#618 – Tracy Henderson

Sevan Matossian (00:02):

Bam, We’re live. Uh, Matthew, I would like to, um, address Hi, Tracy.

Tracy Henderson (00:09):

Hi. Can you hear me

Sevan Matossian (00:10):

Okay? Yeah. So good. I’d like to address one thing really quick. I apologize with some of the cantankerous crowd. Uh, I, Romy does not give you diarrhea, Matt. And, uh, that’s 20 burpees. Okay. So <laugh>, there we go. Back to what? Hey, thank you. Uh, not, not only for coming on, but on behalf of all the, uh, parents out there who know, uh, who currently are aware of what you’re doing. Those who don’t know what you’re doing, and those who are fighting against you, who someday will wake up and be like, Holy shit. Thank God for people like Tracy Henderson,

Tracy Henderson (00:44):

<laugh>. Well, good morning to you, <laugh>.

Sevan Matossian (00:48):

I, I wanna start like way, way back in the beginning, um, about how we were both lib tars and how that happened and, and how we woke up from that. And, and, but, but before I do, I want to get people on the hook and let them know what you did. Um, Tracy has a, uh, just a fucking awesome, uh, husband, uh, Harvard grad Marine Corps principal of Catholic school, uh, and just all around badass. After a long stint as a principal at a high school Catholic high school in the Bay Area, he, um, says, Hey, I’m gonna go do ski patrol in Utah. She’s like, Huh, okay. And she jumps on board with him. The family goes to what? A transition, right? Work in the ski slopes. Um, but, but still in the vein of helping people goes to Utah. And while she’s there, and we’ll hear more from, from her mouth, but while she’s there, um, she takes her kid to the high school and some smart ass kids fucking approach her and say, Hey, you can’t be here without having masks on.

Sevan Matossian (01:48):

And, uh, she didn’t, uh, very much like me. She didn’t play any of the games. She didn’t do any, she didn’t do quarantine. She didn’t do mask. She didn’t spread the fear at all. Zero. She refused from the very beginning. She knew that wearing a mask was contagious, and that lying to people was contagious. And that when you act scared everyone around, you act scared. And so she didn’t, she didn’t play that game. But here’s where it’s crazy. You ready for this? Well, people like me were bitching on my podcast. She became the legal director for Utah Parents United, Is that the name? The organization? Correct. And within two months of becoming the legal director, she was able to get a bill passed in the state of Utah that made it illegal to mandate masks on kids in public schools. Now, she gives, when she tells the story, she gives the credit to all 13,000 people who are, um, part of this, uh, coalition. Is that a fair word?

Tracy Henderson (02:54):

Yes. Her, Yes.

Sevan Matossian (02:57):

But dude, but dude, crazy. That is so bad. And, and so, and in, in all fairness, then she admits she was addicted. She had that, she tasted that excess. She went to her first CrossFit competition, got on the podium. And, uh, and ever since then, she’s been Yeah. Addicted to CrossFit. No, she, So you had a victory. You had a, you had a victory. That was like hugely beneficial by the way, you can still wear your mask.

Tracy Henderson (03:24):


Sevan Matossian (03:25):

No. Oh, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t even wear your because I, I was looking at the law that you can wear it. They just can’t mandate it.

Tracy Henderson (03:31):

Oh yeah. If you want to.

Sevan Matossian (03:32):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. She, this isn’t, um, there’s a middle road here. People, like, there’s people who saying you have to wear a mask, and there’s people maybe who say, No, no one should wear a mask. She’s, she, If you wanna wear a mask, you can. She’s just saying you can’t force it on kids.

Tracy Henderson (03:49):

I want the same choice you have.

Sevan Matossian (03:53):

Oh, what do you mean by, say that again?

Tracy Henderson (03:54):

I want the same choice you have. If you wanna wear a, you get to wear a mask or not wear a mask. I didn’t have that choice. And I want that choice for my child. For sure.

Sevan Matossian (04:05):

Yeah. It’s crazy. Okay, before we get to that story, um, where were you born?

Tracy Henderson (04:11):

California. My California girl.

Sevan Matossian (04:14):

In, in, in what city?

Tracy Henderson (04:16):

Fremont. Newark.

Sevan Matossian (04:18):

Okay. I was born in Oakland. Where

Tracy Henderson (04:21):

Were you? Okay. Yeah, Hospital.

Sevan Matossian (04:23):

Say that again? What hospital? Oh, the children’s hospital there. Okay.

Tracy Henderson (04:27):

Yeah. Yeah. I was born somewhere over there in Hayward. I forget the hospital.

Sevan Matossian (04:32):

And your parents were, what, what did they do? What was their vocation?

Tracy Henderson (04:36):

Dad was a pilot, Uh, mom was just a secretary.

Sevan Matossian (04:41):

And, uh, For what airline?

Tracy Henderson (04:43):

My dad Pan Am.

Sevan Matossian (04:45):

Oh wow.

Tracy Henderson (04:46):

Old school. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (04:47):

Wow. By the way, Tracy, this is Caleb. Caleb’s deployed somewhere, um, far, far away. Where at night it, it never drops below 105 degrees.

Tracy Henderson (04:57):

Wow. Thank you for your service. God bless you. Beaver four.

Sevan Matossian (05:04):

So, um, and, and both your parents were Democrats?

Tracy Henderson (05:09):

No. No. I think my mom really did politics. Uh, no, but my father was very conservative.

Sevan Matossian (05:18):

No shit.

Tracy Henderson (05:19):

Smart guy. Smart guy. Yeah. Yeah. No, I was, I was in Clinton’s domestic Peace Corps. That’s how much of a lib tart I was.

Sevan Matossian (05:27):


Tracy Henderson (05:27):

I worked in the AIDS field in,

Sevan Matossian (05:30):

Is that d is that different than the regular Peace Corps or the dome? Oh, because it’s local. Yes.

Tracy Henderson (05:34):

Cause you stayed in California. I stayed in California, so yeah, I was, I built a five county housing system for people living with AIDS when I was in college.

Sevan Matossian (05:44):

Are you watching, uh, total side note. Are you watching the, the AIDS flare up in California and the connection they’re putting between that and the vaccine? Are you seeing that? I

Tracy Henderson (05:53):

I, I have in my world the people I associate with in the parents’ right. Space, that’s all everybody talks about. But I, that particular subject, I don’t have time to delve into it. What’s going on? I mean,

Sevan Matossian (06:06):


Tracy Henderson (06:07):

Me and their children, their neighbor’s children, their neighbor’s child has dropped dead in the shower at 12. Right. Cause of the job. So that’s the world I live

Sevan Matossian (06:15):

It, it’s probably good. You don’t know about that stuff. I actually, in my notes here, I, I have a thing. I’m concerned you’re spreading yourself too thin because you’re such a do gooder and because there so many fights are opening up on so many fronts, I’m like, Man, is she getting spread too thin? Yes,

Tracy Henderson (06:31):

Yes, yes.

Sevan Matossian (06:33):

Yeah. Yes. Um, and what is your, what did you, so at some, were you, um, like in the, in the, you know, in the fifth grade when they have you, I don’t know if you did this, but I did this in the fifth grade. They have the school, when the elections are going, they have the school vote. Do, do you remember doing stuff like that? Did you vote when you would vote and do the mock elections? Did you vote for conservatives?

Tracy Henderson (06:54):

No. This is all about empowering parents to stand up for themselves. That’s, you mentioned the addiction. This is, I was, I was a party girl, you know, I’m a lawyer, but I was drinking margaritas and No, no.

Sevan Matossian (07:10):

And you weren’t even into politics as a kid. No, no. I

Tracy Henderson (07:13):

At all. No. I was not running for office in high school or, you know that. No. And, and California Parents Union is nonpartisan. Just so you know, we work to empower parents to make their own choices and to stand up for their own choices. Me personally, I see through it all as a lawyer, but some people don’t. And so we just wanna help you do what’s best for your child. Doesn’t matter what side of the issue you’re on.

Sevan Matossian (07:38):

When you say you see it all, you mean you see the games, both the left and the right or playing? Is that what you mean? It’s

Tracy Henderson (07:45):

About control. There’s a bigger agenda here. And, and I’m not gonna get all weird, but when this whole thing started, I had a, a dream. It was a fight between good and evil. And I literally walked around the grocery store. I was looking at people working, asking the heck is going on here. It just, it would, how are parents gonna keep their kids home for two weeks? This is insanity. You know? And then I got jumped by five security guards, dragged through a casino, handcuffed to a bench, charged with a crime of trespass, kicked up an airplane who went. Oh,

Sevan Matossian (08:17):

Wow. Was that, was that before the Utah thing?

Tracy Henderson (08:20):

That was

Sevan Matossian (08:21):

Before you moved to Utah? It

Tracy Henderson (08:22):

Was, it, um, it was before the Utah thing. Okay. Yeah, girl had mine and I went to go gamble. Uh, and I sued their asses and got some money out of ’em, uh, for what they did to me. But, but it was pretty serious. And, and I am 52 and they’re doing this to our children. They’re putting children outside in the cold. They’re locking them in storage closets and imagine the cortisol challenges those kids are facing. Right. So once, once it happened to me and I got past all the trauma of it, I’m like, We’re gonna gonna fight. And I I got you back.

Sevan Matossian (08:57):

So, so, so what she’s referencing about kids in the closets is, um, and obviously she hears a, a lot of these dark stories, and I’m sure we’re gonna get into a bunch of ’em, but, uh, kids who go to school aren’t wearing a mask. And the teachers put them in the closet. Okay, fine. You’re not gonna wear a mask and you stay in the closet all day. And then, and then you wear in Vegas. And you were, you didn’t wanna wear a mask and security grabbed you and handcuffed you to a bench and left you there for two hours. And that’s in that bench is in a public setting where people can see you.

Tracy Henderson (09:22):

No, it’s the, um, it’s like the back room. They have like a little mini jail. It’s with, with Windows. And they Yeah. They handcuffed you a bench. Lost a feeling in my thumb. And they screamed at me too. You were screaming when you were being jumped in front of children, What would you expect?

Sevan Matossian (09:38):

I’m gonna say something really dickish here, but, And these are 1295 an hour. Renta cops doing that.

Tracy Henderson (09:44):

Yes. Totally. <laugh>. Totally. They were awful. It was unbelievable. Over a mask. I’m like, And you know what they tried to do? They had the medics come in and take my blood and I’m in my lizard break, not my lawyer brain. I’m flipping out, I’m sobbing. I’m like, What are you doing? What are you doing? And then finally it dawned on me, they’re checking for drugs, right? They’re thinking, cuz my heart rate is so high, had pound out on my chest. They were taking a blood test, see if I was allowed to doing blow or something. I was totally sober. And they’re, the cops were like, You have to calm down. So yeah, they were, they were going a after me.

Sevan Matossian (10:20):

Was they took blood from you while you were handcuffed to the bench? Yep.

Tracy Henderson (10:23):

They were, they were trying to prove a case against me. Because think about it. I mean, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? So who knows what she’s been doing? I was literally trying to go to the pool. It was so they didn’t get me this time, you know?

Sevan Matossian (10:38):

So, and it was, and it was one of those pools where you had to, it was during that time you had to schedule your time to go and

Tracy Henderson (10:42):

You had to wear a mask when you got outta the pool. It so ridiculous. So I didn’t make it to the pool, needless to say.

Sevan Matossian (10:50):

Did you make it back to your room that night?

Tracy Henderson (10:53):

Yeah, they, they, that’s when they chased me through the casino. And, um, I, I, no, I did not actually, I tried to get on the elevator and some security guards jumped in with me and I had freaked out by them cuz there’s five guys chasing me. And so I jumped back off and, and it was a couple other security people and they were really nice. And we started talking and I relaxed for a moment. And then here comes the, I won’t say the name of the company, um, security. And that’s when they jumped me and they dragged me right at the back door and locked me in a, And then they took, they went, my girlfriend got my suitcase. They kicked me out on the street and we went and got the most expensive hotel we could find.

Sevan Matossian (11:33):

Did they try to put a mask on you when you were, when you were handcuffed to the bench? No. Yeah. That’s even, that’s hilarious too. So they don’t even, they don’t even really care.

Tracy Henderson (11:41):

No, They don’t really care. No.

Sevan Matossian (11:44):

Um, so, so you’re, you’re you, you’re just a regular Bay area kid. You like to drink, you like to party, but you do well enough in school to, um, to become an attorney, to get accepted to law school and at this and then after law school, Is that when you went into the, um, Peace Corps?

Tracy Henderson (12:02):

No, That, that was during college at, at Sac State. It was, gosh, What year was this? 98, 97. Clinton’s domestic Peace Corps was a big deal. You may have,

Sevan Matossian (12:12):

Like you graduated high school in 88?

Tracy Henderson (12:14):

Yes. Okay. That’s who

Sevan Matossian (12:15):

I’m And what high school did you graduate from?

Tracy Henderson (12:17):


Sevan Matossian (12:17):

When did you graduate? 90. 90.

Tracy Henderson (12:20):

Ok. So I’m older than you.

Sevan Matossian (12:21):

Yeah. No, I can’t believe it when I look at you. I can’t believe when you said you were 52, that was a test that a So she’s parade as older. CrossFit.

Tracy Henderson (12:28):

It’s CrossFit,

Sevan Matossian (12:29):

Yeah. And you, you are a CrossFitter also.

Tracy Henderson (12:31):

Oh, baby. It was a Christmas gift for my husband and I. That’s another addiction. Every day. Noon

Sevan Matossian (12:38):

Cross. And what and which gym do you go to?

Tracy Henderson (12:41):

Um, First City in Monterey.

Sevan Matossian (12:43):

Crazy. And how long have you been doing that?

Tracy Henderson (12:46):

Oh gosh, four years. Uh, four years. If, yeah, I need to eat better though.

Sevan Matossian (12:54):

Um, do, do you think, um, oh, I can’t believe I’m gonna open another door. Do you think that, um, the fact that we hang that, you know, there was this, uh, there were all these articles coming out for a minute that people who were, that working out makes you, um, swing right? And I was like, actually, they’re right. They’re correct in that assertion. And I think the reason why is, is because you start realizing that your only hope is personal accountability and personal responsibility. And that you, you’re in that gym, you have to, you can’t play the victim. You have to work hard to get through to make it out. The other, you know, you come in, in an hour later, you have to come out the other side. And so people like me who may have entered this program as a liberal, maybe it is just through the hard work and realizing I have to be responsible for my own health and my own safety and my, and all of those things that maybe it, it slowly does bring me out of a victim mindset. A blaming mindset.

Tracy Henderson (13:49):

That’s brilliant. But that article is the stupidest thing I

Sevan Matossian (13:53):

Ever, I know the article’s bat shit crazy, but but on another hand, I’m like, yeah, and it slows down and, and it makes you more conscious. You’re focused on your breathing more. You have less time for thinking. It, it, it’s, it elevates your whole consciousness to be put in this oxygen deprivation. It’s, it’s kind of a, sort of a, a lazy man’s yoga. Um, cross it by lazy, I mean not yoga, but a lazy man’s meditation because you’re forced to meditate. You have to bring your whole being to yourself because you’re, in essence, you’re trying to survive that hour.

Tracy Henderson (14:23):


Sevan Matossian (14:24):

Through your breathing.

Tracy Henderson (14:25):

You, you’re definitely trying to survive that hour. But I’ll tell you, like you said, it shuts my head off as a lawyer. I need to shut my head off. I, I love it. I love it. I actually just recently got hurt for the first time ever, but it was me. I was too. It was too, It wasn’t

Sevan Matossian (14:44):

So what, what, what happened?

Tracy Henderson (14:46):

I, I was doing box jumps and I was, I was just, I needed that workout so bad for the stress that I was doing. Box jumps in, in the middle of the rig, like a dumb ass. And so I jumped down and hit, barely hit my head on the rig and landed wrong and twisted a ligament. So I’m fine now, but slowed me down.

Sevan Matossian (15:07):

Fair. I’ll take it, I’ll take it. Um, Greg used to say, uh, if you’re going to help your cardiovascular health, you’re gonna have to take risk with orthopedic calamity <laugh>. You’re gonna have to, you’re gonna have to get off the couch and risk falling down as you go to the bathroom or just shit on the couch.

Tracy Henderson (15:24):


Sevan Matossian (15:26):

What, what, what was the first, what were the signs that you were a liberal? What were the things that, like you did then that now you see, see as preposterous? Anything jump out at you? Oh,

Tracy Henderson (15:35):

Hello. Goodness. Um, you know, I’ve always kind of been levelheaded. Um, what did I do that was preposterous? You’re gonna have to think about that one. This was 20 years ago. I was a libtard and I married my husband who, who just slowly talked me through everything and showed me how ridiculous liberals are. You know, they, they think with emotion, that’s what it is. I can’t think of a specific example, but they, they’re, they think with emotion, we are going to destroy the gas industry and make everybody buy a $50,000 car that nobody can afford because it’s electric, because we wanna save the planet. What? Right. That’s thinking with emotion, love for the planet. That’s not, that’s not practical. I couldn’t even, I mean, as a lawyer, I’m not gonna go buy a 30, 40, $50,000 car right now. There’s no way.

Sevan Matossian (16:27):

So, And, and then, and then as it comes out more and more, you can see that the electric cars are actually doing more damage to the environment than the gas cars. Well

Tracy Henderson (16:34):

They do that. They’re they’re not gonna look at that. No, they won’t look at that.

Sevan Matossian (16:38):

Yeah. It’s, it’s fa it’s fast. I’m always fascinated by people who made, um, the jump. Do you think you’re more open minded now than you were, um, 20 years ago?

Tracy Henderson (16:50):

Oh yeah. As a, as a, especially as a trained lawyer, you have to do, you have to see both sides of the issue. So I’m gonna, I need to know how they’re gonna come at me. I was trying to read Rules for Radicals. Have you tried to read that?

Sevan Matossian (17:03):

No. Who wrote it?

Tracy Henderson (17:04):

It’s, um, Solinsky. Okay.

Tracy Henderson (17:07):

It’s, it’s, it’s just really dense. But I’m trying to figure out the other side because they, the games they play once Cal Parents Union about taking the teachers unions down cuz they’re the ones that hurt our kids. And it’s about getting in, you know, getting in money numbers so that we can buy our way just like everybody else does into the legislature. Right. So we’re gonna, once we get to a million members, which is where we’re going, they’re gonna come after us and we need to be ready. Right. So I need to think like the enemy,

Sevan Matossian (17:42):

I told myself, I was gonna mention this like 20 times, I haven’t mentioned it once. California Parents United is the, uh, name of the organization, correct?

Tracy Henderson (17:50):

Health Parents Union. Yeah, California Parents United started there a 5 0 1 C three. California Parents Union is an actual special interest group for parents. And it was, it’s born out of, It’s okay. It’s born out of the fact that I was asked to be lead opposition in a bill in the legislature, which means I get to go speak and do all those fancy things and my bill got dropped from the agenda. But another group reopened California, Jonathan Zon is amazing. He put up, you know, great speakers and the proponent of that bill was Helix. The company that did that sells the testing and it’s the one that just went into law SB 1479, which means there’s gonna be a person managing covid tests in every school, which is ridiculous. But that bill went up before the committee, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people called in to oppose it.

Tracy Henderson (18:43):

And the legislators turn around and they voted for the bill. And I had spent my whole day there and I, I thought these guys are bought, they’re bought and paid for. We need to be bigger than the teacher’s unions. We need to be bigger than companies like Helix and parents. We could do it. There’s 40 million people in California. We get to 1 million with California Parents Union. It’s $25 a year. There’s 25 grand. We can go influence those legislators and have a big voice at the capital and have lobbyists and do opposition research. So, so yeah, that’s, I mean that’s the point of the whole thing

Sevan Matossian (19:17):

Here. Uh, can can you pull that up, Caleb? It’s, it’s California. If you type in California Parents United, I is it, is it one consolidated website California Parents Union

Tracy Henderson (19:26):


Sevan Matossian (19:28):

So I think we got ahead of ourselves. I really want people to understand this. This is an organization that is trying to build enough members so it can have a loud enough voice that it fucking makes a difference. And it’s trying to raise money to do that. And on one hand you might be like, Well, I don’t live in California, I don’t give a shit. We’re gonna give Tracy a chance to explain to you why that’s not a good thought. And then the next thought I had was, Well, I homeschool my kids, what do I care? Go fuck yourself. And that’s not the way to think either. Um, so this, this is your money. Go this your money. Go you, man. Do you watch to make sure this money isn’t spent correctly, Tracy?

Tracy Henderson (20:03):

So I already own four houses. Okay, let me spit that out there. Okay? This is not about money. This is $25 a year grassroots organization. If you wanna drop a bucket of dough on me, then you, we have a pack that will support parents rights candidates. I don’t want a bucket of dough. This is $25. If you click on the membership lounge there on the next one there, click on that, you’ll further $25. You get resources. One of the resources you can see is a little faded out as homeschooling resources. It is a, we have a whole campaign we’re gonna launch on homeschooling because what’s happening in our schools, I don’t know if you, you do, do gentlemen have kids? Three. Okay. How old are they? No.

Sevan Matossian (20:45):

How old? Uh, 5, 5, 5 and seven.

Tracy Henderson (20:47):

Okay. So they’re trying, they’re trying to, uh, get your, Are you, are they in kindergarten?

Sevan Matossian (20:53):

I don’t know, but they’re, they’ll never go to school. My kids will never go to school. Okay,

Tracy Henderson (20:56):

Well then if you were to put them in school, what you’re gonna see is that they’re trying to teach them at five years old that there are more than two genders.

Sevan Matossian (21:04):

Oh, well, so the reason why, the reason why I pulled my kids outta school, one of the many reasons was they were at this fabulous school. I loved it. And I grew up in the Bay Area and I went to all the gay pride parades. I went to Love Fest October Fest. I partied hard. All my, all my staff knows it. I’m the first person, like, if, if you need to take a piss and you don’t wanna put your beer down, I’ll hold your dick for you. Like, I don’t care. That being said,

Tracy Henderson (21:29):

That’s a good friend

Sevan Matossian (21:31):

That you’re welcome. That being said, if, if, um, I, I went to, to my kid’s school and there was a LGBTQ flag hanging under the US flag. And I’m like, What’s that about? And they’re like, Oh, that’s the acceptance flag. I said, No. The one with the, that, that flag is the genitalia flag. That’s the one you put in front of your house so people know that you, like, if they wanna fuck with the same genitalia, they come by that house. The American flag is the acceptance flag. If you have an acceptance problem, it goes through that flag. The LGBTQ flag is the genitalia flag. It’s, it’s, it’s a sex flag. I’m okay with it too. Like throw one big one up on your garage so all the homies can buy, come by and have a cold one. I’m down, but not on the school because I don’t want my kid, I don’t wanna talk to my kid about straight sex or um, uh, uh, gay sex or any kind of sex. I’ll talk to ’em about reproduction, but I don’t wanna talk to them about sex in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade. I don’t, I’m not a prude. You wanna show them two ze? How two zebras have sex. You wanna talk to ’em about sperm and ovaries? I’m, I’m down.

Tracy Henderson (22:35):

You’re putting, if you’re talking to a child about sex, you’re putting that idea in their head. Yeah. They’re not thinking about it. They’re not thinking about it. And you know, somebody you should have on your show is gaze against groomers.

Sevan Matossian (22:46):

I’ve been trying, I’ve been trying. I

Tracy Henderson (22:48):

Got a line for you. I I’m

Sevan Matossian (22:49):

Trying. Okay. I’ve been trying.

Tracy Henderson (22:51):

Yeah, they’re amazing. You know what happens in somebody’s bedroom is private. Okay. That needs to stay there. We don’t need to impose that on our children.

Sevan Matossian (23:00):

No. Um, so, so going back, I wanna go back to the, uh, the website California Parents Union. This is, I want you guys to seriously hear this. I don’t ask you guys to join in. I’m not asking you guys to join in, but I don’t ask you guys for a lot of stuff. But I want you to think about this. If you have kids, this is kind of the, this is the front line where Tracy and this organization are going to fight to make sure that the control comes back to the parents and the teachers and is not left in the hands of big Pharma or the Illuminati. Or you put in whoever the fuck you want, whatever, whatever.

Tracy Henderson (23:34):

Yeah. And the teachers union, So, so Sovan, this is the teachers unions were the ones that kept our schools closed longer. They sat down with the CDC and did that. They tried to contract our parental rights away with school districts. And here’s the one that really pisses me off every time I tell the story. Uh, Roseville Joint Union High School, School District finally after 10 months passed a resolution banning mass in that school district to give people choice. The teachers unions turned on their own and said, You are instructed to manipulate the relationship between teacher and student to guilt these little sweet 6, 7, 8, 9 year olds into putting their mask back on. I have a video somewhere that went viral where a teacher’s screaming at children, I’m not losing my credential. You’re putting your back on. I mean, that’s all the teachers unions and that is them turning on their own. And here’s the thing. California teachers unions are 37th in services across the United States. Right. But they’re perceived number one most powerful. That means we’re fighting a perception. We get to a million members, we win. We get APO research, we get lobbyists. You wanna be a representative or on the board of California Parents Union? Cause you’re a powerhouse. Call me. This is not about me. This is not about money. This is about getting to a million members so that when we walk in the door, they listen. It’s time

Sevan Matossian (24:56):

Where, where there’s a school district called the Roosevelt School District. Is that what Joint

Tracy Henderson (25:00):

Union? Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (25:01):

And that’s in California? Yes. Correct. And their board passed a law or passed a rule saying you can’t mandate kids to wear masks.

Tracy Henderson (25:08):

It was right around January before the CDP changed the wording and the guidance. Yeah, they stood up. They had, they were the first one with balls to

Sevan Matossian (25:16):

Do that. Is that up in Shasta County?

Tracy Henderson (25:19):

It’s near Placer. It’s

Sevan Matossian (25:20):

Like, Okay. Yeah, that’s up north. Okay. Yeah. Um, Scott

Tracy Henderson (25:24):

Is the president of the board. You know, Renee Rogers and Shameen Phillips, all those guys, those parents out there did it. NorCal Freedom Alliance.

Sevan Matossian (25:31):

And what does that look like specifically when the teacher’s union gives guidelines for the teachers to manipulate the students into wearing masks? Any examples?

Tracy Henderson (25:44):

There’s some sort of communication method, like all the superintendents across the state get on Zooms and they spew whatever order it is and then dumbasses do their marching orders. Same idea with the teachers unions. There’s a communication method. And I have figured that out yet. Um, and these teachers, they, they, they told them that their teacher credentials at risk. And here’s the thing, a teacher’s credential is at risk if a teacher or an educator, like a principal that has a teaching credential, breaks the actual law. So we parents use that tool against teachers who, who discriminate, harass, bully, hurt children. Right? You can complain to the California Teacher Credential Commission and it’s a big deal. They’ll get investigated in their credential, could be at risk. But the teachers unions turned and used that tool on their teachers and said, If you don’t force mask and manipulate your credentials at risk, which is legally stupid and cruel, but that’s who the teachers unions are.

Tracy Henderson (26:41):

They spend 60% of their 500 million that they have on politics. And it’s not politics for everybody. So, And teacher teachers are scared. The teachers that I talk to across the state of California, they feel like it’s the mafia. They feel oppressed and they just stick their head down, do their jobs, but they’re not being supported. And the teachers unions take a thousand dollars a year out of that salary, out of their salaries. That’s a lot of money for a teacher. So there are other organizations that give you what you need. And California Parents Union is working to partner with them. So you leave the teacher’s union say to the thousand dollars, Come over to our side and we’ll get you supported. I mean, you

Sevan Matossian (27:20):

Don’t have to be, you don’t have to join the teacher’s union if you’re a teacher.

Tracy Henderson (27:24):

No. There’s a what’s called the Janus decision that came down, I forget what year it was. I think it was 2019. That that Yeah. Made it voluntary. And if you know that they spend 60% of that money on politics right there

Sevan Matossian (27:40):

Going back California Parents Union is nonpartisan. And why am I saying that? Because let’s say you’re a teacher. Um, let’s say you’re a teacher and you’re like, Hey, I don’t want to be with these fucking rednecks right wing fucking gun toting, God loving jerk offs. That’s not what these people are about. That’s not what these people are about.

Tracy Henderson (27:59):

No, no.

Sevan Matossian (28:00):

These people are about, um, giving the choice back to the students, the teachers and the parents, and not being bullied. Once again, does Big Pharma own the teachers union?

Tracy Henderson (28:11):

I don’t know who

Sevan Matossian (28:12):

Owns them. That

Tracy Henderson (28:13):

Answer to that question, but, but you know, we’re, we’re about choice. And one place where we all came together is we are all mandate Republican, democrat, independent. We’re all anti-man. That’s where we come together, is it’s about choice.

Sevan Matossian (28:33):

I, I I wonder why, um, it’s interesting that the Democrats are so, uh, what’s the word I’m looking for? So easily influenced by all of this. And the, and the Republicans aren’t, I mean, jfk, JFK said it great. What was the line you said? The famous line. Don’t ask what, um, your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. And they’ve kind of flipped a script on that. They lost their way somewhere.

Tracy Henderson (28:56):

Yeah. It’s delusion. They’re, what they’re really good at is sticking to an ideal. It’s crazy. They, they all stick together. The Republicans the infighting is crazy. It’s, it’s embarrassing. So

Sevan Matossian (29:11):

What, what do you mean by that? Just like, you mean at the very top, like the Trumps and the DeSantos and the cruises not getting along and the,

Tracy Henderson (29:18):

The republican, the state Republican Party of California is sucking money out of state. Why are they doing that? They don’t believe in any of the Republican candidates. It’s crazy. And on a more local level, you’ve got the Patriots versus the rhinos, the Patriots. I had a situation here where my local congressman, the candidate for Congress running against Pinetta was thrown out of a patriot meeting because he’s a rhino. Meaning

Sevan Matossian (29:45):

What? I don’t know what that is. A rhino and a patriot. Those are two

Tracy Henderson (29:47):

Establishment Republican. Like, like establishment Republicans are pussies. Right? They’ll go party line. They’re not afraid to stand up. They’re, they’re really part of the problem. So you’ve got this new.

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