Sevan Matossian (00:00):
Bam. We’re live. Oh, shoot. Darn it. Standby. Bam. We’re live. I went to bed last night at like, uh, nine 15. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t think I actually went unconscious until
Mattew Souza (00:23):
Sevan Matossian (00:25):
But it was nice. It was nice being in that position and then sleeping in an extra hour. I think I woke up at, at five. I think I’d already tricked myself after doing three shows at, um, 6:00 AM Pacific Standard time that I was ready to go. But man, yesterday I came in like
Slow. There was a lull. Guys, everyone look at Suza. What he’s doing is he’s listening to see if he likes the fade out. Cuz he made this and, um, <laugh> yesterday. He’s like, how did that work? Hey, there’s a button. You have to click this thing that says no loop. Yeah. It’s funny. Yeah. The default is to loop. So every time I started, I, I just barely got there in time. Anyway, that was good. I like that thong song. My wife’s like, aren’t you guys gonna get in trouble for that? I’m like, not in trouble. At most we’d get a copyright ding. But do we, like, did you see one pop up already? I haven’t seen it yet. On the back end. I think those were good. Y yesterday, um, I was saying how I never saw anyone. Hi, Caleb. Good morning. You can talk with that thing in your mouth. That’s awesome,
Mattew Souza (01:25):
Sevan Matossian (01:26):
Um, uh, there’s gotta be your mom joke in there, right? <laugh> your mom. Same
Mattew Souza (01:33):
Thing with that thing
Sevan Matossian (01:34):
In her mouth. Ask your mom the same thing. Um, so yesterday I was like, Hey, I’ve never seen anyone in a suit, uh, ever, ever utter or of a word an ud, an u or a word of wisdom. And then someone said, what about Jordan Peterson? I cannot think if I’ve ever heard Jordan Peterson utter a word of wisdom. I cannot. And that’s why it’s important to define it. And, and I, and I did, I did not define it yesterday. I was just referencing to the characteristics of what wisdom is. But I thought of a good example for you. And, and it it goes along with cultivating the, these abstract ideas of cultivating space, cultivating self-awareness.
There is, uh, I, I’ll give you an example. And, and this is even, this is even more, um, one, I haven’t defined it for you, jackass, I haven’t given, been given you good examples, double jackass. And now I’m gonna give you an, uh, an example that is, is is even further away. It only points to kind of the character. It points to a characteristic of what wisdom is. But I still haven’t defined it for you. And I could give you some abstract definition. Like it helps you d uh, tr transcend, um, uh, right and wrong. And yes and no. But I, I don’t think that, I don’t know if that helps. No, but I’ll give you an example.
When you’ve cultivated enough space between your awareness and, and then this, this avatar that you’re surfing the world with this Sevan character or this Matt Suza character. You, when you ask a question, a yes or no question, um, there would be no difference in, there would be no difference in if the person responded yes or no to someone who has wisdom to someone who’s cultivated space. So if someone a, you know, a child, my kids have zero wisdom. So they do stuff like, um, uh, can I have a toy in the store? And, um, you say they, they want the answer to be yes. They, they don’t, they they already have an answer that they want. They’ve already set themselves up for failure and you say no, and then they have a reaction to that. No. Or you say yes and they have a reaction to that. Yes, a wise person does not, that’s not how they operate. There’s a space there. There’s no difference in what the person responds. They would never set themselves up for that. They’re separate from that play.
They point at things. They point into eternity. A wise man points into eternity. Rank of wisdom by character on my screen. Caleb Suza, Trish Suza, Seon. Yeah. No, probably <laugh>. Yeah, it’s usually the quiet guy who’s the wisest. I mean, this is, I mean this a characteristic. I mean, it’s a, uh, fair double suza then one guy down here, <laugh>. And the guy who’s talking about it the most is often the guy who’s trying to figure that shit out. He needs to learn it the most. I’m I, I ain’t hating, I ain’t hating that. That’s why all these things like fake humility is not wisdom.
Fake humility is not wisdom. Wisdom is not something you can fake. There’s a ton of things you can fake a ton of things. Wisdom is one of those things you cannot fake. We, we will get to the bottom of this. A comment from Ryan Cot, K C k A u t, just waiting for me on my screen, not even part of the show. Asshole completely hijacked the show <laugh>, when se Whenev comments about, uh, hoping a bunch of money lands on the podcast when they still have zero show notes, zero background info on guest slap shows up, slap shows up. What’s that mean? Slap shows up. I dunno what that one means. All the other stuff I totally understand means zero background on the guest, zero show notes. Uh, and, and then on to the next, oh, what? Like we did his mom, <laugh> <laugh>, slap her up, all the wanna slap your mom up and move on to the next. Uh, and then Hope Money arrives, ignores TD C’S advice. What? That’s the live shows like doing. People live in here? I think so. What about, how about ignoring? I ignored SU’s advice too, and doing shorts and hiller’s advice and doing shorts. I, I’m what I’m, I’m offended by the fact you should have on their, and, and, and most importantly, lose Caleb to a fucking real job. How about that
Mattew Souza (06:07):
Caleb Beaver (06:13):
I also like how they think that Dave is the, he’s the all knowing of podcasts.
Mattew Souza (06:19):
Caleb Beaver (06:20):
I haven’t seen Dave on one podcast other than ours. <laugh>
Mattew Souza (06:23):
<laugh>. I,
Sevan Matossian (06:23):
I told you, I told you guys that story about, um, one time at the CrossFit podcast. I think I just told it a couple days ago, but I’ll tell it again. Um, uh, Tommy Marquez comes in and like, he, he, he was like, he was like such a fucking know-it-all. I cannot believe that. Believe the way he used to fucking talk to me. Um, he, he would come in and, uh, we’d be like 10 shows into the cross podcast. So what’s the intention of your podcast? How come you have no intro music? You, you have no intro music, you have no outro music and just all these things that he deemed as professional and like, just kind of like, uh, uh, like, he was like, like I just bought a book, how to have a successful podcast, <laugh>. And he said to me, um, uh, and I’d be like, well, my, my, one of my hope hopes is, is, and you have to remember at this time, like, I’m running the media department at CrossFit Inc. He’s just a, a fucking employee, like maybe three tiers down from me down D o w n
Mattew Souza (07:16):
Sevan Matossian (07:17):
Yeah. In the chain of command. And, um, he would say, oh, so what’s your point of the podcast? I’m like, well, I’m, I’m hoping that I can bring any guest on here and through the conversation it can be interesting and enjoyable for anyone that everyone has a story that’s worth hearing. And I hope to like elicit that from them. He goes, well, you’re very far off from that <laugh>. I was like, damn,
Mattew Souza (07:39):
There is nothing
Sevan Matossian (07:40):
Constructed. The nature. Oh my God, God, nothing
Mattew Souza (07:43):
Constructed. Hey, we’ll give, uh,
Sevan Matossian (07:44):
Well, I just go ahead.
Mattew Souza (07:46):
Well, I was gonna say, I forgot the other dude’s name who just commented. I was like, at least he gave some actionable items,
Sevan Matossian (07:51):
Ryan. Yeah. Yeah. Ryan, these are, I don’t think these might be true. Can you imagine if we put zero? What if we put show notes down and all of a sudden toe spacers, like, hey,
Mattew Souza (08:01):
Sevan Matossian (08:02):
We’re gonna allow you giveaway tomorrow a nude picture of Danielle, Brandon on your show. That’s our fir like <laugh>. All she’s gonna be wearing is a pair of toe spacers. Yeah. You’re like, holy shit. With, why’d you, why are you guys jumping on board? Well, I noticed you had show notes
Mattew Souza (08:15):
Background. I’m just like, I’ve got information on your guest <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian (08:19):
Dude. He might be right. All the, the thing is, is those guys might be right.
Caleb Beaver (08:23):
Do you wanna see his YouTube channel?
Sevan Matossian (08:26):
<laugh>? Who? Uh, uh, Ryan Kotz couch. Yeah, sure. Yeah. What’s he got? Is he killing it?
Mattew Souza (08:30):
Watch, he’s killing it. So,
Caleb Beaver (08:31):
Good. Dude.
Sevan Matossian (08:34):
Look, west side. Let me tell you. Isn’t there some sort of like rule, like how you can’t wear a west side shirt? That’s like me wearing a UFC shirt, dude. Well, I mean, you’re not allowed to wear that.
Mattew Souza (08:44):
He said after one month of hospitalization.
Sevan Matossian (08:47):
Oh, alright.
Mattew Souza (08:48):
And he’s got, and he’s got a walker behind him, so maybe he had some sort of, um,
Sevan Matossian (08:52):
Oh, those are aspirational goals.
Mattew Souza (08:54):
Maybe he had some sort of hip or something like that issue.
Sevan Matossian (08:58):
Vertical iness. Oh wow. That’s intense. Hey, I, I ain’t hating on the dude like that. You can, you can not have a great, like, you can, he, he’s just a, a, a dude who’s probably just using the YouTube platform just to hold videos for him. I, I ain’t, I ain’t hating on ’em for nothing. And I, and I don’t even mind those comments by the way, j Ryan, I’m not mad at you. These are all, do everything you’re saying. I wish we had, I wish we had show notes. I think Caleb does show notes sometimes. I wish I had time to do background guests. Um, I’m too busy like reorganizing the 100 pairs of shoes I have in my closet all the time to do that
Mattew Souza (09:36):
<laugh>. But this,
Sevan Matossian (09:38):
Um, and, and I wish I sometimes, like I I, I kind of wanna have a live guest. I set it up, but like, um, yeah, that’s all I I I ain’t hating. Um,
Mattew Souza (09:51):
Thank you for the feedback.
Sevan Matossian (09:53):
Thank you. Yes. To you and to Tommy
Mattew Souza (09:57):
Sevan Matossian (09:59):
Hey, maybe that should be the Chocolate Dong song instead of the thong song.
Mattew Souza (10:03):
Now we’re talking.
Sevan Matossian (10:04):
Mattew Souza (10:05):
Now we’re, now we’re talking.
Sevan Matossian (10:08):
Uh, oh my goodness. How about this? Hey, Savon, I’m from Australia and you’re mostly right about our healthcare crisis in Australia. My very fit, healthy 70 year old father had a heart attack a few days back, uh, one day later he was having surgery and got two stents put in. He watched the news and believed their lies and had four jabs. Oh, no. He asked the doctor of his jab related and the doctor said he couldn’t say
Mattew Souza (10:35):
<laugh> legally <laugh>
Sevan Matossian (10:37):
My father believes. Now, uh, if it’s emergency, like then this’ll get you in. Uh, other non-essential for sure. Oh, man. Thank you for your good work. Keep spreading the, the, the truth. I I paraphrased a little bit. Um, wow. Okay. Um, there, do you guys, do you guys remember the guest we had that when I say you guys, do you guys think I’m talking to you and Caleb do you two or do you think I’m talking to the audience?
Mattew Souza (11:10):
I think it’s a collective of all of us.
Sevan Matossian (11:12):
Mattew Souza (11:12):
It’s just one
Sevan Matossian (11:13):
Big, I don’t even know. I said you guys, I’m like, wait, who am I talking to?
Mattew Souza (11:16):
Whoever gives the answer That’s
Sevan Matossian (11:19):
Do, do you, do you remember when we had the guy on and he schooled me on, um, on gorillas? Maybe it was Chaffey, but that basically they eat a bunch of greens and then they have bacteria in their gut that consumes those greens, and then that bacteria takes a deuce in your gut. And that deuce is the protein.
Mattew Souza (11:37):
Yeah. Yeah, I do remember.
Sevan Matossian (11:38):
Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, oh, shit. Like, wow. And that’s how they get their protein. And so the, if you were to kill that bacteria in those gorillas, they’d be toast.
Mattew Souza (11:51):
Yeah. With like lucky charms or something.
Sevan Matossian (11:53):
<laugh>. Oh shit. Diet, diet. All the diet Coke and 3000 branches of that, um, of that push over there. Dead.
Mattew Souza (12:01):
No more protein.
Sevan Matossian (12:03):
I don’t know, by the way, I’m making that up. I don’t know if Diet Coke kills bacteria. Oh, here we go. Trish. Just adding in a, a bit of Trish True stuff. They have like five miles of digestive track. I, I just want you, so I wanna, I wanna can show you just like, get you guys thinking about something real quick, uh, here. Um, Jesus, nothing else. Perspective, perspective, native Americans, Columbus, wait, hold on. It must be on the other end. Must be down at, I’m going down to the bottom of the list, Caleb. Um, and the five hundreds. Five. Jesus, I, I, I swear. Oh yeah. 5 22. Yeah. The one says gorilla protein. Yeah. So, so check this out. So this is basically what I, what, um, Chaffey told us when he was on the show, but it’s kind of cool hearing it here.
Mattew Souza (12:49):
There’s no such thing as protein body. Think about the gorilla. What protein is he getting?
Speaker 6 (12:54):
He gets his protein from the 18 kilograms of vegetation that he eats every single day, enters the very specific gut microbiome with bacteria that gorillas have, that humans do not have. That breaks down the cellulose in a very, very certain way and converts it and synthesizes amino acids, which are essentially proteins. You can try to eat like a gorilla all you want. You’re not gonna end up looking like a gorilla. You’re gonna end up looking very skinny and very ill looking like these guys. And you’re gonna start believing things like protein doesn’t exist.
Mattew Souza (13:26):
You know, there’s
Sevan Matossian (13:26):
No, okay, so, so now we have, we, we have what our, um, we see, we see what they’re doing, right? They’re, they’re eating vegetation and we’re tripping. We’re like, Hey, how can we have to eat animals? And these fuckers don’t. And then somehow, you know, we, maybe we can trust scientists into believing this whole bact, this idea that that vegetation is eaten by a bacteria in their stomach and produces amino acids, right? Sounds believable, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> some sort of like, uh, um, cohabitation, right? Like those, like those fish that swim around the sharks and like are swimming through their gills and shit, and they’re not getting eaten by the shark. Like they, they got something figured out.
Sean m food is not real different. We’re gonna need to get <laugh>, we’re gonna be an expert, okay? Uh, and, and, and then, and then I read this book recently, uh, called The Moth and the Iron Lung. And basically what they were trying to explain is, is that if you, if you put arsenic and lead into a person’s mouth and they eat it on a regular basis, what it does is it destroys their, their gut and it destroys their intestines and it destroys their stomach. And basically what ends up happening is, is, um, that matter in your dietary track, whatever that is between your fucking mouth and your anus, it’s supposed to, that food, that that stuff that goes in there is supposed to be protected from entering your bloodstream. So that way, if you were to eat some tetanus or some, uh, polio caucus or whatever they call that, that shit, um, it stops it from getting into your bloodstream and you don’t get those diseases. But if you eat arsenic and lead, it breaks down your, your, your gut and it starts passing through that whatever that barrier is that that blood barrier between your intestine and, and your blood. And then that’s how, that’s how polio is. That’s the cause of polio. That’s the premise of this book Caucus. Yeah, the caucus
Mattew Souza (15:22):
Sevan Matossian (15:22):
It’s not a really flattering picture of Danny, by the way. It’s, it’s really not. You
Mattew Souza (15:27):
Think the show just a different one?
Sevan Matossian (15:29):
No, actually I like it <laugh>. I think when I see that picture, I, she’s looking at me like I’m a fucking a, a Turkey and she’s holding a fork and a knife in her hand. She wants to eat me. That’s what I see in her eyes. Like we’re on a desert island together and she’s about to fucking, I turned into a Turkey. So, so that, that, that’s, that’s a believable premise. And, and you can google around and you can find all sorts of people who talk about that provax, anti-vax, pro-drug, anti-drug. You’ll find a lot of people who say, yeah, if you fuck up the gut, um, and shit starts passing through that wall into your blood, you, you’re fucked. It’s not, it’s this, this one is not a stretch either. This gorilla one I have, I’ve never heard anyone push against that gorilla one either, have you?
Mattew Souza (16:12):
No, but
Sevan Matossian (16:13):
I’ve only, I just learned about it.
Mattew Souza (16:14):
Yeah. I’ve only heard a few spots. Wasn’t there, um, a chick who spoke at the D d C, Carrie Gillum who talked about all of the, uh, what’s the major chemical company name? Montao
Sevan Matossian (16:25):
Monte. Oh, Monsanto.
Mattew Souza (16:27):
Monsanto. Because weren’t they the ones that were spraying all the crops with, uh, uh, harmful chemicals for pesticides?
Sevan Matossian (16:35):
I don’t know if Monsanto was around. It started in the 1890s. I don’t know if they were around back then, but it was, that book says it was all the same stuff. They do, they do. Now. The, basically the f FDA was in bed with the, um, insecticide companies and they, they hired doctors to be like, no, no, the insecticides are fine. And these portions, by the way, Europe outlawed that shit right away. Soon as they saw it started killing kids. Yeah. At the turn of the century in the 19 hundreds.
Mattew Souza (16:58):
Oh, we could combined our food and drug,
Sevan Matossian (17:00):
Yes. Smart food,
Mattew Souza (17:01):
Food and drug. They’re virtually the same. So we put ’em in the same committee. No conflicts there.
Sevan Matossian (17:08):
Savon, do you have a PO box note? If you, if you have to mail me something you haven’t figured out my address yet, mail it to Suza, uh, Jim, or just fucking ask anyone in the chat and they’ll tell you my fucking address. Unfortunately, I do appreciate all the presents that have been pouring in. Like got, I got the chocolate dick back there. Okay, so, so this is, so it’s, so you guys feel me that there’s something that it’s not as simple as, um,
There’s shit going on. By the way, when your kid is born, they do all these tests on your kid and one of the tests they do, and then to do these tests, they prick the bottom of your kid’s foot and they take a little bit of blood and they can do that like 20 times. If your kid’s in the hospital, it’s kind of crazy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And when you have homers, they ask you, Hey, do you want to take these tests? And of course I’m like, no. And the reason why I said no is cuz I looked up the odds of your, your kids having these sicknesses that they talk about. And it’s like, there’s like, there was like one in California, all those sicknesses combined. There was like one in California the year my kid was born. But, but, but as I recall, these sicknesses are about, they’re all about enzymes. They’re looking for making sure your kids have the proper enzymes. I’m bear with me here so that you, your child can digest proteins because I guess there’s this rare thing that kids can be born with where if they’re not di that they don’t have the ability to digest breast milk or, or whatever you’re feeding them. And that they will, examples of tests for, uh, amino acid disorders. Yeah. Shit like that. Fatty acid disorder. Yeah. Unable to process some sort of food and then the kid dies, but you don’t even know it supposedly.
Speaker 7 (18:47):
Sevan Matossian (18:49):
Yeah, there it is. Fatty has, with these disorders, the body cannot break down fat and food in order to turn into energy. Yeah. They’re looking for these r super rare, um, uh, diseases. And there’s a reason why I didn’t want my kid pricked on his foot, you know, 15 times, uh, in the first 12 hours being born. You can look up the studies on that too. There’s tons of them. So basically it, it, it, it happens. What I’m telling you is, is that there’s, it, it’s really important this process. There’s some fantastic process in our bodies that when we eat shit, we’re able to convert it into energy and we’re able to fight off any of the diseases we’re putting in our mouth, which are by the millions. My kids walk around like this,
Speaker 7 (19:29):
Sevan Matossian (19:32):
All, and they’re on jiujitsu mats all day. Like I had. Something’s crazy. There’s some, some crazy army between your mouth and your anus. Call her. Hi,
Speaker 7 (19:42):
<laugh>. Hey, can I, uh, can I change subject about something
Sevan Matossian (19:45):
Different? No, not yet.
Speaker 7 (19:47):
All right. I’ll
Sevan Matossian (19:48):
Wait. What can, what is it about? Is it, is there nudity in your subject?
Speaker 7 (19:54):
Uh, CrossFit stuff?
Sevan Matossian (19:55):
No, no, no. Could you call back in three minutes
Speaker 7 (19:59):
<laugh>? Sure. Thank you.
Sevan Matossian (20:01):
So, uh, so, so I want you to play five 19 and I want you to know, listen to this very carefully. This, this, this is fucking crazy.
This is a doctor who is checking fucking something called, and you can Google this. There’s tons of, there’s tons of stuff on this that’s not in the wackadoodle world. Tons, uh, bifido bacteria. It’s ubiquitous in, in, in, uh, all human beings and all over the body. I think it’s super duper I fucking important. Go ahead and wiki the fuck out of it. Uh, and then, and then also if you’re interested, type in bifidobacteria autism. Go ahead. We’ll play, we’re gonna play like three minutes of this. Maybe we’ll stop periodically. Here we go. Here’s the doctor.
Speaker 8 (20:53):
I said, well, you know what, since the agenda is the vaccine, let’s look at what the vaccine’s doing in the microbiome. And that’s at the same time as they started enrolling these vaccines, I started enrolling doctors that basically were getting vaccinated. And I’m like, can I get your stools before and after you get vaccinated? You’re poop.
Sevan Matossian (21:13):
Speaker 8 (21:13):
Collect the doctor. And sure enough, people would come to me and they’re like, Hey, I heard you’re like, you’re testing the microbiome. I don’t, I wanna have my baseline cuz just in case I change, I wanna know what microbes I had before. So I’m like, yeah, happy to do it. So, you know, this study that was again, something I undertook myself and paid for myself. We, by the way, we applied for grants and all that waste of time, waste of money. So I basically just dumped my money into this trial. So the first four patients I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe is this is dropping in patients pre and post vaccination. So then I started like asking myself, wait a minute, what’s going on here? I mean, is it creating a bifido? You know, because this is precision medicine. This
Sevan Matossian (21:58):
Is, oh pause. What’s that mean Kayla, when she says, is it creating a bifido bo vaj faj? I don’t know. I’m gonna go look it up. Okay.
Speaker 8 (22:09):
Make you plan it.
Sevan Matossian (22:11):
Oh, you, yeah, yeah, kid, please, please. We’re only gonna play like one more minute there. There’s something she’s gonna say and then I’m just gonna leave it at this alone. But don’t think that she’s off course. People do not think she’s off course
Speaker 8 (22:21):
Of the gut, right? You’ve got your microbiome this way before and you’ve got it after and it’s the same patient and only a certain group of microbes are getting killed. You gotta pay attention. So then, you know, 10, 20, 30, 34 patients later we’re seeing this, you know, killing of the bifido bacteria. And so I wasn’t gonna pub, first of all, there’s no way I was gonna publish this cuz nobody would’ve taken that. So I decided to submit it to the American College of Gastro as a presentation, as a poster. It got accepted at the American College of Gastro as a poster, and then it won the best research award as a poster. Yeah. So all my colleagues called me and said, I didn’t, that
Sevan Matossian (23:02):
Speaker 8 (23:02):
Poster, but that’s incredible. I need that poster. I don’t think this is happening. What do you the vaccine’s supposed to be, you know, improving your immunity. And we all know bifido bacteria is a huge part of immunity. How do you think it’s happening? So then I said, I think it’s creating a bacteriophage or bifido phage. And what we noticed is in four patients that we followed, which were amazing shape, you know, we followed them for, um, 90 days. And then next thing you know, um, their bifido bacteria dropped to like zero from like a million to like zero. So it kept persisting. So there was a persistence in the damage. And not only 90 days, but six months,
Sevan Matossian (23:44):
90, uh, look, look, there she is, Dr. Sabine Hasan. S a b i n e h a z a n. Anyone want to like fact check her? Look her up. There it is. Sabine Hasan. Okay, keep going. Sorry.
Speaker 8 (23:56):
So that was the thing that started making me panic. And then as we were looking at the microbiome of newborns, um, to mothers who were breastfeeding, we started noticing that there’s no bifido bacteria in those newborns. So we asked ourselves, well, I mean, cuz newborns are supposed to have a ton of bifido bacteria, right? 90% of the microbiome
Sevan Matossian (24:17):
Of babies. Guess what? Guess who else doesn’t have bifido, uh, bacteria
Speaker 9 (24:22):
Sevan Matossian (24:23):
Autistic kids.
Speaker 9 (24:26):
Oh, interesting.
Sevan Matossian (24:29):
Mothers who got the vaccine, their breast milk doesn’t have bifido bacteria. Kids with autism, super low levels of bifido bacteria.
Your kids born, you just fucking let the doctors put 50 shots into ’em of different vaccines. Just think, just think, just think how, how obscure is that, that fucking connection of what’s going on in your fucking gut? Wow. She, she, uh, she is really Jewish leim. Oh, is that what that is? That, that affect? Yeah. She got a crazy affect. Bacteriophage also known informally as Fage is a duplo, the Neve virus that infects and replicates within bacteria. And aaia the term was derived from bacteria. Uh, lemme see. Um, bacteriophage composer proteins that encapsulate dna, n or r n a genome and may have structures that are either simpler or elaborate. Their genomes may encode as, uh, bacteriophage or among the most common and diverse and I don’t know what it is. So ubiquitous bacteriophage or ubiquitous virus. Virus, uh, bacteria can carry, uh, viruses that can be expressed and kill the bacteria when the bacteria is stressed. Oh, bacteriophage can, oh, okay. Bacteria bacteriophage, uh, is a virus that can be expressed and kill the bacteria when the bacteria is stressed. Is that, is that what you mean?
Speaker 9 (26:00):
Sevan Matossian (26:02):
Kamala tried to tell us that this vaccine wasn’t safe. <laugh>. I agree. She did try to tell us.
Speaker 9 (26:09):
What did she tell us?
Sevan Matossian (26:11):
Anyway? Just, just, just keep, keep your eye on it. I, I, I find it crazy that I just read that book, the Moth and the Iron Lung and then, you know, you see what you want to see. Someone sends me that link and is like, Hey, look at this. It doesn’t sound like a fucking stretch at all. David Weed says, don’t believe everything you see on the internet. I agree. I agree, but just it’s another data point. It’s another data point. She goes on to say, um, she, she goes, she goes on to say, um, that good luck trying to replace the, uh, what’s that stuff called? Um, befo, bifido bacteria. And because a lot of people will tell you that they have it and they don’t have it. Uh, Ben Hirst chevon, you really think you’re making a connection that doctors and researchers haven’t?
No. Actually, um, what’s interesting is, I, I googled it and there’s hundreds of videos of people, cuz this lady makes it sound like she’s the first one to do it. Actually, there’s hundreds of people already out there who already made that connection. But do I think that I’ve actually made connections that doctors and research haven’t? Yeah, by the tens of thousands, by the hundreds of thousands I do ’em on this show fucking all the fucking time. My question to you is, do you really think that doctors and researchers are making connections or that they’re just super myopic and that they miss this shit? It was very clear to me, um, just with the rudimentary math skills that I had, is that the, the ja the cruise ship off of the coast of Japan was a perfect sample of how Covid would spread. How come? And the doctors and researchers didn’t make that connection, at least the ones I saw in cnn. But now they know, uh, the medical stuff is so complex, very irresponsible to try to make a connection. You have no knowledge about, uh, medical stuff is so complex. Uh,
Mattew Souza (27:57):
Don’t even try to talk about it. Just leave it alone. Don’t question it, don’t talk about
Sevan Matossian (28:02):
It, and it’s very irresponsible. No, uh, Ben, it’s very irresponsible of you to outsource your observation skills in your own discernment. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I have, I’m the only connection. The only connection that I’m making buddy is, is that here you have the, uh, here you have a company in the 1890s that manipulated the government to allow arsenic in. Um, uh, dude, can you imagine this? Ben, listen to this. They allowed arsenic from 1890 to 1952. They allowed arsenic and led to be sprayed on food because of these doctors and researchers. You’re defending li listen to that. I’m gonna say it again. Ben Hirsch, from 1890 to 1952, they had doctors and researchers allowing them to spray lead arsenic on your food. Do you know what they pivoted to Ben? They pivoted to d d t. Dude, you, you are being irresponsible by outsourcing your, your observation and your discernment. Buddy. Don’t argue your limitations.
Do not argue your limitations, buddy. All I’m suggesting is, is that people look it up. And I didn’t make the, but, uh, neither me nor this lady made the connection. I mean, I made it on my own. But then as soon as you Google it, there’s endless stuff out there about it. Endless tons of doctors and researchers who’ve already actually spotted this. Uh, Molly, Ben. Uh, so he’s just a blindly follow whatever everyone says without making an educated decision. Well, you can just see the way he writes, right? He’s, this is all just nervous talk. Mm-hmm. The medical stuff is so complex. This is all just, um, this is just, uh, it’s thoughtfully shit. Yeah. Is what? It’s me. Listen, just do your own little.
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