#598 – Ryan Moody

Sevan Matossian (00:00):

The guest fucked that up BA

Caleb Beaver (00:04):

Not that cool.

Sevan Matossian (00:06):

Bruce. Adam, Jeremy eat world. Jeremy eat world. Good morning, Ryan Moody on today. Close code. I see. Um, I went over to his Instagram and, and, uh, you know, Dave does this, um, thing where, uh, oh shoot. Oh, shoot. I forgot to send the link. Yes. Uh, I told him, Hey, we go on in four minutes, but I never sent the link. Oh yeah. Good idea. To send the link. This is, uh, this is a cool clip. Um, let me see if I can share it from his Instagram. Oh shoot. Here we go. Here we go. So Dave does this thing where he fields questions from, uh, YouTube. And, uh, I guess Ryan put a question in there in day, like the question. So Dave answered it. Let’s check it out.

Speaker 3 (01:09):

His explosiveness starting off with Ryan Moody. Ryan is, uh, he’s been around for a very long time and he’s the dude who used to have this jump up. He said, jump really high on boxes. And he had a little program that went with it. Right? I think it’s the same, Ryan. Can you hear it? Uh, if you were to create a combine of sorts to determine the most explosive athlete across any and all sport, what movements would you want to see tested? That’s a great question. Something I need to sit on and think what interestingly like to test explosiveness, starting off with Ryan Moody, Ryan is, uh, he’s been around for a very long time,

Sevan Matossian (01:46):

So he doesn’t answer it. Okay. Fine.

Speaker 3 (01:48):

Jump really high on fine.

Sevan Matossian (01:49):

Fine, fine. Fine. We’ll ask Ryan that then what he think should be te what you should do to, uh, what tests would he use to find the, uh, most explosive this dude’s Instagram account has a lot of shit that speaks to me tight. Low back. Try this. Hey, what’s up, dude?

Ryan Moody (02:11):

What is up guys?

Sevan Matossian (02:13):

Good morning.

Ryan Moody (02:14):

You hear me? Okay.

Sevan Matossian (02:15):

We can hear you. Great.

Ryan Moody (02:16):

Awesome morning,

Sevan Matossian (02:19):

Ryan, what would you U oh, BI, what would you, what would you do to, um, what tests would you use to find the most explosive athlete?

Ryan Moody (02:32):

Ah, I see what you did there.

Sevan Matossian (02:33):

You do.

Ryan Moody (02:34):

Yeah. You took that. Uh, the question I gave Castro, huh?

Sevan Matossian (02:37):

Yeah. Did he, I was just looking at the clip on your Instagram. He didn’t answer it. Right.

Ryan Moody (02:42):

Uh, he didn’t give a full answer. He said he wanted more time to think on it. And, uh, I haven’t checked back to see if he’s brought it back up, but I bet I could follow up with him,

Sevan Matossian (02:51):

But I am curious, what would you, what kind of movements would you use? What would you, how would you like to see the test?

Ryan Moody (02:56):

So in the, the realm of explosive training, um, if we I’ll say it like this, if we were to take athletes from any and all disciplines, right. To see which ones had the most explosive power explosive output in general, um, we wouldn’t want to necessarily just specifically test them in an area they’re really good at. So I’ll give you an example, uh, like a, uh, a swimmer, right? Their push off of the board going into the water, right. Uh, them versus athletes of different sports, football, basketball, et cetera. They’re gonna have a lot more, they’re gonna have a lot of power coming off that board. Um, and that’s gonna be an area they’re really used to, so I would want to focus on jumping, but not necessarily specific to that sport. So I would focus on the three pathways that we typically use in explosive training.

Ryan Moody (03:46):

So jumping sprinting, primarily short distances and then lifting. Um, and Dave actually brings up in the video that very explosive lifts, like the snatch, the clean, uh, would be examples of, uh, good testers. Um, and I would, you know, argue absolutely power for both of those. Um, I would test, um, you know, like what you would see in the football combine, stuff like broad jump, um, even a, um, a, a sprint of sorts, maybe closer to like the 5, 10, 5. I like that. They do that in football as well. Um, 40 yard dash is good, but also I would love to see a, the vertical, uh, jump from a standing position, running vertical, uh, leap, um, and, uh, yeah, box jump, seed box jump is pretty cool. It takes a lot of, uh, control and athleticism for that one, but yeah, there’s a, there’s a plethora of it, but I would want to be able to take athletes from any sport and put ’em in and just see who comes out on topic, you know, as, as consistently across the board as possible.

Sevan Matossian (04:52):

What’s the, what’s the time domain for explosive.

Ryan Moody (05:01):

Mm, good question. So when we’re looking at explosive power, really what it’s coming down to is, is, uh, your, your ability to react. So we’re looking at the amortization phase and that’s that stretch shortening cycle, um, of the musculature. So what’s

Sevan Matossian (05:19):

The word you used again, amortization a

Ryan Moody (05:21):

Modernization and I might be pronouncing that wrong. I’ve always just said it that way. <laugh>

Sevan Matossian (05:25):

Sure, sure. Fine. I like how you said it. I buy it. Yeah,

Ryan Moody (05:28):

I appreciate it. So yeah. So an example of that would be, uh, let’s imagine we’re doing a death jump to a vertical leak

Sevan Matossian (05:37):

Amortization phases, this time delay between overcoming the negative work of the eccentric pre-stretch mm-hmm <affirmative> to generating the force production and accelerating the muscle contraction and the elastic recoil in the direction of the biometric movement. Is that so sorry to interrupt you. So if I, no, you’re good. If I jump down off a box, uh, <affirmative> see, I’m on a 12 inch box and I jump down that amortization phase is the time it takes me before I’m ready to jump again.

Ryan Moody (06:07):

So it’s that it’s, it’s basically, so the eccentric piece of the phase, how long it takes you to go from the eccentric phase to the concentric phase, right? So that lapse of time in between there, where you go from basically landing and loading to taking off again, is the amortization phase. The less time it takes you to do that. And if you were to jump vertically after that, the total height that you’re able to clear, right. Would be how explosive you are. So the faster you can do that with a lot of power, the more explosive you are. So that time domain can change depending on what the actual movement is.

Sevan Matossian (06:44):

Okay. Oh, I like this good picture, Caleb.

Ryan Moody (06:46):

Yeah, Caleb’s killing it right now. <laugh>

Sevan Matossian (06:49):

Hey. And some shit like, uh, like if you were to do an explosive curl, you can’t even do the next one until you open your arm back up again. Right. Jumping. You don’t have to do that. Right.

Ryan Moody (07:03):

Right. Well, yeah. So you’re, you’re always gonna go into a loaded position when you’re jumping. So imagine if you’re standing in front of a box, right. In a workout, that position that you go into where you’ve been forward and your arms go back. Yeah. That is, that’s a loaded phase in the, in the seminars that I teach, we literally call that load. And so we’ll actually queue that load and then the entire class will go into that position. So across the board, you’re, when you go into that phase, you are loading in general with the curl. It’s a little bit different, right. Because when we go to a, in eccentric, like we’re in this, uh, extended position when we’re here, that the motion is, can be explosive. However, you’re not really doing a whole lot of this returning position when you’re jump, you do land, but it’s, it’s very short. I don’t, I don’t know how to describe it. I don’t think the Colonel would be the, the best example to use.

Sevan Matossian (07:57):

We would. Yeah, exactly. And that’s kind of why I chose it. It, it doesn’t, it it’s, but you could be explosive with the curl.

Ryan Moody (08:04):

Yeah. I mean, you could be explosive with the curl, uh, by doing banded curls, just utilizing bands. Right. And doing that, um, at, at a much faster rate. Uh, plus when you, you do banded work anyways, uh, at a faster rate at a higher repetition, uh, you tend to target, uh, ligaments, tendons, fascia, um, and that, that actually aids in building our framework, which is something we teach about in the seminar as well.

Sevan Matossian (08:27):

I, I read this book, uh, where I’m really all over the place. I apologize. <laugh> I read this book where this guy, um, he was, they, he was, they called him like speedy Gonzalez or something. Something’s probably racist <laugh> and he play, he was a ping pong player from the UK. And he played in a shed, um, where he couldn’t get the proper distance away from the table.

Ryan Moody (08:50):

Oh, interesting.

Sevan Matossian (08:51):

So he was forced to play with like his hips on the table. And that’s how he played his first six years of ping pong, which made his reaction time, like ha twice as fast as everyone else’s reaction time. Yeah. In, in the ping pong world, cuz he couldn’t get away from the table. Um, so I’m guessing that somewhere in that, in the definition of explosiveness ness, he was having some, he was having like four or five explosions simultaneously, like <laugh> yeah. Position, risk position, you know, uh, rotation.

Ryan Moody (09:27):

Not only that he optimized the range of motion in which he had to work in. Right. So he had, which is, is amazing. So if you think about it, like if I were to do a quarter squat with 405 pounds, I could do that pretty easily and still be very fast and efficient with it. Now, if you were to ask me to go full depth right now, it’s gonna slow down because of the distance in which I have to travel, I won’t be as efficient. Does that mean that I can’t be as fast? No. I can train into that position to be fast out of the hole with 4 0 5 in my back. However, in that shorter range of motion, if I become very optimal and optimal with it, I can be very explosive with that weight. And another way to look at this is let’s go to, uh, the seated box jump.

Ryan Moody (10:10):

Now, imagine if you were to take a, a box and turn it down to like, I don’t know, maybe have a 12, 12 or 18 inch box. That’s a really deep seated position to be in and to be able to jump out of now the time it delay, it takes for me to go from here to hip extension and then recoiling, right. That first initial piece that might take a while, right. To be able to get to this in that, for it to be any bit explosive that actually might look delayed and slow. Yeah. Now if I were to sit on a 30 inch box, right, which looks like I’m sitting on a bar stool, my ability to hit if extension and recoil is a lot faster. Now the big piece in that is I’ve gotta be able to utilize that height of the bar or that angle of the hips and produce as much power as possible.

Ryan Moody (10:59):

So yes. Could I create more, more power from a deeper angle? Absolutely. But if I don’t have that ability all the way down into the depth that angle just yet, there you go. Just like that. So when you, when you see him go down, right? So he’s below parallel. He has a fast hip coil and then assist are coming back pretty quick in his landing position. So what we’re looking for here is as he’s coming off that low box, we want those hips to come off that box and hit extension fast. If they’re slow, then we need to raise the height of the box. So they’re more efficient at a higher height and then work ’em down eventually. So they have more range of motion. They can pull that power from if that makes sense. So that kinda

Sevan Matossian (11:41):

Yeah. I’m with yeah. Hey, um, do, when you see that, do you not like that? He doesn’t open his hip all the way.

Ryan Moody (11:48):

Okay. Can you hit it one more time for me please?

Sevan Matossian (11:51):

Or is that something you, you, you don’t, you, you do depend on how, how high you’re jumping.

Ryan Moody (11:56):

So yeah, exactly. Um, if it was a, right now, the height that he’s at, he’s probably not using a ton of his, his explosive ability as power output because he knows he can hit that height probably fairly easily. Now, if we were to take that box and make it like 45, 50 inches for him, you might see that action happen. However that hip action’s gonna hit extension really fast. And that recoils gonna be possibly even faster to get that position. Cause box jumping is not just power output. It’s also range of motion or basically mobility.

Sevan Matossian (12:32):

Um, is there a direct relationship? Why do people wanna be more explosive? Is there a direct relationship with how strong you can become?

Ryan Moody (12:50):

Oh yeah, absolutely.

Sevan Matossian (12:53):

Is it, is, is it guaranteed?

Ryan Moody (12:56):

Um, Ooh, Ooh, guaranteed. That’s hard. Um, that there’s like

Sevan Matossian (13:02):

Person, you, you don’t become necessarily strong if we look at the ping pong player, I mean he might not be coming. He might even actually be coming weaker with his explosiveness. Right. Cause there’s like, there’s that repetitive metabolic component to it. He’s, he’s doing that over and over and over and over and over to where if we just train a guy to do that, let’s say just to do that swing with, I don’t know, a, a 20 pound paddle mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> and he only does it once every five minutes. Mm-hmm <affirmative> he, he would get stronger.

Ryan Moody (13:32):

Yeah, he would. He,

Sevan Matossian (13:33):

But, but, but not as efficient at, at the sport.

Ryan Moody (13:36):

Right, right. Or

Sevan Matossian (13:38):

Even a basketball player. Right. Yeah. I mean, this guy’s gotta jump a shitload of times, so he might not be as strong as the guy who who’s the Olympic weightlifter, but it is also weird that those Olympic weightlifters, um, when you see them jump, you know what I mean? The guy who’s, I’m sure you’ve seen it. The guy who’s 5, 4, 2 0 5, but he could dunk from a vertical. Oh yeah. And you’re like, what the fuck?

Ryan Moody (14:02):

Oh yeah. Well, if you think about it, right. So when, when we do a standing vertical leap, we have a ton of power output. Right. That’s something that’s been measured time and time again in, in research. Now imagine pulling that load from the pulling a heavy load from the floor and the amount of force or power put that you have to put it in the floor and jump with it. Right. And so your, your hips are getting used to basically moving a really heavy object really quickly. So yeah, this that’s when you brought up that, uh, uh, this example, this is exactly what I thought about. I think this was either in Korea or Japan. Great video. Super impressive.

Sevan Matossian (14:42):

Yeah. That guy was huge. That second guy. Yeah. But he doesn’t get, but, but, but that he probably doesn’t have a lot of those. Right. He has a couple of those in him and he is done done. Whereas the basketball player’s got, like he’s gotta have a hundred in him for the game. Right.

Ryan Moody (14:56):

Uh, I would, I would think so. Um, I honestly can’t speak to that. I don’t, I haven’t had enough experience with Olympic weightlifters doing box jumps, per se, uh, like this example to know where kind of their fatigue rate sets in. But in all reality, we all, at some point have a fatigue rate with jumping, especially higher Heights. Right. So it’s, it’s like saying, uh, Sivan. How many times can you pull 90 plus percent of your deadlift max

Sevan Matossian (15:21):

Once, right. <laugh> snap in half.

Ryan Moody (15:26):


Sevan Matossian (15:27):

Pull that 1 35 and I’m toast.

Ryan Moody (15:29):

The interesting thing too is just to add to this, uh, the power output piece. Right. Um, so I, I trained at Westside barbell under Louie, uh, for a long time for years. Um, I’d go out there and live out there for a while. And athletes like AJ Roberts, who’s an all time, uh, world record holder. Uh, I believe in the 3 0 8 class. Um, as an example, around 300 pounds, I believe he told me

Sevan Matossian (15:52):

There’s a 300 pound weight class.

Ryan Moody (15:55):

That’s it’s um, yeah. I don’t know what the super heavy weight class is.

Sevan Matossian (15:58):

<laugh> it’s like in the UFC, like if you’re over 2 65, you can’t play. Right, right. <laugh> it’s just crazy that in this sport, there’s a 308 pound.

Ryan Moody (16:06):

Oh yeah. Yeah. Big dudes. Like I, any, every time I walked in a west side where the, in the mornings, when the, uh, the guys were there training, um, I, I looked like a 14 year old girl walking in there compared to them. I mean, they’re massive human beings, incredible people, um, as well. But, um, yeah, AJ, I believe he, I believe he told me he had about a 50 inch box jump, um, at 3 0 8. Um, so that’s, that’s really impressive and I believe he squats or squatted at least around 1100.

Sevan Matossian (16:36):

Um, it, it’s weird for me to think of you in west side barbell, because I, I think of those gentlemen as I just think of you, um, as being with the athletes who are, um, I picture you being in a room with like ladder, like those ladders, these yellow ladders, you throw out on the floor. Oh

Ryan Moody (16:59):


Sevan Matossian (16:59):

Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. That’s the scene, that’s the, the scene I kind of, uh, picture you in, um, uh, you know, training, um, BA people who are, um, need to be super agile. Yeah. But also really big. And when I think of west side barbell, I don’t think of a, I think of more bulldozers.

Ryan Moody (17:19):


Sevan Matossian (17:19):

Like, you know what I mean? Like you, um, you basically, how did you end up there? How do you end? How did you end up there?

Ryan Moody (17:27):

Um, so you may recall and you actually

Sevan Matossian (17:30):

Coaching there or just training there?

Ryan Moody (17:31):

No, no, no, no, no, not coaching there. I was only training there. I was working with Louis one on one. Okay. Um, and, uh, so you, I don’t actually know if you were at this or if you were filming this very possible, uh, the video where Boz is there at west side and he is doing the kneeling jumps.

Sevan Matossian (17:47):

Yeah, I would, I would, did not go, unfortunately. Oh, you

Ryan Moody (17:49):

Didn’t go. Okay. Okay. Um, so I saw that video. Uh, this was right before, um, Heber filmed, the little CrossFit HQ, uh, short on me called 56 inches of fame. Um, and I saw that video of Boz and I was like, okay, this is really cool. I don’t know who this crazy, you know, uh, bulldog looking guy is that’s coaching him, but I wanna learn from him. Um, and so it was, it wasn’t that long after I broke the first world record that I emailed him, emailed Lou air emailed west side, I didn’t realize Louis was the one replying to the emails. Um, and I, I said, Hey, this is what I do. This is what I’d like to be able to do. I feel like I’m hitting kind of a, a ceiling and I believe you can help get me through that ceiling. And in so many words, um, paraphrasing of course, Louis basically said, how soon can you get here?

Ryan Moody (18:49):

Um, that, that was 2012, uh, was the first time. And, uh, then a few months later I went out there. I was teaching some seminars out in the area anyways, and so stopped in for several days, uh, to work with Louis. And, uh, yeah, I, he, he became a major force in my life, kind of like a, a grandfather figure in, in a way. Um, and I still get a little bit emotional when I talk about him. Um, because he, he, he did, he played that role in my life. Um, but he, uh, he absolutely changed the trajectory of my career, uh, with everything he

Sevan Matossian (19:25):

Taught me. Explain, please tell, tell me, explain.

Ryan Moody (19:28):

So at that point I had broken, well, when I finally met with him, I had broken a couple world records and I was already teaching

Sevan Matossian (19:36):

Seminars, tell about world records, tell me which ones had you broken.

Ryan Moody (19:39):

So at the time I had broken the, uh, standing box drum board record, which, uh, was originally held by Jonas hu of den Denmark, I believe. So I broke that at 56 inches. Uh,

Sevan Matossian (19:51):

And describe that to me, that’s when you’re, you’re sitting on a box and then someone says go,

Ryan Moody (19:54):

No, no standing, just yep. Standing, uh, standing PO and jumping ver you know, basically jumping, talking and landing on top of 56 inches and then standing vertical. Right. Um, and then the other variation, uh, that I had I broken early on was the running box jump, which, uh, I broke at, uh, back then, I think it was like 67, 68 and a half inches, something like that. So it’d be like five foot, eight and a half.

Sevan Matossian (20:24):

So, so running gives you a, uh, gave you 11 or 12 inches more

Ryan Moody (20:29):

At that time. Yes. Yeah. The, uh, the highest I ever did from a standing position at the best of my career, uh, was 65 inches. Uh, so that’s five, five, um, and the best running variation that I ever did, um, was 74 inches. I have a video of me attempting 74 inches online from back in the day at CrossFit 8 0 1 with, uh, um, Miranda Al Alka and, uh, Tyson OID. But I don’t have the, the, the, the, one of me actually landing it later in life. Uh, but 74 inches is Myas,

Sevan Matossian (21:01):

Uh, I won’t, uh, forget that we, uh, the direction we were going. I’ll get us back on Louie, but, uh, let me ask you real quick, when you did 56.

Ryan Moody (21:08):


Sevan Matossian (21:10):

Was, um, was 65 possible eight,

Ryan Moody (21:13):

Nine back then back then? I didn’t, I didn’t think so. I thought I thought 60 inches to 62 inches. Would’ve been like the cap. Um, I was in school at the time at university of Utah for exercise sport science. And I, I always had the, the question in the back of my mind, is it possible for a human being to jump and land their own height from a standing position, which is something you really only see in the animal kingdom and in which in the animal kingdom, outside of human beings. Right. Um, they can do far more than that, uh, from their own height. Um, but I was, it wasn’t until I met with Louis where Louis explained at the time the science behind, he actually got a physics professor from Ohio state university on the phone and explained the sciences to how it is possible. Um, wow. And the, the person that I think is gonna do it, um, is a young gun by the name of Christopher spell. Uh, he holds a lot of the world records currently. Um, he’d actually be a great one to have on your show in the future too. Guy’s amazing. Amazing.

Sevan Matossian (22:11):

Have, have you ever talked to, um, uh, Romanoff, the pose deposed guy?

Ryan Moody (22:17):

Um, no. I’ve, I’ve never talked to him. I’ve watched videos from him. I remember the, uh, the video with him, Louie. And, uh, was it ner someone else was in there? Oh, Ribit to, I don’t know, there a video where they had like a, a conversation between like three big names.

Sevan Matossian (22:32):


Ryan Moody (22:33):


Sevan Matossian (22:35):

Um, there was this one time I did an interview with them and I was talking to him about the fastest time for the mile. This is a little off subject, but he basically just said, it’s, it’s just, you just, there’s an angle that a human being can reach leaning forward and that’s the fastest a human being could possibly run. And then you just figure out how long it takes him to go to a mile. And I forget what he said, but I really liked his, his thought process on that.

Ryan Moody (22:59):

Yeah. It’s, it’s incredible stuff. It really is. The more you get into, um, the mechanics of the body and what human potential is or what, what is possible. It’s actually kind of crazy. Um, when you start looking into stuff like, uh, the importance of like the gogi tendon organs, um, and how they play roles, like the governors of the body, it makes me wonder if we could turn those off in a safe way. What could we do? What do we

Sevan Matossian (23:25):

Do well? Is the word used? The Goldie who, what

Ryan Moody (23:27):

I believe it’s called the gogi tendon organ mm-hmm <affirmative> or organs. Um, basically it’s like a governor that keeps us from this is going back to my, uh, <laugh> my exercise sports science days. Um, it’s like a governor that basically keeps us from shredding. Yeah. What does it, what does it say? Juncture 10 tendon stretch muscle. Yeah. Basically keeps it from like ripping off the bone.

Sevan Matossian (23:55):

God, I was really hoping that it was found like in the ovaries and in the test <laugh> thumb so that there would be some validity. Like you don’t have the balls, you don’t have the ovaries to do that. God, I was so hoping it would be, there’d be some like, um, what’s that called? Um, etymology to it like that. Damn <laugh> okay. So, so, so you go to, so you go to west side, um, and you’re and you, and you wanna learn to, you wanna steal this guy’s mind you’re you’re there to try, get into his brain and see what specifically on the goal of jumping higher.

Ryan Moody (24:31):

Yeah. My, my sole purpose there, um, was to break world records. Obviously, Louis cares about that. Uh, um, and Louis had said at one point he’s, he said out of, um, I’ve got athletes to jump close to or around where you’ve jumped. After working with me, I’ve never worked with someone who’s already jumping higher than that, that hasn’t already worked with me. And so he was, um, I asked him one day to quote him. I, I said, Louie, when it comes to what you’re doing with me here, cause we only train two days a week, Mondays and Fridays deadlifts, deadlift day, squat day. Um, I didn’t need to be there on bench day. Um, and then I, I would ask him, I was like, Hey, if, if someone were to ask me, Hey, what are you doing at west side? Would I tell ’em, oh, I’m just basically doing conjugate.

Ryan Moody (25:17):

And he is like, well, yeah, but he said, I dream up shit for you to do it night. Oh. And so we were really pushing the envelope there of an area that, um, he was also still, uh, creating and learning and, and, um, tweaking. Um, so yeah, uh, really crazy experience. And I tried to go back once a year and try to spend anywhere from a few weeks to a few months there. And, uh, I actually was lucky enough to stay at this, uh, lady’s house, her name’s Lisa. Um, she let me stay in her basement so I could train at west side and I slept on a mattress on the floor and I would mow her lawn as a means of like exchange for me being able to stay there.

Sevan Matossian (25:58):

Is that a metaphor

Ryan Moody (26:00):

As a, that’s a reality. That’s what I used to do.

Sevan Matossian (26:02):

You actually, there was a, there was a lawn mower when you say mower lawn. Yeah. Okay. Just checking.

Ryan Moody (26:06):


Sevan Matossian (26:07):

Very clear. <laugh> yeah. I don’t wanna get you in any trouble.

Ryan Moody (26:12):

No, you’re good. You’re good.

Sevan Matossian (26:14):

So, um, you were his, uh, you were kind of his lab rat. Yes. And he, and he was a scientist. He, he,

Ryan Moody (26:22):

Oh yeah. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (26:25):

Do you, did you,

Ryan Moody (26:27):

I Savon that anyone that walked through that door was his lab rat in a, a way that he was like, you have the potential, I’m gonna take that potential and I’m gonna see just how far we can take it. And I’m gonna try some crazy stuff with you, uh, stuff that you’re probably not gonna wanna do it at at times. I mean, I remember talking with AJ Roberts before I left for the first time to meet with Louis and I said any advice and he says, do what Lou says, don’t, don’t go get grain. You’s gonna be points where you’re not gonna trust what he’s saying. Just do what he says. So I did. Can

Sevan Matossian (26:58):

You think of anything in particular that, um, he, uh, suggested you do that you were like, ah, I don’t know, am I at the wrong spot? Like I’m not, I’m not,

Ryan Moody (27:10):

Yeah. I’m

Sevan Matossian (27:10):

Not meant for

Ryan Moody (27:11):

This. So I remember after a squat day, um, I’m in a pair of squat briefs, um, and squat.

Sevan Matossian (27:19):

Those are like special shorts for squatting.

Ryan Moody (27:22):

Yeah. Yeah. For power lifting. Yeah. Yeah. So it would be gear lifting essentially. Um, just single play. So they’re, they’re fairly malleable. They’re bendable. Um, and, uh, anyways, I’m just kind of walking around. It’s like walking around in the diaper, um, feels really, really weird. Um, and Louis had a box at the gym at the time near the squat rack. Uh, that was 42 inches. Just those old school metal boxes with the rubber top on it. Yeah. There you go. Yep. That’s basically exactly what I was wearing.

Sevan Matossian (27:48):

Oh, that looks, yeah, that looks horrible.

Ryan Moody (27:51):

<laugh> yeah. They’re uh, they’re interesting. So I was walking past the 42 inch box and Lou’s like, Hey, come here. And so I’m like, okay, what’s up? And he goes, um, sit down on like the slow box and I want you to do a seated box, jump onto the 42 inch box. And so I like start trying to shim me out of my squat briefs and he is like, no, leave. ’em on. And I was like, are you serious? And he’s like, leave ’em on. And I set, I, you

Sevan Matossian (28:22):

Wear something underneath it. There’s other shorts underneath it,

Ryan Moody (28:25):

Uh, like, like sliders. Okay. Right. Um, they’re like,

Sevan Matossian (28:29):

Like compress shorts are underneath.

Ryan Moody (28:31):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You want something because they’re hard to get in and out of, you can see videos and pictures of people, uh, like putting ’em on the J hook of the squat rack and then putting their entire body weight into it, just to be able to get,

Sevan Matossian (28:41):

Get a little kid dressed in a wetsuit.

Ryan Moody (28:44):

Yeah. Basically.

Sevan Matossian (28:45):

Okay. Okay.

Ryan Moody (28:46):

That’s how I

Sevan Matossian (28:47):

Know. Yep.

Ryan Moody (28:48):

<laugh> so I, the thing about briefs, right? The way to think about it is, uh, when, when you’re going down into the bottom of the squat with the briefs, they’re basically storing some kinetic energy. And so as you’re coming outta the hole, they actually assist you. Right. But they’re really constricting and they’re really weird to walk around in. You don’t feel very free and mobile in ’em. And, um, I remember I kept trying to jump and I couldn’t cuz I was freaked out because if it, if your briefs, like if you bend too far forward in the briefs, obviously, especially if you had load on your back for like a back spot, it can kind of fold you in half and drop you forward. And so that’s not gonna go well for jumping. Right. And I kept like getting in my head and Louis got like this close to my face and just to quote him, he said, jump motherfucker. And um, I scared the crap outta me. And so I did, and as I jumped that little bit of like kinetic energy that came from the briefs, it, it was like, um, I guess one way to think about it is, you know, like, uh, cheerleaders where they, they take the cheerleader and, and they prop up and then they push up higher. Right. With the cheerleader. Yeah. It was like that. It was crazy. Um,

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