Born Primitive 24.3 CrossFit Games Update Show

Tyler Watkins (00:00):

The screw with him the whole time.

Sevan Matossian (00:02):

Bam. We’re live.

JR Howell (00:04):

Hey, why is my lock screen on? That’s never happened before.

John Young (00:08):

Not sure Granddad. If you pull down

Sevan Matossian (00:12):

Jr’s one of those people that’s young, the right

John Young (00:13):


Tyler Watkins (00:15):

John, don’t even, you don’t even know how to record your

Sevan Matossian (00:17):

Screen. jr’s one of those people that’s young but presents old.

JR Howell (00:22):

No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t. It’s not. Not on dude,

John Young (00:25):

But it’s on. Just keep rotating it.

JR Howell (00:28):

It’ll work out is unlocked is not locked. So when I turn my phone, it should switch and

John Young (00:33):

It’s not Turn your house sideways

Sevan Matossian (00:37):

In this order. The adults on this show, Ooh, this is going to be hard.

John Young (00:41):


Sevan Matossian (00:42):

It’s Jr take this as an insult. If you’re at the top, it’s JR. At the top. Yes,

John Young (00:47):


Sevan Matossian (00:48):

And then Tyler and Caleb. Oh God, no, no, no. Peter and Caleb. Oh, no, then Peter. Then Peter, sorry, Peter. He

Tyler Watkins (00:56):

Has the fake

John Young (00:57):

News. That’s the most times you’ve ever said my real name in my entire life. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Sevan Matossian (01:02):

Jesus. What wrong with me then Pedro? So Jr’s the adult, then Pedro, then Tyler and Caleb. Then what’s your name? John Young, and then me

Tyler Watkins (01:13):

Scrapping at the bottom.

Sevan Matossian (01:15):

Yeah. I’m the only one who’s kept my youth. I still talk poop and penises.

John Young (01:23):

Oh, I wanted to be low. Oh, I thought happy. Was that a maturity ranking?

Sevan Matossian (01:26):

Yeah, that’s like a maturity ranking. Yeah.

John Young (01:29):

All right, man. That’s cool.

Sevan Matossian (01:32):

Yours isn’t because you’re not well behaved, John. It’s just that. Well, God, you did know about that thing getting sore under the tongue. God, that really threw me for a loop.

Tyler Watkins (01:43):

Oh yeah, that thing.

Sevan Matossian (01:44):

Yeah. That was weird that he knew that. Reference ladies and gentlemen, big news. Aaron Bridgewater’s, the new member. Thank you Aaron. Smartest thing you’ve done all month. I’m guessing. Don’t be sad John. John is not sad.

Tyler Watkins (02:01):

John’s on has been on Sadick for a couple days, but I think he’s out of it now.

Sevan Matossian (02:06):

Two big pieces of news right now swirling in the space are that no one leaked the workout. No one can say anyone leaked the workout. Everyone and their mom posted it. You can’t go anywhere without someone posting it. I saw Rebecca Slyer had a post about it. Craig Howard had a post about it. Everyone is like, I got the workout Also. Next biggest thing in the news is Ma O’Brien, our champion who’s not a champion according to the barbell Spin Mall O’ Bryant, to compete at High Rock’s Houston in doubles division. Does anyone know who and Kotler with the brilliant comment, good for her. Wait, where’s the comment? I lost it. Koler Underdog’s Athletics. CEO and Founder. She’s doing it with herself. It’s a bold strategy. I don’t get that Cotton. It’s a bold strategy. Cotton. What’s that mean? Movie

John Young (02:56):

Dodge Dodgeball

Speaker 5 (02:59):


Sevan Matossian (03:00):

Okay, thank you. It’s a bold move. Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off. Who is getting the pays off in there? Who will her partner be?

John Young (03:09):

Cooper Marsh.

Sevan Matossian (03:10):

Oh, no shit. Is it really?

John Young (03:12):

Well, he put up on his story earlier on today that he did the workout and he said, just in time or Now I’m ready for High Rocks with Mal or something like that. Has Mal said anything about doing a High Rocks race yet? In that post, she put up it to today new sponsorship deal with Icebar just in time to collect the check before I quit. Just in time before the High Rocks race.

Sevan Matossian (03:37):

Awesome. Thank you Pedro. Pedro, I’ve been chatting with CF Media and I think I’m going to go on his podcast. I just want you to know that will be the second podcast. I’ve gone on with a foreigner. I hope you don’t feel like I’m cheating on you.

John Young (03:53):

No, I’m good. Diversity a dude

Sevan Matossian (03:55):

With it’s

John Young (03:55):

Only their arch enemy.

Sevan Matossian (03:57):

A dude with a funny voice.

John Young (03:59):

She’s so tiny.

Speaker 5 (04:01):

Man. What

Sevan Matossian (04:01):


John Young (04:02):

On? Hey, hasn’t that barrel is actually 15 feet tall? John,

Sevan Matossian (04:06):

Hasn’t she been saying in her interviews that she’s been running a lot? So I mean, this is no surprise, right? I think some of you guys even came on the show and predicted that High Rock.

John Young (04:14):

Yes. I feel like Spin said this two months ago. He was like, she’s going to do the High Rocks spin. Caught the tag on her socials

Sevan Matossian (04:22):

And Further News Rich and I think Scott Vandersloot and Rory McKernan traveled down to Proven Today and shot a podcast action

Speaker 5 (04:37):

From you guys pop up from the Mayhem podcast in my feed, which is clickbait. It’s not me Clickbait. No, no, it’s us clickbait. It’s you. It’s a hundred percent. And so that’s exactly, and it was the clip of him saying that shit. So it was fucking fed to me and everybody been telling me, and I’m like, I’m not a big deal, not a big deal. I’m like, oh, now it’s clip from you guys pop up from the,

Sevan Matossian (05:03):

So once again, I told you guys that when people know each other well they can fight. And so what I think is happening, the strategy here is Dave doesn’t know Scott Vandersloot and Scott says that comment and I think he’s there because Dave points to him. And so when you know someone, well, you can fight with them, but since you know them well, you can get more time together to rekindle the relationship. And Scott doesn’t have that relationship with Dave. So they go down there and it looks like they buried the hatchet and had a good old time. And this is the way, this is the big way. Big boys handle stuff. Any surprise here JR. That they can fight, even they didn’t do that cheese dick thing where they took a picture like Rich and Matt did, or me and Brian did. They actually are having it out.

JR Howell (05:54):

No, I think that’s what you do when you’re able to go back and forth a little bit indirectly. And then when you have the opportunity to actually get after it directly, you do it man to man face to

Sevan Matossian (06:03):

Face. That’s the maturest person on the podcast. Now let’s go to the second least mature person, John Young. John, what do you think? Boys fight and then they get back together and rekindle or no, you like that?

John Young (06:13):

Yeah. Yeah. No, I disagree with jr.

Sevan Matossian (06:20):

You agree or disagree?

John Young (06:21):

No, I agree with what JR is saying. I don’t think it’s that big of a thing.

Sevan Matossian (06:27):

When’s the last time you got in a fight with one of your boyfriends and then fought it out and then got back together

John Young (06:32):

Yesterday? What do you define A fight?

Sevan Matossian (06:34):

Alright, fine. Be like that. Okay. Big news today, 24.3 has been announced. Can we pull up the leaderboard? Are there any names that have already, I know last week I think Noah was quick to jump into the top scores. Can we check out and see if there’s any posts yet? What happens JR people do this in an affiliate and then the affiliate owner doesn’t have to actually validate it until Wednesday, but they can validate it right away and that’s what populates the leaderboard. Oh look, and Noah’s already in there already.

Tyler Watkins (07:06):

You just have to submit, right?

JR Howell (07:08):

Yeah, it shows up automatically and then it’ll remain. That’s why it’s gray validation or not.

John Young (07:14):

Yeah. So guys, I actually did the workout and I got 7 59. I don’t have a video of it, but I have a judge certified it.

JR Howell (07:27):

How many people do you think that put in their score and subtract the minute for rest?

Tyler Watkins (07:33):

All of them. Oh, you’re supposed to do that.

Sevan Matossian (07:37):

No, I think you’re not supposed to do

John Young (07:39):

That. No. It’s a part of your time,

JR Howell (07:41):

Correct? It says on the score sheet the timer does not stop during the rest. But I’m just curious how many people are going to go to put in their score and they’re going to put it in and be like, yeah, but I subtract a minute. Right?

John Young (07:52):

Are you serious? Was that a problem with 21.3?

JR Howell (07:56):

I don’t know that it was or if it wasn’t. I’m just asking if you think a lot of people will do it.

Tyler Watkins (08:02):

Somebody’s going to do

John Young (08:03):

It. It’s a part of your time. I bet it’s a small percentage.

Tyler Watkins (08:08):


John Young (08:11):

Probably more than the dumb asses that put in their tie break time instead of their actual fucking time for the

Tyler Watkins (08:17):

First market.

Sevan Matossian (08:19):

No, start the timer at go. The timer does not stop during the one minute rest. The barbell must be placed at least five feet away from the pull-up bar for safety. Hey, why did Bryson start so far away from his bar? Any reason in particular? Okay. Scared. Just scared.

JR Howell (08:35):

I mean, there’s a lot of coaches that would tell you almost like in the row workout, like hey, you can put your stuff as close as you want, but it may be smart for you to put on the governor by spacing your equipment a little bit farther away. So you’re like, Hey, I know I’m going to get a three or four second break walking to the next thing and then when I get there, I need to get to work

Tyler Watkins (08:55):

On this workout too. It’s like Bryson knew that transition didn’t make a difference for him. He knew he was going to have to rest.

John Young (09:01):

He probably wanted that barbell further away. Right?

Sevan Matossian (09:05):

Can we go back up to number five up there? I want to read this. This is something I miss all the time. Or was it number five? No, no, it just said five rounds. It said about the tie break. It says the tiebreaker will be recorded after you complete five rounds of thrusters and chest to bar pull up. So that’s before the one minute break. If you do not complete the workout before the time cap, this is your tie break time. The athlete who completed the first five rounds the fastest wins the tie. Okay, so that’s important. So at the end of the fifth round, everyone should look up at the clock. I always forget to do that. Okay, can we go back to the leaderboard? It looked like Noah Olson beat J Crouch by 45 seconds. Was it 44 believable? 44 seconds. Sorry, Tyler, go ahead. Very

Tyler Watkins (09:50):


Sevan Matossian (09:52):

And that’s because you saw Jay Crouch pacing off of Ariel alone and you saw him taking his time in between the transitions.

Tyler Watkins (09:57):

No, it’s just like Noah’s known for being great on the bar. What was that? Games workout, Mary?

John Young (10:04):


Tyler Watkins (10:05):

Yeah, it’s like, and it’s thrusters. He has, he’s kind of built for squatting as far as repping out squats like that. So I’m not surprised he’s fit as hell.

Sevan Matossian (10:16):

John, now that you see no Olson’s time and J Crouch’s time and you got to watch JK, ouch. Do it. What do you think will happen when Colton Merton steps up to this workout?

John Young (10:26):

I think Colton will be seven 40.

Sevan Matossian (10:30):

Wow. 50 seconds faster.

John Young (10:33):


Sevan Matossian (10:35):

Hiller Jr. Howell,

JR Howell (10:41):

I would put an amount of money that mattered to me that he’s sub eight, but I don’t know about seven 40.

Sevan Matossian (10:48):


John Young (10:50):

Would you know about sub five 20 in week one before we saw it after? I think you would’ve said the same thing about five.

JR Howell (11:02):

No, I mean would’ve probably said he could go 15 seconds faster, but yeah, not as much as he did.

Sevan Matossian (11:08):

How many rounds are in the workout?

John Young (11:11):

10. 10

Sevan Matossian (11:13):

Including both? Five of

John Young (11:15):

The first, five of the

Sevan Matossian (11:16):

Second. So if he takes off five seconds a round, that would be 50 seconds faster than Noah, which would put him at, what was Noah at seven 30

John Young (11:26):

For the record? Eight 30. Eight 30. I don’t think he’ll take any seconds off of the first part. I think he’ll take 50 seconds off of the second part.

Sevan Matossian (11:34):

So 10 seconds around faster?

John Young (11:38):

Yeah, he might be a little, I don’t know. Noah usually likes to come out hot. I’m going to go ahead and say right, I have no idea. I hope Noah puts this video out, but that him and Noah are very similar times over the first round and he’s just that much faster in the second round.

Sevan Matossian (11:55):

Tomorrow night. I don’t know what time. I want to say 4:30 PM Eastern standard time. 1:30 PM Is that right? 1:30 PM Pacific Standard time at CrossFit Charlotte. It will be the born primitive CrossFit. Charlotte 24.3 CrossFit Open and peptides Open Taylor Self versus Colton Merton’s. Pedro as our educator here an academic. Taylor does seem a little quieter. The quietest he’s been he a little. Do you think he’s a little shocked? Do you think he’s like, oh shit, he saw, he seems a little less bombastic or vocal now that he’s seen this workout and he’s going up against Colton.

John Young (12:38):

Well that’s probably part of it is that Colton’s just going to absolutely fucking destroy this. And then the second part of it is Taylor essentially has a new knee. This will be the first major test under stress of that knee. So if I was him, I’d probably struggle to find the confidence I maybe had at week one and week two. But it’s also worth remembering, he was a massive underdog in week one and he put on a fucking unbelievable performance. He was a massive underdog in week two. He put on a ridiculous performance. He’s a massive underdog in week three. I think he’s going to shut some people up this week. Two

Tyler Watkins (13:16):

Bigger underdog this week or last week?

John Young (13:19):

This week?


I would say this week. I don’t know. It’s easy to say. After we saw week two, I don’t think anybody said he was going to beat Jason in that workout in week two until it happened.

JR Howell (13:35):

But there are a lot of people who thought it was going to be really close. A lot of us were. I thought it was going to be really close.

John Young (13:40):

You’re so smart.

Sevan Matossian (13:42):

Is there any strategy in this JR for Taylor or is it just, does he have to just risk it all right out the gate?

JR Howell (13:49):

There’s definitely strategy, but I think Taylor goes into this workout with the mindset of, Hey, if one of us is going to mess up, it’s not going to be me. So I’m just going to be there to keep you honest. And if you make a mistake, I’m going to take advantage.

John Young (14:03):

Just like Jason in week two.

JR Howell (14:06):

Yeah, he knows himself so well. He’s not going to jump up after he’s ready. He’s going to jump up as soon as he is ready on his bar. Muscle ups. He’s going to put his hands on the ball on the thruster, whether he does a quick seven or whether he takes a big breath at the top after each rep. He’s not going to baby the workout, but he’s also not going to go about it recklessly at all.

Tyler Watkins (14:30):

Is he as world-class at bar muscle ups as he is Ring muscle ups?

JR Howell (14:35):

Yeah, but I think that he’s better comparatively to the elite field at Ring Muscle up than he is Bar, but I don’t think he’s, I just think that the gaps there are a lot smaller than they are with the rings.

Tyler Watkins (14:48):


John Young (14:49):

I think Taylor is going to


Beat time. Yeah, I’d agree with that. Especially if he’s pacing off Colton. I don’t think he should pace off Colton. No. As in if he’s racing against him, I think whatever time he would do on his own, yes.

JR Howell (15:05):


Sevan Matossian (15:06):

By the way, thank you for the reminder Rambler. Don’t forget to go to the Heat one app. You scroll up on your phone, you look into it, it recognizes you, it opens up, you click the app heat one and go over there and make your picks for the Taylor self versus the world 24.3. We had Ariel Lowen going against Sidney Wells, going against J Crouch, going against Roman Koff. I don’t think we could have asked for a better race. I wish it would’ve started a little sooner, but what a fantastic race. There was a lot of jostling back and forth of leadership. Did that surprise you at all JR? Or did you know in that final round that we were going to see their engines get exposed?

JR Howell (15:52):

No, I don’t think for those guys it’s really an engine workout. It’s just it’s am I ready to jump up and do seven or am I not? And even you saw at the end they probably thought they were ready, but you saw a lot of people breaking on that last round.


This is a really interesting workout too, and there are a lot of coaches in the space that preach this, but them doing seven thrusters and then taking a ten second break doing four bar muscle ups, taking a five second break and then doing three is faster than doing seven thrusters, resting 20 seconds and then doing seven. So going and broken is not necessarily how you get a really, really, really fast time. And I think what you saw with them is a lot of, Hey, I need to wait until I know I can get these seven. So where the breaks might’ve been longer and while the discipline might be harder, it’s like, oh, it’s just harder for me to jump up and do four and then take a quick break and jump up and do three. I need to just wait and do all seven every time.


But I think you’ll see some people with really, really, really world-class times that might approach the workout just a little differently. I mean John was saying it a lot before the workout and then even after, I think the play is to slow play the first five rounds a little more than you want. And for some people, maybe even to break the chest a bar, I’m not saying at the elite level, but for people to even get, let’s say sub 12, I think there’ll be people who break the chest to bar early and often and can still go sub 12 on this.

Sevan Matossian (17:22):

So you’re saying I mischaracterized the brakes they took as affecting their engine, but it was actually muscular fatigue?

JR Howell (17:32):

Well, I can’t speak for them. I don’t know many people that are going to come out sub three on the first five rounds. So in that case, yeah, it might’ve been limited by their breathing and their heart rate, but I think when most people do it, they’re going to get done and say it was just grip or man, my triceps blew up or whatever.

Sevan Matossian (17:52):

Caleb, can we pull up the women’s leaderboard? Why do you think some of these guys just like Noah just come out do it right away post their score? Is that just like, hey, they just want to get it off their mind. They don’t want to be thinking about it. They see it, they just want to get it out of the way. Is there any other reason why they would just get it out of the way? Like this

John Young (18:09):

Of the top three? One of them did the open announcement and the other two guys are going team.

Sevan Matossian (18:14):

Oh, you mean the top four, Amy? Oh

John Young (18:18):

No men on the men’s side.

Sevan Matossian (18:19):

Oh, okay. Okay. What are the implications of your open score if you are doing team? Nothing.

John Young (18:26):

I just think you’re less secretive. You’re less like, I don’t want anyone to know because you go on team,

Sevan Matossian (18:31):

But it doesn’t affect the team is what I’m saying.

John Young (18:34):

No, no, not really.

Sevan Matossian (18:36):

How do teams get So teams for teams for their first workout that matters is the quarterfinals if you’re

John Young (18:42):

On a team? No, there’s an affiliate. There’s an affiliate team leaderboard now too.

Sevan Matossian (18:48):

Oh, interesting. And they put all their scores together and that’s how they qualify for the quarter funnels. It’s

JR Howell (18:51):

Fine. It’s still based on a percentage on how many teams sign up in that region.

Sevan Matossian (18:57):

Okay. That’s in the order of their scores. Yep. So Stephanie Black, 8 0 3, Amy Morton, 10 0 9, Ariel Lowen 10 11. So that girl at the top beat Ariel Lowen by two.

John Young (19:12):

That might be her tie break

Tyler Watkins (19:13):

Time. Time for sure.

JR Howell (19:16):

And Amy Morton’s master’s athlete, which is really impressive. I’m sure that’s a real time.

Sevan Matossian (19:22):

What makes you think it’s a It’s just too fast. There’s just no way.

John Young (19:25):

Well if you look at her total points, it’s over 28,000 and I just don’t think she’s two minutes faster than the third fittest woman in the world

Tyler Watkins (19:37):

Peaking. John, she’s peaked.

Sevan Matossian (19:39):

Hey, scroll down a little bit. Are there any other names that have done it yet?

JR Howell (19:45):

No, not

Sevan Matossian (19:46):

Really. Okay.

John Young (19:48):

They would’ve finished. Oh, Ari Sanders.

Sevan Matossian (19:55):

Let me ask you a serious question. That’s kind of a weird topic. Bryson del Monte said he shit his pants prior to the workout. Is that common

Tyler Watkins (20:08):

For Bryson? Probably.

JR Howell (20:12):


John Young (20:12):

Never Shit.

JR Howell (20:13):

He might’ve been fueling up a little too late before game time and it just pushed out what he had in there.

Tyler Watkins (20:20):

Did what? Too much caffeine too

Sevan Matossian (20:21):

Soon. Oh, so you think that was caffeine induced?

John Young (20:24):

If that happened to me, I’d be like, Hey guys, I need to take five and then we’ll come back.

Tyler Watkins (20:31):

We got sponsored by C four at Water Palooza and I don’t think anybody drank nearly as many c fours as pricing did that

Speaker 7 (20:38):


Sevan Matossian (20:41):

Taylor shows up for Taylor versus the world on Friday. It’ll be his third week in a row. Tell me about the pressure he’s feeling. John, is any part of him getting exhausted yet? He’s like fucking burnt out. He’s like, fuck, I already did too. Take my foot off the gas. This is going to be hard. Is he feeling the mental stress now? Maybe he’s already burnt out.

John Young (21:00):

No, I’m burnt out for him. I think this is the least amount of pressure he has felt this whole ride.

Sevan Matossian (21:07):

And why do you say that?

John Young (21:09):

Because he’s not expected to win. He is playing with house money. He’s already kind of proved to the world like, Hey, I’m the real deal, y’all just don’t know my name. And destroyed Dallen had a world record time. If you don’t count people five five and under and then tie Jason in a workout, he wasn’t supposed to tie Jason. And I think he’s proven everything he wanted to prove. He’s not expected to win. I don’t think there’s any pressure for him. I think he just goes out and does his best in his workout and is happy with. He’s happy with whatever happens. Whether that means Colton beats him by 30 seconds or Colton blows up and we’re talking about how Taylor fricking murdered the world. I think he’s happy either way,

Sevan Matossian (21:56):

Jr is he feeling any pressure? Is he getting any, I don’t know, competition fatigue?

JR Howell (22:04):

I think, and I hope he’s watching or I hope he watches later, but I think he’s wondering still like, Hey, I know that thruster was the last movement that I was going to gain confidence doing at the second loader heavier. I just don’t know if I can really explode out of the bottom and absorb that, rebound with confidence. And I think this is just going to show him that he is healed. He is ready to make a run at the games and he’s going to use this workout as the validation he needs.

Sevan Matossian (22:42):

What you’re referencing I think is what Pedro referenced is that his knee, he’s coming back from an injury and that cycling, the 135 pound thrusters for 35 reps is going to be something mentally he’s going to overcome in this workout.

JR Howell (23:01):

There’s a difference between doing it and doing it without any concern. And I think he will gain that. Oh, I’m just putting my hands on the bar and I’m going, I’m cycling. I’m not being careful of my line of action and my points of performance in the L one and L two handbook. I’m just going, just working out,

John Young (23:22):

Bouncing out of the bottom on your thrusters. Just sending that squat. Yep.

Sevan Matossian (23:27):

So what you’re saying is that there is no competition fatigue. The only thought in his mind is week three. Okay, this is the heavy squat that I’ve been sort of anticipating. Here it is, and I’m going to face it in front of thousands of people on Friday night.

JR Howell (23:41):

And not that it’s heavy, right? This is not like they got to do heavy squat, clean and jerk grace right at 2 25 and he’s just like, I don’t know if my knee’s going to hold up doing that load that many times in that short timeframe. It’s just, hey, this is a load that I haven’t done at max intensity and I’m going to do it. And when I do it and when I feel good, it’s going to give me a sense of freedom and rejuvenation that he hasn’t felt since the surgery. That’s what I anticipate happening

Sevan Matossian (24:12):

Guys. I’m stoked that we have these great sponsors Born Primitive and Peptides helping us do 24.3 at CrossFit Charlotte use the promo code BP Open 20 to get 20% off at the born primitive site. Use Hiller or Seon at ca peptides to get 20% off. These are the guys who are getting the athletes out there. Colton d Jason Hopper, giving ’em a little money for snacks. Thank you guys for your help.

Speaker 8 (24:58):

Increase the heat

Sevan Matossian (25:23):

When they stopped selling the nano two, I panicked a little bit because whenever I put on other shoes they hurt my toes. I don’t have, when I find a pair of shoes, I buy a shitload of them. jr’s taking his rads off. Now JR sent me a picture of his 15 pairs of Rads two mornings ago. He goes, hate me if you want. Some of us who don’t have skinny basketball feet still need a wide toe box. The savage one, is that nano two or that Vic dose? Really but better? It’s unbelievable shoe unfortunately it looks like they’re completely sold out


When Colton shows up there. Colton’s showing up there to take first place in the CrossFit open. Can we pull up the leaderboard? Is that correct guys? Am I characterizing that right? Week three will have the, I don’t know, you could say the fittest guy in the world right now in Colton Merton’s. He has, I think what place did he take in the two workouts? A first and a first and Oh, it’s all fucked. It’s all fucked up now because people have already started entering their scores. Damn. Do we know where Colton And so Colton’s currently sitting in 40, so he got a first.

John Young (26:43):

He’s probably not going to win even with the first,

Sevan Matossian (26:45):

A first and 180 first. Okay, so he’s not even in the top 10 now.

JR Howell (26:50):

Yeah, but he wants to win another two grand for

John Young (26:53):

Sure. That’s true.

Sevan Matossian (26:54):

And where is Taylor sitting

John Young (26:58):


JR Howell (27:01):

I want to say he, I want to say he was like 22nd. He was in the low. You

John Young (27:04):

Can just go to overall we know Colton’s in the top 50, we’ll find Taylor.

Sevan Matossian (27:08):

Do we know if Colton redid that workout 24.2 when he got home?

Tyler Watkins (27:12):

I don’t think he did.

John Young (27:14):

No. He is still a 9 22 score.

Tyler Watkins (27:17):


Sevan Matossian (27:19):

Okay. And so Taylor has a second and an 83rd, so these guys are going to finish really, really close in the open. Do you think Tyler, that Taylor gets the top 10 time in the world on this?

Tyler Watkins (27:37):

He has the capacity to, yeah. Will he? It’s just so hard to say. This is one of those workouts where people will be really good at thrusters and really good at bar muscle ups or chest bar. So under over, I’m probably taking him under or over 10.

Sevan Matossian (27:56):

John Will Taylor do the quarterfinals if he does do great at the open.

John Young (28:02):

He said he is not competing, but I mean it wouldn’t shock me if he did. I feel like he’s just going to keep using that as a cop out and just do all the workouts and just say I’m not competing. And then when he makes semifinals he’ll be like, ah, I guess I’ll compete. It’ll or it is truthfully just not going to compete until he feels like he’s at a hundred percent.


If I’m Taylor, I clip that bit of JR saying he is ready and he is ready to make run of the games. And I listen to that on repeat and I try and suppress my daily erection when I listen to it and I gear myself up for run of the games.

Tyler Watkins (28:38):

No you don’t. You just let that sucker fly. Hey,

John Young (28:42):

I think if he’s capable of squatting heavy then there’s no reason why he shouldn’t. If he’s not capable of squatting heavy yet, no, only he knows that. And I mean 4 0 5 plus then he’s probably not ready to do it because he’s going to have workouts where there’s going to be very, very heavy squats. And that’s, from what I understand, JR knows this situation way better, but that’s the last thing for him to do.

Sevan Matossian (29:10):

What is this Caleb we’re looking at? I

Tyler Watkins (29:11):

Like this. This is just the

Speaker 9 (29:12):

Leaderboard with everybody who’s doing Taylor versus the world. So Taylor, Dell, Walton Mes, and Jason Hopper.

Tyler Watkins (29:18):


Speaker 9 (29:20):

So you have D Pepper and Taylor tied for first

Tyler Watkins (29:23):

Down in the open bro

Sevan Matossian (29:25):

Damn Down’s killing it a third and first. So D’s in the running to win the open.

John Young (29:30):

Yes. And I think he’s going to

Sevan Matossian (29:34):

JR. The Open Jr. Is that what you think Taylor’s doing also? You think he’s just saying he’s not going to compete so there’s not pressure on every workout to mitigate the pressure?

JR Howell (29:45):

Yeah, I think to a certain degree, but I also think he thrives under pressure. I think that he is a gamer and he’s not nearly as good in training as he is when something does matter. Especially not even if, especially when it’s.

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