Sevan Matossian (00:01):
Bam. We’re live. Those are the first words outta my mouth this morning. Chris and I have never exchanged words. Just a little bit of eye contact. Maybe three seconds before you guys came on. You guys are seeing the whole relationship unfold before your
Chris Wark (00:14):
Eyes. It was a beautiful moment of eye contact.
Sevan Matossian (00:16):
Yes, it was. Thank <laugh>.
Chris Wark (00:19):
I was, I was looking at you going, Is my camera angle weird or
Sevan Matossian (00:23):
No, just mine.
Chris Wark (00:24):
Maybe we’ll be all right. <laugh>,
Sevan Matossian (00:27):
Uh, intimacy between human beings is my, is my kinda fa favorite thing in life. So I appreciate you recognizing the beautiful moment. Chris, Uh, war, Am I pronouncing right?
Chris Wark (00:41):
Yeah. War rhymes with, uh, work. Fork.
Sevan Matossian (00:43):
Fork. Oh, I like that. Okay. Chris, War <laugh>. My name’s seven, kind of like seven, but seven. Uh, Chris, the people who I, I’m making this up to take this with a grain of salt. The people who listen to this show are super duper into personal responsibility and personal accountability to the most extreme.
Chris Wark (01:04):
That’s why I’m excited to be here.
Sevan Matossian (01:06):
I would argue that there’s no group, uh, gathered anywhere, uh, on the internet, more so than this group who, b, who believe in that. Um, they know what science is. They understand that science is not truth, and it’s just for whatever offers the greatest predictive value. And, and, and they, and they really understand that, that it is not truth. It’s just a guiding light. It just offers predictive value. They are not versed as well as, uh, nearly as well as you. Um, and things like the Amgen study, which is absolutely fascinating. But they’ve heard all about it because they were all followers of, or our followers of CrossFit. And Greg Glassman, who has knows, is on a very similar path to you, um, talk, talking about broken science and the replication crisis. And they’re familiar with a lot of these things. Um, they are, they’re acutely, uh, aware that the body can heal itself.
Uh, they are open to experimentation on themselves. They recognize that they are their own personal doctors and that they’re lab rats and they should experiment on themselves. They are God, uh, fearing. Is it fearing, fearing folk. Uh, even though, um, I don’t believe in God, I think these guys all follow me because they’re waiting for Jesus to save me. And, uh, then that they watch the show and they like, uh, the openness I have towards, um, towards God. Yeah. And finally, I would guess that they’re almost all, they really believe in the carnivore diet. They’ve sit here, they’ve been on the show, and they’ve watched me eat a pound of a raw meat. Um, they watch me eat raw meat on my Instagram. They’ve seen me, uh, really kind of lean that way. Had Paul Saladino on several times. We had the liver king on, which I would say is the best interview he’s ever done.
And many people agree with that. Um, and so we’ve really gone down that path. That being said, I think this group would experiment with a one week vegetable diet, the, the, some of the ones that you’re espousing. And then if your book is absolutely remarkable, Chris beats cancer. Chris beat cancer. No s Chris beat cancer, and they’re so open to that. And so, uh, here we are, guys. I’m gonna ask Chris a a series of questions so you get to know him now, but I wanted Chris to know that, um, he’s home with a <laugh>.
Chris Wark (03:29):
Sevan Matossian (03:30):
Good. He’s home. I
Chris Wark (03:31):
Appreciate the context and, and I love the CrossFit community and the, and the cross training, uh, functional fitness community because yeah, personal responsibility is huge, right? And when you understand that your choices matter, and that your choices can affect your future and they can change your life, and that you’re not a victim, then it, uh, it frees you, right? You become a free person, um, to manage and direct your own life as opposed to a victim of circumstance. Um, and victimhood is, is sort of paralysis, right? Unfortunately, today, victimhood is, is sort of like a badge of honor among certain people. And, um, and it, it’s tragic when I see, you know, just to see that attitude because it really does prevent you from growth and from change and from success. Uh, so yeah, man, I’m excited to be here.
Sevan Matossian (04:22):
Oh, congratulations on maintaining your YouTube channel and not losing your blue check mark, like me.
Chris Wark (04:28):
Did you? I don’t know that I do. I
Sevan Matossian (04:30):
I lost my whole account. They booted me. I think you do have a blue check mark. How did
Chris Wark (04:35):
I, did you say something controversial and and I just, Or what?
Sevan Matossian (04:40):
Yeah. I, I just don’t, um, I, I have no, from day one, when the original study started coming out from China, that, um, 65% of all, or sorry, sorry, 95% of all the people dying in China from Covid were 65 or older, or 30 year smokers, right? And the second largest cohort was their wives. I knew, and I knew right away that I hadn’t seen anything yet. Yet smokers die. Like you’ve told me nothing about Covid. Of course, people over 65 who have been smoking for 30 years, um, die. And then when they started saying, it’s old, it, it hurts old people more than young people. I said, age is just a correlate. Now, of course, maybe your immune system and your NK cells and whatnot, Wayne, as you get older, but there’s no proof of that. And I’ve had many scientists on here who espouse who, who agree with me on everything.
And they say, Yeah, it’s dangerous for old people. And I go, Has there been a study on that? And they’re like, No, <laugh>. So, uh, and, and I think this group gets that they don’t wanna play. They, they don’t wanna play a victim. And because I said that, I say that kind of stuff on my Instagram account, Um, I don’t think one child, I don’t think you could administer 650 million injections, even if it was just saline and not kill someone. There’ll be some sort of accident that will kill someone. And because of that, I can’t save people. I can’t save a hundred million people over the age of 82 who are 30 years complicit in their demise and kill one child. I’d rather save that one child. And because I say shit like that, they toss me.
Chris Wark (06:08):
Yeah. It’s controversial. And I, and by the way, I said many, many things.
Sevan Matossian (06:11):
It’s weird cuz to me it’s not controversial. It just shows my love for kids. Yeah,
Chris Wark (06:14):
Yeah. No, I, it’s not controversial to me either, But I, I get, I’m saying I’m, I’m acknowledging the controversy that people would be horrified by, you know, common sense and logic. But, um, yeah, at the end of the day, it’s, we saw those early studies coming out. We saw who was at risk and it wasn’t the average person, people that were extremely unwell.
Sevan Matossian (06:37):
Well, it the average, unfortunately, its the average person <laugh>. But, but go
Chris Wark (06:42):
On. Yeah, yeah. Touche <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian (06:44):
But I know what you mean. I know what you
Chris Wark (06:46):
Mean. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (06:47):
It’s not the healthy person.
Chris Wark (06:50):
That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. Young people and healthy people who take care of themselves, um, you know, you have resilience when you take care of yourself, uh, against chronic disease and infectious disease. And there’s a cascading effect that happens when you go for years and years and years of not taking care of yourself and you develop chronic disease. And what always comes as chronic disease is inflammation and immunosuppression. And those two factors are, are absolutely key to cancer progression and also to chronic disease. I’m, excuse me, infectious disease vulnerability. So the, the good news there, it’s not, I’m not trying to blame anyone, but the good news is you can reverse chronic disease and strengthen your body against infectious disease just by changing your daily routine. By changing your daily choices.
Sevan Matossian (07:45):
I like the,
Chris Wark (07:45):
So that was, that was the big eye opener for me with cancer.
Sevan Matossian (07:48):
I like the way you say, um, we always hear about inflammation, but you nailed it. Maybe we should, I’m gonna start saying that more immunosuppression. Hey guys, if you eat that snicker bar, I’m not gonna say you’re gonna get inflammation. I’m m gonna say you’re gonna get immunosuppression. It. I like it because it, cuz it hits home more, right? Ah, so what I get a little inflammation. I’ll walk it off. Immunosuppression, you do not want, it’s basically walking around with your pants down. You’re, you’re just so vulnerable.
Chris Wark (08:17):
Well, if we’re talking about, uh, since we’re on the controversy, uh, controversial topics, uh, thread here, what most people don’t know, uh, well, most people know this. Number one cause of cancer. Can you guess it, it’s an obvious, it’s not a secret as
Sevan Matossian (08:36):
Smoking. Yes.
Chris Wark (08:37):
Okay. Number one. Cause number two, cause
Sevan Matossian (08:41):
Uh, diet nutrition,
Chris Wark (08:45):
It’s, it’s close. It’s obesity.
Sevan Matossian (08:47):
Obesity, Okay. Yeah. I I’m gonna give myself a point for that. Sorry.
Chris Wark (08:50):
Yeah, we’ll give you a point because that is related to your diet, Right? Thank you. And, and being sedentary. So,
Sevan Matossian (08:55):
Yes, yes.
Chris Wark (08:56):
Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer. This is not something I made up. It’s, it’s well established, but it’s not talked about because obesity has become a taboo topic. Being overweight or obese, uh, in today, uh, is to be celebrated. And, um, you, you’re, you can get on the cover of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue or whatever. Uh, and the truth is, when you’re overweight or obese, it’s a burden on the entire system. And those fat cells, those excess fat cells are doing multiple things, uh, that are working against you. Number one is they release inflammatory molecules into your bloodstream. So that promotes chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation promotes all kinds of systemic diseases. Number two, they produce excess hormones like estrogen, estrogen fuels cancer growth. That’s not good. Uh, and the third thing is, and this really blew my mind cuz this study is, this research is not very, oh, it’s just a few years old.
But, um, a team of scientists were, were studying, uh, immune cells in an obese environment. What they discovered was that immune cells in an obese environment are themselves obese. So they realized that immune cells were absorbing the free floating fatty acids and becoming bloated and slow and sluggish and ineffective. So if you think about your immune system as an army, right? That’s supposed to fight off viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and cancer cells. Well, what do you want? Do you want a young, healthy, strong army or do you want an army that’s obese? And so that’s, that’s really the, the key to understanding why obesity not only, uh, suppresses your immune system and makes you vulnerable to cancer. Cuz your immune cells are just not good at their job. Right? <laugh>,
Sevan Matossian (10:47):
Cancer cells you’re talking about are invading them. You’re talking about NK cells, natural killer cells and T
Chris Wark (10:51):
Cells, cells, B cells, natural killer cells. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (10:55):
And no one talked about those as the first line of defense against the infection ever. You never heard about, that’s during the pandemic. No one ever talked, Well, the so-called pandemic, no one ever talked about that.
Chris Wark (11:04):
Right? And this is also why the obese were among the highest risk group for severe disease and death during the pandemic, Right? It’s the same mechanism, right? It’s immunosuppression, chronic inflammation, immunosuppression, a poorly functioning cardiovascular system, poorly functioning nervous system. Like all of those systems are interconnected. And when you’re over overweight or obese, they are taxed, they’re overworked, they’re overloaded, and you are vulnerable. So the good news is, I’ve never met a person who can’t lose weight if they decide to lose weight, Right? So this is not about fat shaming, it’s just about, about we gotta lay out the truth here and let people know. Listen, if you want optimal health, if you want to prevent chronic disease, which sucks, or, uh, life threatening infectious disease, then, you know, you just have to take your health seriously and start making different choices.
Sevan Matossian (12:06):
Uh, Chris, how old are you?
Chris Wark (12:07):
Sevan Matossian (12:09):
You’re looking at a 45 year old man, uh, who has, uh, amazing eyes, perfect skin, and, uh, more or less you’re vegan, right? You, you, you blend up 64 ounces of vegetables every morning. And, and that’s kind of your base throughout the day, right? That’s your go-to food throughout the day.
Chris Wark (12:28):
Yeah, I eat a whole food, plant based diet. I don’t identify as a insert the blanket area. Okay.
Sevan Matossian (12:35):
Chris Wark (12:35):
Fairs because I just don’t see the value in that. But yeah, I eat predominantly fruits and vegetables, uh, nuts and seeds, whole grains, herbs and spices, legumes. I eat all, all the plant food and I’m about 98% plant based. So what
Sevan Matossian (12:50):
An what that two do you, what animals do you swerve into occasionally? What animals do you
Chris Wark (12:55):
Occasionally eat? Yeah, occasionally I might eat a piece of fish.
Sevan Matossian (12:57):
Chris Wark (12:58):
You know, I mean, there’s no, there’s no animal food that’s really off limits. Although I don’t eat scavengers. So I mean, I never, I never
Sevan Matossian (13:04):
Eat Like what, like a squirrel?
Chris Wark (13:06):
Uh, like pigs or shellfish? Um, yeah. Or rodents. <laugh>. Good. All right. I like that.
Sevan Matossian (13:19):
On December, 2003 at 26 years old, uh, Chris, um, got the news that the, probably the scariest thing when I was reading the book, um, listening to the book, Thank you for the audio book. Uh, he was, he was diagnosed or told that he had stage three, even a little further than stage three, right? Like 3.6 or something.
Chris Wark (13:36):
Stage three C
Sevan Matossian (13:37):
Okay. Three C, um, colon cancer. And of course he, he, he completely freaked out. Um, he went to the doctor, he started going down the path, the traditional route. Um, he had the cancer removed and then they wanted to start the, uh, medication, chemo and whatnot. And at that point, Chris, uh, turned to the heavens and you began really praying on, on a different path. Is that correct?
Chris Wark (14:04):
Yeah. That’s basically, basically the way it went down. I, I got this diagnosis after the having pain for the better part of a year, abdominal pain. And it was just a weird kind of pain that would come and go. So most of the day I felt fine. And then occasionally I would get these twines of pain
Sevan Matossian (14:22):
And the break out in sweat too, right?
Chris Wark (14:24):
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, occasionally it would, there would be a sharp pain. Sometimes it would be more of a dull aching kind of pain, uh, with twinges of sharp pain. And then sometimes it would, I don’t know if it was fear or, you know, it was an, an auto, an autonomic nervous response or whatever. But yeah, sometimes I’d kind of break out in a sweat. Um, and uh, yeah, I ignored it, you know, I just thought, well, I don’t know. I’m too busy to deal with this and it, and every morning when I woke up I would feel pretty good, you know, just feel fine. But then throughout the day I would get these pains. So eventually I had a colonoscopy cuz the pain got worse. And, um, when I woke up from that procedure, uh, they told me I had a golf ball size tumor in my, uh, colon, which is maybe colon cancer.
They biopsied it and called me a couple days later and said, Yeah, you’ve got colon cancer, so we need to get you into surgery right away and get this thing out of you before it spreads and kills you. And this is a very typical, uh, experience for a cancer patient. As soon as you get the diagnosis, you’re rushed into treatment before you have any time to read or research or learn or understand your disease or understand the treatments, right? It’s just, we gotta get you on the conveyor belt quickly. And because there’s no time to spare, this is urgent. Your life’s at stake. And so patients, uh, just like me, quickly agree. Okay. Just whatever you gotta do, you know? And we surrender our power really to, to, uh, the medical industry and to doctors and hope that they’re gonna save our lives. And, um, the reality is, most cancer pa patients, when they’re diagnosed, they’re, they’re not in a life threatening situation.
They have time. They have a lot of time. And especially women with breast cancer, I mean, they get a tiny lump. I mean, there’s, they don’t even have pain. They don’t even know there’s anything there. Um, and they’re rushed into getting their breasts cut off and radiation treatments and chemo. So, um, so I I, I was able to postpone. They wanted me in surgery within just a couple days. I mean, that’s how fast this thing moves. Patients are put on radiation within a couple days. Chemo starts within a couple days of diagnosis. I mean, it’s really pretty insane how fast the train moves. And, uh, but I postponed the surgery about 10 days cuz it was right before Christmas. And I was like, I don’t wanna be in the hospital on Christmas. You know, it was already like, horrible, you know, my life had just come to a grinding halt and I’m just like, Can we can just please do this after Christmas? So anyway, I go in on December 30th, they took out a third of my large intestine. That’s where the tumor was. When I woke up. They said, It’s worse than we thought. You’re stage three c. Stage two means at that time, uh, you have surgery, you go home, you’re done. There’s no more treatment. Uh, but stage three C meant nine to 12 months of chemotherapy.
Sevan Matossian (17:13):
That’s what I was told. And, and what is the distinction between stage two and stage three? Do you know? Yeah.
Chris Wark (17:18):
Stage two means the tumor is basically, uh, encapsulated. Stage three means it has spread to your lymph nodes, okay. The cancer. But another misunderstanding about cancer is that, and you might remember this from my book, but uh, this idea of a tumor or cancer being fully encapsulated is actually wrong because circulating tumor cells and circulating stem cells leave a primary tumor site before it’s even big enough to detect. So you can have a tiny microscopic lesion that’s already spitting out cancer cells that are circulating in your body. Now, the reason those cancer cells don’t set up camp and form new tumors is because of your immune system. Ah,
Sevan Matossian (18:07):
Chris Wark (18:08):
Yes. Your immune system, your immune cells are designed, their job is to identify and eliminate cancer
Sevan Matossian (18:16):
Cells is, that’s why people say, Hey, everyone’s living with cancer. Like to this day, right? You could have a cancer factory in you, Chris, but because you’re so healthy, your NK cells have quarantined that anytime it comes out that they’re aware of the enemy and they’re just whacking them.
Chris Wark (18:29):
And you, Right, right. We, we all produce cancer cells, cells, mutate.
Sevan Matossian (18:34):
I appreciate that. And you
Chris Wark (18:36):
<laugh> <laugh> not to scare you, but cells mutate, uh, all the time and, uh, for different reasons and become cancerous. And your immune system is designed to identify and eliminate them. So the real difference between a person with tumors and the person with no tumors is the strength of their immune system. And this is why immunotherapy is the next frontier of cancer drugs because, uh, you know, <laugh> a hundred years after William Coley, who’s the father of immunotherapy who discovered he, he was curing cancer patients by, uh, giving them fevers. So he was inducing fevers because he discovered that fevers ramped up the immune system and then patients were getting well because the, their immune cells just attacked everything. Right?
Sevan Matossian (19:25):
Hence the, hence the sweats. I I actually thought that when you said you would break out in sweats, I said, Oh, that’s his immune system firing up.
Chris Wark (19:31):
Yeah. And it could have been for sure. Okay. For sure. So, but anyway, it’s taken a, again, a hundred years plus for, for the medical industry to finally figure out, oh, we could monetize immunotherapies and we could harness the immune system to fight cancer. Cuz ultimately that’s what keeps you well, right? You can poison away cancer cells temporarily, right? You can burn them off, you can cut them off. But if your immune system is not strong, your body keeps making cancer and you have to change the internal terrain, right? That’s on you. Right? And patients are not told this, but you, you have to change your internal terrain. You have to make it a place where that is inhospitable to cancer, right? Where cancer cells cannot thrive. That means gotta deal with your inflammation problem and your immunosuppression problem and overdose on nutrition, which is what I did. Pump your body full of nutrients that it can use to repair, regenerate, detoxify, and heal. Right? That’s the ultimate goal is healing. And by the way, there’s a medical industry term called spontaneous remission. That’s when the cancer goes away and they don’t know why. Right? And the word that we know <laugh> is, is called healing.
Sevan Matossian (20:50):
Right? Right,
Chris Wark (20:51):
Right. It’s called healing, but they don’t want to call it healing. They call it spontaneous remission. And there’s a huge project, the Spontaneous Remission project, and then, uh, sort of a, an offshoot of that is the Radical Remission Project. My friend Dr. Kelly Turner wrote a book called Radical Remission, which is all about this. Um, so, uh, so back to my story, right? I had surgery and they told me I needed nine to 12 months of chemotherapy while I was in the hospital. They served me some horrific food, the first of which was a sloppy joe right after my surgery, you know, and it’s like, so you
Sevan Matossian (21:24):
Had a third of your large intestine taken out and then they hand you a sloppy Joe.
Chris Wark (21:27):
That’s correct.
Sevan Matossian (21:28):
Yeah. That’s insanity.
Chris Wark (21:29):
That’s exactly what
Sevan Matossian (21:30):
Happens. <laugh> insanity. It’s like they hate you. It’s like they hate you.
Chris Wark (21:33):
Yeah. And the sloppy Joe I know, the sloppy, it isn’t just junk food. I mean it’s like the worst cafeteria food possible. Right? The only place you get sloppy joe’s in that I thought you would get a sloppy Joe would be like summer camp. Right? Or the military or prison.
Sevan Matossian (21:47):
Right. Prison sounds good.
Chris Wark (21:49):
Yeah. This is prison food. Oh, surprise. Also, we’re giving this same food to sick people in the hospital. So, uh, so yeah, that was a bit of an eye opener. And then the day I was told I could go home, my surgeon came in to check on me and, and I just happened to ask him, Hey, is there any food I need to avoid? Because I knew they just cut out a third of my large intestine. Everything you eats going through there, right? It’s all going down the tube. And uh, I didn’t know if like hot sauce was going to, you know, dissolve the stitches or something <laugh>, right? So, uh, and his answer was no, just don’t lift anything heavier than a beer.
Sevan Matossian (22:31):
It’s, it’s amazing that he said that too, because in there there’s the implication or the insinuation that drinking a beer’s, okay,
Chris Wark (22:38):
A drinking a beer’s, okay, B, anything you eat is okay, Right? It’s like, no, it doesn’t matter what you eat, including drinking alcohol. Doesn’t matter. And so that again, was, to me it was like this, I don’t believe that. Right? At that time I wasn’t a healthy guy. I was super busy. I was living on fast food, junk food, processed food. Um, what
Sevan Matossian (23:01):
Was your go-to fast food?
Chris Wark (23:03):
Oh man. I mean, every day it was different. I was a junk food conis. I mean it was Wendy’s, Burger King, kfc, Taco Bell, you
Sevan Matossian (23:10):
Know, just go through the drive. Just go through the drive through and get, Yeah, okay.
Chris Wark (23:13):
Yeah. Cuz I was, I was
Sevan Matossian (23:14):
A young Diet coke, Diet coke,
Chris Wark (23:16):
Not never diet, never diet stuff because I was always thin. So I was no, gimme the Dr. Pepper or, or Coke or whatever. Supersized it always. Um, and I was just a young entrepreneur. I was in real estate and I was building a business and I was just going 90 miles an hour and just eating on the run
Sevan Matossian (23:33):
What city
Chris Wark (23:34):
And that didn’t help Memphis.
Sevan Matossian (23:35):
Chris Wark (23:36):
Yeah. I wasn’t really exercising. I didn’t, yeah. I wasn’t exercising. Uh, and um, I was actually really excited about my life, you know, things were going great. But anyway, I got sick. So I get home from the hospital and I did, I prayed about it. I was, I was just, I’m a Christian, I was like, God, if there’s another way besides chemotherapy, please show me. You know, like help. Cuz I didn’t have peace about chemo. I had this internal resistance to doing chemotherapy because, uh, I had seen chemo patients, Right? I’d seen what it does to people. And it is, it’s alarming, right? And I don’t, I don’t mean to insult anyone that’s on chemo, but it’s just, it’s alarming when you see someone who is an advanced cancer patient who’s clearly been through years of chemotherapy treatments, right? And so I just thought that’s gonna be me.
And, uh, and that was, it was terrifying. I was more, I was more concerned about that than I was about the cancer killing me. And, um, and, and, and let me just say I, this was purely instinctual it, I didn’t have close personal experience with a friend or family member going through chemo, right? I had just seen people, like from afar observed people from afar, like in my, you know, people that went to church with me or whatever. Um, so yeah, I prayed about it and it’s just like, if there’s another way to just show me, please show me. And, um, two days later I got a book that was sent to me from a friend of my dad’s who lived in Alaska. Again, I’m in Memphis, Tennessee sends me this book, and it was written by a guy named George Malcolms. And George found out he had colon cancer back in the 1970s.
And he had, his mother had gone through cancer treatment and died. And he just decided, you know, he didn’t wanna do chemo because he just felt like it was gonna kill him and not work. And he happened to have a health nut buddy who said, You need to get on a raw food diet and start juicing. So that’s what you need to do. You need to go back to the Garden of Eden <laugh> and just eat fruits and vegetables, organic fruits and vegetables raw and get a juicer and start juicing carrots. So that’s what he did. And a year later, no tumor, didn’t have surgery, didn’t have chemo, didn’t have radiation, his body healed. And so I’m, as I’m reading his story, I was like, this is amazing. Like, and sometimes it just takes one person’s story to change your life, right? To completely change the course of your life.
Sevan Matossian (26:09):
Is this the guy’s, Is this the guy The Hallelujah diet?
Chris Wark (26:11):
Yeah. Yeah. George Malcolms the Hallelujah diet. The, the book that I read was a different book that was called, it’s called God’s Way to Ultimate Health, but it’s the same message. He, he’s written, you know, a few books and, uh, it just,
Sevan Matossian (26:23):
Oh, he knew his audience. What was this guy’s name in Alaska?
Chris Wark (26:28):
Altron. He’s just a business friend of my dad.
Sevan Matossian (26:30):
Ow. Well, he, he sounds like a life saver to me. Sounds like an idiot. Oh,
Chris Wark (26:33):
Was a
Sevan Matossian (26:33):
Life saver. So Al knew your, your, your, your bent for Christianity and chose the right book for you.
Chris Wark (26:40):
I guess he did. I guess he did. My, my dad was, I mean, he knew my dad was a, was a believer and, um, and yeah, we’ve never talked about that specifically, but he, he just made a bold move and sent me a controversial book, <laugh>, you know, And, uh, but what, as I read it, I just realized, I mean, George made a really great case for nutrition and a great case for the reason that we have so many problems with chronic disease is because of our diet and lifestyle choices. And that made a lot of sense to me. And he also, you know, spent a little time talking about the risks of chemotherapy and, and opened my eyes to some of those things. So, you know, that was the first book that got me started on the journey. And then I just started devouring every book I could find on natural health and healing alternative cancer therapies.
And this, it was, it was miraculous really, because my mom had a ton of those books. She had amassed a library of books and some of them were behind me, like the Grape Cure Hold a Clark, the Cure for All Cancers Cancer Battle Plan. Like she had, she had just collected all these books for no reason. She never had cancer. She just is like, you know, just like to read health and wellness books, <laugh>. And, uh, so that was like a pretty amazing, she had the first book on rebound exercise by, um, Al. Uh, oh gosh, why is his name I’m, I’m blanking on his last name. But anyway, Al Carter. Anyway, um, so like, just things fell into place really quickly, and as soon as I started to go down, down that path, it’s just like the whole, the whole thing illuminated, right? It’s, and so, uh, I knew it was an answer to prayer.
I mean, it was just like, I prayed this showed up, I’m doing it like, you know, like I didn’t second guess it, it just felt so perfectly orchestrated. And, um, and I was excited about it. Like it gave me my power back when I realized, wait a second, maybe the way I’m living is killing me. And if the way I’m living is killing me, then that means that I can change what I’m doing and possibly heal, right? If I’m contributing to my illness, maybe I can contribute to my wellness. And, uh, so that was the first time I had really ever taken, well, there was, there was a time in college when I was really hardcore about, uh, what I ate and was taking tons of body building supplements and crap like that, <laugh>, you know? Uh, so this was kind of like that except without, you know, I wasn’t, I wasn’t body building. I was body building in a different way, right? Trying to rebuild. And, uh, and so I went to Whole Foods, I loaded up the cart, all vegetables, uh, and I’ve bought a juicer and got a 25 pound bag of carrots, organic juicing carrots. And then, I mean, I was on, on my way. Like, and the thing is like, you can,
Sevan Matossian (29:30):
You don’t ju sorry, just to be clear, you don’t juice now, now you blend. Right? Now you eat the whole, when, when you I do both eat the Vitamix.
Chris Wark (29:36):
I do both. Yeah, absolutely. You
Sevan Matossian (29:37):
Do both. Okay. Okay.
Chris Wark (29:38):
Yeah. Um, anyone can change their diet overnight. Anyone, like any person can change their diet immediately. Almost any person can start exercising immediately. And those are the two most powerful things you can do for your health is what you put in your mouth and moving.
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