#817 Brett Pike | Changing the Rhetoric

Sevan Matossian (00:05):

Bam. We’re live. Holy shit. That was quick. That first four seconds of the show just flew by. I looked up and I was, we weren’t live. And then it said four seconds.

Caleb Beaver (00:18):

That was quick.

Sevan Matossian (00:19):

I don’t even do drugs

Caleb Beaver (00:22):

Anymore. Sometimes.

Sevan Matossian (00:24):

Good morning. Yeah. I haven’t seen you in a couple days. What’s up?

Caleb Beaver (00:28):

Oh, nothing. Life Good. Got back home. Yeah. Where were you? Uh, I went back to my parents. I haven’t seen ’em since I got back.

Sevan Matossian (00:36):

Oh, that’s right. That’s right. We talked about it was the first time.

Caleb Beaver (00:38):


Sevan Matossian (00:39):

Good times.

Caleb Beaver (00:40):

Yeah, it was really cool. It was good. It was really fast. But it was good

Sevan Matossian (00:44):

Driving distance.

Caleb Beaver (00:46):

No, we had to fly.

Sevan Matossian (00:48):

Oh, how was that?

Caleb Beaver (00:51):

Uh, it wasn’t too bad. It was kind of a, I had to go through Atlanta. Atlanta’s a disaster.

Sevan Matossian (00:57):

I’m dreading flying again ever. I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s like some old old guy thing or I just, like, for some reason I put this huge like, stop sign in front of the t thought of flying. Let me rephrase that. Flying in a commercial jet

Caleb Beaver (01:16):


Caleb Beaver (01:19):

It’s gotten better, I think in the past few year, the past year, I guess.

Sevan Matossian (01:22):

Good. Good God. Just the, the, I, soon as I think I, when I think of flying, I don’t even think of flying. I think of, um, uh, TSA

Caleb Beaver (01:32):


Sevan Matossian (01:33):

You know

Caleb Beaver (01:33):

What I mean?

Sevan Matossian (01:34):

Yeah. I don’t picture myself sitting on a plane. I picture myself, uh, showing my ID to someone.

Caleb Beaver (01:41):

Goodness. You get TSA pre, it’s way better. You don’t have to take anything outta your bags. You just cruise right through.

Sevan Matossian (01:49):

Brett. Good morning.

Brett Pike (01:51):

Hey, how you doing guys?

Sevan Matossian (01:52):

What’s up dude?

Brett Pike (01:53):

Uh, beautiful morning here.

Sevan Matossian (01:55):

I recognize your, your spot. That’s the spot where I’ve watched you do other podcasts.

Brett Pike (02:00):

Yeah. Well, I prefer to be outta nature, if I can.

Sevan Matossian (02:04):

For sure. Beautiful, fresh air. Hey, where, where are you? What state are you in?

Brett Pike (02:09):

Uh, I’m in the Southern United States. I try not to give away my state cuz Okay. Enough people have threatened to hurt me. I figured. Good idea not to.

Sevan Matossian (02:17):

No shit.

Brett Pike (02:19):

I mean, Doug, I’m not, you know, I’m not crying victim here. It’s no different than the average influencer on the internet gets, but, you know, figure, protect the family best to not divulge that.

Sevan Matossian (02:30):

Wow. Interesting. Wow. Well, I, it’s funny, uh, sometimes people ask me because of the stuff that I say on here, if I get, uh, a lot of hate mail and the haters completely stay away from me, maybe I’m just not popular enough yet. Maybe that’s a bad sign.

Brett Pike (02:46):

<laugh>. Well, you know, be careful what you wish for.

Sevan Matossian (02:49):

Hey dude, you’re doing such good work. It’s crazy empowering kids, uh, to grow up. Um, man, man, you’re doing, it’s crazy what you’re doing. You must be so, you must be so proud of yourself. You must be so excited. You must wake up every morning just pumped. I mean, you’re kind of, it’s a dream job, isn’t it? And you have kids, right?

Brett Pike (03:09):

Yep. I have two beautiful children and an amazing wife. And, you know, God willing will have a third child next year, uh, or this year, I should say, you know, I guess nine months of next year. But, um, yeah, you know, I live my life with a lot of purpose and I really wanted to get to the point where I moved beyond pointing out the problems in the world and really started offering people solutions. Because there’s so many people out there who see problems with the system, and they know that something needs to change. And their only idea of a solution is to look at Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell and all of these ghouls and say, can you guys change something? And let me break the news for you. They’re never going to change anything. But what we can do is we can start building parallel systems and parallel economies from the grassroots level. And it’s a lot like a game of chess where Yeah, you know, KLA Schwab, he has this creepy agenda 2030, and he wants you to eat Z bugs, right?

Sevan Matossian (04:09):

But Z bugs, Z bugs.

Brett Pike (04:11):

But how does your chess board look and how have you been positioning your pieces? Because everybody has a game plan, so you better get one yourself. And if we start building, you know, what happens? Um, it’s really amazing where opportunity after opportunity starts to present itself. And the more people that do this, they’ll realize you don’t have to outsource your power. You’ve always had your power. And the whole purpose of the TV screen and the whole purpose of the show, as I like to call it, is to separate people from that divine truth that they’ve had the power the whole time. Like Dorothy, all she had to do was click her heels together three times.

Sevan Matossian (04:55):

Um, um, um, tell, tell me about that. The, the, the power thing about giving away your power and about instead pumping it kind of back into yourself, investing it into yourself.

Brett Pike (05:04):

Yeah, well, think about, it doesn’t really matter who your guy is, right? So people have their guy they, they clinging onto, and your guy could be Trump or Ron DeSantis or you know, if you’re really lost in your left wing type person, you know, it could be Joe Biden, I guess, you know,

Sevan Matossian (05:20):

Whoever Joey, you can call him Joey, friend of the show Joey,

Brett Pike (05:23):

And, and people clinging onto their guy and they say, now solve my problems. But the problem is with that is one, all of these people are controlled by money. They have controllers themselves, they have people that they answer to. And I know some people will say, but my guy’s not fine. Even with that, the system is so entrenched in its corruption. It’s such a swamp, it’s such a conglomerate of nonsense that even if a good person were to get in there and wanted to make change, they’re limited. I mean, sure they can make some change, but they’re limited to the scope of change that could actually happen. But where your power is, is rather than outsourcing saying, Hey, you know, I support this politician or this or that. No, your power is right under your feet. It’s your God gave you your power, it gave you your two hands, it gave you your brain.


And we have the ability to build parallel systems, right? We could complain about the music on the radio, or you can do, like my friend, um, my friend Anchor Bear, who makes amazing moral music. And there’s so many creative artists. Um, they’re on TikTok, they’re on YouTube, just grassroots artists, um, people like Tom McDonald, people like, um, there’s a really good, uh, I’m forgetting his name, black guy, just Christian Music. He’s, he raps, he’s amazing. Um, a lot of people like that who make really good alternative culture. There’s, um, tunnel twins who does something like me. They make children’s books. Like I write the cups to Bears Books. They’ve taken it a step further. They now have children’s cartoons pushing, um, their view of the world, which I think is great. It’s not exactly mine, but they’re builders. And I respect that. I have a lot of respect for Connor Boch.


I think he’s walked a similar road than me. There’s people like, um, Owen Benjamin who has built his own nation aria, and he has all of these homesteaders coming together, all of these farmers coming together, and they’re building parallel economy is where people are getting to know, okay, hey, you know what? I am a farmer. I butcher cows. Instead of getting your cows from, you know, Tyson and these big box stores, why don’t you get them from me? And what it’s doing is it’s shrinking the supply chain chains so that people are actually reclaiming their power. And every one of us in whatever area of expertise you have, is able to do that. So, you know, if you’re a tech guy, that’s great. Get into the business of helping alternative people who are being banned from things. Build parallel systems and your value will speak for itself.


And because you’re doing it and you’re base, right? That starts to get around to people like me who would say, wow, I really wanna work with that guy. Right? Like my tech guy, um, he works with, um, Tom Burnett, he works with Christopher Gardner, he works with Owen Benjamin, right? He works with these kind of blackballed people. And when I was trying to build my stuff and my website and my education platform, I said, I need a guy like that. I need a guy who I know that when shit hits the fan and they’re coming to get me and coming to cancel me, that guy has my back. And that’s how you become anti-fragile. And it really just, all we need is a mindset shift in the awake, the patriotic community. And you would be amazed. You take a hundred million people and you get them thinking how I think about things, how quickly the world will become what we want it to be.

Sevan Matossian (09:00):

You, uh, go, going back to what you were saying Brett, about, um, people who, uh, just complain or that they just are just pointing out the issues. Um, two bits on that, as you were saying that I was like, fuck, that’s me. I have this podcast. I sit up here, I bitch for, uh, two hours, uh, every day I pull up stuff on the internet. I make fun of people. And then I thought, oh, but, but there is actually something that I’m doing, uh mm-hmm. <affirmative> that’s incredibly valuable is I’ve taken my three boys out of the system and I spend every minute that I’m not on this podcast with my three boys raising my three boys, setting an example for other people around me, that your kids don’t have to go to school. That they don’t, they don’t have to, they don’t have to go in there and be brainwashed.


They’re an example of kids who don’t, were never vaccinated. They’re an example of like just flourishing health. And so e e I guess even on that level, um, I if it, if it bare minimum, you’re not doing what you’re doing, not only living the example, but, but sh um, but giving people opportunities in doorways out of their current, you know, way of thinking at at least live the example. At least, at least walk the walk, right? At least have the values, um, that, that, that show other people, Hey, it’s possible. Right? Well, I’m not a complete, I’m not a complete loser for not, uh, raising chickens and, uh, writing kids books.

Brett Pike (10:20):

No, no. There’s a few things I could unpack.

Sevan Matossian (10:23):

<laugh>. Good, good. Tell me. I’m not horrible. Thank you.

Brett Pike (10:25):

No, I mean, if you look at the systems that we’re going against, right? Yeah. We’re talking about parallel systems is what I’m talking about. Parallel economies, parallel systems. Well, one of those systems that we need to combat, that people need an alternative to is cnn, Fox News and the media industrial complex. So you’re actually, you have created, um, grassroots alternative media options and you know, just like myself, I’m sure you’re right about things, you’re wrong about things, but at least people could go somewhere and say, this guy’s telling me what he actually thinks, not what the funding is saying.

Sevan Matossian (10:59):

Right? Right.

Brett Pike (11:00):

Very powerful in that. And that’s why people should, and I always tell people too, people boycott, you know, you need to support people with the same fur you boycott. Like they’ll, oh, boycott, cnn, boycott Netflix, but are you funding your favorite podcast? Right? Right. Right. Because that’s the alternative to that. And as someone that’s actually been building an alternative to the education system, I know how many different expenses and things of that nature go into building up a grassroots business. So people need to get behind you. They need to get behind what you’re doing and rather than just boycotts. So you know what, that’s where I’m gonna spend my $10 a month. You take a thousand people, $10 a month, put that behind one good person. Now they can make a living and they can start continuing to build those systems. And as all of us raise our vibration, our frequency, our level of consciousness, the more and more people like you in your position start saying, you know, we’re not only gonna point out the problems in the world, but now I am going to encourage my listener base routinely, consistently, as part of what I do.


What are you doing? What is your skillset? And how can you start building a parallel system? And the amazing thing is, when you start supporting your followers like that, and they start supporting you, you create this whole economy, it just gives back. It’s like a feedback loop, um, that is,

Sevan Matossian (12:24):

Look it, look, you just leveraged nine, $9 outta Heidi. She’s like, fine. Like she just threw a $10 bill at us. She’s like, crumpled it up. And she’s like, fine. Look it. Thank you. No, but, but hi, thank you, Brett.

Brett Pike (12:34):

She gets that. I mean, there’s, there’s something very powerful about in-group preference and supporting the things that you believe in. Yes. And I, I have such a unique perspective because of the parallel systems that I’ve built, but the other thing you said was how you took your children out of the system and you’re raising them. Right? And the number one thing that we can do if we want to build a better future is right there with that man in the mirror. You get married, you have kids, you take them out of the system, be in the world, but not of it. You raise them, right? You teach them the skills of freedom. You teach them how to see the manipulation. And when good people start doing that and raising their children and being that example, and, and when I say the example, I don’t drink alcohol ever, not because I don’t like drinking alcohol, but because I want my children to have one example in their life that’s close to them that shows them, you don’t have to be like all those other people.


Mm-hmm. You could live your life on your terms and do things the way you do them. And I, I wanna be that role model, right? Um, so you, you take these steps in your life with, um, personal responsibility with being that example. And it’s exponential the difference that will make in the world to your children. And when you raise your kids like that, like people talk about, um, all of these ghouls, right? You know, these Klaus Schwab types and these Rothchild Rockefeller types. I’m like, you look at them and all of their children like kill themselves. They’re like drug addicts, like Hunter Biden, right? These are like broken

Sevan Matossian (14:15):

God, poor hunter is fucked up, man. He’s a mess.

Brett Pike (14:18):

Well, because they grow up seeing their parents not taking personal responsibility, seeing their parents live lives. And what happens is they themselves grow up and they don’t wanna have families, they don’t wanna have children. They’re broken. They are the broken. But when you raise your children in truth, in doing what is right in morality, in family first, well, those people, and I see them in my homeschool community all the time, you’d be amazed. They have 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 children, right? So that’s how we win the future, and we’ve had the power to do it the entire time.

Sevan Matossian (14:58):

Um, Brett, how old are you?

Brett Pike (15:00):

Uh, thir 34.

Sevan Matossian (15:01):

God, you know so much already. And, and, and, um, were you a product of the public school?

Brett Pike (15:09):

Yeah, I’m, I’m a miracle

Sevan Matossian (15:11):

<laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and, and, um, were, what were, what did your parents do? What was your parents’ vocation?

Brett Pike (15:17):

Uh, my father, um, worked in, um, um, gas for, you know, he was a blue collar worker for his whole life. You know, he’s, he’s older now, um,

Sevan Matossian (15:30):

Like oil fields and shit like that.

Brett Pike (15:32):

No, no, like lico and KeySpan

Sevan Matossian (15:34):

And Okay.

Brett Pike (15:35):

Yeah. Just, you know, union type stuff. Um, so he did that his whole life. And, uh, my mother, when I was early in life, she was a stay-at-home mom. And then when I was, uh, probably about a middle school, she went back to college. Uh, she got a degree, and, uh, she wound up working as a speech pathologist for a little while. Um, but the, you know, the reason I was able to wake up to the world and cause I, you know, people see me now. And, um,

Sevan Matossian (16:03):

Were you liberal? Did you vote Democrat?

Brett Pike (16:05):

So I was raised, um, conservative.

Sevan Matossian (16:08):


Brett Pike (16:09):

But like everyone else, I came through the public school system, right? And I came back my freshman year of college, and I broke my parents’ heart. I said, mom, dad, I’m a liberal. I’m a democrat. And that was my freshman year of college. And, um, luckily by the time I had graduated college, I had already seen through the spells. I was like, I started listening to more and more of these things that people said. I was like, wait a second. None of this is, and, and then I became a Republican by the time I graduated college. So, you know, between 18 to 22 years old. Yeah. And I, I really believed in that for a number of years. Um, you know, I would get very behind the political campaigns and whatnot, but you know, through age and experience, you start to get wisdom. And I was like, you know, these guys say a lot of things that sound good, but these guys don’t do a lot of things that are, you know, you know, they’ll, they’ll talk a big game when they don’t have the power, right?


Um, but when they’re, when they’re in power, they don’t do anything. So like, you know, now the Republicans will be like, we are going to get rid of the irs, right? We’re gonna do that. I was like, man, but when you guys had the house, the senate, the presidency under Trump, I would’ve loved if you guys were like, let’s go after the irs, right? But, but then you were quiet on it, right? And that’s how all these games function. So it’s like these people, they serve a purpose, right? Like, it, it’s feedback loops. You have portions of the population and they divide them very well through propaganda, but you have portions of the pro the population where they get dependent. And they do that by convincing them they’ve been victims. Um, and, and that starts at a very young age. And I mean, they, they generally target some type, any type of minority status they could, um, attach you to.


They try to get you to attach to that identity because then you’re a victim. Um, you stop taking personal responsibility and you can say, no, no, the system has to take care of us because the system across us, that’s the whole, that’s the means behind it, right? The modus apparatus. Um, and then you get the, the other portion of the population who they basically try to convince that you’re an oppressor and you’re bad and, and you should hate yourself. Um, or like, you should hang on to some type of facade type patriotism. Like goes, I’m proud to be an American. Oh, well, if you’re proud to be an American, you better support every invasion into the Middle East. You better support the invasion into Ukraine. You better support, um, all of this, this milit journalism. Um, and, and by the way, these corporations, right? Free market capitalism, baby, these corporations, they’re not doing anything bad. And people get behind this, they get into these camps when it’s like, no, you need to be able to see the system for what it is. I mean, yeah, I’m a capitalist, but I’m, I’m not retarded. I mean, I could see the big pharmaceutical industry clearly purchased all the politicians, and, you know, they pushed, I I, I, yeah, I don’t wanna get you guys in trouble.

Sevan Matossian (19:05):

No, no, no. It’s, go ahead. We’re already in trouble. It’s okay. I don’t

Brett Pike (19:08):

Care. You know, you, we all, you all know what I’m talking about, right? Yeah. We all see what they did. Um, and if you just go to open secrets.org, you could track the lobbying money, right? Yep. So they, they create these, like, these energy cycles, and then the politicians, their whole function is to manage the people. Like, um, kind of like you’d be managing farm animals. You, you have to give them the area to vent. Tell them, Hey, I’m gonna solve your problems. I know you’re angry about this. I’m angry about this too. But guess what’s gonna happen? The same agenda is always going to go forward. And you can, you can really see that, um, when you look back, like when you look back at Obama versus Romney, like, yeah, obviously Obama is terrible, but now you look back in hindsight and you’re like, Romney is a disaster.


Like, the guy does nothing but push whatever the establishment wants him to push. And guess what? He was gonna do the same thing, right? And, and at the time, they knew that because Obamacare was based off of Romneycare, it was based off of something that Romney originally put, right? And it was the same thing with like John McCain where like he was the alternative to, but John McCain is the biggest establishment show, right? So you look back and you say, wait a second. At the time they cloak it in language where they’re like, wow, these guys are really good. But then, um, when you look back in hindsight, you’re like, wow, it really wasn’t a choice, right? These people are all paid by the same people. Um, and yeah, they might have some differences, but in the end, the big agenda that the money really wants, like the Rockefeller types and, and the, you know, the big funding, the Soros types, those agendas are generally pushed forward.


Um, and yet, like, there’s nuance, like there’s some pushback, but I don’t want a little bit of pushback. I don’t want like, oh, so I’m putting all my energy behind a Republican. I’m not telling you not to vote Republican, by the way. Like, I get it, like the, I understand the lesser of two evils, but I’m talking about not putting all your power behind that, right? I’m talking about saying rather than feeding into that energy loop and that control system to, I mean, yeah, you could vote, you know, go gut your guy, right? But, um, you know, the, the, the slightly Republican is better than the, the radical socialist. I get that. But don’t put your power in that. Put your power in building, because that’s, that’s ultimately how we win,

Sevan Matossian (21:30):

Right? And, and, and going back to, to the, to the victim and then, uh, making sure that the establishment, um, is taking care of you. It’s, I’ve seen many, many people point out, oh, you’re playing the victim. You’re playing the victim. And then, uh, I look, look back, and that person’s playing the victim also because they got ’em on both sides. They got ’em on the Republicans and the Democrats. It’s just when it’s convenient to, to, to play the victim. Uh, Eric Brandt, thank you, dude. I, I really appreciate it. Wow. You guys are crazy generous today. Uh, Salo, Salo ri, I don’t even know where that money’s from, but thank you. Thanks for being my favorite, uh, media outlet parallel society. Don’t you just wanna do your own thing, lead by example, stay around the people who aren’t awake yet. Um, salt must stay in the dish.


That’s a great, um, profile picture. You know what I kind of think of politicians, especially, I live in California, and this is what kind of sucks, is you wanna governor so that you can put your head, you can go to the skate park and raise your kids, and you can take your kids, you know, to the beach and read them a book. And you, I wanna be able to keep my head down and focus on, on what I wanna focus on. But unfortunately, my governor’s letting people rob stores do drugs in the streets and allow abortions, uh, seven days after the baby’s born. And it’s like, I, I guess that’s why so many of us have our head up now, right? Because we’re seeing the crazy shit happening. And we’re, we are just, we’re just hoping that we could get a caretaker who will manage the big picture a little bit for us, and instead it’s turned into a complete shit show. I, I mean, can you believe what’s happening in some of these cities? Do you watch what’s happening in like Portland and Seattle and San Francisco and Los Angeles? It’s like literally they’re falling apart.


Yeah, it’s all drug. It’s all drugs too. They keep calling it home. Well, that’s another thing. Uh, critical thinking. They keep calling it homelessness when we know it’s absolutely not homelessness. Homelessness is the, um, uh, byproduct. It’s the, um, symptom. The real issue is just drugs. It’s just, they’re all, they’re all, I, I, um, something about me, uh, Brett, I was homeless for five years, and in that, in my tenure as being homeless, I never, there was only one other man of the thousands of homeless people I met besides myself who wasn’t a drug addict. Every single per other person was a fucking drug addict. And, and they were a crook also, so they had to steal, and then they had to buy the drugs. Um, and by steal, I mean, just opportunistic stealing, right? You leave your side gate open, they go in your backyard, take your bike, sell it, buy, you know, and buy pills. It’s crazy.

Brett Pike (23:56):

Yeah. And they pushed this stuff. I mean, we could go back to the 1990s where, I mean, the CIA got caught running drugs from South America into Los Angeles, right?

Sevan Matossian (24:05):

Gary Webb, is that the Noriega thing in Reg? Is that, that the Noriega thing?

Brett Pike (24:09):

I don’t, I’m not sure if it’s Noriega. It might be, um, okay. Okay. But if you look up, um, Gary Webb and, and real Rick Ross, um, not the rapper. He is a, he was a drug kingpin in, in Los Angeles. Um, there’s a whole really interesting history on that of the CIA running drugs into the inner cities. But, but here’s the thing about that. Like even, yeah, you look at, we want a good caretaker and like,

Sevan Matossian (24:32):

Well, someone who closes the border, for example. Like, how are we a co like, everyone should be able to understand that if the border’s open, we’re not a country,

Brett Pike (24:41):

But here, here’s my thing about that.

Sevan Matossian (24:42):

Yeah, please. You know,

Brett Pike (24:43):

Cause yes, we want a good caretaker. We want someone to secure the borders. Um, absolutely. You know, I was really excited about the prospect of a wall <laugh>, but we all want that stuff. But ultimately politics, and this is why they control Hollywood, and this is why they push so much propaganda through the music. They push the drugs, right? Through the music culture and everything. Um, politics is downstream from culture. And, and that’s part of the equation that you hear people say that a lot like, oh, politics is downstream from culture. And that’s true. But culture is downstream from morality. So politics, ah, is really downstream from morality. And here’s what I mean by that. So people are like, oh, well, they get the politics they want because they push the culture on us. That’s so disgusting. Well, I was saying, when’s the last time you watched Netflix?


Because our great-grandparents were moral enough where if you tried to show them the stuff that everyone just accepts as normal, now, they, they, they’d be turning in their graves. They, your, our great grandparents looked at Elvis and said, that’s the devil, and you shouldn’t be watching that. And everyone mocked in, they said, oh, you’re all squares. Right? And well, now looking back in hindsight, I think they might have had a point that maybe we shouldn’t have let this dey seep into our culture, because when they were around, it was taboo. A woman didn’t show an ankle, right? And now I can’t put on, I can’t put on a PG 13 show, right? Without my 13 year old seeing sexually explicit content. And all of that is part of the grooming. Because as soon as you start to allow that stuff onto, into the shows, right, well, then it becomes, well, we’re gonna put the homosexual scene into the show and say, oh, well you don’t do that.


Well, how do you have any grounds to stand on? You’re perfectly fine them putting regular sexual stuff in the show. You have no legs to stand on because you have no morality, cuz you have no code. So what happens is all of this stuff, all of this drug culture, this sex culture, this violence culture, the violence on these shows, it’s despicable, it’s disgraceful that we would as a culture accept. Yeah, yeah. Just keep showing young people that violence is fine. Keep showing like, yeah, we just sit around, we root for violence. We, we root for these characters doing drugs. We, we watch this sexual stuff from the time you’re little. And then we wonder why the culture is so broken down by the time people get older, right? And then, and then the politics follow it. So when we start taking personal responsibility and building parallel systems, right? Like where are people making cartoon shows for children that aren’t sexual, that aren’t violent, right?

Sevan Matossian (27:39):

That dude, well, I just watched a Superman cartoon with my kids the other day, and the, the, the lady had her tits pushed up to her face. It was like, I, I couldn’t even fucking believe it. I, I couldn’t, I couldn’t believe it that my kids were watching that. I was like, uh, okay, we’re not watching that Superman again. Not, not because I have anything against boobs. I think boobs are fantastic. I love boobs. All the boobs, they’re great. But I just don’t see as, uh, I just don’t see that, uh, six year old needs like a hypersexualized woman in as a main character in their, in their, um, in their entertainment. They’re gonna have, they’re gonna have plenty of those when they get older.

Brett Pike (28:13):

And, and the only reason that happens is, and this is why I really, um, I really go hard at Christian America and, and I get pushback from God, how dare you know, I go, Christian America was supposed to be the backbone of American culture, and Christian America is supposed to stand against types of overt sexual perversion and all of this stuff. And they, decades ago just started accepting all of this stuff, right? They started being special boys and saying that, oh no, you know, John three 16, I believe, I believe in Jesus. So my sins are forgiven. Jesus already took care of my sins, so don’t worry about it and I’m gonna support this de generosity and then wonder why my culture falls apart. Uh, one of the, one of the, um, big moments that the controllers really stopped respecting Christian America, and they were like, we could push whatever we want, is when the internet came out and the pornography came out and they started getting the statistics, the metadata on pornography, and they started getting that data in the Bible belt. They said, oh, these people are already broken. They’re weak. They’re not gonna push back against anything because they saw what they were watching, right? This, these people don’t stand by their book.

Sevan Matossian (29:36):

Oh. Oh, wow. Wow, wow. So, so basically, so let me see if I understand this. You’re saying basically they’re looking at the stats of like, they look at some town in Tennessee that’s supposed to be the most religious town in the world and they check out their internet traffic and 80% of it’s rolling off of PornHub.

Brett Pike (29:51):

Yeah, yeah. It’s not <laugh>. Right? Right, right. So in whole Christian America, and I.

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