Sevan Matossian (00:00):
Bam, We’re live. Okay. You have a friend that what? Sorry?
Jim Klopman (00:03):
I have a friend who is a former comedian, Steve Saan, who owns Zero Shoes. And, um, he tells me every time he zooms with me, he feels like I’m at a comedy club.
Sevan Matossian (00:12):
So, Oh, I get, I see the vibe with what’s some skis in the background.
Jim Klopman (00:16):
Yeah, that’s, I’m, I’m trying to break up the brick to make it not look like a comedy club. <laugh>.
Sevan Matossian (00:22):
I wanna start, um, off this, uh, wonderful encounter. First of all, you guys are staring at the man who’s the author of this book, and, uh, Balance is Power, Jim Clapman. Um, there’s, there’s a, it’s in, it’s in this book. I don’t know if you’re being serious or not, but when you said it, I was like, Holy shit. And I immediately sent the nine minute and eight second video that you made last year to my parents with the balance test and to my sister. And basically, if there is smelling, seeing, feeling, touching, and tasting, and those are the five senses that you think we have, Um, it would not be wrong, whether it’s true or not, it would be extremely beneficial to your life to think about the most underrated and probably the most important sense, which is balance.
Jim Klopman (01:14):
Sevan Matossian (01:15):
And, uh, it is. And, and it’s so integrated with all the others, obviously, with seeing and hearing for sure and touch. But holy cow, this is some compelling, compelling, compelling. This is yummy stuff for my audience. This is candy. This is like a free trip to the moon and, uh, get to explore it. It’s just the coolest thing about when you start doing CrossFit is you get to explore so much. I was 34 years old, I’d never, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d run as fast as I can. And Coach Glassman was like, Okay, go out there and run on the track 400 meters as fast as you can. I’m like, Oh my God, this book is just full of that. This book will reintroduce you to a whole new, uh, world of exploration that you probably neglected since it was pushed into your unconscious at the age of two. I’m guessing that’s about what happens. Or if you stuck around with MDM a or acid, you probably open that door and then
Jim Klopman (02:12):
Sevan Matossian (02:14):
Again. Uh, um, I, I wanna show you this, uh, really quick. This is just strictly stroking myself. This is my, um, seven year old son last night.
Jim Klopman (02:27):
I, I’ve watched some videos of him. He’s got great balance
Sevan Matossian (02:30):
And, uh, here he’s throwing a ball, a tennis ball, right? And lefthanded. Yeah. Now that, just so you guys know, he’s standing on this item. It’s called a slack block. And, uh, it’s made, it’s to be, in all fairness, it’s made, um, it’s, uh, calibrated for people who are heavier than him. So it is easier for him, but what he’s doing is still, uh, remarkable.
Jim Klopman (02:52):
Yeah. Now, I watched him swing a racket and swing a tennis ball, you know, geek on you the last couple days. And, um, he’s got great balance to begin with. So you, you can’t swing as hard as he does, uh, unless you have great balance. It’s just that simple. Um, the better you balance, the better. You know, he’s got great form, don’t get me wrong, but he swings as hard as he does because his feet are so well attached to the ground. Cuz you got great balance.
Sevan Matossian (03:21):
Is it the same mechanism at 50 years old that I use to get up in the morning? That makes me a little cautious when I take those first steps outta bed in the morning that I used to not be cautious about, you know, at, you know, at four years old, I just rolled right off the bed to the TV set. Yeah. Now I get up and I’m cautious. Is that the same mechanism that is a baseball player swinging a bat As hard as you can Amy, for the fences? Could you explain that to me? Make that connection?
Jim Klopman (03:50):
Well, you know, it’s for you, it’s an unseen loss. So you live in this perfect world of flat floors, perfectly vertical wall. It’s perfectly horizontal ceilings and flat surfaces around you. Every step is perfectly, you know, 7.4 inches apart. Um, there’s no balance challenge in your life. So it’s degraded and you don’t know it’s degraded. So we have a scale, one to one, one to 125 being what you need to operate in this world outta cane and a walker or a walker. So most people around 35, and that’s the way the world’s built. It’s, you know, because of Ada and America in Europe and other parts of the world, this isn’t the case. But we’re we’re built to have this perfect world. So when you wake up in the morning, your balance is slightly detuned because of the position you’ve been in. Your vest of your system’s a little different.
Jim Klopman (04:42):
Uh, your sensory awareness is a little different. You’ve got sensors in your lower spine that control gait and motion in your lower body. All those things are just kind of sleepy. So you’re now dropping your, let’s say base level of 35 down to 25. And now you’re in a challenge position because you’re challenged on perfectly flat surfaces. If your base was 45 or 55 after you’ve trained on this is an obvious plug, but trained on the slack block or trained on something, doing dynamic athletic balance, not yoga pose, not on your heels, not doing pistol squats, not putting yourself in balance positions that don’t exist in everyday life, but in a true dynamic balance position. Now, when you wake up in the morning and you get up, if your base level’s higher, your drop down is not gonna be to a super low position.
Sevan Matossian (05:31):
Really quick, guys, this thing is really squishy and this thing may soon as you step on this thing with one foot, uh, all your attention will go straight to your foot. I I always step on it barefoot. I don’t know what other people do. Perfect. Yeah. Okay. And, uh, you’ll notice your toes. All of a sudden you become hyper aware of everything that’s going on, uh, at the bottom of your foot. I try to stare up at the wall just because I’ve watched some videos. Um, but it is not, uh, and, and, and I’m glad to hear you say that about the heel not being in the right position because I always go forward, I end up real noticing that I feel like 80% of my weight is, is up on my, um, whatever that the palm of my foot.
Jim Klopman (06:09):
Right? And so, you know, I almost named the company big toe balance. I almost named it, uh, you know, knee over big toe balance cuz those are the positions you wanna be in all, you know, your big toe is big toe for a reason. It’s to be used, uh, in your balance system. And I know a lot of times when runners run, particularly if they’re running straight, they land on the outside of their foot and they come in. But I have, uh, a grandson who’s not unlike your children, who’s just a incredibly athletic. And so I’ve been slow motion videoing ever since he’s started walking. And you know, it’s situational. If he’s running straight, he’ll land here and go in. But if he’s in a position where he is gotta change direction, he lands on the inside of his foot and he’s moving like that.
Jim Klopman (06:46):
And you know, what’s supposedly makes us cool as humans over apes and chimps is we have opposable thumbs, right? So, okay, that’s one of the things that make us unique, big brains. The other thing. But one thing that apes and chimps don’t have as well is big toes. And it’s a huge component to our balance system. And when you press that knee over the big toe, and I, I’m working on a video now, if, imagine this is my big toe, you press your knee on that big toe while you’re balancing with your knee over your big toe, your arch goes up, all this muscle gets activated under the foot. So for those who are, you know, into arch, you know, increase our strength by getting it off the ground, it’s a matter of not exercising your toe by pulling a piece of paper back. But it’s a matter of putting that knee over the big toe and pushing down on that big toe and that big toe as you’re modulator of where you are on that plate. It’s, you, you picked up all the right senses for it, for sure.
Sevan Matossian (07:42):
Um, uh, really quick thing, uh, Rob best, uh, former guest on the show, Take My Money. And you know what’s cool about it, Rob too, if you look at the videos, he doesn’t even, he’s not, he’s not even plugging his product. He shows you how to do it with the towel. And so, and I just love, I I know you’re being 100% serious cuz I know you totally care about human movement, but since I actually got the block, I I I’m on it every day. My kids are on it every day. Um, it’s a trip. Um, I wanna go back to this thing, uh, zero to uh, 100 just to be clear with people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I would love to find where I would love to see this test. God, it would be cool if this was on an app somewhere. I would play with it all the time. What, um, Jim is referencing is he’s devised a test. It’s you right? You’ve devised it, Yes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And basically zero means I think just a hundred percent decrepitude and 100 means
Jim Klopman (08:34):
No, you’re flying on your back. You just can’t move. Okay.
Sevan Matossian (08:37):
And 100 means you’re ninja warrior champion. Exactly. And, and, and, and he has decided, um, that, uh, somewhere between 25 and 35 is what you need to just do minimal function on, um, in, in New York City where everything’s made for human beings with escalators and handles. And then when it starts dropping below 25 is when you’re the guy who, um, uh, leans forward when he takes a piss or holds onto that metal bar in the shower. <laugh>, Right? Hey, and I, and I, and I lean for, unfortunately I lean forward in the morning when I take a piss, like that’s my, or in the middle of the night, the 3:00 AM piss is like, I got one hand on the wall, <laugh>, but if it’s cuz I’m stiff, it’s to avoid pain. But, um, that’s, So Jim, where are you born?
Jim Klopman (09:23):
I was born in New York City, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in, uh, upper Manhattan.
Sevan Matossian (09:29):
In, in, in, How old are you?
Jim Klopman (09:30):
I’m 70 years old. I’m living my 70th year. I hate to say the word 69, but I’ll be 70 of my next birthday.
Sevan Matossian (09:36):
Awesome. Congratulations. And, um, your, uh, you’re born in New York City and uh, you, did you have an ath athletic background? Are you sport sporting kid?
Jim Klopman (09:48):
Yeah, you know, I, I was never a supported in my family for it, although, um, my dad would throw footballs to me constantly as a kid. But I, it was a problem child, you know, it took me two years to get through eighth grade, three years actually. I had to go to summer school through eighth grade. And then
Sevan Matossian (10:06):
Fighting or fighting or
Jim Klopman (10:08):
I, No, it just had, I, you know, for instance, I mean like my religion teachers, I got a 36 in religion and my dad was like, What the hell? How can you get a 36 in religion? But the priest would tell, you know, in, Right. And the comments, he, he said, most receptive comments I’ve heard from any child ever that’s come through any of my classes. And so I would have those constant comments and I just had bad add I didn’t find out about until later in life where when the expert who diagnosed it, uh, told me it would be around session five, that he would be able to evaluate whether I had or not. And he said, You probably don’t cuz you don’t have the really the motions like a person of a d d. And we were halfway through the second session and he looked at me and he goes, You poor bastard. Do you have the worst case I’ve ever seen in my life?
Sevan Matossian (10:53):
How old are you when that happened?
Jim Klopman (10:54):
Sevan Matossian (10:57):
Are the, Sorry, I’m gonna interrupt you. Are those motions that you’re talking about, like tweaker motions, like an a d person would always be
Jim Klopman (11:03):
Like, Yes, right, And I’m always moving, but it’s, it’s tiny motions. But, um, going back to your question, so yeah, I, I mean that was my way of, of, of burning off stuff and my dad would put me on a bongo board and he’d say, Okay Jimmy, how long can you stay on a bongo board? That’s the balance board. And he’d drink a couple martinis and I’d stay up for 60 minutes. But I moved around from school to school cuz I would get thrown outta schools, but I lettered in five different sports when I was in high school. Wow. I I played
Sevan Matossian (11:35):
Football in, he played varsity in five different sports at the highest level at the high school. What were they?
Jim Klopman (11:40):
Um, soccer, lacrosse, skiing, football, baseball.
Sevan Matossian (11:46):
Jim Klopman (11:47):
Skiing. And my senior year I was pushed, I was asked to play football and we played six man football, football in, in the New York area, but we played against, um, basically youth prisons. They were called reform schools in those days. So these were kids who didn’t make it in Newark, New Jersey School Systems, Orange School, Orange City School Systems. So they were rough and tough and very quick and you know, I ended up getting an MVP with the team and all tri-state. So I had good movement skills, but none of this shit came together until I guess was in my fifties that I sort of figured out what was going
Sevan Matossian (12:24):
On. Siblings,
Jim Klopman (12:27):
Do I have siblings? Yeah, I have, um, living, uh, five, There were seven of us all together.
Sevan Matossian (12:35):
Including you?
Jim Klopman (12:36):
Sevan Matossian (12:37):
Wow. Big family. And, and so, um, just to keep going down the rabbit hole, what is, what does add look like that it makes it so you don’t do your work, meaning like while the teacher’s talking or you’re supposed to be reading job and bible class, you’re fucking with your shoelaces or you’re making a paper airplane or
Jim Klopman (12:53):
I don’t know. In those days they didn’t know what it was. So, you know, my parents in second grade, my dad was president of the board of education, so I, you know, he got the best of the best. But he, they sent me off to NYU for five days to be tested. And so we can’t find anything wrong. Him, he’s above average intelligence and just needs to work harder. So I have all my report cards going back to kindergarten and they all say the same thing. You know, he’s not applying himself any daydreams and I understand that I, I am the world’s best daydreamer. I can switch off and go to a, a brain movie and do it for two hours straight and, um, just take myself on some venture. And so I, I’ve been doing that my whole life and, um, yeah, I don’t know why it is other than the fact, I don’t know if you got in the part in the book I have at 47, I figured something must be wrong with my brain. So I went to Daniel Amman and I had a full spec scan, uh, done. And apparently I have a, you know, good deal of brain damage. So
Sevan Matossian (13:49):
How did you get that? I’ve heard you talk about that, but I didn’t hear how you got it. I was like, did he do a lot of coke? Did he, what, what did he do
Jim Klopman (13:55):
<laugh> least? Um, I, you know, oddly enough of one of the parts where I have the most damage is in the cerebellum, which is supposed to be the center of balance. And I contend there’s nobody within 20 years of my age that has balance as good as I do. So it is just interesting how the brain kind of rewires itself and resets itself back up to do different things. But I, I lived in a, I think in a violent household, I don’t remember much. Uh, I remember bits and pieces that were horrible and it wasn’t my parents, it was siblings and I was number four or five down the line and you know, I kind of know what happened, but whatever happened to me probably happened to them. So I have no,
Sevan Matossian (14:35):
Just a lot of fighting between you and your siblings.
Jim Klopman (14:37):
Yeah, I think that was it. And, and getting beaten up some. And then later on in life, you know, reckless living there, I can recognize some of the damaged areas from car crashes, ski crashes, water skiing, crashes, things like that. So
Sevan Matossian (14:51):
You, have you been close to death?
Jim Klopman (14:54):
Have I
Sevan Matossian (14:55):
Yeah. In any of these accidents?
Jim Klopman (15:02):
No. Mm-hmm. I mean, I’ve saved lives before, but I’ve never been, you know, I’ve never had somebody save my life or felt like I’ve been close to death.
Sevan Matossian (15:11):
Well, you’re, you’re definitely going to people who listen to you, you’re going to add years to people’s lives. One of the stats, uh, that I read over and over, and I repeated it to a few people, and I’m having struggling getting my head wrapped around it, is that 50%
Jim Klopman (15:33):
Sevan Matossian (15:33):
Of all the people who check into a hospital over the age of 45, like people who go to emergency rooms, they’re the source of their issue started with a fall.
Jim Klopman (15:43):
Yeah. And and I tell that, I mean, you know, I’ve been doing, you
Sevan Matossian (15:48):
Can’t even, I believe it, but I, but I also don’t believe it, but, but I believe it because I, I saw, I just saw the entire earth go through a, they shut the earth down for two years saying that it was because of Covid. When that’s looking at the symptom, when the issue is obesity, not one healthy person died. Yeah. And I’m like, holy shit. He’s, he’s, he’s pointing at the issue. The issue isn’t you have a broken hip. That’s the symptom. The issue is, is that you didn’t use the slack block and you fell down. Right. I can’t even fucking believe that, that you’ve pointed at one of the most obvious underlying issues, debilitating humanity just with like, Hey, here, look, here’s my block. Yeah. It’s nuts.
Jim Klopman (16:34):
Well, well I think, you know, I’ve talked to enough people over the years and, and I always repeat that statistic. And when I’m training somebody and I, I don’t know how many people, many people who have said yes, that happened to me, and they’re healthy fit looking people. They’re not, you know, obese or don’t have muscle tone or that type of thing. They’re healthy fit looking people who have had that fall. So it, it doesn’t, uh, necessarily attack just those who are outta shape. Um, you know, another statistic that I find mind blowing is the number one cause of, of falls for people over the age of 65 are curbs. And
Sevan Matossian (17:13):
I saw that going
Jim Klopman (17:13):
Back, going back to our point before about the perfect world. Well, steps are perfectly separated. You know, every move and every building and everything manmade is perfect height except for curbs. There end up being bearing heights because there’s no real laws for what a curb height is or isn’t. Roads change, roads get more material put down on ’em. So that’s a step up that people have to do. That’s never the same. And I, it’s just that that doesn’t work. If you go back a thousand years and we’re walking around the woods, you, you gotta learn how to step on, step on shit without falling down and getting hurt.
Sevan Matossian (17:50):
Um, you know, we have these huge, um, you know, you were around in the eighties and we have these, the whole thing was everyone’s dying of aids. I never knew one person who died of aids, but off the top of my head, I can think of six people’s grandmothers who fell, broke their hip and died. Yeah. Right. Just six, just like that. Oh, his, his his, his his,
Jim Klopman (18:08):
Sevan Matossian (18:08):
It’s like, it’s like, yeah, you broke your hip, you went to the hospital, you got pneumonia, you died. Yeah.
Jim Klopman (18:13):
You know what the number one cause of concussions are $90 billion year problem fall. Not John, it’s not Johnny on the football field or Sally on the, a soccer pitch. It’s from Falls. And so I, I just, I find it interesting. I mean, I, there’s a famous, I have his book here, it’s all taped up. There’s, you know, famous podcast who wrote a big book on brain health and all the things you can do for brain health and, and you know, take this and do this and meditate here and all this kind of stuff. And there’s nothing in there about improve your balance because the number one cause of TBIs concussions are false. So I can take care of a lot of problems without having to go through all that other shit to protect my brain just by having better balance.
Sevan Matossian (18:57):
Um, it’s interesting you bring up meditation. There are these activities that we can do in life that people, I don’t think a lot of people really understand what, um, even meditation is. But, uh, smoking is a form of meditation. It’s evil meditation, but, but it is, uh, it brings all of your attention to your fingers and to your mouth. And you take a deep breath in. Unfortunately, you breathe in carcinogens, but the nicotine is also probably one of the greatest drugs too, um, to, to help with meditation. But if you stand on this slack block and you ask yourself what is the definition of meditation? It’s, you will be forced into a meditative state. It’s like walking into a room and imagining a king cobra in there, and then the door locks behind you. All of your attention will go to this king cobra. Now obviously the situation in the room with the king cobra is much more severe. It, it’s life or death. But when you stand on the slack block, your entire body will say to you, um, you need to pay attention. You’re going to fall down and you will, you will. All of a sudden, all of your awareness will come to one place. And it’s interesting you describe that in the inverse, that there’s people who could control their heartbeats. There’s people who can control their breathing. There’s people who can control all these nuances of life, but, but there’s no one who can just be like, Okay, I’m gonna lose my balance.
Jim Klopman (20:14):
Sevan Matossian (20:15):
You can’t do that sincerely. You have to fake it. And I was like, Wow.
Jim Klopman (20:22):
And, and it’s almost important.
Sevan Matossian (20:23):
Or you need a horse to kick you in the head,
Jim Klopman (20:25):
Right? <laugh>. Right. Well, I mean two things. One, you, I mean it’s really wonderful you picked up on that meditative part of it. Cause I’ve had people who wanna train. We don’t train anybody with music on cuz artificial shuts off the conscious mind.
Sevan Matossian (20:37):
Jim Klopman (20:38):
So I had a client that came in who had great balance, but he always trained with the earplugs in and he was a paddleboard race. There wasn’t pro, but he was pretty good. He went to some big race, he fell 19 times. And I said, Dude, I told you when you wear those ear headphones, you don’t have good balance when you don’t have ’em in. So next time you race, get waterproof headphones, put ’em in and see how it goes. Next time you races doesn’t fall once cuz he’s got waterproof headphones in. So unless you play your sport with music on, you can do it. But otherwise you have to learn to, And I’ve been doing this for 10 years and I’m, you know, the 12 minute routine sounds like you know something about it. When I do those two minute segments, I swear to God for me, even today at about a minute, 30 a minute, 45, I go, Oh damn, I didn’t push the button on the clock. Oh, the clock must be broken. And it’s, it’s not that I don’t have the ability to do it, it’s the neurological focus. It’s not just brain focus cuz you have brain tissue all around your body that’s affecting your balance. It’s neurological focus. It’s pretty fucking intense. And so it’s amazing that you understood that cuz that’s exactly what it is.
Sevan Matossian (21:41):
But you have pushed the button on the clock, but it’s your brain starting to tell you a story to try to get out of the activity.
Jim Klopman (21:47):
Yeah. It’s not my brain, it’s my body’s just getting, I’m just, I’m a neurologically exhausted. It’s just like, I wanna something, you know, there’s sort of like this fear model, that module that takes over brain’s quiet the whole time. Know, you know, plays to activate. We spend a lot of time with vision and I don’t, I talk a little bit about in the book and you know, I don’t talk about a lot of things online and so forth unless we’re selling it. We haven’t started selling this yet. But there’s aspect of your vision that changed dramatically as your balance improves, your eyes open up to a wider space. You take in more data, um, it it, it, and your eyes don’t see, by the way, your eyes only collect data. Your brain is what sees. So that whole system starts to activate and become better as your balance improves.
Sevan Matossian (22:33):
When my dad started to lose his hearing, he would say, um, that, uh, he would accuse everyone of, of mumbling,
Jim Klopman (22:43):
Sevan Matossian (22:44):
Why are you mumbling? Why are you mumbling? And I would tell him, Hey dude, your hearing’s fucked up. And he didn’t wear, he didn’t. And I’m gonna, there’s something you point to. There’s a direct parallel in your book about that.
Jim Klopman (22:56):
Sevan Matossian (22:57):
I’ll, I’ll find it. Unless you can remember what I’m
Jim Klopman (22:58):
Talking about. No, I remember exactly what it
Sevan Matossian (23:00):
Is. Okay. What is it?
Jim Klopman (23:01):
Well, it’s, and again, it’s part of why I don’t talk a lot. So we have this peripheral vision system and it pulls in a massive amount of data. Just to give you some simple numbers. You’ve got cones, rods, and cones. So cones are what, see color and shape. And when you see my hand, that’s the cones working rods are only supposed to see, you know, help you with light, dusk and some movement. But there’s a problem with that in that there’s only, um, like six or 7 million cones and there’s 120 million rods. So there’s like, what, 12, 15 times more rods than there are cones. So whoever created this system we’re in we’re like 15 times more. Oh, but wait a minute, Rods are thousand times more light sensitive than cones. So now I have like, what, 15,000 times more power in these rods. And supposedly all they see is shape and, uh, little movement and differences in light, not the case.
Jim Klopman (23:57):
And so peripheral vision is a massive part of your balance system. Once you learn how to engage your peripheral vision properly, your balance system approves. But what’s happening today is like the child or like somebody with hearing, um, when your hearing gets turned off or you start to lose your hearing, you lose the ability to perceive what’s good information coming into your ears. So when you get those hearing aids put in, and if you put ’em in too late, you hear everything. My mom did this, drove her crazy. She goes in a restaurant, she hears every voice.
Sevan Matossian (24:26):
Oh, that’s the, by the way, that’s the, that’s the nicotine’s, the only drug by the way that they know of man, that’s called, uh, I read a book about that called range. It’s slightly different than focus. You lose your ability to choose, Okay, I’m not gonna listen to the chirping birds. I’m only gonna listen to Jim. Right?
Jim Klopman (24:42):
So when I work with, when I work with concussion clients, they lose that system. And what happens is they’ve now been traumatized and around the brain in the head and they’re in a state of posttraumatic stress. The body is. So they’re looking around trying to pick up a threat with their conscious vision. And at some point they just get worn out the brown, the, I call it brown out the brain goes down, drops down to not being able to perform properly. And they have to get out of that situation and go rest someplace in the dark room. Well, you and I walk around, if you have good peripheral vision, you’re able to pick up threats. Now what happens, and I think I might mention this in the book, there is peripheral vision denial going on now because if you relate this to, and I’ll tell you in a second, everybody’s looking at screens, looking at screens, and they’re not seeing what’s going around the screens. So I’ve had people, little people looking at the screen walk right into me. Well, you know, if you were in the jungle, see
Sevan Matossian (25:33):
That shit every day. I see that shit every day as I drive my kids around from activity, activity people, they’re per they’re com I call it, um, social, uh, lack of, uh, situational awareness. But you’re right. It it’s, they, they can’t see.
Jim Klopman (25:46):
Well, what happens, You know what ambliopia is when a kid has a weak eye eye. So if someone has ambliopia, a child has ambliopia, you cover the strong eye and the weak eye can see it just learns how to muscle in and get in into the right direction where you want it to go. By age eight, if it has not been corrected, the brain goes, eh, I’m done. And shuts off that part of the brain the eye can see, but the brain just like, I’m done with that. So it’s very hard to get AMLO ampa back in line again after age eight. Well, same thing true with peripheral vision. Denial to some extent. If we’re doing this all the time, we’re shutting off the processing centers in the brain that are trying to pick up this data. And we spend a lot of time working on that. We have methods for it that I won’t talk about here, but I mean, I’ll talk about it with you ly I’ll
Sevan Matossian (26:31):
Just go stand. How about just go stand on a boat and look out at the fucking horizon for a month?
Jim Klopman (26:37):
That exactly. So I have
Sevan Matossian (26:39):
New Mexico. Right. And just let that shit just open up.
Jim Klopman (26:41):
There’s exactly. And what the, you know, why do executives have the big windows and the big offices on the top of the building? Cause it helps your thinking better than anybody. As you look out that window and like, oh shit, just comes you, you’re right, those big giant vistas are wonderful out west. All that stuff is incredible. And because there’s no perfectly vertical horizontal surfaces, everything’s fractal. Your brain doesn’t get lined up, your vision doesn’t get lined up. Your, your body has to sort of line up with the energy around it, so to speak, and not be looking at the the visual cues. I agree with that a hundred percent. I think that’s a great way to do it. And that’s why people do it makes some, by the way there, you do things like that for fun. You balance train for fun. You go play every sport that you play to challenge your balance. It makes you feel good. And people don’t think about, Oh, I know lifting makes me feel good. Lifting’s got like a massive balance challenge to it for God’s sakes. And try to do that on uneven surface. It takes it even to a higher level. The point is you’re always challenging your balance. You’re always opening your vista and it makes you feel good is when you get in front of that computer, you get in that room, you get in that box, you just, things go to shit. So
Sevan Matossian (27:50):
One of the, uh, just most beautiful representations I know of a man when I think of a man is this, uh, guy, this friend of mine, uh, uh, Donovan Winters, he has a daughter and they come over and play with my kids a lot. And, uh, he’s just a, he’s just a man. Like when I think of like, you open up the book, man, and he’s in there, he’s kind, he’s beautiful, he’s gentle and he’s fierce and he’s powerful and he’s fearless and he’s present. And uh, and um, and I said to him, Dude, have you seen this slack box? Oh yeah. I had it at my desk for years. I I stand around every day. I’m like, Yeah, of course. Fucking do. Yeah, <laugh>. And, you know, it’s like I get it. The, the balance, like he knew he’s, and and he’s not, he’s no geek. You know what I mean? He’s not like Yeah. He’s not geeking out on all the newest shit. Yeah. He just, um,
Jim Klopman (28:38):
That’s a wonderful compliment. Yeah. That’s wonderful. Yeah. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (28:43):
Um, there’s a, so going back to my dad, so basically what I watch happened is his hearing went bad and he didn’t get hearing aids and I watched his mental, um, something, I watched him ode mentally and I watched him compensate for lack of knowing what’s going on in the outside world with a noisier brain. And it fucking broke my heart.
Jim Klopman (29:03):
Sevan Matossian (29:03):
And um, and, and now he’s wearing a hearing aid more, but what happened was, is he started and were surrounded in a world half the, I would say at least half the country is like this anyway, without loss of hearing, but they’re in an echo chamber. Right. So, um, I would say something to him and he wouldn’t really understand what I would, I would saying, so he would make up what he thought it was and then he would respond to that made up thing. Right. And, uh, man, it broke, it broke my heart watching. I, I watched his hearing a road and then it caused his, his some, some sort of mental component that you were talking about a road instead of periphery. It was
Jim Klopman (29:39):
Right. Yeah. I mean, I watched it. My father didn’t have lose his hearing, but he was in the textile business and all his friends were, and they all worked in the mills when they were kids. And, and, um, they were NOIs and they were all half deaf. And he would joke about, you know, sitting down at breakfast with him, you know, Hey, it’s a beautiful day out. Yeah. The rays played a great game.
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