Sevan Matossian (00:03):
Ba I’m more live. Good morning. Geez, Louise. Good morning, Jeff. We’ve come on a little earlier this morning. We got Brent Stephenson coming on Ninja Warrior,
Sevan Matossian (00:18):
Uh, from perusing his Instagram thoroughly. Uh, he believes in some stuff that I’m very curious to hear him talk about, that the earth is flat, that we didn’t land on the moon, that abortion is killing babies. Oh, man, there’s this video on his Instagram that is wild. He thinks that the Chris Rock slap was, uh, Hi. Good morning, Jody. Good morning, Christine. The Chris Rock, uh, slap was staged. I should have titled this. Um, be very careful what you believe. Be even more careful what you know. Kevin Smith. Good morning. A couple days ago, we had a lady on, um, uh, the identity, Dr. Lisa Maria del Rio. After the podcast was over, she sent me a text telling me, Oh my God, how fuck it Amazing. It was yada yada ydi. I was very flattered. I’m always flattered. Um, 99% of the people always do tell me that.
Sevan Matossian (01:15):
Uh, the feedback on the YouTube station was amazing. Um, uh, people, people loved the podcast, but there were three red flags that I saw when I was interviewing her. Uh, one, I think she must, she almost started crying, probably like 14, 15, 20. I don’t know. She almost started crying many times on the podcast, and I was like, That’s interesting. That was a red flag. The fact she had a post that celebrated a hundred thousand followers, that was a little bit of a red flag. I, I always think that that’s a sign of like, some sort of mental illness, but especially coming from someone who calls himself the identity doctor. And the third thing was that she refers to herself as an influencer. That’s always a weird thing to me. Anyway, uh, I guess, uh, I, I, I should have listened to my, um, Spider Senses. It’s a shame.
Sevan Matossian (02:02):
I think that, I think that the podcast made her look nothing but amazing and only bolstered her brand. I’m kind of good at that, at playing the heel, but, uh, either way. Um, she had lawyers send me a letter this morning telling me to pull it down. They have no merit on, but I pulled it down anyway. I don’t want anyone on my podcast who doesn’t wanna be on it. Like, if you don’t wanna be on the podcast, then I know, right? I, those three things should have been, anyway. I pulled it down. Um, uh, so we’ll talk more. I’ll do a live calling show, and we’ll talk more about it. Uh, I wish her the best. I wish she could have been, uh, a little more straightforward and face to face with me instead of like, uh, having lawyers handle it all. Um, Cedric LaPointe also had a podcast pulled down, and he, and we, we handled it, uh, man to man. I obviously don’t want to do anything to harm anyone. That’s the, uh, I just wanna make people laugh and love on people. So, um, anyway. Hi, Brent.
Brant Steffensen (03:04):
Hey, how’s it going?
Sevan Matossian (03:05):
Morning. Awesome. Cool. It’s, it’s a good ass life.
Brant Steffensen (03:09):
It is, isn’t it?
Sevan Matossian (03:11):
Yeah, it’s pretty fun. Um, what do you own chickens?
Brant Steffensen (03:15):
I’m sorry?
Sevan Matossian (03:16):
Do you own chickens?
Brant Steffensen (03:17):
I do, yeah. We have, uh, 10 chickens.
Sevan Matossian (03:20):
Are they awake yet?
Brant Steffensen (03:22):
They just woke up.
Sevan Matossian (03:24):
Ha. Good morning. Where are
Brant Steffensen (03:25):
You? I’m in, uh, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Sevan Matossian (03:28):
Awesome. Wow. Yeah, look at that behind you. That looks fun. Uh, is that the ramp they walk up to, to go to bed at night? What’s that? Is that ramp some sort of
Brant Steffensen (03:36):
Like, Well, that’s actually the, the kitty ramp. So my cats are on the show. They, I just have all sorts of weird towers and ramps built all over. So they love perching.
Sevan Matossian (03:47):
Um, they’re outdoor cats.
Brant Steffensen (03:50):
Uh, indoor outdoor.
Sevan Matossian (03:51):
Yeah. Okay. Um, what about, I, I was thinking about this recently. You, you know, uh, we, in, in the last, I don’t know. I just remember being a, a kid thinking that there’s this, there was this push to make all cats, indoor cats, and that it’s abusive to keep them outdoor and they’re not equipped. And my whole, every time I heard that shit, I’m like, If I was a cat, would I rather spend 20 years inside or would I, would I rather spend 10 or 15 years outside? I’m like, I’m going with outside.
Brant Steffensen (04:20):
I’m the same. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (04:21):
I’m like, Is this more nonsense? Like, you shouldn’t swim after you eat? Is this, or, or, or that the earth is round? Is this just more bullshit?
Brant Steffensen (04:28):
It was kind of like the whole covid thing. If you wanna stay safe,
Sevan Matossian (04:31):
Brant Steffensen (04:31):
Yeah. Don’t leave your house, You’re guaranteed not to get, you know, hit by a car or something.
Sevan Matossian (04:37):
Um, you put a premium on your health,
Brant Steffensen (04:40):
A premium.
Sevan Matossian (04:41):
Like it, like your health is like one of the things, uh, in your life that’s, you, you put towards the top of the thing, like
Brant Steffensen (04:48):
Absolutely. Yep. Started from a young age. I was just an athlete from early on, and I just wanted to know how to like, perform the best. And then kind of later on in life, I had some digestive issues, so I needed to figure out what to put in my body to make it feel good. So, I mean, I’ve always just, health has been a major priority.
Sevan Matossian (05:05):
And, and when you say athlete from a kid, what’s that look like?
Brant Steffensen (05:09):
Um, I mean, I was climbing around before I could walk, so my parents were like, We gotta get this kid in a pattern environment. So they got me in gymnastics, uh, about four years old. And, uh, it just kind of snowballed from there.
Sevan Matossian (05:23):
Do do you think that you were extra active or you, you just had astute parents that saw, Holy shit, all kids are super duper active and they need to be involved in stuff?
Brant Steffensen (05:32):
You know, I think, uh, I think I was just very active.
Sevan Matossian (05:36):
Okay. And, and, and, and where was that? Where did you live when that, Uh,
Brant Steffensen (05:41):
And then, uh, at that point it was Spokane, Washington.
Sevan Matossian (05:43):
Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. That’s a great place.
Brant Steffensen (05:47):
That’s a cool, I mean, I, I only lived there till I was about nine, so I didn’t really get to know it as an adult or anything, but I thought it was an awesome spot.
Sevan Matossian (05:53):
How, how did you settle in, um, Salt Lake City?
Brant Steffensen (05:58):
Uh, well, so my family’s been from here for generations, and I was actually born here, and my dad was in the Air Force, so right when I was born, we moved to Texas for a little while, call or California for a while, and then ended up in Washington for about nine years. And then I came back with my family after he retired from the military, and then, uh, was here for a long spurt, most of my formative years, you know. And then when I was about 27, I moved to la, uh, for stunts, and that’s how I got involved in the Ninja stuff. And then was there for about six years, and then moved to Texas for five with Alpha Warrior and then moved back. I was like, you know, I gotta get close to the family again.
Sevan Matossian (06:35):
Oh, wow. Are are those moves scary, like Texas to Utah?
Brant Steffensen (06:41):
You know, um, they’re definitely, you know, the unknown is scary. So coming back to Utah wasn’t really scary, you know, it’s very known and, you know, your family here, a lot of friends, but when you’re going to a new town and you know, very few people, it’s definitely a little scary, you
Sevan Matossian (06:57):
Know, and just kind of financial stability too. Right. I had a friend recently who is financially successful, but he moved to, uh, from California to Idaho. Oh yeah. And, uh, he’s an attorney, and I was just like, Holy shit. Like, you gotta pick up your family of three kids and like Yeah. Get all your shit reorganized up in Idaho. Like, you know what I mean?
Brant Steffensen (07:17):
I mean, it’s one thing moving, you know, to a different city in the same state, but when you’re relocating over several states, it’s a, it’s an ordeal.
Sevan Matossian (07:25):
Yeah. Do, do you have kids, Brent?
Brant Steffensen (07:27):
You know, I just had my first baby girl. Uh, she just turned 10 months, uh, last week, so.
Sevan Matossian (07:33):
Brant Steffensen (07:33):
It’s the best, man. I love it.
Sevan Matossian (07:35):
Brant Steffensen (07:36):
Thank you.
Sevan Matossian (07:39):
It’s, it’s like you always had her, right? The second they come out, it’s like, you always had her.
Brant Steffensen (07:42):
Oh, there you go. There she is. Yeah. You know, it’s like, I mean, they’re part of you, so it’s, it’s wild. I mean, it’s, I couldn’t imagine my, my, uh, lady Emma, you know, it was growing inside of her, so it literally was part of her for so long. So, but they’re awesome, man.
Sevan Matossian (08:00):
The, um, you, you popped on my radar for two reasons. Someone sent me a, a DM and they said, Hey, you gotta get this guy Brent Stephenson on. He was a ninja warrior, and he has some thoughts about the shape of planet earth, about it being flat as opposed to, um, round and in, in the days. Um, and I, and obviously I, uh, I come from the CrossFit community and we love, I think CrossFit, love all that shit, right? Pull up climbing,
Brant Steffensen (08:30):
They’re outta the box, They trade in the box, but they’re outta the box thinkers.
Sevan Matossian (08:32):
Yeah. And they, and they kind of wanna use their, um, fitness for other stuff. So like, you’ve been going to an affiliate for three years now. You wanna touch yourself at a tough mud, Spartan race. Um, obviously it’s, it’s ninja warriors a whole next level, but, but the CrossFitters could probably like, at least look at some of the things and be like, Hey, I want, they, they can get their head wrapped around trying each of those, those events. They’re not out of the realm of possibility. Maybe not stringing 20 of them together like you guys do, but each one of those events is in their own. They’re like, Oh, I’m gonna put that thing in my garage. You know what I mean?
Brant Steffensen (09:03):
Absolutely. Yeah. CrossFitters are definitely very well rounded, um, up for a challenge for sure. They love just, Yeah. Conquering new stuff. Ninja warrior. You gotta, you gotta get really specific cuz you gotta start doing little finger training in those little different things. But yeah, CrossFitters are amazing athletes.
Sevan Matossian (09:22):
And, um, in the days building up to this, I thought we were going to be talking more about your, uh, career, uh, with being a ninja warrior and training. And as I started looking more and more your Instagram, there’s so many parallels between the things on there and what’s happening in society. Meaning, you know, you know, someone will say something and someone will be like, Well that’s crazy. And, and I try to contextualize everything I said crazier than locking down planet Earth and telling kids that they have to take an injection. Right. Because that seems really fucking crazy to me. Yeah. Crazier than people in the United States Congress saying it’s okay for 12 year old boys to remove their penises because they feel like girls, I’m, I’m like all this, the whole, all of a sudden you having an opinion on the shape of the earth doesn’t seem, cuz I don’t know what the implications, I know what the implications are for thinking it’s okay to chop off a 12 year old boy’s penis. I, I believe, and I’m open to being wrong, but I believe that a hundred percent of those end up in chaos. None. I don’t think any of those end in a happy any, I don’t think that person’s 60. I mean, like, wow. I, I’m really happy with the path I chose,
Brant Steffensen (10:36):
Unfortunately. I don’t think so.
Sevan Matossian (10:38):
No. But I do think it, I do think that you could have a different idea on the shape of the earth and, and die a happy life. You could think it’s a fucking triangle,
Brant Steffensen (10:47):
Right? I mean, I mean, so
Sevan Matossian (10:49):
Now I’m contextualizing shit and I’m like, how is anyone getting so adamant about this guy? Or I, I start, I just start contextualizing stuff and I’m like, man, but people flip out about that shit. Right?
Brant Steffensen (11:01):
Oh my goodness. I mean, I’ve talked about a lot of, I like to talk about things that people don’t really like to talk about, but a lot of people are thinking. But I mean, I mean, I went, you know, I’ve talked about the Trump stuff, you know, abortion, when I dove into to flat earth, I got the most hate I’ve ever had on any topic. It was pretty mind blowing.
Sevan Matossian (11:22):
Why? Why is that? It seems like such a, it seems like such a, um, it seems like such a, uh, benign topic. I don’t know what the implication, what, what are the negative implications of talking about it? I understand the negative implications. Like I don’t wanna have a conversation with someone justifying pedophilia. Right. I have no interest in that. Right. Um, but I don’t, But if, like, if someone, I think that the shape of the earth is probably more valid than talking about the Sasquatch.
Brant Steffensen (11:58):
I, I think so. You know?
Sevan Matossian (12:01):
Yeah. I mean, I think there’s definitely a don’t see
Brant Steffensen (12:02):
To support
Sevan Matossian (12:02):
It. Are there any dangers in talking about, um, are there any implications of us talking about, I guess it just scares people cuz it, cuz it’s, um, they’re not comfortable. They’re so scared of their reality shifting a little bit. And I can relate to that. I don’t want my shit being shifted either.
Brant Steffensen (12:17):
It’s uncomfortable, you know?
Sevan Matossian (12:19):
Yeah. I don’t wanna, I don’t like the thought of aliens like flying around everywhere and we just can’t see ’em. I don’t like that
Brant Steffensen (12:24):
The Yeah, the unknown and, and having to change their whole paradigm. People, people are so attached to their viewpoint these days. It, it’s incredibly hard to get them to even move a little bit toward the other, the other goal post, you know? But I mean, yeah. If you, if you come to realize or think to realize that we’ve been lied to about not only the shape of the earth, but go into the moon, it starts to snowball your reality. Cuz what else are we being lied to about? You know, it really breaks down and makes you have to question every single thing, which I think is extremely important.
Sevan Matossian (13:02):
And I guess that’s where shit gets, starts getting a little weird for me when pe when you say what we were lied to about for, I don’t think that the, it’s, um, sentient being that’s like controlling the, the, uh, like I don’t think there’s like an evil guy like <laugh>. Like, I, I guess the word I hear being thrown around a lot is cabal. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I just think it’s, um, there’s thoughts that just take hold and people move with those thoughts like in a herd and, and then opportunity to make money, which is sort of the equivalent to human energy starts attaching to these things until they fade out. Right. Like a, a lot. Like, I don’t think the covid thing is some sort of, I think that the majority of people are Pfizer are just happy to get rich,
Brant Steffensen (13:56):
You know? I mean, it goes pretty deep. There is a huge, uh, world population control agenda with these elite, you know, if you follow
Sevan Matossian (14:05):
The world, like the World Economic Forum,
Brant Steffensen (14:07):
They’re open about it and
Sevan Matossian (14:09):
Yeah, they’re super open. Right? They’re super open about it.
Brant Steffensen (14:11):
Yeah. I mean the Georgia Guidestones, they were the 10 commandments of the new world order and the first commandment was keep the world’s population under 500 million. And to put that in perspective, what
Sevan Matossian (14:24):
Is that? Tell me what that is. What is the, what’s the Georgia guidestone?
Brant Steffensen (14:28):
Um, well real quick, there’s 7 billion people in the world and they wanna get rid of 13 out of 15 people. But the Georgia, So
Sevan Matossian (14:34):
When you say who, when you say they, who’s they?
Brant Steffensen (14:38):
Um, well the people trying to implement the new world order. You have, uh, the World Economic Forum. Okay. Um, I’m gonna say the free masons are a big part of who they are. Um, if you really dive into free Masonry and just the history of it and who are free Masons, it’s so many people that are, I mean, most of the world, world, uh, leaders are free masons. Most people in the World Economic Forum are free masons. Most of the people successful in Hollywood are free masons.
Sevan Matossian (15:07):
What is that? That’s a boys club.
Brant Steffensen (15:10):
Um, women, you know, mainly it’s a boys club really. Um, you can I guess be married to a freema. I don’t think there’s any females allowed to join Freema Re but it’s a, it’s a, uh, I
Sevan Matossian (15:24):
Wonder if that shit’s getting weird for them now that, now that we don’t know what a female is, I wonder if that’s just getting weird for them.
Brant Steffensen (15:31):
Right. Right. I mean, but that’s part of what they’re doing. They’re trying to deconstruct people’s, um, morals and reality because they’re easier to control if they, if you can break down their culture and break down the family construct, you can control these people. And if you can change the definitions, you know Yeah. You start to confuse people and they’ll cling to people that can provide a solution or an answer.
Sevan Matossian (15:58):
Um, do, do you know what, um, what your process was in, in starting to be a more free thinker in order to be like, Hey, I, what should I believe and what shouldn’t I believe? What, what do I actually know and what don’t I know?
Brant Steffensen (16:13):
You know, I’ve, I’ve questioned, um, kind of authority, kind of my whole life. Um,
Sevan Matossian (16:19):
Like a contrarian,
Brant Steffensen (16:21):
Like a contrarian. What exactly is a contrarian?
Sevan Matossian (16:24):
Um, Kayla would’ve to look, but like, basically if you see a sign that says no entry, it, it, you get triggered by it and you wanna enter,
Brant Steffensen (16:31):
Maybe not so, but I’m like, Why, why can’t I enter? Like why mom, why can’t I stand on this chair? Well, they’re not made for standing on, but I mean, you know, like I, I sat had to know why
Sevan Matossian (16:41):
A person who opposes or rejects popular opinion, especially in stock exchange dealing, Oh, I never knew that someone who goes against current practices rejecting popular opinion.
Brant Steffensen (16:51):
And I wouldn’t say reject these things, but I, I like to question things, but I think a huge part of, uh, what made me start to see the world differently and, and realize that we’re only seeing a fit and slice of, of reality even was, um, psilocybin back in the day long, back in the day that kind of opened my eyes up to, holy crap, we can tune into different frequencies and this is just one frequency that we’re experiencing and we, we think that it’s entire reality. So that was one thing that kind of opened my mind. But, you know, I think that actually the, the food industry was my big first rabbit hole. That would be a conspiracy cuz I had all these digestive issues and I needed to find out what was going on. And, and doctors didn’t know crap about nutrition, I’ll tell you that.
Brant Steffensen (17:44):
Um, and so I started reading all these books about nutrition and then I read this one book called the, uh, food, uh, revolution. And it was by John Robbins, one of the sons of Baskin Robbins, the founders of Baskin Robbins. And he just went into all this, uh, stuff about the food industry that they don’t show us or tell us, you know, just how horrible it is. The conditions, not only the animals, but then you go into the, the, uh, plants, you know, with Monsanto, all the genetically modified stuff, all the pesticides, all that stuff. So I started to like just be like, holy crap, we are being lied to. Manipulated and just poisoned.
Sevan Matossian (18:22):
Isn’t it crazy that it’s the guy from Bask and Robbins, if think if you did some sort of, uh, study where you tried to figure out how many days eating ice cream has removed off of planet Earth. So like Right. It’s probably in the billions of days of life had shortened and yet the guy, and yet no one wants to, You would think that book would be huge. Everyone would be talking about it. It’s the same thing when one, when one of the vice presidents from Pfizer came out and he’s like, Yo, this isn’t the vaccine people. Do you remember that? Yeah. One of the former vice presidents came out. He is like, Yo, yo, just so you know, I used to work there. This is not a vaccine, but
Brant Steffensen (18:59):
Sevan Matossian (19:00):
Will reject and no care reject that. Yeah.
Brant Steffensen (19:02):
No one with all their livelihood and the mainstream. And
Sevan Matossian (19:04):
I don’t blame me for rejecting it, but how about just put one ear to it, be like, excuse me, what did you say over there?
Brant Steffensen (19:08):
Right, right. Consider it, you know? Yeah. And you know, the media is owned and controlled so you can’t trust what they say. You’ll kind of wanna do the opposite of what they say.
Sevan Matossian (19:19):
Do, do you think that it’s controlled on both sides? Do you think that like, um, they, they purposely have the Tucker and the CNN and that it’s, um, it’s to keep, uh, it’s to play both sides?
Brant Steffensen (19:32):
Sevan Matossian (19:33):
Do believe that if they don’t play both sides, they like, they understand the psychology of man. And if they don’t play both sides, they’ll leave a hole open on one end of the cage and we’ll all escape kind of intellectually. Well,
Brant Steffensen (19:44):
I do believe that they are all controlled most the mainstream ones. Uh, cuz if you really look at who owns them, it’s really five, uh, entities that own all the major media outlets. Um, but I mean, and it’s kinda like a script. You know, you gotta, if you have the, the, uh, hero, you have to have a villain and you gotta write that and play that. So I think that it’s, it’s used to control the narrative. Cuz if we’re talking about all this stuff, well,
Sevan Matossian (20:13):
Whether it’s it, let’s be clear here for everyone who’s listening, whether it’s being used to control the narrative, it is the narrative. We can all agree on that
Brant Steffensen (20:22):
A hundred
Sevan Matossian (20:23):
Percent. Whether it’s free flowing and there’s some honesty to it, or whether it’s just completely coming from a group’s mind. So, so at least we we can all agree on that. It is the narrative, right?
Brant Steffensen (20:32):
Sevan Matossian (20:33):
Or there is
Brant Steffensen (20:34):
A narrative, the mainstream narrative. Yeah. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (20:36):
Brant Steffensen (20:36):
So you’re busy talking about all that stuff. You’re not busy looking at what they’re actually doing. You know, I mean, Tucker’s really good. I I love Tucker and I love some of the people on Fox, but Fox is definitely, I think controlled opposition. Um, they do have some good people on there. So it’s, it’s, it’s hard to sift through it all and figure it out.
Sevan Matossian (20:55):
So you’re saying it’s magic, by magic I mean like the kind of magic you see in Las Vegas, you’re saying it’s like complete slight of hand
Brant Steffensen (21:04):
Mind control magic. Exactly. And, and in fact, these, uh, free masons and the elite are literally using black magic on the people.
Sevan Matossian (21:14):
And and what is that? What’s black magic?
Brant Steffensen (21:17):
Well, it’s, uh, satanic witchcraft. Um, it’s also, um, predictive programming. It’s
Sevan Matossian (21:28):
Okay. So that, that I understand predictive programming. Um, I don’t understand satanic which, but predictive programming is, I ring the bell. That’s pavlo stuff, right? I ring the bell, I feed you a sandwich. Now every time I ring the bell, you, you think a sandwich is coming?
Brant Steffensen (21:43):
Um, so that’s, um, conditioning. Okay. Predictive programming is where they kind of put things, for example, in movies that they’re actually doing to get your mind kind of ready for it and to normalize it and to accept it. Oh. Even though like you, uh, consciously know that this is Hollywood and this is a script subconsciously they get past, they bypass your, your critical thinking, your faculty. And once they bypass that, they’re now in your subconscious mind and you’re literally buying into everything they’re saying. And then, and then they sneak in the ad and then you’re still under this trance and they’re like, Buy this, buy this, buy this. And then they go back to the story that you’re already involved in.
Sevan Matossian (22:30):
So Herbi the Love Bug. Do you remember that guy?
Brant Steffensen (22:33):
Herbi sounds
Sevan Matossian (22:34):
Very Herbi. The Love It was the, that Volkswagen Bug and he could like talk and shit. And so, um, that was, I’m I’m partly joking, but that was predictive programming for the Teslas that were coming.
Brant Steffensen (22:45):
There you go. Right? The talk parts
Sevan Matossian (22:48):
Or scary Ebola movies or were to prepare us for, um, the Covid nonsense.
Brant Steffensen (22:54):
Um, yeah, there are, Yep. A lot of that going on. Or for example, to, to get back to kind of flat earth, uh, Game of Thrones.
Sevan Matossian (23:02):
The ice wall. The ice wall. Yeah, yeah,
Brant Steffensen (23:05):
Yeah. You know Antarctica.
Sevan Matossian (23:05):
Yeah, yeah.
Brant Steffensen (23:08):
Things like that. Disney. Disney.
Sevan Matossian (23:09):
I actually thought of that last night. So you think the person who wrote that, um, suspects that the earth is flat?
Brant Steffensen (23:17):
You know, that’s a good question. Um,
Sevan Matossian (23:21):
Or he just kind of stole from that. Like, he looked into it and he is like, Oh, I like this.
Brant Steffensen (23:25):
You know, And I mean, cuz it was, I, you know, I don’t know the the origin of who wrote that actually and when it was written, but uh,
Sevan Matossian (23:32):
It’s written recent. It’s written recently. It’s some old guy who looks like he’s gonna die at any second. He looks like he needs to read the Food Revolution book. Yeah, right. Caleb, could you pull up that map of the, uh, flat earth, the entire flat earth? That thing was fucking fascinating. It reminded me like I used to play Dungeons and Dragons and it reminded me like of a Dungeons and Dragons map.
Brant Steffensen (23:50):
Yeah. And there are different maps when you, when you enter into the flat earth. And I, I don’t consider myself a flat earth or I consider myself a non globe.
Sevan Matossian (23:59):
Okay, I like that. I was actually gonna ask about that cuz I don’t consider myself an anti-vaxxer. I’m against forced drug use.
Brant Steffensen (24:05):
There you go.
Sevan Matossian (24:08):
Let let me ask, let, let’s talk about this really quick. Could you think we could agree that, um, a lot of the people who believe in in, um, this stuff are, are crazy, Like crazy? I mean they, they have some mental disturbances.
Brant Steffensen (24:22):
You know, I wouldn’t say a lot of the people, um, I would say a few of them do. But I, I would say that the people that are considering this
Sevan Matossian (24:30):
A disproportionate amount to
Brant Steffensen (24:34):
Yep. That’s what they want you to think. Okay. You know, and they push those, they actually have created, like for example, the Flat Earth Society is one of the things that’ll pop up on Google first when you Google this stuff and they’ve created this to make these crazy answers so that when people start researching it, they’re like, this is nuts. I’m done with it.
Sevan Matossian (24:54):
Right? Yeah. O okay.
Brant Steffensen (24:57):
But, uh, you know, and, and again the, the true flat earthers don’t claim to know everything. They, they just know that we’re being lied to about this, this, and this. Cuz they don’t, they literally don’t add up. Right. And now that big map, you know, there’s, there are maps that have been found that have land beyond the known world outside. Who knows if they’re true, but there’s something to consider. I just bought two books that that map is in. It’s about one guy, The first book is about one guy that gets through the, the southern wall, uh, at the ice wall, gets through, talks to other, um, society civilizations out there, is on different continents, has a child. And then the second book is about that child that’s a girl came back and tells about her experience from, uh, outside the known world. And I haven’t read ’em yet.
Sevan Matossian (25:50):
And what’s the name of the book?
Brant Steffensen (25:52):
You know, I could grab ’em real quick, but, uh, there’s two of them. I’ll, uh, I’ll post about ’em soon.
Sevan Matossian (25:58):
So here’s the thing, Bruce, this is a very good question. Here’s the thing that people start to struggle with is gravity and myth. The answer is yes. Gravity is an idea that we’re using to try to explain something. It is not real. Like Brent over there sitting in, in, um, in, uh, Utah, He’s real. Brent, could you touch yourself like on the forehead or something? I
Brant Steffensen (26:22):
Don’t know what real is anymore though. You know,
Sevan Matossian (26:24):
Real is something, um, that’s not, uh, that we understand. Like I use the name Brent as a signifier to point to you. And by that I mean by that I mean it’s real. Like we can see the red stoplight and all of us can agree that there’s something there, but what’s not real is that it means stop. We’ve agreed upon that illusion. And so gra that that’s what’s, that’s where it gets blurred between conflating your reality with your, with your thoughts. We, the, the, the gravity’s just a signifier it once again. It once again is not, um, and that’s why, um, Einstein was able to find Disprove Newton’s gravity and come up with the, uh, theoretical or what, what is it? Um, anyway, you can look it up. It, I mean it’s, it’s, it’s no secret. No one’s denying that Einstein came up with another theory for Gravity.
Brant Steffensen (27:15):
Sevan Matossian (27:17):
It’s just, and now Einstein, it’s, it’s fascinating, right? Say that again. Well,
Brant Steffensen (27:21):
Einstein was a free mason.
Sevan Matossian (27:23):
Brant Steffensen (27:24):
And you know, he did, he stole his theory, uh, I believe it was the theory of relativity. He, he stole one of his major theories from somebody else, but they put him as the poster boy, as the guy that created, that invented that.
Sevan Matossian (27:37):
Like, like do you know that about Rosa Parks?
Brant Steffensen (27:41):
Uh, what exactly about Rosa
Sevan Matossian (27:42):
Parks? I mean, you can just look it, it’s on Wiki too. It’s what’s crazy is no one’s hiding this stuff. Um, that was all a setup. They had already had a lady the month before that got kicked off the back of the bus, but I think she was a single mother or something, or she was pregnant. So they didn’t wanna use her as the poster child. So then they set the Rosa Parks thing up after Yeah. Claudette Colvin as an American pioneer of the 50 Civil Rights Movement and retired nurse age on March 2nd, 1955. She was arrested at the age of 15 Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman on a crowded, segregated bus. Wow. And then as you start looking into it, you’re like, Oh shit. That they, they like that idea. I mean, the spirit of Rosa Parks is true, but the story’s not like actors have been changed.
Brant Steffensen (28:22):
What they’re doing is they’re manipulating the people, you know, And, and they’ve been doing this for a long time. I learned this in part by being on a reality show.
Sevan Matossian (28:30):
Okay, tell me yes. Now
Brant Steffensen (28:31):
You look at this, people look at these reality tv like, oh that’s, that’s unscripted reality tv. That’s, that’s actually what they’re saying. And that’s, you know, but you know, even on Ninja Warrior, they’re like, well, you know, let’s try that again. Can you, And they kind of feed, try to feed people lines. Some people just say whatever they’re told to say. Some people are like, Nah, that’s not really who I am and I’m gonna say it this
Sevan Matossian (28:52):
Way. And they try to intimidate you a little bit too, right? It has to be this way. Like
Brant Steffensen (28:56):
Yeah, they literally have these story, uh, producers that need to fit people in these boxes cuz they want to get all the demographics in the pie chart down so that viewers are attached to these people. Now, I’m not saying that a lot of it’s not real, but I’m just saying a lot of skewed. And, and the more I learn about history, the more I learn we be, we’re being completely lied to. You gotta check out this stuff called tarter. It’s pretty deep. But we can tarter just Google that sometime. It’s pretty, pretty wild.
Sevan Matossian (29:25):
Sevan Matossian (29:28):
I, the, I I wanna go back to this thing where they’re not hiding anything. Um, so during the whole Covid thing, they were never hiding anything. There’s this, there’s this video going around about a guy in the Netherlands now and the parliament who’s saying, Wait a second, you never did studies on transmission. They, they never claimed to have done studies on transmission. They were always open that they didn’t know about transmission. Since the, since the very first day I said, You can go back in my podcast. I’m like, Hey guys, they’re not claiming at work. Like, stop getting mad at them. You’re following for it. They’re not hiding any of it.
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