Sevan Matossian (00:00):
Um, Bam we’re live.
Facundo Etchecolatz (00:04):
Sevan Matossian (00:04):
Okay. P kudos. First question. Where the is Brian? My word not his. Yeah. My Parar you told
Facundo Etchecolatz (00:10):
Me was going to be there. So,
Sevan Matossian (00:12):
Um, I sent him a, um, text just now with the link and, um, and, and, and I said eight minutes. Um,
Facundo Etchecolatz (00:20):
I sent you a, um, I think that I need to turn off. It’s on wait, wait. And I say, lemme just,
Sevan Matossian (00:30):
I muted him. I’ve never muted a guest And it was a great show guys. Thank you for coming for kudo stunning background. And, uh, we’ll see you this evening. Um, good evening. Oh yeah. From Dubai. Good evening, Melissa. That was a great show. Thanks for coming on Caleb. Uh, that was two shows, 12 hours apart. That that is a record for our shortest show ever. Um, and, uh, we’ll see you is tomorrow at 7:00 AM. Who do we have tomorrow? Oh, that’s awesome. We went from Fado to Brian. We went from Fado to no Fudo to
Sevan Matossian (01:18):
Brian Dalton
Caleb Beaver (01:18):
Muscle white tomorrow.
Sevan Matossian (01:19):
Oh, that’s right. Uh that’s right. The that’s the weight loss story, you know, I think that got weigh 515 pounds and, and dropped down to 2, 2 15.
Caleb Beaver (01:27):
Sevan Matossian (01:28):
And I think he’s put on like 85 more. I it’s gonna be fun getting to, I love those stories, but don’t tell anyone the reason why I really like em, is those are my easiest podcasts, cuz I’m I have so many questions that are just like you didn’t
Facundo Etchecolatz (01:41):
He didn’t mute me. Just taken me off.
Sevan Matossian (01:43):
Oh, I did. Did you get kicked off?
Facundo Etchecolatz (01:45):
Sevan Matossian (01:46):
Oh, oops.
Brian (01:49):
Good morning. Kondo.
Facundo Etchecolatz (01:50):
Good morning, Brian. I’m very happy. You’re there.
Brian (01:53):
I, I just, uh, I, I, uh, I knew I had to come on this one.
Facundo Etchecolatz (01:58):
Yeah, I must I’m I’m actually more scared about you than, uh, Savannah. Cause I know Sanna. I can, I can tame him quite easily.
Sevan Matossian (02:05):
You, you can tame me quite easily. I I’m having a guest on next week. Um, uh, named Patrick be David and um, he was on Joe Rogan and he, and when he was on there, I was watching the video and he kind of took, takes over the show and I was like, oh yeah, I had a guest like that once who took over the show for kudo
Facundo Etchecolatz (02:22):
Sevan Matossian (02:23):
Why? I dunno if she took it or you took it over Laura HVAT was just like, it was, I thought I was doing a podcast. It turned into a lion TAing show, but you actually took it over. Like I felt like I was on a couch laying down. And you were, you were getting to the bottom of my issues. I was like, oh.
Facundo Etchecolatz (02:40):
Well, if you start a conversation where saying I dreamed and I’m very, I’m feeling very intimate today,
Sevan Matossian (02:47):
You know? Is that how I started it? Yeah. Oh my goodness. That
Brian (02:51):
Means the door is open.
Sevan Matossian (02:53):
I have no boundaries.
Facundo Etchecolatz (02:54):
I actually, I actually been doing some research on you and I realized the other day I watched. Um, and it’s a good way to start. I think I heard that you said to Angela de Chiko that you are scared of turbulence and when you are flying and you’ll get scared, you have a tendency of thinking of people that you dislike enormously and you tend to shout or to say,
Sevan Matossian (03:19):
I love you. I love you. Um, um, the one, the one correction I’m saying on there, it’s not that, um, I think of people I dislike, but I have a protocol where if, if your name pops in my head, regardless of how I feel about you, I have to like give you my best. I love you. And sometimes people say, put names, pop in my head that I don’t wanna say that to, but I, but it’s the rules. The rules are the rules.
Facundo Etchecolatz (03:39):
I think it, I think it’s interesting that in moments of despair, you find soulless and people, you don’t know, random people that you tend to try love, you know, In moments of despair, I will be thinking about my family. I will be thinking about, I don’t know. You know,
Sevan Matossian (03:53):
They come in once in a while. They, they sometimes
Facundo Etchecolatz (03:56):
I think that in the, in the next few hours we can, uh, that, to that when you,
Sevan Matossian (04:02):
Anytime I get to anytime, I think that Fado has an, is that your, um, I’m not even gonna say it. I’m I’m, I’ll accidentally unleash the Fado beast. If I say it.
Facundo Etchecolatz (04:14):
Sevan Matossian (04:15):
No, no. I’m scared of you. Um, Fado, are you in Europe?
Facundo Etchecolatz (04:19):
I’m in Europe now. Yeah. I finally, after two months of traveling, I’m back home for 10
Sevan Matossian (04:23):
Days and, and you’re in Geneva.
Facundo Etchecolatz (04:26):
No, I wish I’m in Brussels. In Belgium, Brussels.
Sevan Matossian (04:29):
And why did I think you’re in Geneva? Do you work in Geneva? Where are my wires getting caught? No.
Facundo Etchecolatz (04:33):
No. I think that you thought about that because I used to work in European parliament. I’m even though where, where even though Geneva is not part and union, many people believe that everything that is diplomacy in, in the EU is in Switzerland, which is incorrect.
Sevan Matossian (04:47):
Okay. Okay. And, and, and Brussels is, uh, can I see where Brussels is? Uh, Caleb.
Facundo Etchecolatz (04:54):
Yeah. I mean, you, you will have a hard job finding it out, right. It’s a tiny country in with, in between, uh, France, um, Luxemburg, Germany and the Netherlands.
Brian (05:07):
And Luxembourg’s not, it might even be smaller.
Facundo Etchecolatz (05:10):
Yeah. So, uh, that is where I live. And uh, so if you go, uh, west, you have, uh, France, that’s east that’s German. Many.
Sevan Matossian (05:23):
Can you come out even more? Um, Caleb, cuz I still have no idea where we’re at. Oh, oh wow. Okay. Okay. I didn’t even know Brussels was a, so Brussels is the capital of Belgium.
Facundo Etchecolatz (05:34):
Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (05:36):
I took a train one time from Netherlands to Paris. And when it stopped in Belgium, um, uh, some gypsies robbed, but we were able to chase them down and get it back. It was nuts. It was absolutely nuts.
Facundo Etchecolatz (05:47):
You you’re telling me that you faced them gypsies and you beat them and you won.
Sevan Matossian (05:50):
I did not fight them, but I got my stuff back. We chased them down and got our stuff back. There was no, there was no beating anybody.
Facundo Etchecolatz (05:56):
Okay, good.
Brian (05:58):
That happened to us in, in Vietnam. We got totally just fooled by two people on motorbikes. There was no chasing them down.
Facundo Etchecolatz (06:06):
I mean, you know that I love Americans, but many of these countries tend to see you as very naive. So they take advantage of you. Yes.
Sevan Matossian (06:13):
Yes. We, we basically what have happened is it was, it was myself and a friend, Carrie Peterson, and we jumped on a night train from Amsterdam to Paris. And uh, when the train stopped in Belgium, they had opened our train doors and taken our, some of our luggage and our passports. And they made it seem like they left, got off the plane. And when we ran and asked the, the guy not the, I guess they’re called the train conductors, the guy who watches the door, people coming on and off the train. And he says, we said, Hey, did you see anyone jump off the train? And all of a sudden, when we got on the train, he spoke English. And then all of a sudden he didn’t speak English. And it was weird. So we started, it was like three in the morning. And we started opening the doors of all the cabins and we opened the cabin and there were like 10 people in the room from age, like five to like, like an 80 year old woman.
Sevan Matossian (06:59):
And they had taken all the seats in the cabin and turned them all into beds. And they were all sitting on there and they were just, they were gypsies. They were dressed like gypsies. And uh, I said, Hey, where’s my bag? And a big like 15 year old kid stood up who could have easily beat me up. And he starts yelling at me in some language. I don’t understand. And then I looked under the chairs and the couches and there was our, our stuff, our jackets, our passports, our luggage. So I grabbed it and ran back to our cabin. It was kinda, it was scary. It was scary. I must got beat up by a 15 year old.
Facundo Etchecolatz (07:28):
Can you define gypsy please? In your eyes?
Sevan Matossian (07:31):
Uh, yeah. Um, Like a, like just a Motley crew, like a, like a FA first of all, it was like their family. It was like, it was like four generations, right. It was a little kid to the grandma. They were all together. They had everything in this cabin. Like they, like, they looked like they were huddled around a campfire, but it was inside of a train cart.
Facundo Etchecolatz (07:51):
I mean you imagination. Right. But anyway, amazing telling me that anybody who is like put all, oh man.
Sevan Matossian (07:58):
Yeah. Oh, it was those people in that black and white photo, but, but add four dudes to it. Hey, but I would’ve really have liked to seen the gypsy system that would’ve been awesome.
Facundo Etchecolatz (08:09):
The problem is that nowadays the, the term gypsy, and you know that you will, you, you’re going to love this, but it’s kind of political incorrect, because you might wanna call those people that are called Roma, not gypsy. So they, they, they, they are part of, you know, their population or culture in Europe.
Sevan Matossian (08:26):
Facundo Etchecolatz (08:27):
Uh, and gypsy, we can, I don’t know. I, I don’t think we, we use the term gypsy very much anymore, but you, you you’re like, you’re like on trouble. I’m sure you can keep using it for a while.
Sevan Matossian (08:37):
I, I heard that you’re supposed to not even say like, there’s this phrase in the United States that you say I got gyps meaning like you paid too much for a car or something. And I heard that you’re not supposed to say that because that’s a reference to gypsies. And then it means that gypsies, GY people. But, but it’s funny. I never thought of gypsies as a, um, ethnicity. Like I thought there were Armenian gypsies and Mexican gypsy. I just thought it was just like, people like nomads. I thought it was nomads who steal wallets.
Facundo Etchecolatz (09:03):
Yeah. But the, the, the people who, just the people who just showed before. Yes. Uh it’s. They are people, people from the ethnicity of ROS, R O M a um, if, if our beautiful producer can go back to the, the,
Brian (09:19):
Yes, he’s got here, he’s got it here.
Sevan Matossian (09:21):
So I’m using the word inappropriately. This is, this is a disgrace. I, and I pride myself on using words correctly. So you’re absolutely right. What should I call them? Bandits. I’m gonna call them bandits, train bandits.
Facundo Etchecolatz (09:32):
But bandit doesn’t mean that everybody, you know, family around bandits,
Sevan Matossian (09:36):
Right? No, no, no, but I’m gonna go with bandits because I like bandits because then it sounds like I was tougher. Like I wasn’t getting robbed by a 15 year old boy and 80 year old woman. I was bandits good.
Facundo Etchecolatz (09:44):
I mean, bandits, very cowboy to me, but it’s a good term. You can use it.
Brian (09:48):
What if we call them Noma?
Facundo Etchecolatz (09:51):
They can be, they can be, they can be people that live in their, in their territory and they don’t have to move. And then you will explain them from their own. Uh, there you go. Okay.
Sevan Matossian (10:04):
You know, what’s crazier too. I’ll tell you just how, how, I don’t know what the word is. I don’t think racist is the word, but, um, it, it was weird getting punk. I think they were speaking French. And it was weird getting punked by someone who speaks French. Cuz like in, in my being, it’s like the language of love, like anyone who speaks French, I should be able to beat them up. But like, they were like, I was terrified of them and they were speaking French. It was like getting beaten up by a pillow. It was like, I was like, holy. It was scary. And I had weed, I was smuggling weed in my, in my, in my underwear. Me and Carrie Peterson were. And so I was like, we can’t even like go to the cops because then gonna get busted was up.
Facundo Etchecolatz (10:40):
Were you intended to smoke that weed after Wasnt your on your underwear for a while?
Sevan Matossian (10:44):
I guess, you know what I ended up doing with it is we ended up going, I,
Facundo Etchecolatz (10:48):
I would complain about that more than being brought by bandit. You have to say that
Sevan Matossian (10:53):
I, I, I ended up, uh, mailing when we, we ended up going out from, to Ireland and then in Ireland we took it on the plane to Ireland and in Ireland we ended up mailing it to this. We gave some to our host in Ireland and we mailed the rest home to the United States.
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:07):
And you got it back.
Sevan Matossian (11:08):
We were done. Yeah. It all, it all worked out. I think it was crazy. I know
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:12):
You better love the American, uh, pulse service now.
Sevan Matossian (11:15):
Yeah, that was 19 nine. That’s 19 82, 19 90, 19 92. How, how old are you? FA kudo. Are you,
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:25):
Are you
Sevan Matossian (11:27):
You’re 30, 36.
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:29):
Yes. Plus nine I’m 45.
Sevan Matossian (11:31):
Oh, no. Okay. Wow. How come you don’t have any gray?
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:35):
Uh, oh, I do have some gray. Yeah. I’m
Brian (11:39):
It’s more on your beard than your hair?
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:41):
No, it’s everywhere. Not everywhere I do.
Brian (11:45):
It’s by the weed. It’s by the
Facundo Etchecolatz (11:46):
Weeds, my beard. Um, yeah, but it,
Sevan Matossian (11:50):
I don’t have any below here yet. I do have some nose hairs that I see gray, but I don’t have any like pubic hair, no chest hair, no butt hair, no arm hair. That’s gray yet, but I, I, I think it happens.
Facundo Etchecolatz (12:01):
I don’t wanna check to be honest.
Sevan Matossian (12:02):
All right. I’ll tell, I’ll keep you informed that check
Facundo Etchecolatz (12:05):
Now. Um, so how, how is everything Sivan? Are you happy, man?
Sevan Matossian (12:09):
I am happy. I, I I’m, I’m IM wondering what’s going on in you Europe though. I’m wondering like, are people freaking out? Like I, I woke up this morning to something like, it feels like I’m in a movie it’s like, uh, Putin goes to raises nuclear alert and I’m like, what the is this real?
Facundo Etchecolatz (12:25):
And unlikely? It is. It’s very, very sad. Honestly, it’s, it’s a very sad situation. Um, and uh, it’s it. I mean, uh, I just, I just hope that authorities, governments, politician, you know, man app or woman app, and they find a way to stop this. The European union has, uh, already established some sanctions from, for, for Russia, but they’re very soft. And actually the sanctions are going to be more aimed to make poor people. Of course, having less access than the rich friends have put into, you know, to get themselves stress. Um, the most irritating news for me is that Switzerland, which is where most of the Russian money is has once again is not my problem. I am not going to do anything. Uh, the, that will, um, put our customers in stress. And by that they mean the Russian money, uh, that is a bank at Swiss banks. And I find it a very sad news again.
Sevan Matossian (13:28):
Um, in Switzerland’s the country they’re always neutral. Right. They’re the ones in all the wars. They, they, they stay neutral.
Facundo Etchecolatz (13:34):
Yeah. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (13:36):
Um, when, when you, so are, are, do you have a lot of knowledge about that? Are you familiar with the entire situation because of your past and just because of the
Facundo Etchecolatz (13:44):
Location, to be honest, not so much. I mean, at the moment, I’m more, more aware of how many reps are in 14 rounds of 21 on 22.1, uh, for obvious reasons. But my last master was international conflict and security. So I studied humanitarian law, which is the law of the war. Uh, and I have my own way of seeing stuff, uh, at least conflicts stuff, but conflicts and, uh, yeah, it’s, it’s how it’s apparently to my ears, uh, sounding very, very sad moment.
Sevan Matossian (14:19):
Is your, is your husband in, in, um, the parliament? I, I forget what he did, but he’s somehow intimate with the parliament, right? Yeah.
Facundo Etchecolatz (14:25):
That’s correct.
Sevan Matossian (14:27):
And is he home or is, is he with you or is he somewhere? No,
Facundo Etchecolatz (14:30):
No, they, they, they went out for a swim,
Sevan Matossian (14:32):
But he’s not abroad somewhere. He’s not in Ukraine, snuck in an embassy.
Facundo Etchecolatz (14:36):
We are here. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (14:38):
Um, is the, is, is Europe, is, is it, you know, we’re far away, but is Europe, um, is it tense there?
Facundo Etchecolatz (14:46):
Is it sorry?
Sevan Matossian (14:47):
Is it tense in Europe?
Facundo Etchecolatz (14:49):
Uh, it’s very tense at the moment. Yeah. But you have, you have to understand that one of the most devastating war in history happened here not long ago, where still some people that went through that. And, uh, you know, many of the countries here were very closely related to this war and we Europeans, they are not very, they don’t take the war war very easily. You know, it’s something very traumatic and they will try to do, we will try to do everything in our hands not to get to that point. But when an external actor comes and they said, okay, I want this. I’m going to declare anyways. You know, it’s, it’s very complicated to, to, or to analyze what are the, the correct steps to follow,
Sevan Matossian (15:34):
Um, are, are, if I a, I, I, if you don’t, if, if this is out of your, you know, uh, area of expertise, feel free to, uh, um, push back.
Facundo Etchecolatz (15:42):
I’m not an expert. It’s my opinion. Just, yeah. But tell me, ask me,
Sevan Matossian (15:45):
Um, so, so the, the way, the, the way the picture is, um, the rough idea that I have of understanding of what’s happened, haven’t done a lot of research on it at all, but basically that there’s, theoretically Ukraine is split into two parts. There’s a part of it. That’s been saying, Hey, we wanna go back to Russia. And Russia’s using that as an excuse to say, okay, we’re gonna take these guys back cuz they wanna come back. But while we’re there, we’re also gonna take back a little bit more. Is that it? Or is there more, is there, is there a pipeline? Is there energy is,
Facundo Etchecolatz (16:12):
I mean, this is a very, very personal opinion and I say it again, I’m not an expert on the matter. So, you know, but as some of the data we have within collecting, you know, after the nineties, Russia has been over and over bullying, the never encounters of the countries that have, and you know, it very well, your Armenian, I know that arm part of the us, but it’s a never in country and every time they’re, I, I couldn’t say Russia, but some authorities or some, you know, um, chief of states of, of, of Russia had the chance where annoying here and there. And, uh, there is also the, the issue of gas. Most of the gas that we consume in Europe goes to Ukraine. So crane takes part of a mission from bringing this gas from Russia to Europe. And of course, Russia is not very happy of paying a commission for using UK soil to transport gas. I’m not saying that this is the only reason either, but if you collect a lot of, you know, little points here and there. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (17:13):
Facundo Etchecolatz (17:13):
You know, but I guess that only time will give us more information regarding on, on what is, uh, maybe really happening and, and, and, and what are putting, uh, ultimate goals with, with all of this.
Sevan Matossian (17:30):
Yeah. So, so no one really knows what his end game is.
Facundo Etchecolatz (17:34):
He’s is a guy that I I’ve been in Russia many times. And it’s, it’s actually, it’s a paradox because Russia is very unlikely of what people believe, especially in the Western, you know, continents where the continents, where they believe that, oh, it’s still a communist country, very social. And it’s the complete opposite. The highest com conglomeration, con collaboration, yeah. Of richest people in the world are in, in Russia. And the biggest chunk of poorest people with India, China are still in Russia. So this idea of a communist are all sharing, uh, where everything’s belonged to this faiths and everybody gets apart, doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a very, very liberal capitalistic place. And, uh, I, I think that putting in the last years have, uh, unlikely managed to, you know, to segregate a lot of hate and a lot of, uh, very extreme behavior. And, you know, when, when I, when I, when I, chief of state allows people to be violent, aggressive, racist, and he said, okay, that’s fine. That’s, that’s not the most ideal, uh, you know, people feel empowered by the authorities to do so at, at every single level. Um, so as you can see, I’m not a big fan, but,
Sevan Matossian (18:45):
Uh, right, right. He, um, do you sense that he’s a mad man?
Facundo Etchecolatz (18:51):
Uh, I have, I mean, this will sound very childish. I just think that he’s an evil man.
Sevan Matossian (18:57):
Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. I hear you. Okay. It’s, it’s so hard. It’s so hard to tell because we have the language barrier. Um, he always seems like he’s in control. He always seems well spoken. Um, but the stories of course that we hear are, are, are, are I, I guess the a, a easy way to sum them up is evil. I
Facundo Etchecolatz (19:13):
Mean, well, in our to maintain that you need to be very well spoken. Very clever. Yeah. I mean, he, he build, he build a, you know, I would say empire because, uh, I know that you save the word for something else, but a for in which, you know, uh,
Sevan Matossian (19:28):
Thank you.
Facundo Etchecolatz (19:30):
Uh, you know, as clever if you know, many people, many spies that left Russia were killed. I mean, there was a very famous case of this spy that was killed in the UK by some BEM that was put and so on and everything that is opposition has been somehow minimized violently, uh, by, by the authorities, uh, led by Putin. So It’s a very, it’s very complicated and that, yeah.
Sevan Matossian (19:56):
Yeah. Hey, do you, do you know Roman,
Facundo Etchecolatz (20:00):
Roman? Oh yeah. Yeah, of course. I, I, I, I worked with him for a while and I was involved back then in his first, uh, visa issue.
Sevan Matossian (20:07):
And do you think that this affects his significantly affects his ability to come to of the games this year?
Facundo Etchecolatz (20:14):
Um, well, I don’t know. So yeah, probably I can imagine the, but it
Brian (20:19):
Wouldn’t, it wouldn’t affect him specifically. It would just really affect any Russians who are trying to
Facundo Etchecolatz (20:24):
Get here. Exactly. I mean, uh, one of the measures that the sanctions that the European union wants to set in Russia is denying the access of Russians. I don’t, I really don’t know if it passed. It was, it was boarded, but it was to deny access to, uh, Russian to, uh, to European soil. Uh, I’m not sure what are the measures that United States is going to take?
Sevan Matossian (20:42):
Hence, going back to what you were saying, it affects poor people, because if you’re rich, no one’s stopping you. You’re gonna get on your jet and you’re going
Facundo Etchecolatz (20:49):
Sevan Matossian (20:50):
And, and, and, and I’ve seen that firsthand, rich people fly wherever they want.
Facundo Etchecolatz (20:55):
I just hope that, that good to the games this year.
Sevan Matossian (20:58):
You just hope what
Facundo Etchecolatz (21:00):
That our good friend Roman makes it to the games this year and show what he’s able to.
Sevan Matossian (21:04):
Um, do you have any concerns about, do you have any to, is the tension so great that you have any desire to get to vacate Europe?
Facundo Etchecolatz (21:11):
No, no, no, no, no. The problem with Ukraine is that Ukraine’s not part of the, of NATO, you know, would something happen in European soil, then all European countries on the NA will act accordingly together. And that will be hopefully, uh, we don’t have to get there, but there will be a, you know, a full throw war, a full conflict.
Sevan Matossian (21:33):
Oh man.
Facundo Etchecolatz (21:34):
Yeah. I just read yesterday that, um, my official sources that, uh, the war is cost in Russia at 20 billion a day.
Brian (21:46):
That doesn’t sound very
Facundo Etchecolatz (21:48):
Yeah. Especially. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s why maybe, you know, these sanctions in which they are, they can freeze their assets and so on. If Switzerland would say, okay guys, we don’t give the money. They immediately oblig to reconsider what it to continue because as you say’s sustainable, but, uh, you know, we’ll see, let’s hope that, uh, that a solution. No,
Brian (22:09):
No, this is a super wise thing. I don’t think a lot of people are considering, but when I was a history major, uh, in college and one of my history teachers says, anytime you wanna study award, just follow the money.
Facundo Etchecolatz (22:20):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But that’s why the sanctions were aimed to, you know, to freeze that. And that is why for me, it’s very upsetting that Switzerland doesn’t wanna, you know, collaborate on that aspect.
Sevan Matossian (22:31):
Do, do you remember what happened in Cypress a few years ago? Um, the, the country was, was, was basically going bankrupt and they decided, and the European union bailed them out. And the one of the cons go ahead.
Facundo Etchecolatz (22:44):
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean the Cypress, the island, the island is if I, it into two, you know, there’s a Turkish park. There’s, there’s the Cypress. And there is a territory that’s called for ma Augusta. There is a, a ghost territory, actually. It’s, it’s incredible if somebody wants to Google it, maybe not now, but to read from ma Augusta was a territory that belonged to, to, to Cypress. And when the Turkish came and invade it, that territory, every everybody was told was told, leave home to the Southern part of the island. And, uh, in a couple of days, when the conflict is solved, you can come back home and the territory is left. You can visit, you know, behind bars and you can see, and the houses are still the way they were left. Uh, 40 years ago abandoned 40, 40, yeah. 40 years ago, 40, 41, I think. Uh, but, um, yeah, union takes responsibility for, for the member states. And if these kind of issues arise, uh, they’re there for them.
Sevan Matossian (23:41):
Um, I, I had this guy on, um, Brent Merick, he wrote accidental billionaire and he wrote the movie, the social network, he’s the author of those. And in that book, the accidental billionaire, he talks about the winklevos twins. They’re the actual creators of Facebook. And then Zuckerberg took it from them are basically create a duplicate version and launched that and kind of buried theirs. Right. Cuz they hired Zuckerberg to make Facebook for them. But then supper, Zuckerberg made it for himself. It’s it’s an interesting story. But anyway, these guys started buying Bitcoin, right? Shitloads of it. Well I guess Cyprus was going bankrupt and the European union bailed them out, but Cypress had to do one thing. They agreed with the European union that they would take. I think it was like 50% of all the money out of their banks, from their customers who had over a hundred thousand euros and that they called it like a tax, but they basically stole that. And the reason why Cypress, how they justified that is one third of the money in the banks in Cypress at that time was Russian money. I guess that was the place the Russians were putting their money. I, I, I wanna say illegal money, but fine. Know, I’m just saying that cuz it sounds good, but I,
Facundo Etchecolatz (24:56):
I understand that they have money in many places.
Sevan Matossian (24:59):
Sure. I guess if you have a ton, right? Like Switzerland. Yeah. You have
Facundo Etchecolatz (25:01):
A, you have to divide it.
Sevan Matossian (25:03):
And, and when they did that, that caused Bitcoin skyrocket. That’s how the winklevos brothers became, um, billionaires. Because when they, when the world saw that governments would take your money out of banks, everyone started dumping their money into Bitcoin, like all over the world. They saw Cypress as like this, this experiment. And I wonder how this thing in Ukraine is going to affect, uh, cryptocurrency.
Facundo Etchecolatz (25:25):
That’s the answer Melissa she left to make is different because Dubai has, uh, the UAE has an agreement in today into, um, uh, exporting accounts. Um, so money is in Dubai. Um, you know, they’re, they has a name, the bank account has a name of a person that has a name. And you can find that person in Switzerland, you don’t, it just put the money there and just put a kit code or whatever that is. I don’t know what is the procedure now, but nobody knows who the owner of that money is. And that’s what makes things more complicated.
Sevan Matossian (25:58):
Um, how, how old’s your daughter now Fado
Facundo Etchecolatz (26:00):
O from, uh, I love the good 180 going for stuff to nice stuff. She, uh, she’s five and a half.
Sevan Matossian (26:09):
Yeah. Um, D does she have any idea of what the conflict or anything like that?
Facundo Etchecolatz (26:14):
Well, actually, yes. And yesterday she went the manifestation in front of the Russian embassy with, uh, with, um, a, like a, like a banner saying, saying not to put in war.
Sevan Matossian (26:27):
So you went over there and, and, and, and, and
Facundo Etchecolatz (26:31):
I didn’t go, some friends of mine went and my daughter wanted to go with, uh, and, uh, that’s what she, did.
Sevan Matossian (26:38):
You let your daughter go with your friends?
Facundo Etchecolatz (26:40):
No. Well they’re friends and, and, and the other father was there too, but I wasn’t there.
Sevan Matossian (26:44):
Yeah. I don’t let my kids outta my site, Even though I’m kind of lying. Cause I’m on this podcast right now and I can’t see
Facundo Etchecolatz (26:50):
Sevan Matossian (26:52):
Trust it. I don’t trust anyone with my kids. Well,
Brian (26:54):
But they’re on, they’re on the estate.
Facundo Etchecolatz (26:56):
Oh yeah. I mean, but she she’s very aware and she’s, uh, you know, she, I’m very proud that she took, uh, matters in her own hand and she was explaining why was the taking place? Where, and the reason why, and she, uh, I actually have the banner in the next door. I can pick it up. It’s bigger than her. Uh, and, uh, yeah, she was, uh,
Sevan Matossian (27:17):
What’s it say
Facundo Etchecolatz (27:19):
To put in war,
Sevan Matossian (27:23):
Man? I, I, I, I, I wonder what’s gonna happen to the leader over there. I hope he gets out. Okay.
Facundo Etchecolatz (27:28):
Uh, yeah. It’s, I mean, here’s another one target in the family. Number two.
Sevan Matossian (27:31):
Did you see that? I don’t know if it’s true, but did you see that thing on Instagram where the lady walks up to the soldier and she hands them, the Ukrainian woman and she she’s handing ’em some flower seeds and she said, put these in your pockets. So when you die, some flowers will grow from your, did you see that?
Facundo Etchecolatz (27:45):
No, I haven’t seen that, but I, I, but I seen From the, from the Chinese, um, uh, I don’t remember the name of the square. I think it was when that happens. Uh, some years ago when people start to revolt and there were many Chinese send giving flowers to the, to the, to the soldiers. Yeah.
Sevan Matossian (28:02):
Yeah. Okay. Oh yeah. Here. Wow. Caleb,
Facundo Etchecolatz (28:07):
You have a great production. I mean, since allow our last podcast is things, uh, you have graded everything.
Sevan Matossian (28:12):
Yeah. We got, well, we just started just dumping, pouring money on Caleb, just, and, and, and the just got better. He just needed some, some money Caleb. Oh yeah, there it is. Yeah. I mean, who knows if that’s what she really said, but that’s what the clip said. So I’m gonna buy it. I saw this show last night. Um, FA kudo called in and of itself. Do you know that show it’s on Hulu?
Facundo Etchecolatz (28:36):
No, we don’t have Hulu here.
Sevan Matossian (28:38):
Oh, do you know what Brian? Nope. In and of itself, the author’s name is, um, Recommended. Do you, do you know that Derek Delgado, Derek Delgado in and of itself, it’s a, it’s a one man play and he interacts with the audience. And it’s about discovering who you are. It’s it’s um, it’s a trip. It’s a, it’s such a, it’s such a trip. It’s interesting. I thought for sure you would’ve seen it for some reason. Fu kudo?
Facundo Etchecolatz (29:09):
No, no, no. All
Sevan Matossian (29:10):
Facundo Etchecolatz (29:11):
I’ve been watching videos of 22.1 since, uh, evening, I guess.
Sevan Matossian (29:18):
Um, how is everything? So, so what happened over there? Uh, some, well, um, he he’s, he’s going team now. He was, he was, I, that guy seems so dead focused on winning the games. When I interviewed him, I’m kind of like tripping. I gotta get him on here. Why did he switch to a team? I mean, I guess he could, you could still win the games on a team.
Facundo Etchecolatz (29:41):
Samwell. Oh, Sam, Sam. Yeah. Uh, Sam corn. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he’s not thin. I mean, he’s, he’s, he’s, he’s strong. He’s very strong actually. Now I think that, you know, if I were a competitor and I, I have a bright career in front of me as he has, cuz he’s really an amazing athlete and which.
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