Sevan Matossian (00:00):

Are you cold?

Tyson Bagent (00:02):

Am I cold? Yeah. Nah, I feel good.

Sevan Matossian (00:05):

Oh. Oh, you are you. Bam. We’re live. Ooh, we did it. God, today I’m just frantic, frantic, frantic se. Hi, Caleb. Good morning. Oh, Caleb, your, your internet’s all busted up and we have an echo. Oh, much better. Hey, do you have a YouTube window open? Tyson?

Tyson Bagent (00:28):

Do I have a YouTube window open? Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (00:32):

Just cause I hear a tiny, tiny little echo.

Tyson Bagent (00:36):

What about now?

Sevan Matossian (00:38):

Oh yeah, better. All right. Uh, no. Maybe it’s on my fault. Maybe because look at Caleb’s. Uh, Caleb. Did you guys get bombed?

Tyson Bagent (00:48):

No, we

Sevan Matossian (00:48):

Did not. <laugh>, I’m gonna uh, pull you down, Caleb, until your connection gets better. You’re, something’s up. Can you see me Good, Tyson?

Tyson Bagent (00:57):

I can see you perfectly fine.

Sevan Matossian (00:58):

Awesome. Um, and you’re in West Virginia?

Tyson Bagent (01:01):


Sevan Matossian (01:02):

It’s not cold.

Tyson Bagent (01:04):

Uh, it’s cold as shit. Yeah, it’s really cold

Sevan Matossian (01:06):

Outside. It’s freezing.

Tyson Bagent (01:07):

Outside’s freezing.

Sevan Matossian (01:09):

Hey, don’t swear, your dad’s gonna get me in big trouble. He says I’m a bad influence on you. He said, I’m a <laugh>. He, he says, you’re the perfect child. And when he, when you get around me, shit gets weird. Ooh, darn it. I just did it.

Tyson Bagent (01:20):

Yeah, just like he’s the per just like, he’s the perfect dad.

Sevan Matossian (01:23):

He is the perfect dad. How dare you? Um, holy cow. Has it been a year since I’ve talked to you?

Tyson Bagent (01:32):

It’s been just over, just over a year since, uh, since we did this, uh, last time.

Sevan Matossian (01:38):

I can’t believe it. You look exactly the same. You’re not aging.

Tyson Bagent (01:41):

Yeah, I got a little, my hair’s a little bit shorter this time, but everything else, pretty much same.

Sevan Matossian (01:46):

Um, you, uh, for, for people who don’t know and, and probably most people do know, I’m probably one of the few knuckleheads who doesn’t have very good, uh, football knowledge. Uh, you just finished your senior year at Shepherdstown, right?

Tyson Bagent (02:01):


Sevan Matossian (02:02):

And you passed the all-time NCAA touchdown passing record for all divisions.

Tyson Bagent (02:09):


Sevan Matossian (02:11):

I, I can’t, I can’t even believe I, I get a chance to talk to someone like you. What a, how much? It’s just crazy how much hard work everyone knows you had to put into your life to, to, to get to that. Does it seem like hard work to you or is it just your life?

Tyson Bagent (02:28):

Um, it’s definitely hard work, although, I mean, it is my life. Um, but the, the whole record thing is pretty crazy cuz I just constantly was, would just think about, um, all the college quarterbacks there’s ever been, like every N F L quarterback played college football, you know, so many years of football. And then for me to be at the top of, uh, that list statistically is, um, really cool to think about.

Sevan Matossian (02:52):

When I was talking to your dad, I’m like, Hey, is he tripping? Is he like walking around the house, tapping on shit and acting all weird? He goes, no, dude, this dude is cool as a cucumber. I’m like, no signs. He’s like, no, nothing.

Tyson Bagent (03:05):

No, I, I, uh, we had a, we had a, uh, there was only one little, one moment where, um, he was just talking a little bit too crazy and I just looked at him in the kitchen. I was like, Hey, listen, you know, as the, uh, as the, as the touchdown king, you know, I, you know, I really appreciate if you didn’t talk to me like that.

Sevan Matossian (03:22):

<laugh>. Um, are you cool as a cucumber? Do you like So it’s the final game. It’s, it’s, it’s, uh, did it happen in the final game that you played of your college career?

Tyson Bagent (03:33):

No. So it happened in the second to last, in the second. So in the regional championship we lost to the team and we got to play ’em again deep in the playoffs. And

Sevan Matossian (03:42):

Then Oh, you lost to ’em the year prior?

Tyson Bagent (03:44):

No, we lost to ’em about four weeks prior. Oh. And then, oh, that, holy cow. Yeah, so then we were able to get a rematch and then I did it in that game. So it was pretty, it was, it was very cool.

Sevan Matossian (03:53):

A and when you go into that game, do you, um, do you have any like, panic attack might be too strong, but do you feel heart flutters and anxiety or a anything out of the normal?

Tyson Bagent (04:04):

Um, nothing out of the normal. I would say that before every single game I ever played in, I feel like I want to die. Like, just from how anxious I am. But I feel like that that in itself is what, um, I feel like kind of bring a, rises me to the occasion and kind of helps me play good. Cause you know, I’m actually terrified. So it kind of just helps me play fast and, uh, do what I have to do.

Sevan Matossian (04:29):

Um, when I, when I used to, uh, I would, I f I’d be filming with Matt Fraser right before he would take the floor that was the CrossFit games champion five times. Yep. And, uh, literally they’d be in the corral right before they would come out into this PAC Stadium and he would literally like have be in the bushes making like vomiting sounds. I never saw vomit come out, but that was like, he looked, I don’t know if he looked forward to it, but that was his protocol, right? Yeah. Before he would take the floor. Uh, what is that you j is is that what it was like for you too? You like, you almost like you’re gonna throw up.

Tyson Bagent (05:01):

Yeah. It’s almost like it means, it just like what you’re doing kind of means so much and the amount of work that you put into it, it would just be, it would feel like the end of the world if it, if, if, you know, if it weren’t to go as planned, um, or if, you know, you didn’t succeed in some, in some fashion. So I think that’s has a lot to do with it.

Sevan Matossian (05:18):

People are saying, I have an echo Chevon. You have an echo. I know. What is that? 700 shows and no echo. And all of a sudden I got Tyson, Beijing on here. An echo

Tyson Bagent (05:27):

That, that west, that West Virginia connection.

Sevan Matossian (05:30):

I, I, I wish I could blame you. <laugh>. Here, here we go. Matt Morrison. I throw up before every Chevon podcast. That’s awesome. <laugh>. Hold on, I’m gonna, I’m going to, uh, I’m going to, uh, I’m gonna drop out for a second and see if I log back in. Gimme one second. Okay, don’t, don’t panic. This is way easier than a football game.

Tyson Bagent (05:51):


Caleb Beaver (05:55):

Now you get to be here by yourself.

Tyson Bagent (05:57):

<laugh>. Oh man. How are you doing today?

Caleb Beaver (06:01):

Pretty good. Glad to have you on.

Tyson Bagent (06:03):

Appreciate it.

Sevan Matossian (06:04):

Okay. You’re stepping up, Caleb. It’s, it’s better now. It’s fine. Thank you. Matt. Executive producer of the sev on podcast. Matt Suza chimes in now. It’s fine. Okay,

Tyson Bagent (06:14):

There we go.

Sevan Matossian (06:16):

So, so when you, when you do that, um, I’m assuming that’s just adrenaline ramping up?

Tyson Bagent (06:22):

Yes. Yes. I’d say adrenaline, just kind of, um, what’s at kind of what was at stake, especially it was a little more amplified this year just cuz of, you know, in order for me to do what I wanted to do, you know, this, this year coming, um, I knew I had to be successful and execute at a pretty high level, uh, throughout the season this year. Um, so all that, you know, combined with, you know, obviously wanting to win the game and having, you know, thousands of people watching you, I think at all just plays a part in the nerves pregame.

Sevan Matossian (06:52):

Do, do you have an adrenaline dump during the first quarter or any time during the game or do you just stay up the whole game?

Tyson Bagent (06:58):

No, I would honestly say that throughout the week probably. So if we’re playing on Saturday, probably around Wednesday night is when I’m like, start really when I start feeling it and then it kind of just stays that way until Saturday. But then usually once we get on the field, like pre-game, if we’re, once we’re warming up and I get to throw the ball a couple times, uh, just warming up, it usually, uh, tends to calm down a little bit. And then about 15 minutes before the game, you know, there’s just, there’s so much waiting involved, you know, especially if you play at noon, you start getting ready for the game at like eight in the morning. So for whate, well for whatever reason people do that, you know, four hours prior to the game. Um, it’s just a lot of waiting and a lot of anticipation and I think, um, that’s when I kind of have, you know, the adrenaline dump. I would say probably about 15 minutes when we’re just sitting there waiting.

Sevan Matossian (07:49):

Is there, do you, um, feel a different Tyson, um, like the Tyson who just gets up in the morning, um, you know, gives his mom a kiss, goes down to the store, buys milk, comes back, you know, whatever hangs out, makes your bed. Do you feel a, a different Tyson show up and do you, are you intimately familiar with that guy? Like when you’re on the, um, on the field?

Tyson Bagent (08:13):

Uh, yeah, I would say it’s definitely, uh, a different, a different Tyson, I think we talked about this last time I was on, but you know, just being, uh, not, I wouldn’t say shy, but just kind of, you know, to myself and introverted, um, outside of football. And then once, you know, you get to step on the football field, uh, be able to let loose and then, um, yeah, I really kind of let a lot of my emotions and um, a lot of my, my volume definitely goes up when I’m on the field just talking wise and just trying to lead a team, um, to win. Definitely a different side of me comes out.

Sevan Matossian (08:49):

H how do you have to summons that guy and has a game ever started and you’re like, oh shit, Tyson, where are you? Come on, I need you. You know?

Tyson Bagent (08:55):

Yeah. It’s kind of like, uh, I would say I put a lot of emphasis on trying to be, uh, trying to get as much, you know, bigger little success early on in the game as I can. Cuz I feel like that’ll help me, you know, as well as the, the team kind of getting a rhythm and then getting that, you know, flow state where everything’s kind of clicking and then you kind of play more loosely and you know, kind of just be more of an athlete as opposed to just trying to, you know, trying to be perfect.

Sevan Matossian (09:24):

So it, it’s kind of like if, if you were a fighter, you, you’re, you’re not walking out there and maybe you’re, you’re trying to get some punches in, you’re trying to get some jabs in, you’re trying to get some good footwork going.

Tyson Bagent (09:34):

Yeah, I would say you want to, you want to get some, you wanna get some of that going and also it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to get maybe get tagged a couple times

Sevan Matossian (09:42):

So Oh, to wake you up.

Tyson Bagent (09:43):

Yeah. Just so you can get, you can be fully in it.

Sevan Matossian (09:46):

Wow. Yeah. And that’s interesting. That’s exactly what fighters say too. Hey, it always kind of takes getting hit once or twice to kind of wake the guy up inside of you.

Tyson Bagent (09:55):

Yeah. Just to get kind of acclimated to what’s going on.

Sevan Matossian (09:58):

Uh, Colin Lawrence already attacking me this morning for 4 99. Game day equivalent for you Savon when you call Dave. And he actually answers nervous but excited. Alright, thank you. <laugh>, I think he’s referencing Dave Castro, uh, um, when you, uh, so, so if you get on the field at eight, have you eaten yet?

Tyson Bagent (10:16):

Um, so it was funny, I kind of, I had a different approach to that, uh, this year. So, um, last winter I got into, um, fasting and stuff. So I would, I would, um, eat normally, uh, throughout the week and then on Sundays I would not eat all day. And then, so in the season it was kind of hard to do that just because of team meals and everything. So on game day, just cuz with how, um, and

Sevan Matossian (10:48):

Game days on Saturday, the day before you’re fast

Tyson Bagent (10:50):

Game day. So game days on Saturday, but we would always have team meals on Sunday. So I couldn’t take advantage of that, um, that full fasting day. And I always knew how amazing I felt, you know, deep into Sunday as well as Monday morning before I ate. So, um, I tested it out early on, like the first game and I played in a fasted state and then I kind of just continued that, um, throughout the season. So it, it helped that we were playing at noon. Like we weren’t playing in like late afternoon games, so I wasn’t really hungry enough that it was a distraction. Um, and really before games, you know, I’m so caught up in thinking about the game that, you know, kind of wanting to eat anything was kind of on the back burner. So I would just make sure I drink a lot of water, I would drink coffee, make sure I use the bathroom before the game. And then, um, usually after the game, you know, they hook us up, uh, food-wise, so then I would just, I would eat after the game.

Sevan Matossian (11:45):

Wow. So although Sunday was your fasting day during the season, you on Saturdays you would, you wouldn’t eat until after the game was over, you’d wake up and just coffee.

Tyson Bagent (11:53):

Yeah, so I would, I would fast from Friday at around noon, um, until, um, Saturday, uh, after our noon game.

Sevan Matossian (12:02):

Did that cause any concern for your coaches? Were people like, yo dude, you can’t do that. And, and do you know anyone else who does that? I mean, that’s a pretty big tweak. I mean I, I, I approve there’s a, to a ton of, of cha champion fighters in the UFC who, uh, do their first training every morning hard, uh, you know, completely fasted.

Tyson Bagent (12:18):

Yeah, I I mean it was, it’s it’s one of those things like, cuz I would say that there’s been a couple things I I’ve, I’ve changed within the last year that, you know, I think I’ll continue to do for the rest of my life. It’s, uh, fasting, um, I started getting in cold water and then, um, just consistently, uh, getting into the sauna. Um, and all three of those things you get like the, I guess not, not the normal person, but just a person who’s not used to, you know, going out of the box like that would be quick to be like, uh, you know, don’t do that. So I kind of, I just would tell my close buddies who kind of knew, um, who I had, you know, at least had them at least done a fast with me or, you know, done crazy stuff like that with me and I would let them in on it. But I would never tell my coaches just cuz I mean they’re, you know, all they knew is, you know, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You know, that’s what everybody does. That’s what normal people do. So I just kind of kept it to myself until the end of the season. I kind of let everybody in. I was like, yeah, listen, I’ve been doing this all year and we’ve been killing it, so I really don’t want to hear, you know, what anybody has to say about it.

Sevan Matossian (13:26):

How, um, uh, h how did that creep into your mind between your junior and senior year to, to use fasting as a tool?

Tyson Bagent (13:35):

Um, so I started, I think I was listening to you on a, on a podcast or on a video and I think you, you were, I had already heard about it a couple times and I had a couple, uh, people, right? Not in my circle, but you know, right outside of my circle, um, kind of comment about it. So I was interested in it. And then you, you brought up, I think you said you do like a 36 hour?

Sevan Matossian (14:00):

Yeah, I’m old though. I’m 50 like,

Tyson Bagent (14:03):

Yeah. So yeah, so it was one of, it was, yeah, it

Sevan Matossian (14:05):

Was one of those, yeah, I don’t eat any Sundays. I don’t ever eat Sunday. Yeah,

Tyson Bagent (14:08):

It was one of those, uh, it was one of those things where it was just like, seemed like a cool thing to at least try. Um, so I started doing it. Um, I actually, I started doing it before last year. I did it, I would do Saturday at noon to Sunday at noon, just seeing how it worked and I noticed how, um, how, you know, obviously I’m not starving, I ate throughout the week, but how hard it was and kind of just like the, the just the attic feel of just wanting to eat, like once you get uncomfortable, just like, man, like in order to feel uncomfortable I feel like I need to eat, but really I don’t need to eat. So it was just something that really, uh, interested me. And then the football season happened, I didn’t do it at all last football season and then I kind of got back on the train a couple months after the season. Um, and then I just, I, I didn’t stop and, um, just continuing to just, you know, research it and just understand the benefits of it. Uh, it really just seemed like a no-brainer, uh, to continue it.

Sevan Matossian (15:10):

Um, how old are you?

Tyson Bagent (15:12):

Uh, 22.

Sevan Matossian (15:15):

Um, fasting is like doing some like major tinkering, right? Uh, we’re all like our own personal laboratories and we gotta try stuff, right? Like what’s it like drinking 12 glasses of water a day versus four versus fasting? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> versus if I run every day and you’re a tinkerer already. I mean, I don’t know, I can’t think of any kids who at 22 years old would already start tinkering. But you, it sounds like your dad told me that you got a Slack block and, and you just became obsessed with that thing too. You’re just, do you view yourself like that as kind of like a laboratory and you need to test things out?

Tyson Bagent (15:47):

Yeah, and also just like some, yeah, just trying things and then if they work and it makes sense, I just, I don’t see a reason to to not do it especially, um, yeah, if it works. Like, so I just continue to do it If it’s gonna have, you know, healthy benefits on my body, um, I just see no reason not to do it. Yeah, the slack box is pretty, slack box is a crazy thing though cuz like the image of it, it’s like I bring it out in front of my buddies and I’m telling ’em all the be first I would tell ’em all the benefits of it. Like, yo, this thing you know, is going, can do this, can do this, help you with this, help you with that. And then I bring it out and it’s like a piece of wood on top of a pool noodle and they’re like,

Sevan Matossian (16:24):

<laugh>, right? Right.

Tyson Bagent (16:25):

They’re like, what do you, what do you mean? But then they get on it for two minutes and then they realize from their ankle to their butt is lit up. Um, so yeah, that’s been a, that’s been a really cool, uh, addition to kind of what I do on a daily basis. And I think it’s, um, you know, it’s definitely done a lot of helping rather than hurting, so can once again just continue to do it.

Sevan Matossian (16:47):

Is there, is there anything, uh, so, so I guess food is one of the things, um, not eating, uh, on Saturdays, but is there anything else that you’ve done that you, that you let go to the wayside that you’re like, okay, I’m not gonna do that anymore. I don’t think that’s helping anything stand out.

Tyson Bagent (17:03):



I mean, yeah, just a, a tiny example, something that comes to my mind, um, uh, when I was young, like when I was younger, like early college years, I would do a lot of my, um, quarterback like training so to speak, would be a lot more, it was a lot more footwork oriented rather than just being athletic and working on, you know, my throwing technique. And then I quickly realized that, you know, the footwork side is not nearly as important as the amount of emphasis I was putting on it as opposed to just being able to move quick laterally and be able to be fast and be able to throw the ball off of any platform. So then I quickly was like, yeah, no, I’m, I’m done doing that. Um, and then just kind of train, change the way that I, uh, train, you know, quarterback wise.

Sevan Matossian (17:59):

So basically just move the percentages around. So like if exactly, yeah, if you’re in the weight room 40% of the time and you realize you don’t need that much, reduce that to 30% and then increase throwing another where you have the extra time and just keep, keep kind of moving those numbers around.

Tyson Bagent (18:13):

Yeah. And, and it is also, you know, you bring up weightlifting, like any type of heavy upper body lift, like upper body, you know, I’m, 95% of it is pullups pushups and dips. Like, other than that, I, there’s no reason, and I, I kind of noticed this before coaches began telling me, um, like there’s no need for me to try to bench a bunch of weight and there’s no ne there’s no need for me to do anything to my upper body that’s gonna, you know, promote, you know, stiffness in my upper half cuz um, you know, just being able to be loose and, you know, feel good in your upper half, uh, as well as being powerful in your lower half, I think, uh, has helped me be able to throw the ball at the level that I’ve been able to. So just exiting all that stuff early on too,

Sevan Matossian (19:04):

Tyson, is there a, um, you know, you hear about these people who have these stories where they’re like, uh, yeah, my third grade teacher told me I’ll never amount to anything or, you know, someone a a a girlfriend broke up with them, you know, a girl in the fifth grade told ’em they were ugly and they become a supermodel. Is there anything that you, you remember in your youth that was the sort of the catalyst may, maybe it’s nothing negative like this, but had you set the goalpost so far away, um, as the nfl, I mean, it is a really ridiculous goalpost to set, or did you ever have anyone tell you, Hey dude, you’d be realistic, come on.

Tyson Bagent (19:44):

Um, not, I don’t have like a defining moment where somebody, uh, did that to me. I do remember being around nine or 10 years old and I was at my grandma’s house and we were all hanging out and I was kind of just off wandering around by myself and I was, it, it finally clicked where I was like, oh man, like this football thing is kind of unrealistic and it, like, there’s a very high chance that it doesn’t work out. So like, what in the world else would I want to do? And I had, it was the first time I had the thought of like, football maybe not working out as like, my whole life. Um, so that, that I, that was just, that’s just a funny thing that I remember. But I mean, other than that, I mean,

Sevan Matossian (20:28):

You mean just like I’ve been to your grandparents’ house and, and it’s kind of is out in the, well at least for us, California people, it is kind of out in the stick. So you’re just out in the middle of the woods, some quiet time walking around out there at nine. Yeah,

Tyson Bagent (20:39):

Yeah. Everybody’s in the back of the house. She had a pool, uh, in the house they used to live in. Um, so everybody’s kind of swimming. I was done swimming, I’m wandering around I guess, you know, just, yeah, just wandering around in the front of the yard by myself. And I had that first thought and I, it was just like, I kind of stopped in my tracks and I was like, wow, I never thought about it like this, this might not work out. What in the world else would I wanna do? Um, so I’ve always kind of had from that point on kind of obviously thought about it in a more realistic sense, but just always was patient enough and knew what I had to be good at in order to put myself in the best situation possible. Um, and then, I mean, football’s such a crazy sport with so many crazy fans. Like I, this year I threw, there was one game I threw for 500 yards, which is crazy, which is pretty ridiculous. And my buddies saying that in like the third quarter that there was some fan that was like, um, oh, well, you know, I, I heard we had the best quarterback in the nation. I’m just trying to figure out where he is at

Sevan Matossian (21:36):

<laugh> <laugh>

Tyson Bagent (21:39):

And at that point, and I’ve, I’ve thrown for almost 400 yards and I’m just like thinking like, man, you can’t really please any of these crazy people. So, um, yeah, I would say I didn’t have any of that in my youth, at least not to my face. Um, but you know, as a, you know, being a football player, I don’t think it’ll ever go away.

Sevan Matossian (21:58):

And and your mom, your mom and dad never were like, Hey, you need to have a plan B. You, well, you did graduate.

Tyson Bagent (22:04):

Yes, I graduated last May. Yeah,

Sevan Matossian (22:06):

Congratulations. But they were never like, Hey, uh, Tyson, uh, you gotta have a plan B. The football thing is just a, a pipe dream. And

Tyson Bagent (22:15):

Nah, I mean, my dad’s pretty crazy. Um, so no, he never said that to me. And then my mom was just super supportive, um, of me, you know, throughout, you know, my entire life. So, um, they never, they never put that on me, but I was always, I was always, you know, I wasn’t like, I feel like that’s a conversation you have with a, with somebody when you can kind of see the trajectory of their life maybe not going in the best direction. And I was always kind of just pretty level-headed and uh, like a just a aware person that, you know, understood things. So there wasn’t really anything that they felt like pressure to be like, Hey man, you need to, you know, get, get your shit straight. So it was, they never really had to have that conversation.

Sevan Matossian (23:01):

A any, any, um, between when was your first football game you ever played? Do you remember that?

Tyson Bagent (23:06):

Well, my first year I was so terrible, so I I How old were you? I was six. I was six. So I, I grew up when, when, yeah, I grew up when they were putting pads and stuff on six year olds and then just throwing us out there. But, um, yeah, so I,

Sevan Matossian (23:21):

I remember I came to a couple of your practices when I was filming the movie, pulling John with your dad and I couldn’t believe the size discrepancy between the kids and some of the kids would get just drilled.

Tyson Bagent (23:32):

Yeah. And it’s that weird, it’s that weird like, like youth league is that weird? Um, it’s a weird thing to where, um, yes, when you, there’s a six and seven year old division, you know, everybody’s relatively small, you know, you got a few kids that are more athletic, but then you start getting 8, 9, 10 and 11 and then all of a sudden it’s like the heights change and kids start getting just beat on by these kids that are growing up faster than other ones. And, um, luckily for me, I was always pretty, um, I was always pretty, I was on the bigger side of the kids, so it worked out for me, but I could easily see where, you know, if a kid has a, has a late growth spurt that they could already, their parents could have already yanked them out years prior just cuz they were getting pounded on, um, by kids that were bigger than them.

Sevan Matossian (24:14):

Sos So if you started when you were six and you were nine and you were already thinking you, wow, I, I might not, you know, my words not yours, I might not go to the N F L somewhere in between six and nine you started feeling i, I guess the dream form.

Tyson Bagent (24:29):

Yeah. So luckily for me, my father was crazy enough to be the head coach of my team and put me at quarterback before I even deserve to play quarterback. So you can easily see where the other parents on the team are like, man, what are you? Like, this is crazy. You know, what are you doing? Coach’s son this and that. My, you know, my dad, he was just like, you know, f you, I don’t care. We’re gonna put him at quarterback cuz I want him to play quarterback and Right. Y’all just gonna, y’all just gotta deal with it. Uh, so, um, my se when I came back from my seven year old season, I was, you know, acclimated to, you know, all the hitting and everything. So I was a lot more comfortable and we actually threw the ball, um, a little bit. My seven year old season had a good year. And then from that point on we, we continued to throw the ball. Um, and I was pretty good at it, which, you know, from, at a young age, you getting good, you, you know, you’re good at something, you’re family’s happy with how you’re performing at something and then you fall in love with it. So that’s kind of what happened to me.

Sevan Matossian (25:29):

And never, between then and your in, in current time, you were like, man, this is my dad’s dream. I don’t want to do this, I want, I just wanna be an accountant or I wanna be a landscaper. No,

Tyson Bagent (25:41):

No. I would say no. I would say my dad introduced it to me at the age where I, like my six-year-old season, if I would’ve had it my way, I never would’ve played football again. I hated it. It was the worst thing ever. You know, my mom was on the same page as me, like, this is, you know, this is a terrible thing. Um, so he introduced it to me, got over it, had success at it, started to like it. And then around middle school, you know, he wasn’t my coach anymore and I was playing a lot of basketball and I really liked basketball. Um, and then thankfully, um, thankfully I moved to Martinsburg, um, cuz where I was from the, the programs especially, you know, football-wise were atrocious. Um, so I would’ve just been taking a beating every weekend. I knew that, you know, football wouldn’t have been fun if that, if that was, you know, happening just cuz it’s such a team sport you need, you know, you need guys around you. Um, so I went to Martinsburg my freshman year. I was like on the freshman team, you know, just an afterthought with ever starting on varsity. Luckily I had a growth spurt and then I would would say it be, it became my, my goal and my dream my sophomore year. Um, the coaches allowed me to, uh, win over the, the starting job and then having success on,

Sevan Matossian (26:54):

On the varsity team or on the JV team,

Tyson Bagent (26:56):

The varsity team. So I Wow, wow. Yeah. So yeah, it was a big jump. Um, and the coaches, I mean I can’t thank the coaches at, you know, my high school enough cuz we had a c we had a quarterback who started on the varsity, um, the year before that. And they still let a, they still allowed for me to, you know, have a, to battle for the starting job. Um, and then when you’re at a young age and you’re having success with older guys, it was like, holy, like this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever been a part of in my life. I can’t wait to do this again next year. Uh, so that’s when I kind of became obsessed with it and kind of began to, you know, kind of work on my own and, you know, research into it and find out ways to get better. And then to this point now,

Sevan Matossian (27:39):

So, so your sophomore year was the year the tinkering started like, hey, football season’s over, or, um, practice is over, but I’m gonna come home and research something. I’m gonna stu study route patterns, I’m gonna study different workout techniques, I’m gonna start studying, uh, different ways to heal. That’s when that started happening.

Tyson Bagent (27:55):

Yeah, and it also started like, like I also started to view other things with how can this benefit me for football? So I wasn’t playing basketball just cuz oh, I can’t, I want to, you know, get buckets and, and you know, I can’t wait to win games with my team. It was like, no, I can utilize basketball so that I can be in better shape for football or to keep me in shape in a fun way, you know, for football season the next year. So that’s kind of how I started to think about it. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (28:20):

I was gonna ask you why you did play, uh, basketball. Are you glad you did that in hindsight or do you wish you wouldn’t have done that?

Tyson Bagent (28:26):

Yeah, it’s funny. I’m actually, the, the best I’ve ever been at basketball is actually, you know, right now. So it’s, it’s, I I’m constantly looking for ways to make just conditioning fun. Um, you know, CrossFit is obviously, um, something that I love and something that I do, but sometimes it just, I’m just like, ah, man, I don’t want to do thrusters. Like, that’s terrible. So I’m like, all right, they’re playing basketball. I got, I’m actually got, uh, included in this, uh, group in Marburg, uh, this, uh, older guy names Eddie Stanley. He’s just loves to play basketball, so he hits up all the best players in the area and always getting ’em together. And we actually, uh, we played last night, so just figuring out ways like that to, um, keep my, you know, conditioning at a, at a, at a high level. Um, and, but my, my best friend growing up, his dad was like my dad, but in the basketball sense, so we were always playing travel basketball even when it wasn’t basketball season and I was always around it. And, um, I ended up being able to shoot the ball relatively well. So just the same thing with just having success in something and then just, you know, finding a liking to it and just continuing to do it. I’m, you know, I think I got a lot of my skillset from basketball.

Sevan Matossian (29:40):

Crazy. When you’re on the basketball court, um, is it, is it, um, quarterback Tyson be out there? Or is it, um, just at the at home regular Tyson pageant? Like, do you feel those leadership skills and that mindset come in even just in, in the games you play in basketball?

Tyson Bagent (29:56):

Yeah, I would say it’s just at home, Tyson, it was kind of just a.

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