh>. Yep. My office.

Sevan Matossian (00:58):

Hey. Um, do you, do you ever feel like that there’s, you can’t even believe it’s games times, games time Again, I don’t know what it’s like to be a coach, but when the season ends, are you like, okay, uh, two weeks in The Bahamas, <laugh>, six weeks back, wat training one week to see family, eight weeks, uh, whatever, something, uh, endurance training, and then all of a sudden you’re like, oh, shit, I ran outta time. We’re not even gonna get to do all the stuff I wanna do before the games comes.

Caroline Lambray (01:23):

Um, I think I’m pretty good at planning everything that needs to get done, but the calendar is definitely built around like the whole game season and off season and the competitions that we wanna do during that time. So Yeah. Time. There’s not enough time. Enough

Sevan Matossian (01:39):

Time. So it is like that there isn’t enough time. Yeah. Hey, I, I hear people say, um, also things like, I can’t do that comp because it’ll interfere with my, what is that about? I never understood that. So if you have strength training, you can’t stop and do rogue, or you can’t stop and do waterloos, or if you have some sort of like, specific training you’re in, you don’t wanna stop and interrupt it. Is it, is that really that much of a big deal?

Caroline Lambray (02:03):

I, it’s, it’s not just the comp, it’s the recovery that you need after. So like, it always depends on the type of training cycle that people are on. Obviously you want to be able to do like a full cycle of whatever it is that you’re, you’re doing. Um, so having a comp in the middle is going to interrupt that. So it’s not gonna be as beneficial as doing your full cycle, whether that’s six weeks, nine weeks, 12 weeks, whatever that is. But then you also need to take time off. It’s like a competition is going to take a lot out of you and you shouldn’t just be like, up, now I need to get back into games training. Like, you should be taking some time off. So that means you’re again delaying, you know, for x amount of weeks, depending on how much time you need to take for recovery.


And that’s different for everybody in terms of, you know, physically, mentally, like all of that is, is draining. Did you get sick? Did you get injured? Like, there’s also a lot of variables that you don’t know that could happen in competition. Um, I know for us, like it’s definitely an, you need an off season. Like every sport has an off season, and with all the off-season comps now, it’s like you could be on basically for year on, a year on year. So I think you have to, at this point, depending on your level, like you need to start planning your season, like your whole year in, in terms of like, which competitions are you doing so that you can take some off time, um, and then be able to like ramp back up. And that’s also like psychologically, like we all need downtime, right? Like,

Sevan Matossian (03:26):

So, so comps are significant interruptions. Yes. Significant. Yes. And, and I had never heard that before, but that makes perfect sense. And recovery is like, the huge part of it.

Caroline Lambray (03:36):

Yeah. I mean, you, you gain, you gain, all your gains happen during your recovery, not during your training, right? Right. If you don’t take the time to recover, you’re not going to maximize the training that you’re doing in the gym. So you need those days off, and you need that off season, that off time to make sure that you’re actually like getting that, you know, 1% increment of, of, of gain or improvement. So it’s important.

Sevan Matossian (04:00):

Uh, for those of you who don’t know, this is, uh, Caroline Lambay. She has been around forever, uh, uh, in my infancy at CrossFit. I remember, um, being in, in media pits with you, right? Yep. Yeah. Okay. I was trying to rattle my brain where I first saw you. And then, um, and then, uh, as of her latest incarnation, she is the, uh, head coach, um, behind, uh, the phenomenal, uh, Jeffrey Adler. Just the, the, the, the train that could, right? I mean, just incrementally has and is now the guys probably one of the biggest threats to, uh, the, the, not just the podium, the number one spot on the podium. Um, going back to this thing, uh, this recovery thing. So you could train, you could train your ass off. And what is recovery? Is recovery in the most simplistic sense. I just need to go to bed. I need, I need to eat something and go to bed.

Caroline Lambray (04:52):

I think there’s different, there’s different aspects of recovery. Like, nutrition’s gonna be one because like metabolically everything, like, at, at the, the cellular level, like each cell is important, right? So they need their nutrients and all of that. So nutrition’s gonna play a big part in recovery, sleep in terms of your hormones. Like, that’s gonna play a big part. But also just like, I like to think of it as like yin and yang. Like, you need to do stuff and then you need to like, not do stuff. And like, to me, there’s no such thing as active recovery. Like recovery is like doing nothing. Is doing nothing. Or like, as little as you can. So for some people that might mean yoga. For some people that might mean, you know, just watching a movie or reading or something. But if you’re going for like a two hour walk, that walk better be very, very slow and very minimal stress. Because like, I can go for a two hour walk and I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, like, my whoop was gonna detect a strain. Like, I’m

Sevan Matossian (05:46):

Like, no incline. Like, you take it seriously. Like don’t walk up a, a, a severe incline for, uh, and, and break a severe sweat for 40 minutes.

Caroline Lambray (05:53):

Yeah. But so that’s where like, that’s, it’s very different for each person. And like, coaching different people. Like for me, yeah. Going for a two hour walk. And if I’m talking with friends, like, that’s not an active recovery for me. For you, it might be. Right. So you need to learn what that recovery is for you. But to me, being actively recovering, it means actively doing nothing. Not actively doing something of low intensity. But that’s my definition. So,

Sevan Matossian (06:18):

And, and important that your athletes adhere to that so they could Yeah. Reap the benefits of the training.

Caroline Lambray (06:27):

Yes. So every athlete should know what their recovery protocol is. In terms of, like, for me, like doing like nothing. Like, does that mean stretching? For some people, yes. For some people, no. Like Jeff doesn’t stretch on his off days. He’ll do all his mobility work on his, on days off days are like off. Like he doesn’t wanna move unless it’s cleaning. He’ll clean these wa he’ll wash his car, he’ll clean the apartment, like back to him. Like for his mind that’s like, good. But anything but for other people it might be like, yeah. Doing like an hour of mobility or going for a walk or doing something. So it’s important that you know yourself as an athlete.

Sevan Matossian (07:03):

Um, are you ever, um, fully recovered? Like is it like avid? Like is it like a video game where it’s like you’re just sitting there and you’s like, beep, beep, ah, <laugh>?

Caroline Lambray (07:16):

Uh, maybe like, I, I know I have some days where like, I feel really, really good. Yeah. Like, and we train, we do cross, we do like CrossFit train three days on, one day off. So every day off for us is coming back like very, very often. So, um, yeah, after a recovery day, like I, I can feel like fully charged. Um, but that doesn’t mean like every recovery day is gonna feel, or post recovery day is gonna feel like that.

Sevan Matossian (07:44):

And, and kind of what’s fascinating about the games and, and, uh, unfuck me if I need to be here, that place particularly, you’re trying to cheat. You’re trying to hack recovery. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because there’s no recovery there. So you’re trying to do some things to like hack it and expedite the recovery, right? Yeah.

Caroline Lambray (08:00):

And that’s where like knowing yourself is like really, really important. Like, you know, a lot of people have been talking about like cold or hot therapy, you know, do you wanna get massage or like a physio treatment, like pre post, like all these things. Like that’s when, again, like during your off season is also time to test that, right? Like, do you wanna stretch? Like what time do you need to go to bed? What’s your night routine? What’s your morning routine? Like, all of those things kind of come into play. ’cause you have to be like, dialed in on those days.

Sevan Matossian (08:26):

Or is the famous line, um, that the great Jeffrey Adler said, uh, he must jaco. I must

Caroline Lambray (08:31):

Jaz. Oh yeah. <laugh>.

Sevan Matossian (08:33):

Jaco. The

Caroline Lambray (08:33):

Jacos is helpful.

Sevan Matossian (08:35):

The Jacos. I love it. Uh, um, w you’re, you and you guys are also a couple Yeah. Live together? Yep. Married,

Caroline Lambray (08:45):

No. Engaged.

Sevan Matossian (08:47):

Engaged. And and how long you even, again,

Caroline Lambray (08:48):

We can’t, everybody was like, when’s the, because now it’s gonna come up on two years in September. Yeah. We’re like, when’s the wedding? It’s like we, the the season like

Sevan Matossian (08:56):

Shit to do to,

Caroline Lambray (08:57):

Yeah. I have other things to do. I’m happy. I got, I got my ring, I got the proposal. We’ve been in it for a long enough time. Like, I’m not worried. It’s not

Sevan Matossian (09:05):

How, how long have you guys lived together?

Caroline Lambray (09:08):

Mm, eight years. Like, we basically started dating and within two or three months he moved in.

Sevan Matossian (09:15):

Who, who does the domestic stuff? Who does? Like, if the, if the electricity bill come, who pays that?

Caroline Lambray (09:22):

I think I do.

Sevan Matossian (09:23):

Does he, does he have time to do a any of those? It sounds like he found that he found some, uh, therapeutic in cleaning. He’s found some therapeutics, right? Yeah. Vacuuming. Folding shit. Washing. I love all that shit. I love, that’s all therapeutic for me too. Um, does he? But the stuff that I don’t wanna do, I don’t wanna do, you know what I mean? Like, I don’t like to do any of the like, uh, deal with mortgage people. Who pays the mortgage. Do you guys have a house? I

Caroline Lambray (09:51):

Do. I it’s mine right now.

Sevan Matossian (09:53):

Oh, so you do all that. He doesn’t have to do any of that. Yeah. Oh, that’s awesome. So if he, if you guys, let’s say were to go out and buy a car, you guys would go out and maybe pick it. Does he even want to even be bothered picking the car?

Caroline Lambray (10:06):

Oh, we went car shopping after last year’s games. We got our, well, he got his dream car before his thirties.

Sevan Matossian (10:11):

Oh, so he, he, okay. And then once he picks the car, does he just go outside and call his friends and then you deal all with all the paperwork and like all the adult stuff? Uh,

Caroline Lambray (10:20):

No. So I think for that, like he, the car in his name, like he wanted to do all of that. Oh. And, uh,

Sevan Matossian (10:25):

Oh, he fucked.

Caroline Lambray (10:26):

That was fine. ’cause that was like one thing that he wanted to kind of check off is his bucket list. Oh. Um, but there’s definitely things that he enjoys less. And like, I’ll take up the slack. And again, it really depends on where we are in the season. Like, I’ll do the dishes more often right now and the off season, he’ll do them more often. But it’s just like, it’s, it’s all a question of like bandwidth, like emotional, mental bandwidth. Like he can’t be bothered with it right now. So it’s like, it’s fine.

Sevan Matossian (10:52):

Um, and is, is it, uh, does it require, um, I’m guessing like in those types of like who hyper successful people or bo both of you are, um, achieving on a crazy high focus level, right? Yeah. And, and I’m, and as we get, especially closer to game season, but all year you’re probably, you guys are both pretty much like this. You see the world like this, I’m guessing. Yes.

Caroline Lambray (11:19):


Sevan Matossian (11:19):

Yeah. Yeah. So there has to be a lot of you there can’t be there. There’s not time for petty shit, right? No. At all. We’re

Caroline Lambray (11:28):

Not that type of people anyway. Like, we’re both very direct, very open communication. Like if something bothers us, we’ll say it. And it’s like, it’s also like water off my back. Like

Sevan Matossian (11:38):


Caroline Lambray (11:39):

It doesn’t, nothing permeates very deeply. Um, and I think that’s one of the reasons why, you know, it works and we’re able to be like this focus and it’s like we, we, we, we thrive in that kind of environment.

Sevan Matossian (11:55):

Yeah. Like, uh, I’ll, I’ll give you an example. And, and maybe you could think of one too, but, um, like, my mother-in-law will send me a birthday card. Thank you. Uh, like a birthday card with like a, you know, $5 in it. And it’ll sit on my uh, com in front of my computer, and a week will pass and two weeks will pass. And then three weeks will pass. And my wife like, Hey, did you open the card from my mom? I’m like, oh no, sorry. And then another week will pass. Another week will pass. And she’s like, did you open? But she knows I’m focused. I’m, it is not like I’m avoiding opening. Yeah. It’s sitting right on my fucking keyboard. And then, but she never gets upset at me. Yeah. And then finally she’ll open it and she’ll walk over to me and she’ll strike one time, she’ll like, look, my mom, uh, sends you check. I’ll be like, oh, that’s awesome. And then she’ll be like, do you want me to cash it for you? I’m like, oh, yeah, please. And then she’s like, okay, here’s your phone. Text my mom. Thank you, <laugh>. You know what I mean? It’s like, but I’m never get in trouble.

Caroline Lambray (12:39):


Sevan Matossian (12:40):

It’s just like, I’m autistic. I’m doing some other shit. I’m just like, and I’m assuming you and Jeff have to be like that too. You can’t, you can’t be like, you can’t walk over to me like, you’re not being nice to my family. You don’t have time for that shit.

Caroline Lambray (12:52):

No. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s not, uh, it’s not conducive to anything. Like, we do the dishes when we need to do them and if he doesn’t feel like it, I’m not gonna harp on him. Right. Like this. That’s not gonna be productive. So, and especially like, I think as the years have gone by too, it’s like, okay, I know during game season, like he’s dressed, he’s working out. Like just everything is like, it’s even more pressure. So it’s like, okay, well I’m not gonna pile on. Right. I’m gonna try and pick up the slack. Like, this is when I need to pick up the slack and just kind of make sure that everything, and it’s the same thing for him. Like if he knows that I’m stressed for like, you know, I, I went to school, I passed my level three, like whenever, like he was picking up the slack back then. Like, we’re always trying, like we work as a team.

Sevan Matossian (13:39):


Caroline Lambray (13:39):

So like shoveling like stuff over to the other person is not gonna help. Like we’re at, we’re always trying to help each other.

Sevan Matossian (13:46):

Yeah. God, that you nailed it too. You all, you do have to always be trying to help the other person too. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you always have to be like, if you’re filling your water bottle, you fill theirs. Even if they didn’t ask you, you have to be like, doing all those

Caroline Lambray (13:59):


Sevan Matossian (14:00):

Things. God. Um, do, do you take him for granted?

Caroline Lambray (14:05):

I hope not. I hope he doesn’t feel taken for granted.

Sevan Matossian (14:07):

Oh, I take my wife for granted. That, that, that kind. I know it’s not ideal, but it’s kind of like, um, do you think he takes you for granted?

Caroline Lambray (14:18):


Sevan Matossian (14:19):


Caroline Lambray (14:19):

Oh, wow. I think like, sometimes it can feel that way ’cause like, yeah. It’s nice to have more praise. I’m trying starting to think in French right now. Like it’s, it’s nice to feel,

Sevan Matossian (14:28):

Is that ’cause you’re getting romantic and emotional. You were about to talk in French maybe. Oh, <laugh>.

Caroline Lambray (14:32):

<laugh>. So there’s, there’s words that like, they just pop into my head and it’s like, that’s exactly what I mean. And now I’m looking for that word in English. Yeah. Sound like I wanna grateful, like,

Sevan Matossian (14:44):


Caroline Lambray (14:46):

I think it’s nice when you feel the other person is grateful and sometimes it can feel like it’s, it’s not to a level maybe that I would want. Yeah. Because we all express our love differently and like all these things. But I think deep down, like I hope he feels like I’m grateful and I don’t take him for granted. And that’s the same thing. Like, I don’t, I don’t think he takes me for granted.

Sevan Matossian (15:07):


Caroline Lambray (15:07):

Even though like, so like I could feel like that, but that’s not, that’s me. That’s not him. Because like, I would want X, Y, Z. Right? Like that’s, those are my needs. Those are my, that’s how, how I’m feeling.

Sevan Matossian (15:19):

Um, kind of in a weird way. Maybe I’m just feeling defensive, but I take, I even take for granted that, um, I take for granted that she, what was the word you used? That she’s grateful mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I hope she takes for granted that I’m grateful. Well, it’s just because there’s almost no time.

Caroline Lambray (15:36):


Sevan Matossian (15:37):

To, to like,

Caroline Lambray (15:37):

And that’s, and that’s the thing too, like I think we’ve, we’ve put our relationship also like in a very specific context of we’re competing right now. And I think life is going to look very different when he stops competing. And I don’t know if I’ll stop coaching or what that life is gonna look like, like post his games career. But I think we’re very much operating in this very specific box. And we know that, that there’s a finite amount of time that we’re gonna spend in this box. Yeah. Yeah. And like, the life is going to be different once, once, you know, things kind of change. So, and we’re also looking forward to that. But right now it’s just like, yeah.

Sevan Matossian (16:14):

The, the buttery Bross video, uh, is amazing. Are you pleased with the outcome of that?

Caroline Lambray (16:18):

Yeah, I really liked it.

Sevan Matossian (16:20):

Yeah. Those guys are, those guys are fantastic. They did you guys, right? Um, when they come there, um, do, do you guys enjoy that? Do, is it, I’m guessing it’s one of those things like right when they get there, you’re like, fuck, I don’t want to do this. And then after a few minutes you’re like, okay, this is cool. And then when they leave you’re kind of like, happy. But, and then when it comes out you’re like, fuck, I’m so glad we did that. Is there like a, you know, when at least that’s how I am. When have guests over at my house, like five minutes before they get there, I’m like, why’d I invite them? Even if I love them <laugh>

Caroline Lambray (16:49):

Now I need to clean. Uh, no. I think no. ’cause I think the people that we do that come over are very professional and will make us feel like we can be ourselves. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, it, it’s not hard to be around the buttery bros or like, even the rogue video that Jeff did, like, it was, it was easy for him to be himself. Like eventually he’s like, I’m trying to do thrusters. Like I’m tired of him having the camera in his face. But in terms of just like being able to interact with Jeff or like him do his programming or like going home, things like that. Like to me so far, like we’ve always been around people who are very professional and are going to make the process easy. Am I happy when they’re gone? Like Yeah. ’cause then it’s like more private. But other than that, like, it’s not, it’s, it’s not, uh, it’s not cumbersome.

Sevan Matossian (17:38):

Jeff seems like, uh, in the little bit I know him, but he seems like he’s on another level right now. He seemed, um, he, he had that sort of, that uh, man of wisdom with the pipe in his mouth. Just whenever he was relaxed he was relaxed. Yeah. He seemed very comfortable in his skin more than ever. Is is something happening to him? Is he, is he on another level? Older? He’s getting older?

Caroline Lambray (18:03):

Yeah. I think, um, like we all mature, we all, you know, get more comfortable with ourselves in our role. And I think that, um, he is starting to believe, like he, I always saw the potential in Jeff. Um, but he’s the type of person, like you can’t be called a winner until you win. So like, he’s not gonna be comfortable until he feels like he can actually like, be within reach. So I think like in the first few years and with all the game seasons and all the changes and all that, like, it was very hard for him to see himself in that position. And I think the last two years of the success that he’s had, he’s now able to actually like, be more comfortable and be more confident. ’cause that was something like, oh, why aren’t you? Like, he’s not gonna have that swagger of like, ah, I can, I’m going to the games and I’m gonna win the games.


Like, no, until I I, until I win, I’m gonna be able to say that. But even before, like, you need to have enough for him. You needed to have enough fitness and enough, um, past success. And I think that’s what like winning the open winning semi is like podium him at Rogue. Like those are indications that he can have success and now he’s gonna start believing that he can have that success at the games and podium and things like that. But he’s not the type of person who’s gonna be like, before any of that happens. That’s just going to believe that it’s possible.

Sevan Matossian (19:27):

So he he knows now.

Caroline Lambray (19:30):

I think so.

Sevan Matossian (19:31):

Yeah. Jeffrey Adler knows that he, he could sit in the number one spot at the CrossFit games. All he can beat all those people.

Caroline Lambray (19:37):

Yes. And

Sevan Matossian (19:39):

That’s crazy. That’s

Caroline Lambray (19:39):

Cool. Even before that. And that was like where, for me as a coach and just like understanding him better as a person, even like a spouse and, and coach, um, you still, at some point you also need to say that you want to do it. You want to have this goal like podium at the games, winning the games. Like you need to say it because it’s going to change all the actions and all the steps that you’re going to take between the moment that you say that. And, you know, for us, game season, like, but he wasn’t going to commit to that goal before he saw success. So I needed to realize that. But also, like, once he sees success, like now you need to commit and be like, that’s what I want to do. Because now, like the whole season has been built and his training and like his recovery and everything that he’s done from the moment that he started to believe and like wanted to podium at the games, his actions have been different.

Sevan Matossian (20:35):

That’s, that’s fascinating. I never heard it like that. He, so he needs to say it. Um, so he needs to say, Hey, I wanna win. I’m, I’m, I’m going to win the CrossFit games, or I want to win the CrossFit games.

Caroline Lambray (20:48):

I, and that’s, that’s a huge difference. I want to win the CrossFit games is one thing. And I mean, anybody can say that, right? I’m going to win is an assurance. You can’t, you, you can’t have that ’cause you never, you can get injured, you can get sick. There’s all these different things. So it’s not like, it’s not saying that I’m, I’m going to ’cause that to me is like too, too much of a certainty and, and a unknown situation. But I want to win is something that is yours. And you can take actions to make sure that you’re as prepared and as, you know, fit or you know, knowledgeable and all these things in order to win. Like, you have to admit that that is your goal.

Sevan Matossian (21:29):

Um, uh, I I apologize for this rude interruption, but I am a bit of a, a whore for money. Uh, Barry Cocker says, fuck Mary, kill Adler. Vellner. Or Falkowski, my goodness. It it, it’s his fiance on this show. Do this show has no, if we could have I apologize

Caroline Lambray (21:43):

Podium, I would be so happy. Yeah. Like that would be amazing.

Sevan Matossian (21:47):

Are you, you’re born in Canada?

Caroline Lambray (21:49):

Yeah. And, and

Sevan Matossian (21:51):

He’s born in and he’s born in Canada.

Caroline Lambray (21:53):


Sevan Matossian (21:53):

You guys seem like you’re from totally different countries. Yeah. <laugh>. That, that’s how it is in Canada. How far were you born from him?

Caroline Lambray (22:00):

Um, like 90 minutes, two hours.

Sevan Matossian (22:03):

How come? He talks funny and you talk, like you talk the normal, like you’re from a TV set, like me and he talks, he talks like he’s from a foreign country. What, what’s, what’s the from 90 minutes away that can happen.

Caroline Lambray (22:13):

Yeah. It’s just different backgrounds. So my grandmother’s from England. Yeah. My mom’s side. So my, on my mother’s side, like everybody was bilingual. So I went to school in French, but I basically grew up watching American television. Yeah. And I worked in hotels and like, I was customer service for a really long time. So a lot of people thought that I was like American just because like my accent kind of came from that. I also had more of a Canadian accent or more of a French Quebec accent when I was younger and dated someone. I was like, that was anglophone. And he was like making fun of me a little bit. ’cause I do the duh instead of the, and I was like, I’m, I’m not going through life like that. So I, you know, I practice and there’s, so there’s a little bit of that, but, um, our, our background is just very different.

Sevan Matossian (22:55):

What what um, what did your parents

Caroline Lambray (22:59):

Do? What do you mean? Oh, in terms of profession?

Sevan Matossian (23:01):

Yeah. Like their vocation. Yeah.

Caroline Lambray (23:03):

Uh, well my parents were divorced since I was like a year and a half. Uh, my dad was a taxi driver, which is very, uh, I guess stereotypical. He was by taxi driver in Montreal. Uh, and then my mom was mostly stay at home.

Sevan Matossian (23:17):

Oh, interesting. Um, taxi drivers or black in Montreal.

Caroline Lambray (23:22):

There’s, he’s Haitian. So there’s a lot of Oh, Haitian. Okay. Downtown taxi drivers that were Haitian. It’s just like a little bit of a stereotype. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (23:30):

Well, I mean, if you, if you go to LA and you get an Uber, they’re all our Armenian. Oh yeah. And it’s, it’s, yeah, it’s kind of, it’s kind of a trip. I go in the car and the guy starts talking Armenian to me. ’cause we, and we all recognize each other’s last names I a n Hmm. Is your dad first generation from, uh, Haiti?

Caroline Lambray (23:47):


Sevan Matossian (23:48):

Wow. I bet you he’s got some stories.

Caroline Lambray (23:51):

Probably. Yeah. How old was he? I’m not very, I’m not very close to my, to my dad.

Sevan Matossian (23:55):

How, how old was he when he um, uh, came here? Do you know?

Caroline Lambray (23:59):

I don’t like mid twenties probably. ’cause my parents dated, I think a year and a half before they had me. And then they divorced a year and a half later. Like, it was a very short relationship. I don’t think he was here for very long before that. So he was 28 when I was born. So I’m guessing maybe 24.

Sevan Matossian (24:19):

Is he still in Canada or did he go back to Haiti? Yeah.

Caroline Lambray (24:21):

No, no. He is still in Montreal.

Sevan Matossian (24:23):

Going back to that thing where, um, you, uh, to about winning. So once you commit to winning, that question pops up at different times. Right? So it’s eight o’clock at night and it’s like, do you want to be a winner? Okay. Put your phone down and go to sleep. It, it, I guess it comes up at different significant times. You’re at a wedding, do you wanna be a winner? You don’t drink that glass of champagne. But then there’s also also gotta be like times when it comes up where it’s like a, a second to last event at the CrossFit games and you have one rope climb left and you don’t want to go up. Yeah.

Caroline Lambray (24:59):

Right. And that’s gonna be all him.

Sevan Matossian (25:02):

Yeah. That’s crazy. So, so the, the, the significance of the timing, but it is always the same question.

Caroline Lambray (25:08):


Sevan Matossian (25:10):

Fuck. That’s intense. And once you say the question out loud,

Caroline Lambray (25:17):

You gotta take the steps. I mean, you, you

Sevan Matossian (25:19):

Either, your whole life pivots on it confirming

Caroline Lambray (25:21):

You’re confirming what you really want.

Sevan Matossian (25:23):


Caroline Lambray (25:24):

Right. Like, and that’s no matter what question you ask yourself. Like, I wanna get 500 pound and back squat. Well, that might take years, which is fine, but can you, you know, get five pounds every three months? You’ll eventually get there. But you need to squat pretty often in order to get there. So like you need, then you’re gonna confirm the type of person that you are by saying yes or no.

Sevan Matossian (25:45):

And, and, and, but, and during that time, your whole life pivots on it. So you have all these people, like your life can’t just be CrossFit, you have to have values. I found solace in Jesus Christ. I, I I, my my family’s more important to me than CrossFit. But at the end of the fucking day, if you’re gonna win that event every time you, am I going to my brother’s wedding in Hawaii? Mm-hmm.

Caroline Lambray (26:06):

<affirmative>. That’s good. I think that’s that. And those are the, I think the personal differences because I wouldn’t, I, I think in order to be at the pinnacle of anything, whether it’s sport or business or call, whatever you want, people do have to be hyper-focused. And I think you have to start saying no to a lot more things than Yes. Yeah. Because saying no to that is basically, like I said, affirming yes to your goal. Um, but I think that’s, those yeses and no are gonna be very different based on who you are and, and what’s happening. Like, maybe you should go to your brother’s wedding, like, you know, family is also important, but maybe that means staying two days instead of three. Yeah. Or maybe that means like, not going, like I’m, I’m not gonna do the bachelor party, but I’ll go to your wedding. Like, I think there’s always ways of making sure that you’re getting the best out of life as well. ’cause like, it can’t just be, you can’t be miserable doing it. ’cause that’s another thing too, like if you’re unhappy, if the choices that you’re making are making you unhappy, that’s, I don’t think, I don’t think you’ll be able to achieve your goal either. ’cause then you’re just gonna despise the process. Like you have to, you have to enjoy the process as well. So everybody

Sevan Matossian (27:19):

That’s burnout, you just define burnout, right? Yeah.

Caroline Lambray (27:21):

You need to find your own balance. And that’s gonna be different for everybody. Um, and like, you know, there’s things that Jeff and I are willing to do that I know other athletes aren’t willing to do. And if as long as like you’re happy with your decision and how you’re leading your life and where those choices take you, then you know, then that’s all you can ask for at the end of the day.

Sevan Matossian (27:42):

Do you enjoy watching him move?

Caroline Lambray (27:44):


Sevan Matossian (27:45):

Yeah. Do you have favorite clothes that you like to see him in when he is moving? You’re like, oh, the, I could see like tho if he just works out in those shorts and he does that workout, like, this is fucking great. You

Caroline Lambray (27:55):

Know what I mean? He used to wear tights. I used to, I got him to wear tights and he doesn’t wear them anymore. So that’s, I’m very sad. But I just like watching him move, like the, what, and I think I’ve mentioned this before, but like, what made me realize that he had the potential was just like his, me seeing him as first burpees, like he just had a way of moving on burpees. I was just like, I still collapsed on the floor and there’s like, there’s, there’s nothing tight. Like there’s nothing pretty about my burpees. And he was just like, in this flow and I was just like, okay. Like there’s something there. And it’s, and it, it wasn’t like a snatch or it wasn’t like, oh, his first deadlift. I think he mentioned it on another podcast. It was like his first deadlift was like 4 25 or something like ridiculous that everybody’s like tear. Like I wish I could do

Sevan Matossian (28:37):

That. Yeah, yeah,

Caroline Lambray (28:37):

Yeah, yeah. Um, but like, I could bench more than him. Like I beat him in the open like on 15.5. Like things like, like it wasn’t anything of that nature. It was like, it was burpees.

Sevan Matossian (28:49):

Yeah. Um, I remember watching, um, uh, a lot of athletes would come downstairs at HQ and I’d get to see them out. And it was awesome watching all the, the athletes work out. And you could, I remember Brook Ends would come there a lot, and I loved watching her workout and loved watching her move. Even just when she did the warmups was crazy. And then one day she did a workout against Tia and they were both doing burpees and Tia didn’t like all of tia’s and they were over the bar and all of Tia’s burpees looked like one burpee.

Caroline Lambray (29:17):


Sevan Matossian (29:18):

Whereas, um, Brooks looked segmented and, and, and, and, and Tia was just, do you know what I mean by like, it didn’t look like she was doing 1, 2, 3. It just, Tia was just flowing mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was like whole, I can’t even believe I’m, see, I couldn’t believe what I was even seeing. And it was like, yeah. And I, I love, I wonder if every coach loves watching people move, watching people. I mean, that’s kind of the best part. I

Caroline Lambray (29:40):

Love movement. I wa I love watching people dance. I love, yeah. Watching people work out. Like there’s, there’s, there’s beauty in like a virtuous air squat. Like there’s beauty in like, moving well and just like, yeah. Being in a state of flow. Like that’s something that I enjoy as a coach or,

Sevan Matossian (29:56):

Or like, when I liked it, um, I’ll never forget. I don’t know. I.

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