Andrew Hiller Sells an Assault Bike LIVE | Live Call In MEGACAST

Andrew Hiller (00:01):

What’s up?

Sevan Matossian (00:02):

I just did something I’ve never done before.

Andrew Hiller (00:05):

What’s that?

Sevan Matossian (00:06):

I came to my studio and the door was open all night.

Andrew Hiller (00:10):

They think it’s California.

Sevan Matossian (00:12):

Well, it was raining all night last night. I mean, it’s not wet in here or anything, but it’s fucking cold.

Andrew Hiller (00:16):

Or does it get humid? Does the, no, it would ruin all your camera gear if it’s too humid.

Sevan Matossian (00:23):

No, could never. But you know what happened is is I was drinking on the show last night with Dave, and then he’s like, Hey, I’m leaving. So I walked him out to his car and I came in and the place is a complete mess. I didn’t really clean up and I’m tripping.

Andrew Hiller (00:38):

Drinking olive oil.

Sevan Matossian (00:40):

We drank olive oil, so my stomach’s been bothering me for three or four days, and then Dave came over yesterday and then before the show started. Right before the show started, I did a little shot of espresso because I had taken a nap and then I was just like, I’ll do a shot of espresso. Wake me up. And then we came in here and we drank olive oil and we drank wine. The only saving grace, honestly, was the bread we ate. I mean, it was all good. I enjoyed the wine, I enjoyed the olive oil, but my stomach’s been just kind of just funky.

Andrew Hiller (01:06):

How much olive oil would you say you had?

Sevan Matossian (01:11):

Four tablespoons? No, eight tablespoons, eight tablespoons, four of each flavor.

Andrew Hiller (01:17):

So I was watching

Sevan Matossian (01:19):

His garlic. Olive oil is good.

Andrew Hiller (01:21):

I asked you if there was garlic, you said lemon and maybe, I don’t know, maybe you said garlic.

Sevan Matossian (01:26):

The garlic one’s really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really good.

Andrew Hiller (01:33):

I told you about that video I watched the other day with that dude eating 50,000 calories, right? Oh

Sevan Matossian (01:37):

Yeah. How’d he do it? How’d he do it? A

Andrew Hiller (01:38):

Whole bunch of junk food, but he had on the side olive oil as like a filler, right? So if he needed to, and I actually had a guy growing up telling me when I was in my bodybuilding stage, Hey, you want to get some calories in? Just take shots of olive oil and I would do it.

Sevan Matossian (01:56):

It’s effective.

Andrew Hiller (01:57):

It’s so calorically dense. God, don’t how much olive oil. Like an ounce. How many calories are an ounce of olive oil?

Sevan Matossian (02:06):

Oh, he actually has some of that shit on here. Some of those metric. God, but it is tiny.

Andrew Hiller (02:14):

Oh, it only says that can’t be right.

Sevan Matossian (02:16):

120, this bottle. How many ounces are in a shot? This bottle says there’s 17 servings in it at 120 calories a bottle serving 120 calories, a serving.

Andrew Hiller (02:28):

Oh, 1.5 ounces in a shot. A jigger is a jigger. Another name for a shot.

Sevan Matossian (02:35):

I don’t know. That sounds like something that could get us canceled.

Andrew Hiller (02:38):

No. Here, I’ll show you. Look, it’s on Google. I’ll shot 1.5 a jigger. I’ve never heard of that.

Sevan Matossian (02:49):

No, you have. Don’t ever say that word again. We’re going to get canceled. Wait, one 17 times one 20 equals? Yeah. Okay. This bottle has 2000 calories.

Andrew Hiller (03:00):


Sevan Matossian (03:01):

Okay, so that’s not very calorically dense.

Andrew Hiller (03:05):

You’d get sick before you got full.

Sevan Matossian (03:08):

I wonder what would happen. Hey, if you drank this in a day, it would start coming out of your pores. You know what I mean? You start to feel oily.

Andrew Hiller (03:16):

Have you ever done that?

Sevan Matossian (03:17):

Yeah, I have done that.

Andrew Hiller (03:18):

Dude. In high school we did this thing called the Apple Cider Vinegar Challenge, which is not real. We made it up. You just drink a cup of apple cider vinegar. It had to have been 12 ounces of it, and I threw up all over my buddy’s bathroom and for years it just smelled like apple cider vinegar

Sevan Matossian (03:35):

In his bathroom.

Andrew Hiller (03:36):

Yeah, it was bad.

Sevan Matossian (03:38):

Hey, you tried to drink 12 ounces just straight.

Andrew Hiller (03:42):

Straight, right.

Sevan Matossian (03:43):

Got it. I feel like that could burn a hole in your stomach.

Andrew Hiller (03:46):

Not when you’re 17,

Sevan Matossian (03:50):


Andrew Hiller (03:50):

Yeah. The liners are thicker. At that age

Sevan Matossian (03:54):

It would start coming out your ass. Yeah, probably that too.

Andrew Hiller (03:58):


Sevan Matossian (03:59):

I can’t remember what kind of oil it was, but when my wife’s water broke and she hadn’t started having contractions yet, and her water had been broken for two days, so there’s this kind of oil cast oil, and I gave her Castro oil and she immediately went into contractions and seven hours later she had the baby. I mean, she had to drink a lot of castor oil.

Andrew Hiller (04:22):

That’s what Dave should have called his oil,

Sevan Matossian (04:26):

Castro oil. And she shit her pants like crazy.

Andrew Hiller (04:31):

So he is right. It does come out of your butt dirty. At the time that we went and made a canola oil slip and slide,

Sevan Matossian (04:40):

What you did do that,

Andrew Hiller (04:41):

Got a bunch of tarps, laid them out on a hill and the first person that went down pulled all the tarps with them. It didn’t work the way we thought it would, but then we left him in my buddy’s car overnight and it was in the middle of the summer and it baked it like 110 degrees and he was never ever able to get the smell of french fry grease out of his car.

Sevan Matossian (04:58):

Wow. Hey,

Andrew Hiller (05:00):

Had to sell it.

Sevan Matossian (05:01):

How much canola oil did you use?

Andrew Hiller (05:03):

Had would’ve been like five of those big ass ones from Walmart.

Sevan Matossian (05:07):

And did it work?

Andrew Hiller (05:08):


Sevan Matossian (05:09):


Andrew Hiller (05:09):

The first guy went down the hill and wait, we’re going to go sledding in the middle of the summer. How are we going to do it? Bunch of tarps and olive oil or canola oil.

Sevan Matossian (05:18):

So Andrew’s told us two stories already this morning.

Andrew Hiller (05:22):


Sevan Matossian (05:24):

One was both with the fluids.

Andrew Hiller (05:28):

We would do all that stuff. I’m sure Caleb’s done it like the gallon of milk

Sevan Matossian (05:31):

Challenge. Why not me? Wait, why not me? Why not me?

Andrew Hiller (05:35):

Do homeless people have the means to get five

Sevan Matossian (05:38):

Gallon? I wasn’t always

Caleb Beaver (05:41):

Used to go to Target and pick up. This was the dumbest shit ever. We used to go to Target and grab two gallons of milk and then act like we slipped and then throw the two gallons of milk up in the air and then it would come down and explode all over the target floor. That’s what we would do.

Andrew Hiller (05:59):

I’ve seen that. I never did that.

Caleb Beaver (06:01):

And then we would run out of the target like, oh shit,

Andrew Hiller (06:05):

What you got?

Sevan Matossian (06:07):

I worked at this place called Drug Barn. It’s like a CVS and Costco fucked each other. You know what I mean? It’s like a mini Costco. Before Costco’s were

Andrew Hiller (06:16):


Sevan Matossian (06:17):

They sold shit in bulk, and one day I didn’t want to be at work, so I went over to the detergent aisle and with a box cutter, I cut open a gallon of Clorox and then a gallon of Draino and put the bottles next to each other and let them just pour onto each other. It can’t, to be honest with you, I can’t even remember if it was drain on Clorox, but two crazy chemicals until a cloud started forming.

Andrew Hiller (06:43):

Did it smell?

Sevan Matossian (06:44):

Yeah, they evacuated the store. No, I didn’t get to go home. I had to fucking clean it up.

Andrew Hiller (06:52):

And you did it.

Sevan Matossian (06:53):

I had to use kitty litter and shit and yeah, hazmat. Yeah, I tried to do a chemical. It’s not

Andrew Hiller (06:58):

Really a challenge. It is pretty stupid though. That’s good. It fits. That fits

Sevan Matossian (07:03):

Puts me on the chart for a dumb shit with liquids.

Andrew Hiller (07:06):

That’s the dumbest thing you ever did as a kid.

Sevan Matossian (07:09):

Had this, I had a, no, that’s not, I had this other here as another liquid story with the same stuff. There was this cologne called Kar that was really popular with the high school kids and I had this, I can’t remember if it was algebra two or geometry teacher, but if she smelled deodorant on, she had an air cleaner in her classroom. This is before you’d never seen an air cleaner in your life. Back then. She had air cleaner in her classroom and if you were not allowed to wear deodorant, if you took a class from her and if she smelled anything on you, perfumes, deodorant, hairspray, you got kicked out of the class. And so one day before class, before she was there, I broke off the little thing that stops the cologne from coming out fast and I poured into our air filter.

Caleb Beaver (07:52):

Oh my God.

Andrew Hiller (07:54):

That’s kind of like an upper decker.

Sevan Matossian (07:56):

What’s an upper decker?

Andrew Hiller (07:58):

It’s the one where you take a dump in the tank of someone’s toilet.

Sevan Matossian (08:02):

Oh man.

Andrew Hiller (08:04):

What? You said it’s kind of like the gift that keeps on giving like an upper decker.

Sevan Matossian (08:08):

Why is

Andrew Hiller (08:08):

It always snow in here?

Sevan Matossian (08:10):

Oh man. You check

Andrew Hiller (08:11):

With the reservoir and there’s a poop in there. I’ve done that too.

Sevan Matossian (08:15):

An upper decker?

Andrew Hiller (08:16):


Caleb Beaver (08:17):


Sevan Matossian (08:19):

Hey, you know that’s supposed to be the emergency water if there’s like an earthquake in something in California. So you ruin their emergency water supply.

Andrew Hiller (08:26):

Yeah, but we live in Illinois. There’s no earthquakes here.

Caleb Beaver (08:29):

You have to sit on, did you put your feet on the toilet and sit on the upper

Andrew Hiller (08:33):

Toe? Well, it’s right next to the sink. So you kind of put one foot on the sink and one foot on the toilet bowl.

Caleb Beaver (08:40):

Oh, okay.

Andrew Hiller (08:42):

Damn. You kind of look like Spiderman up there.

Sevan Matossian (08:50):

I had a fish tank and I had a party once in high school. One of those ones you have when your parents aren’t home and someone poured a wine cooler into my 20 gallon fish tank.

Andrew Hiller (09:00):

It killed everything.

Sevan Matossian (09:01):


Andrew Hiller (09:02):

Oh, the fish were just drunk.

Sevan Matossian (09:03):

It was weird. I mean, the next day I emptied out half the tank and refilled it, but it was a trip. It wasn’t even a big fish tank. 20 gallons.

Andrew Hiller (09:11):


Sevan Matossian (09:12):

Yeah. Crazy, right?

Andrew Hiller (09:13):

The thing your dad’s name isn’t Anton.

Sevan Matossian (09:17):


Andrew Hiller (09:17):

That’s a deuce Bigelow reference. I don’t know if you get that. No. Puts his fish in the blender makes a margarita. Some people will get that.

Sevan Matossian (09:26):

Hey, can we pull up your mush video real quick,

Andrew Hiller (09:33):

Caleb? That be pretty cool. I could do it too.

Sevan Matossian (09:37):

Oh wait, is it the Mush video? Or wait, hold on. Maybe it’s not that video.

Andrew Hiller (09:42):

I got a lot of videos up recently. I just kind of go,

Sevan Matossian (09:46):

I’m tripping on

Andrew Hiller (09:50):

That old already.

Sevan Matossian (09:52):

I’m tripping on people’s, is this pinned or something? No. Oh no. 10 hours ago. I’m tripping on people’s comments.

Andrew Hiller (10:00):

Which why? How Madero is just a black name. You can’t click on it. I can’t tag him.

Sevan Matossian (10:09):

No. Look at, so the premise of this is like, hey, you’re saying you go to the Able Games?

Andrew Hiller (10:20):

No, this is the wrong one. I think that’s the top one, is the one you’re talking about this one with? Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (10:27):

Okay, so the premise of this video, let’s play the video real quick. What I want to say has nothing to do with that.

Andrew Hiller (10:33):

The comments are nuts. Okay. Now I know what you’re talking about.

Sevan Matossian (10:36):

I just can’t believe how stupid people are. I don’t understand.

Andrew Hiller (10:40):

Oh, I believe it. Alexis talked about, I made a video with Alexis yesterday. Yeah, it’s from months ago. And she goes, you think everyone’s so stupid? And I go, no, I don’t.

Sevan Matossian (10:49):


Andrew Hiller (10:49):

Do. It never ceased to amaze me.

Sevan Matossian (10:52):

I’m just blown away. I was reading the comments also in a Don Lemon, the Don Lemon Elon Musk interview. I just can’t believe how fucking stupid people are. The stuff they say makes absolutely no sense. It’s like you should have a little bit of a conversation with yourself before you post. Okay. Yeah, go ahead. Play this really quick, please.

Speaker 5 (11:13):

I’m excited to announce that I’m going back to the Able Games for the third time.

Andrew Hiller (11:21):

I made this as a screen recording in about five minutes and everyone’s like, don’t you have,

Sevan Matossian (11:25):

Oh, sorry, not this video. Sorry, not this video. Sorry, this isn’t the video. Go to Matt Fraser’s video. Sorry. Go to Matt Fraser’s video first. Sorry. Or to Able Games. Just go to where the original video is.

Andrew Hiller (11:38):

It’s on the Able Games.

Sevan Matossian (11:39):

Is it on the Able Games? Okay.

Andrew Hiller (11:41):

He shared it. It’s not on his timeline.

Sevan Matossian (11:43):

Okay. I mean, I don’t care and I don’t think you care either way. It’s just an observation. But the premise is let’s play this. Let’s play this

Speaker 5 (12:01):

Guys. I’m excited to announce that I’m going back to the Able Games for the third time. It is in Fargo, North Dakota on April 5th and sixth. If you don’t know, it is a really special event. Athletes of all skill levels. There are eight categories total and the athletes compete on the floor at the same time. There’s still time to sign up to compete or volunteer. I’ll be there volunteering, but it is a really special event. If you haven’t been there, look into it. It’s for a great cause. We’ll see you out there.

Sevan Matossian (12:31):

So lemme see. Excited News Alert. We’re thrilled to announce that the one and only Matt Fraser’s making his third appearance at Able Games. Okay. I don’t think we need

Andrew Hiller (12:41):

To the record. I’ve also heard that this is an amazing event. I had at least five people reach out to me telling me, they’re like, ah, this sucks. I’m like, well, no, no, no. This has nothing to do with them.

Sevan Matossian (12:51):

No, nothing to do with them. Does

Andrew Hiller (12:53):

That mean you’re going because five people

Sevan Matossian (12:54):

Recommend already. That already is a stupid thing. That’s already a stupid thing to think this is anything besides promotion for the Able Games.

Andrew Hiller (13:03):

You said that somebody, I’m like, it’s actually good. More people are talking.

Sevan Matossian (13:07):

Your perspective is so small. If you think anyone talking about this is anything besides promotion for the Able Games, I didn’t even know what

Andrew Hiller (13:13):

It was.

Sevan Matossian (13:14):

Right, exactly. No one didn’t. And that’s why it’s cool that Matt’s talking about it. And then so the Able Games tells you, even though we already know, they tell you Get ready as the five times fittest man in the world himself joins us for an unforgettable event. Matt’s personal mantra of hard work pays off, guided him to become the most decorated dominant athlete in the sport. Now he uses it in his business. HWPO. Hard work pays off. Matt’s passion for

Andrew Hiller (13:38):

Inclusive. Dan,

Sevan Matossian (13:43):


Andrew Hiller (13:44):

Do I need to call Haley again? I think you’re having a

Sevan Matossian (13:45):

Stroke. Hey, that’s just not true. Matt’s passion is not for inclusivity. It’s for fitting in. I could argue that forever, but


I’ve never seen anyone from the KK KKK on his fucking or a flat Earth or me. I did 20 podcasts with him. He never posted a single post about that. His shit has nothing to do with inclusivity. He’s running a business I don’t believe for a second. It’s about inclusivity. Maybe it’s for the perception of inclusivity. I just don’t buy that. I don’t mean that in a bad way either. There’s just tons of people like that. I just think that’s a lie. Matt’s passion for Inclus. I think it’s the wrong word for inclusivity. Matt’s passion for coming across inclusive maybe. I don’t know. Here, how about this? Matt does do a lot of good deeds. He does do a shitload of good deeds behind the scenes like a shitload. He helps a lot of people. He’s generous with his time. Those prison guys, those guys are spending life in prison. Yeah. Oh

Andrew Hiller (14:49):

Yeah. I was going to say it’s like community service. Yeah. Earlier in the show we were talking about all the stuff that we would do as kids and we’d do drain bombs. One time we got caught and had to do some community service.

Sevan Matossian (15:02):

Yeah, why not say, yeah, Matt’s passion for helping others. I’ll go with that, but not inclusivity. That’s fucking completely fucking idiotic. That’s not just a lie. Matt’s passion for inclusivity and athleticism. And why do that? Why not just do Matt’s passion for helping others? I mean, I’m fully on board. Matt’s passion for inclusivity and athleticism perfectly aligns with the spirit of the Able Games and we couldn’t be more honored to have him with us. Whether you’re competing or cheering from the sidelines, this is an opportunity to be a part of something truly special. So I still dunno what the Able Games are, but it doesn’t matter because it’s on their Instagram account. So if you’re there, you probably know what it is. But you have to assume Able Games is a play on disabled. So it’s their way of being like you already know. It’s like, hey, we’re not disabled. We’re able. So it’s okay. But if I just saw Matt saying that anyway, how many followers does that account have Able games?

Andrew Hiller (15:59):

Nothing crazy.

Sevan Matossian (16:00):

12? Yeah, 1,278. Okay. Okay. And look, in the first post, you can see something’s up right away. The guy in the first post, something’s off with him. He has Down syndrome or something. Right. So you just know right there, it’s some sort of event. Have you ever been to the Special Olympics, Andrew?

Andrew Hiller (16:15):

No. Have you?

Sevan Matossian (16:16):

Yeah, I wasn’t. I went like five times to In Santa Barbara I worked with

Andrew Hiller (16:21):

Development. Did you go when you were Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (16:23):

Forehand disabled adults. Yeah, so I would take them there.

Andrew Hiller (16:26):

How do they like it?

Sevan Matossian (16:28):

They loved it. It was cool. They loved it. This is probably different. The Able Games. I’m guessing

Andrew Hiller (16:33):

That shirt looks like the open shirt, the logo,

Sevan Matossian (16:36):

The Special Olympics. Everyone got a medal. Everyone wins.

Andrew Hiller (16:40):

Oh, I hate that.

Sevan Matossian (16:42):

Yeah, I hated that too. Okay, so now let’s go to the ER or go to the

Andrew Hiller (16:50):


Sevan Matossian (16:51):

Video. Hiller’s video now and look at the comments. It’s wild.

Andrew Hiller (16:54):

Have you ever seen the movie The Ringer

Sevan Matossian (16:58):

That with Matt

Andrew Hiller (16:59):

Damon, Johnny Knoxville?

Sevan Matossian (17:00):

Oh, nope. So Matt follows 589 people. And so the premise of this video is, hey, you’re going to the Able Games, you’re promoting Mush, all of these things, but you don’t follow them, right?

Andrew Hiller (17:25):


Sevan Matossian (17:26):


Speaker 5 (17:28):

I’m excited to announce that. I’m going back to the Able Games for the third time

Sevan Matossian (17:35):

And then he’s going back to the Able Games search time. You just search Able games and I didn’t even know you could do this. And he doesn’t follow them.

Andrew Hiller (17:43):

No, you do.

Sevan Matossian (17:44):

He doesn’t follow the Dave Castro.

Andrew Hiller (17:47):

And everyone’s like, but Dave doesn’t anybody like God.

Sevan Matossian (17:51):

Yeah. That’s one of those dumb comments.

Andrew Hiller (17:54):

Dave doesn’t follow anybody.

Sevan Matossian (17:56):

Right? He doesn’t follow anybody for a Hey,

Andrew Hiller (17:58):

So why should Matt follow him? Could you

Sevan Matossian (18:00):

Pause this for a second? Have you ever had someone call you and be like, Hey, I noticed you unfollowed me or you don’t follow

Andrew Hiller (18:05):

Me? Oh my God. Hey dude. I unfollowed everybody. At one point when I was competing, this is one of the things that resonates with Bill Leahy, right? He’s got his sole mission. He’s doing one thing. He wants to win the CrossFit games and if there’s things that take away from that, he wants nothing to do with it. And I found myself wasting time on Instagram. But I needed Instagram as I had a sponsor at the time. It was a supplement company and I had to post on it, but I didn’t want to waste time clicking around that crap. So I unfollowed everybody and I had, I don’t know, a couple.

Sevan Matossian (18:38):

Yeah, you did it for yourself to help you mitigate your scrolling,

Andrew Hiller (18:42):

Right? I didn’t want to waste time on it.

Sevan Matossian (18:44):

I had, so I needed

Andrew Hiller (18:45):

It and I didn’t want to be tempted and I couldn’t delete it. I would like to, but unfollowed, I don’t know, a couple thousand people. And then I had a couple thousand followers and I noticed I lost hundreds, which means that hundreds of people pay attention to that. They unfollowed me because I had unfollowed them. Like, fuck this guy. What?

Sevan Matossian (19:08):

I don’t even know if I follow my wife or my mom or any of that. People will be like, Hey, I don’t even know who I follow. I just randomly follow people. The main reason why I follow people is if I need to tag them or if they’re going to be on the podcast. So it’s easier to search for them. That’s it. Oh, I don’t have any other what?

Caleb Beaver (19:27):

I said You follow Xavier deso? The guy we were talking about yesterday?

Sevan Matossian (19:29):

Yeah, I just started following him. I texted him the other day and I was thinking about having him on again. So I started following Xavier deso.

Andrew Hiller (19:36):

Hey, does Pfizer have an Instagram account?

Caleb Beaver (19:39):

Probably. You follow your wife? No worries. You’re good.

Sevan Matossian (19:42):

I do. Okay. Yeah, you’re

Caleb Beaver (19:43):


Sevan Matossian (19:44):

Do I follow my mom?

Caleb Beaver (19:45):

I don’t know. Lemme check.

Andrew Hiller (19:47):

Alright, well, I just checked and Travis Kelsey does not follow Pfizer. So

Caleb Beaver (19:52):

You follow your mom,

Sevan Matossian (19:53):

You’re in the state. Eon used to follow me. He doesn’t follow me anymore. Really? He

Andrew Hiller (19:56):

Got a new account though.

Sevan Matossian (19:57):

I know. That’s the thing. By the time you get to your third account, you’re not even worried about who you’re following anymore. I don’t even worry about anything on Instagram other than for me. It’s like a dictionary. I just use it to search shit. Jan Clark. Okay, I follow you Now. There done. There you go. That was easy.

Andrew Hiller (20:14):

Who cares? Says Jake Chapman.

Sevan Matossian (20:16):

Right? Okay. I’m go with that too. Okay, that

Andrew Hiller (20:19):

Works. But the CrossFit one was the most insane one to me.

Caleb Beaver (20:24):


Andrew Hiller (20:25):

He doesn’t follow CrossFit and he’s also known to have been on Rogan and not spoken all that highly of CrossFit.

Sevan Matossian (20:33):

I don’t think I follow CrossFit either.

Andrew Hiller (20:35):

I need to make a video on you then cross. Remember how I said yesterday I couldn’t do that? I got one. I got something.

Caleb Beaver (20:42):

What does that do for somebody though? If you’re following?

Sevan Matossian (20:44):

Oh, I do follow CrossFit. I do follow CrossFit. Nevermind. I could see myself not wanting to follow CrossFit though because I just don’t want to make negative content about it. And I just think that their social media is so bad that sometimes I don’t want to, you know what I mean?

Andrew Hiller (20:59):

Maybe there’s something like that too. There could be.

Sevan Matossian (21:01):

I’m just like, Hey, I don’t want be inspired by something shitty, but I do follow them.

Andrew Hiller (21:06):

Hey, there’s some comments in there too, such as maybe Matt doesn’t even run his own social media and that’s

Sevan Matossian (21:11):

Like that. That’s completely idiotic too. Of course he runs it. No. Hey, so why wouldn’t Matt run his own social media? Tell me why

Andrew Hiller (21:25):

Do people, didn’t Ron run his

Sevan Matossian (21:27):

Because he didn’t want to be addicted to it.

Andrew Hiller (21:30):

You don’t think? I mean, I don’t think Fraser would have that,

Sevan Matossian (21:33):

But for some reason people think people with big accounts don’t run their accounts. Why would that be? You think that there’s someone like at some management company or some ad agency or some that knows how to run their account better than them. That’s better,

Andrew Hiller (21:50):

But will do it.

Sevan Matossian (21:52):

Yeah. That’s completely fucking crazy. Whenever I see that, I’m like, you’re fucking crazy. You think the Rock runs his

Andrew Hiller (21:58):


Sevan Matossian (21:59):

I completely think he runs his,

Andrew Hiller (22:01):

No, I don’t.

Sevan Matossian (22:02):

Why wouldn’t he? You think you reach so many followers that all of a sudden you just don’t run your account?

Andrew Hiller (22:08):

No, not necessarily. But I don’t. You

Sevan Matossian (22:10):

Get so rich. You get so rich. Depends on

Andrew Hiller (22:14):

What you do with it.

Sevan Matossian (22:15):

I don’t run my seven on podcast account. You know why?

Andrew Hiller (22:18):

Because you’re so rich.

Sevan Matossian (22:19):

No, because to protect me from ruining the account.

Andrew Hiller (22:23):

There you go. I mean, nobody is all that surprised to just see. It’s a running ad. Everything on there are ads, ads, ads, ads on Fraser’s account and yours. Isn’t that? But if you post something that doesn’t go along with your ad spend,

Sevan Matossian (22:43):

Hey, is

Andrew Hiller (22:43):

It? That’s why you have people run ’em like the Rock?

Sevan Matossian (22:46):

Yeah. I think it’s crazy to think that Fraser doesn’t run his own account. Hey, I think that would be, I don’t respect people who don’t run their own account. Really? That’s you, dude. I ding them a little bit.

Andrew Hiller (22:57):

You talk about yourself now.

Sevan Matossian (22:58):

Yeah, I ding them. I ding you a little bit. Well, you ding. Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing, but then once I find out the reason I’m cool with it, if Froning just doesn’t want to participate in Instagram, but he still wants to have a presence on Instagram. I respect that.

Andrew Hiller (23:14):

Do you think

Sevan Matossian (23:15):

He’s not, he

Andrew Hiller (23:16):


Sevan Matossian (23:17):

For a hundred percent. I don’t think anyone in this, Hey dude, I don’t think one single person in the CrossFit space doesn’t run their own account.

Andrew Hiller (23:26):

How about Dave?

Sevan Matossian (23:28):

A hundred percent runs his own account

Andrew Hiller (23:30):

The entire time.

Sevan Matossian (23:31):

No, except for when he doesn’t. But you know what I mean? But you can totally see why. So there’s an event and he wants to rep use his follow or if your

Andrew Hiller (23:42):

Life is an event.

Sevan Matossian (23:43):

Say that again.

Andrew Hiller (23:44):

What if your life is an event? The Rock, his entire life is an event.

Sevan Matossian (23:50):

Right. And if I heard that, I’m not saying if I didn’t hear a reason that I couldn’t come around to understanding it anyway. For example, going to what I was saying, someone wrote on there, but Dave doesn’t follow anybody as a comparison to what you’re saying about he doesn’t follow the Able Games.


Where is someone even making that leap? Dave? Yeah, Dave doesn’t follow anyone that kind of makes him exempt or Froning I think only follows five people. And it’s obviously his own accounts that makes you exempt. You can easily be like, okay, probably Dave doesn’t follow people. He doesn’t want to scroll or because he’s in the limelight, he doesn’t want people to feel bad for the people he follows versus the people he doesn’t follow. I mean, there’s a million reasons why you could think that, why he doesn’t follow people. But the whole premise of Andrew’s video, tell me if I’m wrong or right or wrong, is Matt’s claiming, Hey, I’ve been to this event three times and he’s trying to pump it up, but obviously he’s not really connected to it because he doesn’t follow it.

Andrew Hiller (24:54):


Sevan Matossian (24:55):

That’s the premise, right? It’s

Andrew Hiller (24:56):

Like mush.

Sevan Matossian (24:57):

Just like mush.

Andrew Hiller (24:59):

Unlike Beam, apparently he’s had some sort of connection to them as he follows them.

Sevan Matossian (25:05):

Well, I’m

Andrew Hiller (25:05):

Guessing in the CrossFit games versus CrossFit.

Sevan Matossian (25:08):

I’m guessing he has some ownership in Beam.

Andrew Hiller (25:11):

There you go.

Sevan Matossian (25:13):

Yan Clark, who cares if he follows? He promotes it. He’s made content on it. Yeah, and that’s fine too. That’s fine too. But I understand why. I just don’t get the comments. Someone else said, why would you post this? It’s petty. Oh, he doesn’t follow me. Lemme see this one. Who cares?

Andrew Hiller (25:36):

I just want to respond with are you new here to every single one of those? Are you new here?

Sevan Matossian (25:42):

How about this one? Dude, you’re just searching for clicks

Andrew Hiller (25:46):

Said yes. I think

Sevan Matossian (25:48):

I want to know why Tyler posts. I want to know and why did he make that comment?

Andrew Hiller (25:54):

Can we go to Tyler’s page? Sure.

Sevan Matossian (25:57):

Tyler can’t show. I

Andrew Hiller (25:58):

Bet there’s some stuff of him lifting.

Sevan Matossian (26:00):

No, private. He’s private. Of course he’s private.

Andrew Hiller (26:04):

Why do you have an Instagram? Maybe it’s to follow Dave.

Sevan Matossian (26:07):

Of course he’s private.

Andrew Hiller (26:09):

Maybe you have an Instagram to follow Dave. So you can see the open clues. At which rate? Matt Fraser has a entire program based off of the CrossFit ecosystem. He does have his pronouns in there though. In the open.

Sevan Matossian (26:21):

What? Wow.

Andrew Hiller (26:26):

Wow. Tyler could have been a chick’s name. Yeah, that’s the thing. And it could have been the chick on the left. And now I know that it’s the dude on the right.

Sevan Matossian (26:33):

You think Tyler wants to have that in there? Or is

Andrew Hiller (26:38):

That a street parking member

Sevan Matossian (26:39):

Or you think he’s forced?

Andrew Hiller (26:41):

No, no,

Sevan Matossian (26:42):

No, no. Or do you think he’s forced to because of his work?

Andrew Hiller (26:46):

What is this his

Caleb Beaver (26:47):


Andrew Hiller (26:48):

Why is that her picture? That’s not the same chick is it?

Sevan Matossian (26:52):

That might be her mom and dad.

Andrew Hiller (26:54):


Sevan Matossian (26:55):

That might be two boys. That might be her brothers.

Andrew Hiller (26:59):

Interesting. Hi Tyler.

Sevan Matossian (27:05):

I just don’t understand. Well, I’m reading these and I’m just like, I can understand what you’re saying by making the post. I can’t understand what some of these people are saying. I can’t understand how they made these leaps.

Andrew Hiller (27:16):

Hey, could you argue that anytime you post anything to social media, it’s to get clicks. Is there anything that’s ever posted anywhere that doesn’t have that purpose?

Sevan Matossian (27:26):

By clicks, you mean for someone to see it?

Andrew Hiller (27:28):


Sevan Matossian (27:29):

Yeah. I mean

Andrew Hiller (27:31):

If you put anything on there, that’s the reason.

Sevan Matossian (27:33):

Yeah, which makes

Andrew Hiller (27:34):

That statement ridiculously dumb.

Sevan Matossian (27:36):

Yeah, stupid.

Andrew Hiller (27:38):

You just like my wife. If you’re lying, if you say no, I want to know why, and then I’m pretty sure I can circle it around to Yes, it’s for having eyes on it.

Sevan Matossian (27:47):

Caleb just married his wife because she has a vagina.

Andrew Hiller (27:51):

No. Oh

Sevan Matossian (27:51):

Yeah. Okay. That’s not exactly true. That’s not the only reason. I mean to say

Andrew Hiller (27:55):

That. But that one you wouldn’t marry her.

Sevan Matossian (27:56):

No, he’s very superficial like that. That’s

Speaker 6 (27:59):


Andrew Hiller (28:01):

But if Alexis had 10 years ago, I’d be cool with it too.

Sevan Matossian (28:05):

I married that guy because he’s rich. Well, Annie has a penis.

Andrew Hiller (28:12):

Well, you know what? I think that if you’re a chick and he is rich and he doesn’t have a penis, I think that could work too. For some shakes.

Sevan Matossian (28:24):

I married a rich guy without a penis.

Andrew Hiller (28:26):

If he’s got money and he can do some stuff with this.

Caleb Beaver (28:29):

These two got married because

Speaker 6 (28:33):

What is this about?

Caleb Beaver (28:35):

Have you seen these?

Andrew Hiller (28:36):


Speaker 7 (28:37):

Outfit of the knight going to Lata with some of our great friends from Austin. And babe, this outfit is giving quintessential Palm Beach pick. I absolutely love this. It’s giving Palm Beach vibe. Nantucket vibes. Chanel vibes. What are you wearing? Thank you. Reagan. I’m wearing a,

Sevan Matossian (28:54):

Is his name Reagan?

Caleb Beaver (28:56):

No, his name is Jet and her name is Campbell. But he calls her Pooky.

Sevan Matossian (29:02):

Call her. Hi.

Speaker 6 (29:04):

I was just calling in for the penis talk.

Andrew Hiller (29:07):


Speaker 6 (29:07):

Yeah. And I want to jerk you off a little bit. I got that.

Sevan Matossian (29:12):

Oh yeah. Great. Right?

Speaker 6 (29:14):

Yeah. Shit, I ordered two. I got the mint and the regular one. My wife loves it too. Me, my five-year-old, my wife, we all use it. So kudos to you and all the shit you’re doing. Hey, a

Sevan Matossian (29:25):

Couple of people think it’s too salty. I always didn’t think it was salty enough. What did you think? Were you surprised by the salty?

Speaker 6 (29:31):

That’s the first thing my wife said. She was like, why is there so much salt in it? And I was like, it’s supposed to have salt in it, right? Is it CTP?

Sevan Matossian (29:39):

No, Corey. Okay. Sounds like CTP. Yeah. Hey, the very first one I started with the tooth powder I started with, man, I tried it again this morning to see if it, and it’s crazy salty. Well, oh look it Olivia. It is too salty. Wow. I don’t know. I don’t mind.

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