Sevan Matossian (00:00):
B two. Bam. We’re live. We did it. All right. Uh, where are you at? What state? What state are you in?
Dalton Musselwhite (00:09):
Uh, Florida. Pensacola, Florida. Uh, oh, nice off Pensacola, Alabama.
Sevan Matossian (00:14):
Why, why, why?
Dalton Musselwhite (00:16):
They don’t like to consider us Florida just cuz we’re like the Northern tip. So everybody’s like, man, you’re so close to Alabama. It’s it’s considered Alabama there.
Sevan Matossian (00:24):
All right. All right.
Dalton Musselwhite (00:25):
All right. Yeah. But yeah, it’s not too bad.
Sevan Matossian (00:28):
No. Uh, Florida sounds like a great place to be right now. I’m in California and all my friends who, you know, we’ve had a mass, uh, migration out of the state. Uh, we got, we got a, we got a serious issue. He’s here. I was, uh, it was interesting. Um, I was listening to, um, I got, I got this guy coming on the show next week named Patrick bet. David, have you heard of him?
Dalton Musselwhite (00:51):
I have not. No sir. Uhuh.
Sevan Matossian (00:53):
He’s he’s a businessman and uh, and a really forward thinker, like a, like a really forward thinker. Like one of those people who’s like really intro and like always trying like, um, he was in a conversation with Joe Rogan. He was on the Joe Rogan show. Oh wow. He was listening to that podcast and he basically, I’ve never seen this happen. Well, I haven’t listened to a lot of Joe Rogan, but he basically turned the whole interview around the entire time. He’s basically oh wow. Joe Rogan. And I was just, I was, um, and one of his things is, is to not confuse the symptom with the issue. So, so for example, they keep saying, we have a homeless problem in the United States. We do not have a homeless problem in the United States. That is the symptom. The issue is we have a drug problem in the United States.
Sevan Matossian (01:35):
How do I know this? Cause I was homeless for seven years and I, there was only me and one other guy in the thousands of homeless people I ever met who wasn’t drug addict. They think we have a Corona. They think people are dying from coronavirus in this country. That is not what’s happening. That is the symptom. The issue is, is that we’re in a tsunami of chronic disease from people drinking 12 soda pops a day. It’s the same thing with age. They keep saying this thing kills old people that is there. There’s I had to see Mel HTA on here, the doctor. And he said, there’s not been a single, he even claimed it was old people dying from, uh, coronavirus. And I said, is there science that shows that? And he goes, actually there hasn’t been a study. It’s just a correlate. It’s not a cause. Yeah. If you’re 80 years old, you’ve been drinking Coca-Cola for 40 years. You, you know what I
Dalton Musselwhite (02:21):
Issue? Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (02:22):
We have this whole, we have this whole Country of just looking at, um, symptoms and trying to cure the symptoms. Yeah. It’s like, it’s like having your door open and the ocean waters coming in and then you’re just pumping the ocean water out. No, close the door. That’s the ocean.
Dalton Musselwhite (02:38):
Yeah. It’s just,
Sevan Matossian (02:41):
It’s nuts. Oh
Dalton Musselwhite (02:42):
Man. Yeah. Yeah. It is nuts. Crazy, crazy time. That’s that’s what I’m realizing. Uh,
Sevan Matossian (02:47):
It is nuts. The, the racism, the racism thing is the exact same way. We know that we, we know the cause we know the cause almost to a certainty that, that the strongest correlate for all inequality at this point where we are in the country is people not being raised by their mom and dad. Oh yeah. Not skin color. Well it’s, it’s obviously not skin color. I mean,
Dalton Musselwhite (03:09):
Oh yeah. That has nothing to do.
Sevan Matossian (03:11):
It’s all. Yeah. I know I’m off on a wrong foot with you. You, you are. Let me say this about you. You’re an amazing human being. And my belief, my, my knowledge of the world is, is that we’re all mirrors here. There are no individuals here. And so that when someone like you does what you’ve done, the journey you’ve been on, you, you’re telling the whole you’re, you’re just emanating. Good to the whole world. You’re appreciate that. Yeah. You’re doing your part. That’s like, I, um, I’m fascinated by weight loss journeys and, and I, and I can consider these people. And I know the terms you use loosely these days, um, as heroes and people will be like, no, no. Why are they heroes? They should have, they should have never put on the weight in the first place. And, and I don’t agree with that at all. It’s everyone’s on their journey. And now we have a huge segment of this population, massive where a
Dalton Musselwhite (03:57):
Sevan Matossian (03:58):
All their problems are, are, are, are being manifested in this weight gain. And, um, and you took full responsibility for it. That’s another thing, right? You’re crossing the street and a car hits you and you’re screaming at the driver. You hit, you were
Dalton Musselwhite (04:14):
Sevan Matossian (04:14):
The street. You, you hit me. And I had the right away. It’s like, dude, like it’s your life. Even if you did have the right, right away. Even if the light was green it’s you just got hit by a car. And you’re still blaming people,
Dalton Musselwhite (04:26):
Like takes some yeah. Yeah. Takes some ownership. Yeah. How,
Sevan Matossian (04:29):
How did you learn personal responsibility?
Dalton Musselwhite (04:32):
Um, for me it was just one of those things where I had to make up my own mind. Um, you know, my entire life I had to cram down of people E everyone else, one me to lose weight. You know, my mom and dad, my parents, my, my grandparents, my friends. I remember my friends go to my mom and dad at like 21, 22 and be like, yo, he’s, he’s gonna die. Like, you’ve gotta like convince him to change his life. Um, so it’s kind of like a wake up moment.
Sevan Matossian (04:56):
People were saying that to you.
Dalton Musselwhite (04:58):
I remember going to a car show, uh, at 21 or 22, um, with some friends and like my mom and dad was outta town and they actually showed up at the event. And, uh, one of my friends like pulled my parents aside and was like, Hey, like, he’s struggling to make it through this car show, just walking and standing his back start from so bad. Like, is there, like, we gotta talk to him, like, and it’s almost like they planned, like, and they never did think in this, but like, um, it’s like, they literally plan like an intervention to try to help me. Um, just but, but it’s, cuz they’re concerned for me, that’s all, you know, they were doing it all. Yes. But, um, but until you make up your own mind to make that change, it it’s useless. You don’t have the driving force to actually complete it yourself. So you’ve gotta want it for yourself, not others. So
Sevan Matossian (05:39):
When, when did you start getting heavy?
Dalton Musselwhite (05:42):
Was big. Um, from a, as a little kid, um, I remember going to like dieticians at like seven and eight years old, uh, with pediatricians and things. Um, but yeah, I started in very small. Like I noticed probably when I was like six that I was a lot bigger than everybody else, but we started passing out these little baseball cards for individual, uh, like cards for our team that we were on at the time. And I remember passing around and everybody’s weight was like 60, 70 pounds and I was at a whopping one 10 and I was like, wow. You know, man, in my head I’m like, man, I can’t pass this out. Like, no, I’m, I’ll keep these, you know, so, uh, I remember finding one recent it’s like, man, it, it started way back then and just slowly progressed. I let it get outta control.
Sevan Matossian (06:22):
And, and, and, and, and why, um, you like at home, you were drinking capric suns and Ritz crackers and like what, what was going on at home?
Dalton Musselwhite (06:29):
You know, no, man, I ate a lot of Southern fried food, um, born and raised in Scola it’s very Southern and, and um, my grandparents L loved to either cook or take us out to eat. That’s what we did. Um, and at the time they, they just wanted me to be happy and let me live as a kid. And in all reality, me being happy and letting me live and eat all my fried foods and chicken tenders and burgers and burritos at night was killing me. Um, and then I, after about, I’d say, I think I turned around 18, 19. I was already 300 pounds, three 50. Um, and they just kept going up from there. Uh, and then I think after my like highest weight, total recorded at a doctor was five 15.
Sevan Matossian (07:14):
Uh, and, and you, how did they, how did they, how did they do that? How did they, how do you weigh someone at five 15? Like, is there, I didn’t even know there was a scale for that.
Dalton Musselwhite (07:22):
Yeah. They have specialized scales. Uh, they, they have scales in the doctors that go up to like a thousand. Um, I bought one off Amazon when I first started that goes up to seven 50. Um, still got it. I, I actually was thinking about giving it away for like my three year anniversary, uh, and buying one of the new, like smaller scales, but yeah. Um, but yeah, so that was, that was pretty fun, but yeah, I found a scale that measures measures seven 50.
Sevan Matossian (07:46):
Uh, what about soda pop? What role did soda pop play? Did you, were you a big soda drinker,
Dalton Musselwhite (07:51):
Man? That’s actually so funny. You’ve asked me that you’re the first person to ask me like soda or drinking, like all. And that was actually my biggest issue. That’s why my stomach, in my opinion, like hung so low. Excuse man. I could put down some soda. Um, I remember at one point at my biggest point, I could go through two, two liters a day just sitting down just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Just poison. Um, and,
Sevan Matossian (08:14):
And what, and what mountain? Mountain Dew.
Dalton Musselwhite (08:17):
Oh, mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, uh, and sweet tea. Those, those were my, my two, I’d say my three, my three go-tos. So
Sevan Matossian (08:24):
And so you’d have these massive, massive insulin spikes and then you would need more food to address the insulin. So you drink, you drink. Yeah, it it’s, it’s, it’s crazy. The, um, I, I suspect, um, that, uh, sodas, like at the, at the center of it’s the gasoline on the fire, you know, like I, I hear statistics like 55% of the calories in Mexico are consumed from soda pop. And I think it’s something, I think it’s something massive in the United States too. So, uh, another thing that I’m, that I’m tripping on, um, and I don’t go there anymore, uh, since they went woke, but I used to go to Starbucks a lot, uh, since they turned into basically a racist, sexist company, I avoid ’em. But, um, they, those, I would go in there. I live in a beach town also, so I live in Santa Cruz, California. Oh goodness. I will, I’ll go into the Starbucks. And I, I would be there like at, you know, seven in the morning, eight in the morning. And I would see just like a line of, I don’t know, in my head right now, I just see this line of like 30 obese women. And they’re all getting, uh, Trent and venti things with sugar. We on to ’em. Oh
Dalton Musselwhite (09:36):
Man. And
Sevan Matossian (09:37):
I’m like, wow, what a way to start your morning? Like, for me, like when I would drink those, they’d be like one every six months. And I would just, it would be nuts.
Dalton Musselwhite (09:46):
Yeah. You’d be fire, but I would
Sevan Matossian (09:47):
See, I’d be like, man, these women start their mourn with just a big old dose of gasoline on the fire, on the insulin fire.
Dalton Musselwhite (09:53):
Oh yeah. No, I mean, and it’s, it’s so true. Like I’ll was looking, um, my girlfriend at the time, you know, she could put down some Starbucks and they are, uh, just insane in Cal. I had no idea let’s I thank goodness. I never had an issue with it. I wasn’t a big coffee drinker. Yeah. Um, but, um, I tell you one thing I did go, and man, I would just pile in the sugar. In fact, I remember a Starbucks person being kind of shocked, like, he’s gonna have a, a, a di diabetic call in the drive through, but, uh, I ended up man, we got the TRTA, it was like a passion tea lemonade or whatever. It’s the massive like lemonade thing they make, but it tastes awful if you get it the way they make it. So you gotta get it with like tons and tons of sugar. So man, I was getting like four extra pumps of sugar on that thing. It was enough to like kill like three people probably to, but yeah. Um, I don’t even wanna know, I don’t wanna know the calories or sugars that was in that drink. So I, yeah.
Sevan Matossian (10:46):
When did you have your, you, you had, you ended up having bariatric surgery. Is that what it’s called?
Dalton Musselwhite (10:50):
Uh, yeah. Yeah. Uh, I had, um, vertical sleeve gastrectomy or bariatric surgery in April of 2019. Uh, some sneaking up on three years, total
Sevan Matossian (10:59):
And, um, April 19th. So they don’t actually, do they actually remove a piece of your intestine or anything like that?
Dalton Musselwhite (11:08):
Uh, so not the intestine, that’s part of the gastric bypass. Uh, they cut your, uh, stomach and reroute it to your, like your small intestine and then reroute it for the sleeve. They basically take your here’s your, your actual portion of your stomach. And they cut out like 80% of it and they make like a little pouch and just reattach. So basically helping you control your, your, your, for, uh, your food control and portion portion.
Sevan Matossian (11:30):
So, so they cut out 80% of your stomach.
Dalton Musselwhite (11:33):
Sevan Matossian (11:35):
Is that, is that, uh, so there was a lady many years ago I interview and she had lost 150 pounds and she had done the one where they cut out part of her intestine. And in hindsight, she wished she hadn’t have done it because what she didn’t take into calculation was the fact that, that, that part of her intestine, I believe, I don’t wanna say this wrong and feel free to unfuck me if I’m way off that part of her intestine absorbed was where a certain vitamin was absorbed or vitamins. And since she lost that part of her intestine, she had to supplement that vitamin for the rest of her life. Is there anything where you have to do that?
Dalton Musselwhite (12:09):
Um, so that’s a great question. You are supposed to self from your vitamins. Um, thank goodness. Now I may get some feedback from this from people as I say this, but, um, I personally didn’t dive into the vitamins at all, as much as people did. And, and in reality, I’m losing my hair because of it. Um, I didn’t take the bite, been in collagen that I needed to. And so, um, I’m losing my hair. Uh, and now I take it religiously every morning and every night, um, even in my protein shakes, I take the, the vitamin, but, um, it is true when you, when you go through the, the bariatric surgery route and you do the R Y or gastric bypass, you do suffer with being able to take vitamins in, through your food, uh, through your, your drinks, all that. Um, that’s why it’s so easy to get malnourished as well after surgery happened to me, um, I got no dehydrated.
Dalton Musselwhite (12:56):
Oh yeah. I got dehydrated and malnourished, like after surgery and had to go get like IVs and stuff. So, um, because the thing is, and you kind of like, think of it like a clock. If you have to take a sip, like when you first come outta surgery, like every 15 minutes or 30 minutes and you get behind, well, normally for us take an extra goal. Yeah. But if you start getting and you miss and you miss and you miss then, like you can’t catch that time back up. So now you’re like, oh, well I’m 25% dehydrated today. And you keep trying, and you just finally, after like a week or so of struggling to get your water intake, you’re like, okay. I feel like I’m dehydrated and not to go get it.
Sevan Matossian (13:30):
Has that, has that stopped or do you still have to consume water at, you still have to be conscious of that?
Dalton Musselwhite (13:34):
It has, yeah. It, it stopped now because I can, I ch water now, um, I’ll be at the gym and just knocking it out, um, left around. I try to aim for a gallon to a gallon and a half a day now. So
Sevan Matossian (13:45):
Did you go to the gym, um, before you had the surgery?
Dalton Musselwhite (13:49):
Uh, I tried, uh, that’s a, that’s one of the questions I love asking or, or I don’t, I don’t wanna say questions. I get a lot of a response from people like, well, why didn’t you try work it out beforehand? Um, I did, you know. Yeah. Uh, there’s, there’s a lot, first of all, if you can show me a treadmill at planet fitness or a gym in anywhere that can let a 500 pound person jog on it, I’ll kiss your. Uh, cause I did. I tried, I tried. And I’ll, I’ll be honest with you at 500 pounds. I remember getting so frustrating and like getting just blood faced embarrassed because like, as I’m walking, I’m not even jogging, I’m walking. The treadmill underneath me is getting stuck at 500 pounds. Like the part that slides like no. So when I was like, oh man, you ever worked out? Yeah. Yeah. I did multiple times
Sevan Matossian (14:32):
By the, by the way, I didn’t, I, I wasn’t going with that, uh, angle my angle. Wasn’t um, Hey, why the? Didn’t you work out? My angle was, I’m curious how you built the habit. So, so I’m assuming this is, this is where I’m going with this whole thing kind of here in the beginning, you have this bariatric surgery, but you have on at, let’s say it’s, uh, uh, April of 2019. Yeah. And on this side you have all these habits, But on this side you’re gonna need different habits. Right. We already talked about, we already talked about one of them consume water. Oh yeah. More water. Right. Um, by the way, it’s in going back to the vitamin thing real quick, you have amazing skin it’s interest. It’s interesting to see that you would have, you don’t look like someone who’s vitamin. Uh, do you know what I mean? I mean, like you, you would think you would see it in your skin. Your skin is like, like smooth, like snow. I
Dalton Musselwhite (15:27):
Ridiculously put lotion on every day on my hands and face. I’m very weird about that. Like I like doing my beard and stuff, so I’m very big on lotions and trying to take care of my skin. I just, man, I guess I missed the ball when it comes to taking, like, I didn’t take any of my vitamins. Uh, well, I, I tried though I got sick and, and like, my boss can attest for this. Like the first three months after surgery, man, I was sick as a dog because I could look at food. I could think about food. I could take a sip of something like the, even the texture or like, was this too thick? Or like not thick enough instantly. I’d, I’d be sick as a dog. So after a while I was like, you know what, I’m gonna do this my way. Uh, I’m not gonna take these vitamins. And then after about three months, man, I was good. I was solid. Wasn’t having more issues like, you know, so stuck with it and yeah. But, uh, you’re absolutely right. No, if I to maintain the habits prior from April to now, I would never be here. I would be dead.
Sevan Matossian (16:18):
What are some of has soda come? Do you ever drink soda?
Dalton Musselwhite (16:22):
Very, very rarely. Um, if I do, it’s like on like a, a cheat. I wanna, I don’t wanna say cheat day cuz I hate that word. But like if I’m having like a fun day out with friends and everybody’s, you know, out and about or at dinner or something, sure. I’ll have like a, a soda every now and then. But um, like right now, no, I I’m in a cut until June. So it’s, it’s all water or like sugar free stuff from air now
Sevan Matossian (16:44):
Is, is do, do you feel like if I, um, do you ever feel guilty for that stuff or shame yourself? Like you’re like and leverage that part of the, your ego to make sure you stay on the straight and narrow. Like I like, um, it’s 10 o’clock at night. I haven’t, I haven’t worked out yet. And uh, you. You’re gonna go out and walk a mile.
Dalton Musselwhite (17:05):
Oh, oh yes, absolutely no.
Sevan Matossian (17:07):
And kinda lever and just keep, keep yourself. Cause some people say it’s not good to feel guilty or shame yourself, but for me, I, I, I leverage the out of that.
Dalton Musselwhite (17:17):
You know, I was talking to my girlfriend about this yesterday. Um, because yesterday I was just having kind of like an off day, like I said, I’m, I’m in a meal prep, I’m focused on accounting, macros and stuff and trying to be ready for a body building show in June. And
Sevan Matossian (17:28):
Um, what seriously?
Dalton Musselwhite (17:30):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sevan Matossian (17:32):
So good on you. Holy. That’s amazing.
Dalton Musselwhite (17:34):
Yeah. I have my first, uh, body building show in June. So, uh, yeah, we were just trying to talk about that and like, I, I had to go to the store and prep and do all this food prep and trying to cook meat and stuff. And so that’s been a little more difficult, but um, we were just talking about like, uh, sodas and like how like, um, I was, what were you? Oh, we were talking about tacos street tacos and like, I, I love Mexican food, man. I can destroy some Mexican food. Um, me too. So it’s like, man, I love just to like have a day of tacos and like going to the market and you know, walking around, enjoying the sunlight and going by the water and things. And I realized, and I was, I was telling her, I was like, you know, I, I, I wish I could take that mindset away of like treating food as being bad sometimes and you know, cause food isn’t bad.
Dalton Musselwhite (18:19):
It’s the way that we treat it as bad. You know, we treat it as a crutch. We treat it as a, a, a way to get through our mental and, and offset like up lives. Yeah. That’s what I did. I used it as a crutch to realize that I was so broken and depressed and everything all through life and I never even knew it. I had no idea. Uh, and so I would run to it and use it as my, my, my security blanket, um, which is weird using a burger as a security blanket. But hell it worked for me I guess. Uh, I, I say it works, but here I, you know, ended up up, but um, yeah, staring at food and treating it as like a, a reward, a reward system or, or treating it as it as it’s bad and has been something that I’ve struggled with, especially coming from surgery because I’ve spent my life looking at food as like, oh man, I can’t have soda. It’s gonna be bad. Or like, oh man, I know I don’t need this. Like I’m 500 pounds. Like, do I really need another large fry?
Sevan Matossian (19:12):
Um, so you couldn’t even enjoy the food, even though you’re 500, you were 500 pounds. You, you can’t even enjoy the food because you you’re, you’re, it’s too much guilt, too much shame every time you eat it, you’re having this whole conversation.
Dalton Musselwhite (19:25):
You yeah, you, you would, um, you would overcome that very quick. And that’s why like, in my mindset at 500 pounds, I’d be like, you know what? I, I’m never gonna make a change. I can’t change. It’s too late. I’ve already reached that breaking point. Let’s eat another burger, you know? Right.
Sevan Matossian (19:38):
That’s or, or a pizza let’s eat a whole pizza
Dalton Musselwhite (19:40):
Pizza tacos. Yeah. Oh man. Uh, the amount of food, uh, my dad was joking the other day. He was like, you know, I knew that you had a problem when we went through the drive through, um, man, I was like 22, you at the time. Um, and we spent like $55 on food for me and her alone. And I was like, that is my dad pulled me aside. And he’s like, what, what are you doing? Like you, you’re not eating all that. And I was like, well, no, I am. He’s like, and that’s why you are the size you are, you know? So, um, yeah. It just, some things like that where it’s like, I should’ve, I there’s wake up calls. There was wake up calls all along. I should’ve realized and I’m mad that I didn’t pick up on em sooner. But, um, yeah, that was that there was a few of ’em like that with my dad where it’s like, man, I should’ve, I should have read the signs right there. Like I, something, any normal person would’ve been like, oh, like you just spent $55 in age. I threw lime like, yeah, light should be turning on right now. You know? But
Sevan Matossian (20:37):
I remember being, I remember being a kid and we would go to McDonald’s and I would get a 20 piece chicken McNuggets, a milkshake and a fries. I would never let my kid, my seven year old kid do that. And I would get four of the mustard, hot sauce, one, you know, and, and, and I, and I would be determined to eat all four of the hot sauces with all 20 McNuggets. Like, so every five McNuggets, I guess that’s where I was so good at math. I would, uh, yeah, I would make sure that, okay, every five McNuggets gotta eat a whole thing of sauce I’m inside. And then it’s nuts. Can you,
Dalton Musselwhite (21:10):
I like that
Sevan Matossian (21:10):
You can’t feed a 12 year old or a seven year old, a 20 piece chicken McNugget. That’s like, no.
Dalton Musselwhite (21:16):
And, and not, I
Sevan Matossian (21:17):
Wouldn’t even get my kid a milk. I would never even get my kid a milkshake now. Like, unless it was, you know, like his birthday or some.
Dalton Musselwhite (21:23):
Yeah. Um, you know, it, for me, it was something, uh, I, I look back on and I realized like, yes, it was me making choices, but it started young. Like I remember leaving middle school and like, or not say middle school. I think it was more like kindergarten, like a first few years of like, you know, first grade, second grade, my grandmother picked me up from school. And man, like the lunches that we had back then were very, very, very small. And I’ll admit that even to like a normal size kid, like they were small, like we got two nuggets and that was it. Like, yeah. Yeah. Um, and so like I remember leaving and it was like a noon checkout. That’s when we would always leave back thing. Cause it was early, so they didn’t feed as much. So it was time for lunch. Well, my grandmother, you know, she’s a sweet, old Southern lady. Oh baby, let me feed you. You know? So yeah. What would we do drive through every day? Um, yeah. Oh, you want your own, you want your own pizza from pizza hut? Oh baby. Of course I got, you know, like pat on their back let’s do it. So, um, the enablement was there. Um, and so I, I ran with it and I enabled myself along with them to, to blow up at a young age. And then after that just kept on going. So
Sevan Matossian (22:24):
Yeah, it, it’s interesting. You can, you can blame your parents in the world, a all you want and you could be a hundred percent. Right. But I didn’t know. But you died there with that. You don’t, at some point, I think for me, that’s like an adult. When you finally take, um, a hundred percent accountability and personal responsibility for everything that girl broke up with me because of I’m responsible. My feelings were hurt here. That car crashed into me. It was still my fault. I bought a car, I decided to draw it. You know, you just start like, um, everything and you just have to, you have to own everything and start working on it. Like
Dalton Musselwhite (23:07):
Exactly the moment you start owning up to your own faults and your own mistakes. And you realize that yes, those people may have played a, a part. It, you are the ultimate deciding factor in getting
Sevan Matossian (23:18):
Like, yeah. Now it’s all yours.
Dalton Musselwhite (23:20):
It’s all yours. Yeah. So
Sevan Matossian (23:22):
It’s all yours. Are you a pretty forgiving person?
Dalton Musselwhite (23:25):
Um, I am, yeah. I would say I am. Uh, for the most part, it, you know, screwing, it happens. Screw me twice. I’m an idiot. Screw me three times. We’re out of there. I’m not giving you any more chances, but yeah, for the most part I’m, I’m, I’m forgetful. Um, I, I, I like I’m I wanna be forgiven as much as possible, so yeah. And I know I make so, um, I’m, I’m very quick to forgive others, so I’m not perfect by any means. But
Sevan Matossian (23:51):
My, my thought on the subject is, is, uh, and I’ve told this story a bunch of times, but basically the, um, the guy, I, I front him a bunch of weed. Um, he sells it, he owes me 4,000 bucks. He tells me he’s got the money. I don’t go pick it up at his house. Cuz he lives a couple hundred mile. I was away for like four years or not. Uh, four months I go down there and he is like in, I go to his house and he is moved into a new house. I’m like, Hey, I’m here to pick up my money. He’s like, oh dude, I spent your money. I’m like on what? And he goes, I moved into this new house. I had to pay first, middle and deposit. I’m like, okay. And he never pays me back, but I I’m, I’m not throwing the friendship away over it.
Sevan Matossian (24:26):
No way. It’s on him now. I, it is, I don’t front you weed anymore. Well, I don’t even sell weed anymore, but this 30 years ago. But, um, but, but I just can’t um, I, I just can’t, I just, I just reached a level of maturity. It’s just like, like, like you kinda, like you were saying on point, it’s like shame on me. Like, okay. Okay. I get it. I get it. Yeah. And now that guy knows he owes me money. Why should I carry around that? I’m mad at him. He’s the one who’s tripping that he owes me money.
Dalton Musselwhite (24:58):
He should be carrying that on him. That like, yeah,
Sevan Matossian (25:01):
We’re cool. I like going over to his house and making him feel awkward. Hey, you got my money. I can just go into his fridge and eat a steak now. And he can’t say it
Dalton Musselwhite (25:10):
Going through his pantry, like gimme your fruit snacks. I’ll take those. Those are going on with me.
Sevan Matossian (25:15):
Um, how old were you in 2019 when you had the surgery?
Dalton Musselwhite (25:20):
I was 25. Um,
Sevan Matossian (25:22):
So can, can you tell me about this? How, um, surgery pops on your radar? Um, the, the, the, not only the formal process that they make you go through to get surgery, but the, the mental hoops you go through, what your friends tell you all that and the decision making. Yeah.
Dalton Musselwhite (25:42):
Um, so I’ll start kind of like before, like when I like kind of what made me realize and say, okay, this is it. Um, so I had thought about surgery for a, a while after like you get so big, you realize that there’s not many options left. Um, in all reality, like, and that’s what, that’s why I kind of, I don’t wanna say I get defensive, but I am a little defensive when Beverly’s like, well, you could have worked out. I, I tried, I did. I tried the, the doctors and the, I tried the programs and all that, and nothing ever worked for me. So, um, you know, I’m talking to my primary care one day. Um, and I was like, you know, surgery, an option. And my primary was very always forward. And he was like, oh, this is baby fat. You’ll lose it. But you know, if it’s something later on, you know, that we’re gaining weight, then yeah. Uh, we can talk about it. So, you know, a year or two goes on, um, and I’m in new Orleans, uh, with my ex-wife at the time. And that
Sevan Matossian (26:31):
concerns me by the way, with when doctors like doctors who don’t like most doctors don’t know, unfortunately about nutrition and I, the vast, vast majority. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just baby fat. You should have been like, Hey, fat people’s immune system is compromised. And if you’re obese, you’re gonna die prematurely 100%. That’s one of the few things that we do know one of the few. Yeah. It’s
Dalton Musselwhite (26:49):
True. If a big man it’s, it’s, it’s, uh, I like to refer to as like an underlying issue, but it’s, it’s overlying at tab point.
Sevan Matossian (26:56):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s crazy. It’s crazy that he tells you that I I’m I’m but go on. Sorry. Yeah,
Dalton Musselwhite (27:00):
No, no, no, you’re fine. You’re fine. I’m get, um, so yeah, we’re, we’re in new Orleans and, um, man, I’m realizing I’m so tired walking from like restaurant to restaurant or like attraction to attraction. Um, and I made it to two and I was like, okay, I can’t do this, babe. I gotta, I gotta order Uber. So I break out Uber and I’m ordering Uber and two days goes by, um, and I, you know, I’m checking my statement. I spent like 180 something dollars. There’s like $188 on Ubers in that two and a half day period in new Orleans,
Sevan Matossian (27:27):
Walking around instead of walk places that could
Dalton Musselwhite (27:30):
Sevan Matossian (27:30):
Dalton Musselwhite (27:32):
Places that could have walked. And the Uber driver is kind of one of the things that, that was just like, it was one of those things where the light bulb turned on and was just like, Hey, wake up. But the Uber driver’s like got mad at me cuz you know, I don’t, if you’re from familiar with bourbon street and how everybody like starts to walk on it at night and it fills up and traffic and things like that. Well, me ordering an Uber and them coming on bourbon street nightmare. And our hotel was like right there on bourbon street. And so I called the Uber and literally we were going like 0.0, one miles away. Like, I mean, wow. In all reality, man, I probably could have walked there. Um, it was less than like on bourbon street with traffic, with people, it was less than 10 minutes away.
Dalton Musselwhite (28:10):
Like it was 0.0, one miles away. So I get in the thing and the Uber drive, like, I don’t know if back then it was where it wouldn’t tell the person where they were going until they accepted the ride and we got in the car. So she accepts a ride. And then she, I had never, I’ll never forget it. She’s like, you gotta be kidding me. And like mum down her breath. And I was like, I looked at my wife at the time. I was like, kind of in shock. And she’s like, are we really going 0.01? Yeah. I couldn’t have just walked. And I remember looking down and it, I was kind of rude about it. I was like, no, I’m I’m. I was like, no, I’m a fat. I’m not walking up. Point zero one. I
Sevan Matossian (28:42):
Can’t. You did say that. You did say that. Oh yeah.
Dalton Musselwhite (28:44):
Oh I did. I hundred percent.
Sevan Matossian (28:46):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get her.
Dalton Musselwhite (28:47):
I was my home worst credit back then. I, I realized early, like if I could beat people to the punch and you know, say like, you know, that was my, my security blanket. So I mean, when she hit me with that, I was like, like who Hells this Uber driver, you know? But at the same time that Uber driver was potentially somebody saved my life because it, it slowly got me thinking like, man, my Uber driver Dalton in a whole nother state just called you out on your weight. Like wake up, bro.
Sevan Matossian (29:13):
If I’m I’m gonna say something really harsh here.
Dalton Musselwhite (29:16):
Oh yeah, please do
Sevan Matossian (29:18):
That is the collapse of civilization. It’s not the coronavirus. It’s not the woke. It’s not the Ukrainian war. It’s the fact that America is so obese that we’re crushing the system having to cope with it. It, it it’s 86. I’ve said it a million times. 86% of all health expenditure goes towards chronic disease. That’s caused from poor diet, poor lifestyle searches. And the doctors don’t have the cure. No, the cures in your hand right now, drinking water, taking personal responsibility, one person coming on, podcast, sharing your journey. It’s nuts. It is nuts. This like.
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