I’m not. Oh, I’m gone. Oh, there I am. Oh, look, there’s Caleb Tiny. Oh. Just the way I like Caleb. Oh, that’s nice. Now I’m in the center. I’m gonna have to fix my camera. Bam. We’re live. Yo. Bam. We are fucking live. Hillary, what’s up? I can’t hear you. Can you guys hear me talking? Hi. Rex is like talking. Hi. Rex is like talking golf. Why can’t I hear anyone? You,
Andrew Hiller:
You muted him. You
Sevan Matossian:
Oh good. My favorite kind of hot. You
Andrew Hiller:
Didn’t? Yes,
Sevan Matossian:
Yes. Oh, you got a haircut?
Andrew Hiller:
I did. It was needed.
Sevan Matossian:
Uh, Barry Macer, uh, talking. Hi, Rex is like talking disc golf. Yeah. You won’t talk that shit when hunter’s in here. Sure. Don’t talk that shit. Oh, oh, you will.
Andrew Hiller:
You know what I really wanna talk to Hunter about is how he feels about the semi-final workouts as a games athlete. I, I don’t know if that’s gonna be the route you want to go with him or not.
Sevan Matossian:
I don’t give a fuck. I just want this 90 minutes to go by as fast as I can. My life is so fucking good that I have like six things like that I could be doing right now that are all fucking amazing. But then, because I’m such a fucking scumbag, I put them in a hierarchy. And what normally would’ve been a good thing is now a shitty thing. Do, do you know what I’m talking about?
Andrew Hiller:
This is at the top of the list.
Sevan Matossian:
Uh, well, I wasn’t, I’m not gonna tell you what’s at the top and what’s at the bottom, but I’m just telling you it’s like, it’s like, um, dude,
Andrew Hiller:
You just said you have so many good things and
Sevan Matossian:
I have six cakes in front of me. Which one should I eat? I, I’m just, my life is too good. It’s crazy. Did Savon already talk about Mal? No, I haven’t. We haven’t. We Hillary and I, that is gonna be a fucking interesting conversation.
Andrew Hiller:
You haven’t talked about her at all.
Sevan Matossian:
Andrew Hiller:
Oh, you ate Greg on mostly this morning.
Sevan Matossian:
Yeah. People are like, ah. Ask Greg about Mal. Ooh. I can tell I’m a little feisty today.
Andrew Hiller:
Are you? Are you uh,
Sevan Matossian:
I was about to attack the, uh, viewers. I was about to attack the viewers. I shouldn’t do that. Oh, I can’t even bring him in.
Andrew Hiller:
Thunder. Ham <laugh>.
Hunter McIntyre:
Did you like that name? Dude. Thunder Ham is a solid stage name
Andrew Hiller:
<laugh>. It was amazing.
Sevan Matossian:
I’m gonna make just a couple edits to it. Uh, I hope you don’t mind. Capital T. Capital H Are you okay with that
Andrew Hiller:
Thunder ham?
Hunter McIntyre:
Yeah, please. Um, I got invited to the PornHub Awards a couple weeks ago and I decided not to go. Huge
Sevan Matossian:
Mistake. Yes. What? That was a
Hunter McIntyre:
Huge mistake because I was trying to pretend like I’m a professional athlete, which is a, is a thin term these days. And uh,
Sevan Matossian:
Oh, I’m so glad you said that, mate. Let’s hold, hold on. Let’s make that a topic. Professional athlete. Okay, go on.
Hunter McIntyre:
And I fucked up. I fucked up big time. I somehow have become friends with, uh, DJ Diplo. He lives out here in, in in Malibu and he is fitness and stuff and yeah, that’s cool. Anytime he we’re just talking, he well randomly saying to me some stuff and I’m like, what did you just say? He’s like, yeah, I’m hosting the party for the Porn Hub Awards. And I was like, dude, you need an extra six shooter with you cuz things could get dangerous.
Sevan Matossian:
Yes, yes.
Andrew Hiller:
And you turned it down because you’re a professional athlete.
Hunter McIntyre:
AK Thunder ham. Cuz I had to come up with an alter, alter ego. Like, how do you show up at a party like that? You’re like, what do you do? I’m like, I’m a pro athlete. I’m like, wait a second. That’s lame. I’m Thunder ham.
Andrew Hiller:
The pro,
Hunter McIntyre:
No, I’m Thunder Ham. The porn star that nobody knows about that should
Sevan Matossian:
Break the screen. Whatever. I’m, I’m Bun boy, the porn star that And that’s not a good, that’s not a good name for me Bun Boy. But it is. What?
Andrew Hiller:
It’s Oh shit, bitch. I need something cool now.
Hunter McIntyre:
Dude. When did you get a Bun
Sevan Matossian:
Bun Boy? Just now? Just a few minutes ago.
Hunter McIntyre:
Yeah, baby.
Sevan Matossian:
Yeah. Thank you. I knew you’d appreciate it more than the the average. Uh, you know what it is, is the, the viewers were just being sh they were running out of, uh, good, uh, nose jokes. So I thought I’d give ’em a bun.
Hunter McIntyre:
Man. Buns are, it’s a line and you’re riding it. That’s cool. Have you thought about it? About like a rat’s tail
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
I think that’s, that’s,
Sevan Matossian:
Yeah, I probably have that too because I can’t get all my shit up.
Hunter McIntyre:
What’s the name of that? That that new singer is named something Bunny
Andrew Hiller:
Bad Bunny Bad
Hunter McIntyre:
Bunny. Like bad Bunny’s the kind of guy that will start the trend of a rat’s tail and he will make it cool. Unless Thunder Ham hits the scene first.
Sevan Matossian:
Heidi, there were a lot of things you could have said. Look at, look
Hunter McIntyre:
That front bead.
Andrew Hiller:
That would be cool. Be dangerous. Yeah, he’s gotta get that nose ring too. I know. Have you
Hunter McIntyre:
Ever seen that snake that that hides in the rocks and it moves its tail and makes you think that it’s like a worm or something and you get close and boom. That’s exactly,
Sevan Matossian:
I thought that was a fish that did that. A fish hung something in front of its face like this.
Hunter McIntyre:
Look at this dude. He’s a genius though. Him and his PR team have developed a hairstyle that basically does the same exact thing. No wonder he is at the top of the charts.
Sevan Matossian:
Uh, do you think that there is a parallel? Let me ask you this. Someone invited you to go to the um, PornHub Awards. Oh, there it is. Thank you Caleb.
Andrew Hiller:
Nice. Good find,
Sevan Matossian:
Uh, someone invited you to the PornHub Awards and you had to go through a thought process to decide whether to go or not to go. Do you think that that was similar to the process that Mall O’Brien went through? Like, here you have Hunter, hunter McIntyre, should I go to PornHub or not? And here you have Mall O’Brien. Should I go to semi-finals or not? Do you think you guys use the same, what are those charts called where you draw the line? You like this right? Hiller
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
This one of those things where there’s two circles and there’s like a place in the middle that meets and it’s like, no, how much are we behind
Sevan Matossian:
On? No, not a spend diagram or a <inaudible>, but, but, but one of those, um, like you say yes and it goes down here, you say no and it goes over here.
Andrew Hiller:
I know it good for me, but I’m a professional athlete. <laugh>, I know I really wanna go to the Port Awards, but I’m aham over here. That’s what Mel’s doing. Right?
Hunter McIntyre:
I don’t think we’re in the same thought, thought process at all. I’m on like the back end and she’s in the front. Has she won the CrossFit games yet?
Sevan Matossian:
No. She was gonna win them this year,
Hunter McIntyre:
Which she decided to drop out.
Sevan Matossian:
Hold on. That’s that’s true, right? Hillary? She was gonna win them this year.
Andrew Hiller:
Correct. Okay.
Sevan Matossian:
Yeah. Why did she
Hunter McIntyre:
Sevan Matossian:
Out? We don’t know. Well, we know, but everyone’s pretending like they don’t know.
Andrew Hiller:
It’s a very loose Instagram post, which can lead you down the rabbit hole of
Hunter McIntyre:
I love vague posts.
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
It’s a cry for help.
Sevan Matossian:
Ooh. I, I,
Hunter McIntyre:
I don’t know. I I don’t know the girl well enough. I’m not picking on her at all. But you know, I don’t ever read anybody’s captions because that’s where the danger happens.
Andrew Hiller:
How do you feel about this? Where does it has to? It was it going to be a test positive? I don’t a drug test. I don’t,
Sevan Matossian:
Hunter McIntyre:
Don’t know dude that’s come, that’s coming from a naked dude on the internet. So
Andrew Hiller:
Ken, Wal <laugh> Ken put
Hunter McIntyre:
Can put your shirt on. Stop talking about young girls.
Andrew Hiller:
There’s no way. That’s what it is. My speculation on that topic is they’ve got access to things that they don’t even know to look for or they’re too smart to have be in that position. Only the dumbest people ever get caught like that. There’s no way
Sevan Matossian:
I’m looking at the AVN awards, uh, for uh, best, uh, anal. It’s too hard to find. I put in best anal porn award. It sent me to 2000 1,950.
Hunter McIntyre:
I don’t think we should be having these conversations aligned with an 18 year old’s name so closely. So
Sevan Matossian:
Did you, did you decide not to go to the to to the av? Was it the AVN Awards adult video? No,
Hunter McIntyre:
It was PornHub Awards. I think they just brought it back. I think there was a gap.
Sevan Matossian:
Um, and did you decide not to go cuz you thought you would like partake in activities like drugs and shit that you would influence, uh, affect your ability to perform at the highest level in, in your last kind of hurrah to do High Rocks?
Hunter McIntyre:
I just know that if I showed up that I’d be a star. I’ve been avoiding that world for a long time knowing that it’s too good for me.
Sevan Matossian:
Hunter McIntyre:
I was meant, I was meant for that.
Sevan Matossian:
Him you were actually, hey, that is a fucking fact. I would love for you to take Hiller there and try to corrupt him. God, that would be great. Video.
Andrew Hiller:
The Porn Hub
Sevan Matossian:
Awards you and Hiller at the Porn Hub Awards would be amazing. Mag,
Andrew Hiller:
I bring camera in. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian:
Hiller’s. So un inappropriate. And he doesn’t even know it.
Hunter McIntyre:
Magnus is giving me all these backhanded compliments. Suck it Magnus. I’m not an adult. You look like an old shit.
Sevan Matossian:
<laugh> an old shit. Or an old ship.
Hunter McIntyre:
Yeah. Both hungry.
Andrew Hiller:
He looks like
Hunter McIntyre:
Those old boats that have been put up on the docks. In the docks. They’re just up on those stands. They’re covered in barnacles and
Sevan Matossian:
Molds. They’re gonna fix it. They’re gonna get to it.
Andrew Hiller:
Go Hunter. Go Hunter. You, you’ve, you go into a CrossFit stadium, you know quite a few CrossFitters, right? Because you’ve either watched it or you’ve been there. Yeah. You, Steve, Matt Frazier, you know Vikki, you go into the Porn Hub Awards. How many people do you know? Like nobody
Hunter McIntyre:
Really. I think you’re in a sad place in your life when you start to know porn hu porn stars by name. Like I think everybody knows like the male porn star, Johnny Sins. That’s exactly who that guy is. That’s Magnus. Um,
Sevan Matossian:
I’ve never, I don’t know any porn stars except Debbie. Are you kidding me?
Hunter McIntyre:
Yeah. I just think that there’s, Debbie
Sevan Matossian:
Does Dallas.
Hunter McIntyre:
That’s Debbie does Dallas. So there’s a couple names across the, like the board, like everyone’s heard of Jeremy, whatever, Ron, Jeremy, Peter Norris. And those are just people that are like, that are like, were, you know, just thrown to I, you know what’s crazy based on the metrics, if you look at the most visited sites, porn stars should be really the biggest stars in the world because the amount of views that they’re getting is so far Trump’s these guys doing Marvel movies and chicks doing Marvel movies. Like if you’re a porn star, you’ve been seen probably more than any other human on the planet.
Andrew Hiller:
For sure. People might not wanna admit they’ve seen you though.
Hunter McIntyre:
I would for sure.
Andrew Hiller:
Sylvester alone.
Hunter McIntyre:
You’d know them better than almost anybody. Cuz you’ve seen all of their angles and you’ve been staring at ’em for too long in the dark.
Sevan Matossian:
Right. Hey, some I have friends who will refer to, um, porn, athletes to me by name porn athletes. Oh, have
Hunter McIntyre:
You athletes. That’s
Sevan Matossian:
<laugh>. That’s exactly,
Hunter McIntyre:
That’s exactly the category I’ve fallen
Andrew Hiller:
In. That’s thunder him under him. The porn athletes.
Sevan Matossian:
Uh, I’m sorry, I got some wires crossed. Uh, porn. Porn. I don’t porn, uh, uh, thespians by name. And I, and I’m always kind of a little insulted, like,
Hunter McIntyre:
Why would you be insulted? It’s just a conversation. No, I I
Sevan Matossian:
I don’t, cuz I have to be insulted by something or else I’d, I’d fucking be Jesus. So that’s what I’ve decided to be insulted by. And uh, it’s like how it’s ok. The fuck would I know, how the fuck would I know who Porn star’s name was? Which
Hunter McIntyre:
Is a good conversation.
Sevan Matossian:
You live in a town full of porn stars. You probably have shared a hou that place that, that Camp Malibu you go to. There’s probably porn stars in your camp.
Hunter McIntyre:
I’m being dropped dead honest with you guys. I have almost seen zero porn stars in the 11, 12 years I’ve been in la I actually, you wouldn’t
Andrew Hiller:
Even know
Hunter McIntyre:
I, no, come on dude. Like, you know, like you’ve seen one or two of them, like, just like the same way. I don’t know actors by their names by any means. Like if I, last night we were at a steakhouse. Pierce Bron walked in, some other movie Star walked in. All of these movie stars were walking in. I didn’t really know them by name except for Pierce Brazen. He’s oh oh seven. Um, and my buddy said, how
Sevan Matossian:
Old did he look? How old did he look? Dude,
Hunter McIntyre:
You dropped Trout for him in an instant. Yeah, he’s just,
Sevan Matossian:
I’m his crowd
Hunter McIntyre:
Affair. He’s a silvered handsome man.
Sevan Matossian:
Okay. He okay.
Hunter McIntyre:
He’s just got a shine on him. Dude, he looked so fucking good. He was wearing like a, a sh like a kind of a suit jacket like that. And he had like one of these at Attach shades. Is that what they call it? It’s like a different, it’s not a scarf. It’s a little bit different. And he looked so good. It was a showstopper.
Andrew Hiller:
He looks like the dude from Star War. Star Trek, the, or Star Warfs or fucking X-Men. The bald dude in the wheelchair. If you shave this guy bald, he looks just like him.
Sevan Matossian:
Hey, uh, uh, hunter, I betcha Hillary doesn’t know who this guy is.
Andrew Hiller:
He’s uh, he’s in the Thomas Crown affair.
Sevan Matossian:
Yo. Wow. You don’t know
Hunter McIntyre:
Pierce Bron is?
Andrew Hiller:
I just told you. I know who he is.
Sevan Matossian:
He used to be a famous TV star. You know, Hillary really doesn’t know. This guy’s barely on Hillary’s radar. Hillary only does, um,
Hunter McIntyre:
T r T and Bench Perez.
Andrew Hiller:
Yeah, he’s in black. Adam. I, he,
Hunter McIntyre:
Andrew Hiller:
Told told you 1999 Thomas crowded there in that video game with James Bond.
Sevan Matossian:
Hillary has a box off his threshold. Like if it doesn’t make a certain amount of money, he ain’t, he he don’t know. Dude, you’re,
Hunter McIntyre:
You’re, you’re getting dropped a fair amount of dough. This is pretty solid. How much show, how much dough do you make? Um, how much
Sevan Matossian:
Dough do you $3,000 a show? 52 show. 52 shows a month for $156,000 a month. That’s what I make. Just give
Hunter McIntyre:
Gimme gimme a straight number here. Like what can we be expecting?
Sevan Matossian:
Oh, you and Hiller.
Hunter McIntyre:
No, I’m just saying for this show right now, what, what whatcha gonna
Sevan Matossian:
Probably pull at. You never know. One of you guys could say something and it could just start raining money. You never, I don’t know how fuck work
Hunter McIntyre:
You got. You got 7 99, you got 9 99. I saw another tip in the beginning. I’m, this
Sevan Matossian:
Dude always donates money. This dude’s cool as shit. Olsen dudes tip this guy my name, have my phone number.
Hunter McIntyre:
I think you’re gonna break a hundred,
Andrew Hiller:
A hundred dollars.
Hunter McIntyre:
Andrew Hiller:
What, what do we got? What do we have to have you do in order for it to be a hundred dollars drop? That’s the question.
Hunter McIntyre:
Whenever I, whenever I do lives, I say, Hey guys, if I get over a hundred viewers, I’ll take my shirt off. If I get over 200 viewers, I’ll take my pants off and then I’ll teabag the screen. Um, have
Sevan Matossian:
You ever t bagged the screen
Andrew Hiller:
Four shorts right now?
Hunter McIntyre:
Teabagging used to be,
Andrew Hiller:
Let’s do it.
Hunter McIntyre:
I was the king of teabagging in military school. You didn’t wanna be any near anywhere near this thing. It was dangerous. How do you think I got through military school when I was a military
Sevan Matossian:
School? You, your balls on a dude’s face before,
Hunter McIntyre:
Dude. It’s like a, it’s hard. Harder than a, it’s harder than a punch. You gotta understand that is dangerous. And I, dude, I was the smallest kid in military school, so you had to have this, you had to have a little bit of screws loose so that people didn’t fuck with you.
Sevan Matossian:
God, I would’ve hated you that the did kitty Did you do titty twisters too? That
Hunter McIntyre:
Was the whole point. Oh no, dude. Do you wanna know what my move was is when people fell asleep, I would, you’d basically, if you wanted to fuck with people, you’d leave your, your door unlocked and you’d basically let let people know, like tonight’s the night if you wanna have your roommate taken out. Right? My move was, I would take a lotion bottle and I’d stuff it up your nose and hold the back of your head and go pop, pop, pop, pop, pop
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
Pump your nose up.
Andrew Hiller:
I’d be so You couldn’t dude. You couldn’t. Dude,
Hunter McIntyre:
I’m covered in lotion. You can’t even get close to me. <laugh>.
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
I made it, I made it good with a couple of the big guys because I, I basically, I was like, listen, do you guys wanna be a victim or do you wanna be an asset? And they joined the team.
Andrew Hiller:
Wow. The lotion knows team.
Hunter McIntyre:
Dude. I mean, you had to be a vicious bastard. Military school was tough.
Andrew Hiller:
<laugh>, I bet.
Hunter McIntyre:
Um, yeah. I I don’t regret it at all though, dude. I learned a lot. I had to grow up really quick. Dude, look at this. We are gonna hit, we’re gonna hit a hundred dollars for sure.
Andrew Hiller:
Hey, Heidi brought the fact that we’re already at 200. So you’ve gotta take your pants off.
Sevan Matossian:
Hey, um,
Andrew Hiller:
Yeah, we’re at 2 41 right now.
Hunter McIntyre:
How is that possible?
Sevan Matossian:
How, let me ask you this. Oh no, he means, he means money. Not, uh, not viewers. Hillary, I thought you didn’t like compression. Uh, sh shorts.
Andrew Hiller:
These are jean shorts.
Sevan Matossian:
But underneath, I saw some compression.
Andrew Hiller:
No, I said I’ve worn so many compression shorts that I’m under the impression that it has taken away the recoil of my sack.
Sevan Matossian:
Ah, I thought, but the other day you got some shorts in the Gaines box and I thought they looked amazing and you didn’t like ’em.
Andrew Hiller:
Built-in underwear is the worst thing ever created. Oh. And you Lemon pants. How? I can’t stand them. I don’t know. I like to have play with, I wear,
Hunter McIntyre:
I wear, um, I wear tights. There’s a company called Pac Terrace. Someone just mentioned them. They’re awesome
Andrew Hiller:
Tights. Just tights.
Hunter McIntyre:
Yeah, they’re tights. I mean, dude, my beef gets all cooked up down there. I have, I always have like bloody inner thighs.
Andrew Hiller:
Always Beef gets all cooked up in there. <laugh>.
Hunter McIntyre:
Yeah, dude, it’s, it’s terrible. I don’t even have that big of legs either. So I don’t know where all the heat’s being generated from.
Sevan Matossian:
Hunter and I collabed on an only fan’s Banana hammock bench press.
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
I don’t know who that is. I don’t know who the fuck that is. We’re trying to hard of my life.
Andrew Hiller:
Didn’t know any porn stars. <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian:
It’s weird seeing. It’s weird. Uh, lucky cameras. Oh, lucky cameras. Uh, did you see we played your podcast on our podcast the other night. We stole some of your content. What does that mean?
Andrew Hiller:
Camera strap.
Sevan Matossian:
This this guy was live and while he was live we played his live show on, on my live show.
Hunter McIntyre:
Nice. Have you guys, you know what I’ve been learning about is this Red pill movement and how creepy this culture is.
Sevan Matossian:
The Red pill culture. Yes. I’m a tell me, tell me. I’m part of the Red Pill culture. Tell me how creepy we are. Dude,
Hunter McIntyre:
You did. I just open up a vi a cann of worms.
Andrew Hiller:
<laugh>. Dude. <laugh>. This is
Hunter McIntyre:
So fucking weird. So I’m always studying marketing and I’m trying to find the people that are beating the internet currently and one of the groups that is Yeah. Liver King. Like you have to really start to study these people because if you ever want to be able to control the internet, you have to find out who’s done it before you. So if you start to study these people with a red pill movement, ak the, you know, the reference to Neo Blue, you stay asleep, you stay in the life that you’re in red, you come awake and you have to, you know, be born to the struggle. But if you break through, you’ll be aware and
Sevan Matossian:
Wow. Thank you. You nice? That was nice. Concise. Yeah.
Hunter McIntyre:
So these guys, Cobra? Yeah. So these guys have all these movements and there’s, there’s a divide. There’s two groups. You know, there’s actually probably a couple sub sex, but these groups of dudes are basically like trying to tell you that the world has these like hyper cultures of like, you know, superior beings running everything. And then you need to like find a way to fracture off. Then there’s this other culture of like just Heman woman haters. They’re, these dudes are like all women of the devil. They’re part of the Red Pill movement. Um, what?
Sevan Matossian:
Wait, what? There’s a what? What? No, no, no, no,
Andrew Hiller:
No. This is what next was talking about.
Hunter McIntyre:
Who, what’s that?
Andrew Hiller:
Z teller was talking about this with you on the show. Uh, like a, a different understanding of this red pill, blue pill thing than what you knew and you No, you were fused at that point too. Yeah,
Sevan Matossian:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s bullshit. That’s, uh, that’s, Hey, that’s a, that’s just a siop to try to, it’s, it’s like, um, uh, cuon, it’s like started by the Dems to, in order to make the Republicans look crazy. That’s, it’s just, listen, le let me, can I ask you a question real quick? Hunter? Mm. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Miller Light is saying that they re they regret the fact that they used women in bikinis for their ads in the past. Dude,
Hunter McIntyre:
Those were the greatest. A Miller highlight girl used to live above me. Shit was awesome.
Sevan Matossian:
When they say that, what I hear them saying is, is that they find the female form disgusting and that they hate fucking women.
Hunter McIntyre:
Dude, they should give back all that money that they made out those titties.
Sevan Matossian:
Who wouldn’t want to see a woman in a bikini? But some people see as hating on a woman in a bikini as part of feminism and as part of standing up and it’s part of standing up for women. Is this part, I’m just curious, how do you see it? How do you see it?
Hunter McIntyre:
I mean, dude, listen, I think almost every guy who’s probably listening to this likes to hang out with babes drinking beer. And even other babes want to hang out with babes drinking beer. No. So what’s the hangout?
Sevan Matossian:
Hunter McIntyre:
Don’t wanna drink beer with babes?
Sevan Matossian:
He’s blue pill. He’s blue pill. He hates women’s bodies. Are you still
Hunter McIntyre:
Dating? Are you still dating that girl?
Andrew Hiller:
Yeah, I’m engaged to her.
Sevan Matossian:
Oh, Jesus. Okay. So he’s engaged to her Hunter. How dare you say, he’s just dating, he’s engaged.
Andrew Hiller:
Just loves
Sevan Matossian:
What I say. He’s en hits his fear Beyonce.
Andrew Hiller:
That’s right. That’s
Hunter McIntyre:
Right. What, did you guys start out by drinking beers together?
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
Really? You just had that boring of a life. You guys just like slammed each other’s hips into barbells and then did it later
Andrew Hiller:
In the bedroom slammed something.
Hunter McIntyre:
All right, fine. <laugh>, you guys are odd.
Andrew Hiller:
We were totally odd. That’s why we were made for each other. <laugh>, I’m sure. Yeah. Most people probably are super into the beer drinking.
Sevan Matossian:
You don’t even have to be into the beer drinking to appreciate the commercials. That’s what I’m saying. If you, if you think that women in bikinis is, uh, uh, um, disrespectful to women, I I I I go straight to the fact. Why do you think women’s bodies are so disgusting? What’s wrong with you? What’s your hatred towards women? That, that’s where I go. Please
Hunter McIntyre:
Don’t. You just got
Andrew Hiller:
Lump ’em into one another because women in bikinis, I’m, I’m on board with the beer drinking those, those aren’t one and the same. That’s
Sevan Matossian:
Fine. Fine. Forget the beer drinking. We can sell, we can sell t r t with women in bikini drink’s like that.
Hunter McIntyre:
That’s just like, that’s like CrossFit and fitted, like they go hand in hand, like hanging out with babes and beers pretty common. <laugh>
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
Are fucking weird.
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
You, um, I don’t know. I don’t know if what you were just saying is part of the Red Pill culture, but I will tell you right now, I was really excited about the Amber heard Johnny Depp court case and now I have a new obsession. This culture,
Sevan Matossian:
The red pill culture. Yeah.
Hunter McIntyre:
I’m just gonna dig deep down into the hole and I’m gonna try to like penetrate into some of like the weird groups and find out where they’re at and what they’re talking about. I’m excited. I’m gonna become an investigative journalism,
Sevan Matossian:
Red pill culture’s like true hippie shit. It’s what Hipp want it to be. Yeah. Really. I’m telling you, I’m the king of, I’m the president of the Red Pill culture. I’m the ceo.
Hunter McIntyre:
So do you have your own group?
Sevan Matossian:
Yes, of course I do. Fuck.
Hunter McIntyre:
That’s dope.
Sevan Matossian:
Thank you. A ceo.
Hunter McIntyre:
You don’t have a manifesto though. That’s where you’re fucking up. Every single one of these guys had a manifesto.
Sevan Matossian:
Andrew Hiller:
Are you talking about like listen to Anate?
Hunter McIntyre:
He’s one of them. He’s probably the one who, he’s probably the one who got, um, he’s probably the one who got to the top, but I think he’s refined because he got all the way to the top. He’s had to refine his messaging so he could be more of a global interest
Andrew Hiller:
Name. Other people like that. Uh, manifesto you’re talking about.
Hunter McIntyre:
This guy’s a fucking weirdo. He clearly was hurt badly, and I’m not trying to insult him by any means, but, um, <laugh>, this dude is called The Unplugged Alpha and it’s by Richard Cooper. He’s a guy who’s grown. He’s one of them. Um, I can’t really figure out the name of the, I just kinda like follow on these podcasts and these weird, kind, creepy Instagram things. But if you look up that Richard Cooper guy, he’s one of those creeps.
Andrew Hiller:
And this is the name of the group, by the way. Savon ISAs.
Hunter McIntyre:
Yes. Yes. I’m mean, dude, look at that. That’s a fair amount of ratings just to let you know that like, yeah, like there’s a lot of people.
Sevan Matossian:
So this dude hates women. This dude hates women. He
Hunter McIntyre:
Doesn’t necessarily hate women, but he just lets you know how big of an issue women are and that you should probably just like jerk off in a room, do bicep curls and up your bank account. And then women will be just like a side he calls, like hanging out with chicks, spinning plates.
Sevan Matossian:
It’s, it’s a no bullshit guide to winning with women and life.
Andrew Hiller:
Have you read this? Yeah.
Hunter McIntyre:
Oh yeah. I listened to it immediately. It’s a quick read, but I mean, when I say read, it’s a quick listen. In reality though, you have to pay attention. These things are growing so quickly and if you wanna just have something to nerd out on, this is my new hobby. I’m just like, what the fuck are these people talking about? <laugh>
Sevan Matossian:
Don’t ruin red pills for me. I love a good red pill.
Hunter McIntyre:
I was obsessed with CrossFit a couple years ago. Now I have to find a new obsession. <laugh>,
Andrew Hiller:
I’m gonna read that book. Have you read The Game by Neil Strauss?
Hunter McIntyre:
Oh yeah. That was one of the things I got into about six months ago because I was like, if you can sell a girl, I’m sleeping with you. You can sell anybody to buy your products. And like one of the things that they, one of the things that they study is, um, and they, they use to pick up girls is basically hypnotism. So like, let’s just say I’m like sitting there talking to you and I’m like, killer. I want you to think right now and I clench my hands and I want you to close your eyes and I want you to think about the best place you’ve ever been and who’s right there next to you. What does that person look like? All these kind of things. And now I want you to open your eyes and I start talking to more. And the next thing I’m trying to elevate in you, I clench my fist again and I keep on capturing that same experience and that same feeling that you went through when you went into that place. And I keep on trying to incite you to be excited about what I’m doing and hopefully, uh, I’m I’m gonna get you to have sex with me.
Sevan Matossian:
I’m ready. I’ll grab my ankles now. That’s
Andrew Hiller:
A good book by the way. And I picked up the same thing. The
Sevan Matossian:
Game. Yeah,
Hunter McIntyre:
Dude, you gotta you gotta gotta get into all this stuff. Listen,
Andrew Hiller:
There’s two of ’em actually.
Hunter McIntyre:
It’s a dirty game. Like if you really, if we three went to a bar right now and decided to go pick up chicks, you wouldn’t need any of those skill sets. You just need to be somewhat entertaining. Um, you know, and you pulled
Andrew Hiller:
Off, I you would’ve said that you hadn’t read that book. I wouldn’t have believed you considering the way you dress.
Hunter McIntyre:
I was like this a long time ago, but the peacocking thing and all of a sudden I was like, fuck. It’s almost not cool because all these nerds are now doing it because they think it’s a thing. Right? But like, I have a closet full of gold chains and funny outfits and glasses and stuff and it’s like, I’ve always done it for me, not for the girl that I’m talking to.
Sevan Matossian:
Yout bagged guys. Of course you of course you were weird before you,
Andrew Hiller:
Before you. Yeah. We’ve allt bagged guys.
Sevan Matossian:
Never. I
Hunter McIntyre:
Understand that it is a weapon and I will use it if I have
Sevan Matossian:
It. The thought I, I heard about that first in high school, that there would be guys on the football team who’d be bench pressing other dudes to come up and pull their pants down and fucking rest their balls on the guy’s face while he is benching. If someone did that to me, I would bite
Andrew Hiller:
’em off.
Sevan Matossian:
Something would happen. That was, yeah, I could see myself doing that.
Andrew Hiller:
You like that liver king video from the other day?
Sevan Matossian:
There’s things that are just disrespectful
Andrew Hiller:
Both that liver. Yeah,
Hunter McIntyre:
Dude, this, this fe Lana chick. She says you’re extremely entertaining and that you’ll have all the girls. Do you have like a lot of like people from Czech Republic that are watching this show?
Sevan Matossian:
Who’s he talking to? Is Hunter still on the show? <laugh>?
Andrew Hiller:
No, he is on a phone call here. Here, here you go. This is, this is what you do when someone puts your balls on your face when you’re bench pressing. This
Sevan Matossian:
Is crazy.
Andrew Hiller:
This is what you do. Yep. Just now. Now those things.
Sevan Matossian:
How is that, how did he get away with showing that on? Um,
Andrew Hiller:
I mean it’s not real. They’re, I mean, they’re animals, so
Sevan Matossian:
Those are penises, right?
Andrew Hiller:
They look, um, maybe <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian:
I see a hel I see a helmet
Hunter McIntyre:
That’s heavy.
Andrew Hiller:
Dude, for the record, this dude is on more crap than he has ever been on. He is not off. Like he’s, he is, there’s no way
Sevan Matossian:
I, I, um, I wanna see if I could, uh, uh, pin down a topic here. I think we we’re settled in, we’re 26 minutes. <laugh>,
Andrew Hiller:
You know, before I came in here. Alexis is in there with one of our friends. They’re like, what do you talk about? Like, I don’t know. Nothing <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian:
Oh, I I knew it was gonna be off the rails. Okay, here we go. Um, well, you started the show Hunter ass saying something about a professional athlete. What are your thoughts on that term?
Hunter McIntyre:
Sevan Matossian:
You, you,
Hunter McIntyre:
I mean, in reality, if you really think about it, we’re kinda all dancing monkeys. It’s just, it depends on the size of the contract that supports it. Um, I don’t know. I mean, I’ve been doing this for such a long time at this point, I’m doing it just to learn more about myself through the process of doing it. I don’t think I’m a professional athlete by any means. Um, I’m not trying to be like super introspective about it, but it’s just been going on for such a long time. I don’t know how professional it really is. Like, I set the world record a couple weeks on, I got a hundred dollars gift certificate <laugh>. And
Andrew Hiller:
Hunter McIntyre:
It just reminds me, it’s just like I chose this chapter of life and I’m not gonna be the person that quits because it’s a hard chapter to live in. So I’m just gonna be the fucking biggest beast and I’m gonna create things that elevate my lifestyle because I’m smart enough to live in this chapter if I want to continue to do it. But do I feel like a pro athlete? I don’t know. Like I’m going to my world championship. I leave tomorrow at eight o’clock and I compete next Friday and there’s gonna be a lot of people in a room and I’m gonna run against them in circles and stuff. But then I have to remind myself, I’m like, what’s so professional about this? Um, so I don’t know. I don’t know. I have to remind myself that all the time I have to like, continue to, like, I have to continue to elevate myself to do these insanely hard workouts, to do these insanely hard races. But at the end of the day, I don’t know how professional it really is.
Sevan Matossian:
Hey, so let me, let me propose this to you. Um, LeBron James is, is professional, or, um, a guy who runs the, um, the first checkpoint at like, uh, nuclear reactor in California. The guy who’s sits at the guard tower where cars driving in a nuclear reactor in California who’s more professional?
Hunter McIntyre:
Sevan Matossian:
I mean it’s kinda weird,
Hunter McIntyre:
Right? You gotta understand one’s a game and one’s a job.
Sevan Matossian:
They’re, they’re okay. What’s the distinction?
Hunter McIntyre:
One’s a game and one’s a job. One’s a game. Anyone can play. Not everyone can step into a nuclear reactor and focus on that. That’s a true job.
Andrew Hiller:
Sure. Yeah. Surely can.
Hunter McIntyre:
I mean, technically you have to work your way up into that place.
Andrew Hiller:
What do you think LeBron had to do?
Hunter McIntyre:
It’s still a game. It’s still a game, don’t get me wrong. Technically
Andrew Hiller:
The dude is just in the game of nuclear plants. It’s a game too.
Hunter McIntyre:
Sevan Matossian:
I was more, what’s on the line? What’s on the line of LeBron fails? Um, he, he, he, nothing, he misses a payment on his mom’s Rolls-Royce.
Hunter McIntyre:
Nothing. There’s nothing on the line. I mean, technically there’s jobs that are far more serious.
Andrew Hiller:
Well, it’s a business. He’s in the nba. It
Hunter McIntyre:
Is, don’t get me wrong, it’s a weird, we’re playing a game on somebody else’s court. Would you rather own the court or play on the court? The people who own the card are far, far more powerful. I think about that all the time.
Andrew Hiller:
Is that Madison Square Garden?
Sevan Matossian:
I just, I I was, I was focusing more on the word professional. It, it, it’s, it’s just, it’s interesting. Um, the, the whole, the whole professional. I mean, I guess in, in the most traditional senses, if you get paid, you’re a professional, you’re a pro, right? That’s what would make someone a pro.
Andrew Hiller:
Are teachers professional, just like you’d average everyday third grade teacher. Are those professionals?
Hunter McIntyre:
I think you guys are trying to get me, you’re trying to get me, you’re trying to get me to like diminish or label all these other things. I’m just saying like the professional athlete, the, the professional athlete experience. For me, I have to just recognize
Sevan Matossian:
It’s all a game for me at least that’s just how I, ok, well, just so you know, I wasn’t trying to diminish it. Okay, let’s move on. I’m gonna move on to something. Okay. I, because I think what you’re doing is fucking crazy. Is this your last hurrah with High Rocks? Probably not
Andrew Hiller:
TikTok, by the way. What’s that? I saw you win that thing on TikTok, by the way.
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