Sevan Matossian (00:02):
Bam. We’re live with no guest. Where’s our guest? Scott? Sure. Wonder if I’m saying his name right? Scott. S h e r r. Scott. Sure. Uh, all alone. I don’t see Caleb. Matt Suza is in, Where is Matt Suza? He’s either in Rome or in Madrid. Rome or Madrid. If you live in, if you live in either Rome or Madrid, you should contact Matt. Invite him over for a bottle of wine or something. I think he’ll be gone for two weeks. I bet you he, I bet you he can’t stay away from the podcast though. Bruce. Good morning, Adam. Good morning, Elise. Car rid. Good morning. Eric Weiss. Brandon Waddell. Not waddle. I’m learning. Alan Ke kesten bomb. Where’s Craig White Craig? Dude, I was joking on the Ellie Turner. I was half joking the three quarters joking on the real seven pod, I guess. Yesterday in the Ellie Turner podcast. I made a joke. Oh, I’ll tell you about that in a second. Or maybe later. Scott,
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:23):
How’s it going,
Sevan Matossian (01:24):
Dude? Great. Now that you’re here,
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:28):
Nice to see you.
Sevan Matossian (01:29):
Yeah. Stoked to see you too, brother, Dr. Scott. Sure. Am I pronouncing your last name right? Yeah.
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:35):
That’s good.
Sevan Matossian (01:36):
I d I do all that too. I got, I got this. You
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:38):
Gotta feel like the headphones thing here, you know, like the headphones hair. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (01:41):
Do the fingers through the hair. Try to pull it all back and then quickly stick it off.
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:45):
Yeah. Try that real quick. Got the, uh, got the side thing going here for whatever reason.
Sevan Matossian (01:50):
<laugh>. Could I be really nosy?
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:53):
What’s that?
Sevan Matossian (01:54):
Um, where are you?
Dr. Scott Sherr (01:55):
I’m based in Colorado.
Sevan Matossian (01:57):
Oh, you are? Okay. For some reason, I, Why do I think you’re in the Bay Area? Cause I do research. Okay.
Dr. Scott Sherr (02:02):
I used to be for many years. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (02:04):
Oh, and that’s right. You’re at 16% oxygen now, and no longer at, uh, 21.
Dr. Scott Sherr (02:09):
Right. No longer at 21. Yeah, exactly. You get it.
Sevan Matossian (02:12):
Um, you have four kids.
Dr. Scott Sherr (02:15):
I do. Are we recording already or?
Sevan Matossian (02:18):
We are. We’re live The world, the world. The world’s chiming in. But, but we’re so chill. We’re so chill.
Dr. Scott Sherr (02:24):
Sevan Matossian (02:25):
We’ve all been canceled already. We can do anything we want. We can fix our hair, pick our nose. We can, we can talk to flat earthers, whatever. We we’re not scared.
Dr. Scott Sherr (02:35):
Most excellent. Yeah. Yeah. I’m based in Colorado. I, I lived in the Bay Area for over nine years, and, uh, I moved about a year ago to the, the great state of Colorado.
Sevan Matossian (02:46):
You know what I am gonna do? What’s that? I am going to, um, go over here and I’m gonna type in Scott. Sure. And I’m going to, um, switch your name, if you don’t mind, so that if people wanna follow you on, um, Instagram
Dr. Scott Sherr (03:06):
Yeah, sure.
Sevan Matossian (03:07):
They have your handle. So I just switch your name right there.
Dr. Scott Sherr (03:11):
Perfect. That’s me. Okay,
Sevan Matossian (03:12):
Cool. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (03:14):
Um, so, so I, so the, the vast majority, I, I, I believe this, the vast majority of the people who listen to this podcast believe in extreme personal accountability and personal responsibility. And they’ve come to that conclusion, I think more recently. And, and, and they came through that conclusion through doing CrossFit through, um, through a lot of, you know, personal discomfort and realizing that, uh, and then, and then through I think the, um, we, we had a great leader named Greg Glassman, and he told us that CrossFit was the cure to the world’s most affecting problem. And that actually, even though he was the fitness guy at our foundation of CrossFit, was nutrition, and that that would actually get you to the 95 yard line. And it broke his heart to say that, but that fitness wasn’t even necessary if you ate perfectly well. That really, it’s just what you put into your body.
Sevan Matossian (03:58):
Hmm. And through that, um, uh, through that and through the pandemic and through realizing our relationship, I think as a cohort in the CrossFit community with doctors, has really changed. We see doctors more as something that we need if we get shot, uh, by a gun or if we fall out of a, or if we have, you know, serious burns. But, um, or if, you know, a car tire goes flying through the windshield of your car, you know, then you need a doctor. But for a lot of this other stuff, you need to make, um, life for other things, you need to make lifestyle choices. And I didn’t, I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t realize that kind of chiropractor was that kind of doctor that it, that they also believed at, at their foundation, that the body could heal itself
Dr. Scott Sherr (04:45):
Sevan Matossian (04:45):
Given the opportunity.
Dr. Scott Sherr (04:46):
Yeah. That’s how I grew up in the, in the, in the world of chiropractic. I mean, they really were the first like og uh, internal like integrative medicine doctors, you know, within the functional medicine framework to some degree. But they had thought that if they could align the body in a certain way, and they still do, that, the body would be able to naturally heal itself as a result of going through the process of realigning itself. And most chiropractors were not just focused on the, the back and the spine, but also focused on nutrition, focused on optimizing your life, your, your exercise. And you make a good point earlier about exercise. I mean, you can’t exercise yourself out of a shitty diet. It just doesn’t work. I mean, certainly you can, you can, you can, you can try, um, but you’re not going to get to the same place because it really is significantly impacted by what we put in our mouth every day as our nutrition.
Dr. Scott Sherr (05:40):
So, I mean, exercise is extremely important. That is for sure. However, your diet, your lifestyle, uh, everything from what goes into your mouth to the stress that you’re under every day are as important, uh, as well. I mean, if you’re simply, simply not going to get there just with going to CrossFit or going to any other exercise regimen. However, um, exercise is what we call one of those cornerstone habits, which means that once you start exercising, you typically want to do other things that are healthy for you as well. So you start exercising and then, you know, you decide you’re not gonna drink alcohol, every alcohol every night, because you wanna get up in the morning and go to CrossFit or go work out, or go take your spin class or get on your Peloton, or whatever it might be. So, and then as a result of that, your relationships get better because exercise also helps with various chemicals in your brain that make you feel better.
Dr. Scott Sherr (06:29):
Like endorphins is the most commonly known, but also your endocannabinoid system, the system that actually regulates how your body responds to stress, how your body responds to feelings of, uh, of happiness and of sadness and things like that. Because there’s these chemicals in your brain called endocannabinoids. These are natural, natural cannabinoids in our brain that our brain makes all those all the time. One of them’s called anandamide, which is the most common one, which is actually a Sanskrit word for bliss. So this is something that CBD also regulates as well, by increasing the amount of an aide in your brain. So anyway, so the short story is that exercise could be a fantastic foundational or cornerstone habit that can allow you multiple changes in your daily life, in your life going forward. Uh, but it’s not the exercise itself per se, but it’s the result of the exercise and the results of the other lifestyle changes that you make that truly make the difference.
Sevan Matossian (07:26):
It, it’s, it’s the gateway drug to happiness. Yeah.
Dr. Scott Sherr (07:29):
Sevan Matossian (07:29):
The lifestyle changes, just the gateway drugs to lifestyle changes.
Dr. Scott Sherr (07:31):
I mean, and we also,
Sevan Matossian (07:32):
I quit smoking from, I started when I was doing CrossFit. I was like, Man, the smoking’s not, it’s not working. I have, I’m gonna have to choose.
Dr. Scott Sherr (07:39):
Right. Yeah. Smoking’s a good one too. Like that’s a very common one that people will give up if they start exercising a lot. I mean, we know that the study is on depression, for example. Exercise is just as good as antidepressants. It’s not inferior, which means it’s the same if you can exercise every day, it’s as good as being on a medication, uh, for depression most of the time. I mean, there are certainly some times when somebody’s severely depressed and things are required immediately, but in general, like for the majority of people, it’s the same. So yes, cornerstone habit, gateway, drug, all those things.
Sevan Matossian (08:13):
Um, all of that being said, um, you became a physician. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like a real physician. Like, hello doctor, you wear this stethoscope. You did all the school, you did the residency. Indeed. Took all the hard tests. You had big pharma try to brainwash you, <laugh>, Um, uh, and yet you were raised, um, by a chiropractor hardcore still. Your, at your dad Allen, he’s still, still active, right?
Dr. Scott Sherr (08:41):
Oh, yeah, yeah. The Northport Wellness Center in Northport, New York on Long Island. Yeah. He’s still doing it.
Sevan Matossian (08:47):
So why, why did you go that way?
Dr. Scott Sherr (08:50):
Well, I think there was a number of different things going on at the time. I, I think going back and looking at it and remembering, I knew that I liked being involved in healing and being involved in patient care. I grew up in his office. I did everything from play in the front desk when I was two years old to collecting money when I was 15. And so I really loved that ecosystem, but I also realized that there was a lot that chiropractors couldn’t do in the sense that they were limited from their scope and their licensure. And I really wanted the potential to do anything that I could in the, in the larger scheme of being a practitioner. So kind of taking the best of all worlds. And I had very high minded ideas as any 18 year old would as far as being able to bridge the chasm between alternative and conventional healthcare.
Dr. Scott Sherr (09:33):
And, and during my training, I definitely had my challenges in the sense of being involved in the system as significantly as I was. But I did see, as you mentioned briefly earlier, that acute care medicine is actually quite fantastic in what it can do in helping people with serious medical conditions. And what it’s really bad at though, is preventative care. We have some ways of doing some preventative things that are okay, but in general, the system is just kind of keeping you, uh, basically the same as you are maybe slightly different here and there, but not doing a huge amount to shift your, your trajectory is what it comes down to. So the trajectory shifting really does happen outside of the conventional system. And that really can take a lot of different, uh, it can go a lot of different ways. It can take a lot of different flavors depending on the type of system that you feel most aligned to.
Dr. Scott Sherr (10:24):
But there’s obviously the big bucket of integrative care. There’s, there’s functional medicine, There’s a practice that we’ve developed, uh, with, uh, with one of my companies called Health Optimization Medicine in practice, which is a nonprofit training doctors and practitioners on how to optimize health rather than treat disease. I mean, so there’s a lot more options for people now to really look at the, the foundational stuff. And instead of just looking at the disease focused care, cuz if you’re looking at foundational biomarkers of cellular health, of gut health, of immune health, of hormone health, and that really is the foundation of our health over the long term. And so, in my opinion, uh, it, that’s where people really should be starting if they can. Obviously, if you have an acute issue, you need to take care of it, but focusing on your foundational biology is really important.
Dr. Scott Sherr (11:08):
And, uh, and from there, you know, then building from there and going from there and, and including other types of modalities as you need to. But so for me, it really became, uh, medical school became this idea and this practice for me where I learned to understand the physiology, the patho pathophysiology, and then also to kind of discover what might be the best way for me to integrate this. And, and that became in the, that became really, uh, really solidified in my, in me when I did some rotations and understood more about hyperbaric oxygen therapy versus where I specialized after finishing medical school and finishing my residency in internal medicine is, is a way to really harness the power of very, uh, very important molecule oxygen in lots of, of healing modalities, recovery modalities, optimization types of ways, and how you can integrate it with using conventional and integrative care in ways for people to truly optimize and how they did over the long term. So hyperbaric therapy became my specialty, and that’s what I still do as a primary thing now in consulting with people all over the world, uh, clinics, patients and helping optimize protocols and looking at not only the hyperbaric protocols itself, but what you can do before, during, and after to truly, um, leverage the technology and see it really make the changes in people that we truly see. If you can do a more holistic approach,
Sevan Matossian (12:30):
Um, and definitely we will get to the hyperbaric chamber that is like, that, that’s the gonna be the dessert I think of this conversation. That’s, uh, what you’re doing is, um, I could only imagine what it’s like being you because you’re on the, well, I enjoy it cuz of this podcast, but you’re on this frontier every day is must be so exciting for you because you get to see kind of like magic every day. You get to see stuff, you probably see stuff at least once a week. I’m guessing that, man, I can’t even share this. They’re gonna think I’m fucking crazy or this is gonna go, this is like, I can’t even believe what I just saw. Right. And you, and, and, well, we’ll get to that, the hyperbaric chamber and, and, and how fantastic it is. Was any part of the fact that you went to a medical school like an f u to your dad, like, fuck dad, I’m not like you, you chiropractor, watch this, watch me get into, uh, get a job at Pfizer.
Dr. Scott Sherr (13:20):
No, there was never any of that. No revel in you? No. I mean, I had a little bit when I was in high school like everybody else, but it wasn’t in, in school. I was always a good student. I always did well and I studied and all those kinds of things, but it wasn’t, there wasn’t like any, it was actually in lots of conversations with him where I decided, and he just, and he agreed that medical school would be the right choice for me at the time, just so that I had the additional education and then I could go for, I go in any direction really that I wanted to after that. So, um, so no, actually there was no f at all at this.
Sevan Matossian (13:53):
It’s, it’s, it’s amazing, um, how little, when you start digging, I’ll use circumcision as the, uh, example, if you, if you have a son who’s uncircumcised and you live in the United States, finding information about it that’s like accurate and right is like, it’s, it’s crazy. It’s like it’s, I mean, you could ask a hundred doctors and they don’t know shit. You could ask a thousand doctors and they don’t know shit. Why should you pull the skin back? Uh, should it, should it be cleaned? Is it dangerous? I mean, they just don’t know shit. You’re better off just finding a dude who, who’s intact. Uh, it’s, um, and yet you were brought up on, on a side, on a, on, on a side that where you, you don’t necessarily ask physicians, you ask people, um, who are into this integrative medicine.
Dr. Scott Sherr (14:40):
Well, I think for me, it’s really important to look at your clinical practice, right? Seeing who people, seeing people come in and every day. And, and certainly I saw these kinds of, you know, miraculous types of things when I was younger in the chiropractic framework, but I also saw where there was limitations in the sense that sometimes people really just needed to go to the hospital and really get treated right and get that work done, and then, then they can take the time and be more sustainable in their health over the long term. So I mean, I certainly think that over the last 20 years or so, um, since I almost, since I started my medical school training in 2003 at this point, um, that’s gonna be almost 20 years now. It’s crazy. Um, you know, that there’s been a lot more changes in how, uh, how much doctors know and what the information is out there.
Dr. Scott Sherr (15:29):
I mean, when I trained, uh, the specialty of functional medicine was just getting started and it was very, very new. And we thought that, like, for example, the gut was something that was okay to, to bash with antibiotics and didn’t have any problems except for causing, uh, an infection called c diff. And now we know that the gut microbiota and the gut ecosystem is so important to your overall health for so many different reasons. And this is even seeping into medical school. And that’s, that’s a great thing. But the, the challenge with, with conventional practice is that, uh, it takes about 20 years or so for things to hit the conventional world that started off as being, you know, fringe in quotes, right? So one of the things that I work on a lot is something called metabolomics, which is the, the, uh, assessment of cellular biology in real time cellular processes.
Dr. Scott Sherr (16:16):
And this is just starting to hit the conventional world. Now. There’s a paper that was just written last year calling metabolomics the stethoscope, the stethoscope, excuse me, of the 21st century. This is the idea of looking at your cellular biology in real time and then being able to make an analysis that helps optimize your cellular health, et cetera, as you are looking at that foundation of somebody’s health, not only from a disease state, but from a, a health focused state too. Now, of course, the conventional docs are more interested in disease than they are in health, because that’s what we learn and that’s what’s, you know, quote unquote more interesting and more acutely treated as opposed to focusing on somebody’s health, which takes time and doesn’t have the same, uh, initial benefit, doesn’t have the same immediate gratification for it as it would be to treat a disease and, you know, cut something out or, or use medication to do something, et cetera.
Dr. Scott Sherr (17:05):
So, you know, we, doctors are just like any, anybody else, they love immediate gratification. And so not having that immediate gratification is really hard for doctors as well. So I think things are changing and I think there’s more information out there. I think there’s more integrative specialists out there in various types of ecosystems, whether it be chiropractors or naturopaths, or even doc, even MDs and dos now. So I think there’s more out there. I think, you know, I think that has changed a lot, but certainly to get uh, in into this as a patient is a challenge because you gotta find somebody that’s interested in you and, and sustaining your health over the long term, potentially. You have to really, it’s not easy to find a doctor that truly will align with you, but it is easier now than it ever has been. So at least that, that is a positive.
Sevan Matossian (17:53):
Um, I, I was speaking to this doctor, uh, I don’t know, it was about a year ago, and they were telling me that, uh, they had a patient who had, uh, you know, diagnosed with type two diabetes and they were talking to them about diet and what they recommended that the, that their first course of action should be. And they, uh, administrator found out about that and, uh, immediately gave them some disciplinary action, told ’em to call the patient back and tell them no, that didn explained to them the protocol that the hospital had in place, which was, you know, metformin, et cetera, go down that path. Sure. And, and at that point I realized that yeah, they’re, they’re, a lot of doctors are put in the situations where their docents of death, right? They’re going to help you, um, live with your sickness instead of help you, uh, I, I guess cure it
Dr. Scott Sherr (18:35):
Or try to reverse it at least, or try to make it like, go into the opposite direction. And, and, uh, the system is set up to make it very difficult to help with the reversal of various types of illness and conditions. Because like for the most part, you’re getting insurance coverage for your primary care visit and you only have 15 minutes with your doctor. So, and most, most medical schools treat, actually do very little to treat nutrition very, do very little to treat lifestyle. And that’s just not part of the curriculum. So you have to learn it on your own is a doc. And, and that’s, and that’s difficult. It’s not. And then, you know, what often happens is that you have the doctors that go into the integrative specialties typically are people, there are doctors that had to go through their own health challenges to get outside of the system, get help, and then realize that it was time for them to look outside their specialty and do additional training and in different types of modalities or, or practices to truly help people.
Dr. Scott Sherr (19:34):
So you’ll find that the ma majority, I would say the majority of docs that I know that have gotten into integrative medicine, um, have gotten in because of their own health challenges. And so that is, it’s common and you go to the doctor, you feel like shit, you can’t think you have brain fog, you have fatigue, you have aches and pains, but you know, all your laboratory work looks normal, right? So then they say, it’s not anything going on with you, you’re, this is in your head or something like that. But all they’re looking at is disease focused markers. They’re not looking at markers that are health focused, so they’re not doing things outside the conventional that doesn’t have, you know, randomized controlled data. So, and as a result of that, um, they’re not getting the full workup that they probably need. And, and also what’s what’s challenging is that a lot of the laboratory normal values that you see when you go to your doctor’s office are not truly normal values for your age, their age ranges.
Dr. Scott Sherr (20:25):
That could be anywhere from like a, like a thyroid level, for example. Like, you can go to the thy, get your TSH checked, and it could be, uh, the normal range is somewhere, is is the average range of at like, of a nine year old to like a 90 year old, right? So that’s the range that they use as your normal range. But if you’re like 65 years old, do you wanna, or do you wanna have a TSH level of a 90 year old? Do you wanna have a TSH level of a 20 year old? Which one do you want to have? Right? So what are we most optimized? Is that typically between an age of about 21 to 30 years of age? And so that’s really the normal ranges that we would be looking for under most circumstances. And so when I go to a lab, I know that that’s the case, and you’re going to get like hormones checked or, or vitamins and minerals checked.
Dr. Scott Sherr (21:11):
Like, do you want to have a range level? Do you wanna have a level that’s the, the average of somebody that’s 65 If you’re, if you’re 45, for example, right? You wanna have the average at least of being a 45 year old person. So, um, it’s very difficult to navigate the system as a result of all these nuances, but it’s important to know that there are ways to optimize health and look at these, these levels more in a, in a range that would be more optimal for you and not optimal for somebody that’s older than you, or maybe even your age if you’re on the older side.
Sevan Matossian (21:42):
Do you know anyone else, like, um, yourself who, who who became a physician, went to medical school, became bur board certified physician, knowing that your goal was to, um, work in integrated, uh, medicine?
Dr. Scott Sherr (21:56):
Um, you know,
Sevan Matossian (21:57):
Even one person,
Dr. Scott Sherr (21:58):
I mean, I know a lot of integrated medical docs, um, right, I, I, I know that there’s, and I know a lot of ’em that are not MDs and dos like naturopaths, for example, Right? And, uh, chiropractors that certainly went in looking for this particular framework, right? I have, I, I don’t know this, I’m just thinking about some of the integrative docs. I know most of them have had their own health challenges. Some of them, um, had significant experiences with, with patients when they were early on in practice where they realized that they couldn’t help them, that they really weren’t making a huge dent in their, uh, in their trajectories. I have one doc that I know that was a, at least two docs actually that are er docs that saw what was coming in and just saw the, the challenges that the, there these patients were facing and saw how little they were really doing to, to change their trajectories. So I think it runs across the board different experiences overall. So, um, but I, I don’t know very many, uh, sons of chiropractors or daughters of chiropractors that went to medical school after getting, getting that framework as a kid, that’s for sure.
Sevan Matossian (23:03):
Did, did anything in you change? Did, did you, um, did you for, uh, I don’t know, for, did you ever feel like going to the dark side? Was there any temptation to be Oh, totally. Yeah. I mean, and was that, was that temptation? Financially? Finance based cash. Gotcha. All
Dr. Scott Sherr (23:18):
Right. Yeah. I mean, if you, if you’re gonna get outta school and be a dermatologist and make $700,000 a year if you’re gonna be a specialist like that, um, it’s, it’s obviously provo provocative, right? It’s like, woo, that’s, that’s a lot of money. I could just look at skin all day and I could do a couple things here and I could make $700,000 a year. I mean, it’s a lot of money, right?
Sevan Matossian (23:41):
Yeah. It is
Dr. Scott Sherr (23:41):
A lot of money. And you have to think about, a lot of people coming outta medical school are significantly in debt as well, so they’re not coming out as a, as a clean slate. I mean, I sign, I had significant debt coming outta school, and I had, I had some help, right? And then you have people that had to take loans out for college and then for medical school, and then for residency and for living and housing and boarding. You’re talking about, I know also people that came out of medical school and college with $400,000 in debt. So this is like almost a half a million dollars in debt. So are you gonna take a job that has more risk, for example, because you have all this debt to pay back as soon as you finish your, your training. And so it’s not an easy, not an easy computation or a thought experiment or real life experiment for people as they’re going through school to know that they have to make a certain money.
Dr. Scott Sherr (24:31):
And, and I wasn’t any different. I, I came outta school knowing that I needed to get a real job, and I ended up doing, uh, and I, I continue to do part-time work in the hospital actually. And because I, you know, I don’t mind it actually, but I also know that for me, my main focus is the, the work that I do for optimizing health. But a lot of people like me have to take a real job when they get outta school knowing that they have to pay back loans, they have families, et cetera. So it’s, uh, it’s, it’s a significant challenge for people.
Sevan Matossian (24:59):
And, and that is actually, um, by chance where you saw your first type of barric chamber, right?
Dr. Scott Sherr (25:04):
During my medical school training, Yeah. It was when I was in my third year of medical school, I was doing a rotation at a place called Shock Trauma in Baltimore, which is a very well known shock and trauma center where people train all over the world in shock and trauma, even the military does, because, you know, Baltimore has been known for a long time to be a violent place. And so gunshot wounds, stabbings, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning. So, um, I ended up seeing a couple people that went into the chamber for carbon monoxide poisoning and severe infections. And I saw some, some amazing things happen to these people. And I, when I learned it was just oxygen and pressure, I had significant, I had like a light bulb come off, you know, go off in my head because I was like, Wow, this is just so simple and this is some amazing things that it can do.
Dr. Scott Sherr (25:51):
And then, and in the, in the acute setting, and then I did my own research and saw what it was being used for across the world for healing and recovery and, and all these other modality integrations that were happening around the world, not so much in the United States, but especially for things that we had a really hard time treating and still do, uh, in medical, in the medical world, like patient patients that had strokes, for example, or traumatic brain injuries or patients with, with, uh, with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or, or the, with chronic infections and, um, and significant injuries otherwise that really were not being well treated in the acute care settings. And I saw that there was some significant data that showed hyperbaric therapy could help. And then, then that’s really what I decided to, to kind of go into this, into the realm of, of the hyperbaric world.
Dr. Scott Sherr (26:36):
Also knowing that it had these conventional indications. It’s insurance covered for 14 indications in the United States, and then there’s about 50 or 60 other conditions where there’s really great data and you could use an integrative perspective to truly help people. And there was also this other delineation where if you had an acute injury, hyperbaric therapy was fantastically helpful in helping you heal that faster. And it didn’t really matter how much integration and how much other stuff you did, although it, it would help if you had the additional ideas of what you could do before, during, and after the integrations that could help you. But the ability to acutely rev up the process of healing was extremely effective in a lot of different pr a lot of different ways. And we have evidence that, of that acute stroke, acute heart attack, acute traumatic brain injury, now with some studies that are happening, acute spinal cord injury, acute trauma to a limb, partial amputations, acute infections like necrotizing fasciitis, which is flesh eating bacteria, et cetera. Like you get them in the chamber.
Sevan Matossian (27:33):
But why that, why that, Um, it doesn’t like all the oxygen, right?
Dr. Scott Sherr (27:37):
Yeah. That particular infection is, uh, it’s called an anaerobic or low oxygen, thriving in infection. So you get that person into a high oxygen environment along with antibiotics, along with other things like wound care and even surgery at times. You can see significant benefit and, uh, reversing of, you know, dramatic, uh, problems, dramatic injuries, dramatic surgeries, like a, like amputations and things like that, that typically happen under that circumstance.
Sevan Matossian (28:04):
Uh, no, I don’t think the penis pump is considered a hyperbaric chamber, but thank you for the, uh, thoughtful, uh, uh, question. Yes, very, very thought. Oh, where does the ox the oxygen? Um, I like posting those comments cuz they think I’m gonna be afraid to post them <laugh>. Um, uh, where does in, in those hyperbaric chambers, does that machine? Do you have to like constantly replenish it with oxygen tanks?
Dr. Scott Sherr (28:27):
So the way it works works is that you have a, you have a chamber that simulates the pressure that you would feel under a certain amount of sea water. So that pressure can be anywhere between 1.3 to about 2.4 ata, which is our therapeutic window. And that equates to about 10 feet of sea water to about 30, 45 feet of sea water. So if you can imagine if you’re under 45 sea feet of sea water, all that water above you is exerting a pressure on you because water is extremely heavy. So it’s that heaviness that we simulate in a hyperbaric environment and then we add oxygen. Oxygen is what we need to breathe. We need oxygen to make energy without oxygen. We don’t live very long, as we all know, oxygen allows you to make ATP in your mitochondria, which are the known as the powerhouse or the, the batteries of our cells.
Dr. Scott Sherr (29:16):
We have mitochondria in all of our cells except for red blood cells. The most mitochondria we have are in our brain, in our heart, our liver, in our muscle tissue especially have lots of mitochondria because we need to make lots of energy when we need it. So in a hyperbaric environment, we pressurize the tank and then we give you extra oxygen. That extra oxygen can be given via mask, via hood, or it could be a hundred percent oxygen in the chamber itself, depending on the chamber that you have. As you are getting the oxygen. And as you are getting the pressure, the oxygen’s being pumped in the chamber’s being pressurized, and then the chamber is continuing to filter itself so that you’re continuing to get fresh oxygen and the pressure continues to ize and go through.
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