#904 – 2023 CrossFit Games QF Team Power Rankings

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

<affirmative>, uh, bam. We’re live.

Speaker 2 (00:03):

<laugh>. I’m trying to be woke. I actually go in the lady’s restroom now. <laugh>. Sure. Well, cause technically I’m a man, but I identify <laugh> as a pervert. <laugh>, I’m trying to be woke. Actually,

Sevan Matossian (00:20):

I apologize. I thought, I thought we were doing a live calling show. I, I apologize. I didn’t realize this was the team’s, uh, semi-final show was, should I come back tomorrow? Yes. Yes. Good morning, ele. Alec. Alec, Alec, Eric. Hi. Good morning, Eric. I had a small meltdown. Uh, geez. Louise. Good morning, Omar Kho. Good morning. Kelly Slater. Good to see you buddy. Look at you with Rich Froning. Trying to front, uh, Angela, good morning. All hearts and shit. It’s good stuff. Chris. Good morning, Brian. Friend. Good morning. Uh, pool boy. Good morning, David. Uh, ASA Maum. Yes. Thank you. Asum. A asa Ala. Yes. Thank you. Yala. Yk. Uh, good morning, Isaac. Ab Ab Ab Abba. Abba From the Dubai. From the Dubai. Oh, there she is. Okay, we can start the show. Uh, that’s wrong, Eric. Uh, not my boyfriend, so I don’t care.


Oh, I thought you were just gonna say good morning to us. You’re already fighting in the comments. Okay. Uh, Robbie Meyers, uh, good morning. I’m glad you’ve taken your hat off, uh, for when you, um, come on the show. I remember when you used to wear your hat in here. Not cool. Uh, Richie Rich, thanks. SE <laugh> and Brian. I think I’ve never and will never play Frisbee toss, but I know more about it and the players than anyone else. I know. I remember, uh, the Richie Rich cartoon, that’s not around anymore, is it? Uh, Jay Hardell. Did you hear about Jamie Fox? I know that, um, uh, I, I saw something on TMZ that he got hospitalized for something last week. I don’t have a lot of time today. People, we must address the guest, Mr. Brian Friend. Uh, is it, is it, do you think it’s wrong to call you a guest? Like you come over more? It’s like your friend who comes over all the time and they’re not really a guest anymore. Like, if you, if this were my house, you could open the refrigerator without asking me.


So what would you call me then? I would kind of expect you to, like, if you were like, if you came over as much as we do shows and we’re like, Hey, could I have water? I’d be annoyed. I’d be like, dude, you know where the cups are in the water? Oh my goodness. Jamie Fox did have a 49ers incident. Holy shit. Oh my God. He got 49. Er Oh my God. I’m seeing two a day now from athletes. It’s crazy. I hope the, I hope the, uh, CrossFit athletes are good. Okay. Uh, the, the, I’m not gonna lie to you. I find this whole ranking thing. T we, yesterday I asked you if you’ve ever done a team ranking before, and I think you said you didn’t know, but I’m gonna answer for you. No, you have not.

Brian Friend (03:11):

Well, like, you know, prior to the games, probably would like, these are predictions. I’m sure we did that last year for the top, you know, what are all the teams that made the games? But in the middle of the season, probably not.

Sevan Matossian (03:22):

Yeah. This is, uh, this is, I can’t tell, I can’t tell if this is a bold task to rank the teams or stupid because well bear with me here because they, um,

Brian Friend (03:35):

I think I even addressed that in the article. Basically,

Sevan Matossian (03:38):

It’s so, well, you do say this, you do say this in the article. Um, for anyone who wants to follow along, uh, head over to, uh, b friendly fitness.com. Uh, don’t put in the period, it’s just a letter B and then the word friendly fitness, all one word, uh, dot com. You do it, you do say, Hey, this is basically twice you reiterate, Hey, this is gonna be hard without, um, seeing them compete. I really need to see these guys together on the floor at least once to, uh, evaluate. Yeah. This isn’t anything permanent. I mean, as

Brian Friend (04:09):

Opposed to, I think there are two key key elements to that. Okay. You know, one is, especially with, uh, team competitions, I think there’s a lot of limits to what you can test in the online format. And a lot of elements of teamwork that can be tested to a higher level and with a greater, you know, kind of diversity in a live setting. And that’s why I, I wanna see some of these teams compete, especially when you couple that with the fact, what I wrote in, in here is that, uh, you know, how do you handle new teams cons, compose of extremely talented individuals and assess their potential when you haven’t seen ’em in a live setting against teams who have been competing together for a long time.

Sevan Matossian (04:50):

Are there teams that have been competing for a long time?

Brian Friend (04:53):

Yeah. I mean, the fourth team on the list, for example, CrossFit, OZO, Navy Blue, they’ve been second place at the games to Mayhem Freedom the last two years. It’s the same, it’s the same team from last year. They did have one replacement of the male between 2021 and 2022. Uh, Nikolai joined their team, but Lena, Ingrid and Ivan have been on that team. Now. This will be their third consecutive year. They also have, I think, six teams out of CrossFit Oslo that are competing at semi-finals. So it’s a very, like, there’s a lot of opportunity for team training in that environment, more so than probably anywhere else in the world. Maybe CrossFit, Invictus, the CrossFit Invictus team is the exact same team that came back last year, but aro surrounding those teams, you have East Nashville, which is a new team, Torian Mayhem, which is a new team, and no shortcuts, which is a new team. And CrossFit, Franco Miso, which is a new team. So you have even at the top a blend of new and old teams. And, you know, I’m doing my best to kind of assess some of what I think the potential is in some cases. In other cases, I think I, I, I kind of know because Andrea and Taylor have been doing this forever. You know, we know Tola has a lot of team experience,

Sevan Matossian (06:01):

Uh, that, that, um, that picture of Tola, we’ll go back to in a second. Who took that? Is that a Patrick Clark picture too?

Brian Friend (06:08):

No, this one, um, is just from proven. Oh, they took that during, I believe whoever

Sevan Matossian (06:13):

Took That’s an incredible photo.

Brian Friend (06:16):

Yeah. And proven, puts out good media.

Sevan Matossian (06:19):

Uh, Bailey Bailey Walker, uh, team Verdant. Uh, yes. For a dollar 99, you can purchase a few seconds of Brian’s, uh, brain to speak about some fucking obscure team. Thank you. Bailey. Uh, is, is this even a team? Team? Verdant CrossFit

Brian Friend (06:32):

Checking something here.

Sevan Matossian (06:34):

Did she just waste a dollar 99?

Brian Friend (06:37):


Sevan Matossian (06:38):

No. It’s not raining in California. Not, well, not, not right now at my house. The sun should come out. Thank you for asking. But it did rain for like three days straight. A team verdant,

Brian Friend (06:50):

I believe. I believe there are some teams from the west coast. Yeah, they’re, I would consider them to be in the hunt for kind of an outside game spot in the North America, west

Sevan Matossian (07:04):

Bri Brian is Brian. Is there a team that, um, that’s like, been together for like five years, the same four people? Like, does, does that, that exist in the top 40?

Brian Friend (07:15):

I think, I’m not sure for exactly how long, but the team that I have ranked 12th CrossFit Portee out of Finland, they have been competing together for a while. I know, for at least three years now. I’m not a hundred percent sure beyond that. But I, I spoke to them at, um, oh, and throw it on last year. Uh, they were in the top ten two years ago at the games. So in, I think in terms of experience working together, the same people, they’re kind of towards the top,

Sevan Matossian (07:42):

This team that has Laura Iso Pusa on it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, she’s a great name. Look, look at, look at the guy’s first name. Did they have a guy named Jusa? And then they have another, a girl named Joseph Lua Jo.

Brian Friend (07:56):

Yeah. It’s like the finished version of Joshua. I think Pet 30 is the finished version of Peter.

Sevan Matossian (08:00):


Brian Friend (08:02):

Josh and Peter. You even call him Josh and Peter, if you want.

Sevan Matossian (08:05):

So that team’s meant, thank you. That, so that team’s been together. Oh, look at Sam Stewart down at 14. That’s an individual athlete. What’s he doing?

Brian Friend (08:11):

Yeah, so this is another good example. The CrossFit walleye athlete team. Sam Stewart, former individual games athlete, Joshua Vish, Throupe German national champion in 2019, competed at the games. Mia Hesketh, obviously tons of experience, individual and team, and an Antonio Faul Kalinsky Outta Swim, uh, Sweden. She was on the CrossFit Nordic original team that placed in the top five of the games two years ago. They did compete last year, but they had to make the substitution based on that, uh, the ruling from CrossFit about one of their athletes living too far away and not training with them enough or some, you know, whatever they decided there. So she’s got a lot of team experience. She also won the RX division at Waap Alza two years ago. So this is a, a team that was assembled this year that has a lot of experience individually, some team experience. And I’m not entirely sure how good they are. I mean, obviously to put ’em 14th is pretty good worldwide.

Sevan Matossian (08:59):

But Sam’s an, Sam’s an individual male athlete though, right? He’s a games athlete. So

Brian Friend (09:03):

Vish vru and shows Mia

Sevan Matossian (09:05):

Wow. From last year?

Brian Friend (09:07):

No, no, none of them last year, but at some point in their career. So these are, that’s certainly a team that when I, when I see them compete in Berlin, it’s possible I walk away with there and I say, yeah, as good as they are as individuals, just some of the teamwork and chemistry stuff, I think it’s gonna hold them back this season compared to, you know, other teams or I might say, damn, everything that was thrown in ’em, they looked good. They, they moved in sync, they had good communication. There was no kind of budding of egos or heads or anything like that. And maybe this is a top 10 team,

Sevan Matossian (09:36):

Uh, uh, Alyssa, I just have to say, can we get more Masters 35 to 39 and less teams at the games?

Brian Friend (09:42):

I think those

Sevan Matossian (09:43):

Things are In terms of what? In terms of what? In terms of getting media attention?

Brian Friend (09:46):

No, I think she’s saying in terms of the number of athletes participating there. So she wants less teams. I think that what, what we’re gonna talk about when we get, especially towards the middle to bottom of this list is that there are definitely enough teams worldwide that you could field the 40 competitive teams at the games, but with the current distribution of spots, you’re missing 25% of the best 40 teams in the world because they’re all, they’re all in North America East.

Sevan Matossian (10:10):

And the article addresses that, that basically, and I think we will get to that, or we could even do it now. Uh, Brian mentions in this article that’s on b friendly fitness.com, that, uh, he thinks 17 or 18 of the teams best teams, uh, in the top 40 17 to, or 18 of the teams in the top 40 all come from North America East, and then another 10 from North America West. Right. So that would give North America 27 of the 40 teams if, if we were just wanted the best people there and not a, a distribution of, uh, global representation. Well,

Brian Friend (10:42):

And I mean, and I have,

Sevan Matossian (10:44):

Are you hating on that by the way, or do you agree with that? I mean, the, although it may depends consistent. It’s nice having global representation, isn’t it?

Brian Friend (10:52):

Yeah. And I’m, I have the same contention that I have for the individuals is, you know, if you want global representation, guarantee one spot and then let ev you know, to everyone and then let performance, especially in the team division, I think even more so than the individual side, you’re gonna have this massive turnover year after year. Just new team is being created, team’s filtering away because it’s not one person that has to make a decision to compete or not. It’s an entire team. It might be four or six people and a coach. Can we all get to the same place at the same time, have the best equipment and the enough training to actually be relevant and competitive in, in this season and be healthy season is long, and be healthy and be healthy, which we’ll get to some of that today too. But, um, you know, but it just depends on, and I, I always will, we’ll caveat this anytime we talk about, you know, CrossFit, the CrossFit games team’s execution or administration of the season is what’s the purpose, you know, and, and how much work are they willing to do to try to achieve that goal?


Or is it just like an easy way out 10, 10 and 10, 3, 3, 2, and let’s everyone go to the games?

Sevan Matossian (11:59):

Um, switching, uh, subjects again a little bit. Um, I have this biased, it’s, it’s probably, uh, un um, unsubstantiated, but I, I feel that when people leave individual competition that they won’t be as good when they come back. And, you know, and you have people like Annie who left on the craziest terms right? And came back and kicked ass. You have Sam Quant, you have these cl clear people that have like pr that don’t fit in that paradigm, right? That do leave and come back and still perform at, at a really high level. But for some reason, I can’t unstick that. And I am concerned when I see people like Sam Stewart go team, right? He’s still young, and I’m very excited this year, uh, to see what happens to Sam Samwell. Kornya.

Brian Friend (12:44):


Sevan Matossian (12:45):

Uh, I, I would even go as far as this, I know this is blasphemy, but I would even go as far as to say even training with Rich, rich isn’t going into the red anymore, right? And, and, and you need to be going in, you need to be training with people who are going into the red on a regular basis. Uh, if, if you want, if you wanna be go to the games, right? If you wanna be an individual, I just find it fascinating. I’m very, very curious what, uh, uh, Samwell Cornay is gonna be like this year at the games. Very curious.

Brian Friend (13:15):

Yeah. And just, just to follow up on the other side of that spectrum, we’ve talked about the 35 to 39 masters division in particular already this season, and that they’re the number of participate participants they have, which is number pushing towards 35,000 in the men’s division alone, and the quality and caliber of athlete that they have. I think either way you look at it, there’s absolutely no denying that a field of 20 is sustainable at the games for that division. The CrossFits still has this choice that they’ve made to have the same number of qualifiers in every age group division from 14 and 15 to 65 plus everyone gets 10, and it has no reflection on the participants or the quality of the field. And I’m hopeful that that will change in years coming. They already have that system in place for the adaptive divisions where they just flat out telling, if you don’t have enough participants, then you don’t get to go to the games. You don’t get any representation there. But in the master’s division, where you have some divisions that have 10 times or 20 times as many registrants as others getting the same number of qualifying spots, that kind of assessment of the, of the fields of play is basically missing.

Sevan Matossian (14:22):

Let me ask you this, would you rather have 20 masters athletes and seven events, or 10, uh, or, or, uh, 10 masters athletes and, and eight events. I personally would rather have 10 masters athletes and eight events as, as a spectator. And I’m, I’m just, I’m just being honest with like, what about this compare to the CrossFit games? What, let’s say they do bring in more people. Okay, well then they say, okay, the masters are gonna have a big cut after day one to help mitigate the, the stress of having so many more people to deal with. Or what if we reduce it by one event? Doesn’t have,

Brian Friend (14:53):

There doesn’t have to be any more. So

Sevan Matossian (14:55):

You want your cake and you want to eat it too? No,

Brian Friend (14:57):

No, no, no, no. Oh, oh. I’m saying that in the divisions that have 20,000 plus registrants, they get 20 spots to the games. Okay? In the divisions that have less than 2000, they only get five. Okay. And the five that will be removed from the 65 plus and 60 to 65 divisions will be supplement. You know, then you’re gonna have an almost a net same number. Additionally, you know how they, in this, um, semi-finals this past week, they scaled more, more, they had more scaling options than they usually do historically in the open. And even this past year, 17 to, or 16 and 17, and everyone who’s 35 to 54 has the same loading, the same rep scheme ever, whatever. This year in the semi-finals, 35 to 44 had the same stuff, 45 to 54, same. So they broke it down more, and then there was an a third scaling option.


And to your PO point, point, maybe the 55 plus only needs seven events, but maybe the 35 to 44 can have 10. You know what I’m saying? So you can also taper it that way based on their age, that it’s more responsible to have fewer events for the 60 plus athletes than it is, and the 35 year olds can handle, you know, 10 or 11 events. So you could have a little bit of flexibility in a lot of different ways. That’s actually addressing the, the competitive pool of athletes in each division, not just with the weights or the movements or the reps, but also with the number of qualifiers and the number of, um, of events that they do at the games. You know, right now, based on the last conversation that I had with Adrian Bosman, he’s handling the programming for every division for every part of the season. He’s the first touch point. That is a ton of work

Sevan Matossian (16:36):

A ton. I don’t think Dave did that. I think Dave put it off to, uh, pat Sherwood.

Brian Friend (16:40):

I think that that transition happened over time. Right. You know, Dave may have been doing that early on, and eventually he realized, and, you know, there are other people capable. I still gonna wanna take a look at everything, but, right. Um,

Sevan Matossian (16:51):

I also don’t blame Adrian for doing that, especially in, in the, um, as he takes control of the ship, he probably wants to see everything.

Brian Friend (16:57):

No, but I would look at Justin Burke. Justin Berg’s been a around forever, and he probably have seen it both ways, right? And he might say, you know what? I think that we’ll be able to, to manage every part of the season or every division, whether it’s individual team, age groups, teenagers, adaptive better. If we have a different team lead at each one, kind of, you know, maybe we have some, uh, some very specific patterns that we wanna see across all of them. But then take a shot at this, take a shot at this, take a shot at this, we’ll bring it back together. We’ll all look at it and we’ll go forward. It just gives like a, for me, it’s a, it’s a better opportunity to have a more clear mind working on each one than to have one person’s mind, no matter how talented and experienced, you might be responsible for all of them.

Sevan Matossian (17:38):

Right. Uh, on, on a little editorial note, I don’t appre, I don’t like, uh, lots of different workouts and, and maybe I’m wrong and naive, but I like the fewest amount of workouts, especially at the, at the open level that everyone is kind of participating together. I think one of the coolest things about the No open that we’ll find out soon is the fact that Andrew even made it so the men and the women were doing the same workouts. I personally like that. Um, uh, intellectually, maybe it’s not practical, but like, uh, emotionally and intellectually, I like to see everyone kind of doing the same workouts, and I like the programmers to take up the challenge of keeping as many people together as possible.

Brian Friend (18:16):

Yeah. And I mean, I think, you know, even there’s been many times on podcasts or in conversations with friends that I’ve, I’ve been reflecting on quarter finals and I just get confused. I can’t remember which workout was for individuals and which one was for the masters. And it’s like, you know, they could, even though they’re on different weekends, like they could be very similar workouts. They don’t have to be dramatically different. And I’m not, I’m not entire surely sure why they are. Um, you know, maybe there is some kind of a thought progression that it’s like, no, no, in the master’s divisions, we really need to assess this year. But for the individuals, maybe it’s not so important. I don’t know. So that, you know, I, I think that, yeah, and then even at the games, you know, you’ll see some pretty cool workouts sometimes in the age group divisions, and you’re like, damn. Like, I’m pretty sure they could have done a version of that in an individual field, and it would’ve been one fun to watch as well, or vice versa. And they’re, of course, there always are some workouts that have, you know, that are very similar, but there’s some that are not.

Sevan Matossian (19:08):

Uh, uh, Brian and I were talking, discussing about whether just now, uh, there should be more, uh, masters athletes in the 35 to, uh, 39 range going to the CrossFit games. I tried to, uh, point out a compromise, and then I also, uh, raised my voice and, uh, and, and then, and, and Did you see what he did? Did you see what he did? He just pointed at one simple fact. He didn’t, he didn’t go for the emotional feel. Uh, then I attacked him. I said, you want, uh, I went add hominem. I said, oh, you want your cake and eat it too? He didn’t bite at any of those. He just said, Hey, dude, look, it have to register and insert the old muffin of, and, and, and then what do I have to do? I have to acquiesce. At that point, this is just a common, uh, decency in, in, in conversation and thought, I, I, that’s a fucking winner right there.


Half the fucking people who are, who are getting into this, uh, this open, um, are, are, are, are oldies. And it’s like, yeah, then, then accommodate them at the games they wanna participate. And the truth is, those guys are real 35 to 39. Um, there’s, that’s still an age where there’s gonna be outliers there who are doing stuff that are completely ridiculous and worth, uh, highlighting. W is recovery really the, the thing that different differentiates a 35 and a 25 year old? If you had to just pick the, the primary thing, like you got two guys who are just amazing, but just the 25 year old’s gonna be ready for workout two before the, uh, 35 year old.

Brian Friend (20:30):

Um, uh, in that, like, in, in a vacuum, I would say yes. Okay.

Sevan Matossian (20:35):

Really just sweeping generalization.

Brian Friend (20:38):

Yeah. But like, look, I’m looking at, I’m looking at the 35 to 39 men’s division right now. And in spots 11 through 20, you have Steven Ft, former games athlete legend in the uk, you have Giannis Papadopoulos, this incredibly fun to watch, super strong guy. He set the deadlift record on the, the touch and go deadlift or the Dead Stop deadlifts a couple years ago. You have Elijah Muhammad and Paul Trombley don’t need to say much about them. And Kyle Ruth, who I think was second place at the games in this division last year, and those guys are all out. Of course, there’s, in the masters, there’s always gonna be people that come in. So there’s some other guys like Nick Roberts, Diego Himenez, Chris Clyde, Yasuhiro, uci Bori from Japan, that also would’ve been in if they got 20 athletes. I’m sorry. But I would love to see every single one of those guys competing at the games.


Elijah Muhammad, Paul Trombley, the guy who got second place last year, Giannis Papas, these guys in the, if the right workout come out, could win a workout at the CrossFit games against Rich Froning and Scott Pan. It’s in Sam Dancer. Like there’s, they’re specialists in certain things. They have experience to draw on. That’d be fun to see. You know, it doesn’t always happen, but like the fact that there’s a guy who’s 20 in the top 20 in the world in this division that’s from Japan, that’s awesome. I would love to see that guy competing there against these people. You know, you’ve been asking for it on these shows. We wanna see like Oriental Asian people at the games competing. Where are they? You

Sevan Matossian (21:57):

Can say, I don’t think you can say

Brian Friend (21:58):

Oriental. Yeah, you can because Yeah, you can, because Okay.

Sevan Matossian (22:00):

Sorry, my bad.

Brian Friend (22:01):

They, they have a distinct look that’s different than the people from Western, Western Europe,

Sevan Matossian (22:04):

Asia. I apologize for bringing political correctness to this show. I apologize,

Brian Friend (22:07):

Whatever. And, um, the point is, there’s a guy there in Japan who’s in the top 20 in the world in what I would say is the third most competitive division worldwide after the elite men in elite women. And he, and, and with a slightly different system, he could have been there competing. And I think that we would’ve had a better overall experience with that division, which is, I mean, it’s gonna be fun in anyway just because of the top guys, but, um, I think there’s a big miss this year.

Sevan Matossian (22:32):

Oh. Uh, what is the average age of a team athlete? Do you know that? I know that’s a lot of people, but you know why I’m curious about that is I, I wonder if it’s an, an older crowd,

Brian Friend (22:46):


Sevan Matossian (22:47):

Or, or, or what maybe even as interesting is maybe,

Brian Friend (22:49):

You know what Oriental means, by the way?

Sevan Matossian (22:51):

Yeah. It’s the kind of carpet. We, we had an Oriental carpet growing up as a kid from the Orient. From the Orient. It

Brian Friend (22:56):

Means Eastern Eastern, so Oriental Asian means Eastern Asian as opposed to Western Asian. If you go into Mexico, there’s two mountain ranges, the Oriental and the accidental one’s on the east, one’s on the west. It’s not an age term and it’s not an offensive term. It’s a descriptive geographical term.

Sevan Matossian (23:11):

Fuck. I’m gonna start using that. Thank you. I appreciate you liberated. Uh, a word from my vocabulary. I appreciate it. Thank you. I’m very concerned about offending people. Corey Leonard, uh, $10 thoughts on Franco’s Misfits and the other Franco’s team. Uh, what does that mean, Franco? I know Misfits. What’s Franco’s Misfits?

Brian Friend (23:31):

CrossFit Franco’s is a gym in Texas. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this team in particularly is asking about the Francos Misfits are ranked six on my list currently. They consist of Brandon Luckett, former games athlete, Logan Collins, former games athlete, Alexis Johnson, former, all former individual games athletes, and Shayn Lori, who is not a former individual games athlete, but has a lot of experience on fairly competitive teams, both in and outta the CrossFit game season. I think that they are, I would say I would consider them, like someone said earlier, there’s only five relevant teams. I think that’s a little bit shortsighted. Um, I would say they’re definitely,

Sevan Matossian (24:07):

Which would be far more than last year,

Brian Friend (24:09):

<laugh>. Well, if you’re talking about the, the winner, I suppose. Yeah. But as you know, I’m far more interested in the, in the competition than just the winner. I like to know about many and more of the teams and people competing because I recognize how difficult it is to get there and how talented. I mean, look, I’m telling you, anyone who’s on a team that finishes in the top 10 this year, extremely impressive. It’s a, it’s, it might not have that, that star power of a rich froning that you’re referring to, but there’s plenty of talent and plenty of depth in the team division this year. And it’s one of the reasons why I made this list.

Sevan Matossian (24:42):

Uh, Luckett was the, he, I mean, I think I had him on the show and he said he ba he retired. I think he was taking over, uh, he was an individual athlete and I wanna say that maybe he’s a doctor or he is in some sort of like medical devices and he’s taking over his dad’s business. But I guess

Brian Friend (24:58):

Casa Francos is in Louisiana.

Sevan Matossian (25:01):

And then we got Logan Collins. Logan, uh, was the one that was having issues. He was trying to avoid going to Canada last year, right?

Brian Friend (25:08):

Yep. Winner of the, uh, FCI finale in 2017, the only person to finish the work.

Sevan Matossian (25:15):

Wow. And then Alexis Johnson, this is another games athlete, correct?

Brian Friend (25:19):

Mm-hmm. <affirmative>

Sevan Matossian (25:20):

And then, I don’t know who this is.

Brian Friend (25:22):

Shaylin Lori.

Sevan Matossian (25:23):

Shayn Lori,

Brian Friend (25:26):

She was on the team she was on last year, was unable to compete at semi-finals or the games, or one of their teammates popped for steroids.

Sevan Matossian (25:33):

Okay. But she’s not like from the Special Olympics or anything. She’s legit.

Brian Friend (25:36):

She’s legit. Okay.

Sevan Matossian (25:38):

Alright. Uh, wad zombie. Look, we’re not even gonna have to organize the show. There’s just so much money coming in. We just answer questions for an hour and then be done, or you answer questions. I collect the money. Uh, wad zombie. Welcome to today’s episode of Brian correcting S’S pronunciations Fair. Um, I probably read that too late. The timing’s probably off on that. Um, Brian, you were saying that, uh, we, we were talking about the, the star power on a team. Looking at these teams, big picture, is there a team on here that’s as likely to win as we would say that the Mayhem team was likely to win when, uh, when they competed? Is there, is there a like, Hey, don’t even watch this, these guys got it. Is there a Tia Tomi here?

Brian Friend (26:29):

I don’t think so. I think that, um, a lot of people might feel that way about the proven team. Obviously I do already have them at the top of the rankings. And basically, I just think that, you know, as I have thought since the, basically the Rogue Invitational team division, uh, when they had that tug of war that one year and they were on still on O two three black, that Taylor and Andrea are the best women, especially when they’re on a team together in the, in the team competition of CrossFit. And when you have the top women, it’s a huge advantage. Um, now look, the women on the next five or six teams on that list are also incredible. I mean, even down to eight there, Kelly Stone and Mary Kay Dry silk are phenomenal as individual athletes and great team athletes. But Taylor and Andrea have always found a way to kind of distinguish and separate themselves from the rest.


Tola and Tim are more than good enough to compliment that. And so I do think they’re the favorites, but I am by no means Sleeping. I CrossFit Invictus, that team has one singular goal this year. They have good, great chemistry across all four of them. I believe all four of them are improving individually and as a team. I th I I, I won’t be surprised if another team is kind of in the, in the mix, but my instinct right now is that those two teams will pull away towards the end of the weekend and be within 30 points of each other for the overall title.

Sevan Matossian (27:52):

Um, uh, Tyler Watkins from Fantasy, uh, fitness League Note Launcher from Launcher Leader Boarding. Um, Shayla won the Crash Crash Crucible this past year. She’s very legit. Uh, he’s referring to Shaylan, who we, we were just talking about on, uh, CrossFit Franco’s team. And the Crash Crucible is, uh, um, JR Howell, who will be on the show tonight. Uh, it’s JR Howell’s competition. So she is legit. Mm-hmm.

Brian Friend (28:19):


Sevan Matossian (28:21):

Oh, yeah. All right. Uh, I, I, I, I’m pulling for Invictus. I, it, maybe it’s cuz I had Jorge and Devin on the show and I really liked them and, and obviously I’ve seen Devin around the cross, the community. You

Brian Friend (28:33):

Haven’t had Al Chama on the show yet.

Sevan Matossian (28:35):

No, that’s a, that’s a mistake, huh? Probably a mistake that they haven’t had all of them on the show. Yeah,

Brian Friend (28:39):

You should get ’em all. Did you, who’d you say you had on?

Sevan Matossian (28:42):

I had, uh, Jorge and Devin. I’ve had Tim Paulson on, and Taylor and Andrea too. And I have to say I really enjoyed all of them too. But maybe it’s just, um, uh, because of how recent I had Jorge and Devin on.

Brian Friend (28:54):

Yeah, I mean, I think pajama is a, is a, is a, is a good story. Fun, fun personality. I think you’d really like a conversation with him.

Sevan Matossian (29:03):

Yeah. You seem disappointed. I’m gonna, I’m gonna, uh, DM him immediately when the show’s over. Um, how, how close is this gonna be if Invictus wins? You’re not surprised,

Brian Friend (29:13):

I just said, said I thought it would be within 30 points by the end of the competition between those two teams.

Sevan Matossian (29:18):

And, and so you wouldn’t, but so you wouldn’t be surprised at all?

Brian Friend (29:22):


Sevan Matossian (29:23):

Uh, Taylor and Andrea will dominate.

Brian Friend (29:28):

Yeah. I mean, look, when we say that the, the Mayhem Freedom team, team is not coming back, well, half of it is. They were, you know, they were the women on that team the last two years. We know obviously how good, you know, rich is and what he’s done, but Andrea and Taylor have been on teams that have beaten richest teams before, not at the games, but, uh, you know, they’re legit. And so I, I do think that I give them the nod, but I don’t think that it’s a runaway by any means.

Sevan Matossian (29:52):

Um, CrossFit Riverside, 1999 for some beer. Thank you. <laugh>. Um, uh, Victor.

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