REVIEW of Dave Castro’s WIR | March 25, 2024

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Sevan Matossian (00:00):

Nighttime, Caleb. My goodness.

Matthew Souza (00:03):

It’s a rare sighting, but a good one.

Sevan Matossian (00:07):

What’s up, dude? How did you pull this off? Shouldn’t she be in your coffin or some shit right now?

Caleb Beaver (00:12):

Usually, yeah. The wife decided to hit the sauna for an hour, so

Matthew Souza (00:18):


Caleb Beaver (00:19):

She just said, well, I’m going to hit the show for an hour.

Sevan Matossian (00:22):

Dang. I’m going to hit that for an hour. Hey, I’ve been setting up Rumble. I didn’t do it just now, but I’ve been setting up Rumble.

Matthew Souza (00:30):

I’ve been getting emails

Caleb Beaver (00:31):

About it.

Sevan Matossian (00:32):

Oh good. Hey, we’re having text issues with me, you and Russell.

Matthew Souza (00:38):

Oh no, we’re not.

Sevan Matossian (00:40):

Well he said he also sent us a picture of the road caster he received and I never received that.

Matthew Souza (00:45):

Yeah, we are then.

Caleb Beaver (00:48):


Sevan Matossian (00:49):

You’re so easy. You’re so easy. It’s a pity. I just watched this thing about a Taiwanese millionaire who got a 12 inch black man’s penis attached to him, and then later on it said that also cargo ship was pulled over and it had 7,200 Nigerian penises on it, like a Chinese cargo ship, and I looked up both stories and the stories aren’t even close to true.

Caleb Beaver (01:19):

Oh man,

Sevan Matossian (01:20):

I know. First of all, they’re from 2016 and it was donkey penises and I’m sure you know Chinese people have all sorts of crazy remedies and shit. I was a nanny for these two Chinese kids for a while, and there was always dear penises and antlers and just weird shit around the house. I shouldn’t say weird. That’s so centric of me. There were medical cures that I was unaware of that are still I’m, but I was so bummed. I mean, I didn’t want Nigerian dudes being harvested, but the

Caleb Beaver (01:58):

Nigerians die too. Got to use something. Hey,

Sevan Matossian (02:02):

I’m willing to bet two inches of my penis that no transplanted penis gets even to 50% the hardness of my penis. There’s just no way. There’s no way a transplanted penis works.

Matthew Souza (02:16):

Well, first off, you’re not a medical professional, so I can’t believe it.

Caleb Beaver (02:20):

Sorry. Alright, so coming from the medical, sorry, they don’t even, it looks like Caleb speak please. They don’t even use a real penis to transplant it. You know how that works, right?

Sevan Matossian (02:30):

Do you use a piece of alloy special, the same alloy that Iron Man’s made of?

Caleb Beaver (02:33):

No, they use flesh out of your own forearm and then they,

Sevan Matossian (02:38):

Oh, oh shit. My forearms are

Caleb Beaver (02:39):

Beastly. It’s just like the scan of the muscle and then they use a artificial penis.

Sevan Matossian (02:48):

Hey, listen, I would take some VA gaza’s forearm as part of my penis any day. Have you seen this video of her getting out of,

Caleb Beaver (03:01):

Have you seen the movie crude?

Sevan Matossian (03:03):

I don’t know, but if I was Jake, I would just be sitting around just staring all day. She is. It is. I watched that video like 10 times. I don’t have time to watch anything 10 times. Avon, why don’t you pee as much during the shows these days? I think it’s, I don’t drink sparkling water really as much anymore. I used to drink a lot of sparkling water. Lemme see. Yeah, look at this. She has a butt muscle. Did you see it? Rewind that

Caleb Beaver (03:36):

Like all the striations in her butt muscles and her leg muscles are just showing

Sevan Matossian (03:40):

She has a butt muscle. I know everyone’s going to be like, of course she has a butt muscle. It’s called the

Matthew Souza (03:44):


Sevan Matossian (03:45):

But dude, I’ve seen some really big buff butts and I still don’t see the muscle and watch when she gets out here, look at her arm. I swear to fucking God.

Caleb Beaver (03:57):


Sevan Matossian (04:02):

Hubba Hubba. Oh, Kenneth, I got your text message. Thank you. I didn’t open it. I want to make sure I see it tomorrow when I spend $62 to send you a $35 slack walk block.

Caleb Beaver (04:16):

I can’t wait for zombies remix of that.

Sevan Matossian (04:19):

You know how I know I have an eating disorder? Ask me what I did for my workout today.

Matthew Souza (04:26):

Throw up.

Sevan Matossian (04:29):

No, I’m slightly more nuanced than that.

Matthew Souza (04:33):

Okay. 500

Caleb Beaver (04:34):

Calories on the assault bike.

Sevan Matossian (04:35):

Yeah. I did a hundred calories on the assault bike to warm up for 300 calories on the air runner and I got off. My God, something’s wrong with me.

Matthew Souza (04:42):

Zone two.

Sevan Matossian (04:43):

God, the air runner. God, the air runner is hard.

Matthew Souza (04:48):

Yeah, you run that barefoot. It doesn’t pinch your feet.

Sevan Matossian (04:51):


Matthew Souza (04:52):


Caleb Beaver (04:53):

It’s got an inch of calluses on those feet.

Matthew Souza (04:55):


Sevan Matossian (04:56):

That’s true. My feet pinch the air runner.

Matthew Souza (05:01):

You start to wear down the rubber of your feet.

Sevan Matossian (05:03):

It’s just how I say my workout that convinces me that I have an eating disorder. Hey, was Caleb here before me or was I here before Caleb?

Matthew Souza (05:12):

Caleb was here before both of us.

Sevan Matossian (05:14):

Oh. I wanted to be like, why were you late, Caleb? You knew exactly fucking A. He knew exactly where I was taking that. I was going to be like, why were you late, Caleb?

Matthew Souza (05:26):


Sevan Matossian (05:26):

Should ask me every other day

Caleb Beaver (05:27):

Of the week.

Sevan Matossian (05:30):

If you are interested in taking fluoride out of your diet, which I think you should be, and you’re interested in something that will make your mouth feel great, you should try matian. The reviews are in. The only negative review we got was this morning. Someone said their dentist said that they shouldn’t use it. I personally think that that’s more reason you should use it. Feel free to look up tooth powder and Google all the ingredients. Look around. You’ll be very, very, very happy. It’s crazy. The reviews are off the fucking chart. I love it. I have to not brush my teeth as much as, and by the way, also don’t let yourself run out of Paper Street Coffee for fuck’s sake. Don’t do what I do.

Matthew Souza (06:14):

It’s not a good time.

Sevan Matossian (06:15):

No. I just put in a subscription. I’m like, I’m getting a subscription.

Matthew Souza (06:19):

You’re out. You’re out of it

Sevan Matossian (06:20):

Right now. No, not now, but I was out. Oh yeah, I got a subscription. I

Matthew Souza (06:25):

Love their can that Nitro can I wish I had a shitload of ’em at the gym.

Sevan Matossian (06:29):

Do you know what I do though? I was that kid that when I had stickers, I never stuck them because then they would be stuck and I would end up with all these stickers and then they would go bad. I was such an idiot and I feel that way about the cans. I have six cans. I’m like, can’t drink any Why? Because then you’ll only have five.

Matthew Souza (06:48):

Mine go quick. Grace will drink all of ’em if I don’t get to it, so I got to beat her to the

Sevan Matossian (06:53):

Punch or I do something stupid. Take one somewhere for an emergency, but then the whole time in the car, not drink it and then it gets hot

Caleb Beaver (07:01):

And then you got to put it back in the fridge and wait till tomorrow.

Sevan Matossian (07:05):

No. Usually I panic. Throw it away or no, I take it in the backyard and let the kids shoot it with bb. Good. I know. Horrible. Probably like 18. Oh my God. I know. Dentist created Coca-Cola and guess who created the CDC?

Matthew Souza (07:20):


Sevan Matossian (07:21):

Does Matian sponsor any games athletes? No, but you know what Johnny? I was thinking, I was thinking that some games athlete should sponsor this show.

Matthew Souza (07:34):

That’s innovative.

Sevan Matossian (07:37):

Hey dude.

Matthew Souza (07:38):

Hey, you guys want to give us money? Make it look. Look really fucking good.

Sevan Matossian (07:42):

Hey, listen, I’ll put a big huge fucking lab management. See where it says the Real Savon podcast. Just right up top there. Lab management and just parade their athletes through here. I guess they don’t have to pay for that. We already got fee down and Jason just up on the pedestal.

Caleb Beaver (08:05):

We talk about their agency every time they come on.

Sevan Matossian (08:10):

How excited are you guys about the quarterfinals Taylor self versus the world of seven on podcast Invitational where we alone have the power to put people into the semifinals?

Matthew Souza (08:21):

I’m super stoked. I didn’t realize that last part. Yeah, great. We

Caleb Beaver (08:25):

Have exclusive spots, huh?

Matthew Souza (08:28):


Sevan Matossian (08:29):

Look at fucking Caleb’s lighting, dude.

Matthew Souza (08:31):

I know. He kind of looks like he’s sitting in this big leather chair for some reason back there too. I don’t know why.

Sevan Matossian (08:37):

He looks like a wizard.

Matthew Souza (08:39):


Caleb Beaver (08:42):

Got a new camera or I set up the camera I had

Matthew Souza (08:46):


Sevan Matossian (08:46):

Oh, I wore my CO shirt to my L one this weekend. That’s awesome.

Matthew Souza (08:49):

Cool. They like

Caleb Beaver (08:50):


Sevan Matossian (08:51):

Yeah. Did anyone say anything? Let me

Matthew Souza (08:53):

Know. A shirt of CrossFit.

Sevan Matossian (08:57):

Wow. Is this true? Mormons changed their caffeine rules after they invested in Coca-Cola for the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. Is that true?

Matthew Souza (09:04):

Nobody’s ever compromised their values for money. That can’t be true.

Sevan Matossian (09:07):

Thank you. Oh, I like you today,

Matthew Souza (09:09):

Especially when it comes to religion. That’s never happened.

Caleb Beaver (09:12):

They don’t just change prayers for nothing.

Matthew Souza (09:16):

They didn’t go around and tell you that the second your coin hit the box, your loved ones got sent to heaven. That would be weird.

Sevan Matossian (09:26):

I want to tell you guys, he was doing some math today

Caleb Beaver (09:30):

Back in the napkin,

Sevan Matossian (09:31):

Back in the Andrew Hiller just had a record month.

Matthew Souza (09:36):

Dude, he’s a beast.

Sevan Matossian (09:38):

A record month, and we also had a record month and I was seven times in one day. I was thinking, say it again. How many times in one day?

Matthew Souza (09:48):

Seven times in one day.

Sevan Matossian (09:53):

Remind me to tell you a story about that. It doesn’t even feel good after the fifth time. Well, it depends. If you’re alone, if you’re with someone, it does. If you’re alone, it doesn’t. It’s horrible. It’s weird. That’s weird. I don’t think even 5% of the CrossFit population knows about who he is. You

Caleb Beaver (10:23):

Think NFL fans?

Sevan Matossian (10:25):

No. That’s how much potential this fucking guy has.

Matthew Souza (10:30):

Yeah, I agree with that.

Sevan Matossian (10:33):

He’s not even close to a tipping point. He’s still just getting started.

Matthew Souza (10:37):

Has barely touched the tam.

Sevan Matossian (10:39):

Yeah. What’s that mean?

Matthew Souza (10:41):

Total available market.

Sevan Matossian (10:42):

Damn. Oh

Caleb Beaver (10:44):

Wow. Damn.

Matthew Souza (10:45):

So that way the PE people know what we’re saying too.

Caleb Beaver (10:49):

The P values

Sevan Matossian (10:51):

A total available market.

Matthew Souza (10:53):


Caleb Beaver (10:54):

The SEOs and shit and the posts and things.

Sevan Matossian (10:57):

Yeah. SEO. Yeah. ROI.

Caleb Beaver (10:59):

Yeah, there it is. International.

Sevan Matossian (11:01):

His SEO hasn’t been optimized and so his ROI definitely isn’t optimized, but there’s a ton of hope. His tam is also not realized. Hiller’s unrealized. I mean, dude, he’s a seedling, but man, his taproot has sunk deep.

Matthew Souza (11:20):

Hey, you know what? He would cross

Sevan Matossian (11:21):


Matthew Souza (11:22):

What? Sorry, what were you saying?

Sevan Matossian (11:24):

No, no, you go ahead. I won’t forget.

Matthew Souza (11:25):

I was just going to say if he started veering off and did what he does in the CrossFit space, but in the bodybuilding world,

Caleb Beaver (11:33):

I think he’s talked about that a lot. Yeah,

Sevan Matossian (11:35):

Boo. They say that’s a business term also. Yeah, tap. The tap root’s really important. When you plant seeds, you want to put ’em in a small container, but you don’t want the container to be so shallow that when the tap root hits the bottom that it turns and so, oh, thank you. Yeah. The tap root, A tap root’s, a large, central and dominant root from which the other root sprout laterally. Typically a tap root is somewhat straight and very thick, is tapering and shape and grows directly downward. Yeah. Hillary’s got a massive taproot. He’s

Caleb Beaver (12:09):


Sevan Matossian (12:10):

Yeah. You could see it through his shorts. He’s all should better loosen up his shorts. He’s going to fucking damage his taproot.

Speaker 4 (12:17):

Yeah, it’s going to curve. It’s going to

Sevan Matossian (12:18):

Be no good. He’s going to put a little fucking kink in his taproot. Okay. 21 minutes at one and a quarter time every week. I get more and more. Oh, I know why Caleb’s here.

Caleb Beaver (12:32):


Sevan Matossian (12:33):

This is your big show to use all your buttons. You got new buttons? No, not new ones.

Caleb Beaver (12:43):

I do have buttons. I have one button that I like to press.

Sevan Matossian (12:46):


Speaker 4 (12:47):


Sevan Matossian (12:48):

I, I’ve just really realized in the last month or two that this is the authenticity of CrossFit, so think of how few brands I said it before and people were like, well, what about Dave Portnoy and Dana White? Yeah. I think they’re good examples too. This is our forward facing guy that doesn’t do talking points. That shit’s sticky. Okay. TDC. Here we go. We don’t have all night. What time are you waking up? Tomorrow morning, Susan. Me? Yeah. 4:45 AM My God. Listen, when you see Su do a show tomorrow at 11:00 AM he’s at the end of his day already.

Speaker 4 (13:35):

He can review March 25th, 2024.

Sevan Matossian (13:43):

How is that one and a quarter time? Can you talk any slower? He did take

Caleb Beaver (13:48):

A huge pause after that. I watched this earlier. He took a huge

Sevan Matossian (13:51):

Pause. I’ve never heard him do that. Oh my God.

Caleb Beaver (13:54):

Gathering thought.

Sevan Matossian (13:55):

I think that’s because of me. There’s no coincidences. That’s my style. I could see it picked

Caleb Beaver (14:01):


Sevan Matossian (14:03):

Yonas. Hi. Hi, dear. Lucky camera straps as TDC, the Dave Castro where we should drop in while in the States and he said CrossFit teal, or at least that’s what we heard was that the affiliate name can’t find anywhere. Oh, no. I think I said CrossFit Central. I don’t think he said anything. I said CrossFit Central in Austin. Oh, Jeremy Thiel’s gym. Sorry. Jeremy Thiel’s gym and his sister’s gym. Maybe his sister. I forget his sister. Carrie. Carrie. She has a different last name. She’s bone in some dude. I forget it. She’s cool. They’re cool ass people. I mean there’s OG as you get. Okay, here we go

Speaker 4 (14:43):

At Brian. Clap. CrossFitter. Four seven. Seven six. Dave, what is your vision for judging the lead athletes with more volunteer judges of the all one staff last year? It seems the volunteer judges did equally well. The volunteer judges judge five to 10 times a year, including the semifinals, quarterfinals, and Rogue Invitational. They have far more experience judging than the all one staff. Thanks for your feedback. They did a great job. They do a really good, they did a good job last year. They do a good job when they’ve judged the other aspects of the competition, specifically the team and for all the other events they do too. I’ve always really enjoyed working with the seminar staff in that role because it’s already such a tight and cohesive team that knows each other so well and that I know very well and they know what to expect from me in the heat of the moment, and I know what to expect from them in the same heat of the moment.


So there’s a level of team work, team camaraderie, team building team trust that I have with the Level one seminar staff and in that environment, we’ll call it maybe their lack of experience at other events. That statement is true. Some of the volunteer judges do have more experience. They get around to other events. It’s not true for all of level one. Some of our staff, some of ’em do judge and get out there, but the team cohesion and the team familiarity of us working together and being on the same crew for so long means a lot to me and is important, and that’s why I really put a premium on having Level One seminar staff in that role. For those reasons I just stated at Jordan,

Sevan Matossian (16:23):

I’m going to guess that you can get a better continuity with the seminar staff because you can be like, Hey, you can just say once to them, Hey, if the chin’s not over the bar, it’s not a pull up and if you have to guess it’s no good or shit like that, you can be really just direct and short with them. I mean, I don’t think they do actually niceties with the volunteer too. I don’t know how I feel about that. Why would that person ask that question? They just want to get some camera time with the elites.

Matthew Souza (16:47):

Yeah, that’s kind of an interesting question, right, but I agree. I think that if you already have a team like Dave’s saying that works well together, that you could just look over and be like, ah, and do a grunt and they know what you’re talking about. That seems really valuable and something as high stakes as the games.

Sevan Matossian (17:01):

You could

Caleb Beaver (17:02):

Alternatively though, when, so when Seminar staff is teaching movements, they’re teaching it in the sense of okay, functional, but then when you have judges, they’re teaching it, they’re regularly looking at things from the sense of range of movement or whatever it is. You know what I mean?

Sevan Matossian (17:19):

The burpee at the games is different than the burpee at the L one for sure. Right.

Caleb Beaver (17:22):

The clean at the L one is different than the clean of the games because the clean at the L one says, oh, we’re not going to lift our heels off the ground. The clean at the games is we’re going to lift our heels off the ground.

Sevan Matossian (17:32):

But that technique, I was just even thinking range of motion to legitimize a rep.

Caleb Beaver (17:36):

Yeah, sure. I’m just trying to give you another example. It wasn’t great.

Sevan Matossian (17:41):

Well, it made me look good. Thank you. You’re welcome. Yeah, I don’t know. I also think it’s good to, it’s a double marketing thing too, because then you get those trainers out there on the floor for all eyes on them and they’ve earned that for the longest.

Caleb Beaver (18:01):

I didn’t even know that they were actually judges. I didn’t know that the L one staff was judging at the games. I thought it was just people from semi-finals.

Sevan Matossian (18:08):

Hey, and the argument is you should have to pay the judges. Well, those judges are all paid.

Matthew Souza (18:12):

That’s true. Do they get combat pay for being at the games?

Sevan Matossian (18:16):

Probably not.

Matthew Souza (18:17):

And then they also,

Sevan Matossian (18:19):

They get to keep their job.

Matthew Souza (18:20):

The one scary thing though is that if they do screw up, there’s somebody lurking that’ll definitely highlight that, which might not be the best. Look for the seminar staff.

Sevan Matossian (18:29):

That guy we talked about in the beginning. Yep.

Matthew Souza (18:33):

Keep it tight. Keep it

Sevan Matossian (18:34):

Right. It’s okay. Only 3% of the population knows him.

Matthew Souza (18:38):

There’s a slight

Speaker 4 (18:38):


Matthew Souza (18:39):

By the way.

Speaker 4 (18:41):

2, 6, 8, 7. Hi Dave. I recently enlisted for the Australian Army. More specifically the commandos. Wondering if you’re ever involved with the Australian Defense Force while you were deployed and what you think of them. Thanks, mate. While I was deployed Cross Paths with, didn’t work closely with a lot of people at the units or teams I have worked at, did work closely with them. I personally didn’t. After I got out of doing that and was heavily involved with CrossFit, even while I was in teaching, right prior to getting out, I started working with the Australian SAS more with CrossFit than I did when I was out. We actually went to Perth, did a seminar for a group of those guys and really impressed with them. Great group of guys. I’m a big fan of all the Special forces units out there and the history of them and specifically the British SAS and how they were kind of the founding fathers for so many of the other ops units out there, but a big fan of them and a majority of the special operations forces out there and what they do as ski board.

Sevan Matossian (19:41):

There was a guy at the very, I dunno, 2008 or 2009 games, maybe both who was Special Forces in Australia? I can’t remember his name. Steve Smith, I don’t know, but he looked like he was juiced to the gills, but he was crazy popular those first two or three years of CrossFit. Crazy, crazy popular. And actually at the 2009 games, I think he started crying. He was in the ice bath after the games and he’s like, I shouldn’t be doing shit like this away. Oh, commando Steve. Yeah. Yeah. And I think he was a famous TV personality in Australia too. Yep. Thank you. Wow. Look at you Jack.

Matthew Souza (20:19):


Sevan Matossian (20:21):


Matthew Souza (20:23):

Command Steve

Speaker 4 (20:25):

Oh seven on Avon’s podcast. You almost talked about the second big moment that you had while reading the Bible. What was it? Oh, I’m not going to get into that one here right now. Also on that podcast, I had a good time, but I felt like I was kind of off, especially when we got to the Bible stuff. I didn’t feel like, here’s what it is. I think I am not ready to go have a deep dive conversation on topic and I felt like the amount I did try discussing it with Stevon. I should have just avoided the question. I’m really good at usually avoiding questions or pivoting. I did not do that there and next time I will, but so enjoy the conversation. Enjoy the olive oil segment and sharing the flavors with Stevon. Enjoyed seeing Han and talking to Stevon, but I definitely don’t think it was one of the better podcasts we’ve done together.

Matthew Souza (21:15):

What? I disagree.

Sevan Matossian (21:23):

Listen Dave, it was fine. The bible part was great.

Matthew Souza (21:27):

He doesn’t like feeling vulnerable.

Caleb Beaver (21:32):

One of the things you don’t talk to people about

Sevan Matossian (21:34):

Is what?

Caleb Beaver (21:35):

Money, religion and something else.

Sevan Matossian (21:40):

But we didn’t even really talk. I mean, we talked about it for where him and I are at with it. Yeah, I mean, shit, that’s where we’re at with it. I thought it was great. I thought it was cool. I mean, everyone knows he’s reading it. We want to see where he is at with it. It was good A couple of times I felt his energy drop. I don’t normally feel it drop in the room, but we recovered and fucking we were drinking alcohol. Alcohol, fermented grapes. Oh, which isn’t that the blood of Jesus or something. Wine. That’s the blood of Christ. Alright,

Caleb Beaver (22:15):

That’s anointed.

Sevan Matossian (22:16):

All right.

Speaker 4 (22:19):

At Jenen Tester. So how do you handle, how do we handle the God?

Sevan Matossian (22:25):

Hey, so that person, that’s the hater dude.

Matthew Souza (22:29):

Oh yeah.

Sevan Matossian (22:30):

That’s the dude who always says abstract, hateful comments.

Matthew Souza (22:33):

He did it on my show last Tuesday. I’ll be addressing. That’s all he does. His comment. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (22:37):

Abstract, hateful comments. That’s the dude.

Matthew Souza (22:39):

Yeah. Good dude.

Sevan Matossian (22:42):

Hi. You do change your name to abstract hateful comments trapped between my ears and can’t communicate.

Speaker 4 (22:52):

You leak. Dave’s workout. Is this a line of the cases about mysterious ways or as then tasker? So how do you handle, how do we handle the God who leaked Dave’s workout? Is this a line of the cases about mysterious ways or as normal people call it coincidences? I don’t even know what to say to that. At burn 1808.

Sevan Matossian (23:18):

Hey dude, if everyone thinks that your shit’s a fucking tared. You’re tared. Or you’re genius. Or you’re genius.

Matthew Souza (23:26):

Yeah, genius.

Speaker 4 (23:28):

Hi Dave. CrossFit maintains a strict policy for peds and has incredibly upheld it when violations have been uncovered. When with controversies related to gambling, involving athletes rocking other sports and considering online bookmakers and the rise of fantasy apps for CrossFit competition. Beyond the general sportsmanship rules, has CrossFit considered explicitly addressing the issue of gambling for members of the organization, partners and athletes? Is there a rise of fantasy apps for CrossFit competition specifically for betting or gambling? If there are, tell ’em to link up with me and maybe we can work together. Not in terms of setting outcomes, but in terms of where gambling is legal and allowed for our fans for people.

Sevan Matossian (24:09):

Is there any gambling in CrossFit? Do you guys know of any gambling anywhere in the CrossFit space?

Matthew Souza (24:15):

I wish there was a cool app that you could do that with your friends and draft people and make bets on events. That’d be dope.

Sevan Matossian (24:20):

Yeah. There’s the G-rated version that we roll with the heat one app.

Matthew Souza (24:24):

That’s the version baby.

Caleb Beaver (24:26):

That’s the precursor, right?

Sevan Matossian (24:28):

Yeah. Heat one will be the official gambling app for the quarterfinals Taylor self versus the world, but hell yeah. That’s a weird question that’s asking a 6-year-old what kind of car they drive. I mean, CrossFit’s not even close to that space.

Matthew Souza (24:45):

Yeah. You mean because there’s There’s not people that watch it.

Sevan Matossian (24:49):

I mean, yeah, I just wish we had those problems. We don’t have any of those problems. I could not find odds last year on the games I looked everywhere. Yeah, see, I mean, it’s dude could, you could gamble on fucking anything. CrossFit still hasn’t broken the hymen on that

Matthew Souza (25:05):


Caleb Beaver (25:06):

Think about all the things you could gamble on in a CrossFit event.

Matthew Souza (25:09):

It’d be a lot.

Caleb Beaver (25:10):

Somebody going to come out with mismatched shoes. Is somebody going to have the wrong grips on get their belt? Is somebody going to pick up the wrong bag? Oh my God. Endless.

Speaker 4 (25:20):

To be able to participate in betting on the sport if they want. So gambling is just like guns. They’re legal. Well, let me rephrase that. Guns are legal in all 50 states. Gambling isn’t legal everywhere, but gambling is a legal endeavor in a lot of places. So where it’s legal, I think it’s totally fine if people want to gamble. On the last sentence though, might be the key sentence you have. Has CrossFit considered explicitly addressing the issues of gambling for members of the organization, partners and athletes? So I don’t think we have any issue for members of the organization, partners or athletes gambling on CrossFit or fixing. I’ve heard nothing. It doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, I guess I should say, but I don’t even know where to gamble on CrossFit or I don’t even know if people in our community are gambling CrossFit. So let’s start there. Let’s see that people are gambling on the

Sevan Matossian (26:05):

Sport. Oh, let’s wait until the person’s 16 years old and has a car. Before we ask ’em what kind of car they drive you don’t ask ’em when they’re for

Speaker 4 (26:13):

Or on the competition. Let’s see where that’s happening. And if they are, yeah, we’ll make sure that no one from the organizing body of whoever’s putting on that competition or the athletes aren’t betting on it. But this is, so I think what you’re doing is you’re conflating this issue that’s in the MLB and a huge sport where there’s millions of dollars and a sport has been around for over a century and saying, oh, that’s,

Sevan Matossian (26:32):

Is this a yearly show of all the worst questions? Is that what this show is? This is just like, hey, all the worst questions. Seems

Caleb Beaver (26:38):

Like it. Yeah.

Matthew Souza (26:38):

Worst dev the toilet

Sevan Matossian (26:40):

Bowl. Yeah. 2024 Worst questions asked. Episode

Speaker 4 (26:44):

Problem there. It’s probably, it must be a problem here. Here’s the MLB, here’s the MLB. Here’s us where we’re so fucking small and so new in our sport development that we don’t have the issues that the MLB has at this point. We don’t have the money in terms of an organization in terms of what players make, in terms of broadcast, in terms of a lot of areas.

Sevan Matossian (27:07):

Hey, so I haven’t looked at the story yet, but what he’s referencing is there’s a player who makes $700 million. He’s in the major league baseball. He has some crazy contract and I guess, who is it?

Caleb Beaver (27:18):

Shhe. Ani.

Sevan Matossian (27:20):

Okay. And I guess he has a cook or a chauffeur or someone in his

Caleb Beaver (27:24):


Sevan Matossian (27:25):

A translator. And he was caught doing some bets that were like two to $4 million, but the guy only makes $2 million a year. So they’re suggesting that maybe the baseball player was giving him money to bet for him. Okay. I don’t know. The ecosystem for all of CrossFit is smaller than the worst baseball team in the league. The entire CrossFit ecosystem, I mean including Rogue and Lab management and the seven podcast and Matian and RX gear and this one player, that dude could buy CrossFit and still be one of the richest men in the world. This one baseball player franchise with the lowest value Major League baseball is 990 million in US dollars. Oh, the value of the Marlins was estimated at 1 billion US dollars in that year. Yeah. Yep. There you go. Got a ways to go, huh? Listen, people, what kind of questions are you asking? How are you on your fifth booster?

Speaker 4 (28:35):

And so we’re not going to have the same gambling problems. Sorry about that.

Sevan Matossian (28:39):

No problem. Take your time. Take your time, Dave.

Speaker 4 (28:42):

So I don’t think it’s a problem. Tell me if I’m wrong, please. I’d like to know that there’s a gambling problem in the sport of CrossFit. Me too. At the real. Kevin. Eight, seven. What’s your take on quarterfinals being the worst event in CrossFit as stated on coffee pods and was how can CrossFit improve engagement for quarter finals and make the 75% of people in the open that didn’t qualify interested or the hundred percent of CrossFitters didn’t sign up for the open, interested in following it? Quarterfinals being the worst event in CrossFit. I don’t think it’s the worst event in CrossFit. Say,

Sevan Matossian (29:09):

Did Pedro really say that?

Caleb Beaver (29:11):

No, I think somebody around the whiteboard said it.

Sevan Matossian (29:15):

Oh, okay. So not Pedro?

Caleb Beaver (29:17):

No, it was on his show. He asked the question of what people thought of quarterfinals and then somebody, I don’t remember exactly who said quarterfinals is gay.

Sevan Matossian (29:26):

Wow. That was the term they used. I was, yeah, I’m

Caleb Beaver (29:29):

Pretty sure verbatim. He said quarterfinals is gay.

Sevan Matossian (29:31):

That’s not even the right use of the word.

Caleb Beaver (29:33):

That’s okay. It doesn’t matter. People get the, okay,

Sevan Matossian (29:36):

Fine. Thank you. You and CES are just helping the show flow today. Anytime I try to throw up a roadblock, you guys are like, Nope. We’ll just drive right around that. No problem

Speaker 4 (29:47):

In your coffee pods and wa, I don’t know who coffee pods and wads is, but that’s a pretty bold statement to say it’s the worst event in CrossFit. Maybe here, this is that thing I talked about a few weeks ago when people say really big statements or sensational sensationalized.

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