#408 – Dr. Stanton Hom

Dr. Stanton Hom (00:01):

What we call that <inaudible>

Sevan Matossian (00:03):

Bam. Bam, bam. Bam. We’re live. Unfortunately, this one’s probably going to be super. No, no, no, no, no. Gotta have both. They did list sin. You guys go over there and stay over there and watch the cross of games. This is for people who care about their health, The show will be, you can go back and watch this one. You guys do what you gotta do, but this is gonna be a good one. If this dude shows up Dr. Stanton ham, the more I look into this guy, the more and more I agree with him. I wish if this is the kind of dude you want is your neighbor,

Dr. Stanton Hom (00:38):

The neighbor

Sevan Matossian (00:39):


Dr. Stanton Hom (00:41):

That’s. That’s

Sevan Matossian (00:41):

Awesome. I’d love to have you as a neighbor.

Dr. Stanton Hom (00:43):

I’d love to be a neighbor. <laugh> we’re trying to find, we’re trying to, we’re trying to buy a house and we’re like, who are gonna be, who are

Sevan Matossian (00:50):

Neighbors gonna be? Are you staying in San Diego?

Dr. Stanton Hom (00:52):

We’re we’re that’s that’s the plan now. Okay. We plan now. We have no

Sevan Matossian (00:56):

Great, great place. If I, if I had, uh, people always ask me if I had a, um, well, not always ask me, but when the discussion comes up, if I had endless money, where would I go? And I’d probably choose somewhere like Encinitas or lo JOA. So, because you know, you have the beach there and then you have, um, just the best violin teacher in the world, the best physicist in the world, the best holistic, blah, blah, blah. I mean, you have the best, everyone in the world there plus the weather. And when I say the best, I mean, there’s best the best in every, you know, every town has the best, but man, San Diego’s amazing

Dr. Stanton Hom (01:24):

Who San Diego, San Diego can’t be beat in the, in the continental of us. I would say San Diego can’t beat. And um, I mean, just, just the work that we’ve been doing over the last two years, for sure. It’s also very inspiring as well. So I mean, it’s, it’s kind of crazy being in California for many reasons. Um, but especially in the last two years, we definitely have found our community, which I was talking, which I’m glad you mentioned neighbors, cuz that’s what we’re thinking about too.

Sevan Matossian (01:46):

It’s like, um, I, and I am in Santa Cruz and I have a ton of resources and I have money, but I’m talking about like, like real money. I’m talking like, you know, you got 5 million in the bank and you’re making a million a year. That’s that then you could really, and I know some of you were like, what, but, but that’s kind of like what you need to like really take advantage of LA JOA.

Dr. Stanton Hom (02:06):

It’s it’s it is one. Yeah. One of my patients told me he is, he he’s a realtor. He said three bedroom, 1500 square feet. 3 million is what he is in LA JOA. Laja shore. Right? That’s

Sevan Matossian (02:19):

Crazy. In Santa Cruz, it’s $4,500 to rent a two bedroom house. If you want a small backyard with a place to park your car, 4,500 a month of rent. Some of my, I feel sorry for some of my friends,

Dr. Stanton Hom (02:31):

My brother’s neighborhood. That’s what it is right now. He’s in Encinitas. He’s a mile off of the five, their homes. There are between 800 and 1200 square feet and it’s around four grand. Yeah. Yeah. It’s crazy. Amazing.

Sevan Matossian (02:46):

I apologize.

Dr. Stanton Hom (02:47):

It’s all good, man.

Sevan Matossian (02:49):

Honey, if you’re watching, that was the skateboard instructor call him. Maybe he wants to come over. Okay, fine. Fine. This is how we do it. It’s my show. I could do what I want Derek. Hi, we’re live on the podcast. How can I help you?

Dr. Stanton Hom (03:01):

<laugh> nice. I get to be on your

Sevan Matossian (03:03):

Podcast of yes. Hey, can you call my wife? Um, she’s getting ready to take the boys to the beach possibly, but I’m right in the middle with the great Dr. Stanton home.

Dr. Stanton Hom (03:11):

Oh shit. Tell him, I

Sevan Matossian (03:13):

Said hi.

Dr. Stanton Hom (03:13):

I will skateboarding man.

Sevan Matossian (03:16):

Okay, thanks. Love you buddy. Bye. Bye. There’s only I had the, uh, author of, um, he’s written 35 books. His name is Ben Merick and he’s the author of that. Um, uh, uh, um, the, the movie about mark Zuckerberg. Um,

Dr. Stanton Hom (03:35):

Social network,

Sevan Matossian (03:36):

Social network. Yes. And he’s, he’s a, he’s a big shop and my phone rang and I knew that the ups guy was delivering some I’m like, hold on a second and we’re live too. Right. And, and, and I just, his, I mean, he was great. He took it like a champ. Right. But it’s always kind of a test when you do that for your guests. It’s like, oh shit, this is getting weird.

Dr. Stanton Hom (03:53):

I love that.

Sevan Matossian (03:54):

I know you’re a father. I know you. Well, I

Dr. Stanton Hom (03:55):

Am, I, I, no, that’s the thing is like my kids asleep there, I got kicked out of my home office cuz we have a new one that’s upstairs. We gotta shift all the rooms and, and now I’m, I’m right here. I’m about to get a logo back here for our podcast. And you know, you just gotta shift and move that’s how, yes. How it works.

Sevan Matossian (04:13):

Uh, yes. Uh, Dan, he also wrote accidental billionaires. Yep. Great book. I have this whole list of things to talk to you about. Uh, you are an amazing man, but while I was in the shower, just now

Dr. Stanton Hom (04:26):

Gotta be on your mind in the shower. You know, that’s how it works. Sometimes

Sevan Matossian (04:29):

This is an idea that’s been percolating for a while. I, I think what’s happening to our, to human beings is that they’re we’re splitting.

Dr. Stanton Hom (04:39):


Sevan Matossian (04:41):

And there’s those of us who are so healthy. Sorry. I, I don’t know if, so he, we’re only so healthy compared to the other one. There’s those of us who are so normal that we know every time we get sick, we know that walking barefoot, we know that not vaccinating our kids. We know that eating carrots just by washing them and using maybe just like a, a brush instead of peeler, we know that those sicknesses and those things make us stronger. We get to a point where we start to become aware that the things in society that are supposed to make us better. And this is why I thought of it in the shower. Like the dove bar yeah. Is actually choking off my sperm.

Dr. Stanton Hom (05:18):

Mm-hmm <affirmative>

Sevan Matossian (05:19):

I, I mean, I don’t know that, but like that’s the, you know, that’s the Joe Rogan talk and, and so we start to push away from that. We’re not using tide anymore. We’re showering less. We’re not washing our hair and we’re starting to have more and more faith in our NK cells, our T cells. And, and we’re, we’re really, our whole mindset is shifting

Dr. Stanton Hom (05:37):

It. It should, it has to, and it has to quick,

Sevan Matossian (05:41):

And this other side is going the opposite way. Yeah,

Dr. Stanton Hom (05:44):


Sevan Matossian (05:45):

And they can’t even imagine what it’s like to be normal. They’re like someone who drives a bicycle and we’re all in Ferrari and they can’t even the, the, they, they think it’s crazy that we would have roads where you can go 55 miles an hour.

Dr. Stanton Hom (05:59):


Sevan Matossian (06:02):

Uh, are, are, is this, I don’t mean to be just a Debbie downer, but is this just a lost cause are we ever do we just have to wait till they all die? Like what what’s gonna happen?

Dr. Stanton Hom (06:11):

You know,

Sevan Matossian (06:12):

I’m 50 and I’ve never been on medications. I’ve two, five year olds and a seven year olds. And I listen to, I’m like, whoa, it’s like, you taught me how to raise my kids. They, they, I wouldn’t let my kids be born in a hospital for a, it’s the most dangerous place to have a kid. Why would I want my kids born on sheets that are bleached. Right. And that’s the first thing they smell my kids. Never. We never bathed our kids after they were born. They don’t wear shoes. They don’t like until they, until they hurt their foot skateboarding. And they’re like, Hey, can I get a pair of shoes? I’m like, no problem. We’ll get you a pair.

Dr. Stanton Hom (06:38):

And what’s crazy. Is, is, is it ain’t any, like you said, the word, you said the word normal.

Sevan Matossian (06:45):

Yeah. I’m not a weirdo. I swear to God. I’m not like I want medicine to be, I, I want the vaccines to work. It’s just not the better way to go. Right.

Dr. Stanton Hom (06:52):


Sevan Matossian (06:53):

I wanted doctor only after Dr. Uh, a Dr. Stanton ham, and I get in a fight in the parking lot and he punches me out and I go unconscious. Then I need a doctor. I don’t need one when I’m healthy.

Dr. Stanton Hom (07:03):

Right. But, but that’s the thing. Right. And that, and that’s the thing of, of say, leave, like, like the, the style of practice that we have. We have a, we have a prenatal and pediatric chiropractic practice, and we are one of 62 that I’ve received, like the highest distinction of clinical and AC kind of like clinical care for families.

Sevan Matossian (07:22):

I have to slow you down right there. Pre tell us what prenatal and pediatric care is, please. Sorry.

Dr. Stanton Hom (07:26):

Prenatal chiropractic care. Well, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll make it obvious cuz you’re cuz I, I didn’t do a ton of research on you, but you’re you’re cross CrossFit guy, right? Yep. Yep. So CrossFit’s all about function, right. And functional movement, fun primal movement patterns. And so when I do an exam for a mom, when we do a full assessment, like we’ll just say, here’s your pelvis, right? Your pelvis is supposed to be here. It’s supposed to be fully mobile and it’s supposed to have no kind of weird unleveling or distortion and yours is there and it doesn’t move normally. And so imagine this being real estate for baby, where inside, whether it’s pelvic floor or it’s uterine, you know, uh, uterine symmetry, or it’s even just round ligament, soft tissue, all the different connective tissue that goes into that area. Imagine what posture your baby would be able to get into if your pelvis is here, when it’s supposed to be there.

Dr. Stanton Hom (08:27):

Right. And, and it’s, that’s largely simplistic for, for, for what we actually do. But yesterday we had a mom who had a successful, like across the board, a successful, amazing home or not home birth, birth center birth. And she came and she was like, I wanna know about home birth. And I said, yeah, let’s talk about that because she wants to get even further down the line of normal, right? Because having somebody attend your birth in a, that’s not your home from a microbiome perspective, from a epigenetic environmental perspective, isn’t as normal as being at home. Right. And so she’s going from an, from a, from a conventional standpoint, an optimal, unheard of birthing experience to up level into that next level. And I said, you got some work to do because of what we measured and because what we actually look for. And so we look for clinical signs, we look for functional signs that are what, you know, conventional medicine would say, subclinical, you have no symptoms.

Dr. Stanton Hom (09:27):

You have no issues. You have nothing going on. You already had a great birth, but you want to take it to that next level. Here are the things that you’re gonna need to know and do so that you can take it to that next level. And, and this is without Q my staff, my team who aren’t chiropractors, but are, um, now in our field, they, we will have a baby referred to us and we will have a baby that is born through our practice and the care that we provide. And they say, and I don’t prompt them. I say, what’s the difference? And they’re like, it’s it’s night and day it’s night and day where colic reflux, breastfeeding issues, note sleeping, uh, totally UN, um, UN unconsolable crying sometimes. And then our babies, like we just don’t have those experiences for our parents and moms postpartum and the babies.

Dr. Stanton Hom (10:21):

And that’s what prenatal chiropractic care. It’s like, how do you get the system, the nervous system of mom to adapt optimally so that when they go into the most transformative, rigorous, traumatic experience of their lives, that their nervous system is prepared to navigate them through that structure. Obviously neuro structural system as well. And I mean, essentially those who practice like me, we can hang our hats on the wall and say, it’s all about outcomes. Our birthing experiences. Even if people choose the conventional medical model, even if they choose it, they’re gonna choose it consciously. And they’re gonna choose it with full awareness, which is very different than being forced to do it. And our outcomes are dramatically different and that’s prenatal chiropractic care. How do you help mom have the most optimal prenatal birth and postpartum experiments?

Sevan Matossian (11:11):

I, I, I like that. Uh, what, what you refer to it as it’s sort of the real estate where the baby, um, is created grown and then birth from you, make sure within your skillset that you take care of that real estate, you prep it, you care for it during it. You give them mom the tools. And then, and then, and then the pediatric part is that, um, you take care of the baby also for you watch the baby for a, a while also. And the mom together as a,

Dr. Stanton Hom (11:37):

As a unit. Right? And so, so we typically, um, every mom who comes into us, whether they choose us, you know, for their practitioner or not, we offer infant exam complimentary one because it is not my research. It is not chiropractic research. It is documented for multiple, uh, almost multiple centuries. Now that birth is traumatic in its most peaceful settings. It’s documented, it’s traumatic

Sevan Matossian (12:07):

For mom or baby

Dr. Stanton Hom (12:08):

For both, but no one checks, right? No one checks for baby where traction forces on a baby’s neck, just at some point, like, look it up. YouTube, C-section delivery, YouTube traction forces on a baby’s neck. And it’s upwards of 60, 90 pounds of pressure on a baby’s neck, sometimes in rotation, sometimes lateral flexing. And that baby’s neck, if you or I did that as dad, after baby came, they would call CPS like the level of force that’s allowed medically on a baby’s neck is astronomical. When baby came in yesterday with delays, significant motor delays. And I asked the question, I was like, tell me about birth. And she’s like, yeah, like the cord was too short and they just had to use for, of delivery. And I was like, tell me about that. And dad like starts shaking his head, almost drew a tear in his eye because it was like, it was fucking gnarly, man. He’s like, it was so scary. I was like, yeah. And that’s medically necessary. You take those tools and put that around your five and seven year olds now. And they you’re going to the cops, like you’re gonna get arrested, but that’s something that is, and that’s not me saying that’s not medically necessary. That’s not me saying that that doctor is a terrible doctor. That’s me saying, that’s just their journey. Right. And

Sevan Matossian (13:23):

Most people, yeah, yeah. I wanna say no fuck that it’s not necessary, but you’ve already educated me. The pro the, when it gets to that point, it might be necessary. They needed to see you or someone else. The second they started having unprotected sex.

Dr. Stanton Hom (13:39):

<laugh> that, that, that is right.

Sevan Matossian (13:41):

That, that is the second you start that journey of, of, of, of mating with someone you should probably, you should probably start looking into this stuff.

Dr. Stanton Hom (13:48):

We just did a whole kind of rebrand kind of mission, vision, purpose values. And, and we talked through two, two, um, general, ideal clients that come to our practice. One is that preconception couple they’re about, they’re like maybe six months to a year out from having a baby. Maybe they’re crossroads, maybe they’re into this kind of movement of health, but they’re just like, I don’t know about birth. Right. I don’t really know about this whole pre I read the books, listen to the podcast, but I don’t really have a team. Do I listen to my insurance? I got a lot of fear.

Sevan Matossian (14:23):

Yeah. I listen to them.

Dr. Stanton Hom (14:25):

<laugh> right. You have no

Sevan Matossian (14:26):

Idea. Call your state farm

Dr. Stanton Hom (14:27):

Guy, but that’s what people do. People.

Sevan Matossian (14:29):

I understand. I was there. I’m telling you I was there. Yeah.

Dr. Stanton Hom (14:31):

Right. And so, so we just had a couple come in, who they met me at a county supervisor’s meeting were speaking out about all the lockdowns and stuff. And they’re like, they came in because they wanted to get healthy. And then like a lot of couples do they like pause, hesitate kind of smile. And they’re like, we gotta tell you something. I’m like, what do you do? Right. I already know what they’re gonna tell me. And then they listed off all the things they were afraid about. And I said, I think you’re listing out all the things that are from the conventional obstetrical model. Do you want those? And they’re like, like they paused and they’re like, wait, we could, we don’t have to have those. So I was like, let’s go. Like we have a lot of, we have a lot to learn and I’m, I’m, I’m happy to be a resource and I’m happy to invite other people to be a part of your team.

Dr. Stanton Hom (15:22):

And now they they’re, they’re moving to Texas now, but which everybody’s moving to Texas, but they already have midwives. They already have doulas. They already have education teams. They already have people prepared to meet them in Texas. And they have no fear around this process because mom is starting to realize everything that I’ve known innately about my own kind of wisdom in my body, how I made and programmed and designed, and how women have done this for eons of time fell into place. Because now I have the right people on my team, whereas before she was just like, I’m so scared. I don’t like, what’s an ultrasound. I’m like, let’s talk about that. Right? Yeah. What’s what is this? Amio amniocentesis. I’m like, let’s talk about that. Do you want those you’re like, I don’t think,

Sevan Matossian (16:10):

Is that the thing where they poked a baby with the needle while he is in while it’s in the stomach,

Dr. Stanton Hom (16:13):

Essentially. Yeah. Yeah. Essentially they disrupt those.

Sevan Matossian (16:17):

The, the horror stories around that, even in my own circle of friends is crazy. Yeah.

Dr. Stanton Hom (16:21):

It’s crazy.

Sevan Matossian (16:22):

It’s truly crazy. Easy. Just to give you a little background. So I, uh, my wife was 39. I was 43. We were, had been to, we weren’t married, but we’ve been together for 20 years. We knew we would never get married. We knew we would never have kids. She started hanging out with some women who were breastfeeding. She’s like, Hey, I, I wanna do that. I was like, all right, cool. She got pregnant. We had the, she got pregnant and we started going to a birthing class and we went to this birthing class and now we were committed to the hospital. Right? Yeah. Cause that’s the safest way. Of course. And we were doing this birthing class and it was three hours. It was, um, hypno birthing or something like that. It was three hours a day for nine for, uh, one day, a week for nine weeks.

Sevan Matossian (16:57):

And about in the six week, the lady who runs the class comes over and goes, Hey, um, you guys don’t want a hospital birth. I’m like, yeah, we do. She’s like, no, I’m listening to you. You don’t. I’m like, no, I do. We want the safest birth. We’re not some fucking, I know we live in Berkeley, but we’re not some fucking dirt toilets. I wanna be in a fucking bed with the best surgeons in the world around us. She said, okay. Then by the end of the class, after a few appointments with the OG B YN, I realized, oh, this lady doesn’t give a shit about us. This OG B YN. Yeah. The birthing coach teacher. And she said something in that class that blew me away. She said that a woman could give birth. A dead woman could basically give birth a woman who’s completely unconscious could give birth because of

Dr. Stanton Hom (17:38):

Chemical. They used to do that.

Sevan Matossian (17:39):

Yeah. Because if the chemical reactions in the body, a woman’s body will just push out a baby with no with, if the woman just completely gets outta the way. And as she started saying that and the O G B a Y N started telling me what we had to do before the birth, I was like, wait a second. And my wife ended up just having this baby with some, uh, doulas and midwives just on the floor in our living room. And at that point I realized, and I don’t say this with any jokingness or any exaggeration, the true brave people are not the people who have home births, but those of you who have a birth in a hospital, because my wife got to have the baby and then go to her bed and cuddle with the baby for a fucking month. You took that baby and put it in a car seat. I, the thought of my baby being put in a car seat or a stroller anywhere near its birth is, is

Dr. Stanton Hom (18:34):

Speak my language, man.

Sevan Matossian (18:35):

It seems, it seems VI. Yeah, it seems. I mean, it seems absolutely VI that that’s a off, that’s a piece of all. That’s a piece of plastic that’s off gassing and all this shit. I mean, no one ever preached that shit to me. I didn’t have, but I just saw it with my own eyes. I was like, oh my goodness, this thing, can’t go in a car and hear the rumbling of an engine and get put CLO you can’t put clothes on this thing. This thing’s skin is like talking to the world right now.

Dr. Stanton Hom (19:00):

Oh my goodness.

Sevan Matossian (19:01):

Right. I mean, it was it’s nuts. So I hear you say it’s traumatic. I’m like, yeah. They, it’s not just the twerking on the neck and stuff. Yeah. You’re born onto some sheets that have been soaked and bleached just 24 hours before. I mean, I just it’s nuts.

Dr. Stanton Hom (19:14):

I mean, the level of VMF intrusion, the level of like technol technology, the, the fluorescent lights, the fact like there’s the lights, there’s an OB GYN in France named Michelle odont he’s in his, I think he’s pushing his nineties now. And he talks about how, um, two things, he talks about how we are epigenetically programming out of our species

Sevan Matossian (19:38):

Fashion. What’s that mean epigenetically? Sorry.

Dr. Stanton Hom (19:40):

Epigenetically means that our environment, the way that our environment codes, our, our life experience codes, our genes to express health or disease. Right. Okay. So because in some countries, some hospitals, 90% C-section rate all planned because everybody wants to just make it, make it easy. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (19:58):

You wanna schedule it. Most of my friends did that.

Dr. Stanton Hom (19:59):

Yep. And so we are, we are environmentally because of the deficiency of vaginal delivery of successful vaginal deliveries. We are programming out of our species, the ability to actually have babies. Normally that’s, that’s one thing he’s talking about. The other, I still believe about the other thing he talks about is that, so it’s, it’s, it’s home. Birth is one thing. Have you heard of unassisted or free birth?

Sevan Matossian (20:26):

Just where the woman does it on her own?

Dr. Stanton Hom (20:28):

Does it on her own mom and dad? Yeah. So, so, so the free birth society, indie birth, a lot of these women are teaching women how to have babies, essentially unattended and, and Dr. ODA, Michelle oon actually says that that from a, from a microbiome perspective, if you hand the baby to someone that is not mom or dad or in the home in household, their microbiome immediately gets programmed differently. And it changes their health trajectory dramatically just by being by someone different being there. And so it’s an interesting, it’s I, I appreciate starting this way, because this to me is at the root of virtually everything that we’ve seen over the last two years, but it comes down to like, I was talking about the babies that come through my practice and the babies that come to my practice are so vastly functionally different. That one, we don’t know what normal is anymore.

Dr. Stanton Hom (21:25):

And so most pediatricians have no concept what a optimally functioning newborn looks like anymore. And on the opposite end is when you fast forward that one year, five years, 10 years, 20, 30 years. And that family’s procreating again, right? We don’t, we, the, the, the statistics in America, one in six, one in seven couples are having issues with fertility. And if you are, I I’m, I’m, I’m compassionate to that for your listeners, but it’s not just women. FYI, it’s actually 50 50, because people are so unhealthy that from another kind of evolutionary biological perspective, we, we just aren’t healthy enough hosts. Right? And so from 80% of our adult population that has one chronic illness, comorbid condition, 55% as two, 20% is three. And you look at COVID right. God, that, that seems,

Sevan Matossian (22:22):

That seems low to me,

Dr. Stanton Hom (22:23):

Doctor it, it, well, I say that, yeah, me going to the world health assembly in 2011 that’s that’s that’s 10 years. Those, those statistics are 10 years ago there, old 10 years old and children, 10 year old study, 54%, one and half 1.2.

Sevan Matossian (22:41):

Oh my God.

Dr. Stanton Hom (22:41):

Of our kids has a chronic illness today. And so for us, it’s not just about the disease. It’s also the quality of life that these people that have these challenges that are lasso to the pharma system and the medical complex, that they have no possible chance of exiting, but they have no possible chance of actually healing unless they run into like, like some, for some people saving grace is finding a CrossFit, Jim, where they actually just start to learn about the whole environmental aspect. Maybe even go branch off into paleo paleolithic, understanding of just how we’re so vastly different than how our genes are expecting our environment to be. And they have this possibility, the, the system, because before I would say chiropractic offices were primarily one of the few places where they would be like, wow, I don’t need to have this. Like I could actually come off my drugs.

Dr. Stanton Hom (23:36):

I could actually have a different opportunity of understanding what health is. And now we see this complete boom, right? We see this boom of this natural health industry that I’m grateful for. Like people are competitive and things like that. I don’t care how you find your way out, find your way out of the system, because that not only saves you, but when you have a kid and you don’t raise them in the system, man, you see like, I, I, that’s one of the reasons why I accepted, um, your invitation as I saw your Instagram page with your son.

Sevan Matossian (24:07):


Dr. Stanton Hom (24:07):

Like I was so inspired by that because

Sevan Matossian (24:09):

They’re everything to me, they’re everything to me. We

Dr. Stanton Hom (24:12):

Need my dads. We need my dads in this movement to recognize that it ain’t just about protecting and providing it’s. What are we protecting? And providing me PE, most people don’t know that I’m vocal. Not because I care about freedom. I do. My friends have died for freedom. I care about speaking out and being vocal because I know what normal is. More than most, most practitioners in the world. I would say I have seen more miraculous changes in my practice. Then most will actually have seen without added stuff into their system. Does that make sense? Because all,

Sevan Matossian (24:49):

Yeah, my whole thing, my whole thing is anyone who tells you, you need to add something 99.9, nine, nine, 9%. They’re they’re wrong. Whether that’s your mental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, if you have social problems, stop asking people for shit. Start just stop thinking about yourself and give the shit. If you have health problems, stop, there’s something you need to stop eating. And if you have physical problems, uh, maybe that’s the only place where you probably need to do something. You probably need to get up. Um, the Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit said, if you’re going to, if you’re go, and I think this is a huge problem with society, they can’t do risk assessment. If you’re going to increase your cardiovascular health, you’re going to have to put at risk, your orthopedic health. You’re going to have to put risk to orthopedic calamity.

Sevan Matossian (25:32):

And, and I just, you just pointed something out to me. People are always like, uh, oh, chiropractors are exploding, cuz CrossFiters are injuring themselves. Well, I’ll tell you this. Would you rather be a CrossFitter that goes to a chiropractor or would you rather be a couch potato in a, in a, in a donut, um, eating Coca-Cola drinking, um, VI, uh, visitor in the rotation to hospitals. Hospitals are like prisons. Once you get in there, you’re in the system. Yeah. I’ll take going to, uh, Dr. Stanton ham over going to the guy at Kaiser any day. So it it’s, it’s it’s really, um, it’s, it’s, it’s really amazing. I wanna point out some things, uh, that you said that maybe realize, I just need to make sure I point out, uh, Dr. Ham went to, um, west point, uh, what made me think of that is just the fact that you said you had your friends die for their freedom.

Sevan Matossian (26:18):

And he’s also done something that we haven’t even touched upon. And it’s why, um, he popped up on my radar. He’s put his whole life on the line, um, by speaking up in term, in, in this time of cancel culture and it is extremely, extremely scary. I had no choice. I was just canceled. So like, if I was gonna speak, it was gonna be from there. He was not canceled. And he decided to speak up, well, I’m sure a ton of his colleagues just kept their heads down low and kept doing their job. And you talked about it, um, with, uh, um, the birth fit lady. Um, Lindsay, can Lindsay

Dr. Stanton Hom (26:55):

Matthew Matthews,

Sevan Matossian (26:55):

Lindsay. Matthew. Yeah. How did you guys, uh, reference it? Um, it, uh, it’s scary to speak against the narrative and say the truth. So, so can you tell me about that for you? When, what was the first thing that you’re like, all right. I guess I’m gonna have to speak up

Dr. Stanton Hom (27:14):

For, oh man, this

Sevan Matossian (27:15):

Is, and was it scary? I don’t mean to, to mischaracterize it.

Dr. Stanton Hom (27:18):

I would, I would say, I would say it is. I would say there is a certain level of fear even now, even now two years into this like kind of craziness, right?

Sevan Matossian (27:25):

Cause you need to make money to feed your family, right? I mean, that’s basically what it comes down

Dr. Stanton Hom (27:28):

To. I mean, a calculable, a calculable business entity in my planning is attrition now. And atrition not because people don’t like what I say, but attrition in California means that the greatest number of medical refugees that exist in America today are coming from California. Like we are literally flooding out of the state because kids can’t go to school because all sorts of different. I mean, you shouldn’t, shouldn’t be gonna school anyway, toxics of environments. But literally like Texas, I was sharing a story about Texas yesterday. A patient was telling me about Franklin, Tennessee, another telling me about Idaho, cuz they have, they have a home in, um, uh, an area in north Idaho. Everybody’s going somewhere. It’s a calculable, it’s an increased dramatically. And so I’ve been speaking out in my office, needy with moms and dads, some dads, very small percentage of dads, uh, for 11 years. Right. And, and so,

Sevan Matossian (28:23):

Yeah, and that’s with me too, my wife, my wife, I thought my wife was bat shit crazy. She read, dissolving illusions. She’s like, we’re not getting our kids vaccinated. I’m like, are you fucking nuts? We’re not one of those people, but,

Dr. Stanton Hom (28:34):

But dissolving illusions by Susan Humphres is one of the best books. And Susan Humphreys is a meaner. My wife is a meaner. And so tribute to Maine because Maine is shifting its energy in a really powerful way too. But that book, in my opinion is the number one book that I recommend.

Sevan Matossian (28:48):

Okay, we’re gonna come back to that. Sorry. I didn’t mean to derail you, you were talking about risk. I just wanted to say, and then you said women are the ones who come to my office and it’s true. My, my wife led the way on that shit. Thank God for

Dr. Stanton Hom (28:58):

Her. And so I’ve been speaking out one on one and I’ve done vaccine workshops virtually monthly, since I’ve been in practice. I myself had, I was part of the, the whole ramp up for Iraq. So I got the smallpox vaccine. So I’m kind of stoked at this whole thing about monkeypox is coming out. I don’t know if you’re hearing that. I’m like,

Sevan Matossian (29:14):

I just saw it today. I just saw what is it?

Dr. Stanton Hom (29:17):

They’re just, it’s the next thing they’re dropping seeds about the next thing the us just bought millions of doses of smallpox vaccine because they’re, they’re, they’re just talking about the next potential pandemic at this point. Right? And so I had four comorbid four chronic illnesses by the time I was 26 and I was getting outta the military and I didn’t really even know it.

Sevan Matossian (29:38):

I could say, what were they? Can you tell

Dr. Stanton Hom (29:40):

Me, uh, chronic gut issues like severe IBS, severe probably borderline autoimmune Uhhuh, constipation, diarrhea, um, PTSD. Okay. Chronic pain that I just essentially vitamin Motrin and working out, push through and then.

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