Sevan Matossian (00:03):
Bam. We’re live. Good morning, everybody. Great guest this morning. Patrick bet. David Patrick bet. David, I wonder when he fills out like a social security form or like, you know, I don’t know what, what forms he fills out, but if the, is there a hyphen in there between bet and David? I think so. I wonder, I wonder if you gotta put the hyphen in one of those boxes, we’ll get to the bottom of that. Let’s see. Patrick bet. David. Yes. Yes, yes, hyphen. Okay, well, that’ll be the first question we ask him. Should I just hold it the whole time? Yeah, totally. Uh, I, um, was turned onto Patrick bet, David by, um, Matt Suza. He popped on my radar originally. There was some Instagram post he had made where he had sold. Uh, I think it was a Wayne Gretsky hockey card for a million dollars or, or more than a million dollars.
Sevan Matossian (00:53):
He basically made 1.3 million onto, uh, the sale of two cards. He purchased them and then sold them for more and made 1.3 million. And I, as I studied him and I overstudied this guy, this is a big problem. When I have guests like this, I read his book. I listen to his podcast with Joe Rogan. I have seven pages of notes. I am screwed and over and he’s Armenian. So it’s kind I’m, I’m in a total, uh, I’m in a total frenzy. I’m like a cat. That’s been like, I overs scratched myself and now I’m like biting my arm. I, I, I, yeah, I, but, uh, this is a remarkable, uh, human being, um, in terms of his story, it’s, it’s just a really fun. He has a really, really fun story. It’s the story of the, um, young, uh, immigrant who sails over the sea to America, um, believes in himself and, uh, is successful.
Sevan Matossian (01:46):
And then he wrote this book and this book was suggested to me by Mr. Suza, who you’re staring at the screen and the book is called your next five moves master the art of business strategy. Um, this book is a playbook for skills and mindset. It has 3,505 star reviews. So what do I do? I mean, that’s not Patrick bed, David, that’s an imposter. Um, what do I mean by five star reviews? I mean every single yellow star on the 3,500 on Amazon is, uh, is yellow. I also wanna say this has nothing to do with Patrick. Be David, if you wanna see a classic example, people always ask me Seon. What is woke is, and what is woke is, is like, when you don’t take personal accountability or personal responsibility and you blame other people for what’s going on and you don’t look at life through a clean lens, you look at life through a jaded lens without knowing that you’re looking at life through a jaded lens. And if you look at the one star reviews on this book, which there’s very few, it’s just classic welcome. It’s it’s like people you’re like, Hey dude, that’s your problem? Like the things that you don’t like about this book, those are like, those are your problem that has nothing to do with Patrick. Anyway, that is Patrick bed, David, that we have, we have ejected the imposter.
Patrick Bet-David (03:06):
Here we go. How are you guys
Sevan Matossian (03:09):
Freaking out?
Patrick Bet-David (03:13):
I watched a couple of your stuff, man. I like your style.
Sevan Matossian (03:15):
Well, thank you.
Patrick Bet-David (03:16):
Sevan Matossian (03:17):
Thank you. I knew it was gonna be a love Fest. I knew it was gonna be a love Fest.
Patrick Bet-David (03:22):
Patrick Bet-David (03:22):
How you don’t have an accent? Were you born here? Uh, uh,
Sevan Matossian (03:27):
Papa is from Lebanon and, uh, on, on first generation on daddy side and on, uh, on Heidi side and on mom’s side, uh, her parents escaped, uh, Turkey, uh, came through Ellis island. She was raised in, uh, Cleveland and Detroit. Uh, my dad came, uh, went to seminary school in Lebanon, came to, uh, Chicago. They met at Northwestern. Um, my mom’s parents didn’t like my dad because he was one of the dirty Armenians from Lebanon. So they had to elope and escaped to, uh, California, where my dad did the typical, um, immigrant, uh, middle Eastern route opened the liquor store, um, saved every penny. He CA could started selling cheese, bought another building, bought another building.
Patrick Bet-David (04:13):
Sevan Matossian (04:14):
Here I am. I love
Patrick Bet-David (04:17):
Great. So great story,
Sevan Matossian (04:19):
Patrick, what podcast us were you just on and what did you talk about over there?
Patrick Bet-David (04:23):
So we just say, we just an episode right now with Jack Barsky a former 15 year KGB member who, uh, was a spy for the Russians. He was recruited in, uh, Germany when he was in Germany and then he went in and he was trying to infiltrate me Carter’s administration to get information. So he came in here with a fake alias name, Jack Barsky, who died in the thirties and 11 year old kid that they use as the name, uh, to use. And this is the second time we had him on. And we talked about Yuri Beman of, I don’t know how familiar you are with Yuri Beman of, and we talked about, you know, what’s going on between in Ukraine and Russia, just a very, very interesting conversation we just had.
Sevan Matossian (05:07):
Okay, good. And did, did he interview you or did you interview him?
Patrick Bet-David (05:10):
No, I interviewed him. This is the second time I had him on,
Sevan Matossian (05:13):
Uh, has anyone ever, um, interviewed you? I know I saw Joe Rogan attempted to interview you.
Patrick Bet-David (05:20):
Yes, I have. I have a, uh, I have been interviewed, I would say Brian Rose did a great job. Louis House did, uh, those two did a phenomenal job and you know, Tom bill, you a few other guys, but, uh, uh, obviously Joe Rogan and, and I, when we had that, uh, conversation as well, but, uh, yeah, a few people have
Sevan Matossian (05:43):
We, we gave the, um, audience a, um, a background before you came on, it was kind of nice that you came on, um, a few minutes, uh, after the show started, cuz it kind of let me settle my nerves. It was like I was in the room first, so I got to ambush you. So, so I, I, I actually, when I saw you were gonna be a few minutes later, I was like, yeah, good, good. I’ll be warmed up a little bit. Um, in that interview with Joe Rogan, I’d like to get to that at some point. Um, I read your book simultaneously. I, I listened to your book simultaneously very well read. Thank you while listening to that podcast. And I got to see, you actually apply the book to Joe Rogan and it was fascinating. And I don’t know if I would’ve caught that if I didn’t read the book and watch the podcast, um, or, or, or, or listen to one and, and watch the other in conjunction, I, I may have missed that. So, um, uh, it, it, it was fascinating. And uh, yeah, I, the, I, I would be terrified if, if I, if I catch you start asking me questions, uh, I’m gonna, I have a sword over here.
Sevan Matossian (06:54):
I am not. I mean, it wasn’t anything bad. Joe was great. Don’t Joe’s get, don’t get me wrong. But man, that was fascinating to see you do that. Um, could we pull down that brand, um, off of Patrick’s face Patrick, when you fill out forms and you have to put your name in the box, does the hyphen get its own box?
Patrick Bet-David (07:14):
Uh, no, it’s it. It’s uh, it’s we, we do. We, we do it exactly the way you got it right now.
Sevan Matossian (07:20):
Okay. So there’s a space between your, so your last name is bet David.
Patrick Bet-David (07:24):
It is. And there’s a hyphen between be David, but when it comes down to Instagram or Twitter or Facebook, you know, any of that, you, you don’t put the hyphen in there.
Sevan Matossian (07:32):
How about on your tax forms?
Patrick Bet-David (07:34):
You do, you put, do, yeah. You put in there
Sevan Matossian (07:37):
And are you do parents named you Patrick?
Patrick Bet-David (07:40):
Yes. My, uh, mom is, is, uh, my mom’s Armenian my dad’s ASER and my mother wanted to name me Sasha, because they’re from Baku. So abajo Baku, Armenian. She wanted name Sasha. My dad said never in a million years. Is he gonna name? I’m kind of glad cause I don’t see myself as Sasha be David. Like I see Sasha Baron Cohen. I don’t see Sasha B David and my dad liked the name. Patrick gave me the name Patrick, but my dad also, uh, my mother wanted to name my sister Natasha and my dad liked Paulette and I think Paulette a French name, like Paulette as in P a U L E T T E. And then she eventually changed her name to P O L E T. So it’s Patrick and Paulette. Uh, some people who don’t know my background, they think I’m like a Mohammed who became a Patrick, but no, I’ve been a Patrick my entire life.
Sevan Matossian (08:34):
Yeah. That’s where I was guessing. I was guessing Patrick, wasn’t your, uh, birth name? And, um, it’s interesting to your parents named that your mom wanted Natasha that’s a Russian name and that my sister’s name is Tonya, which is also Russian name, but, but they agreed on it and she got the Russian name and I, and I got se on the Armenian name, it’s a lake and Armenia.
Patrick Bet-David (08:52):
You have an Armenian name
Sevan Matossian (08:55):
And, and, and tell me about bet, David. Um, I, I have a lot of, uh, Jews in my circle. My wife’s a Jew. My stepmom’s a Jew. And they’re telling me that this be thing means I’m like father of, or kingdom of, or it’s got some sort of like, you got some Jew in you.
Patrick Bet-David (09:09):
Yeah. So, so there is, there is bet in, uh, uh, the there’s Ben and there is bet. Okay. Bet. In as Syrian means beta beta means house. So be David means the house of David Ben means sometimes the son of David, but in this situation, beta David bets, David House of David.
Sevan Matossian (09:33):
And, and, but there’s no is no Jewish dissent in that. That was just zero.
Patrick Bet-David (09:37):
No, I’m not Jewish. You know, I did an ancestry about a year and a half ago. You know, that whole thing where they take your saliva, you send it in and you hoping you, you, what your parents have told you is true. And no one hooked up with somebody. Yes,
Sevan Matossian (09:48):
Patrick Bet-David (09:49):
So I did that and it came back and it showed everything was accurate except 18% it. And no one ever told me this. I called my mom. I said, mom, who hooked up with an Italian? She says in, what are you talking about? Shame on you. I’m like, I’m telling you what ancestry told me. I’m not telling you anyone hooked up with an Italian. Don’t get upset at me. And then I called my dad and my dad’s like, I have no clue. Somebody hooked up with an Italian. He says, all I know you look like your mom and your dad. So that’s all you need to know. The rest is none of our business. I said, okay. All right, whatever. So, but it, it, it came out, you know, uh, uh, what my lineage was supposed to be, who knows maybe somebody in the family was Jewish, but be David is in the serial last name.
Sevan Matossian (10:32):
Did you use a fake name when you did the, um, DNA test?
Patrick Bet-David (10:35):
No, I used my name.
Sevan Matossian (10:36):
You did? Why didn’t you use a fake name?
Patrick Bet-David (10:39):
I kind of like what you’re saying though. There’s like an espionage secrecy, CIA type of thing you’re doing
Sevan Matossian (10:46):
Well, we got, we got one of my kids. Um, 23 in Mead, we use a fake name because like, you know, let’s say I had some uncle that killed someone. We didn’t want him to get for it, but my kid was, uh, half he’s, 51 Ashkenazi Jew and 49% Armenian. And that, I didn’t even know I’ve been with my wife for like 20 years. I didn’t know she was Ashkenazi. Those are the smart in bread ones. Yeah. Interesting.
Patrick Bet-David (11:07):
Sevan Matossian (11:08):
It’s crazy. Yeah.
Patrick Bet-David (11:09):
You know what? I,
Sevan Matossian (11:10):
I, I think that’s a good kid, right? That’s I have three of those. That’s like, you caught a good fish. How,
Patrick Bet-David (11:14):
How old are they? What, what are their ages?
Sevan Matossian (11:16):
Two, uh, pat trick. Careful my show. I see what you’re, I’m already sensitive to it. 5, 2, 5 year old and a seven year old,
Patrick Bet-David (11:24):
Two, five year olds and a seven year old. Cool. I gotta, I got a 10, 8, 5 and a eight month old, eight month old baby, two boys, two girls.
Sevan Matossian (11:33):
Um, congratulations by the way. That’s really fun. And I also appreciate the fact that you show your kids on your Instagram. I, I appreciate that a lot.
Patrick Bet-David (11:40):
I have, listen, I have a, like, they were in the office yesterday, the middle, uh, the, the youngest son, the oldest son, actually the oldest son was in the office yesterday. The youngest son was in the office day before today was supposed to be my daughter’s day to come here with me. But she has a play date with her friend, her best friend from school. Should she chose her friend to go on the beach, uh, then to come to the office with daddy, which I support that decision. I think it’s a wise decision to make. I
Sevan Matossian (12:06):
Think it’s a wise decision too. Uh, Patrick met. David is in Florida. Are you on the Gulf side or the Atlantic?
Patrick Bet-David (12:13):
I am on the Atlantic. I am on the Atlantic. I’m for Lauderdale is where I’m at right now.
Sevan Matossian (12:19):
Um, so you have good. You’re having good beach days already.
Patrick Bet-David (12:22):
Oh my gosh. Listen, last night I walked the dogs and I typically walk ’em at midnight. And when I walk the dogs and I’m out there, I just think to myself, this weather is insane. Okay. It’s absolutely insane. What it feels like right now, the weather is like perfection. Now don’t get me wrong. Summertime. You’re gonna have some humid and it’s gonna get a little bit annoying. But, uh, uh, I’m used to that being middle Eastern living in Chatsford, California, that would get to 115 degrees. It doesn’t bother me, but the weather here is great. The water’s great. The, you know, all of that stuff. Uh, I mean, luck. Just, just think about Florida this way. If California, if there was a way where we could have California and Texas make a baby, they would make Florida.
Sevan Matossian (13:08):
That’s what it, I like it. I tell people if Howard stern and Joe Rogan had a baby, you be looking at him.
Patrick Bet-David (13:17):
I like that.
Sevan Matossian (13:18):
I like that. Um, uh, um, how old are you Patrick?
Patrick Bet-David (13:24):
43, 43.
Sevan Matossian (13:24):
Around 37. I, I realized that I like, um, hot weather a lot, and that like, I’m totally comfortable being sweaty all the time. And I realize that like I belong in like a place like flu or to, or Hawaii for my joints. Like I just, not that I have any joint problems, but the hotter and sweatier, I am just the more, I I’m just good.
Patrick Bet-David (13:44):
Yeah. You listen, cold weather. You know, the good thing about cold weather is you get to wear nicer clothes.
Sevan Matossian (13:51):
Patrick Bet-David (13:51):
You know, that’s the one thing about cold weather. Like if you have a nice, you can get creative, you can’t get too creative with warm weather. Like
Sevan Matossian (14:00):
Very true, you
Patrick Bet-David (14:01):
Know, especially with cube. So for fashion purposes, people in New York are always gonna dress nicer than people in Miami, right. Or people in south Florida, but everything else, you know, we do, we like to ski and snow. I’m not a skier, but I’ll go snowboard and I’ll take the kids. Some we’ll have a good time, but, uh, I, I like the warm weather as well. I like the warm weather as well. When I was in the army, I was at, uh, Kentucky and Tennessee. And, uh, during the winter it would get cold. But, uh, I prefer the warm weather.
Sevan Matossian (14:31):
Um, it, what you say is, is true about the clothing. I agree with you. 100% cold weather allows you to be more creative with your fashion, warmer weather. For those of us who are smart, uh, forces you to have a nicer body because you’re more reliant on your physique to, uh, woo and impress and to show your, um, status and your self-awareness and, and, and less on clothes. So, and you are a, um, uh, a six, five, man. Is that true? You are a man, right? Yes,
Patrick Bet-David (14:59):
I am. As of right now, I, I prefer you call me a man, please. I am a six five. Yes. I’m a six five, man.
Sevan Matossian (15:05):
I I’m gonna just, um, ask you a loaded question here in between your last podcast in this one. Did you use the rest? Him?
Patrick Bet-David (15:11):
I have not, but I got a big bladder, so I’m okay. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (15:14):
My dad has a big bladder too. I got a Walnut.
Patrick Bet-David (15:19):
So my wife always makes fun of mine’s
Sevan Matossian (15:21):
All on the outside, Patrick, by the way, don’t get confused. Respect.
Patrick Bet-David (15:27):
Sevan Matossian (15:27):
Got a, for a bladder they used, they only had limited and they, and they aired on, on, on the outside.
Patrick Bet-David (15:33):
Yeah. That Walnut can be confused for, you know, I’m glad you made that. Disclaimer. Thank
Sevan Matossian (15:38):
Patrick Bet-David (15:38):
Thank you. No, but yeah, I, you know, we we’ll go on a road trip and I already know if I go with Mario and my wife or a couple of the guys that we have every hour, we gotta pull over. But, uh, you know, I can go for 6, 7, 8 hours.
Sevan Matossian (15:52):
Okay. This on, on, on, on my show, you are able at any time to get up and use the bathroom, there is no, like, if you’re just like, Hey, I gotta use the bathroom or you gotta send someone a text message. We’re easy here. Cool. We, we be, we know that the secret of keeping people happy and friending is, uh, friends is to be a low maintenance friend. I
Patrick Bet-David (16:11):
Like that. Yeah. Like seven what’s your birthday? What? Month’s your birthday?
Sevan Matossian (16:14):
March 16th.
Patrick Bet-David (16:16):
Get out of here. March 16th. Okay, cool.
Sevan Matossian (16:18):
I’m gonna be 50.
Patrick Bet-David (16:20):
Really? You look good.
Sevan Matossian (16:23):
Thank you. You should see me without this beard. This is just so that cuz I’m really, I be I’m act like a seven year old, so I gotta grow this beard so that,
Sevan Matossian (16:31):
So that people think mature there, there, this book that you wrote, um, what’s fascinating about this book. Uh, your next five moves master the art of business strategy. I would like to tell people, um, that don’t be confused by the word, uh, business here. This is a book that if you want to raise kids, there’s information in there for you. If you want to be a better person, there’s information for you. If you want this to be a better world, there’s, you know, there’s that information. You, there are concepts in there that you can put onto anything that will, um, that will give you insight into the world. And I’m gonna tell you one right now, but I want to give you cross example real quick. In CrossFit, you can take your level one and cross. And one of the things that they will teach you is, is that suffering, um, causes adaptation.
Sevan Matossian (17:20):
So if you can do controlled and safe suffering, um, through hard work and explosive movements and really, you know, putting yourself in oxygen deprivation, you’ll adapt. Well, you can take that to parenting. You wanna make things hard for your kids in a safe environment. Your kid falls down, you don’t run over and pick your kid up. You guys have heard me say the is before what you do is you turn your back to your child and you make sure an alligator or uncle buck doesn’t get ’em. You protect your child while your child deals with their suffering. This book said, there’s a line in this book. That’s so profound. I mean, there’s tons of lines in this book that are so profound. That’s why has 3,505 star reviews? Um, it basically says don’t confuse the symptom for the issue. And we are living in a society where that has happened, um, ad nauseum to a fault. And, and I’ll give you the perfect example. The, the symptom is, um, what’s funny is this came up on Joe Rogan. The symptom is, um, homelessness. So if you try to fix homelessness, you’ll never fix it. There is no such thing as homelessness there. It, it, it, I shouldn’t say there’s no such thing. It’s tiny. The issue is drug addiction.
Sevan Matossian (18:29):
The manifestation, the symptom is homelessness. How do I know this? Cuz I was homeless for two years and, and an important distinction. As I lived in a car for five years, I was only one of two people I ever met of the thousands of other homeless people who wasn’t a drug addict. There’s two kinds of people who are well anyway. So in another one I’ll and I’ll give you another example and this book and this book isn’t telling you that this book, um, uh, your next five moves Matt, the art of business strategy by, uh, Patrick be David is supposed to be a business book, but these ideas in here will give you insight and let you dissect life. The other one is the, um, this so-called pandemic that we’re in. They they’re telling us that there is something called coronavirus. That’s killing people. There is no, there is no coronavirus.
Sevan Matossian (19:11):
That’s killing people. That is, is the symptom. The issue is chronic disease. The issue is, is that 30 years ago, 40 years ago, there weren’t 300 pound people walking around. Now they’re everywhere. That is the problem. The problem isn’t the problem is what people put into their mouth and eat and do to themselves, their, their lifestyle choices. And so, and so you can keep using, and there’s time tons of these in there. When you wrote this book, did you know that there were gonna be people like me? Or did you, did you see that like, oh my God, this isn’t just a business book. This is a life book.
Patrick Bet-David (19:43):
Yeah. You know, uh, uh, I wrote the book that I would’ve liked to have read 15, 20 years ago. That that’s kind of what I wrote. Like right now we’re writing, uh, two books. One, the books I’m writing is a fiction book. I’ve been working on that 11 years. And wow, it’s a story of a secret society that has access to technology for you to be able to have real conversations with former dead world leaders, whoever you choose, like you go to into a vault and that painting, I that’s a vault. You enter this, uh, vault. You can choose to, to have a two hour conversation with anybody that, you know, based on the scoring that they have on the data that the guests imagine, how valuable would it be for me to have a conversation with Alexander to great, what would he teach us? What would that valuable conversation be with Hitler to see what he did? Why’d you do what you did? What was your motive? Who you off? What, what really took place. And then this organization develops the leaders worldwide. That’s one book I’ve been working with for the last 11 years. Hopefully we’ll publish it the next few years and bring it out. But the other,
Sevan Matossian (20:43):
Why 11 years, Patrick,
Patrick Bet-David (20:45):
Cause I didn’t wanna publish it where I was still running a company. I wanted to do it while I was a little bit more, uh, uh, uh, the, the world is gonna read it. And they’re gonna say, what the hell is in dis guy’s mind. It’s a very weird book you wrote. But the next book that we’re working on is a business planning book. Uh, and I think most people don’t understand business plans the right way. It’s boring to them. That’s why they don’t read it after February. So I’m writing a plant business book. That’s gonna be specifically on business plan, but going back to the question with your next five moves, um, to me, everybody I’ve met that I’m very impressed with and enamored with. I’m always curious to know what they think. Like, you know, that whole, my kid always asks this question and he says, Hey daddy, if you can have any super power, what would it be?
Patrick Bet-David (21:28):
I would want to be able to fly my middle. My younger son says that the other one says I would want to be able to make unlimited wishes. I would wanna be able to do this, you know? And what would you want to do? I’m like, I don’t know. I it’d be kind of cool to be able to read people’s minds because I want to know like, if we could read Putin’s mind right now we could prevent world worth three. Mm. Okay. I, if we could read she’s mind right now, we could prevent a lot of different things. Okay. I, if we could read Trump and Biden’s mind right now, we would be able to say, he’s probably not ready to be a president. And that guy’s motives are not good. They’re good. Maybe. So the, the, you, if you can find out what your opponent is.
Patrick Bet-David (22:10):
So then I sit down when I’m talking to people, I’m asking, you know, you ask the questions of the, why, what caused you to wanna do this? What caused you to get there? How did you lead up to this? What was your first move? Because sometimes like, oh my gosh, I want to have a really, I wanna be successful so I can buy a big house and I wanna have a Ferrari and a Lambo. Yeah. Okay. Maybe that’s move 40, but let’s move 3, 4, 5, 6. Forget about move 40. Yeah, but I, I want one day be married and have kids. Okay. You wanna be a grandpa? I, I wanna be a great grandpa. One day, dude, before you become a great grandpa, let’s figure out what kind of a girl is a good match for you today. You’re singer 23 years old swiping write on Tinder every night, 50 times.
Patrick Bet-David (22:51):
And you, you got a 10% closing ratio. You got, you got some work to, you know, your game’s got some work to do, right? But I think everything is about the people that typically succeed at the highest level seven I’ve noticed they’re sequencing of what they do is the best sequence. The, the, the entire thing for me has come down to sequencing. So part of that is intuition. Part of that is to say, you’re playing a game. No, I’m gonna move number nine to number six. Now I think number six belongs to number 13 because these things gotta come before 13, that brain of what you methodically like Bellick to me is the ultimate football coach sequencing, you know, get a quarterback in, let him be around Brady for three years. Then all of a sudden the owner doesn’t let him happen. Craft gets rid of a, a Guo Guo goes to, you know, San Francisco.
Patrick Bet-David (23:44):
He was trying to get Guo to be the Brady under drew Bledso to be the Steve young under Joe Monte. But the guy’s all about sequencing, right? The great coaches are like that. Great generals are like that right now, Putin is being judged for maybe his sequencing is off, is on. We’re gonna find that for him, not for the world, he doesn’t care about the world. He thinks about his agenda. He thinks about Russia’s agenda, but does he have the right sequencing in place? Afghanistan? You know what happened when we left Afghanistan, that was a cluster. You know what? Just purely based on the sequencing, that was a sequencing problem. It wasn’t that president Biden didn’t make the moves that any other president wouldn’t do, but the other president would’ve done it. And they different sequence
Sevan Matossian (24:27):
Number God, that one seems so obvious. Doesn’t it like that one? That one I was gonna ask you. Can you gimme some examples of bad se by the way, I’m so sorry, Patrick. This is Matt Suza down here. My producer,
Patrick Bet-David (24:38):
I was doing, while you were doing this to, for Matt, were you a baseball player? Did you play sports before or
Caleb Beaver (24:43):
No. No, just a very popular, last name with a lot of,
Patrick Bet-David (24:46):
Okay. I gotcha. I’ve been trying to find you. There’s like 50 Matt SU actually pick up which one? Youre. So
Caleb Beaver (24:50):
Yeah, even you last name
Sevan Matossian (24:52):
Matt’s Matt owns CrossFit Livermore and he does a lot of work with, uh, training, special forces, first responders, things like that. Yeah. Very cool. And, and he’s the one who, who, um, you know, introduced me to, to your work, uh, year ago, year and a half.
Patrick Bet-David (25:06):
Appreciate you, Matt.
Caleb Beaver (25:07):
Yeah. And I’m taking my notes thoroughly.
Sevan Matossian (25:10):
I love it. Yeah. So Matt, Matt was by the one saying he, he, he gets audio books and then he gets hard copies if they’re good. And so he is like, Hey, I got a hard copy this book. So I’m like, all right. That means I need to read it.
Patrick Bet-David (25:21):
I like that style.
Sevan Matossian (25:23):
Oh, okay. So I was, I was wondering what a bad example would be. Um, what are, do you have an example of bad sequencing that, um, that, that isn’t so obvious. I mean, that, one’s just really obvious, right? What happened in Afghanistan? You can’t take out the, the, the troops before you take out the civilians.
Patrick Bet-David (25:41):
Yeah, no, that one is a very obvious one. I mean, the, the examples of sequencing can apply in your, you know, you for you and I personal life, friends, relationship, business, military politics, sports, depending on where you’re looking like, for example, okay, let’s go through. I have Tom Penon. Okay. This means nothing to folks who don’t follow sports. If you follow sports, you’ll Tom Penn is the guy on ESPN that used to do everybody’s. He used to be the former general manager, I for Philadelphia, 70 Sixers. And he would say, well, the salary cap is this, and he’d be on ESPN. And he would go on that first, you know, they got 18 million. And if they get rid of this guy in there, I don’t know if you guys watch ESPN, he would show all that stuff on. And I’m fascinated by this salary cap stuff. So, okay. I asked him a question, Hey Tom, if I want to build a team to win a championship, what matters the most? The owner, the GM, the player, or the head coach. So he says, well, he starts thinking. He says, uh, I think to build a championship team, you first need the right owner. I agree.
Sevan Matossian (26:45):
I would. That’s a great question. By the way,
Patrick Bet-David (26:47):
I think it’s the owner. So he says, owner goes first. Cool. What do you need next? He says, well, next you’re gonna need a good coach. That a championship player’s gonna wanna play for. Okay. Okay. Sounds good. So who is that? Well, if you bring, like, look at Jordan, you know, you know, he didn’t, he couldn’t win with, uh, Doug, but he could win with Phil Jackson. So, okay. You need to get this, then you gotta go get a superstar. Then you need a GM. Now he says, some people wanna say, you bring a superstar first. Then you get a coach, then get a GM. But that’s a structure, right? That’s all a sequencing conversation, right? Hey, I want to get married. What’s the first thing I gotta do. First thing I did is I read a book called 101 questions to ask before you get engaged.
Patrick Bet-David (27:29):
Okay. And then I took that book and I was talking to four girls at the time. And I had every one of them read the book and we went through the exercise together. And I said, dude, I love this one. It’s just not gonna work out ever in a million years. Cuz we’re just not on the same wavelength. It’s not gonna happen. No way in the world. No way in the world. I love her. This one. Let’s give it a shot. I think this is the higher chances. You know, we did the exercise on a Saturday, six hours later. I said, okay, I think this is who’s gonna be my life a year and a half later after 1,000,001 fights and traveling all the other stuff I said, okay, we got married. We got married. We’ve been together for 12 and a half years. We got four kids and we take it one year at a time.
Patrick Bet-David (28:05):
Marriage is very complicated. I’ve said, I’ve said this from day one that we got married. I’m not guaranteeing. We got married for the rest of our life. People were banking. This thing’s not gonna last two years. I’m middle Eastern. I’m very, you know, my energy is like this and my wife’s white from Texas. And she’s very calm. I remember at my wedding, one of the groomsmen, uh, uh, there’s like for 500 people at the wedding, he gets up and he says, look, I can see you guys are all concerned. You know, we had the blue eye people on one side. The,
Sevan Matossian (28:33):
He said
Patrick Bet-David (28:34):
That. Yeah, yeah, no, no doubt about it. He says, look, I was also concerned whether this was gonna work out or not. But I finally sat there and been standing in the last six months wondering why I think this could work out well, pantry it’s from the middle east and she’s from Texas. I realize they have two things in common. I think this one’s definitely gonna work out. They both, uh, like oil and weapons of mass destruction. This is for sure gonna be a great world.
Sevan Matossian (28:58):
Patrick Bet-David (28:58):
Got up, started dancing. It was hilarious.
Sevan Matossian (29:01):
Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.
Patrick Bet-David (29:03):
But you know, you know, a, a lot of it is policy. When you deliver your policy, like right now, you know, with the handling of oil, what are we gonna do? Gas prices are going up 30% is the right move to go negotiate with Venezuela and Iran and Saudi Arabia, or is the right move for us to get our own oil for three months to lower the prices for 30, you know, 60, 90 days. And if they don’t, how bad is the midterms gonna look? All of this is sequencing. It’s purely a game and we’re never gonna get the hundred percent sequencing cuz nobody walks on water. But your goal is to be 70%, 80%. Right. And the pros are typically there. They typically get the right sequence of decisions they’re making
Sevan Matossian (29:47):
It’s nuts. And, and I like the way you tied that back in with sequencing. Um, one of the, one of the, one of the pieces in the book is, uh, and correct me if I’m wrong, I’m paraphrasing, but as a leader to take absolute responsibility and account.
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