Born Primitive 24.3 – We have the WORKOUT!

Sevan Matossian (00:01):


Taylor Self (00:01):

Christ and Cap. And Cap it is the next day is

Sevan Matossian (00:05):

Hopefully Caleb comes on here very soon. You’re going to have to paint that picture for me. The workout has been released. Ladies and gentlemen, the workout has been released. Before we tell you what the workout is, I want to show you where we broke the story for the workout. Does that sound like what you programmed? Oh, oh shit. Sorry. Hold on. Put it, put it up. Okay, hold on. I need to close all my text messages and I think, I’m not sure exactly how to do this. I don’t have the skills. I think this was last year.


I think this was last year. What I’m about to show you when we broke the workout. By the way, welcome to the show, bill Grundler Taylor Self, John Young, JY barbell. Bill Grundler is the owner of CrossFit Inferno. He was doing CrossFit before there was a CrossFit, a legend on the west coast of the United States. I knew about him many, many, many, many moons ago. I had heard about the training he was doing 90 miles north of me in San Luis Obispo and then he was a captain of the Pismo Beach Fire Department and then I had a friend go up there and he is like, holy shit, this guy Bill LERs, for real? I was actually thinking about it today. Every time you come on, I’m like, man, what a fucking crazy history you have. Collegiate wrestler, owner of CrossFit Inferno, captain of the fire department, and now a host of Get with the programming coast with Get with the programming Taylor Self, the superstar of Taylor Self versus the world.


If you didn’t know, now you fucking know Sentinel Training Jr. Howell in the house. I’m hearing rumors that he’s 130 in the world in the CrossFit open. I don’t even know if that’s true, but fuck it. Let’s just run with it. JY barbell. If you want to get strong JY barbell, that’s your guy and we will be covering CrossFit crash again this year. Bigger, better, faster. Caleb Beaver’s in the house. Caleb, can you play the video where we broke the workout last year? I think we had Rich Froning and Dave Castro on and on. Hello? I think it’s in your text messages. Renee Pap already making requests. Please, please go easy on jr. Okay, here we go. This is from last year’s the Savon podcast. Oh, we don’t have audio I don’t think. Oh, you got the same problem I got Caleb. Do you want me to try it? You can try it. I’ll try another way too. Okay, I’ll let you. Okay, I’ll try it. Lemme see to share audio, share a tab instead. Entire screen to share audio share a tab. I can’t share a fucking tab. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Share. Let me know if you guys can hear this. Okay,

Speaker 3 (03:09):

So that’s 30 double unders, 15 thrusters. Does that sound like what you programmed that that’s out already? Yeah. Yeah. And here, let me read it. Lemme read you what it says here. Where’s now at? That’s great. Make wads great again. He said a follower sent this to me, said he guessed the URL CrossFit games uses. I tested it and it pans out. Get a headstart on the dubs. Hey, I got to go, but what a shit show. There you go.

Sevan Matossian (03:43):

Holy shit. Last year. Hey, you guys say he doesn’t take criticism. There you go. There he took some criticism.

Taylor Self (03:51):

He wasn’t working for CrossFit at the time though.

Sevan Matossian (03:53):

Oh shit, that’s true. Okay, now listen guys, here we go. You ready? 24.3. Listen, if you don’t want to know 24.3 walk away from your computer right now. They posted it. It’s flying around everywhere. I think they posted it on their YouTube channel on accident. Do you have it? Caleb? Can you pull it up? There it is. Okay, who can read this A workout? 24.34 time using a running clock. Five rounds, 10 thrusters, 10 chest to bar pull-ups, rest one minute. Then five rounds of seven thrusters, seven bar muscle ups. Now what are you saying, Taylor? This is their cap programming for tomorrow.

Taylor Self (04:41):

The CrossFit affiliate program for Saturday is a 17 minute am wrap of burpees and front squats at ascending weights. It’s like 40 40. Front squats at 95, 30 at 1 35, 20 at 180 5 max reps at 2 25. So if this were the case, if this is the workout, then they, I don’t know, cap doesn’t give a fuck. CrossFit doesn’t give a fuck.

Sevan Matossian (05:02):

Why? What do you mean with don’t follow that? What do you mean what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with having that as a cap workout and that is the open workout.

Taylor Self (05:08):

The open workout is Friday and the cap workout is Saturday. The burpee front squat workout is Saturday.

Sevan Matossian (05:15):

Just a lot of squatting followed by a

Taylor Self (05:16):

Lot of squatting. It would be 85, sorry. Yeah, 85 thrusters and then the next day a hundred and a hundred plus front squats.

Bill Grundler (05:27):

It’s CrossFit programming for their affiliates and they do the race at the same time, so they just program back to back squatting. Whereas if you take the CrossFit programming certification, they would say not to do something like that.

Sevan Matossian (05:40):

But listen, but listen, you’re making the assumption that people are going to do the open workout on Friday.

Taylor Self (05:46):

That’s programs it for Friday Cap also programs it for Friday

Sevan Matossian (05:51): and Cap the same programming?

Taylor Self (05:54):

Not always.

Sevan Matossian (05:56):

Okay. I don’t think that’s a big deal. I think that you can have intelligent affiliate owners fiddle with it if it’s

Taylor Self (06:05):

Too much, it is a big deal. It’s retarded. If that’s the actual workout, it’s full on retard.

Sevan Matossian (06:12):

Fuck those questions. Are you going to be Colton in this workout? That’s why he Vince, it’s retarded. Speaking of retarded, when you two retards go Friday night? Oh, it’s bad, huh?

Taylor Self (06:24):

I mean I’m going to pin it to the floor, but

Sevan Matossian (06:27):

Dude, it is what it is. You just give your best effort. Oh my God, this is a range of motion. It’s a range of motion.

Taylor Self (06:32):

Not fuck cold. Now I’m going to kick him in the ass right before the workout. I’m going to fucking give him a boot to the back and send him stumbling over his barbell and get a headstart.

Sevan Matossian (06:39):

Two of the very best in the world Friday. Friday, I don’t even know what time. I wish I could tell you what time. I don’t even know what’s going on. Speaking of shit

Taylor Self (06:47):

Shows going at four 30 Eastern,

Sevan Matossian (06:49):

Four 30 Eastern time, one 30 Pacific Standard time at CrossFit. Charlotte born Primitive will bring you the CrossFit. Charlotte 24.3 open. I would tell you to use their code. BP Open 20, but I think all they have left is swim gear. We sold so much shit for them. Taylor will be in a very form fitted shirt so you can see all his muscles doing the workout and although he’s not on peptides, he sure as fuck looks like he is. JR you haven’t weighed in here. I think these boys are being too critical. These affiliate, I mean, fuck you head coach Ed an affiliate and too affiliate donors. What do you think you want to weigh in on this? Oh, and even J Young, the barbell guy even hasn’t been, I haven’t really said anything about the workout. Okay. Okay. Jr you go, do you have a problem with it being programmed with that cap program workout?

JR Howell (07:41):

Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with programming squatting on back-to-back days. However, programming volume, squatting in the front rack on back to back days is not something I would ever do, nor would I recommend other programmers do it. I think if they followed the open workout with a heavy day front squat like a 1, 1 1, 1 1 or even sets of three, I think that would be fine. If they did the same workout with overhead squat and ascending weight, I would even say it’s okay, but the redundancy of back-to-back front rack is a little bit much in

Taylor Self (08:15):

My opinion. Well, it’s just the same weights too. Basically you’re doing 50 at 95 on Friday, 40 at 95 on Saturday, 35 at 1 35 on Friday, 30 at 1 35 on Saturday, and then you just keep getting heavier on Saturday because

JR Howell (08:29):

Fuck it. Yeah, and I mean the whole argument that some people will say is, well man, it’s CrossFit, dude. That’s what it is. No, no, no. Noble. Sometimes you got to be able to hold a bar in the front rack and squat back to back days sometimes. That’s what life throws at you. That is not appropriate for this argument at all. I don’t buy that.

Sevan Matossian (08:49):

Why the volume’s too high or because of the movement. Go ahead, bill. No, that applies to real life stuff. That doesn’t

Bill Grundler (08:54):

Apply to training in the gym where the coach has the ability to put out the best medicine to make the people in the gym get the best response. It isn’t like, well, you didn’t like it. Well fuck it, unknown and noble. That’s a cop out answer. It’s a great statement, but it’s a cop out answer when you’re talking about isn’t an appropriate test or isn’t an appropriate programming. The test itself is fine, but again, okay, why did you put it right where you put it? You could have put all the rowing stuff on this day and had this one on 24.2 and at least the highest

John Young (09:25):

Skilled one.

Bill Grundler (09:26):

I get it, but still it would’ve fit and hey also

JR Howell (09:30):

Two guys we’re discussing this operating off the assumption, unless someone here knows that it’s fact that cap gets the open workout ahead of time. If they do not, they do. Okay then there you go.

Sevan Matossian (09:43):

A very important distinction Mr. Grundler made on the show just now. There’s a difference between it being programmed versus real life and the point of CrossFit is that we can do this stuff in real life, but the program is supposed to enhance your training and maximize your abilities and that’s a really important distinction. In 20 minutes on the CrossFit Games YouTube channel, the official 24.3 announcement will be announced. The workout did leak. I think they leaked it. Maybe they even leaked it on purpose. It was spotted on their websites. I think it was on their YouTube channel. If you have any friends, they’ve texted to you already and the workout is, the workout is for Jesus Christ. It’s so fucking blurry. My god. Maybe Caleb’s going to have to pull it up again. Oh, thank you. The workout is for time using a running clock, five rounds, so that means everyone has to finish the workout, right? 10 thrusters, 10 chest to bar pull-ups, rest one minute and then five rounds of seven thrusters, seven bar muscle-ups, and all we really care about is his. Holy shit. How bad is Colton going to fucking stick it to born Primitives Ambassador Taylor self.

Taylor Self (11:05):

Shut up, midget.

Sevan Matossian (11:07):

Understood, understood. When we see this workout go today, let’s just talk. Get right into it. Ariel Owen versus Sydney Wells. John, what do you think Ariel versus Sydney? This is good for Sydney.

John Young (11:20):

No. Ariel’s going to crush Sydney so badly. It will be almost as bad as Colton v Taylor.

Sevan Matossian (11:27):


Bill Grundler (11:32):

He had to take a breath on that one, dude. Wow.

Speaker 7 (11:36):

I thought he was going to say it so loudly.

Taylor Self (11:39):

I had my mic muted and I was asking somebody important, important question. You fucking

Sevan Matossian (11:42):

Idiots Jr Sydney versus Ariel.

JR Howell (11:48):

I would take Ariel against most people on any upper body push and pull dense workouts for sure.

John Young (11:54):

I bet Bryson’s pretty pumped. Taylor

Taylor Self (11:57):

Bryon don’t like the workout.

Sevan Matossian (11:59):

Renee Pap for John’s triceps. John, can we get a little tricep? Damn, my God. Are those your legs or your arms? What do you think Bill? I think Sidney’s going to do great at this.

Bill Grundler (12:11):

No, no. I mean all the athletes can do this event. The weight is not heavy. The skill is not too high. What would be great to see is how fast they can push it in the one minute rest. I mean I’m sure, I don’t know if they’re going to make it so that they have to do the weight changing or if it’s going to automatically have a second bar there or whatever. Chase. Yeah, rhabdo. He’s going to get rhabdo again, but I think Ariel’s too good with this. Ariel’s too good with this event.

Sevan Matossian (12:40):

Oh, it says time cap 15 minutes so everyone isn’t going to finish it. My bad. Okay, my bad. Hey, here’s the thing. Do we know the weight on the thruster?

John Young (12:48):

95 for the first part? 1 35 for the second

Sevan Matossian (12:51):

Part. Okay, so 65 and 95.

Bill Grundler (12:53):


Sevan Matossian (12:55):

Where do you think Ariel’s going to have the greatest advantage over Sydney?

John Young (12:58):

All of it

Sevan Matossian (12:59):


John Young (13:00):

I think she’s just fitter in both of these. In all four of these movements. Well, three of these movements

Sevan Matossian (13:06):

And Jay Crouch versus Roman Koff. You think we’re going to have a race there? Ooh

John Young (13:11):

Yes, I think we will.

Taylor Self (13:13):

No, I don’t. I think Jay will destroy Roman Jay. I don’t who

John Young (13:18):


Taylor Self (13:18):

The workout.

John Young (13:19):

I agree. I think Jay, I would pick Jay to win that, but I mean Roman’s going to be fine on this man.

Taylor Self (13:26):

I think it’ll be fine too. I just think Jay will have a top time in the world. I don’t think Roman will. I think Roman will be top 50. I think Jay will be top 10.

John Young (13:35):

Do you think it’s suitable for the elite athletes or it should be harder if I know we’re not, but if you were testing the elite athletes,

Bill Grundler (13:45):


Taylor Self (13:46):

This is not a workout that you

Bill Grundler (13:48):

Started with Fran. Dude, how many times a week that

John Young (13:50):

Fran should not? I’m

Bill Grundler (13:51):

Asking for the elites.

John Young (13:53):

Do you think there’ll be a lot of separation with the elite athletes

Bill Grundler (13:56):

Programming for the

John Young (13:56):

Elites or do you think everybody will for the most part be able to do it unbroken

Taylor Self (14:01):

If it’s for total time? I think there for sure will be a lot of separation.

JR Howell (14:05):

I think so.

Taylor Self (14:06):

Yeah. I think there’s plenty of room for separation on the back half without a doubt.

JR Howell (14:11):

Yeah, I think that workout is a lot harder than it reads on paper and you’re going to have a lot of people that look at it and they look at the smaller numbers on the back half and think, oh, I can do that and they’re just not taking into account

Bill Grundler (14:24):


JR Howell (14:24):

The first workout. I mean the first part of it, they’re not taking into account doing 50 and 50 fast.

John Young (14:29):

The second half is wildly more important. 35 thrusters with 1 35 and 35 thrusters are bar muscle up if you just take that by itself. That sounds like a lot.

JR Howell (14:40):

Yeah. How do you guys feel about the seven and seven versus do you think they did five rounds of 10 and 10 and then five rounds of five and five and we’re like, eh, let’s bump it up a little, but 10 is too much and five is not enough. Do you think seven will be a good number there?

John Young (14:57):

I think Go

Taylor Self (14:59):

Ahead Tim. Go ahead. No, I was going to say I think a lot of people will have, I think even some better athletes will have to break seven unless they doubt just go so slow.

JR Howell (15:06):


Sevan Matossian (15:07):

I think that’s seven is a trap.

John Young (15:09):

Yeah. I think it baits a lot of people into thinking they can go unbroken just to be stuck at singles at the end

JR Howell (15:19):

And from a coaching standpoint, Taylor and Bill, especially if you guys have a lot of athletes that are going into it like, Hey, I think I’m going to have to break on the second half. Do you advise them to break thruster or break muscle up? Which one do you think is easier to pick back up or jump back up on?

Taylor Self (15:37):

That depends on the person.

John Young (15:39):

I’d break muscle up

Sevan Matossian (15:41):

When we come back.

John Young (15:43):

Well, yeah,

Sevan Matossian (15:45):

We’re 14 minutes away from the live announcement for 24.3. The CrossFit games open the final workout for the open before people move on to the quarterfinals. When we return, we will hear from the best in the business on what the sticking point will be for these athletes.

Speaker 8 (16:09):

Every morning we wake up knowing what’s at stake, freedom, honor, duty. This is more than a mission. It’s the oath we took. It’s the flag we wear on our sleeve and everything it stands for. You don’t do it for money, glory or fame, but for something deeper. It’s for our families, for our freedom, for our way of life and to anyone who tries to take that away from us, good fucking luck. And even when the mission is complete, training is never over. We are constantly honing our craft and sharpening our acts. That is the warrior mindset. This isn’t just a brand to us. We’re a part of these stories because we’ve lived these stories and while we might’ve hung up the rifle and body armor one last time, our new mission is to outfit our nation’s heroes with the best apparel on the planet by the operator for the operator to those still standing on that wall. We salute you the damn few born primitive tactical for those who defend

Sevan Matossian (18:04):

Representing born primitive on Friday will be Taylor Self against Colton Merton’s. Bryce del Monte will be doing the workout shortly. It looks like he’s fueling up Augustus link. Here’s to freedom, here’s to honor. If you can’t come in her come honor. Damn. I don’t even know what that means. That seems a little forced to me. I don’t like that. That’s that’s definitely politically

John Young (18:27):

Do you think anybody ever comments and goes, oh crap, he’s reading it out loud.

Sevan Matossian (18:31):

No, only my mom. Do you think I just said a my mom joke, is that fine? Should Bryson do the workout right now instead of world record before it was announced?

John Young (18:40):

I think so. I think he should have the first

Sevan Matossian (18:43):


John Young (18:44):

Number one on the

Sevan Matossian (18:45):

Leaderboard. I think so. Jr will there be a sticking point or is this just a go like, hey, it’s just go. They’re not using the same muscles you just do.

JR Howell (18:57):

I think there’s still a little bit more pacing here than a lot of people are giving it credit for. I mean there’s,

Sevan Matossian (19:02):

Come on dude. 50 thrusters and 50 chest bar. Those can be done. I’m going to break up the first part a lot. Listen, and no one asked you meathead, those could be done in two sets. What do you mean? What do you break it up? That’s easy. 50 thrusters is nothing and 50 chest is nothing. You rest a minute and you get back to work. Hey, if that’s a quarterfinals work out,

John Young (19:24):

What do you mean?

Sevan Matossian (19:25):

That’s a great quarterfinals workout. Hey, I’d like to see that in the semifinals. I’d like to see two lanes of that shit JR. So where’s the sticking point? Why are you saying there’s pacing? I’m sorry to be so hostile against a professional like yourself but Jesus just 50 and 50.

JR Howell (19:40):

Yeah, but I think you have to look at the back half just as it is alone. I think for a lot of people it’s going to become a grip limitation. For some people it’s going to become a pressing limitation. Although the bar muscle up is a lot of pull and people don’t really think of it as a press, like a ring muscle up. The chances of them pulling really high and not still having to use somewhat of a dip I think is not going to be the case after the 50 pulling reps to start the workout. I think there’s going to be a lot of separation in rounds three, four and five Maybe a lot of people can go on broken, but not a lot of people are going to be able to transition as fast as others.

Sevan Matossian (20:16):

John Young, go ahead. Tell us how a big strong guy has to break this shit up

John Young (20:23):

If they’re fit enough. They don’t have to. I think if you have our muscle up but you’re not elite fitness wise and maybe even I feel comfortable saying this with Bryson’s level of fitness too. You want to be as fresh as possible for the second part because the second part is where you’re going to have all the separation. Everybody can do chest to bars and lightweight thrusters, so it might benefit you to break up that first part even though you have the one minute of rest just so you can go into the second part as fresh as possible. And that second part is basically your workout and you do that as fast as possible, whichever that means, breaking that part up or going unbroken, whatever. Just pushing the pace in the second part. The first

Sevan Matossian (21:13):

Part are the second thrusters. 1 35.

Bill Grundler (21:15):

1 35. Yeah,

Sevan Matossian (21:16):

So it’s 1 35 thrusters. Bill, listen carefully. Okay to this question. You ready?

Bill Grundler (21:20):

I’m ready.

Sevan Matossian (21:21):

I want you to go back to the youngest most cockiest badass version of yourself.

Bill Grundler (21:27):

Okay, so yesterday,

Sevan Matossian (21:29):

Yeah, thank you. And then that’s what Taylor is now.

Bill Grundler (21:33):

Oh, I know his. I can see him up there. Yeah,

Sevan Matossian (21:35):

He’s a young savage Bill. If he has to win this in his life’s on the line against Colton, what advice do you give him? Because Colton’s not going to pace this, is he?

Bill Grundler (21:46):

No. Fuck no.

John Young (21:47):

Colton will do it. Unbroken Taylor will do it Unbroken.

Bill Grundler (21:51):

Okay, so Taylor needs to get, he needs to

Sevan Matossian (21:56):

No humility. No humility bill. I want

Bill Grundler (21:59):

Arrogant wide grip for his, I mean within reason that he’s able to do to shorten it up. Yeah, I saw Tommy. Remember old school Tommy Hacken Brooke tied Chris Speer doing the exact same thing on one of the regional workouts. Same kind of idea that would keep him in the mix on the beginning. He can’t kill himself on the Fran. You can’t kill yourself on Fran. That’s basically what the first part is. It’s a Fran plus with the reps on there, but it’s going to come down to the second part and I think you can’t really speed up bar muscle up or as fast as they’re going to be, so he needs to stay on the bar. If he’s going to break up anything, it would be the thruster because that’s going to send the

John Young (22:40):

Heart rate. I think if he’s breaking it up, he’s got no shot.

Bill Grundler (22:42):

Well you’re right. I’m just saying. But if he’s going to keep it up, that’s where he is. Got to break it. Not on the chest bar. Takes too long to get back up I think. Definitely. Definitely. So

Sevan Matossian (22:52):

Transitions play no role in this. This because everyone No,

John Young (22:55):

They do. They do.

Sevan Matossian (22:57):

They do

John Young (22:58):

At the top. At the top of the top. They do

Sevan Matossian (23:01):

Not. Taylor, go ahead. Taylor, let me ask you this. By the way, we are seven minutes away from the official announcement of 24.3. Taylor, will we see someone start the second round? Will Jay crouch or Ariel Lowen start the second part of the workout while the other person is still doing the first part? Will someone get ahead by one minute? No, no, no, no, no.

Bill Grundler (23:24):

What do you think J like three minutes? 3 15, 3 30.

JR Howell (23:30):

I think they’re going to do it under three.

Bill Grundler (23:33):

I think they’ll probably push that. Huh? Okay, but this goes back to what John’s saying and even what do you think Taylor, if you go out like balls to the wall go out on the first part? Yeah, you have the minute, but are you fresh enough to be able to hammer the second part and I think that’s where you got to skirt that line of three. I don’t know if, can they do it under three? Definitely. Should they do it under three? I don’t know. I don’t know if that 20 seconds is going to save them. Say somebody gets like two 40, is that 20 seconds, is that really going to give you what you need on the second half? Because that 20 seconds could be in a lot of places on that

John Young (24:13):

Second half. I think you go unbroken but you’re not rushed at all. You know what I mean? Your chest bar. Then you walk your thruster, you’re thruster, then you watch your chest bar and the second part you do whatever the best you can do. You hammer that part.

Sevan Matossian (24:29):

I’m receiving a text right now that the workout was released on purpose so that we would have some time to hype up the workout. So that was a, they needed your help. You guys obviously don’t understand marketing who think it was leaked on accident. This was a strategy a four time using a running clock with a 15 minute time cap, five rounds, 10 thrusters, 10 Chester bar pull-ups and 95 pounds for the men. Rest one minute. Then five rounds of seven thrusters at 135 pounds, seven bar muscle-ups, 15 minute time cap like I mentioned Roman Koff versus Jay Crouch and Ariel Lowen versus Sidney Wells and this is sort of the warmup for the big event. The Colton Merton show used to be called Taylor Self versus the World Friday. God, you’d think we hate you hon Taylor. My goodness.

John Young (25:18):

Taylor, what do you think your strategy is?

Taylor Self (25:23):

I got to think about it a bit. I’m not concern about

Sevan Matossian (25:25):

Your CPU is burned down. His central process needs

John Young (25:27):

Solve fried right now. Do you think you can bake Colton into going too fast?

Taylor Self (25:31):

No, dude, this is not a workout that I think anyone in the world looks at who’s not actually retarded and says, this is how I’m going to approach this workout to trick Colton into going, are you kidding me?

Sevan Matossian (25:46):

It still, there’s a great question, John. It’s still a great question for all

John Young (25:49):

Tard. What I’m saying is Hopper blew up and you tie and y’all tied right?

Taylor Self (25:54):

I’m him into going out hot.

John Young (25:56):

No, I know, but it did happen. I think this workout is you can bait somebody. You don’t think so?

Taylor Self (26:05):

No, I don’t. Next each Colton. I don’t think I can bake Colton. What’s the point If I bake Colton to blowing up, who the fuck do you think else is going to blow up?

Sevan Matossian (26:15):

Colton Merton’s chimes in. I’m just trying

John Young (26:16):

Give you a chance, man. I’m trying to find a way for you to

Sevan Matossian (26:19):

Win. Listen, let me read this real quick. Colt Mertens chimes in. I’m 100% starting out too fast. Hey, he’s flipping the script on Taylor. You see what he’s doing there? He wants Taylor, I’m trying

John Young (26:29):

To find a way for you to win. That’s what I’m trying to do right now.

Taylor Self (26:34):

Thank you John. I love you.

JR Howell (26:38):

Well, this is what’s kind of cool about this workout too, is that at the most elite level, some of these guys can be like, sure, I can just kind of take my time transitioning on the first five rounds and go a little bit slower and not rest as much on the back half. Or I can just do the first five rounds almost for time, be a little bit ahead of the clock and rest a little bit on the back half. I think at the highest level, unless there’s just, I went to failure on something and I failed a bar muscle up or I failed a lock out on a thruster, you’re probably going to be able to go just as fast as you can go regardless of the strategy at the highest level I think,

John Young (27:17):

Which means we might see world record two,

Sevan Matossian (27:23):

The CrossFit YouTube station is now live. They have a place card in place, 13,000 people waiting two minutes to the start world record times for this. You guys have any thoughts on that already? I know we just saw the workout,

John Young (27:39):

Whatever Colton does tomorrow.

Sevan Matossian (27:41):

Wow. Oh, what about Tetlow and as Hatfield Austin,

John Young (27:50):

Don’t talk about my guy

Sevan Matossian (27:51):

Like that. I mixed the first name and

John Young (27:52):

The last name. I mean I think it’s going to be hard to beat Colton in

Sevan Matossian (27:57):

This man. Tudor, Magda, Tudor, Magda Jr. Tudor Magnus set the world record on this. Fuck no.

JR Howell (28:02):

I think it’s probably going to be someone with a little bit shorter limb length

Sevan Matossian (28:07):

Fe Fe top five in the world.

John Young (28:10):


Sevan Matossian (28:11):

No, because of the thrusters. Is that why you guys are saying that? I

John Young (28:17):

She’s not fit enough

Sevan Matossian (28:18):

Dude. She’s been showing up for the open man. She’s been showing up.

JR Howell (28:22):

What’s really interesting about this workout too, and a lot of people are going to look at it as like a muscular stamina workout. Like, oh, my pull just went away or my triceps started blowing up. A lot of you out there that are saying that do not have the fitness to not let the thrusters just make you too out breath to do the gymnastics or make you want to pick up the bar for a lot of people, they’re just going to be way too out of breath to show that they can move the bar and they can jump up and do muscle

John Young (28:49):

Up period. 100%.

Sevan Matossian (28:50):

Yeah. Let me ask you guys this Bill tee it to me has a wrist issue. It’s obviously a real issue and she didn’t want to come out there and flop around. Now that she sees this workout, is she like, damn, maybe I could have done this one maybe since I wasn’t pushing because she said the pushups were bothering her, right? The pushing movement.

Bill Grundler (29:09):


Sevan Matossian (29:11):

You think she’s talking about

Bill Grundler (29:12):

The talked? We talked about this on our show yesterday and I really hope that she didn’t know what the workout was to be able to say, you know what? I probably should back out since I don’t want to erase it since it’s all thruster.

Sevan Matossian (29:23):

I do not think she knew the workout. I hope, I do not think she knew the

Bill Grundler (29:27):

Workout. I hope that’s not the case.

Sevan Matossian (29:28):

They do not leak things like that.

Bill Grundler (29:32):

Better not be the case.

Sevan Matossian (29:36):

The screen is live. It is a packed house. It is a beautiful stage, just like you imagine there is a huge rig. It’s the best I’ve seen the sponsors represented. We got Rogue Jocko milk and GORUCK center stage and they got a little audio plane so you can hear the crowd noise. What’s interesting is there’s a running clock on.

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