Sevan Matossian (00:00):
Like, bam, we’re live. Oh, look, when I zoom in like that, I kind of see like artifacts in my shit. Do you see that?
Mattew Souza (00:09):
Sevan Matossian (00:09):
Like digital artifacts? Like, like it looks like it’s like struggling to hold my shit together. Maybe cuz it’s not bright enough.
Mattew Souza (00:19):
Interesting. Off center.
Sevan Matossian (00:21):
Good morning, Corey pto. Uh, we’ll have you, uh, Corey PTO be coming on the show at seven 15, uh, for five or 10 minutes to talk to us about a program he’s running at his university where he is been teaching for seven years. Uh, good morning. Indicate, get all your CrossFit check. Get all your, uh, Seon podcast CEO stuff over at vindicate vn d k Uh, chase Brian. Good morning. Uh, Damson is almost at Hiller status. He’s got 19,900 subscribers. Uh, Kenneth the lap. Good morning. Uh, chase, Brian. Kenneth Jetro. Good morning, Damien. Good morning, Melissa. Good morning. Jeffrey Birchfield. Good morning, Heidi Cream. Good morning, miss Christine, young morning and, uh, Steve Whitney. Good morning, gents. Don’t assume my
Mattew Souza (01:20):
Sex, please <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian (01:22):
And finally, but most importantly, get with the programming. Good morning. Hi, soccer mom. Good morning.
Mattew Souza (01:29):
Soccer mom.
Sevan Matossian (01:32):
Okay, Ryan. Okay. No one, no more. No more. Good morning.
Mattew Souza (01:35):
Sevan Matossian (01:35):
One Allen. No, no more. No more Ryan. No more. No, no.
Mattew Souza (01:38):
Oh, Alan got engaged.
Sevan Matossian (01:40):
He did what? Did you see that? Yeah,
Mattew Souza (01:41):
His icon photo.
Sevan Matossian (01:42):
Oh yeah.
Mattew Souza (01:43):
That’s new. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (01:45):
Only CrossFitter gets engaged wearing, she’s wearing booty shorts.
Mattew Souza (01:50):
<laugh>. That’s
Sevan Matossian (01:51):
Awesome. My favorite.
Mattew Souza (01:53):
Sevan Matossian (01:55):
Uh, I didn’t share this one with you guys, but I just thought I would start this off with, uh, this interesting one. Um,
Mattew Souza (02:05):
Sevan Matossian (02:08):
I, I had this somewhere and I couldn’t find it. Um, so I just quickly did it this morning. It’s always good to put things in perspective. Good morning, Kayla.
Mattew Souza (02:19):
Good morning. <laugh>
Sevan Matossian (02:22):
More, uh, nationwide. Drug spending grew 7.7% in 2021. We’ll increase another 4% or 6% in 2022, blah, blah, blah. It means nothing means nothing. We don’t know what that means. The US total drug spending grew 7% to 576.9 billion in 2021. 576 billion on pharmaceuticals. So, to put that in perspective, that means that those are all the people who have to go to CVS or Longs or whatever your, your store is. I even know if they still have longs and you have to wait. Those are the people that wait in line in the back of the store that we see while we’re in there getting pencils for our kid. Or like paper or some shit like that. Or like hemorrhoid cream. Uh, these are, this is the money that they, um, our spending on drugs that have been prescribed to them by a doctor. So this is what doctors do. Ima imagine how much money that is. Can you do a quick calculation of that? Let’s say that there’s, um, we’ll just use taxpayers. Let’s say there’s 140 million, uh, adults in the United States. There’s, I think there’s like 350 million people. But let’s say there’s 140 million adults. Um, can we divide 140 million into 576 billion? Geez. But I’m, I’m gonna let you know how much money, 576 billion is here in one second. Uh, so you understand how much crazy money that is?
Caleb Beaver (04:03):
Uh, 0.0. I don’t even know if I did the math right? Cause I took liberal arts math. <laugh>
Sevan Matossian (04:10):
<laugh>. No, no. I think you, I think you forgot a zero. If it’s point, it should be like a thousand dollars a person or 7,000 or something. Did
Caleb Beaver (04:17):
You say? You said a million into a billion. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (04:20):
You said 576 billion divided by 140 million. You might, you might. The calculator on um, said
Caleb Beaver (04:28):
It reverse. You said it reversed.
Sevan Matossian (04:30):
Very possible.
Caleb Beaver (04:31):
5 76.
Sevan Matossian (04:32):
Please send me something in the private chat when I fuck up. Don’t call me out in front of, oh, sorry. No problem. 5 76 zeros. 1, 2 3. That’s 576,000. That’s 576 million. That’s 576 billion divided by 141 2 3 1 2 3 equals that’s, uh, $41,142.
Caleb Beaver (04:58):
Sevan Matossian (04:58):
And how is holy smoke? What?
How? Just so you know, the average white guy in the United States makes 60,000 a year Average Indian dude makes a hundred thousand dollars a year. But, but, but that’s not the, that’s not the part I wanna show you. This is the crazy part. Okay. You ready? Let’s look at the GDP of countries. Oh, the GDP of Belgium is the same amount. The GDP basically of, uh, 2021. I mean, you got these countries hovering, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Thailand, Ireland, Austria, Nigeria, Israel, Argentina, Norway, South Africa, United Arab, Emirates, Denmark, Denmark, Egypt, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Chile, Columbia, Finland. Dude, we spend more on drugs than the entire GDP times two
Mattew Souza (05:59):
Sevan Matossian (06:00):
Yeah. Look at New Zealand more. Number one, we spend more on pharmaceuticals in this country than the GDP of New Zealand. Times two. It’s, uh,
Mattew Souza (06:16):
A pandemic. That’s crazy.
Sevan Matossian (06:24):
If you have not seen the five duck buckets of death, uh, Google that video. It’s a video that Greg Glassman made just prior to leaving, um, selling and walking off into the sunset. And it will explain to you, uh, what’s going on here. Heidi Cru America
Mattew Souza (06:42):
Mattew Souza (06:44):
With the only country that allows pharmaceuticals to, uh, advertise on TV too, right? Or just in general.
Sevan Matossian (06:50):
I think there’s one, maybe one other country, but Yeah. Yeah. And basically you think, well, what’s the big deal about that? It it, it, the problem is, is then they own the news stations because the news stations are dependent on that money. It’s not so much the advertising that matters, it’s the fact that once they start the, um, owning the pay, they basically own the payroll of our tv. Not basically They do. They
Mattew Souza (07:16):
Do. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (07:17):
Pharma owns the pay. They’re subsidizing everything you’re watching on TV
Mattew Souza (07:23):
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Sevan Matossian (07:24):
Yeah. And it does. Just so you know, it doesn’t even matter if it’s not the news shows. It’s all the shows. Um, uh, they’re not going to let their comedy special make fun of pharma if their news show is sponsored by, if the payroll of their news show and their executives are getting money from pharma. It’s so simple. This isn’t conspiracy. This is like fact. This is just the way we work. This is why people don’t speak up. Cuz you don’t want to get fired. I know. I think I have a Twitter account. I need someone to show me how to use Twitter.
Mattew Souza (08:00):
You do. We have, we have two. It’s streaming right now too. Twitter.
Sevan Matossian (08:04):
Oh, okay. I don’t really know how to use it. I I don’t, like, every time I click on something, like you go to comment or something, it, it doesn’t seem intuitive to me.
Mattew Souza (08:12):
Yeah. It’s like you click the picture and then you can’t actually see the comments.
Sevan Matossian (08:16):
Or then I click the comments for when I wanna comment. It takes me to other people’s comments. And when I don’t want to comment, when I wanna read other comments, it takes me to where I comment and I just have everything just, just backwards.
I really like what’s going on over there though. It’s one of the few things. I type in my url, Twitter, and then hit the news on Google. It’s hilarious. I actually watched, I watched three news pieces yesterday on Twitter. Each of ’em was like three minutes long. And you know, it’s like the lady standing in front of Twitter headquarters from abc, nbc, cbs, and they all say nothing. It’s just badmouthing Twitter. But they don’t say Twitter could be on the verge of collapse. Okay. Tell me what, what’s going on over there? Uh, employees were told to work hard and instead of working hard, they’re leaving. I’m like, all right, well, where’s the verge of collapse? That sounds great to me. That sounds great to me. I would love it. Instead of firing people, if all I had to do was say, Hey, you have to work hard. And then all the people who didn’t wanna work hard just left
Mattew Souza (09:14):
They former, a union, former union.
Sevan Matossian (09:17):
I did see that. Uh, I saw that Andrew Tate, uh, went, got, went on Twitter and like in the first hour or 24 hours, he put on a million followers.
Mattew Souza (09:25):
Holy shit.
Sevan Matossian (09:30):
How people don’t think it’s concerning that the president of the United States was kicked off of a social media platform is bizarre. Sev will find a way to get canceled there. Oh,
Mattew Souza (09:42):
Sevan Matossian (09:44):
Nelly. This, I, I was thinking, I, I was talking with Susie yesterday, not a lot, like only five or six hours on the phone.
Mattew Souza (09:57):
Sevan Matossian (09:59):
And I was like, dude, we have, uh, we tackle every subject that you’ve been told not to tackle. We tackle every fucking subject. We’re like flies to just like those subjects. Transgender definitions of words, sex versus gender.
Mattew Souza (10:20):
Sevan Matossian (10:22):
Abortion, the killing of babies, uh, race. Uh, what’s it mean? Like, why do they paw it Black people when it’s just skin color has nothing to do with anything other than, you know, your, your ability to survive further or closer, um, to the equator, the vaccine.
Mattew Souza (10:45):
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>.
Sevan Matossian (10:49):
It just, and then, and then Su drops this line on me. He goes, dude, I go, what? He goes, we’re like salmon swimming upstream against the algorithm. <laugh>. I fucking, A tear came from my eye. I was so, I was laughing so hard.
Mattew Souza (11:07):
<laugh>. It’s the truth.
Sevan Matossian (11:08):
I just picture like in the matrix, like a couple x’s and o’s just trying to fucking swim up against the all the o x’s and O’s coming down. Dumps. Yeah. We talk about dumps
Mattew Souza (11:19):
Sevan Matossian (11:20):
We talk about our appreciation for giant dumps. I’ve told this story many times, but, but I’ll tell this story again just so for people. Yeah. It’s so good. That’s us. That’s us. Look at, oh, I see Bruce Wayne. There he is. Look at him. He’s not gonna make it.
Mattew Souza (11:35):
Sevan Matossian (11:36):
Bruce, you can’t be jumping that far from the water. You’re gonna get eaten by a bear buddy.
Mattew Souza (11:41):
Sevan Matossian (11:42):
Oh yeah. This word. We talked about this word.
Mattew Souza (11:45):
Oh geez.
Sevan Matossian (11:46):
Oh my goodness. Uh, 70% of salmon have parasites.
Seven. I probably snotted from laughing. I’m sure. <laugh>, I, when I first, when I first started doing, um, CrossFit, one of the things I I noticed right away is, um, from, from the squatting was my quads in my, my butt. And I just always remember tripping on that. Like how, how they were developing my quads and my, and my hamstrings in my butt. Just that whole area there. And my wife was like, in the first year I was doing CrossFit. She wasn’t a, a big fan. She thought it was, uh, excessive. And then, believe it or not, she saw, what she actually saw, saw was a video I made about Allison NYC doing pull-ups. And that actually inspired her. My wife’s like, oh, there’s, that’s just a regular chick doing pullups. And then I, and then that day she went to the park and she, she got a pull up.
She went and she did, she went to the park with me. Cause I used to work out at the park. There was a 330 meter track that I thought was 400 meters. I thought I was, thought I was running sub four hundreds for over or sub one minute, four hundreds for over a year. God, I’m such a jackass. <laugh>. And then one day some guy’s like, Hey dude, it’s a 330 meter track. That meant my four hundreds were slow as shit actually <laugh>. And I would tell people I would brag about my 400 s <laugh> anyway. Um, and so, and, and that was one of the things my, my wife was like, oh, this is cool. My butt’s getting bigger too. This is cool. I’m putting on, uh, muscle quickly. Is your butt your posterior chain, your glutes part of it? Part of it, yeah. So, uh, so I, we went to, we went to a, uh, rei I know most of you’ve heard this story, but I gotta tell it again cuz it’s so apropo at this point in our journey of the seven podcast.
And she was trying on pants and I, I love going clothes shopping with my wife. I haven’t done it in, I don’t know, 10 years. But I used to love going, I would go like every couple months with her and we were at, and I just loved, like anywhere we went. I just liked sitting there and just having her try on clothes. And they’re like, yeah, that’s dope. No, that, no. Yeah. And um, and my wife didn’t like it, which was funny cuz she just, she just wasn’t, she didn’t, you know, some people are like that. I I’m kinda like that too. You don’t wanna go in the dressing room. It just seems, it’s just so tedious. You’re in a tight spot and you’re changing clothes. Yeah. But she would do it. And um, she put on these pants and she came out and the REI employee there.
And, uh, they said, um, I said, oh, your butt looks small in the, in those pants. And the REI employee goes, oh yeah, your butt looks good in those. And then my wife looks, she goes, no, no, I don’t want my butt to look small. And at that point I was like, oh, that, that was cool. You know what I mean? Like, they don’t get it. And then the other time was I was at, um, Tony Buddings wedding and it was a, it was a sleepover wedding, I think in Gunville. It was a two day sleepover in Gunville, California on the river sleepover. Yeah. It was basically they had these, they had these basically these huts and you could sleep in them. I had a motor home at the time. Oh, okay. So there were like 300 people there who stayed overnight. You, um, you know, who was there was at the time was the CEO of, uh, Disney, Michael Eisner and Greg. Him and Greg set Bob, Bob Eisner, was it Bob Eisner, whoever the CEO of Disney was. And he was sitting right next to, actually maybe he had just stepped down, maybe he had just, anyway, he was sitting next to Greg and it was a trip I kept waiting to, to eavesdrop on one of their conversations. But I, I never heard it. I wasn’t really close with Greg at that point. Anyway, so, um, there was, there was volleyball there one afternoon and that was where I saw Nicole Carroll split her pants and her shirt
Mattew Souza (15:35):
<laugh>. Oh yeah, I told that story. That’s
Sevan Matossian (15:38):
A great story. Yeah, that was, that was Michael Eisner. Okay. Soccer mom. Okay. Yeah, soccer mom’s. Got it. I’m wrong. Okay. And so, um, we’re, everyone’s playing soccer and my wife’s sitting on my lap and I go, man, your butt’s getting big. And next to me was a very, in our community, very famous female, uh, seminar staff member. And, um, she and I, she was just sitting there and about three minutes after I said it, you, you could tell it had pissed her off. She’s like, do you think that that’s okay to talk about women like that? And she fucking flipped out. She was ahead of her time. And my wife, who is very, very, uh, shy is not the word.
What is the word? She’s low key as a mofo. My wife is chill. She is so chill. Yeah. And my wife turns to her after she waits, till the lady’s done just going off on me and goes actually, and, and says to this flow master, I’m, I’m trying to make my butt big. I I I want it to be significantly. Like I’m, I’m working on, you know, you know, the same way like someone might be working on like their quads or their biceps or their traps. She’s like, I, I’m actually, I want that. And I just remembered, I I was, it was just fascinating to me. The, and, and that that’s kind of part of that she wanted by that lady was defend offended by it. And so she was demanding that my wife be offended by it. When for my wife, it was a compliment.
I thought about this. I mean obviously that’s what we’re seeing going on everywhere in this world. It’s, um, it’s weird. It’s, it’s like that, that video that Hiller made about Tia to me yesterday, like if he made that video about me, I would be so flattered. <laugh>, I would think it was so funny. I would po repost that shit. That shit is so funny. And I, and I don’t know if she’s gonna see it or, well, I think she’s gonna see it, but, and maybe she wants to distance herself from him anyway because of the, the other accusations he’s made. But yeah, it’s just interesting how people take things.
And my son was at the park yesterday and he came home and he goes, there was a kid there being mean to me. And I go, what do you mean? And he told me, and I go, why? And he goes, he said my shoes were untied and I looked down and they weren’t untied. And he started laughing. And I’m like, and I’m like, yeah, that’s what it means to be a six year old. Like, if s did that to me, I would be like, ha. Like, but when you’re six, that shit offends you. When you have the emotional development of a six year old, those are the kind of things that offend you.
Mattew Souza (18:28):
People don’t grow out that
Sevan Matossian (18:33):
Don’t, don’t have the emotional development of a six year old. It’s, it’s a, it’s, it’s such a hard life for them compared to us. You don’t, you don’t have to be. It’s, it’s funny. It’s, I mean it’s like, ah, I got you your shoes. You don’t, you know, my kid’s shoes were probably Velcro now that I think about it. So you don’t, you don’t have to act like a six year old. You can just be like, yo, that dude flipped me off. Yo, what’s up dude? You don’t have to <laugh>. You can have the emotional development of whatever age you really are. Like if you’re,
Mattew Souza (19:02):
I mean, you could choose your reaction.
Sevan Matossian (19:04):
Yeah. That Thank you Susan. Yeah. You could choose your, um, yeah, she’s stoic. Yeah, my wife is pretty stoic, but, but she’s also, she’s funny. She’s, she’s, she’s, um, she’s she, she’ll let it hang. Uh, oh. We got, we’re we’re, we were on the point we’re doing the porn 69 mega.
Mattew Souza (19:28):
Oh wow. Oh geez.
Sevan Matossian (19:31):
I don’t even think that’s a good name. I don’t wanna go to a site that’s 69. Wait,
Mattew Souza (19:35):
Why can’t I, oh, there’s a little thingy.
Sevan Matossian (19:37):
Why were they wearing shoes? That’s a great question. You know what it was, is they took all the sand out of this park and they put in tam bark. They took all the sand out of this kid’s play area and they put in tam bark.
Mattew Souza (19:51):
It’s supposed to be safer or
Sevan Matossian (19:52):
Something, I don’t know. And then they spread the sand all over the grass at the park and killed the grass. <laugh> it’s
Mattew Souza (20:02):
Remember what, with the sand of the skate park down south Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (20:06):
To stop people during the, um, so-called pandemic. Yeah.
Mattew Souza (20:10):
Can’t skateboard. That’s crazy.
Sevan Matossian (20:13):
He was, he was nice though, uh, Spiegel. I, I think Hillary was pretty nice. I mean, he, he, it was poignant, but I don’t think, um, I don’t think it he was mean. I, I didn’t watch the fights last. I, I did watch the fights last night, but I watched them after they had already been shown. I did watch Jack, uh, the only fight I watched live and I watched it from my phone because I was at one of my kids’ birthday party at the park. I did watch the jack, uh, de a Mag dela fight. I did try to get him on before the fight. He might be getting too big time. I think he’ll come on after.
Mattew Souza (20:45):
Sevan Matossian (20:46):
He murdered that dude, man, he murdered that dude. Anyway, so there, that’s the deal, man. Like we’re, we’re, we’re, we are surrounded by drug addicts. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a massive, we’re we’re, uh, that’s, that’s where we’re at. We’re just 576 billion and twice the amount, amount of, we’d spend twice the amount of money on drugs then the entire GDP of Finland Aika, that’s where Migos from.
Mattew Souza (21:17):
That’s nuts.
Sevan Matossian (21:20):
6.6 million people have died from c that’s 0.08% of the population. 0.08% of the global population, the average age of death, 83 years old, 21 million people have either been injured or killed from the vaccine under the age of 50, according to theirs.
Mattew Souza (21:44):
21 million.
Sevan Matossian (21:45):
21 million. Now think about that for a second. Vers is probably underreported by by uh, uh, uh, times 10. So it could be as high as 210 million, which sounds like a much more plausible number to me. There’s 3.5 times the amount of injuries and death from the vaccine than there are deaths from Covid when the average age is 83. Process that shit. That’s crazy. Wow. Nuts. And on that note, hi Corey. What’s up brother
Corey Pulido (22:16):
Sevan Matossian (22:17):
How are you? Thanks for coming on.
Corey Pulido (22:19):
Yeah, man. What’d I jump into?
Sevan Matossian (22:21):
Just a giant love fest. We were just, just loving on each other, each other, how great Caleb is and how great is and yeah. Total. Yes, absolutely. We can’t wait to get together and all pee in the same toilet and high five each other.
Corey Pulido (22:35):
<laugh>. Cross streams.
Sevan Matossian (22:36):
Cross streams, all that fun stuff. All that stuff Caleb has to do every day where he, where he works.
Corey Pulido (22:42):
Sevan Matossian (22:43):
Can’t wait to show, show us these social experiments, uh, that they do over there.
Corey Pulido (22:48):
Downtown wasn’t, wasn’t Dan talking yesterday about the, the poop trough?
Sevan Matossian (22:51):
Oh yeah. Dale. Dale, yeah.
Corey Pulido (22:54):
Poop. Poop. Gosh. Chris
Sevan Matossian (22:57):
Here at this camp, you will crash a helicopter and you will sit in a bucket next to another man and touch knees with him.
Corey Pulido (23:03):
That’s life has adversity. Touch knees,
Caleb Beaver (23:07):
That’s bar for the course of the military.
Sevan Matossian (23:09):
What’s great. Those are his two stories from that. Like those are the side by side stories from that camp.
Corey Pulido (23:16):
Well, the things that you remember in detail,
Sevan Matossian (23:18):
Uh, Corey, you were, um, you’re a professor.
Corey Pulido (23:22):
Yeah. I know. I don’t look like one, but I am.
Sevan Matossian (23:24):
And, and I know you, you look like, uh, like you’re a boy band. Uh, maybe you just just aged out from being a boy band. You look like a 19 year old. Like they’re looking for replacement for you. You’ve crossed over the threshold. Um, what, what university narrative?
Corey Pulido (23:38):
Uh, east East Carolina University. So it’s in, in, uh, North Carolina. I’m about two hours away, I think from C Beaver.
Sevan Matossian (23:46):
Oh yeah. And how long have you been teaching there?
Corey Pulido (23:50):
Uh, seven years. So I’m, I don’t know how much of a background you need me to give, but I’m what’s a non-traditional student? So I came, I didn’t start my real grad or my real education until about 25. Um, graduated with my master’s and then I started teaching immediately after I was unemployed for about a year. They, they called me back and I started teaching entrepreneurship.
Sevan Matossian (24:13):
Oh wow. That’s cool. What does that mean? Um, non I, I don’t understand non-traditional. Why isn’t that traditional what you did?
Corey Pulido (24:19):
So a traditional student graduates high school and then immediately gets put into some college for the next, you know, three, four or five years. And, um,
Sevan Matossian (24:28):
Seven, seven for me by the way. But go on. Yeah, you do. You. Well,
Corey Pulido (24:32):
I was gonna say, I, I didn’t know what college was. And so my, you know, my mom paid for one class at a time. Um, obviously I followed a girl to go to college, got kicked out. Um, then I dropped out and then at about 25 I realized that I didn’t wanna work for the man and I needed to take life into my own hands. And education just became the, I wanted to educate myself so I could kind of take advantage of my own opportunities. And, um, school was just the route for me. And I loved teaching. I loved talking and presenting in front of people. And so I just found my niche. Um, I’ve got a, I got a bunch of different businesses, but, um, this is just what I do from nine to five essentially.
Sevan Matossian (25:12):
And when you went back to school, did you move back in with your parents at 25?
Corey Pulido (25:17):
Um, for about six months at 18, I, I moved out. My mom and dad live in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and I did not wanna deal with I 95 traffic. And so I lived with him for that for about six months. And I said, screw this. And came back to North Carolina. Um, got my own place. And when I came back to start my education, I did, I lived with my father-in-law for about six months until I could buy my own place. Um, and at 18 I became an entrepreneur and started rental property.
Sevan Matossian (25:50):
And so Oh wow.
Corey Pulido (25:51):
And so, yeah, I did live with him for a little while, but essentially I’ve been kind of on my own
Sevan Matossian (25:57):
Look as soon as you said you started a business with rental property, Susan’s like I was in that. Yeah. Uh, did you see the podcast we did with Tommy G?
Corey Pulido (26:08):
I’m actually watching that one right now. Yeah. Cuz I, I, I think a couple podcasts ago you were talking about, um, he does, he does the videos for Kensington in Philly and like I go down spirals on YouTube, they keep sending me those on YouTube for some reason.
Sevan Matossian (26:22):
Corey Pulido (26:23):
And, and so, um, I didn’t know that he does those type of videos. So I, I backtracked and I’m actually about 30 minutes into the one with Tommy G
Sevan Matossian (26:31):
So at the end we get into, he has a, um, him and one of the guys at from his Jiujitsu gym have like, I I wanna say like 23 rental properties in Milwaukee. Yeah. And I, I, and I still text with them and he was talking to me about the 2% rule and I had heard about the 1% rule and I thought it was bullshit. And he does the 2% rule, meaning you buy a place for, uh, a hundred thousand dollars only if it can get $2,000 a month rent. Yeah. And they got 23 properties like that. I’m like, kid, you are killing it. You’re a beast.
Corey Pulido (27:02):
Yeah. I, I, I don’t have that many yet. I’m actually getting my real estate license, um, in a couple months cuz I’ve got one foot out the door from teaching. I wanna start my own thing, you know, build, build my own property management company. But, uh, we just got into Airbnbs and uh, that’s kind of like the 4% rule Wow. Making, we’re making a whole bunch of money with Airbnbs.
Sevan Matossian (27:24):
Wow. You’ll be hearing from su <laugh>. I’m not joking. Yeah. Um, go on.
Corey Pulido (27:31):
No, I was just gonna say, you know, I do have a, a very non-traditional path to, to where I am right now. You know, drugs, alcohol, partying, getting kicked out, just learning lessons the freaking hard way all along. And that’s also why I like, uh, teaching, you know, showing them that you can make all these mistakes, but you can still be super and uber successful and have multiple businesses and defining your own path of success.
Sevan Matossian (27:58):
And then you just basic, basically it’s a, it’s a reallocation of energy, right?
Corey Pulido (28:03):
Sevan Matossian (28:03):
The energy you put into, into, into drinking and drugs and partying or whatever you re you find you’re like, ah, somehow something clicks and you don’t, um, you don’t see the, the long game for that’s not as good as, uh, entrepreneurship.
Corey Pulido (28:17):
Yeah. I mean, I, if, if you were to see me, I actually had a friend, uh, from high school pass away a little while ago. And if they were to see me now a complete 180 degree of the person that I was in high school, it’s just none of those things add value. Um, I, I messaged you or DM you one time and I was telling you for about two years now, I’ve been sober. I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs. I just am constant, constantly looking for things that I need to remove outta my life that just don’t add value.
Sevan Matossian (28:52):
That is the secret to remove shit. So many people wanna add shit. The secret is to remove shit. Good morning, Allison. Good morning DJ Reed. Good morning. Bruce Wayne. Uh, did, were, were you, you weren’t in the military, were you?
Corey Pulido (29:07):
My dad was in the military for 30 years.
Sevan Matossian (29:09):
Corey Pulido (29:09):
Wow. So that, that’s why, uh, we felt inclined and I’m always looking for ways to support. Um, and so, you know, we put together a package for C Beaver and then my parents obviously put together
Sevan Matossian (29:21):
That was you. That’s so
Caleb Beaver (29:24):
Thank you very much. That’s, it’s gone a long way. Everybody’s just, everything, all those protein chips were eating within a week.
Corey Pulido (29:31):
<laugh>. I, I figured, I figured. I’ll try to do something again next semester.
Caleb Beaver (29:35):
All good. You’ve done enough already. Thank you very much.
Sevan Matossian (29:41):
God, I hope, I hope Caleb’s not there next semester. <laugh>. He’s done his time in the equity experiment. Okay. So, so, so you go to this school and is the school you’re going to now, the school you teach at now, is that where you attended? Is that where you were a student? Yeah, I.
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