Sevan Matossian (00:00):
Dude, I’m telling you, this is, this show is gonna be insane. The shots, the, this is just, this is Birdie City. This isn’t Frisbee Golf. This is Birdie City. Barry, sit back, throw down a shot of something and just enjoy the sweet tones of Brian and
Brian Friend (00:20):
Haven’t brought a disc tonight.
Sevan Matossian (00:21):
Oh, that’s nice.
Brian Friend (00:22):
Captain’s Raptor.
Sevan Matossian (00:24):
Oh, hold that in front of your mouth when you talk the captain. That’s In’s Raptor. Oh, yeah. It changes the, uh, texture, the quality of your voice. Extra sloppy for, uh, for the few Salle Show athletes like her, Pauls and Matthews, et cetera, make the best guests because they’re connected to the rest of us and the affiliates keep having them on. Okay. If you say so, Matthew? Who’s Matthew? Nick. Matthew. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Olson. How about Froning? He’s in the affiliate. He’s in the affiliate. How about Ariel Lowen? Well, she’s in a, in a, in a knockoff affiliate. Fake affiliate, but still something, uh, I wonder why the ad leading into Chevy’s podcast is noble. Ah,
Brian Friend (01:05):
Sevan Matossian (01:06):
Thank you. Noble <laugh>. Okay, listen, here we go. This is gonna be incredible. Uh, Brian, Brian actually has, uh, uh, uh, reeled me in a little bit. He’s pointed, uh, he’s given me a little more direction this week on who to focus on. So I’m not all over the place. So I’m not just like constantly choosing Ezra Adder hold because of his tight pants.
Brian Friend (01:29):
Should we give a little, a little context?
Sevan Matossian (01:31):
Please, please. Let’s do it.
Brian Friend (01:34):
So this is the first major of the year. There are four majors, um, with the, the culminating one at the end of the year is called the Tour Championship, but this is the Champions Cup. It’s played at a really famous and, and well designed disc golf, um, property. So there’s, it’s called the International Disc Golf, I think, uh, center. And there’s like three really big really good courses there. This one they use for this tournament. All the best players are playing, um, for, well, for the most part. Actually, a couple of ’em didn’t, didn’t qualify for this. So you, you know, the qualification process is a little bit steep. It’s a deep field, but we’re gonna end up, we’re gonna start in the third round, is that right?
Sevan Matossian (02:16):
Uh, we’re starting in hole one, uh, round three, front nine,
Brian Friend (02:21):
Right. And so it’s, uh, it’s a four round tournament. So a lot of the tournaments that we’ve covered have been three round tournaments. This one’s four rounds. And we’re just gonna,
Sevan Matossian (02:28):
Brian didn’t even tell me that. I had to figure that out on my own. Thank you.
Brian Friend (02:32):
And we’re going to, you know, they play the same course four times. We don’t need to watch, uh, necessarily the same course four times, but basically halfway through the tournament, you’ve got a, you know, a group of maybe 10 players that are still in it. And most of them are not the players that we have been highlighting and featuring who’ve regularly been in contention throughout this year.
Sevan Matossian (02:52):
Okay. So there’s a cohort of guys, I don’t know how many, 150 guys who are professional golfers can play in this 15 week season. 15 event season, tournament season, tournament season. But you’re saying four of the to, and then the, the culmination, whoever has won the most tournaments based on some point thing, um, is the best Frisbee golfer for that year. But you’re saying within those 15, there’s four that are called championships, I’m guessing that means they’re worth more points and all 150 dudes aren’t, aren’t invited.
Brian Friend (03:28):
Yeah, that’s basically right. It’s not, um, it’s not that they’re not invited, it’s just that there’s a certain process that you have to go through for qualifying. It’s a little bit more rigid than some of the other tournaments since it’s a major. So there’s, you know, there’s multiple paths in similarly to a, you know, a golfing major, but we, we were missing a couple big players. Ricky Wesak didn’t play in this, I think cuz of injury. Ezra Ader Hole didn’t qualify or missed the registration. And a couple others that we really haven’t talked about yet, but a majority
Sevan Matossian (03:56):
Of can win. Can you win the, can you be win the, can you be the 2023, uh, uh, uh, P D G A champion, uh, without going to one of these majors? Are there so many, are there so many points that you really need to,
Brian Friend (04:13):
And there are more points on the line of the majors for sure, but you know, you could do well enough on all the other ones to get into the final tournament and then, and still win. You could also do well enough on, you know, the other tournaments to amass enough points to be the, the tour champion for the points long or the season long points total.
Sevan Matossian (04:30):
Um, Judy Reid, I like the man bun. Well, of course you do. You’re Chinese and this bun accentuates my Asian features, my Asian Armenian heritage. I knew Caleb, I knew that would get at least some facial change from Caleb. Not a lot, but some. If I use, uh, I claimed Asian heritage, I knew he’d be like, Hmm. He seems a bit of a stretch, but, uh, okay. I’m a mind reader. Uh, Savon looking tan as fuck tonight. Well, uh, tomorrow I’m gonna the beach. Uh, I’ve been been to the beach. Uh, I went to the beach this weekend of both days and now tomorrow I’m going tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Brian Friend (05:05):
I would say that the la the last thing to note before we start watching is in disc golf in general, you have two different types of courses. You have open courses where, uh, changes in elevation and the wind are usually the primary factors and sometimes distance. And you have wooded courses where you have to be a lot more precise and accurate with especially your T shots. And if you’re not, you get punished for it pretty dramatically. And this is a wooded course. And so it could be one of the reasons why we see different players rising towards the top in this one.
Sevan Matossian (05:36):
So there wouldn’t be a hilly wooded course
Brian Friend (05:39):
There, there can be co you know, combinations, but generally if it’s an open course, they’ll, you know, they’ll try to use other elements of the land to, you know, make a challenge. Whereas in the woods, the woods create enough of a challenge as it’s,
Sevan Matossian (05:52):
So if it’s a a, a woody hilly course, that mixture is like a transgender man who still likes, oh, I don’t, that’s gonna, I confuse myself. Okay. I can’t, can’t do that metaphor. That was too many leads. And
Brian Friend (06:10):
So some, you know, some players feel that at the majors they should be playing on multiple courses. Yeah, a wooded course and an open course. Yeah. Or that you should try to be selecting a course that has a combination of holes like we saw at the Waco tournament where they had six or like nine of the holes were in the woods and six and nine of ’em were not in the woods.
Sevan Matossian (06:27):
Mm-hmm. Okay. So it’s not, it’s not like sacri to to, to mix those. It, it happens.
Brian Friend (06:32):
Yeah, definitely.
Sevan Matossian (06:33):
Okay. Um, I look at Austin, this, this question is, he’s just showing off, are there mandos in open courses? Yeah, there Mandos everywhere. What kind of fucking question is that? That’s just, you’re just trying to show off, right? He’s just trying to show off that he knows the word Mando. Is that what he’s saying? Do they,
Caleb Beaver (06:47):
Do they use more Mandos in open courses than they do in wooded courses?
Sevan Matossian (06:50):
There you go.
Brian Friend (06:52):
Uh, I wouldn’t say it’s a definitive answer one way or the other. Usually they’re, they’re gonna put the Mandos in there for one of three reasons. One is to eliminate a specific shot that’s either over like another, another hole’s fairway or where the audience is gonna be standing. Sometimes it’s because they want to specifically, you know, in like, they want to, they designed the hole for an intended shot and they wanna make sure that people do that because some of these guys are extremely clever and can just throw these kind of ridiculous lines that the course designers might not have thought of. And then thirdly would just be for, um, you know, uh, safety type things. Like if there’s something over on this side of the, like that’s not really part of the property or something like that.
Sevan Matossian (07:33):
How many discs do you need for disc golf
Brian Friend (07:38):
<laugh>? I, I mean, I would say that if you wanna, you know, if you want to go play most of the courses you would like, the minimum you I would want is probably two. I’d want to have like a midrange that I’m pretty confident throwing up variety of different shots with and a putter.
Sevan Matossian (07:53):
Uh, this is interesting, Trish, uh, dear Mr. Brian. Friend, Mr. I can’t text you back my elderly fuck toy. Are, are you? Wow. Okay. I, uh, let’s talk, take that one offline and talk later. Uh, PG P D G A is the professional Disc Golf Association championship cup. Like, uh, Brian said there’s four of them. This one is, uh, in happens to take place in
Brian Friend (08:22):
Sevan Matossian (08:23):
Georgia. And, uh, they were bragging that, uh, during this event, there were, um, uh, athletes there. Can we call these guys athletes
Brian Friend (08:33):
There? I mean, I guess
Sevan Matossian (08:35):
There were athletes there from nine different countries, uh, playing in the tournament. And, uh, I forget they even claimed like the people from 14 different countries have played at that, uh, facility. So that’s like their big, you know, they’re, they’re strutting their shit. They’re in a truly international, uh, sport.
Brian Friend (08:51):
Yeah, and I mean, look, there, there are tournaments all over the world and some of pro players in the off season will travel to Japan and they’ll play some tournaments there. They’ll travel to Australia or New Zealand and play some tournaments there. There’s tons of tournaments in Europe and tons of good players in Europe, but not all of the best players at all those tournaments come over to the United States, which is where 14 of the, of the 16, um, you know, pro tour events are. So the fact that more and more are starting to do that is something that, you know, the commentators that we’re watching have all been around the sport forever, and it’s something that is encouraging to them,
Sevan Matossian (09:28):
Uh, Jamie. But is there a limit on disks? Uh, like there is on clubs? No, these fucking guys will roll a tractor out there with 3000 discs in it. These guys are retarded.
Brian Friend (09:38):
Yeah, I mean, someone asked that when I did the in the bag video the other day, and I, and I said, I haven’t been able to find, uh, a limit. Like, you know, it’s whatever you’re willing to carry on your back or roll on your cart.
Sevan Matossian (09:48):
Hey, I’ll ask you in the middle of the show, there’s, I, there’s some weird shit about this game. Okay, Dick butter, no one cares. Roll the footage and let’s make fun of these dorks. Okay, action. Uh, round three, front nine, uh, hole 1, 660 feet par four, uh, Schultz, uh, Silas Schultz. It’s, it’s a weird combination of names. It’s weird for me to the, the guy’s first name is Silas and his last name Schultz. Doesn’t seem like it should be that way, but Silas Schultz off the t Silas does, he’s going down that right side. Yeah.
Brian Friend (10:24):
So first of all, this hole is one of the best holes on the course. And, and a few of the players like specifically say it’s one of their favorite, uh, holes on tour or their favorite hole one on tour. You have a few different options off the t obviously you can see that this course is gonna be very wooded from the very beginning. It’s a power floor and depending on what position you’re in, the second shot can be just as challenging as the first one. Is that the caddy that had the fle to catch the last,
Sevan Matossian (10:49):
In the last, now listen, how did you spot that Caleb? You’re talking about the guy in the pink shirt? The round guy. Yeah. Okay. Now there’s a lot of caddy questions here. First of all, that wasn’t even really his caddy. He d the guys don’t actually have caddies. The cards have caddies. No.
Brian Friend (11:07):
That no,
Sevan Matossian (11:08):
Uh, that’s true. I the facts. And because because listen, they said Gannon’s caddy from the past changed because he’s only a lead card caddy. That’s what the commentator says. Unless that was a joke and I didn’t get it.
Brian Friend (11:20):
So basically there’s a, so Silas Schultz, Isaac Robinson was in the background there who we’ll see today. Gannon Burr, Alden Harris, Isaac’s brother, Ezra Robinson. There may be one or two other guys. They’re all like really good friends. All of ’em are between 19 and 20 or 18 and 22 years old. They’re just this young group of guys that has come up and all made it, you know, some level of success on the professional tour. And that guy is part of their friend group. So he cad he usually caddies for whichever one of them is doing the best. Isaac is having his dad caddy for him for this tournament. They’re from Georgia, it’s their home state. So his dad was at the tournament. And so the next best guy in their group was Silas. So I think he got him as a cat.
Sevan Matossian (12:00):
Okay. And then not only that, but this guy’s CADing for two people.
Brian Friend (12:05):
Oh, is he?
Sevan Matossian (12:06):
Yeah. We’ll get to that in a second. I, I, I I I time coded it. Some weird shit, by the way. That’s an incredible story there that Brian just mentioned. That guy right there in the light blue green, I don’t know what you’d call it. Shirt. Yeah, right there. That’s Isaac Robinson. And Brian just said his dad, uh, is caddying for him. Remember that? That’s, uh, that’s fascinating. I I had no idea. Okay. Uh, okay. Uh, so, uh, a good Silas, looking good off the T uh, 4 25, uh, I don’t know what the fuck this guy’s name is. Is this Nicholas Ni Nicholas?
Brian Friend (12:35):
Yeah. Nicholas Ant. He’s from Finland. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, uh, I absolutely love this guy. He is stone cold. Like I, at 21 or 22 years old, whatever he is the moment, I never see the moment get to him.
Sevan Matossian (12:47):
He’s basically miko, sailo without weight lifted, <laugh> without, he’d never lifted a weight in his life. Uh, off the tee, uh, remember 660 feet par four. A good way to just kind of think is that these guys can all throw about 300 feet muscle mans. No. You know, some guys
Brian Friend (13:01):
Can throw, throw 500 feet.
Sevan Matossian (13:03):
Okay? These guys usually throw about 300 feet. So when you see 660 feet, it’s probably gonna be two throws to the, uh, to the, uh, basket. That’s the way I like to think of it.
Brian Friend (13:13):
Yeah, I mean, this looks like a pretty good shot. It’s right on the edge, so he’ll, he’s not entirely sure what kind of a look he’s gonna have going into the pen.
Sevan Matossian (13:21):
Uh, and, uh, 5 29. Uh, second throw for Nicholas, uh, like I said, this is a par four.
Brian Friend (13:33):
So he does have an opportunity here. He is gotta throw a flex for him. He really, really likes this red disc, but didn’t get a good result on that one.
Sevan Matossian (13:41):
It looked like the cat. He was taking a bong rip at the end there. Did you see that? Look at him. He’s got like his mouth on something right there. Look at, on that water bottle, <laugh> six 40, Schultz’s third toss. Does he make it in the basket? Uh, Silas Schultz par four. No. That may have needed audio. Caleb, just so you know, you slipped
Speaker 4 (14:15):
De starting hole.
Sevan Matossian (14:17):
Here we go.
Speaker 5 (14:18):
Come on.
Speaker 4 (14:19):
Oh, Silas almost recreating the magic he had on hold.
Brian Friend (14:24):
Yeah. And Silas, by the way, he’s never been in a position like this before. Um, this, he’s coming into this tournament. He’s ranked 68th in the world, and he is never been on a lead card at a major. He had a really good round one. He had a great round two. And he’s, he’s, you know, he’s played himself right up here into contention for the first major of the year with, you know, halfway through the tournament.
Sevan Matossian (14:46):
Uh, hole two par 3, 390 feet. Don’t forget, this is the third round, only one round to go. So these guys are doing the front, uh, front nine. So basically these guys, these guys have how many hold 36 holes left. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they’re halfway through the tournament. Okay. And just so you know, I’ve, this is the fifth week I’ve been watching the footage. I have not seen one attractive girl. I don’t know if I’ve seen one girl. Now, the thing that I can’t, I have not seen one, I haven’t seen anything that I think has a vagina. What if I have,
Brian Friend (15:17):
There is a woman’s tour.
Sevan Matossian (15:18):
I’m just saying, I’m just letting you know that that’s a lot of time. Uh, I should get some sort of a metal for this. Oh, like, uh, like a, I see one metal, a whole whole two par 3, 390 feet. Uh, Isaac Robinson, this is your first look at the man. This is gonna be, this is, this is the reason this week matters is because of this man Isaac Robinson.
Brian Friend (15:42):
Yeah. And he, Isaac Robinson pretty much only throws backhand. So he’s along with a, a guy named James Conran who’s also on this card. Actually, they’re probably the two best players in the world that really try to avoid their forehand at all costs. And in some tournaments that ends up being detrimental. You know, it’s nice to have all the options, but this course with the control that he has with his backhand, he can get away with it, you know, on almost every hole.
Sevan Matossian (16:09):
So you guys see it was a par three. He threw it within, uh, putting distance to the basket. Uh, I mean basically all these, anytime we see the basket and then the, uh, disc off the t, that means an ace was possible, right?
Brian Friend (16:22):
Yeah. There in theory. Yeah. I mean, it’s pretty specific shot, but, you know, he could have, if that was a few feet further, it might have skipped in.
Sevan Matossian (16:30):
All right. So, so he, so Isaac set up for a, uh, a birdie, uh, nine 15 Nicholas the fin. There’s dys mania shirt on.
Brian Friend (16:48):
And Nicholas, you know, he played some pro tour events last year in the States, but he has his only, I think he might be, he’s either, I think he’s 22 and he has, uh, a lot of wins racked up in Europe. So he is one of the best players in Europe.
Sevan Matossian (17:01):
Uh, Nicholas 9 28 going for the putt. His second shot, uh, like we said, short hole, 390 feet, should get it in two shots. Man, he looks young, right there doesn’t, he looks like he, he’s 12
Speaker 5 (17:15):
Speaker 4 (17:17):
We normally see pretty routine star frames and not gonna see four bird
Sevan Matossian (17:27):
Long shot 30 feet.
Brian Friend (17:29):
That was further than 30, that was probably more like 45 50. And he just had a little awkward stance, so he couldn’t quite get enough power on it to, you know, to get it all the way there.
Sevan Matossian (17:37):
What was the, uh, what is that the, that base of the basket called? Did he hit?
Brian Friend (17:41):
They usually called the Cooi.
Sevan Matossian (17:43):
Brian Friend (17:44):
But that’s the thing that’s, you know, protecting it. Otherwise it would just be the pole
Sevan Matossian (17:47):
I’m familiar with. The cooi keeps your beers warm or, or more realistically hides your beers from the cops, right? That’d be probably a more, that’s a more honest Thank you kid. I’ll tell
Brian Friend (17:56):
You something.
Sevan Matossian (17:57):
Yes. Uh, 9 38 Silas Schultz, uh, going for the basket, minus 21 on,
Speaker 4 (18:12):
Uh, Silas. Good effort.
Sevan Matossian (18:16):
Yeah, good
Brian Friend (18:16):
Effort. You promised everyone a birdie fest and the first three holes you chose just three fuck ups.
Sevan Matossian (18:21):
Disgusting. Uh, finally a man you will not see a lot of, but he’s, he’s in the lead card. He’s everywhere. But I, I hardly ever pick any of his shots. Conrad for the putt, this is the other guy that only uses the backhand that Brian was talking about,
Speaker 4 (18:42):
And Ames off the right side that
Sevan Matossian (18:46):
Brian Friend (18:46):
Does that James Cond, how Stick, uh, James Kred was the 2021 World Champion and he threw the savan Did you know this about James Condre?
Sevan Matossian (18:56):
Tell me
Brian Friend (18:56):
He was the 2021 World Champion.
Sevan Matossian (18:59):
Oh, I, I, wow. Wow. For the, for the, for the whole thing.
Brian Friend (19:03):
He threw what is, what is, um, the most famous shot in disc golf history. It’s called the Holy Shot to beat Paul McBeth that year, actually to force a playoff. And then he beat Paul McBeth in the playoff. It is, I think if you wanna watch the best nine holes of disc golf ever, I would say that the 2021 back nine final round between James Conran and Paul McBeth, or the 2022 European Championship back then between Paul McBeth and Eagle McMahon are the two best nine holes of golf you could watch.
Sevan Matossian (19:34):
Well, and all those guys are at this tournament,
Brian Friend (19:37):
Sevan Matossian (19:37):
Uh, but, and, and Conrad kind of looks like Jesus. So it’s kind well, which is, that’s why I’ve never seen Jesus. Oh, is that why they call it the holy shot? The holy
Brian Friend (19:44):
I think that that’s an element of it.
Sevan Matossian (19:45):
Yeah. Oh, did he make that?
Brian Friend (19:47):
He missed that part right there. But the holy shot he made.
Sevan Matossian (19:50):
All right. All right, fine. A whole three par four, seven hundred and twenty six feet. I personally have learned that I prefer watching, uh, the holes that are shorter. I’m a, I’m a par three under 400 foot kind of guy in terms of my, for my visual experience.
Brian Friend (20:07):
Yeah. And there are a lot of par fours and fives on the scores too,
Sevan Matossian (20:12):
Silas. Oh, uh, yeah. Silas Schultz off the T Great shot.
Brian Friend (20:20):
And it’s ki it’s pretty cool. Silas has a really good forehand. Isaac Robinson’s arguably the best backhand player in the world. And these are the guys that are contending for the, you know, the lead here. So not many ways to get it done. So,
Sevan Matossian (20:31):
So Brian, that tree right there, was that cut down bec for the course?
Brian Friend (20:35):
Um, I’m not entirely sure. Okay. It obviously looks like it was cut down recently, and I’m sure that, you know, there’s Friday different reasons that they cut it down. I would guess not. I would guess there was something else going on that they needed to do that.
Sevan Matossian (20:48):
Okay. Uh, 1315 Schultz. No, no, sorry. Sorry. Did we just see Silas Schultz off? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who do we, uh, no, no. Yeah, sorry. Uh, Nicholas off the T almost doesn’t, so he’s gonna be taking on those trees right there.
Speaker 5 (21:10):
Hey, he takes them on
Sevan Matossian (21:11):
Pretty well. Hey, good.
Brian Friend (21:14):
Pretty good Shot about 25 short.
Sevan Matossian (21:18):
Uh, 1355. Uh, no, sorry, 13, 15. Back to Silas Schultz, his second shot.
Brian Friend (21:27):
So a perfect spot here in the fairway. Also a pretty good shot. Pushes a little further, but similar distance to Nicholas.
Sevan Matossian (21:43):
Uh, how’s the stutter? Or, or is the stutter pretty bad? Or is it okay?
Brian Friend (21:48):
Sevan Matossian (21:49):
Bad. It is bad. Anyway, we can, can you, can you redo whatever you did last week, Caleb?
Speaker 5 (21:53):
Yeah. Just gimme a sec.
Sevan Matossian (21:55):
All right. Fine. Uh, imagine you’re an 80 year old oak tree, uh, Trish, thank you. Imagine this. While we wait for Caleb to fix some technical problems, imagine you are an 80 year old oak tree, and you see one of these skinny little twinks walking out with a chainsaw Hmm. At 120 year old, uh, Oak Tree. Why 80? Uh, will Conrad, uh, who will play Conrad in the movie about it? Oh, geez. Here,
Brian Friend (22:20):
We, they actually, they actually did make, uh, a documentary on Disc golf network about that shot and him winning the World championship that year.
Sevan Matossian (22:30):
How is it? Is he good?
Brian Friend (22:32):
Um, I think it’s okay. I mean, it’s, it’s, to me, it’s kind of like when I watched the CrossFit documentaries, it’s like I already know so intimately, like what happened, that there might just be a, like a few little things maybe here or there that an, that an athlete says that I wasn’t expecting them to say or that give me an insight that I didn’t know. But I felt the same way watching that. It’s like, I followed the season pretty closely last year too. And so all the buildup and everything else, I pretty much knew. And there were just a few interviews with him that I thought were okay. But, you know, I’ve, I had already listened to him talk about it many times. If you never, if you don’t know what happened, it was pretty well made, I would say.
Sevan Matossian (23:09):
All right. I gotta a look. Uh, it’s stuttering worse than Joe Biden. Is it on YouTube?
Speaker 5 (23:13):
Brian Friend (23:16):
Are you asking the people?
Sevan Matossian (23:18):
No, I’m asking you, is it on YouTube?
Brian Friend (23:20):
Oh, no, I, I don’t know, actually. I think it’s on. I know it was exclusively on Disc golf network for a while.
Sevan Matossian (23:28):
What does this mean? So that camera comes with a feature to Posturized time. What does that mean? Posturized customized. Okay. Uh, Caleb will be back soon. Uh, we’ll pick up with, uh, 1355, uh, Nicholas an for the putt. We’re on hole three par 4, 7 26 Nicholas for the birdie James to get up
Brian Friend (23:55):
There to
Sevan Matossian (23:55):
Save his bogie.
Speaker 5 (24:01):
Good. Birdie,
Brian Friend (24:02):
Can we talk about this, this putt, you know, pretty much every term that’s a distance putt that you have to have dialed in if you want to be in contention for these things. And Nicholas is gonna hit a lot of putts like that.
Sevan Matossian (24:13):
Uh, how, um, how far was it?
Brian Friend (24:16):
Like 25 to 30 feet?
Sevan Matossian (24:18):
Uh, 1424. Silas Schultz for the putt also to match the birdie. Let the birdies begin. Wow. Just like that. I saw acting
Speaker 5 (24:30):
Sevan Matossian (24:31):
Anyway, you heard the audio. We might not have the video this week, but we have the audio, uh, whole four par three, three hundred and twenty seven feet. How’s your connection, Brian? Good.
Speaker 5 (24:48):
Brian Friend (24:49):
I mean, I’m seeing what you’re seeing.
Sevan Matossian (24:52):
Okay. Uh, here’s the guy, Isaac Robinson. You’re gonna be seeing a lot of him, uh, on this episode of the seven podcast. Hold four par 3, 327 feet. That means he can ace it. That means he can ace it. He can, he can put this in the basket. There we go. I saw like 12 frames there.
Brian Friend (25:13):
Yeah. And pretty much perfect shot. Just works it up the right side. A little high is there and he curls it up to about 10 feet. And again, that’s like, that’s what he’s known for. And he’s, and unlike Sila Schultz, Isaac Robinson has been in contention at big tournaments before. He has been on lead cards regularly, and he is only 22 years old. Last year was his first year on tour, and he did pretty well. And this year, obviously, he’s, uh, also had some good tournaments and he is doing well here.
Sevan Matossian (25:39):
This is the lead card? Mm-hmm.
Speaker 5 (25:40):
Sevan Matossian (25:41):
Uh, okay. Uh, Conrad. Oh, no, sorry, Nicholas. Uh, I scratched off the number, you know where it’s at? 1644 or something. Okay. 16. Oh, that’s the same haircut. I have
Brian Friend (26:04):
Pretty similar shot. Ends up in a pretty similar space. And you know, I think, uh, I think Nicholas is one of the, like most, I, I enjoy watching him throw the disc. He just has a really smooth shot. It’s a very similar pattern every time. And it’s something that I think anyone who wants to learn about disc golf can really emulate is this follow through. Like after you let go of the disc, what your body continues to do matters.
Sevan Matossian (26:29):
Uh, same, same hole. Uh, now this is Conrad for the putt. Isaac and Nicholas were able to get the birdies.
Brian Friend (26:37):
I like that you added that in there.
Sevan Matossian (26:39):
Thank you. I’m trying to up my game a little bit this week, especially
Speaker 4 (26:42):
The three here in the circle. James, continuing his C1 ways.
Sevan Matossian (26:49):
What does that mean? His c1?
Brian Friend (26:52):
So circle one. Oh, okay. That’s within 33 feet of the basket. If you’re inside 11 feet, they just counted as parked. It’s a tap in. I mean, I guess you could miss it, but if you’re between 11 and 33 feet, that’s called C one X. And so it’s a stat that all of the players will look at, at the end of the tournament. It was, what was my C one X putting percentage. And they want it to be a hundred percent, like in their mind as a pro, that’s a distance they should never miss a put from. Uh, I would say like, and like, you know, if you have, if you’re in the 80% that range, then you probably had a bad round as a pro. And then they’ll have their circle two putting percentage, which is a big RA that’s 34 feet to, to 66 feet. So obviously like 40 foot foot feels very makeable. A 60 foot putt might feel impossible depending on how far into the woods you are or whatever. But, um, that’s another thing that they look at their circle one X and circle two, putting percentage.
Sevan Matossian (27:40):
How many ground flags do they use, uh, to make the circle for the athletes? Is there a standard amount?
Brian Friend (27:46):
No, and actually I’m already preparing for next week’s tournament. And the, the guys that were playing the practice around there had commented that the demarcations, the number of demarcations they use for Circle one X at the course that we’ll we’ll cover next week, is the most impressive amount that they’ve actually seen yet this year.
Sevan Matossian (28:03):
Wow. Okay. All
Brian Friend (28:04):
Right. I can’t, I, hon I can’t wait for that tournament. It’s my favorite. It’s, I think it might be my favorite course on tour. My second favorite course
Sevan Matossian (28:09):
On tour. And you’re, you’re playing in it?
Brian Friend (28:11):
No, uh
Sevan Matossian (28:11):
Oh. Okay. Uh, a whole, whole five par 3 4, 432 feet. Uh, Isaac Robinson second year as a pro. As Brian stated earlier off the t
Brian Friend (28:25):
And here you can really see how tight some of these corridors are. I mean, that might be, if you walk down to the tightest spot on the fairway, which might be 150 feet from where they’re throwing, it might be a wing spanse width of distance that they have to hit the line.
Sevan Matossian (28:39):
You can hear the dis squeak as it goes down that corridor. <laugh>, I made that up. Those guys should have used that. I think they said that was the hardest. Uh, that might be the hardest gap. Uh, on, on the tour, right? Or something like that. Mm.
Brian Friend (28:52):
There are a couple on this course. I think fif five, 14 and 17 are kind of like, you gotta be on the money for those.
Sevan Matossian (29:00):
Alrighty. Uh, 1840 Nicholas Anila also off the, uh, t
Speaker 4 (29:12):
Must avoid here, Nicola just once again, I mean, that shot surgical. Yeah,
Sevan Matossian (29:17):
But the difference between that surgical Isaacs is, is what? Nevermind. We don’t care. Uh, great throws. Uh, and Nicholas is in second place, uh, currently. Ty for a second, it looks like with minus 21. And the guy you just saw go before him. Isaac Robinson is the course leader. 1956. Conrad, former champ. 2020. Gosh, one. What a shot. Oh, that is good. Let’s watch his arm stop right here. Talk about control. So any more follow through in his arm, hits that tree back there. And I, and that was, um,
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