#394 – Everything You Want To Know About TRT with CA Hormones

Mattew Ouza (00:00):

A potential time cap for a workout tomorrow.

Sevan Matossian (00:03):

Bam. We’re live. Oh, not a time cap for the, uh, podcast tonight.

Mattew Ouza (00:07):

No, no, no, no, no. <laugh> I swear, it’ll be 90 minutes sharp.

Sevan Matossian (00:12):

I thought maybe someone text and is like, Hey, I gotta go, Hey, I wanna look up the word. Um, oh, good morning, everyone. Corey arm TV, Gary Roberts in the, his house, Travis belling house in Trina MC Lloyd. Uh, any questions that Gary has, uh, that pop up in there from arm TV? Will you make sure we don’t lose them? Yes. Thank you. Uh, can you pull up, um, the, uh, hormones? I wanna read the definition of hormones. I think it’s spelled w H O. Okay. He’s logged into two accounts. Oh, sorry. I’m so excited. I’m so freaking excited. What is the definition of hormones? What

Mattew Ouza (00:53):

Are I got nervous because I was like, I was thinking in my head, you guys are for sure. Gonna say a word that like, I’m gonna hear one time and not know how to spell and then I’m gonna freak out and you’re back here. Just sweating.

Sevan Matossian (01:03):

Yeah. Today’s the day that these guys today’s the day these guys make us look stupid. Okay. Hormone a hormone is a regulatory substance. Sounds like our government, a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissues. Fluids such as blood or SAP. Okay. Oh, in plants. Do plants have hormones to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action? So it’s a substance that controls something regulatory in an organism that’s like me. So what’s it control. I wonder where it controls a synthetic acceptance with an effect similar to that of an animal or plant hormone, a person’s sex hormones is held to influence mood or behavior. Okay. So I guess one of the things a hormone can do is it could influence mood and behavior. So, so a regulatory substance produced in organism and transported in a tissue in tissues, fluids such as blood or SAP to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action. So, so we must have hormones that are produced that regulate our mood. Um, is, uh, do we have a sleep hormone? Is that, you know, like, uh, those, uh, those two things, one that keeps us awake ones that puts us to sleep. What is it?

Mattew Ouza (02:14):

Uh, I said Milton, but, uh, that’s probably wrong. This is exposing how little I know of

Sevan Matossian (02:19):

It. <laugh>, that’s good. The, the, the less we know the better, the better questions we can ask. I

Mattew Ouza (02:23):

Feel like we’re studying for the test. Like right now, it’s like, Hey, you wanna get together?

Sevan Matossian (02:25):

Oh shit, here they come. <laugh> um, uh, type in how many hormones are there? How many hormones are there in the, uh, just in, in, in, in my SAP. That, that cos my vein <laugh> by the way. Um, we are, so we, we cannot keep these CEO shirts in stock. I want you guys to know we are ordering more, um, like as many as we can. Um, and, uh, I only have one, I just have this black one. I don’t even have the red one yet. And we talked to life as RX today, and we’re putting in a massive order and I’m so sorry. I, I, I, I, I didn’t wanna like police t-shirts. I just wanted to, um, like it to be fun. And I just thought that they just grew on trees and I’m realizing that it’s like, I guess it’s like business stuff. You have to pay for S and order ’em and yeah. Stuff like that. There’s a whole thing

Mattew Ouza (03:07):

Out. How many do you wanna guess? First?

Sevan Matossian (03:11):

Uh, hundred seven.

Sevan Matossian (03:15):

Somewhere between a hundred and a seven. Okay. Oh, we’re good guys. Okay. Over 50 hormones have been identified in humans and other vertebrates hormones control or regulate many biological processes and are often produced in exceptionally low amounts within the body. So it sounds like you don’t need a lot of hormones to do, to, to, to activate, to get things to shit, to start happening. Oh, look at this shirt he has on. Nice. That’s a beautiful shirt. That’s a beautiful shirt. I was just, I was just saying that we can’t, we can’t get shirts out and there you go.

Damien Burgess (03:45):

Really? No, I got it. Got it. Pretty easy.

Sevan Matossian (03:47):

Got shirt.

Damien Burgess (03:50):

Uh, Dr. Con should be here shortly. She is fixing her mic.

Sevan Matossian (03:55):

Uh, how do you pronounce your, um, last name? Damien,

Damien Burgess (03:58):

Uh, Burgess. B U R. Oh, it’s right there. Mm-hmm <affirmative>

Sevan Matossian (04:03):

And Caroline. Oh, that’s an easy one. Caroline Connor.

Caroline Conner (04:06):


Sevan Matossian (04:07):

Did I get it right?

Caroline Conner (04:08):

Yes. You got it right.

Sevan Matossian (04:09):

Awesome. Hey Caroline, how are you?

Caroline Conner (04:11):

Good. How are you? Good.

Sevan Matossian (04:12):

Start live in the dream. Live in the dream.

Caroline Conner (04:14):

<laugh> me too.

Sevan Matossian (04:16):

Uh, and, uh, Damien Burgess and, and, uh, so I’m Seon. Nice to meet you, Caroline. I was, uh, lucky enough to meet Damien when I was down in Newport a month ago. And, uh, and he, and, and you met Matt too. We, we all went out to lunch, right? Good

Damien Burgess (04:34):

To see you. Yeah, we had lunch together.

Sevan Matossian (04:35):


Damien Burgess (04:35):

Awesome. Good to see you too.

Sevan Matossian (04:37):

And you two guys work for California hormones, is that correct?

Damien Burgess (04:42):


Sevan Matossian (04:42):

Yes. Correct. Okay. Okay. We were just looking up the definition of hormones. Can I read you the definition I found? And you guys tell me if Google’s right here.

Mattew Ouza (04:50):

<laugh> you got you guys aren’t on trial here either. So

Sevan Matossian (04:52):

No, no, no. Not on trial. You are on, uh,

Mattew Ouza (04:56):

On Tuesday,

Sevan Matossian (04:57):

You’re dealing with two preschoolers who are, um, very, very interested in, um, we

Mattew Ouza (05:01):

Started studying two minutes ago

Sevan Matossian (05:03):

And what you guys are doing. Can you pull up that definition? Uh, Mr.

Sevan Matossian (05:13):

It’s a very casual show. Um, uh, Caroline and Damien, you guys should both know we’re live. So questions will be popping up on the side, um, that we can, that will feed you from some people who are very interested in California hormones. And then, um, there was one more thing. Oh, and it’s a very casual show. You gotta go to the bathroom. A kid needs to be slapped around someone’s butt needs to be wiped. I mean, I got three kid. Will you do you, I start juggling. Anytime you guys take a break, uh, hormone, a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissues, fluid, such as blood or SAP. I think that’s in reference to plants. I guess plants have hormones too. Yes. To stimulate specific cells or tissues into action, a person’s sex hormones as held to influence behavior or mood. So I, I was like, man, what, what could it be regulating? So one of the things that hormones regulate are behavior and mood, is that correct?

Caroline Conner (06:05):

Yes, they can. Yeah. They, they have multifunctions throughout the body. They’re, they’re basically messengers throughout the body to, to make different tissues work the way that we want them to. And one of those is the brain. So that in involves behavior and mood,

Sevan Matossian (06:20):

Could you gimme something like how you could explain that to like a seven year old, like an example of how that mechanism works in the body? Just any, any hormone, any me like sleep? Is there something, is there a hormone that helps dictate sleep

Caroline Conner (06:35):

Well? <affirmative> well, um, sleep well, it definitely testosterone can help regulate sleep. Yeah. There are many different hormones that regulate sleep. It’s it, there are multi hormones that do that. I don’t know as much about sleep specifically, but testosterone and estrogen and progesterone actually help us sleep.

Sevan Matossian (06:54):

Okay. So,

Caroline Conner (06:55):

You know, there, I don’t know that there’s one specifically that’s that just works on sleep. I think it’s, it’s multiple different ones working together. I don’t know what you, I don’t know. Do you think, but,

Damien Burgess (07:08):

And growth hormone can increase depth of sleep.

Sevan Matossian (07:13):

So I’ve heard that term HGH human growth hormone. There’s actually a hormone called human growth hormone.

Caroline Conner (07:19):


Sevan Matossian (07:19):

That, wow. That’s, that’s the good. And, and, and, and that is, um, and, and we make that naturally all these hormones that we’re gonna talk about today are made in the human body naturally, correct?

Caroline Conner (07:30):

Yes. Most, yeah. Most of them are made in the human body and Mo when we’re supplementing, we usually are giving back what was already there to begin with.

Sevan Matossian (07:38):

Okay. And the, the H insulin’s a hormone, correct? Yes. And that’s the one, I guess my I’m most familiar with that’s most talked about in my community. And basically that hormone is influenced every time you eat something, right. You put something into your mouth and that hormone gets affected. So one of the greatest ways we can control our hormones is through our diet. Would that be correct?

Caroline Conner (07:59):

Yeah. Diet definitely can help control your hormones. Um, if you, if you have a, a shitty diet, then basically, yeah. Your hormones are not gonna function as well as if you have a good diet. For sure.

Sevan Matossian (08:12):

And, and, and what are the other influencers diet?

Caroline Conner (08:16):

Well, age aging, age Aging is the aging and genetics are the, the biggest too, I would say.

Sevan Matossian (08:25):

And then, and then what about end sleep?

Caroline Conner (08:28):

Yes. Sleep can affect its stress. Mm-hmm

Damien Burgess (08:30):

<affirmative> stress trauma. Mm-hmm

Sevan Matossian (08:32):

<affirmative>. How about exercise?

Caroline Conner (08:34):

Definitely exercise too.

Sevan Matossian (08:37):

And so I’m making the prepositions here, so I’ll just double check with you. The, the better, the healthier you eat, the more you, the better you exercise, let’s say the better. I know that’s vague. The younger you are, the better genetics you have and the higher quality of sweet you have, all of your hormones will be a cascade of, uh, positive effects in your hormonal library.

Caroline Conner (09:00):

Yes, for sure. I, I mean, definitely if you do all those things, your hormones are gonna be better, but depending on your age, even if you, you know, you’re living the, you know, perfect life, you, you probably will still have some, some effects of the hormones dropping off as, as you age.

Sevan Matossian (09:21):

Right. That you need, that you want, that, that help the qual. And this is all about quality of life, right?

Caroline Conner (09:27):


Damien Burgess (09:27):


Sevan Matossian (09:28):

Okay. And how do we know, um, um, the quality of your hormones?

Caroline Conner (09:35):

So we usually check, well, it depends on symptoms, and also we check patient’s levels, but some patients, depending on what, how they’re feeling, they may, their levels actually may not show us exactly how they’re feeling. So they say they’re tired. They have no sex drive, they’re moody, but their levels actually may be average. So, so sometimes it’s hard to tell just based on the levels, but we do check the levels and we combine the levels with symptoms, and then we come up with a plan for hormone optimization.

Sevan Matossian (10:10):

And how do you check levels,

Caroline Conner (10:12):

Blood test typically,

Sevan Matossian (10:14):

And, and, and how much blood just like, can, can I prick myself and mail it in

Caroline Conner (10:20):


Damien Burgess (10:21):

Well, there are, yeah, you can, you can do, APLA like a blood splat and actually pull hormones off of that. Um, but if you’re trying to get a more in depth and trying to pull more values, you should do a draw, which you probably all had before in your past. Um, probably several vis to make sure filling up the tiger tops to make sure that we get enough samples so we could run several tests to analyze it.

Sevan Matossian (10:44):

What did you say? Tiger tops?

Damien Burgess (10:46):

Uh, just a type of tube. <laugh>, it’s a, you’ve probably seen ’em before, when someone actually shows like a blood testing vial,

Sevan Matossian (10:54):

Why do they call it a tiger top?

Damien Burgess (10:56):

No idea.

Caroline Conner (10:57):

Cause it, it looks like it looks kinda,

Damien Burgess (11:00):

It has like a, yeah, it has different type. Looks like a tiger print on there.

Sevan Matossian (11:04):

Like a Cheeto top. Yeah. Oh, okay. Now, now I see it. Now I can picture it Chee top. Now I can picture it perfectly. Okay. So what, tell me what California hormones does. Like the, the, the premise of the, of the, of the company.

Damien Burgess (11:19):

Um, basically it is a telehealth platform that allows people to meet with physicians, to get a baseline testing, to see about treatment options for Homer optimization. It’s like a crash course version of it.

Sevan Matossian (11:34):

Okay. Say that one more time. So it’s telehealth, meaning I don’t have to go in there. I can call or I can talk to you on a computer,

Damien Burgess (11:39):

Correct. Just like this,

Sevan Matossian (11:41):

And then oh, great. And, and, uh, so this is kind of like my first appointment right here. Mm-hmm <affirmative>,

Caroline Conner (11:48):

<laugh> absolutely.

Damien Burgess (11:50):

How are you feeling?

Caroline Conner (11:51):

<laugh> I need your levels.

Sevan Matossian (11:54):

Um, okay. So what did you say after that? It’s tele physicians keep going, sorry. Mm-hmm

Damien Burgess (11:58):

<affirmative> and

Sevan Matossian (11:58):

What’s the next line.

Damien Burgess (12:00):

So what we’re doing is trying to, a lot of people come to us for different things. Um, so I guess the first purpose was, try to figure out what you’re looking for. And so we’ll do a health assessment and, um, go through a thorough exam through questions and answers, and probably a few questionnaires that you’d fill out from there. We would run laboratory exams. So laboratory testing to see where your hormones are. And at that point by based of your subjective, like what you tell us is bothering you based on your clinical, uh, or clinical findings in the lab test, we’ll be able to try to prescribe something that would actually try to meet your goals, whether it’s, I’m feeling fatigued. Um, I’m feeling cloudy. I don’t have as much, uh, mental clarity. Um, we’ll try to figure out the program that fits you.

Sevan Matossian (12:47):

I would, I was interviewing, um, uh, Paul Saldino he’s the carnivore MD mm-hmm <affirmative> and he said he was on a flight and he was sitting next to a man. And he said throughout the flight, the man had, um, my connection is shitty is my connection is shitty. What are you talking about?

Mattew Ouza (13:04):

Oh, blurry.

Sevan Matossian (13:05):

Oh, oh, okay. I’ll maybe get a,

Mattew Ouza (13:08):

A homeowner for your blurry camera there.

Sevan Matossian (13:10):

I apologize. Oh yeah. Up a little bit. <laugh> um, he, he said he was sitting next to a man and he, and he said he saw the man eat, um, like seven or eight scones on the flight. You know, those scones that like, they serve you, they’re the little plastic rapper on the airplane. You know what I’m talking about? They’re like just a shitty cookie and dry cookie. And, um, and he said, the man was, you know, large, like, you know, pushing 400 pounds. And he said, when he got off the flight, um, he somehow him and his man, the man started talking and the man said, oh yeah, well, that’s why I only had one scone on the plane. And, and, and, uh, Dr. Saldino told me that he believes that that guy believed that he only had one scone that he didn’t realize he had eight scones.

Sevan Matossian (13:54):

Like that was just, you know what I mean? He didn’t realize that he was doing that, that he wasn’t like overtly lying. And I bring that up because if you’re doing this with people, I guess, are they zoom calls you do with him? How do you trust? I mean, how do you trust patients? I mean, and, and this isn’t a weakness of telemedicine. This is just like a weakness of, um, in, in general, when you question people, right. You’re trying to get an, you’re trying to, you know, they’re like, yeah, I exercise every day. And you find out that they, they think exercise is getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Caroline Conner (14:21):

<laugh> yeah. Um, that’s a, that’s a chronic problem.

Sevan Matossian (14:25):

<laugh> right, right.

Caroline Conner (14:26):

<laugh> I, I think that, that happens, you know. Well, I see a lot of, I have a private practice as well, and I see a lot of couples in the private practice. And sometimes, you know, the wife comes in and I start asking her about her husband and, and I start to get a lot more information than I would’ve had if I just would’ve talked to right. To her husband, because, you know, people forget or, you know, I usually have them fill out a questionnaire because they, they tend to be a bit more revealing on the questionnaire than just interviewing them and asking them, you know, so yeah, it’s a chronic issue.

Sevan Matossian (15:03):

<laugh> but that part’s gotta be important for them to be honest. The more honest they are, the better you can serve them.

Caroline Conner (15:08):

Yes, definitely.

Damien Burgess (15:10):

No, absolutely. I think sometimes they don’t even know they’re being dishonest.

Sevan Matossian (15:12):

Right. And that was kind of my point. Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Caroline Conner (15:17):

Ate 8, 8 1

Sevan Matossian (15:19):

<laugh>. Yeah.

Damien Burgess (15:20):

Well, I think it’s very common in my practice and I’m sure he is saying for Dr. Connor is that we’ll have someone come in and say something and then you’re like, all right, are you taking any other medications or any other supplements? They’re like, no. And then five minutes later in the conversation, they start telling you that they’re taking some off the shelf or, uh, something else that their friend gave them, but it wasn’t prescribed by a doctor, but they don’t consider a medication or supplement for that.

Sevan Matossian (15:43):

How long has this been around what you guys are doing? Um, testing people’s blood and, and then offering ’em supplementation, hormonal supplementation.

Caroline Conner (15:51):

Well, I mean, actually pellets, um, testos around pellets have been around since the 1950s. So it’s, they’ve actually been around a long time. It’s definitely getting to, you know, the tide is changing with medicine, going more towards regenerative and preventative medicine. So in the last, probably five years, it’s definitely gotten to be a, a more popular option for patients. Um, so, but it has actually been around for a long time. And then in 2000, I think it was back in 2000, there was a big study, at least for women. I’ve only been treating men for about five years, but for women there, there was a huge study in 2000 that showed a slightly increased risk of breast cancer with a substance called Prempro, which is, which is synthetic hormones, Premarin, and, um, synthetic Progeta. So every, that was very controversial and everyone stopped using hormones and was very scared after that. It only showed a very, very slightly increased risk of breast cancer, but it was using hormones that we don’t really use anymore. No one uses Prempro anymore. So, um, so it’s actually, it’s actually been around for a really long time. So it’s just kind of stopped there in 2000 and came to a screeching halt, and then we’ve just been rebuilding since.

Sevan Matossian (17:10):

And okay. And then on the, on the, um, on the mail side, um, the issue, I guess, has been, well, I guess the issue is also the same thing. That’s made it so attractive. All, all the talk that we hear about testosterone. It’s always, I mean, how it popped up in my life first obviously is the whole Hogans, the Arnold Schwarzeneggers and then Jose Canseco and Mark McGuire. I don’t know how old you guys are, but that was like, that was like a huge, um, thing in my life, like, yeah. Um, and, and so, so there was this, there was this stigma that it was illegal. Do you know what I mean? Like, almost like only the mob does it only, you know what I mean? It’s like illegal. Yeah. And then slowly you started seeing, um, in, in air, in the back of airplane, uh, magazines, there was this one doctor, he was older, like 70 and like bald and had these little, you know, like the old silver glasses, but he was jacked. Do you know which guy I’m talking about? Yeah, no. He was like the Tesla. I

Damien Burgess (18:04):

Feel like I’ve seen it. I mean, that is such a clear picture. I feel like I’ve seen it.

Sevan Matossian (18:08):

So talking

Caroline Conner (18:10):


Sevan Matossian (18:11):

Our, our, this is, this is a legal thing to, to supplement your hormones. It’s legal.

Caroline Conner (18:15):

Yeah. Yeah. It’s totally legal. It’s yeah. And it’s actually very safe, but I mean, people like Jose Canseco, I mean, they were young. I mean, how old were they when they were

Sevan Matossian (18:23):

Oh, in their twenties? Probably. Yeah.

Caroline Conner (18:25):

So that’s, that’s totally different than someone that’s in their forties or fifties and needs to put that back. I mean, if you, if you put testosterone to Jose Conseco, his level, his level was probably around a thousand to start with. So you put more into him. He’s at 2000, 3000. Who knows what level they’re at? So he’s like superhuman at that point. Cause he already, already has plenty of testosterone, but a, a normal male at 52 goes through Andrew paw. His testosterone may be 100 to 300. So you’re, you’re just trying to get him back to a, you know, a level that he was in had in his twenties and thirties is, is he gonna feel like he was when he was 2030? Probably not, but he’s gonna feel much better. So that’s

Sevan Matossian (19:08):

I had, I had a friend in his forties who got on human growth hormone. He said he felt like he was 18 again.

Caroline Conner (19:13):

Oh, wow. I mean, that’s amazing.

Sevan Matossian (19:16):

<laugh> yeah.

Caroline Conner (19:17):

So I mean, typically I will mainly do testosterone growth hormone. Um, there’s not as much information and it is very expensive to get, but if you can be on both testosterone and growth home, then yeah. You’re definitely gonna probably feel like you’re 18, if you can tolerate it, tolerate the side effects.

Sevan Matossian (19:37):

Okay. And, and we’ll get to those, the side effects, um, uh, what’s what’s RPA. That’s something that every, every man goes through. I don’t like that. The word pause in there. <laugh>

Caroline Conner (19:48):

I don’t what they call it.

Sevan Matossian (19:49):

That is it called? Like, is it really Andrew end, Andrew? You’re over?

Damien Burgess (19:54):

I think it’s similar because like menopause, I decided to throw Andrew pause

Sevan Matossian (19:58):

In there. Oh, great. Thanks. Yeah. They’re being inclusive. So sweet of them. Yeah, exactly.

Caroline Conner (20:02):

Menopause. It’s a newer, it’s a newer term. That’s just starting to be accepted now by men because they didn’t believe that men went through an Android pause. But now, now we definitely, well we’re checking levels. So we see that men go through a similar thing that women do.

Sevan Matossian (20:17):

What are some of the symptoms? I know a guy who just turned 50. I’m curious. I want to, I wanna help him out. What are some of the symptoms of Andrew? Pause,

Caroline Conner (20:26):

A few questions now, actually fatigue, anxiety, irritability, mood changes. Um, sexual side effects. Loss of morning erections loss of sex drive.

Sevan Matossian (20:41):

I always, I always tell people like that is that for me? That’s the, that’s the cure to like, um, if you ever have a dysfunction, if you want a hard on, before you go to bed, you drink a big glass of water. And when you wake up this thing, well, I don’t know if it’s not like, it’s like kinda like a fake hard on it’s like a fake erection. You know what I mean? The thing it’s like it’s full of.

Caroline Conner (20:59):

Yeah. That’s a bladder erection. Yeah.

Sevan Matossian (21:01):

But they’re, but they’re useful. They’re crazy useful. They don’t come with a lot of baggage. You not like, and they’re like, they’re like, they’re like this, you know what I mean? <laugh> like this gold stapler and they’re completely useful. They are. I’m telling you.

Caroline Conner (21:17):

I know that that works for everybody, maybe. All right.

Sevan Matossian (21:20):

Well I just

Caroline Conner (21:21):

To do an experiment, let’s get 50 men and see if that works.

Damien Burgess (21:25):

I feel like they’re more for show. I don’t know if that is that

Sevan Matossian (21:27):

They are, they are for show, but they work too. They work too. Does it? They work. Yeah. Oh, they totally work. They’re actually even, they’re actually even more effective I think, but that’s, what’s, we’ll maybe we’ll get into that later on. Okay. Well in the show, well,

Caroline Conner (21:39):

I scientific research on that one, but

Sevan Matossian (21:42):

I’m no doctor I’m no, I’m just, I’m a Stu I’m a N of one. I’m just,

Caroline Conner (21:48):

<laugh> good. Let’s interview 10 men and see if they did that.

Sevan Matossian (21:51):

<laugh> how they do

Caroline Conner (21:53):


Sevan Matossian (21:54):

So, so if, what if I, what if I’m 50 and I don’t have those, um, symptoms, but I still wanna get the blood work. Do, do I still wanna get the blood work done?

Caroline Conner (22:08):

Well, I mean, if you’re not having any of those problems, the thing I always tell patients about starting hormones or starting testosterone, if you’re not, if you feel good, once you start it, you’re, you’re never going back. So,

Sevan Matossian (22:20):

Because it’s that good.

Caroline Conner (22:22):

Well, yeah. And if, and you don’t, you’re never gonna wanna go back to feeling the way you did before,

Sevan Matossian (22:28):

Right? Damn it.

Caroline Conner (22:29):


Sevan Matossian (22:30):

Yeah. Yeah. I get it.

Caroline Conner (22:32):

If you feel really good. And I do have, I do have plenty of patients that feel good. They feel good in their fifties. They some, you know, and they, they don’t have a lot of symptoms. So if you’re someone that, that works out a lot and has a, has a, you may have a lot of natural testosterone already. And so you may still feel good, but, but people that are not working out, they’re not athletes typically by 52, they’re not gonna be feeling well.

Sevan Matossian (22:59):

I, I, I see men with these beautiful bodies who are, you know, younger than me, 15 years younger than me. And then they, and then they, you know, on, on, uh, social media, they’ll post their testosterone and it’ll be pretty low. Well, what they say is low, I guess like three to be three to 400. Is that low?

Caroline Conner (23:18):

Yeah. That’s low. But yeah, I have seen it. I have seen that in some patients they, that do have that do have still have really good muscle mass and their testosterone levels will still be low. I, I,

Sevan Matossian (23:31):

Is that how doctors say someone has a nice body? Oh, you have some nice muscle mass

Caroline Conner (23:35):

<laugh> yes.

Sevan Matossian (23:37):

That’s the, that’s the scientific that’s I’m not hitting on you.

Caroline Conner (23:42):


Damien Burgess (23:44):

Like, I’d

Caroline Conner (23:46):

Say <laugh>

Damien Burgess (23:49):

You have some nice muscle mass almost sounds more.

Sevan Matossian (23:53):

I, I went for a physical, uh, at Kaiser in Vallejo, I was doing a trip to Africa. I was in my,

Caroline Conner (24:00):

Well, that was your first mistake, Kaiser <laugh>

Sevan Matossian (24:03):

Right, right. Well, and, and they’re

Caroline Conner (24:07):

Not gonna do any hormones at Kaiser.

Sevan Matossian (24:09):

Yeah. This and this, this isn’t about hormones. Really? This is just total. This is just me, us talking amongst friends. Uh, and um, this doctor, I was in my third. Oh, that’s probably my early thirties. And, um, I had to get naked for this physical and this doctor touched my penis. It was male doctor. This doctor touched my penis with no gloves.

Caroline Conner (24:28):


Sevan Matossian (24:29):

That’s not appropriate. Right.

Damien Burgess (24:32):


Caroline Conner (24:32):

I would, I would not do that. No.

Sevan Matossian (24:35):

Damien, you ever touched, uh, uh, one of your patients’ penis without gloves.

Damien Burgess (24:38):

I haven’t,

Sevan Matossian (24:39):

Uh, Carolina. I hate to put you on the spot. Have you

Caroline Conner (24:42):

That? Well, I’m a gynecologist too. So that would be like me touching someone’s vagina without gloves. And no, I have never, ever done that.

Sevan Matossian (24:48):

Yeah. It was crazy. I remember I like kinda having outof body experience a little bit when he did that, it was like, I just popped out over here. I’m like, yo,

Damien Burgess (24:55):

He didn’t have gloves on, he didn’t have gloves on and then took him off. Right.

Sevan Matossian (24:59):

<laugh> The nuances, the nuances. Oh, it was so weird. It was so weird. And, and, but for me, I just chalked it up as like a buy experience. I’m like, okay. I chalked that up in the, in the resume, on my link. I went over there and said, bye. Crazy

Mattew Ouza (25:18):

Good call.

Caroline Conner (25:19):

Yeah. That’s that’s interesting.

Sevan Matossian (25:21):

True story. True story.

Caroline Conner (25:23):

Well, like I said, that’s your first mistake.

Damien Burgess (25:25):

How long ago was this?

Sevan Matossian (25:26):

I think my, my T count skyrocketed I’m 50 now is probably, it had to been in my early thirties, 30, 31 32.

Caroline Conner (25:35):

So, and I’m sorry. I’m I’m ignorant on the podcast. I did watch the one from your latest one, but I’m assuming you’re, you’re very active. You work out a lot. You

Sevan Matossian (25:46):

Very, yes. Yeah.

Caroline Conner (25:47):

So, yeah, so

Sevan Matossian (25:48):

You’re, I mean, I’m old. It’s like, it’s, it’s like, if, if, if you, if Matt saw me out, he would laugh, but I’m like, in my mind, I’m a fucking rockstar. <laugh> no,

Mattew Ouza (25:56):

He’s not. He’s got some capacity. He works out. Don’t let him fool ya don’t let him fool ya.

Caroline Conner (26:01):

So you’re not, I mean, you know, we should just check your levels and see where you’re at because

Sevan Matossian (26:05):

Oh, no, I’m scared. I’m scared.

Caroline Conner (26:07):

Yours are probably actually pretty good because you do work out a lot, but,

Sevan Matossian (26:10):

But I don’t sleep, but I don’t sleep.

Caroline Conner (26:13):

See that’s. Yeah. That’s definitely part of it. That’s part of Andrew pause. Whenever you, you start going through it. So they’re definitely, probably not what they were when you were 25 or 35.

Sevan Matossian (26:24):

Cause. And I’m, and I’m in a lot of physical pain.

Caroline Conner (26:27):


Sevan Matossian (26:28):

Like when I wake up in the morning, I’m in a, and, and I have a feeling if I, if I, if I did, um, uh, get my blood work and did get on the protocol, I have a feeling my pain would go away subside.

Caroline Conner (26:38):

Yeah. It w it does help a lot with that as well.

Sevan Matossian (26:40):

Yeah. So I’m gonna wait. I’m gonna wait till I’m. I don’t know what I’m gonna wait for. I’m gonna watch what happens to Gary first. Gary Roberts, Gary Gary’s Gary’s uh, I think gonna partake. Okay. Okay. Well, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Okay. So, so someone calls in and so, so someone goes to the website, um, um, and it’s California hormones. And, um, uh, and I apologize, I haven’t asked you any questions about women yet, and I need to ask questions about women too. Cause, cause I just didn’t think that this was for women, but, but I’m, but I’m learning. It is

Caroline Conner (27:08):

Well, yeah. Yeah. It’s for it’s for both, both men and women, both

Sevan Matossian (27:12):

Women have hormones too.

Caroline Conner (27:14):

Yeah. Women are much, much more complicated. I, and you know, they have more, more hormones that we need to replace, but yeah, for both,

Sevan Matossian (27:21):

No shit. I would’ve never known that. I thought you guys were so simple.

Caroline Conner (27:24):

<laugh> that’s true. Complicated.

Sevan Matossian (27:28):

So, okay. So, um, I’m, uh, I’m interested in, in doing it and what I do is I would go, so I come to this website and, and, and I, the first where, how do I can just sign up with you guys? And then you tell, you find a blood lab in my area. I go to the blood lab, they do a draw in the process. And then that blood lab sends the, um, data to you guys. And then from there, you guys become my doctors. And tell me what you think,

Damien Burgess (27:57):

Correct? Yep.

Sevan Matossian (27:59):

It’s that simple?

Damien Burgess (27:59):

So we, yep. There’s labs all across. I mean, for instance, California or throughout the United States that we have a national account with that we could just send you pretty much anywhere. That’s close to your locality. There’s a lab somewhere in every city.

Sevan Matossian (28:14):

And it’s really that easy. I click on here, I fill out my name and that stuff. You tell me where to go to a blood lab or, or, or, or I look one up in my area and then I,

Damien Burgess (28:25):

No, I will take care of it.

Sevan Matossian (28:26):

You take care of it. And then I go to the blood lab. I don’t look like that. I don’t look like, And then, and then what happens? Okay. So, so let’s say I did that. And let’s say you got my, my, what, what numbers would you be looking at on the blood? Like, I know what this is gonna mean. This is gonna be fine. Sorry. This is gonna get really slow here. So my blood goes, goes to you guys. And what do you guys look at?

Caroline Conner (28:52):

So we look at all the hormones, um, Testo for males. Yeah. Testosterone mainly and free testosterone is really important. Estrogen males do also have estrogen. We, um, so we do check that. Um, and then we’ll check thyroid. So all the main hormones, I don’t check progesterone and men, some, some people do, but I don’t. Um, and then also a blood count, uh, um, and then a PSA to check the prostate. Um, what else am I leaving out?

Sevan Matossian (29:24):

I had that thing checked too. That wasn’t fun. I didn’t like that. Did he use a glove?

Damien Burgess (29:29):


Sevan Matossian (29:30):

It was weird. He did use a glove and he

Caroline Conner (29:34):

Used the glove then

Sevan Matossian (29:35):

<laugh> he did use the glove and he was nice, but I was trying to like, think like, is it, does he hate this more than me? Or do I hate this more than him? Like, I was just like this, like, is he like, oh fuck. I went to school for fucking 12 years and now I’m sticking fingers and do anyway. Then a, a week later, he, he, he calls me and he says, Hey, your, your prostate’s, um, it wasn’t perfectly symmetrical or something. I, I want you to go see a specialist and then the specialist had to stick his finger and.

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